Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/3/02 By Linda Richard: You're not dressed. Alonzo: I'm not going. Richard: Cassie will expect you to be there. Alonzo: I can't go tonight and look her in the eye, knowing that I'm lying to her. I'm sorry, Richard, I can't go. Richard: I know you're having second thoughts. Just keep in mind that we both want Cassie's happiness. And if Camille stays here, there's a very good chance she's going to try to take Will away from us. Alonzo: That's why I'm willing to take Camille and leave for awhile. Richard: Good. All right, here's the plan: You and Camille will leave tomorrow morning on the presidential yacht for a year-long trip promoting tourism in San Cristobel. You'll be on the open sea, drawing a very generous salary, I might add, and traveling from port to port, singing San Cristobel's praises. Alonzo: A year, huh? Starting tomorrow? Richard: The sooner the better, I should think. And I just want you to know I'm extremely grateful you're doing this. Alonzo: I hope Cassie doesn't end up hating me for just sailing off like this. Richard: Yes, well, I will take care of Cassie. She understands, as I do, that the sea is your first love. You shouldn't be worrying about Cassie. She'll understand, trust me. Cassie: Well, this can't be good. What are you guys cooking up? And what am I supposed to understand. Richard: Well, whatever it was flew out the window. Darling, you're absolutely beautiful. Alonzo: Actually, we were just talking about business. Richard: Right. Tourism, and how important it is to San Cristobel. I was just telling Alonzo how you have also come to understand the importance of making decisions with the good of San Cristobel in mind. Cassie: Of course. And I learned that from you. Ben: Special delivery for Marah Lewis. Marah: Ben, oh, my gosh, what is all this stuff? Ben: Supplies. This is all the stuff you're going to need for our ski trip. Marah: You got all this stuff for me? Ben: Come on. It's not like you already have this stuff. You told me you don't ski, right? So you are going to need a few things. Marah: A few things? Ben: A few things in cashmere, a few things in Irish wool. Marah: Ben, you are so taking all of this back. Ben: Hey. As a trust-fund baby, I have a duty to shop. And I can't think of anybody I'd rather shop for than you. Marah: No, no, no, no, no. Ben: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Marah: God, you're impossible. Ben: Now look, I had to guess on some of the colors, but you know, I figured nothing would be able to compete with your eyes anyway. So I just picked what I thought was pretty. I hope you like it. Marah: Ben, we're going away for a weekend. This is enough stuff for... Ben: I just wanted to make sure you'd wow everybody at the lodge. Marah: I will keep one sweater. One. Ben: One sweater. One sweater, okay? Do I hear two? I think I hear two here. Marah: Ben. Ben: Wait, I got three. Want to keep three? Marah: God, you're going to spoil me rotten, you know that? Ben: That is the idea. Josh: Wait a minute. Are you sure we're not making a mistake by trusting Olivia. Reva: Well, think about it, Joshua. Olivia stands to lose everything if Alan succeeds in destroying the harbor front. Josh: We don't know that's what he's planning to do. Reva: Well, he's planning on doing something, we know that. We know he's hell bent on revenge. Olivia may be the only one we can... Who can get the truth out of Alan. Josh: Well, if anybody can do it, I guess she can, huh? But still, I just... Reva: I know. I know how difficult this must be for you. But the most important thing right now that we have to do is stop Alan, no matter what it takes. Olivia: Oh, come on, Alan. We both know why you're really here. Alan: Do we? Olivia: You're here to celebrate the opening of the harbor project with me. You want to be right by my side when those fireworks start exploding. Alan: Like your marriage to Josh exploded. He's with Reva right now, isn't he? Olivia: This isn't about Josh. Alan: If you say so. Olivia: Well, I wanted to be with you tonight. Alan: Very touching. Very sweet, Olivia. It's nice to know that my money bought your gratitude. Olivia: This isn't about your money. Alan: You know what? A simple thank you on your way out would've been sufficient. Olivia: Why do you have to make this so hard? This isn't about your money! Just like me sharing your bed wasn't about your money. You don't get it, do you? What you do for me. Alan: No. Tell me, what do I do for you? Olivia: You let me be me. You don't stand in judgment of me. You take all of me in and you embrace it. You want all of me. And tonight I want you more than I've ever wanted anybody. This night is about us, okay? No one else. That's what I want. Isn't that what you want? Alan: I'll tell you what I want, Olivia. I want the truth. Tell me, what kind of fool do you take me for, Olivia? Olivia: I thought this is what you wanted. Alan: So you keep saying. But the past has shown every time you want something you come to me. Now what is