Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/11/02 Provided By Linda Rick: Believe it or not, Ross, I really haven't given it much thought. Ross: Well, most people your age don't. Rick: Well, I mean, you would think being a doctor and... But after Jude was born and I saw my little boy there, I just kept thinking, you know... You know, what would happen to Jude if something happened to me? So I knew it was time to draw up a will. Ross: Nobody likes to think about it but it's absolutely essential. Rick: Well, Harley's got some savings, but I just want to make sure that she's well provided for, Ross. Ross: Yeah, of course. So, how's it going, the cohabitation? Rick: It's good. It's good. I mean, you know, Jude's got a mommy and daddy around, that's the most important thing. Ross: How are Mommy and Daddy? Rick: We're doing fine. You know, we both want Jude to have a happy and stable life, Ross. Ross: That's good. Rick: It's going to be fine. As long as we both work at it, and we're living under, you know, the same roof and staying out of harm's way. Ross: Out of harm's way? Rick: Well, you know what I mean. It's like that we're together, that we're... That we're living together, like you and Blake. Ross: Well, lately, Blake and I have not been spending nearly the amount of time that we used to. Rick: Well, you get my drift here, Ross. I mean, it's... Well, it's a difficult thing to break up, but you guys have been through some difficult times-- times that I've been a part of, Ross-- and you made it through it. You made it through it and you're an inspiration. Ross: No, we're not. Believe me, we're not. Blake: Ross and I are in trouble. Harley: Oh, no. I thought you guys were doing so great. Blake: I need your help. Harley: All right, whatever I can do. Blake: First, some advice. Harley: Well, I don't know if I'm qualified, but I'll try. Blake: I need a P.I. Harley: But you were a P.I. Blake: This is different. Harley: Oh, you don't want to do your own digging? Blake: I already tried that. Grabbed a shovel and I nearly buried my relationship in the process. Harley: Uh-oh. Blake: I need someone with a little more objectivity. Harley: Blake, this doesn't sound good. Blake: It isn't. Harley: I mean... I mean, what you're doing here. I'm reading between the lines, but it sounds like you need somebody to tail another woman. Is there any way I can talk you out of this? Blake: I wouldn't try. Harley: All right. All right. So you need a P.I., any ideas? Blake: One. How do you feel about Gus Aitoro? Edmund: You could've waited a bit before rushing over here to meet me. Lorelei: Then you should've said that. I thought it was important. Edmund: It's not important enough to rouse Phillip's suspicions. Lorelei: Oh, he didn't bat an eye. Edmund: What about your friend Naomi? Has he said anything since meeting her? Lorelei: No. Edmund: No questions. No glimmer of doubt, anything? Lorelei: Will you quit worrying? A slip here, a slip there... He's so crazy about me, he couldn't care less. Edmund: Not you-- Beth. He likes Beth. Lorelei: Oh, what's the difference? Besides, he likes me better. Edmund: That will change if he realizes you're an impostor. Lorelei: Well, he's not going to. The guy practically oblivious. Edmund: Keep up that cavalier attitude and we're going to lose everything. Lorelei: Can you give it a rest? Everything's fine. But if it all does go to hell, it will be your fault. Edmund: Oh really? How's that? Lorelei: Because you did a lousy job teaching me to be Beth. Edmund: Well, you weren't exactly a model student. Lorelei: How could you forget that her mother had cancer? Edmund: I didn't forget. I didn't know. It happened before we met. Lorelei: Which proves my point. It is time we kicked this marriage plan into high gear. From now on, I'm going after Phillip with both barrels. Phillip: Lillian, hey, come on in. I'm glad you're here. Lillian: What's up? Phillip: Uh, sit, please. Listen, I'm worried about Beth. Lillian: Why? Phillip: Well, aside from the fact that she forgot that you had breast cancer... Lillian: She's had memory lapses since the accident, Phillip. Phillip: Cancer? You think you'd forget that your mother had cancer? I don't think so. But that's okay, it's not just that. She has been going off and meeting with Edmund behind our backs. And I'm saying that's... That's the way she's acting. When I'm see them together, she's acting like she's been caught. Lillian: No, you're overprotective. You're misreading it. Phillip: No, I'm not, Lillian, and there's more. I saw them together at Company, and they were with a woman that I had never seen before. And the three of them were all acting, laughing like they'd been friends all their lives. Lillian: Well, maybe she's a friend of Edmund's. Phillip: Well, that was supposed to be the story. This Naomi, some woman from San Cristobel that he had known for a long