GL Transcript Tuesday 1/8/02


Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/8/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Lorelei: Well, you look like you just lost your best friend.

Edmund: I received this today: The decree. Our divorce is final.

Lorelei: Oh, for Pete's sakes, Eddie. It's not our divorce, it's yours and Beth's. And isn't this what you wanted? Now I can marry Phillip and get a hold of his millions. And then I'll divorce him and split it with you, so cheer up. It's not like I'm the real Beth anyway.

Edmund: No, of course not.

Lorelei: You really never thought that you'd see one of those divorce papers with yours and Beth's name on it, did you?

Edmund: It's... It's as if I'm losing her all over again, and I... I can't believe how much it still hurts. I'm sorry, I must be boring you.

Lorelei: No, you're not. I'm sorry, Eddie, I really am.

Edmund: No, I think you've made it abundantly clear how pathetic you find my feelings for Beth. So go ahead, take your best shot. Tell me how dead Beth really is.

Lorelei: Eddie, I never seen a man ache for a woman the way you hurt for Beth. I wish there was something I could do to take your pain away. I really do.

Phillip: Hey, Beth, the divorce papers are here! Come on, let's go out and get them framed!

Alan: At last, some good news.

Phillip: Sorry. Rough night? What are you doing here? I thought you would still be down in San Cristobel celebrating.

Alan: Well, you thought wrong.

Phillip: Okay, well, I know that the harbor project opening was a big success. I read about it in the paper today. So why are you in such a foul mood?

Alan: As you can see, Phillip, I'm busy.

Phillip: Oh. Okay, well, now I'm curious. Let's see. You're going to make a profit-- that usually cheers you up. Granted, not a huge profit, but still. Um... Oh, could it be that the success of the harbor project is also going to put Josh Lewis on the road to riches. Am I getting warmer?

Alan: Don't you have something to do?

Phillip: If you didn't want him to get rich, you shouldn't have gotten into bed with him in the first place.

Alan: I did not get in bed with Josh Lewis.

Phillip: Oh. You know what? Now that I think about it, you're right. If I remember your arrest correctly, your partner was never Josh.

Alan: Don't.

Phillip: It was Olivia. (Laughs) Bull's-eye. So it's not the money and it's not Josh. It's the woman.

Danny: That's good. Mmm. Well, what was that for? Not that I'm complaining, but...

Michelle: Luck.

Danny: Mmm. I had no idea that job interviews were such a turn-on for you.

Michelle: Wait till you see what I have in store for you once you get the job.

Taylor: (Clears throat) Mr. Santos?

Danny: Mr. Taylor. Hi. It's a pleasure to meet you. This is my wife, Michelle.

Taylor: I'm not interrupting, am I?

Danny: No, no, no. Not at all. Please.

Michelle: I'm actually going to wait at the bar until you're done.

Taylor: You're more than welcome to stay. Or go. Whatever you'd like.

Michelle: Oh. Okay. I'll stay, if it's okay with you.

Danny: Of course it is.

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: So, um, let's just get started. Mr. Taylor, I've designed what I think is the perfect security system for your toy company, something that will safeguard your products from copyright infringement, industrial espionage, the works. It's a three-tier system.

Taylor: That's very nice. You're hired.

Danny: (Laughs) I haven't heard that one before. Let me walk you through some of the plans and prototypes.

Taylor: If you like, but you don't have to.

Danny: You... I mean, are you interested in seeing the system that I've designed for you?

Taylor: You have the job. Isn't that what you wanted?

Michelle: Mr. Taylor...

Taylor: Look, he can punch in at 11:00 and leave at noon if he likes. I just want you to be happy.

Catalina: Hey.

Tony: Hey.

Catalina: What's all this?

Tony: It's for us.

Catalina: What do you mean, for us?

Tony: Well, I didn't have any ski stuff and I figured you didn't have any, so...

Catalina: Oh. Ski stuff for our big trip.

Tony: You know, you could pretend you're looking forward to it.

