Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/4/02 By Linda Blake: That's perfect, William. Maitre'd: You wanted dry white for your appetizer, California red to complement your main course. Blake: Thank you. That will be perfect. Maitre'd: My pleasure. Blake: Hello. Ross: Hello. I got your message about our dinner plans changing, but I didn't think it was going to be this... Blake: Extravagantly romantic? Extraordinarily sexy? Ross: Exactly. What's the occasion? Blake: Us. Can you think of a better reason to celebrate? Ross: No. No, I can't. But I have a funny feeling something else is going on here. Richard: I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. Camille: (Laughs) Oh, no, you heard me. You and I both know that Alonzo Baptiste is your half-brother and the true heir to the crown of San Cristobel. Now, if you didn't hear that, maybe you should have the royal doctor check your royal hearing. Richard: I think you're the one who needs a doctor. Camille: Oh, please. You recognize what he is. He's a threat to you. That's why you're sending him away, so we won't find out who he is and regain the crown. That would put you out of a job. Richard: You actually believe what you're saying, don't you? My God. Colonel Dax, please. Camille: (Laughs) Oh, great. No, bring him in. Because it was Dax who told me the truth about Alonzo. Reva: So, I guess the major thing that I learned from this... "Journey" was what Alan was up to, and I wish I could tell you more, but I really can't. Cassie: No, no, it's okay. It doesn't matter how it happened. I'm just so glad it did. Do you know that you single- handedly saved the harbor project from destruction? Reva: No. No, Josh was there with me when the last few pieces fell into place. Cassie: Well, I'm glad that he was. And if Alan would have succeeded, he would have destroyed Josh. I can't believe the lengths that he will go to, to ruin him. Reva: You know something? The animosity between the Spaulding's and the Lewis's has been going on for a very long time. But the person who surprised me was Olivia. She found out just how sick Alan's plot really was. She stood up and she helped us stop him. Cassie: Well, you know her better than I do, but I've got to tell you, I don't buy it. I mean, there has to be some kind of selfish motivation behind that. Reva: No, I don't think so, not this time. We trusted her, she came through and it was pretty amazing. Cassie: What's amazing is that you are here in San Cristobel with me. And it looks like you and Josh may be getting back together? Olivia: You know, if you think that I helped you and Reva stop Alan to impress you, you're way off base. Josh: You don't have to tell me why you did it. Olivia: I want to. I want you to understand. I did it for my own personal reasons. Josh: Okay, I understand. Olivia: I'm not sure you do. I... I didn't do it because I want you back. You believe that I still dream of having a future with you. Maybe there's some truth to that, but that's not why I did it. I did it because I believed in this project from the beginning. It's a part of me. It's a part of my soul. And nothing or no one will destroy that, not even Alan Spaulding. Josh: The harbor project is something you should be very proud of. Olivia: We-- we-- should be proud of it, Josh. We... We built it together and we saved it together. Josh: You know, maybe something good did come out of all of this. We saved the harbor project. And we helped the people of San Cristobel. Maybe everything happened the way it did for a reason. Olivia: Yeah, sure, yeah, maybe... Maybe we came together in the end to save it... Because no matter what, us working together is better than us working apart. Josh: I don't think so. I'm going to be filing for divorce when I get home. It's time. Olivia: You're amazing. I... So many things about you-- a lot of good things, a lot of bad things-- but I just never took you for a hypocrite. Romeo: Well, you just couldn't stay away, could you? Tory: Now I'm confused. Aren't bartenders usually behind the bar? Romeo: Yeah, well, you know, I'm not your typical bartender. Okay, what can I get you? Tory: I would like a hot chocolate and to be left alone. Romeo: Hot chocolate? Come on, you want a hot chocolate, you would have gone to Company, but you came here, so that tells me that it's you who's hot and me you want. Tory: I'm really not in the mood. Romeo: Hey, is this some sort of game for you? I mean, you come in here with that little lost, innocent schoolgirl look, flirting with me, and then the second I try to reach out to you, you cut me off. What's the deal? Tory: Okay, listen, that night that I came in here and we danced, and we almost... Romeo: Yeah, almost. Tory: I'm sorry. That never should have happened. Romeo: That's a start. Tory: Okay, give me a chance here. This isn't easy for me. Romeo: Okay, the floor's all yours. Tory: I was in a really bad place that night. And I needed a distraction and a little bit of comfort. And I came in here and you seemed perfect, but I used you and it was wrong, and I'm sorry. And I just wanted you to know that that's not really what I'm all about. Romeo: No. No, it's not, is it? Look, you got that real bad look on your face again, so if you need somebody to talk to... All right, listen: Tonight, I'm just a bartender-- your bartender. So you talk, I serve and listen, that's it. Deal? Tory: Deal. Romeo: You have a real pretty smile. You should use it more often. Tory: That's just the problem, though. It seems like whenever I get close to a little bit of happiness, it just gets me into trouble. Blake: Why do you think I always have an agenda, Ross? Ross: Sorry? Blake: Ross? Ross: I'm an attorney. I base my opinions on evidence. And I am trained never to accept anything at face value. This time, however, I hope I'm very, very wrong. Blake: This is what it is, a romantic dinner for two, the two being you and me. Please give me the benefit of the doubt. I'm innocent until proven guilty. Ross: Of course, yes, but you have to understand my hesitations considering how you've been acting lately. Blake: That's in the past. I've turned over a new leaf. I know that you haven't been happy with the way I've been behaving towards Tory. I feel badly about my suspicions. But I plan to make up for all the trouble that I've caused. To us. Besides, what was I supposed to think when I learned that she had a separation from her husband? Ross: Blake, the problem I have with all of this is that you indicted, tried, and convicted the poor girl on circumstantial evidence. Now, in the world that I work in every day, if you do that, you're the one who's committed the crime. Blake: I know I have. Ross: Pardon? Blake: I know I did. I let that librarian play me like a pinball machine. She told me exactly what I wanted to hear. I didn't question her and then I hung Tory out to dry. Ross: You know something, your apology to Tory the other night at the Bauer cabin, that was nothing short of extraordinary. It took a lot of courage to say those things, and I know you are that kind of person. Blake: Thank you. Ross: So to you, for finding your way through this. I am so proud of you. Blake: You're proud of me? Ross: Yes, I am. Blake: I think I need some proof, Counselor. And about dinner? May I suggest room service? Man does not live by bread alone. Rawley: I got something for you in the back. Don't leave. Alonzo: All right. Hey there. Cassie: Hey, sailor. Alonzo: What are you guys doing here? What, the gala, it's over already? Cassie: No. Don't tell anyone, but we wanted some sister bonding time. You remember my sister, Reva, right? Alonzo: Of course. Reva: Yes, we met, I believe at Cedars when Will was sick. You saved his life. Alonzo: It wasn't like that. I was just lucky to be able to help out. Cassie: It was exactly like that. You saved his life. I don't know what we would have done without you. Richard: You're saying that Colonel Dax fed you this story? Camille: That's exactly what I'm saying. Richard: You know, I don't know what to make of you. At first I thought you were just a confused, young woman, but now I'm beginning to believe that you are nothing but someone who's very malicious. Why are you doing this, Camille? Who put you up to this? It's Edmund, isn't it? Is it Edmund? And what do you hope to achieve by spreading these lies, threatening to take away our son? What, do you think you're going to topple this government? That's not going to happen, Camille. You're just going to get yourself put away. Camille: You can lock me up and throw away the key, but that's not going to change this from being the real deal. Richard: My half brother William is dead, God rest his soul. His grave is right here on the palace grounds. Everyone in the world knows that. Camille: Yeah, anyone can bury anything. Richard: That's enough! I've had enough of this, all right? You've gone too far! Now, I've tried to be compassionate and understanding. You've proven to be nothing but trouble for everyone, so I'm just going to give you one more chance and I suggest that you take it. I want you to leave, and the sooner... Camille, the sooner the better. Camille: I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to tell Alonzo the truth. He deserves to know and you know that's true. And if you don't like what I'm doing, you can blame it all on your precious Colonel Dax, because he's the one who told me the truth. Romeo: Go ahead, I'm listening. Tory: Okay, so I work for this lawyer, Ross Marler. Romeo: Yeah, he's the guy who got Danny Santos off the hook, right? Tory: Right. He's a wonderful lawyer and a wonderful guy. Romeo: So what's the problem? Tory: Okay, so working for Ross