GL Transcript Monday 1/7/02


Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/7/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Phillip: Okay, well, why don't you tell me, did you have a target figure in mind?

Lillian: Yes. I want at least a 15% increase.

Phillip: 15%?

Lillian: Yeah, in contributions. Can I do it? Can I?

Phillip: I think that's doable.

Lorelei: Hey. What are you guys doing working so late? It is work, right?

Lillian: I don't know. I think it's more a labor of love, honey. We're doing work for the breast cancer awareness fundraiser. I'm going to chair it again this year.

Lorelei: Wow. Gosh, that's so great that you're doing that.

Lillian: Well, you've got to give the applause to this one, because he got Spaulding to underwrite the whole thing, from the cocktails to the closing comments.

Lorelei: Hmm. No surprise there; he is one of the world's all-around good guys, and generous as all-get-out.

Lillian: Mm-hmm, he is.

Phillip: Damn.

Lillian: The Raines women on you.

Phillip: Anything for Lillian's favorite charity.

Lillian: Thank you, sweetheart.

Lorelei: And why is that? You know, I mean, because there are a million worthy causes out there. I just always wondered why you chose this one. It's obvious, of course: You're a nurse, and of course you would be interested in breast cancer awareness. You see women who are dealing with it all the time.

Lillian: Well, yeah, I do, honey, but, oh, that's not why I'm involved.

Lorelei: It's not?

Lillian: No. I had breast cancer, Beth. I'm a breast cancer survivor. Did you forget?

Cassie: I just heard from Alonzo himself that he is sailing out of the San Cristobel harbor first thing in the morning, at your request.

Richard: Yes. It's because I arranged it.

Cassie: Behind my back.

Richard: No, it wasn't like that.

Cassie: Well, what was it like, then? Because unless my memory's shot, I recall the three of us discussing this brilliant idea and ruling it out, pretty much because you sided with me. And now all of a sudden I turn around and you change your mind? A yearlong goodwill cruise with Camille hanging around as Alonzo's first mate-- what a concept, Richard.

Richard: Cassie, it actually makes a lot of sense.

Cassie: To you maybe. You weren't going to tell me about this until Alonzo was long gone.

Richard: Well, I didn't like having to do this.

Cassie: Well, that certainly didn't stop you. Why did you think that you had to keep me in the dark about this?

Richard: My goal is not deception, I can assure you.

Cassie: But that's the way it turned out.

Richard: Yes, I know.

Cassie: Just give me one good reason why you felt you had to do this.

Richard: As it turns out, Cassie, actually I've got a couple of good reasons. (Piano playing)

Tory: Hi.

Ross: Hi.

Tory: Are you alone?

Ross: I used to be. I just felt like a nightcap.

Tory: It's kind of late, isn't it, to come all the way to Towers?

Ross: Well, I was already out and about. And yes, it is late. So what brings you here, also alone?

Tory: Well, it's kind of a funny story, actually.

Ross: Funny, ha-ha?

Tory: Not really. I was out myself earlier, and I decided to stop by Inferno for a drink of hot chocolate, if you can believe that.

Ross: Hot chocolate? At Inferno?

Tory: Yeah, I just... I had the urge for something hot and sweet. Don't you ever get urges like that? Ross? Ross?

Ross: I'm sorry. What?

Tory: Are you all right? You seem like you're a million miles away right now.

Ross: I wasn't that far away.

Tory: Where did you go, then? 

Ross: I was just thinking about how insane it's going to be next week, with my caseload and the classes I have to teach and the kids I have to fool around with.

Tory: And a wonderful woman in your life to love. (Piano playing)

Ross: I wasn't thinking about any of those things.

Tory: What were you thinking about then?

Ross: Tory, I have to tell you something.

Tory: What, I have to tell you something too, and please let me go first, because if I don't get this out now, I might never have the guts to. (Piano playing) It was what I was trying to tell you before you just zoned out on me.

