GL Transcript Wednesday 1/9/02


Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/9/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Josh: (Laughs)

Reva: Good.

Josh: Hey, hey, hey.

Reva: Okay.

Billy: Oh, now, wait a minute. No knives in this hand because I don't want fingers in my food.

Reva: Please. She was a poor college student who needed an extra buck. She was selling knives; I bought one. It was sharp. ( Laughs)

Billy: Dinner's on me, folks. Eat up.

Josh: Oh, my. We don't hear that from you very often, now, do we?

Billy: Well, we got a lot to celebrate. Now, I admit, when this harbor project first went up, I was skeptical, but now that it's up and running... Hey, did you hear what that architectural guy from the "times" said?

Reva: About the harbor?

Billy: Yeah. He said it was "A triumph in post-modernism in the classical tradition." Whatever that means. (Laughs)

Josh: I think it means we somehow managed to keep Alan from scuttling the whole project.

Billy: Yeah. Which is pretty amazing in and of itself. And getting Lewis Oil back in the process, I'm telling you, Josh, Daddy's up in heaven right now and he is turning cartwheels. How did you manage to do that?

Reva: Actually, it was Olivia. She convinced Alan to confess about submerging the harbor.

Josh: Gave us a little leverage.

Billy: Olivia?

Josh: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Didn't think I'd hear those words coming out of your mouth.

Reva: Well, we wouldn't have been able to do it without her. And I feel sorry for her. I do. She's lost a lot. And now with Sam so sick and all...

Josh: Well, I feel bad about Sam, too, but that's about it. And I just want a... I want a lot of distance between me and Olivia as soon as possible. I'm hoping for a quick divorce.

Billy: Well, we'll have to see what Olivia says about that, won't we?

Rick: Whew. So what's with the long face?

Harley: I don't have a long face.

Rick: No. It's the "Should I, or shouldn't I?" face, which usually leads to "I wish I'd never done that" face.

Harley: You got me all figured out, don't you?

Rick: Yeah, I do. I sure do. So what's this? Zatunica. Where'd you get this?

Harley: Gus Aitoro.

Rick: Gus Aitoro? What does he know about Zatunica?

Harley: Well, word on the street has it that Zatunica has something to do with the Santos's, and he thinks that Sam was investigating that before he got bitten by that bug.

Rick: You don't believe this little loser, do you?

Harley: Well, I didn't say that's what I believed. That's just what he told me.

Rick: Uh-huh. So when did he give you this?

Harley: Uh, last night.

Rick: Last night?

Harley: Mm-hmm. Last night. He... He came over for a while.

Gus: Hey. Oh, I'm sorry. Hello. I know you.

Mel: Well, if it isn't Nick. How are you?

Gus: Well, I'm a... I'm a lot better than I was the last time I saw you.

Mel: Well, that's good, Nick. So am I.

Gus: Oh, yes. I've heard, actually. You... You've got quite a reputation.

Mel: I do?

Gus: Oh, yes. You were there helping Sam Spencer out. It was a big mystery for a while, but then you helped him turn the corner. Is he on the road to recovery?

Mel: Why?

Gus: Uh, you know, just curious. You know how it is.

Mel: Yeah, I do. I know exactly how it is. Your name is not Nick; it's Gus Aitoro. And you have quite a reputation, too. >From what I hear, you live to make people miserable.

Tony: This is going to be fun. We're going to do something new together.

Catalina: Well, last year was the first time I even saw snow, so I don't think that I'm ready to ski. And Tony, why... Why are we going so fast?

Tony: Well, I just want to get there.

Catalina: I just... Could we slow down just a little bit, please?

Tony: Look, if you're not into skiing, maybe we could try something else, like... Like ice skating.

Catalina: Well, I think it would just be more fun if we went to the lodge with the other kids.

Tony: Lodge? Come on, we got the Bauer cabin. It's... wait until you see it. It's romantic, it's secluded. You're going to love it. You'll see.