it? Out with it. Olivia: Alan! Alan: You want some more money, you have a new project you want me to fund? Tell me the truth. Olivia: Josh and Reva are here with their lawyers. Alan: Ah... So Josh is planning on killing two birds with one stone. Very interesting. He's going to celebrate the harbor project and divorce you. Now, tell me, are you really surprised about that? Olivia: They're going to take it, Alan, everything. Alan: Take what? Olivia: They brought their lawyers in to get their final revenge on me! Alan: What are they planning? Olivia: They are going to take the harbor project away from me. They are going to take it away, and I won't have anything. And there is nothing that I can do about it. Richard: Well, I guess it was all worth it, huh? The late nights, the endless meetings... Cassie: I am so proud of you guys. But shouldn't you go get changed? It's supposed to be a black tie affair. Alonzo: I'm not going. Cassie: What do you mean you're not going? This is a party for you, too. Alonzo: I'm sorry, it's just not my speed. Cassie: What? Richard, would you talk to him? We could have a tuxedo ready for you in five minutes flat. Richard: You're welcome to join us. Cassie: Yes. You're a major reason we're having this celebration, Alonzo. Alonzo: Why don't you just tell me all about it when you get back, how's that? Besides, I got things I've got to do before tomorrow. Cassie: What? The waterway project? That can't wait one more day? Richard: Alonzo takes his responsibilities very seriously, darling. Alonzo: You two go ahead. Have a great time. Cassie: Okay. Have a good night. Alonzo: Cassie. Cassie: Yes? Alonzo: Have a great time. You deserve it. Cassie: Thank you. What is up with him? Richard: I just think, you know, that these fancy parties make him feel uncomfortable. Cassie: That's a shame. Because tonight is a night to celebrate. All of our dreams are coming true. Not just for us or San Cristobel and our family. And I am so lucky because I get to spend this evening with the most wonderful man in the world. Tony: All right. I've got a new priority for you. Ben Reade. Romeo: Oh, yeah. You mean that rich, fancy boy who's dating your girl. Tony: They're going away for the weekend. Some stupid, college ski trip, but I don't trust this guy. Romeo: Probably going to try to use the weekend to get more "acquainted." Tony: Watch it. Look, I just want you to keep an eye on him. He doesn't make a move without you knowing about it, you got me. Romeo: I got you. You know, it's a good thing you don't care about this Marah girl anymore. Tony: You tell me what he's up to. And I'll tell you if it matters to me. Maria: Mijita, that's no way to treat coffee. Is there any left? Catalina: Yes. Maria: I'll have a cup, if it's not too much trouble. Sit. You don't have too much business today, huh? Catalina: No. We're not that busy tonight. I mean, Tony and I were supposed to see a movie, but that didn't work out. Maria: In business those things happen. He'll make it up to you. But be a little angry with him, hmm? Men like that. Catalina: I have a hard time being angry with Tony. Maria: But you have such a pretty smile. ( Chuckles) Life is good for you. You have college and Tony. He loves you, you know. He does. You and only you. He's forgotten about la gringita. Catalina: No. No, he hasn't. I know that Tony still loves Marah in a way that he can't love me. Tony will always love Marah. Olivia: Look, I know I haven't exactly been... I need you. I need you to be a friend to me. I have no one. Nothing. And you are the only person who really knows who I am. Alan: Olivia, look, I... Olivia: I need you more than I have ever needed anyone. I can't believe they're doing this to me. They're destroying my life! And I have been such a fool! (Crying) I'm sorry. Thank you. No, for listening to me. We always play this cat and mouse game, but tonight I actually feel like it's just you and me. Look, thank you for letting me be vulnerable, not holding it against me. You've been a real friend. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go put on a fresh face. Alan: You are planning on going to the ceremony, aren't you? Olivia: With my head held high. It's what you would do, right? I just can't fight Josh and Reva anymore, okay? They've won. Alan: Maybe you can't fight them, Olivia, but I can. They're not going to get away with this. They're not going to do this to you. Olivia: Alan, there's nothing you can do. Alan: Don't you dare underestimate me, because I can send their world crashing down around them tonight. Richard: Will the First Lady do me the great honor? I really want to remember this moment, this time, because we really do have everything we could have ever hoped for. Cassie: You know, we have had some good times, but this... This is the best. Richard: San Cristobel has finally recovered from the earthquake. The citizens are going to benefit immensely from this harbor project. Cassie: And our family is healthy and happy. And Josh and Reva might be getting back together. Richard: I must