Ross: Your not-so-funny story.

Tory: Mm-hmm. And I realize that this may be the absolute wrong thing to bring up, but I knew that when I heard about it, I should share it with you.

Ross: Should I be flattered or worried?

Tory: Well, when I went by inferno tonight, Romeo Jones was there.

Ross: Oh, that little ferret that works for Tony Santos.

Tory: (Laughs) Yeah, the guy you found me dancing with a few weeks ago.

Ross: That was groping set to music, at least on his part. Is he harassing you again?

Tory: No. I didn't need rescuing this time. He was actually sort of helpful.

Ross: How so?

Tory: Well, he could tell that I had a lot of my mind.

Ross: About what?

Tory: That doesn't matter. The point is that he got me to open up about what it was that was bothering me.

Ross: He plied you with hot chocolate?

Tory: Yes, well, I guess it doesn't take me much. But he actually said some things too, like... You know what? This was a bad idea. Let's just forget it.

Ross: It's not. Please, go on.

Tory: It's embarrassing.

Ross: So what? Who cares? Obviously it's important to you.

Tory: Well, Romeo said that he thought that you have feelings for me. I know it's ridiculous, but he said that he could tell by the way that you acted when you came looking for me that night at Inferno.

Ross: And how did I act?

Tory: Convincingly, I guess would be the word, but he said that he could swear that you're falling in love with me.

Ross: This is a funny story, all right.

Tory: Well, what really struck me about it was how much it sounded like what Blake was thinking about me, but isn't anymore. I don't know, I guess it's just human nature to assume that when a man and a woman work together and they're friends, that there's bound to be a sexual element involved.

Ross: Is that what you believe?

Tory: No, no. Absolutely not. You know, in fact, it's that kind of generalization that infuriates me, and quite frankly has caused a lot of damage. But that's what Romeo thought, and I thought I should at least share it with you, even though it is absurd. But it does feel good to get it off my chest. So, your turn: What was it that you wanted to tell me. (Piano playing)

Lorelei: Well, of course, I remember that you had breast cancer. I just... I just lied. I just lied, yeah.

Lillian: So you forgot, huh?

Lorelei: Oh, Mom, I'm sorry. I hate this. I just have all these blank spaces where memories should be.

Phillip: Beth, hey, take it easy.

Lorelei: No. I can't remember that my own mother is a breast cancer survivor? It's okay to be fuzzy on the little things, but this is... This is major. It's definitely not okay.

Lillian: Honey, this is a medical condition. It's not a character flaw. You're still suffering the aftereffects of being caught in that flash flood.

Lorelei: Right now, I wish another one would come along and sweep me away.

Lillian: Oh, don't you say that. Don't you even think that, please. Please.

Lorelei: It's horrible. And maybe this is as good as it's going to get. There is no guarantee that I'll get my memory back.

Phillip: No, but there's no indication that you won't. You just have to give it some time.

Lillian: Things take time. They do, babe. They do.

Lorelei: I've got to ... I've got to go get some air. I think I'm going to take a drive.

Phillip: Beth, come on, it's late.

Lorelei: I'm not going to be gone that long, unless I can't remember where I live. I'm sorry, Mom.

Lillian: It's okay, honey. Oh, the poor thing. I mean, she's trying so hard, isn't she?

Phillip: Yeah, she is.

Lorelei: Okay, Eddie, I say this one's your fault. You've got some answering to do.

Camille: What's wrong? You haven't said two words since we left the Rusty Anchor.

Alonzo: I got a lot on my mind.

Camille: Am I in there somewhere?

Alonzo: Yeah. You and a yearlong cruise that begins tomorrow morning, which reminds me, we should go pack.

Camille: Oh, I told you it won't take me that long. I don't have that much stuff... Now, but I have a feeling that I'll have loads of it one day. Well, of course, I already have the best thing: Captain Baptiste of the presidential yacht.

Alonzo: Right. Come on, let's go back.