Catalina: Of course I am, Tony. I'm going to be with you.

Tony: We're going to have a great time, just the two of us.

Catalina: Yeah. Us and a hundred other college kids.

Tony: Hey, hey. We're going to be by ourselves. You'll see.

Catalina: Well, you know, we can be by ourselves right here. We don't have to go anywhere.

Tony: It's going to be fun. And I promise I'm going to show you a good time.

Catalina: You always do.

Tony: That's my girl. Did Romeo call?

Catalina: Why? Why, was he supposed to?

Tony: No. No, I was just checking.

Catalina: Well, do you want me to go look for him?

Tony: No. Forget it. Let's just think about us enjoying our weekend together. All right, I've got a new priority one for you: Ben Reade.

Romeo: Oh, yeah. You mean that rich, fancy boy who's dating your girl.

Ben: Okay, it's officially cold.

Marah: You're such a baby.

Ben: I somehow forgot that skiing involved cold weather.

Marah: (Laughs)

Ben: I love your laugh. You got it?

Marah: Yeah. I am really glad that we came here. The lodge is amazing and the ski trails are perfect. And while the company isn't that...

Ben: Wow.

Marah: Ben?

Ben: It's been so long.

Marah: Hello. Earth to Ben.

Ben: I'm sorry.

Marah: Don't be. Does it bring back a lot of memories?

Ben: Yeah. It's almost like walking into an old photograph, you know. I sound like such a dork.

Marah: No, you don't. It's nice. We can stay here all day if you want.

Ben: Can we?

Marah: Sure. I'm in no rush to get anywhere. Are you?

Ben: No, no. No rush at all. (Laughs)

Marah: What?

Ben: Oh, it's this place. You. You know, I never thought when we were kids playing that I'd be back here with you. You probably thought I was a big geek when we were growing up.

Marah: You were not. You were like a mysterious older man.

Ben: Oh. Gosh, that cabinet over there has every kid's toy under the sun. That was the only way they could keep us quiet.

Marah: They still bring it out when the kids get rowdy.

Ben: Really? Oh, my gosh. I remember one Christmas, Bill and Michelle and I were playing hide and go seek. Well, I don't know what happened to those two, but I ended up falling asleep behind the couch waiting to be found.

Marah: You poor baby.

Ben: No, no, it was great. When I woke up, Bill's dad and Vanessa were making out on the couch.

Marah: They were not!

Ben: Yes, they were. They were. Gosh, and I'm hiding, trying not to breathe, and they're making out on the couch. They'd been on the outs, but Billy's dad comes back dressed up like Santa Claus and just swept Vanessa right off her feet. That's odd how this place has meant so much to so many different people. It has such a sense of history. I guess it means different things to different people. But for me, Billy and Vanessa made it all about romance. That heart-stopping, "dare to make a fool out of yourself" kind of romance. You know what I mean?

Marah: Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Edmund: Why are you being so nice to me?

Naomi: Aw, now ain't you two the sweetest couple? Hey, gal, am I in time for breakfast?

Lorelei: Oh...

Edmund: You're still in Springfield? Well, of course you are. You're hanging around until Lorelei marries Phillip and then you can horn in on our cut when she divorces him.

Naomi: Does he always talk to himself?

Lorelei: Now, hold on a minute, Eddie. Not only are you insulting my friend Naomi, but you're insulting me. You're making it sound like she'd only be my friend if she could get something out of it.

Naomi: Now, Lorelei, I don't think he meant it like that.

Lorelei: Yes, he did. You apologize to Naomi.

Edmund: Mm-mm.

Naomi: Well, obviously I have come at a bad time. I just thought it might be nice to have breakfast with you all, but I'll get a separate table, leave you be.

Edmund: Good idea.

Lorelei: No, you don't. I want you to sit down right here, because I want to talk to you. Alone.

Edmund: Very well.