Catalina: Yeah.

Romeo: They're not staying at the lodge with the other kids anymore. They're up the road at some cabin and that's where they are now.

Tony: Michelle's cabin? The Bauer family cabin? I just... I want to show you a good time, all right? We're going to be up in the mountains in the snow. It'll take you away from all the pressures. Watch, you'll see. The possibilities are endless.

Catalina: You're right, Tony. The possibilities are endless.


Marah: Hey.

Ben: Hey. You okay?

Marah: And you?

Ben: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just worried that maybe I upset you before, you know, put too much pressure on, or...

Marah: Ben, I don't want you to think that I don't like you, because I do. I really do. And that's why I pulled away, because I'm afraid that we'd go too far. I'm sorry.

Ben: Well, I'm not. You're a great kisser.

Marah: So are you, and that's the problem. I'm scared that we'd...

Ben: That we'd what?

Marah: It's just... It's just too soon for me, okay? I hope you're not mad at me.

Ben: Mad? God, Marah, no, you're great.

Marah: Yeah?

Ben: Yeah. If anything, it's me. You know, I see you and I just start to lose it. I mean, my mind is telling me to be a gentleman, but the rest of me... Well, forget about the rest of me.

Marah: You are so nice to me.

Ben: I like you, Marah. The more I'm with you, the more I want to be with you. You're beautiful and smart and funny. Come here.

Marah: The ski patrol...

Ben: Yeah, yeah. You said that half an hour ago.

Marah: I know, but I called them again and they're going to be here really soon.

Ben: Come on, I'm freezing. Snuggle with me for warmth.

Marah: Okay, but no kissing.

Ben: No, no, absolutely not. No kissing.

Harley: I'm not hiding anything from you. Gus Aitoro come over last night to talk about business. And actually, he said some things that I found really upsetting.

Rick: What things?

Harley: The only reason that I didn't tell you about this is because you were so happy about Sam and then I didn't want to drag you down, that's all.

Rick: Harley, Harley, what things?

Harley: Oh. Well, he... he said that I was wasting my talent taking care of a baby instead of looking into his latest theory about the Santos crime family conspiracy.

Rick: Well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I agree with him.

Harley: What does that mean?

Rick: Your maternity leave has been open-ended. You always wanted to go back to work; it was just a question of when.

Harley: Yeah, but I wanted to go back when I decided, not because he decided that I should.

Rick: Harley, I trust you. I know that he's flirting with you. I know he's trying to get your attention.

Harley: He is. He's dangling this case in front of my face hoping I'm going to jump all over it.

Rick: And?

Harley: And I'm not jumping.

Rick: Really?

Harley: Well, I mean, of course I'm doing just a couple of little jumps, but that's because I was thinking that if I did...

Rick: If... If...

Harley: ...If I did take the case, if I took it "if":...

Rick: ...If you did.

Harley: ...Um, well then, you know, I could keep an eye on him for Danny and Michelle; you know, protect them from his latest inquisition.

Rick: Harley, if you feel that strongly about it, I say you should just go for it.

Harley: Are you serious?

Rick: Yeah. I completely understand what you're trying to do and I know how important your job is for you, so go.

Harley: See, you know me so well, because you know once I get something in my head, I can't shake it.

Rick: Yeah. Just go for it.

Harley: Wow! I think this is a good thing. I think I could really... I could really help out. I could really keep an eye on Aitoro, you know?

Rick: Right.

Harley: And if I did that, I'd probably have to ask Sam a whole bunch more questions, too. Boy, I sure wish I knew a doctor working on that case. (Laughs)

Rick: Hmm.

Sam: You know, if you're charging by the hour, I can't afford it.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Sam: The newspapers say you're a big superstar.

Olivia: No. Everything I did, I did for us. So, I want you to just kick back and relax. I don't want you to lift a finger.