Camille: Doesn't it seem strange, leaving the island like this for an entire year? I mean, I will get to spend every minute with you, and that makes all the difference, but...

Alonzo: Yes, it does.

Camille: And after 12 months of telling the whole world that they ought to visit San Cristobel, we'll be back here ourselves. Who knows what will be on our minds come then?

Alonzo: Don't try to guess, okay? Look, a year is a long way off.

Camille: Yeah, but it's not too long to start thinking about.

Alonzo: How about a beer? Let's have a beer before we pack. I'm going to go see what I can find in the pantry.

Camille: Why don't you get the butler to do it? And make it champagne instead of beer.

Alonzo: Let's just keep this simple.

Aide: Here's the traitor.

Richard: Have mercy on me, I beg of you.

Camille: After lying to an entire country? You knew that prince Alonzo was the heir to San Cristobel, and you kept that a secret to hold power for yourself. Now you must pay the price.

Cassie: What are you going to do to him?

Camille: Well, you should hope it should be something horrible. He deceived you as much as the rest of us. The penalty is death. Off with his head.

Cassie: No. No.

Alonzo: Princess Camille.

Camille: You shall be buried in an unmarked grave.

Alonzo: Princess Camille. Camille? Camille?

Camille: What?

Alonzo: I said domestic or imported?

Camille: Yeah, domestic. Something that's made here on the island. You know, I may be from Iowa, but I am feeling more attached to San Cristobel every day.

Richard: There are a couple of good reasons why Alonzo should make this trip, and the most compelling...

Cassie: That you're trying to protect me-- yes, you know, I know that story.

Richard: Well, is that so terrible?

Cassie: If it means you can't be straight with me, yes, it is.

Richard: Well, sometimes that's a matter of necessity, darling.

Cassie: So you need to lie to me.

Richard: I need to love you, all right? And the only way I know how... If that includes protecting you, then by God, yes, I will protect you, certainly if it means that it will spare us from having to go through yet something else that will cause us pain.

Cassie: Oh, something else, something that I might bring on us because I'm so shortsighted or I'm so naive.

Richard: Don't put words in my mouth.

Cassie: Do they fit? There has got to be an explanation for why you felt that you cannot be honest with me about this.

Richard: All right. It's Camille, okay? It's Camille and the threat that she poses to us. I don't trust her.

Cassie: Well, I don't trust her either.

Richard: Well, good. Then we can just write this off as me taking your lead, how's that?

Cassie: So we use Alonzo to get rid of Camille?

Richard: Camille wants Alonzo, doesn't she? And she's made it very clear that she will sue for custody of Will if she doesn't get what she wants. And this little yacht trip just might spare us from having to go through a tortuous court trial, much less the loss of our son. It makes perfect sense. It's going to buy us some time and it could solve a lot of problems.

Cassie: Well, not necessarily.

Richard: Alonzo doesn't love Camille, so you know, after a few months at sea, perhaps Camille will come to realize that, she'll get bored with this whole game that she's playing, and you know, her fantasy will just go away.

Cassie: What if she doesn't?

Richard: Well, why be pessimistic?

Cassie: Because of what you just said. Camille wants Alonzo. She wants to get back together with him. What if she doesn't stop putting pressure on him, Richard? What if she keeps doing this needy thing? Alonzo has such a big heart. He is liable to stay with her, to remarry her. We cannot let that happen.

Richard: Alonzo can take care of himself.

Cassie: Or, you know, live a miserable life.

Richard: Look, Camille is just a young girl with a fantasy. She'll grow tired of it once she realizes that Alonzo is not going to play along. And the minute that she asks to go back to the states...

Cassie: If she asks to go back.

Richard: I will recall the yacht and Alonzo, all right? And everything will be back to just how you want it.

Alonzo: Maybe I'll come back later.

Richard: No. No, please stay. You're the topic of conversation, after all.