Naomi: Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot here. (Laughs nervously) But I just want you to know for the record, I'm only here because I wanted to know what happened to my friend here. I am... I'm real happy that Lorelei is where she is and you've got this sweetheart deal going, and I'm also real happy she's found a partner with brains and looks. Now, I know you don't trust me none, but I'm going to be out of here soon enough. And at least when I leave I'll know she's made a grade-A choice in you.

Edmund: Thank you. I think. But I'll... I'll be on my way. Ladies.

Lorelei: (Laughs) You really are evil, you know that? (Laughs)

Naomi: So what is the real story? How did you end up with a loser like that in the first place?

Danny: Mr. Taylor, I'm a little confused. Do you want a security specialist for your company?

Taylor: Of course I do, and I'm sure you'll do a fine job. We'll make the job fit you. You don't have to report to anybody. Take whatever vacation time you need.

Danny: Oh, well, we're talking about vacation already.

Taylor: We just want you to be happy.

Michelle: Well, Danny wants to make sure that you're happy. I mean, that's his priority.

Taylor: Oh, we're happy. Real happy.

Danny: You're offering me the job because I'm a Santos, aren't you?

Taylor: Please, Mr. Santos, just take the job.

Danny: You're hiring me not because I'm good at what I do but because you're afraid of what will happen if you don't. Right?

Taylor: Yes.

Ben: I'm sorry.

Marah: No, it's okay.

Ben: No, no, no. Really, really. I was going too fast. Really, I'm sorry.

Marah: Don't be, because I'm not. I just want to take things a little bit slowly.

Ben: Sure, sure. I understand, okay? I read the essay.

Marah: But I meant every word of it. I just... Ben, you're different from most of the guys that I've dated and I just want to make sure I don't mess it up.

Ben: You couldn't.

Marah: But I could. It could if I don't listen to my heart and my mind. And right now, it's just telling me to slow down a little bit. And I'll be honest with you, Ben. Being here with you alone...

Ben: Hey, you know you can trust me, right?

Marah: Yes. But can I trust me?

Ben: Well, what do you want to do?

Marah: I want to do what we came here to do. Ski, okay? So let's just hit the slopes.

Lorelei: Did you just call my Eddie a loser?

Naomi: Your Eddie?

Lorelei: He may be a lot of things, but he's not a loser. And anyone who says so is going to have to answer to me.

Naomi: Damn, girl. I didn't know I hit a nerve.

Lorelei: You didn't. I'm just real grateful to him is all. And I don't want you putting him down. Sure, he's a little full of himself. Well, okay, he's a lot full of himself. (Laughs) But he's my friend. We understand each other.

Naomi: Honey, you don't have to sell me. Besides, didn't I back you up when that Phillip guy came in here?

Lorelei: Yeah, you were quick. I'll give you that.

Naomi: It's my middle name. Now tell me. How does Edmund feel about you going after Phillip. Is he jealous?

Lorelei: Hell, yes. (Laughs)

Naomi: Should he be?

Lorelei: Hell, yes. Well, look at Phillip: He's handsome, he's rich...

Naomi: Oh, and he is sexy.

Lorelei: He is very, very sexy. Well, that's what makes this gig so easy. Ain't nobody going to have to drag me do the aisle to marry Phillip Spaulding. Hell, I'm just worried that I'll be running so fast to that altar I'll trip on my wedding gown, fall flat on my face. (Laughter) What?

Naomi: You better watch yourself, girl. You're falling for the guy you're scamming.

Lorelei: No, I'm not. Well, maybe I am. ( Laughs)

Naomi: Uh-huh. And you still have feelings for Eddie.

Lorelei: Maybe.

Naomi: Hmm. Well, you better choose which side of the fence you're on, because this is one dangerous game you're playing.

Alan: I don't want to talk about my personal life.

Phillip: Okay, that's fine.

Alan: I've been neglecting the company. I need to catch up with that. First order of business is to set up a meeting with Danny Santos. He's proven to be a very valuable young man for our company, standing up against the mob. And I don't think a raise is out of the question.