time, only she's not. Lillian: How do you know that? Phillip: Because I know she's not. She didn't sound like she was from San Cristobel, for one thing, unless it's San Cristobel, Kentucky. But I ran into her later, and I thought, "Okay, I'm just going to ask this woman a few questions." Threw out a few names, places in San Cristobel-- she knew them all. Only problem was, no, not good, because I had just made them up. Lillian: Oh, that's disturbing. What do you think? Phillip: I don't know what to think. I don't know if she's a con artist. I don't know what the hell is going on. But I can tell you one thing: There is something that Beth is not telling us. Lillian: Oh, Phillip, why would Beth not tell us? Phillip: I don't know, but it's got something to do with Edmund, and I think it may have something to do with this Naomi woman, too. Lillian: Well, that is disturbing. It makes me worry a bit. Phillip: Well, don't worry. I don't want you to worry because I'm going to figure out what the hell is going on, and I'm going to do it tonight. Cassie: Why don't you tell me why Dax really brought you into our lives, because I have a feeling it was a setup from the start. Camille: I think that you've had it in for me from the start. Cassie: My son's future is at stake here, and you're not going anywhere until you tell me what you're doing here. Camille: You can't keep me here. Cassie: What the hell is going on, Camille?! How did Dax contact you and why? I want to know the truth. Camille: All right, you want to know the truth? You think you're so smart? You think you can raise my son better than I can? Well, wake up, Cassie. You are not that smart, because everyone knows the truth, including your husband. Everyone knows except you. Richard: Alonzo, I wish... I wish, you know, that this could've worked out differently. Alonzo: No trouble, Richard, really. Richard: Yeah, well, you're sailing off with Camille and all that to help Will out. I'll owe you. Alonzo: It's nothing. Really, look, I don't like sticking around in one place for too long. Richard: There's something I wanted to give to you. This was made in memory of my half-brother, Prince William. As you probably know, we named little Will after him. For all that you've done for Will, for Cassie, and for me, please accept this. Alonzo: You guys... You and Cassie have been so great to me. I mean that. I've led a solitary life, and for a second now, though, I've been a part of something-- something really important-- and I'm grateful for it. But I can't accept this. Richard: Take it. Alonzo, please, it's yours. Lillian: What you're saying... I mean, it concerns me, of course, sweetie, but I haven't seen anything to be alarmed at since Beth's been home. I haven't. I mean, a few memory lapses, that's all. Phillip: It's not just the memory, though. I mean, my God, look at her. She's... She uses different words, different gestures. Lillian: Different clothes, different hairstyles. Okay, all right, I admit, a little bit, but I want to ignore that because I am so grateful that she's alive. And look, you two have been getting along wonderfully since she got home. Phillip: I'm not saying that I don't like the new attitude. And I... You know what? I haven't seen her this filled with life since we were newlyweds and we had just had Lizzie. It's great, it's infectious, and she is certainly more confident now than she has ever been. Lillian: So what are you worrying about? Phillip: I'm worried because I don't know why she is all these things now. And I'm afraid... And I'm afraid this is transparent, and she's going to slip back into being the kind of person that needs someone like Edmund to make her feel whole. Lillian: No, that's ridiculous, they're about to get divorce. Phillip: Lillian, I'm telling you, I've got a nagging feeling that something is not right. And if we are going to move forward... Lillian: "Move forward"? Are you telling me that you're in love with my daughter? Lorelei: Phillip's grown on me-- but he's still our mark, and that's all he'll ever be. Edmund: Well, amen and hallelujah. Here, I was thinking you were losing sight of our objective in the midst of all your admiration. Lorelei: I'm fond of him. I love those kids. And her mom's a doll. But it is time for me to take him down the aisle and then take him to the cleaners. And then you and I can split those millions and live high on the hog. Edmund: That's the spirit. Lorelei: But first I've got to bed him. Edmund: Come again? Lorelei: I've got to get Phillip to whisk me away on a romantic getaway, and then I'm going to knock his socks off. Edmund: You tried that once before and it was a fiasco. Lorelei: Yeah. Well, it would've gone a little better if somebody hadn't stowed away in the trunk. Besides, how romantic could it get? The kids were there. Edmund: All right, so what are you thinking? Lorelei: Lush, tropical. Maui. Bali. Edmund: Look, don't you think it would be better if you left that for the honeymoon? Lorelei: You've got to work on that jealousy thing. Very unbecoming. Edmund: All right. Well, I guess if we're going to do whatever it takes to get the money. Lorelei: That's right. Edmund: Doesn't mean I have to like it. Lorelei: Well, I better get going. Get back to the mansion before they get suspicious. I'll buzz you, let you know which tropical paradise Phillip's taking me to. Blake: Back to you. You have feelings for Aitoro? Harley: I do not. Blake: You do. I barely breathed his name and you turned six shades of red. Harley: I did not, Blake. Blake: Harley, I am your friend, and a former P.I., And a romance novelist. Could you be more busted? Harley: Okay, maybe I did have a feeling for him at one point, but not anymore. Blake: You didn't... You know. Harley: No. No, no, no. I just kissed him. Blake: Oh, that's nothing. Even I did that. Harley: What? Blake: I had to. Research. It meant less than nothing. Harley: Uh-huh. Are you sure? Blake: Yes. Don't be jealous. Harley: (Laughs) I'm not jealous. This isn't jealousy, okay? And I happen to be living with Rick, okay? Blake: Uh-huh. Harley: Who is the best father anybody could ever ask for, for their child. He's a great guy. Blake: That he is. Harley: And Gus Aitoro is so far out of the picture, I don't even remember what that kiss was like. Or the other one, after that kiss. Blake: Oh, well, I'm convinced now. Harley: You know what? You're supposed to be making me feel better about this. Blake: I know, but that's what friends are for. Give me the dirt. Harley: No. Blake: Oh, come on. You'll make us both feel better. Harley: No, not here, not now. There's nothing to tell, really. Blake: Sweetie, you're scared of getting hurt. Harley: Well, who isn't? But that's not the point. The point is that Gus Aitoro is trouble. Huge trouble. Major trouble. And Rick Bauer is as good as it gets, and you know what? For once, I'm making the sensible choice, Blake. Blake: And I applaud you... As long as you're happy. Harley: I am happy. Thank you. Blake: And Gus, how does he feel about this? Harley: What do you think? He's accosting me every chance he gets. Blake: He's got it bad, huh? Harley: Well, he's going to have to get over it; you can't always get what you want. Blake: You're right about that. Harley: Yeah. And he's going to have to get over it, because we're going to be working together. Blake: Whoa-- back up. What did you just say? Harley: Well, it's just on one assignment. Blake: No, do not work with that man. It will ruin your life. Harley: Wow, pretty strong feelings you have there, Blake. Let's turn the conversation back to you. You can tell me why you really need this P.I. Ross: In the beginning, I was embarrassed by it. Maybe even a little amused, but now I'm concerned, because for the past several months I find myself in the middle of a mid- life crisis. Rick: You do? Ross: Well, thank you. Rick: I mean... Oh, come on, Ross, you know what I mean. Ross: Do I? Rick: Yeah, of course. I mean, what's the big deal? I mean, everybody goes through a mid-life crisis in one way or another. I say enjoy it. Ross: I have been teaching at the university for several months now, and well, that's where all of this started, but recently it's become different. It's become more than your average garden variety crisis. Rick: Well, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Ross. You're teaching, that's great. Ross: I'm not some fool hanging around students trying to recapture my youth. Although the students probably think that. Rick: No, Ross. They probably revere you. I mean, come on. I mean, especially since you're not doing the one thing that screams out mid-life crisis. Ross: What is that? Rick: You know, getting involved with some, you know, young, hot thing, like an assistant or something like that. Ross: Oh, yeah, right. Rick: Just relax, Ross, you know? Enjoy your life knowing that you dodged that bullet. Ross, you didn't. Rick: Are you still seeing this woman? Ross: Every time I close my eyes. Rick: You didn't... Ross: Act on it? Rick: Yes. Ross: No. Rick: Does Blake know about this? Ross: Know about what? Nothing's happened and nothing is going to happen. Rick: Well, excuse me for saying this, Ross, but you almost sound like you're disappointed. Ross: I love Blake. I have no intention of cheating on her, but lately this has become rather strange, and it hasn't been easy. Rick: So who is this woman? I mean, is it a student, or an assistant or something like that? Ross: Both. She takes a class from me and she's my legal assistant. Rick: This is not good, Ross. Ross: And she talks, thinks, behaves, and looks like Vanessa did at her age. Now this young lady is an innocent party in all this. This is strictly my obsessive preoccupation. Rick: Do you know that for a fact? Ross: She is not romantically interested in me at all. Rick: That's a very dangerous presumption, Ross. Ross: There's never been any danger of that on her part. Rick: Is she still working for you? Ross: I hired her because she needed money for tuition. She still does, yeah. She's working for me. Rick: Working. Working together, Ross, day in and day out. Come on. Ross: I can handle it. Rick: If you love Blake, you will break it off with this young thing, Ross, and you'll do it right now. You want to feel young again? Fine, take Blake out to some exotic vacation, learn lambada together, but get rid of this girl, Ross, and do it now. Ross: I can handle it. Rick: You've got no reason to listen to me. But just ask yourself, Ross: What's important? What's important, Ross? Let that be your guide. Blake: It's not Ross that I'm worried about. I know that he loves me. Harley: Well, then, what's the problem? Blake: Tory. She is always around. Harley: Well, if you trust Ross... Blake: I know a home wrecker when I see one-- I used to be one of the best. And this one, she's giving me a run for the money. I'm telling you, she's passionate and talented and beautiful and... Harley: And half his age. Blake: Yeah. Basically has "mid-life crisis babe" written all over her. Which is why I want her tailed 24-7. There you go. Thanks. I'm keeping this. Harley: Go ahead. I have the number memorized anyway. Blake: Do yourself a favor, forget it. Harley: Can we stay on you? Blake: Hey, you want to build a life with Rick? Get off the fence. Gus, hi, this is Blake. Remember me? Look, I have a job for you. I want you to follow someone. Call me back. Oh... Just a second. Hello? Ross. I'm right here at Company. Okay. All right. Okay. Bye. That was Ross. He says he has something very important to tell me. Harley: Okay. We both have an uphill battle. Blake: Which we're going to win. Richard: There's something I... I want to tell you. Alonzo: Shoot. Richard: Something that you need to know. Alonzo: The two of you have treated me like gold, and on top of it, you give me gifts. Look, it's like I've been saying, it's a good thing that I'm shoving off. Richard: Cassie gave you this? Alonzo: Yeah. Richard: Hmm. Alonzo: Yeah, she stopped by a little while ago to say good- bye. She seemed down. Richard: Down? Alonzo: Yeah, she made me promise that I wouldn't forget our time together. I told her that the two of you... That you guys could count on me, just depend on me if Will needs anything, okay? Look, you were saying something. What were you saying? Richard: Oh. It's nothing important. Cassie: I have been so understanding to you and your situation. You owe me this. You owe me this. Camille: All right, all right, you want to know the truth? Yes. Yes, it was Dax that convinced me to go to the palace and to go back to Springfield. Cassie: And that's why you ended up in Alonzo's bed. Dax let you in here? Camille: Look, I don't want to hurt anybody. Cassie: Oh, give me a break, you don't care about anybody but yourself. Camille: That's not true. Colonel Dax is very convincing. Cassie: Why was that, Camille? Why? Why did Dax work so hard to get you and Alonzo and Will into our lives? Why? Camille: I don't know. Cassie: Yes, you do. You see, right after we lost our son, Dax shows up with this little baby, saying he's just trying to make us happy. But that was a lie. He was way too invested in Alonzo. Camille: How do you know that? Cassie: Because he manipulated us into adopting your son. And you know what? And he also manipulated you. So for the last time, would you please tell me why? Camille: All right. All right, you want to know? Cassie: Yes, I would love to know. Camille: Because Alonzo is Richard's half brother. Cassie: What? Camille: Alonzo is Prince William. Cassie: Prince William died at birth, Camille. Camille: Yeah, that's what everybody thinks. But Alonzo is the true heir to the throne. Cassie: I'm going to tell Richard. Camille: Oh, no, no-- he knows. Cassie: What? Camille: You wanted the truth? Richard's been keeping it from you. He has known all along. Cassie: Alonzo is not Prince William, and there is no way that Richard knows anything about this claim of yours. Camille: Open your eyes, Cassie. You think that your husband is this noble guy? He's a lot less honest than you think. Cassie: Well, you don't know my husband, and I don't like your accusations. Camille: You are so in love with him you can't even see it. He knew of Alonzo's identity this whole time, and he hid it form everyone, including you. Cassie: That's not true. Camille: You know, you're right about Dax, but Dax is Richard's right-hand man. Cassie: There is no way that Richard would have anything to do with a plan like this. Camille: Your wonderful husband is sending the real leader of this country out to sea. He has taken his power and his son. He has stolen everything from him and tried to