Alonzo: Let me guess, Cassie's trying to talk you out of sending me off in the yacht with Camille.

Richard: She's trying, but not succeeding, right?

Cassie: I don't like the idea any better now than I did when we talked about it before.

Richard: Well, it is the best solution.

Alonzo: Take Camille away and she'll forget all about Will.

Cassie: And is she going to forget about you?

Alonzo: How does that expression go? The future-- it's not ours to know.

Cassie: I hate that you kept this from me. But I guess that yacht is sailing tomorrow no matter what I have to say.

Alonzo: It is what's best.

Cassie: I'm going to go check on Will.

Alonzo: You know what? I'm going to go, too. I'm going to pack, I haven't done any of that yet.

Richard: Wait. Wait a minute.

Alonzo: What? Something you want to say?

Richard: Yes. I just want to say thank you, you know. Thank you for doing this.

Alonzo: Yeah? I'm just trying to support the leadership of San Cristobel. You know, I'm just now realizing

Richard: You know, I'm just now realizing how little we know of each other, you know? And here you are, going off.

Alonzo: Pretty much what you see is what you get. I'm a simple guy, Richard.

Richard: I wouldn't say that.

Alonzo: You wouldn't? What do you mean? You know something I don't?

Lillian: Well, Phillip, I think this fund-raiser is going to be a raving success, don't you? Did I forget something?

Phillip: Hmm? No, mm-mm. I don't think so.

Lillian: I know you well enough to know that something's bothering you, and I imagine it's Beth, right?

Phillip: It doesn't bother you that she completely forgot you had cancer?

Lillian: She's alive, she's home; that's all that matters.

Phillip: Yeah, I know.

Lillian: Phillip, if you're asking me if I would like Beth to be the person she was-- you know, refined and with her memory back-- of course I would. But I can remember us at that memorial service, when you and Rick and Alan talked about how beautiful she was, and how funny, how smart, and how wonderful. In my mind, I could just hear this one bell tolling, saying that Beth was dead. That she was dead. At that moment, I certainly knew what hell was, right?

Phillip: Loss of a child.

Lillian: So when God gave her back, my God, it's like this miracle. And if she never gets her memory back, it doesn't matter, because what do we have? We have her. She almost lost her life.

Phillip: You're right. You're right.

Edmund: Hi. What's your problem now?

Lorelei: The problem, Eddie, is you.

Edmund: What's that supposed to mean?

Lorelei: What is that supposed to mean? It means that you're a lousy tutor. Oh, Beth damn near put her foot in it tonight when she didn't remember her own ma's a breast cancer survivor.

Edmund: She is?

Lorelei: As if you didn't know.

Edmund: No, I didn't, I swear.

Lorelei: Well, then that makes you a lousy tutor. Now I'm wondering what else is out there waiting to trip me up in front of the wrong people at the wrong time.

Edmund: Well, excuse me, but weren't you the one who said you didn't need me at all, that the Spaulding clan was so enamored of you that no slip-up would ever make you stumble?

Lorelei: Yeah, well, there's only so much a gal can take. You want to earn the big bucks? Then you better start earning your keep.

Edmund: Start? Start? I have turned myself inside out already.

Lorelei: All I'm saying is I want to know what other landmines are out there waiting for me.

Naomi: Lorelei? It is you. I love your hair like that, sugar. Come on, give your sis a hug.

Ross: I need to tell you something about tonight.

Tory: Tonight? (Piano playing)

Ross: Yes, I told you that I came in here for a nightcap, which I did, but I didn't tell you everything. I'm not here alone. Blake is here.

Tory: Where?

Ross: She's asleep in our room downstairs. You see, we decided to try and get back on track with one another after a difficult couple of weeks. And so we started out the evening with dinner, and then the festivities moved on to a room that Blake had reserved.

Tory: Sounds romantic.

Ross: Yeah, it was... Is.

Tory: So?

Ross: So I didn't tell you that Blake was here, almost as if I were embarrassed by it. Or perhaps I didn't want you to know.