Phillip: Well, actually, I think it probably is, seeing as he doesn't work for us anymore.

Alan: What did you do, fire him?

Phillip: No, I didn't fire him. He quit. He found out that we knew about that sting and that we were cooperating with the FBI, and for some reason he felt that it was us who had put him and his family in harm's way.

Alan: Well, we'll get him back.

Phillip: (Chuckles) No. No, he's not coming back. He made that very clear.

Alan: Well, this must make you very happy, Phillip. I mean, you've been after him since the day he started working for us. Tell me. What is it exactly about Danny that rubs you the wrong way?

Phillip: What? You mean aside from the whole mob family thing? Other than that, Dad, nothing.

Alan: Could it be that he appreciates what I did for him? He doesn't question my authority at every turn.

Phillip: Okay. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Look, I had nothing to do with Danny quitting. So don't try to lay the blame for this at my feet because I'm not taking it.

Alan: No, you're not taking that, but you will take the lifestyle, the money, the jet.

Phillip: Oh, here we go. All right, want me to leave? Say the word. You know I will.

Alan: You shouldn't have let him go.

Phillip: I'll see you later.

Alan: He was grateful to be here, Phillip.

Phillip: And I'm not.

Alan: You're not grateful for anything. He also treated me with respect.

Phillip: He doesn't know you.

Danny: So, because I'm a Santos you figure you just have got to play ball with me. Is that it?

Taylor: Look, I'm offering you a job. What more do you people want? Please, just take the job.

Danny: No thanks. But tell me. Was it your idea to hire me or did somebody else tell you to do it. Right.

Carmen: What can I say? Danny.

Reporter: Excuse me.

Danny: Excuse me.

Carmen: I'm sorry. We'll have to continue this later. Obviously, my son needs me.

Reporter: Right, okay.

Carmen: Sorry.

Danny: See that guy over there? What did you say to him?

Carmen: Who? What?

Danny: The guy that I'm interviewing with. Did you threaten him.

Carmen: I don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Danny: Yes, you do. Now get it through your head: I do not want your help.

Carmen: I didn't do a damn thing, Danny. You think I strong-armed that guy into giving you a job? Well, I didn't, okay? You have a problem. Look in the mirror. It's about time you realized you're the problem.

Michelle: (Sighs)

Carmen: You're a Santos, Danny. You can spend the life fighting it, but that's who you are.

Danny: If you think that makes me anything like you, you're out of your mind.

Carmen: I don't understand. Don't you want certain things out of life, Danny?

Danny: Sure.

Carmen: Don't you want to play to win? You should be proud of your heritage, your name, but instead you apologize for it. You keep trying to make yourself smaller and smaller so no one will notice you. Well, to hell with them. You're a Santos.

Danny: Right.

Carmen: Use that.

Danny: And who ruined that for me? You're the one who took our family name and turned it into something that people hate.

Carmen: No, not hate. Fear.

Danny: Whatever. I don't want any part of it.

Carmen: Well, that's just too bad, because you're stuck with it, and so is Robbie.

Michelle: No, Robbie will have nothing to do with your family.

Carmen: He'll ask questions later, Michelle. Children are curious that way. I'm sure you'll tell him all about the Bauer's, but what about the Santos side? What will you tell him, Danny?

Danny: Oh, he'll know exactly what he needs to know, believe me.

Carmen: You'll raise him to be ashamed of himself, is that what you're going to do?

Michelle: No. Robbie will learn Spanish. He'll learn all about his heritage.

Carmen: I keep trying to reach out to you, not only because I want to be a part of your life again, but because you insist on rejecting your family, Danny, this family that is a part of your blood. We could be a big family in Springfield.

Michelle: Sure. One with a criminal record.

Carmen: You think that there's not one American dynasty that wasn't built on tainted money? How do you think the Spaulding's got where they are? They clawed their way up to the top by any means necessary. Now, that man over there offered you a job because he was afraid of you, right?