cover it up! Cassie: I don't have to listen to this. Camille: No, you're right, you don't. Why don't you go ask Prince Richard yourself? Harley: Will you sit down? I'm sure whatever Ross has to tell you is good news. Blake: Yeah. Ross: Hello, Harley. Harley: Hi. Ross: Hi, honey. I need to talk to you. Harley: I'll go talk to my dad. Blake: Ross... Ross: Sorry, may I go first? Blake: Okay. Ross: I love you. I've loved you for a long time, and I'm never going to take you for granted. Blake: What are you trying to tell me? Ross: I think I'm trying to say that... Well, I was solving a problem that wasn't actually there. You and the kids are the best things that ever happened to me. Blake: Well, for me, too. Ross: With that in mind, I'm going to make a few changes. First of all, I'm going to sell the Porsche. Blake: You're not serious. Ross: We have three children, we could put the money to better use. Secondly, I'm going to get a hold of Clayton, I'm going to tender my resignation before the start of next semester because I want to see my kids grow up, and I want to spend much more time with you, making you happy. Blake: (Sighs) Lillian: I am not leaving until you answer my question: Are you in love with my daughter? Phillip: Lillian, come on. I will always love Beth, you know that. Lillian: And you know that is not what I'm saying. I mean, are you two going to get together? Phillip: Honestly, I don't know. I really don't. Lillian: Well, if you do, I want you to take your time because God knows you've both been hurt so much you couldn't take any more pain, either one of you. Phillip: I don't intend to inflict any more on either one of us. But no, don't go now because I need to ask you something. This is important. I want to ask you a question and I want you to give me an answer from an RN's perspective. Lillian: Okay. Phillip: Okay. If somebody loses their memory... Lillian: Like Beth. Phillip: Right. Is it all... Is it all just one big blank? Lillian: Look, she has traumatic amnesia. That means that her brain suppresses something terrible that happens so that all the events in the past stay suppressed until she's ready to deal with them. Now, that means she doesn't remember anything in the past, but she can learn things in the present and she can commit them to memory. Phillip: Okay, that's what I thought. So what if... What if someone has amnesia, and they're... They're just walking along, no idea who they are, and they meet somebody who tells them who they are? Lillian: You mean... Phillip: Feeds them their past. Someone like Edmund, for instance. Lillian: Are you suggesting that Edmund reprogrammed my daughter? Phillip: I don't know. Is that possible? Could he do it? Lillian: I've never heard about that firsthand, certainly. Phillip: Beth doesn't remember any of the horrible things that Edmund did to her. Now don't you think that's a little odd? Lillian: Yes, I do, a little. Phillip: She knows exactly what Edmund would want her to know. Things like you having breast cancer, things that he wouldn't have any knowledge of, she doesn't remember. And I wonder if he could have overwritten her past somehow. Lillian, look, I'm just thinking out loud, okay? This is all conjecture. I don't even know what I'm talking about here. I don't want to upset you. Lillian: Honey, of course I'm upset. I mean, this is very disturbing. Phillip: Well, don't... Don't be upset because I... One way or another, I will figure out what's going on. Lillian: I know you will. Phillip: I just need to... I just need to know that you're with me on this, okay? Because I may need your help. You... You want to know why she's different, why all the slip-ups, right? Lillian: Yes, I guess I do. I mean, I've ignored it because I'm just so grateful to God that she's back with us, you know. Phillip: I am, too. Lillian: Oh, Phillip, I guess we can't talk to Beth about this, right? Lorelei: Talk to me about what? Hiding things from me now? Phillip: Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. May as well tell her now. Lorelei: Tell me what? Phillip: Well, I was planning a little surprise for you. Lorelei: Really? Phillip: Mm-hmm. I was roping your mom into helping me. Lillian: Yeah, but your mom has to get back to Cedars right now. Good-bye, sweetheart. Phillip: Thanks. Thanks. Lillian: Bye, darling. Love you. Lorelei: So, a surprise. What kind of surprise? Phillip: Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I tell you, would it? Lorelei: Is it something I'll like? Phillip: I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Lorelei: Well, you know, I've been thinking about surprising you as well. Phillip: Really? Lorelei: Mm-hmm. You know that trip we took up to Moon Lake? Phillip: You mean the one that turned out to not be quite as private as we had hoped? Lorelei: Well, what do you say we give it another shot? I could get my mom to watch Lizzie