Sam: That'll be easy. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Olivia: (Laughs) Yeah, me, too.

Sam: Josh?

Olivia: I'll be fine.

Sam: Care to tell me what happened?

Olivia: It doesn't matter. Really. It's... We were mismatched from the beginning. You know, I've got more ambition in this little finger than he has in his entire body, so it's just better that we end it, you know. We cut our losses.

Sam: You don't mean...

Olivia: I want a divorce.

Sam: You want a divorce?

Olivia: Well, the feeling is mutual. We both want out.

Sam: I'm so sorry.

Olivia: No. No, no. No, what's to be sorry about? Look, I've got a huge share of the harbor project, okay; enough to keep me in jewels and you in skateboards for the rest of our lives.

Sam: You've never been a big fan of jewels.

Olivia: No, I haven't. Okay. Then I'll get an airplane-- a big, shiny, expensive airplane to remind me of how successful I am.

Sam: And you need a pilot?

Olivia: Yeah. I'm looking at him.

Sam: All right. That sounds more like it. What are we talking about here? A DC-10 or a 747? Or a Cessna?

Olivia: Anything you want. You are the most important man in my life. Anything you say goes.

Sam: I'm beginning to like the sound of this.

Olivia: Just get better. That's all that matters, okay? Just rest, sleep. Because you're safe now, Sam, and that's what counts.

Claire: (Clears throat) Visiting hours are over. I need to spend a little time alone with my patient.

Olivia: Surely a few more minutes won't matter.

Claire: Bye-bye.

Gus: Ah, all right. Let's just start all over again, okay? My name is Gus Aitoro. I am a private investigator, and it's a pleasure to re-meet you.

Mel: Why did you tell me your name was Nick?

Gus: (Laughs uncomfortably) How'd you find that out?

Mel: Do you always answer a question with a question?

Gus: Only when I want the question answered. That's...

Mel: Rick, the paper, who cares? The point is, you lied to me, plain and simple, and I'm not going to shake your hand.

Gus: Right. Well, as far as Rick is concerned, okay, he's got a very, you know, low opinion of me, so I would take anything he says about me with a grain of salt.

Mel: A grain of salt?

Gus: Yeah.

Mel: You cheated him out of the right to deliver his own son. You framed his brother-in-law for murder. You lied on the witness stand just like you lied to me.

Gus: Now, wait a second. Hold on a second. Excuse me. First of all, I get paid to twist the truth around. That's what I do professionally. I have no choice. So what is your excuse, huh? You never told me that Bauer was your boyfriend.

Mel: He's not my boyfriend. He's my boss and someone I care about as a friend.

Gus: Oh, a friend.

Mel: A friend.

Gus: A friend. Is that right? But if Harley Cooper weren't in the picture, you'd be a whole lot closer. Is that right?

Mel: Why am I even talking to you?

Gus: Do you know why? Because you like Rick. You like Rick and I like Harley, and I think maybe if we just put our heads together...

Mel: I never said I liked Rick.

Gus: But you do.

Mel: Not like that.

Gus: But you do. You do.

Mel: No.

Gus: Oh, okay, so now who's lying? Huh? Listen, if I believed in my heart that Rick and Harley really belonged together, I would... I would back off.

Mel: Jude needs a mother and a father.

Gus: Jude will get all that. Are you kidding me? You couldn't keep Rick away from that baby for all the money in the world. But at the end of the day, don't you think that that kid deserves a loving home where the parents actually love each other? I mean, have you ever, ever heard Rick say anything along the lines of he's head-over- heels for Harley Cooper? Have you? Hmm? No. Exactly. That's what I thought. And just for the record, I've never heard Harley say anything like that about Rick, ever.

Mel: To you.

Gus: No, to anybody. To anybody. Like Michael and Carol Brady? Can you?

Mel: If that's what they want.

Gus: No, it's not what they want. It's not what they want and you know that. And maybe we can just show them. You can help.