Danny: That's right.

Carmen: Well, use it, then. Use it to make yourself a bigger, more important person in this town. You are who you are, a Santos. And you better get used to it because it's not going to change.

Catalina: So, I gave instructions to the wait staff, and we can leave at any time.

Tony: What's with you?

Catalina: Nothing.

Tony: Hmm. Well, I hope the snow is as cold as you. It's a joke.

Catalina: Hmm, funny.

Tony: You want to go on this trip with me, don't you?

Catalina: Tony, I'll go anywhere with you, you know that. I just... I wish it were someplace where we're not going to run into Marah and Ben.

Tony: (Sighs) You know what? I bet we don't even see them. (Phone rings) Hello?

Romeo: Yeah, hey, man, it's me.

Tony: I need to take this call in private. So what's going on? What's up with Ben?

Romeo: It's freezing up here. I thought it was cold in Chicago.

Tony: You know, I don't care if you're sneezing icicles. I need to know what's up with Ben. What's up with Ben and Marah?

Romeo: Nothing. Calm down.

Tony: Don't tell me to calm down. Look, I gave you one job to do was to make sure that Ben doesn't take advantage of Marah.

Romeo: Don't worry. He ain't moving in on your turf.

Tony: How many times do I have to tell you, it's not my turf. I just... I don't think that Ben isn’t good enough for Marah.

Romeo: Look... Whatever. They're not staying at the lodge with the other kids anymore. They were skiing some of the more dangerous slopes and Ben fell and hurt his ankle.

Tony: Good. That's good.

Romeo: Marah helped him over to some cabin and that's where they are now.

Tony: Cabin? You mean Michelle's cabin, the Bauer family cabin?

Romeo: Like I would know. She got the key from under the doormat and they went in. So the bottom line is it looks like he won't be putting the moves on her anytime soon.

Tony: Okay. Good. You did good. You can come back now. I'll take over from here.

Romeo: Nothing's going to happen. Believe me.

Tony: It's just I... I got to find out for myself, that's all.

Ben: Ow. God!

Marah: I'm sorry. I'm just glad we made it back to the cabin, because we wouldn’t have made it back to the lodge.

Ben: Yeah, probably not.

Marah: You know what? This is going to start swelling any minute.

Ben: You know, I'm just going to stay here and rest a while. You can go on skiing if you want to.

Marah: And leave you here all alone by yourself? I don't think so. You know, I'm going to get some ice and a towel and I'm going to make a cold compress for your leg and you just stay put.

Ben: Yes, ma'am.

Marah: You know what? There's no ice. So I'm just going to go outside and get some snow.

Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben. You are the man. You know, I was thinking of getting a tattoo on that ankle.

Marah: Oh, yeah?

Ben: Mm-hmm. A stiletto.

Marah: Wouldn't it hurt?

Ben: No, it'd be worth it. You ever think of getting one, tattoo?

Marah: No, never.

Ben: Ow.

Marah: I'm sorry. Am I pushing too hard?

Ben: No, no, no. It's too cold. I think that's enough.

Marah: So why a stiletto?

Ben: Why do you think?

Marah: Because it's dangerous.

Ben: I guess I always thought of it sleek, sexy, kind of beautiful. And yeah, maybe a little dangerous. Forget the fire. Come sit by me.

Marah: You know, I suddenly feel really awkward around you.

Ben: Don't. Hey, we both know what we're about, okay? So there's no problem. Is there?

Marah: No.

Ben: So we might as well make ourselves comfortable. We'll be here for a while.

Marah: I called the ski patrol.

Ben: Oh, good.

Marah: So they can take us back to the lodge.

Ben: Great, great. So they should be here pretty soon, huh?

Marah: No, they actually said it was going to be a while.

Ben: Well, then maybe we should use this time to get to know each other a little better.

Marah: Okay. What's your favorite color?

Ben: Blue. (Laughter)

Marah: And what about books? Do you like to read? I like history.