Tory: Why?

Tory: Ross, am I making you uncomfortable somehow?

Ross: Yes. But it's not your fault; it's nothing that you've done.

Tory: Maybe I should just go.

Ross: God, no. Don't. This is only going to get worse if I don't deal with it. If I'm feeling this way now, I don't know what's going to come.

Tory: Feeling what way?

Ross: You are very talented, and you're such a joy to work with.

Tory: That's not what this is about.

Ross: No. I know that you were upset when Blake accused you of having feelings for me. I was upset about it as well.

Tory: We're past all that.

Ross: No, we're not.

Tory: Why, did Blake say something?

Ross: No, she didn't say anything. Her suspicions are behind her.

Tory: Really?

Ross: But she shouldn't be feeling that way.

Tory: Okay, Ross, this isn't making any sense.

Ross: Blake was right to suspect that there was more going on between us than just a working arrangement. She was right about that, but she was wrong about the source. She suspected that you had feelings for me, but that simply wasn't the case. It was the other way around.

Tory: Oh, my God.

Ross: And it started at the carriage house. When you walked in the living room and you had a red dress on and your hair was down, and your glasses were off, and it was at that moment, the image of you, the idea of you changed for me and placed you in some parallel fantasy universe where you became so much more to me than just a law student and a legal assistant. And even more important than this, I now know who it is that you remind me of.

Tory: I know. Your daughter Dinah, you've said.

Ross: No, it is not Dinah. Not Dinah. It's her mother. Vanessa. She was the first great love of my life, and my God, you remind me so much of Vanessa, and that is not a bad thing. She is a brilliant and a beautiful woman, a woman who shaped so much of who I am today. And I've always felt that we never had the chance that we should've had together for any number of reasons. But now I look at you and I see that chance again.

Tory: Ross, stop.

Ross: "Ross, stop." I say that to myself whenever you come into mind, which is suddenly very often. "Ross, stop." But I can't, because when I look at you, I close my eyes and I see you. I see you, and you are always coming towards me.

Tory: I don't know what to say.

Ross: I don't think you should know what to say when your professor and your employer has inappropriate feelings for you. Several months ago you came to me and asked for my help, and I responded, but then I started to care too much, and Blake saw that-- or rather, she suspected it.

Tory: And she thought that I was stepping over the line somehow.

Ross: Because she could never entertain the idea that I could be the one to do it. It had to be you. She had to suspect you in order to keep her world from flying apart. Do you understand that?

Tory: I don't know. I don't know.

Ross: I didn't want this to happen, but it did, and I take full responsibility for it. And I know that I've probably destroyed our wonderful friendship. For that and for any pain that you're feeling right now, I am deeply sorry.

Blake: Well, this is a surprise.

Lorelei: Sit down. Sit down.

Naomi: Sis, it is so good that I found you.

Edmund: This is your sister?

Naomi: Nah. Might as well be, though, as close as we are. We met just a couple months ago...

Lorelei: Back in Chicago.

Naomi: And we were as close as this from day one. Just two gals looking for one big break. And a good time.

Edmund: How inspiring.

Naomi: Except Blondie here just up and left without even a see-ya.

Lorelei: Oh, and I'm so sorry, but you know, something came along and I just had to jump on it or I was going to miss out.

Naomi: So I was right. I saw a picture of this gal in the newspaper at some society wing ding. I thought it looked just like you, but her name was Beth something. Winston. Wardlow. I don't remember.

Edmund: Good lord, not another one.

Naomi: So I was just... Got myself wondering as to how Lorelei impersonating this Beth lady, and there was some kind of a scam.

Lorelei: Oh, honey, is it ever. See, Beth was this fella's wife, only she died, and, oh, (snorts) Eddie's feeling lonely over here. Naomi, say hello to Eddie. Eddie, this is Naomi.

Edmund: Hello.