and James. Phillip: I think that is a wonderful idea. Lorelei: It is? Phillip: It is. And I know just the place. Lorelei: You do? Phillip: I do. Give me a second. Yeah, it's Phillip Spaulding. Listen, I need you to get the jet ready to take off. Mexico. Great. Right. Lorelei: Mexico? Phillip: Yeah. Lorelei: Where in Mexico? Cancun? Phillip: No. Lorelei: You want to visit the Ruins then. Phillip: No. Lorelei: I give up. Phillip: Okay, listen, it's going to be okay, all right? It's going to be just fine. Beth, I haven't told you this, but... Lorelei: Come on. You can tell me anything, you know that. Phillip: I know that. Listen, I... I have been worried about your memory. Lorelei: You have? Phillip: Yeah. And I think if you're going to get it back, you're going to have to go back to where you lost it. Lorelei: You mean... Phillip: Mexico, yes, and I think you're going to have to go back there, and I think you're going to have to go to the mission where you recovered. Harley: Hello? Rick: Hey, Coop. Harley: I was just thinking about you. Rick: I was just thinking about you. How you doing? Are you busy right now? Harley: Not really. Rick: Well, I know this is coming out of left field, but have you ever seen that movie "Sleepless in Seattle," where the two people meet on the top of the empire state building? Harley: Yeah? Rick: Good. In ten minutes I want you to meet me at the top of Towers on the terrace. I need to ask you something. Harley: Okay. There's something I want to talk to you about, too. Rick: Great. Harley: Okay. So on the terrace in ten. Rick: I'll see you in ten. Harley: Bye. Ready or not. Blake: Are you sure about this? Ross: Absolutely. Blake: But Ross, I know how much you love teaching, and that car is your pride and joy. Ross: No, it's not. My pride and joy are you and the kids. Maybe I was just looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. I should've been looking at home with you. Blake: Well, that's incredible, but you don't have to give up teaching or the car. Ross: Yes, I do. I can't handle teaching and having a private practice. One more thing: I'm going to make a few calls and I'm going to find Tory a job in the office of one of my colleagues. Blake: I love you. Ross: As well you should. I think I'll go home and start on this right now. Blake: Tonight? Ross: Yes, tonight. And I'll see you a little later, hopefully with an update. Clayton. Just the man I wanted to see. Clayton: I was just coming to see you, actually. This came across my desk. Ross: Tory. "I'm officially ending matriculation at Springfield University Law School." She's dropping out? "I hope to transfer to a school closer to home in Pennsylvania." Why didn't she tell me this? Clayton: Hold on. Keep reading. Ross: "I'm hereby resigning from my position as Professor Marler's legal assistant. I couldn't bear disappointing him in person. Please extend my apology and gratitude to Professor Marler. Dean Boudreaux, I'm sorry I cannot thank you personally, but I'm flying home tonight." I can't accept this. Clayton: I don't understand. I thought that Ms. Granger was doing just fine. Ross: She was, Clayton. Clayton: Well, then why is she... Why is she dropping out in mid-semester? I don't understand. Ross: I think I know the reason why. I'll talk with you later. Richard: Something wrong? Cassie: Where's Alonzo? Richard: Did Camille say something to upset you? Cassie: Where's Alonzo? Richard: I don't know where Alonzo is. I think he's packing. Why? Cassie: It's just Camille said something that I just can't believe. Richard: What? What did she say? Cassie: You know that I love you so much and I trust you completely. I just really need you to tell me this isn't true. Richard: What are you talking about? Cassie: She told me the reason why you're sending them out to sea. Richard: Well, you know the reason why, darling. It's to protect Will from Camille. We don't want her to take him away from us, right? Cassie: The real reason. Richard: What do you mean, the real reason? Cassie: She said that you're sending them away for yourself-- not for me or Will, but for you. Richard: And what does that mean? Cassie: And she said that you've known about it all along. Richard: What are you talking about? Cassie: Prince William. Prince William who died at birth. She said that he didn't die, and that Alonzo is your half brother, that he's Prince William, the heir to the throne. Richard: (Laughs) Cassie: Will you please tell me that it's not true? And will you please tell me that you haven't known about this all along? Rick: Hey. Rick and Harley: There's something I need to ask you. Rick: I've really given this a lot of thought... Harley: For Jude's sake and our sake... Rick: ...And I think it's really important for our family. Harley: ...I really... Rick: Wait. Harley: Wait. Rick and Harley: You first. Back to The TV MegaSite's Guiding Light Site |