Ben: I like to make history (laughs)

Marah: What about music?

Ben: All kinds just as long as it's good.

Marah: Same with me. And food?

Ben: Angel food.

Marah: That's a dessert.

Ben: Yeah, yeah it is, isn't it?

Catalina: So was it anything important?

Tony: What?

Catalina: Your phone call.

Tony: No. There was these distributors. You know, they think their problems are bigger than anybody else's.

Catalina: Oh. So are we still going to go to the Bauer cabin and not the lodge? Maybe it would be more fun if we were with the other kids.

Tony: Are you kidding? Those kids would drive me up the wall. No, no, no. Michelle has always told me to use the cabin. She says it's a perfect setup, so...

Catalina: Perfect setup.

Tony: You know, this weekend is just about the two of us having fun. So smile, okay?

Catalina: (Sighs)

Lorelei: (Laughs)

Naomi: Oh, whoa. Now, listen, honey. The problem is, you can't keep both toys. You've got to put one of those boys back.

Lorelei: I know. I know. I just wish I had a little more time. (Laughter) Mmm! This is good.

Naomi: There's Eddie.

Lorelei: Hmm?

Naomi: I'll catch you later. Don't screw it up. Hello. She's all yours, handsome.

Edmund: Dare I ask. What shouldn't you screw up?

Lorelei: My diet.

Edmund: I guess it's a little late for that. What are you two planning?

Lorelei: Nothing. Oh, for crying out loud, Eddie. She's not what you have to be worried about.

Edmund: Oh. What should I be worried about?

Lorelei: Forget it. Let's just concentrate on the job at hand.

Edmund: I guess that should be easy.

Lorelei: From your mouth to God's ears.

Alan: Well, Danny, Michelle. Meta told me that I would find you here. Tell me. Why aren't you at work?

Danny: Because I quit. I'm sure Phillip told you that.

Alan: Phillip didn't hire you. I did.

Danny: That's right, Alan. Phillip's the one who also hired Gus Aitoro to look over my shoulder, applying even more pressure to me and my family as I was trying to perform a sting on the mob to protect your company's assets-- a sting that both you and Phillip knew about. And my family went through hell because of it. So if you need to hear it from me, fine: I quit.

Alan: I don't accept your resignation.

Danny: Well, Phillip had no problem accepting it. This is not negotiable. There's no way I'm going back to my old job at Spaulding.

Alan: Well, now, of course not. Beside security is a dead-end street and you're much too valuable to Spaulding Enterprises. I was thinking more along the corporate line. You've been very loyal, very hardworking. And I'd like for you to have a long association with Spaulding Enterprises, Danny. Now, it's not going to be handed to you. You're going to have to work hard for it, but I believe you could make it all the way to the top if you wanted to.

Danny: You know, Alan, you probably never had another employee who looked forward to going to work as much as I did. But loyalty is a two-way street, and your company betrayed my trust. I'm not going to let that happen again.

Alan: Danny, I understand how you feel. But I want you to think about what I just said. And always know that my door will be open if you every need to talk. Good day.

Danny: Thanks, but no thanks. Let's go.

Michelle: Danny.

Danny: What?

Michelle: You know I love you with all my heart, but please, please, don't be foolish.

Marah: Your ankle.

Ben: Shh. Can I... Can I... (Phone rings) Ignore it, okay?

Marah: Oh, no. It's good. Actually, it's perfect timing. Something could have happened here and I'm really not ready for that.

Ben: Listen, it stopped, okay? See?

Marah: You know what? I'm going to go and get you another cold compress for your leg. Mmm. God, you make this so difficult. ( Phone rings)

Ben: What?

Catalina: Hi, it's Catalina. We're on our way there.

Ben: What? On your way where?

Catalina: Tony knows that you took her to the cabin, so we're on our way there. And I want you to give Tony something to remember.

Ben: Okay, just buy me as much time as you can, okay?

Catalina: Just do it.