Mel: Look, you have no right to interfere, okay? And if you think that I'm going to get involved with anything underhanded...

Gus: No, I'm just saying that we can help them. We can help them.

Mel: No. There is no "we," okay? This conversation is over.

Gus: Right.

Marah: I can't.

Ben: One more, one more.

Marah: The ski patrol.

Ben: Isn't here yet. Hey, come back here. It's cold in here.

Marah: No, it's not. It's actually way too hot in here.

Ben: So, okay. No TV, no radio. What do we do to pass the time?

Marah: How about cookies and cider?

Ben: Sparkling cider. Why didn't you say so? Here, I'll get it. I'll get it. And you get the cookies. Do we have glasses? Glasses?

Marah: Uh, yeah. Here.

Ben: Great, great.

Marah: (Screams)

Ben: Oh, my God!

Marah: What are you doing? Oh! Oh, no! I'm all wet.

Ben: Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.

Marah: Oh, you should be. You're a mess, too.

Ben: We've got to change out of these clothes before we freeze to death.

Marah: Into what?

Ben: I don't know. We'll find something. Come on. I'm sorry.

Tony: There's smoke coming out of the chimney. There's somebody here.

Catalina: Yeah, well, maybe it's Michelle.

Tony: It could be.

(Marah and Ben laughing)

Marah: You'd better lean on me. You're going to fall over.

Ben: If I lean on you, we'll both fall over. And then I'll have to kiss you again.

Billy: You know something? Alan Spaulding down for the count-- this is my kind of day!

Reva: You should have seen the look on Alan's face when he found out Olivia was trying to help us.

Billy: What made you decide to trust her?

Reva: Well, it was... Time.

Billy: So what's next?

Josh: I have been asking myself that same question, and whatever it is, it's going to include this lady sitting next to me right now.

Billy: Okay. That there is my cue to leave.

Reva: No.

Josh: No, no, no.

Billy: Oh, come on, you two! You lie about as well as I crochet. Now my advice to you is you tie him down and you brand him and you know exactly where to do that. (Laughter)

Josh: I love it when he speaks his mind like that.

Reva: Well, you know how Billy is.

Josh: He's pretty smart.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: I mean, he knew that I wanted to be alone with you.

Reva: Is that so?

Josh: Yes, that is so. We need to talk. See, we really haven't had much of a chance since Paris, so here it goes. I think we have to stop running.

Olivia: You know, if you're here to berate me for double-crossing you, why don't you forget about it? I'm a little busy. Maybe I could squeeze you in this time tomorrow, so if you don't mind...

Alan: I think I'm here because congratulations are in order.

Olivia: For what?

Alan: Your successful betrayal. Olivia, I did not see it coming. And to think that you would forfeit Josh to save your harbor project, now that was brilliant. My kind of woman: Business first.

Olivia: If Josh wants Reva, that's his loss. I've gained too much self-respect in all this to beg any man.

Alan: That's another thing we have in common: I hate playing second to anyone. That's why I usually come out on top. But with you, I miscalculated. I thought if I took everything away from you...

Olivia: I would come crawling to you with my tail between my legs.

Alan: Something like that.

Olivia: You were wrong.

Alan: Yes. I was wrong. I underestimated your strength. And when you stood up to me and took Josh and Reva's side, I knew I had an equal adversary. And it was at that moment that my admiration grew even more for you.

Josh: You see, I think we just need to stop and take a breath and try to make some sense out of all of this.

Reva: Sense?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: (Laughs) Our relationship has never made any sense. And we've never been able to stay apart, even in the past. However, when we're in the present and we try to be together, we're miserable.

Josh: It hasn't always been awful. I mean, we've had a lot of good years together.

Reva: Would that be when I drove off the pier and then came back to Springfield only to find out that I was a princess and married to another man? Hmm? You practically raised our kids alone.

