Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/10/02 Provided By Linda Cassie: Relax. Relax. I come in peace. So why are you still here? Change your mind? Alonzo: No, no. There's a problem with the generator on the yacht. As soon as that's fixed, we shove off. Cassie: See, you should look at that as a omen, a sign, a sign that you should not go. Okay, joke. Bad joke. I want you to know that I am so okay with this. Alonzo: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Cassie: I am. You're going to go off with Camille. That's fine. If you and Richard think that this is for the best, then it's for the best. I just came to wish you well. Alonzo: No, you put it away. You can't give me a gift. Cassie: I just did. And when you see it, you're going to love it and you're going to want to keep it. Alonzo: Wow. Wow. Cassie: You took that picture of Will and me. So now you'll have something to remember us by. Alonzo: As if I cold ever forget you. Dax: Camille? I trust you're all packed and ready to go. Camille: I don't want to go. Dax: You wouldn't have to if you'd follow my instructions and kept quiet. Camille: I only told Richard the truth. I don't know who is buried out in that garden, but it is Prince William, Richard's brother, because Alonzo is Prince William. And if there was any justice in the world, Alonzo would be prince and I would be princess. Dax: Shh, shh, shh. Camille: I only told Richard what you told me. Dax: I also warned you to let me handle things. But you jumped the gun and told Richard the whole story. I had a very difficult time convincing him it was a lie. Camille: Well, he obviously bought whatever you said to him because now he's sending me away. Richard: Camille. What are you still doing here? I thought you'd be aboard the yacht with Alonzo by now. Why are you still here? Dax: I just asked her the same question. Camille: I was just leaving. Richard: Well, then what's holding you up? Dax: Richard, Camille came here to tell you something. Richard: Well, what is it? Please tell me. I always find it so very instructive when you speak, Camille. Reva: Are you... Are you asking me to marry you again? Josh: Well, maybe I am moving things along a little fast, but... Reva: Can we get out of here? Josh: Absolutely. So long, Buzz. Buzz: Huh? Yeah, see you later. Reva: You know, on second thought, maybe this isn't a good time to be talking about this. Josh: Why not? Because I still have to divorce my wife? Reva: That's part of it. Josh: Okay, that's fair. What's the other part? Reva: I just think... We've been through a lot these past few days and months, weeks... Josh: Yes, we have. We have been through a lot. And everything we've been through has made me even more sure of what I want. Reva, you see, I believe that one time that this connection we have together is the kind that only comes along once in a lifetime. Reva: Well, now we know we've had several lifetimes. Josh: That's right. And every time has been just as real and just as right. Because that's the way it's suppose to be between us. You are my true love, Reva. Reva: And you're mine. Josh: That's never changed, never will. Reva: But it doesn't mean that we should be married again. Josh: Now, you just agreed that we're meant to be together forever, right? And isn't that what marriage is all about? Reva: Well, I also happen to know that we've been together in four lifetimes that I'm aware of right now. And each time we went through hell. Because with us, the concepts of happiness and togetherness don't necessarily go hand in hand. Josh: Then why does fate keep throwing us back together? Reva: Because she's a psycho and wants to see us suffer. Josh: (Laughs) Reva: I don't know. But I do know that each time we've been together no matter how great it was there was always something wrong. Josh: But we... Reva: Because the dynamic between us is off. Josh: We understand that so much more now, Reva. That's part of what we've learned in the past, right? Reva: You hope. You hope. But when we're together there's always a hitch, a major hitch. Josh: Not always. Not in Paris. Paris was perfect. Reva: Perfect? Josh: Yes. Reva: We were almost arrested and killed! Josh: Nah. It was great. It finished great. Everything was terrific. Reva: Okay. Are you... Are you saying to me that you're not worried at all about what we might do to each other this time around? Josh: I'm saying to you that I am ready and willing to give it another shot, and that maybe, just maybe it'll be easier this time around. Reva: We always want it to be easy. But someway, somehow it never is, because we hurt each other deeply. And I won't do that to you. I love you too much to ever put you through that pain again. Cassie: A lot can happen in a year. You know Will is going to be walking the next time you see him? You're going to miss Will taking his first steps. Alonzo: But you know what? The two of you-- you and Richard-- you guys will be there. You'll see it happen and that's all that counts. He sure was in a weird mood last night. Richard. Cassie: What do you mean? Alonzo: Well, after you went inside, he out of the blue just starting talking about stuff. I couldn't figure out where he was coming from. Cassie: What kind of stuff? Alonzo: Philosophical musings. He asked me if I believe in fate, if I thought that things happened in life for some particular reason or if it was just pure chance. Cassie: I don't know if I would say that's out of the blue. And the garden, his brother, William, is buried in, and so is our son. You know, we lost one child and then you and Camille show up and you give us another one. So I... It kind feel likes someone's pulling the strings. Alonzo: Yeah, it sure does. Cassie: You know, Alonzo, I have to say, this is not the way Richard usually handles things. It's not. I mean, encouraging you to take Camille away and to get away. Alonzo: That's not what I was... Cassie: I mean, he is usually so straightforward about everything he does. I mean, Richard is honest to a fault. I have to say that that is one thing that you guys really have in common. Alonzo: No, Cassie. I'm not as honest as you think I am. In fact ever since I've met you, I've been lying to you about something really important. Richard: Well, then, what is it? You have something to say? Please. Dax: Richard, what Camille wants to say... Richard: Dax, if you don't mind, I would prefer to hear Camille say it in her own words. Please. Camille: I wanted to apologize for what I said about Alonzo, about him being the real prince. I made it all up. Richard: Did you? Camille: All of it. Richard: Why? Dax: Richard... Richard: Dax. Now why would you make up such an incredible story, Camille? Camille: Because I was mad at you and Cassie. Richard: Are you asking me or are you telling me? Camille: No, because I was mad at you, okay? Look, I said something that I knew would hurt you. And I knew that that wasn't fair and it wasn't right, so I'm sorry. |