Ben: Remind me never to get on your bad side.

Catalina: Look, to you this is just another stupid bet. But to me this is about my future with Tony and our happiness.

Danny: You want to know how Phillip welcomed me to Spaulding Enterprises? By showing up at the house and basically saying, "You're a Santos and I'm going to keep my eye on you." And then he went and hired Aitoro to act as my warden, and you want me to still work for these people?

Michelle: Phillip's going to get to know you.

Danny: I don't want him to get know me. I am a Santos. I am. And maybe my mother is right. Maybe I will never escape that.

Michelle: Okay, but Alan doesn't seem to care. He's offering you a job because he believes you're worth it. He tracked you down to offer you a job you'd already quit, Danny.

Danny: Great, great. So now I have two ruthless family dynasties vying for me: The Santos and the Spaulding's.

Michelle: Yeah, well, at least with the Spaulding's we might have a chance for a real future.

Danny: Well, I don't trust Alan anymore than I trust my mother. Why does he want me?

Michelle: Maybe he sees everything that you can be, and he wants you to be a part of making it all happen.

Danny: What about what I want?

Michelle: Okay. What do you want?

Danny: I want what's best for us, for our family.

Michelle: Then please, just promise you won't totally turn your back on Alan's offer-- not yet.

Reporter: Well, thanks, Mrs.. Santos. That was a great interview.

Carmen: Oh, you're very welcome. I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading it. Oh, and please excuse my son's behavior. He's not been himself.

Maurice: Have you seen today's paper?

Carmen: No, no. I've been a little busy.

Maurice: Left hand, bottom corner.

Carmen: Okay. "'Journal' reporter recovers. Sam Spencer, 'Journal' reporter, makes a remarkable recovery after a mysterious illness." Lovely. Send him a fruit basket.

Maurice: No, this is the guy I told you about, the one I found snooping around the warehouse. I knocked him around a bit but he got away. I didn't even know he worked for the paper until I saw this picture.

Carmen: (Sighs) You had to fight with this guy? What if he saw what was in the warehouse? What if he knows too much now?

Maurice: I'm on my way to the hospital. I'll check in on him.

Carmen: No. You don't do anything. Go get me a fruit basket. I have a sick friend to visit.

Naomi: Mmm. Mm-mm-mmm.

Philippi. Naomi, right?

Naomi: Right. That's right.

Phillip: I thought that was you.

Naomi: (Laughs) And you're Phillip.

Phillip: Yeah.

Naomi: I remember you from last night.

Phillip: You haven't happen to see Beth around here anywhere, have you? I was looking for her and she keeps turning her cell phone off and I thought she might be in here.

Naomi: Well, I can understand that. You know these buzz burgers are the bomb.

Phillip: Yes, they are that.

Naomi: Mm-hmm.

Phillip: Right. Right. Okay, guess not. So you're good friends with Edmund? You said you met him down in San Cristobel?

Naomi: Yeah, before he married Beth. Oh, man, they were so in love.

Phillip: They're divorced.

Naomi: Uh, yeah. Poor Eddie.

Phillip: You know, it's funny. I'd spend a lot of time down there and I never met you.

Naomi: Well, I was there. At the beach mostly.

Phillip: Oh, you were at the beach.

Naomi: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Phillip: Oh, okay. Seacrest or Hawk Haven?

Naomi: Seacrest.

Phillip: Excuse me?

Naomi: Seacrest.

Phillip: Seacrest, oh. Beautiful beach. Is that the one that has the rock formation looks like an eagle taking off?

Naomi: That is real pretty, isn't it?

Phillip: Yeah, it's beautiful. I don't want to keep you from your breakfast there. Anyway nice seeing you again.

Naomi: You, too.

Phillip: Take care.

Naomi: (Sighs) You better grab that boy quickly, Lorelei, because if you don't, I will.

Phillip: See, the funny thing, though, Naomi, is that there is no Seacrest Beach in San Cristobel. Okay, Edmund, round two.

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