Naomi: Any friend of Lorelei's...

Edmund: Her name is Beth now.

Lorelei: Oh, and he's right there. See, Eddie and I got it all worked out that I'm going to divorce Eddie, then I'm going to marry this other guy that Beth was married to before, a real rich sweetie pie...

Naomi: And then you divorce him.

Lorelei: ...And get zillions of dollars, and divvy up the loot with Eddie.

Naomi: I love it. I love it. Man, this makes me hungry, thinking about all that money. So what's with this place. Don't they have table service?

Edmund: Food. No wonder you're friends.

Naomi: I have a hankering for pie. I'm going to try to rustle myself up some.

Edmund: Get rid of her now. I don't care what it takes, pack her on back to Chicago as fast as you can.

Lorelei: Why?

Edmund: Why? Isn't it obvious?

Lorelei: If it were, I wouldn't be asking now, would I?

Edmund: She wants in on the deal, which you were a complete idiot to tell her about in the first place. What other reason would she have to come to Springfield?

Lorelei: We're friends.

Edmund: Yes, well friends like that can't be trusted. She's liable to destroy our entire plan.

Naomi: Yes, it does. Wow, look at that.

(Phone rings)

Buzz: Company.

Phillip: Buzz?

Buzz: No, that's just what my friends call me.

Phillip: Great. Listen, I'm glad I caught you. I... Have you got a minute?

Buzz: I run a restaurant; of course I don't have a minute.

Phillip: All right, look, I'll make this fast. I've just got a couple questions about Edmund.

Buzz: Well, Phillip, don't we all?

Phillip: Listen, I know that you saw him when he was in Chicago.

Buzz: If you're really looking to poke into the piano prince's business here, why don't you ask him yourself. He's here with Beth.

Phillip: With Beth?

Buzz: You mean the pretty lady you were married to before you screwed up my daughter's life.

Phillip: Thank you, Buzz. Thank you for reminding me.

Buzz: Just want to help.

Phillip: You know what? Actually you may have. I'll be right there. Thank you. Yeah.

Lorelei: You don't know that gal at all, but that don't matter to you, no, no, no. You're just ready to peg her as a lady leech.

Edmund: For good reason. Her eyes lit up when you let on the subject of Phillip's money.

Lorelei: Maybe she was impressed.

Edmund: And maybe she saw dollar signs in her future.

Lorelei: You know what your problem is? You think everyone's as scheming and shifty as you are, but they're not.

Edmund: You are. And if you and your sis are like this, it stands to reason she's every bit as opportunistic as you.

Phillip: Hey. I... thought you were going out for a drive to clear your head. What are you doing here?

Lorelei: Well, I was, but I got hungry so I thought I would come here and get a bite to eat. And Edmund was here to ruin my appetite.

Phillip: He just always seems to be around, doesn't he? Divorce, no divorce, doesn't seem to matter. Why is that, Edmund?

Naomi: Hey, you two, they make a wicked good banana cream pie here. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?

Richard: You mind if I ask you something?

Alonzo: Shoot.

Richard: Do you believe in fate. Fate? You know, that the cards were essentially dealt to us before we even reach the table.

Alonzo: Well, this is funny-- Cassie and I had the same conversation when we were on the island. Is this some kind of favorite Winslow subject?

Richard: I suppose it is. Or at least it ought to be.

Alonzo: What's bothering you, Richard? Something's going on you're not telling me.

Richard: Why do you say that?

Alonzo: Because people just don't get into deep, philosophical conversations for the hell of it. So, come on, why don't you tell me what's bothering you?

Cassie: Camille, I didn't know that you were in here.

Camille: He's sleeping. I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind. He was crying and the nanny said it would be okay to hold him. But, here, it's your turn now. You're the mom.

Cassie: Thank you.

Camille: I just wanted to say good-bye to him before I left.

Cassie: I don't mind.