Josh: You were always there with us, even when you were gone. And you said yourself that we can't stay apart from each other. Reva, we're like... We're like two magnets, zigzagging through the universe, trying to avoid the inevitable. But the bottom line is, the pull is too strong.

Reva: Then why are we always fighting?

Josh: Because you're stubborn.

Reva: I'm stubborn? (Laughs)

Josh: Yes, ma'am. It's your way or no way. Now, don't hit me, see, because the thing is that usually your way is right and that infuriates me.

Reva: (Laughs) Yeah! Let's talk about that. Let's talk about your temper.

Josh: No, no, no. Let's talk about what we've learned.

Reva: Well, I've learned that being involved with a soldier can be dangerous.

Josh: No, now, come on. You know what I mean. Let's talk about what we're taking with us and how we've grown, and if it's enough.

Reva: Enough? For what?

Josh: To get out of our own ways and get on with our lives, and maybe give our children some stability at the same time.

Reva: What exactly are you trying to say, Joshua?

Josh: I'm not saying; I'm asking.

Marah: What are you guys doing here?

Tony: This is my cousin's wife's place, remember?

Catalina: Yeah. We came up to ski.

Tony: But from the looks of things, you two are up to a lot more.

Ben: Hey, that's our business.

Marah: Nothing is happening between us. We were skiing and he messed up his ankle.

Tony: Yeah, right. Ankle.

Marah: Are you calling me a liar?

Tony: Marah, he's only after one thing. I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't care about you. All he cares about...

Marah: You know, will you just stop, okay, please? Ben... Ben, can you please leave me alone to talk to him for a second?

Ben: If he steps out of line, you tell me, okay?

Tony: Oh, you shut up, you chump. You're the one that's out of line anyways.

Marah: Will you just stop? Please! Ben, please.

Ben: Come on, Catalina. Marah needs to set this guy straight.

Catalina: Yeah, yeah. Good show. Ben, first Marah tells Tony that nothing is happening and then you drag me out here.

Ben: Take it easy, Catalina, okay? Tony's about to do our dirty work for us.

Carmen: Hey, there. Beautiful evening, isn't it? Would you like a magazine? Candy? Bestseller?

Sam: Mrs. Santos?

Carmen: I didn't think you'd recognize me.

Sam: Everyone in town knows who you are.

Carmen: Well, yeah. They all think they know who I am, but do they really? So, how are you feeling today?

Sam: I've been better.

Carmen: I'll say. From what I hear, you're lucky to be alive. You've made some miraculous recovery. It's the talk of the hospital. How did this happen to you?

Sam: Well, I don't remember. Someone said it was a bump on the head and then someone else said it was a bug bite. But I don't know. It's all kind of sketchy to me.

Carmen: Do you remember what you were doing when all this happened?

Sam: Well, I... I... I was... No. No, I don't remember. I mean, I thought maybe I was...

Carmen: Was what?

Sam: See, I like to climb rocks. Rock formations, and even mountains. So I thought... I don't know.

Carmen: Well, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're okay now, aren't you? Everything will be okay. Everything's going to be all right. Would you like a candy bar?

Sam: I'd just like some answers, you know?

Carmen: I know. I'll go get your doctor for you.

Sam: Okay.

Carmen: Bye.

Sam: Bye.

Rick: Hold on a second. Can I get some gum from you?

Carmen: Oh, I'm making my rounds.

Rick: Carmen?

Harley: Hold it right there.

Rick: Sam's fine. He did say that Carmen's been trying to shove magazines and candy down his throat.

Carmen: Well, that's what I'm doing, Dr. Bauer. I'm performing my community service.

Rick: Right.

Harley: Mm-hmm. Well, Sam was brought in with contusions to the head, and since you have a history of putting men in their graves that way, we thought...

Rick: Right.

Carmen: Are you accusing me of trying to hurt this young man?

Rick: We're sorry. We apologize. I mean, if you wanted Sam dead, (snaps fingers) he would be dead, right?