has been an incredible experience for me. And it was his wife, Blake, who got me the job, and she was a great friend to me. Romeo: "Was." Tory: Yeah, well, it turns out that she's very jealous of me. Romeo: What girl wouldn't be? Tory: Thank you. You're very sweet, but it's not that. It's more than that. She has recently accused me of lying about my past. Romeo: Have you? Tory: No, I haven't. Romeo: So, then, what's the problem? Tory: Because she is completely convinced that I am trying to seduce her husband. Romeo: Ah, and? Are you? Tory: No, absolutely not. No, I do research for him. I straighten out his paperwork. I file depositions for him and... And you know what? Yes, I do want to be indispensable to him but... Romeo: But, but, but what? Tory: Not in the way that she thinks. She, Blake, came up to the cabin where I was staying and Ross was there. Romeo: Ross was there? In the cabin? Tory: Yes, but not in the way your twisted little mind is thinking. There was nothing going on. Romeo: Between the two of you alone in the cabin? Tory: No. Romeo: Go figure. Tory: Okay, look, anyway, the point is, is that Blake drove up to the cabin, drove through a snowstorm to apologize to me in front of Ross-- this really incredibly wonderful, sincere apology-- and I felt vindicated, and then relieved that I had her as a friend again. Romeo: All sounds good to me. So then what exactly is your problem? Tory: Because the minute that Ross left to go get the car, she turned on me and let me have it, accusing me of trying to seduce her husband. And I just don't know what to do. I just want to convince her that it's not true, that I'm not trying to seduce him. Romeo: That's not going to happen. Tory: Why? Romeo: Because that night when he came in here and busted the two of us up... Tory: Yeah? Romeo: I saw the way that he looked at you. He's thinking about you. Believe me, he is. And that's why his wife's all ticked off. Blake: Oh, honey. Just relax. You've been so tense lately. Just let everything go. Don't think about anything but us. Tory: Don't think about anything but us. Blake: Right here. Tory: Right here. Right now let me help you to relax. That's it. Just relax. I promise everything will be wonderful. Josh: You had an affair. You committed adultery. Olivia: I know what I did. Josh: How am I supposed to forgive you for that? Olivia: (Crying) You... You might have made the same mistake if you were in my position, Josh. I was so desperate. Josh: I wouldn't have made the same mistake. Olivia: I still love you. Josh: If you really loved me, you would have figured out another way to deal with the harbor project without sleeping with my enemy. Olivia: And what about you? Josh: I loved you. Olivia: Did you? Did you really? Because the way I see it, I wasn't the only one committing adultery, Josh. You were, too, with a ghost from your past-- a living ghost that I could never compete with! Josh: Don't do that. Olivia: Why not? You're being honest. Quid pro quo, it's my turn. Every single time we made love, I would look into your eyes and just wonder-- wonder-- if you imagined it was Reva you were with and not me. Josh: That's ridiculous. Olivia: No, it's not. That's just it. It's not. I could never compete with her. I don't even know why I tried. (Sighs) Except that I believed you. I believed you when you told me you wanted a different kind of life than what you had with her; that you wanted to start over. I believed you. And I threw myself into giving you that life and all I did was push the two of you back together again. (Sighs) Just know this: I won't be there to fix things when it falls apart again. Dax: I phoned and you hung up. Is there some problem? Richard: Well, yes, I guess you could say that, Dax. There does appear to be a problem. Camille here would have us believe quite a remarkable story, and the story goes that Alonzo Baptiste is not just some fisherman who came in from the sea. No, Alonzo Baptiste-- and correct me if I'm wrong-- Alonzo Baptiste is, in actuality, none other than my half brother, Prince William, the true heir to the throne of San Cristobel. Dax: Richard... Richard: And the best part of the story, Colonel, is that Camille tells me that you're the one who told it to her. Dax: Richard, I have no idea what she's talking about. Camille: What?!? That's great. I knew that you bluebloods would stick together and lie for each other. You know what? That's not going to stop me from telling Alonzo everything I know. Dax: I will intercept her before this gets out of hand. Richard: Dax? Dax: Yes? Richard: What could possibly possess Camille to come up with such a preposterous story? And why would she think to blame you? Dax: I don't know. Maybe she's changed her mind about the baby. Or it could be political and she's come under the influence of... Richard: Of who? Edmund? Freeland? Dax: Richard, her allegations are absurd. I promise you I will find her and get to the bottom of it. Cassie: Saving Will's life is not something you should be embarrassed about. Alonzo: I'm not. I'm just a little uncomfortable with the way you tell it. Cassie: Truthfully? Alonzo: So what do you guys think of this place? They've changed it around a lot. Spiffed it up some. Cassie: A little. Alonzo: Yeah, it's not bad. Well, it's bad. How about a drink? Can I get you guys a drink? (Laughter) Reva: No, I'm fine, thanks. Cassie: I would like a white wine spritzer. Do you think they can make me one of those? Alonzo: (Snickers) Are you kidding me? I know they can make one of those here. Reva: You know, I feel like Josh should be here. I think I'm going to go back to the palace and see if I can find him. Cassie: Okay. Reva: You'll be fine, right? Cassie: Yes. Yeah, they're not going anywhere. Reva: Security guards. Great. Alonzo, I guess I'll be seeing you around the island. Alonzo: Yeah, around. Of course. Reva: Okay. Cassie: I'll see you. Reva: I'll see you. Alonzo: Here you go. Cassie: Thank you. Alonzo: Do you want to sit? Cassie: Sure. Alonzo: Must be nice to have family around. Someone here to look after you. Cassie: It is, and friends, too. Alonzo: Friends, yeah. Friends are here today and gone tomorrow. Family, though, they're in it for the long haul. Cassie: Not all family. And there are some friends that are in it for the long haul. Like you and I, we're going to be friends forever, right? Rawley: Here it is, you take it. Alonzo: No. Rawley: Take it! Alonzo: Rawley, I... I'm not taking this, Rawley. Your dad gave it to you before he died. I'm not going to take that from you. Rawley: He wanted me to go around the world with it. But it didn't work out. You take it, take it with you for your trip with Camille. At least my dad will get half his wish. It will go around the world. Alonzo: Thanks. Tory: I am his assistant, his student, and yes, his friend, but that's all, that's it, that is what he thinks of me. Romeo: I see a lot of people in my line of work, and I've got to make a lot of decisions on just one look. And let me be the first to tell you, this guy is thinking about you. He's nuts for you. That night that he walked in here, I thought the two of you were already... Tory: What are you talking about? Nothing... Nothing has ever happened between the two of us. Romeo: Take it easy. It's not so bad. He's a good-looking guy. Tory: Oh, my God, no. This is the last thing I wanted. I did not come to Springfield to break up a marriage. Romeo: Nobody does but these things happen. Tory: No, not this time. I have to put myself through school. I needed his support, but that's it. Oh, my God, how did I give him the wrong impression? Romeo: Just by being you. Tory: I have to clear this up. I have to... I have to go talk to him. I have... No wonder Blake is so upset... Romeo: Whoa, whoa, hold on... Tory: I'll just talk to him and I'll clarify our relationship, and I'll straighten everything out. I can't hold on. Listen, Romeo, thank you. Thank you for talking to me, for listening to me, but I have to go before anything... Romeo: Before what? You've got this guy on a hook. There's nothing to clarify. You and me, we're the same type of person on the inside. We... We get what we want by making ourselves indispensable. We're operators. We work the system. We work people. You go to Marler with this and, mark my words, it will blow up right in your face. Blake: Oh, that was incredible. It was like you were possessed. I wish every night could be like this. Oh. I'm so sorry that I doubted you and Tory. Every day, in every way, you just show me how much you love me. And I return that love with jealously and mistrust. I'll never doubt your love again. Alonzo: Rawley, thanks for this, man. It means a lot to me. Would you mind giving us a second? Rawley: Yeah, sure, no problem. Alonzo: Thanks. Cassie, I'm sorry, I was going to tell you... Cassie: What's going on? Alonzo: I took a job. I'm going around the world and I'm taking Camille with me. Cassie: So when were you going to tell us? Were you going to sneak out in the middle of the night and kind of send us a postcard from wherever? Alonzo: I'm leaving in the morning. I wasn't planning on sneaking out. Look, we just didn't want to upset you. Cassie: We? Alonzo: Yeah, Richard and I. We came to this decision together. I thought he was going to explain this to you. Cassie: Richard? Alonzo: Yeah, I'm taking the presidential yacht around the world and I'm taking Camille with me. We're going to publicize San Cristobel. Look, we thought this was the best way to stop Camille from pursuing a custody battle over Will. Cassie: Wow, you guys have been quite the planners, haven't you? Alonzo: This is all for the best. Cassie: Don't tell me that, please. Alonzo: All we want is for you to be happy. That's all this is about. And would you stop just worrying about me... Cassie: What do you mean, stop worrying about you? What about your future, Alonzo, with Camille? It's not like you love her. Alonzo: I'll be all right. Look, Camille and I, we... We've worked a lot of things out. Cassie: Yeah, you keep saying that, Alonzo. You're sacrificing your future to protect Richard and me. Alonzo: Will you please just wake up? Would you wake up? There is going to be a custody battle over Will, and you stand a really good chance of losing him. Cassie: So you... You and Richard decided that you're just going to protect Cassie from getting her feelings hurt, so you're going to go behind my back and come up with this solution on your own? I thought I knew you better than that. And Richard. This is not over, not by a long shot. Reva: Hey. Are you all right? Josh: (Sighs) How could I have been so stupid? I knew what was happening, you know? Deep down inside, I had a pretty good idea what those two were up to. I was just in denial. Because I couldn't accept another failed relationship. Reva: Well, if I can do it, you can do it, too. Josh: Thank you. Reva: "Thank you"? Josh: Yeah. Reva: For what? Josh: I needed somebody to open my eyes for me and you did that. You are a real eye-opener. Reva: Well, that's not always a good quality. Josh: You know, when we're together and things are bad, they are very bad. But when things are good, it's extraordinary. Somehow, I thought with Olivia, my life would be more balanced. I was wrong. Dax: Not smart, Camille. Camille: It's only you... Dax: You shouldn't have told Richard the truth about Alonzo. Camille: You told me to be patient. I have been patient. I have waited and waited and I am no closer to being a princess than I was the day that I landed on this island. Dax: Well, I could have helped you, but now... Camille: Look, you know, I didn't mean to tell him. I just kind of blurted it out. Dax: The innocent ingénue pose is wasted on me. (Chuckles) I know too much about you. Camille: You know, I'm glad that Richard knows now. Maybe it will speed up the pace of him resigning. Dax: Shh... Camille: Then we can put Alonzo on his rightful throne, with me right next to him. Dax: Have you made any mention of Alonzo's birthright directly to him? Camille: And if I have? Dax: Has he, at any time, indicated to you that he'd like to be a prince? Camille: Who wouldn't want to be a prince? Dax: Think, Camille. You go in there and tell the truth-- what's he going to do? Nothing. You still won't be any closer to being a princess. Camille: Well, what am I supposed to do? We're shipping out tomorrow! Dax: No, no, no, no, no. Many things can happen before then. I counsel patience. Camille: Patience? No, not again. Dax: Shh... You must allow me to handle things in the proper way-- and at the proper time. Richard: (Grunting) Stones... Stones! Reva: You are a good, decent man, Joshua. You trusted Olivia but that doesn't mean you can't keep trusting people. Josh: Well, look at where all that decency and trust got me. Reva: You trusted me, and it got you all the way to Paris. Josh: And back. Reva: (Laughs) Luckily. Josh: You know the worst part about that whole trip? We can't tell anybody about it. We can't tell anybody we were there. I mean, we were in Paris during the liberation from the Nazi’s. (Laughs) Reva: You mean you can't... We can't tell them without being committed. Josh: I just wish I'd brought back a souvenir or something. Reva: You know, I said that very same thing when I got back from New Orleans, and when I got back from England. But it's different this time. We got lucky. I was in the palace library and I found this book. Look. (Laughs) Look at that. Josh: Is that us? Reva: (Laughs) Yes. That is us. We were there. And it's been proven in history. Josh: Do you think history can repeat itself? Because, you see, I do. Come here. Come here. Alonzo: Hey. Camille: Hi. Alonzo: You found me. Camille: Yeah, it wasn't too hard. Alonzo: Yeah, I guess I'm a creature of habit. So listen, about our trip tomorrow, you ready? You packed? Camille: Uh, no. But it will take me all of five minutes to shove all of my stuff into a bag. Alonzo: Okay, well, we have that in common. I guess people like us don't carry much baggage. Camille: No, we don't. Alonzo: Okay. Tomorrow we leave, first light, right? Camille: First light. I'll be there. Cassie: When were you going to tell me? When were you going to tell me about Alonzo? Richard: How'd you find out? Cassie: I just saw him. He told me he was leaving on your orders. What else? What else have you been keeping from me? Maitre'd: Mr. Marler, I didn't expect to see you back tonight. Ross: Neither did I, William. I'll have a scotch, no ice. Maitre'd: Very good, sir. Ross: God, what's happening to me? |