Camille: He's going to be like a different kid when I get back in a year. Bigger, walking, probably talking. He’s going to have such a good life. Thanks to you. And it's good to know that he'll have a palace to grow up in that he can always call his own, no matter what.

Cassie: Well, you know, Richard and I, we're not going to live here forever. When his term's up, we'll have to find another place to live and the next president will move in.

Camille: Yeah. Right. I just meant that he'll have whatever he needs.

Cassie: Of course he will.

Blake: The last thing in the world I expected to find was the two of you together here.

Ross: I couldn't sleep. One too many espressos, I guess. I came down for a nightcap.

Blake: And here was Tory.

Ross: Yes, she showed up, and we just started talking.

Tory: Right, about a case.

Blake: About what case?

Tory: Liebowitz.

Ross: Murphy.

Naomi: Hell, why wait for an intro? I'm Naomi Nichols, and you're Phillip Spaulding.

Phillip: Have we met?

Naomi: No, but I've seen you many times in the newspaper. And I have to tell you, you are much better in 3-d.

Phillip: Well, thank you. That's very kind of you. So how do you know Beth?

Lorelei: Uh, she's...

Naomi: I just met her just now, to tell you the truth. My old friend Edmund here introduced us. We go way back.

Phillip: Oh, you do? Oh. Interesting. So, on San Cristobel?

Naomi: That's right. San Cristobel. Mm-hmm.

Phillip: How about that?

Naomi: Well, anyway, I would just love to yak it up with you all, but it's late and Edmund promised me a ride back to the hotel, so...

Edmund: Right! That's right.

Phillip: Well, listen, it's been a pleasure. Are you going to be staying in town long?

Naomi: Maybe so. Seems like there's a lot to do here. Excuse me. Let's do it. It was nice to meet you. And nice meeting you, too, of course.

Phillip: Right.

Edmund: Good night.

Phillip: Well, Edmund sure can pick them, can't he?

Lorelei: What do you mean?

Phillip: His friends. God, they're... They're... They're all losers or morons or sadists, or... Well, and those are just the good ones.

Lorelei: I thought that she was... She was kind of fun. I mean, you know, especially for Edmund.

Phillip: Okay. Are you ready to go home?

Lorelei: Uh, yeah. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Phillip, I'm sorry that I took so long. I really did just have to clear my head.

Phillip: Oh, Beth, that's okay. You don't have to apologize to me. You've been through a lot. Let's go home.

Lorelei: Okay.

Camille: I should really go. Alonzo and I leave just after first light in the morning, so I've got to get packed.

Cassie: Your long trip sounds like the chance of a lifetime.

Camille: Yeah, well, it's planned for a year, but who knows? We may be back sooner.

Cassie: Why? I mean, don't you have, like, a whole thing scheduled?

Camille: Yeah, well, there's a schedule, but schedules can change. A lot of things can. Take care.

Richard: It's just... You'll have to excuse me, I do tend to get, you know, philosophical, especially when it's late at night. I'm tired. Nothing that a good night's rest won't cure, and that'll shut me up, don't worry. And hey, speaking of which, you probably need to get some rest yourself, Captain.

Alonzo: You're right. Tomorrow's a big day.

Richard: Yes, it certainly is, for both you and Camille.

Alonzo: Are you coming in?

Richard: No, I still have more to sort out, actually.

Alonzo: You know what? They couldn't pay me enough to take your job. Good night.

Richard: Good night.

Tory: The case is "Murphy vs. Leibowitz" and I think the issues are quite clear.

Ross: Many are... Many are rather complex. Some you could even call bewildering.

Blake: Do you think the law can wait until the morning? Because I have a suite downstairs that's burning a hole in my credit card. So if you don't mind.

Tory: Of course not.

Ross: We'll speak tomorrow.

Waiter: I would have lost that bet.

Tory: Excuse me?

Waiter: Before the redhead showed up I would have sworn you and that guy were an item. I guessed wrong, though.

Tory: Yeah. You sure did.

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