Carmen: Well, you'll have to excuse me; I have my rounds.

Rick: Don't let us keep you.

Harley: I hate to say it, but Aituro's Santos connection might be for real.

Rick: It gets a little stranger.

Harley: Why, what do you mean?

Rick: New volunteers are usually assigned to the east side of the building, away from the critically ill. I'm sure Carmen is just confused.

Harley: Confused, yeah. But you know what? We could clear up that confusion by asking Sam a couple of questions.

Rick: Let's go.

Catalina: I stalled and I stalled. I even got us lost to give you time to do something that was going to make Tony crazy, and you come out wearing some old flannel robes. That's not very...

Ben: Hey, well, things were really heating up between us before you... Look, don't worry, okay? Tony will push Marah right into my arms.

Catalina: Yeah. If she doesn't wind up in his instead.

Ben: Hey, would you relax? Okay? The worse he acts, the more she'll look to me for comfort-- which I'll be more than happy to give her.

Marah: You're spying on me?

Tony: Please. I got better things to do. But it's lucky we stopped by.

Marah: Lucky. Lucky for who?

Tony: Marah, that Ben Reade guy is a creep. I can see right through him. He's faking that bum ankle just to get you alone and take advantage.

Marah: And maybe I want to be taken advantage of, Tony. Did you ever think about that?

Tony: Look, Marah. Marah, look, I've been around the block. This guy isn't who he's pretending to be. You've got to be careful.

Marah: Careful, why? Because I am so irresistible in my farmer john flannels, right?

Tony: You're always irresistible, okay? Don't underestimate yourself.

Marah: Right. Nobody can resist me.

Tony: Marah, look, you're all alone with a guy you barely even know in the middle of nowhere.

Marah: I know Ben, okay? Besides, you're with Catalina. What does it matter to you?

Tony: Just because I'm with Catalina doesn't mean I don't care about you. Look, I know how this guy thinks, okay? He's only after one thing.

Marah: Because all guys are alike, right?

Tony: Not all guys. (Snowmobile engines) what is that?

Marah: The ski patrol. I've got to go.

Tony: With Ben.

Ben: Hey, our ride's here. Can I get my clothes?

Marah: Yeah, just give me a minute.

Tony: Where do you think you're going?

Marah: I'm going to the lodge, and don't try to stop me.

Rick: Okay, so we have to be very, very careful about who we let in to visit Sam Spencer, okay? I want family the only people going inside to see him.

Mel: Why? Has he picked up something contagious? Come on. Rick, what is it?

Rick: The police are investigating a possible crime link.

Mel: Crime link?

Rick: Well, right now it's just a precaution, but Carmen Santos was seen in the room with Sam earlier and just... Look, just warn the nurses for me, okay?

Mel: Okay.

Rick: All right.

Mel: And I've got sort of a warning for you, too.

Rick: Okay, what is it?

Mel: Gus Aitoro came to see me and he was asking a lot of questions. I'm pretty sure he's still interested in Harley for a whole lot more than police work.

Harley: There you are. I have been looking all over for you.

Gus: Why is that?

Harley: Because for once, you were right and I was wrong.

Catalina: Hey, don't burn yourself.

Tony: Hey, right now, I'd like to. Wow. Now, how am I supposed to think about skiing when you're in here dressed like that?

Catalina: That would be the right answer.

Maria: Do you want Tony?

Catalina: More than anything. You know how much I love him.

Maria: Are you willing to do whatever it takes for your future together?

Catalina: My birth control. I'm the right woman for you, Tony. And I'll do anything I can to make you see that.

Rick: Okay.

Mel: Gus thinks that you and Harley don't belong together, and he's out for a split any way he can get it. The strange thing is, he sounded like he was doing both of you a favor.

Rick: That little monkey's a piece of work.

Mel: I'm really sorry about this, but I thought you should know.

Rick: No, I appreciate you telling me. Thanks, Mel.

Mel: Yeah, and he doesn't sound like the type who would give up.

Rick: Well, Gus... Gus is a persistent weasel, but he's not a stupid weasel. I mean, he will back off once Harley, you know, makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with him.

Mel: Are you sure?

Rick: Yeah, it's just the kind of thing that happens when people work together too closely.

Mel: Why? Whatever do you mean? We work together too closely and nothing is going on between us. It's a joke, Bauer, joke. (Sighs)

Rick: Do you have something you have to do?

Mel: Actually, yeah. I've... I've got some work to do.

Rick: It was funny. It was funny.

Gus: Okay, all right, say that part again. I was right, and you were what?

Harley: Can we focus?

Gus: No, you were what? No, say it again. You were what... See, you won't say it because it makes me happy. I'm not allowed to be happy? Okay. I'm not allowed to be happy.

Harley: I realized we don't need Sam Spencer...

Gus: I don't believe this.

Harley: You know why? Because he doesn't remember anything anyway, right? But we know that he was working on a story for the "Journal."

Gus: Okay. So, where's his notes?

Harley: They're gone, along with any knowledge he had of where he was at the time he got conked on the head. But, listen, suddenly Carmen comes wafting into his room like Florence "Here, have some poison candy" Nightingale.

Gus: Did she do something? What did she do?

Harley: Well, he says no, but Rick says that all new candy stripers belong on the other side of the building.

Gus: So, what was she doing there?

Harley: That's the question! What was she doing there?

Gus: What was she doing there?

Harley: What's the sudden interest in Sam Spencer, unless it's not so sudden, and you're right about your Zatunica connection.

Gus: Oh, so Sam could be in trouble.

Harley: Sam could be in big trouble.

Gus: Right.

Harley: If the connection with the Santos's is real, he could be in big trouble.

Gus: Okay. Maybe Danny knows something.

Harley: Danny doesn't know anything.

Gus: Come on, trust me on... First of all, look, I was right about this and I was right about your interest in this case...

Harley: This is not interest in the case. This is just me giving you some information that I don't think you could come up with all by yourself.

Gus: Come on, we're not going to go down to the warehouse and check it out? We're not going to look at Sam's notebook and look for the...

Harley: This is where it ends, you know why? Because I have a newborn baby.

Gus: Well, you're tempted.

Harley: I am tempted.

Gus: Admit it.

Harley: I am tempted, but I want to spend as much time as I can with my son, okay?

Gus: Look, come on, a few hours. What's a few hours?

Harley: I can't do it. I'm not ready to go back to work yet, not even for the greatest detective story in the world.

Gus: Well, maybe this is the greatest story in the world.

Harley: Maybe it is, but I'm saying no.

Gus: Right. I thought you knew me better than that. You're saying no.

Harley: I know you better than to wait around for a “Thank you.” You're welcome. See you around.

Gus: You'll be back, I hope.

Alan: To Olivia Spencer, a force of nature; a force even I had to reckon with. I crushed opponents for doing far less. And yet you only inspire my admiration. Aren't you going to toast?

Olivia: A drop of cyanide, Alan?

Alan: I love being with you.

Olivia: I don't understand this. I mean, never in a million years would I think that you would treat me this way after what I've done to you.

Alan: Me neither. But I had no other choice.

Reva: Why am I afraid of where this conversation is going? I mean, my hands are ice cold, or maybe it's just cold in this room.

Josh: Where do you think this conversation is going?

Reva: How can you sit there and act so confident?

Josh: Actually, my palms are sweating and I think it's hot in this room.

Reva: Okay, so what are we both scared of?

Josh: Maybe it has something to do with our past, our history. But, see, I need to know. Do you think it's possible that we could go back to the way we were? No, strike that. That we could be better than we were? Do you think we could ever share a life together again?

Reva: You're not talking about marriage.

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