admit good fortune is shining down upon all of us. Cassie: And baby Will, you know, he makes everything just perfect. Richard: Our son, Cassie. Our son. I know how much he means to you, and how much happiness he's brought into our lives. And I just want to tell you something, I am doing everything... Everything in my power to preserve that now and forever. What's this? What's this? I'm sorry. Cassie: I just can't imagine my life without him. I'm sorry, there have just been so many times that our happiness has been snatched away. And so many times that I thought my heart was going to break. And in this moment, things were better than I ever could have imagined. Richard: I have something here for you. And this is to commemorate this moment and this time. Camille: "Princess Camille." "Her highness." "Princess Camille." Alonzo: Hey. Camille: Ah! Alonzo. Hi. Alonzo: Hi. I am so glad to see that you haven't changed. Rawley, on the other hand, nice outfit. Still tell me they still serve beer, because I would like a beer. Rawley: Well, we put little umbrellas in them now. Alonzo: Bring it with an umbrella, you're going to wear it. Camille: Doesn't this place look great? It's really refined. Alonzo: Let's just say it looks different. Camille: Well, it's all part of the harbor project. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be at the celebration? Alonzo: Thanks, but no thanks. Camille: But you have duties now. You have very important friends that want to party with you. Alonzo: I'm here with a friend. And besides, there's something I need to ask you. Rawley: There you go. Camille: Okay. Alonzo: Thanks, Rawley. Listen. Camille: Uh-huh. Thanks. Go ahead. Alonzo: I have a chance to do something very special. Camille: Yes? Alonzo: It's really an opportunity of a lifetime, a dream job. I'm going to be sailing the presidential yacht around the world for the next year, promoting tourism here at San Cristobel. And I'd like for you to go with me. Camille: What? Alonzo: Yeah. Yeah. Camille, it would be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other. What? What? What is it? I thought you wanted us to be together. Camille: I do. Alonzo: Great. So what do you say? Camille: You belong here in San Cristobel. Alonzo: What does it matter where we are? Camille: You mean a lot to people here. I know that you do. You're a very important part of San Cristobel. Alonzo: I think you have me confused with Richard. Who's going to care if I'm here or not. Camille: Stop it. Stop it. You have a very big future here. Right here on this island. Alan: I will bring Josh and Reva to their knees. And I will do it tonight. Olivia: How? Alan: By destroying the harbor project. I will simply sink it. Olivia: Alan, even if you wanted to do something like that, you have to plan it. Alan: All I have to do is make one phone call to put the operation into motion. The breakwater will be destroyed and this harbor project will be nothing but a memory. Olivia: You were planning this all along. You would do that to me. Alan: I wanted you to see that you belong to me. You need me as much as I need you. But you see, everything worked out perfectly. We are together, and together we will destroy Josh and Reva. One phone call and this harbor project will be at the bottom of the ocean. We'll be together to see the expression on their face. Olivia, would you like to make that phone call? Olivia: No thanks. I've got my own phone. Did you hear that? Reva: Loud and clear. Olivia: I had my phone on the entire time, Alan. Josh: That's right, Alan. We heard the whole thing. Maria: He loves Marah only if you let him. The men in the Santos family have a habit of picking the wrong women. Miguel chose Carmen, who was the ultimate mistake. And Danny chose Michelle, who is a nice girl, but she'll always be afraid of who he really is, you know. The same is true of this Marah Lewis. She'll bring much unhappiness to him. Because he will change what he is for her. Catalina: How about your late husband? What kind of choice did he make? Maria: My difunto? He chose a partner who loved him and worked side by side with him. That is what I want for Tony. Catalina: Maria, there's just nothing else that I can do. Tony's heart will always belong to Marah. Maria: Enough. You're the woman for Tony, huh? Now, are you willing to fight for him? Hmm? Shayne: Hi, sis. Marah: Hey, Shayne. This is Ben. Ben Reade. You remember Bill and Ben always hanging out together when we were little? Shayne: Oh, yeah, yeah. Man, what brings you here. Ben: Hey, Shayne. How's it going, man? Shayne: Yeah, it's been a long time. Ben: Yeah, yeah. You were still on a tricycle back then. Shayne: So what are you guys doing here? Marah: Don't you have some sort of life-threatening sport to go practice right now? Shayne: No. I got no plans, I thought I'd just stay here for a while, hang out with you guys. Get to know Benjamin better. Marah: Shayne, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute? Shayne: What's with all the ski stuff? Ben: Oh, Marah and I are going on a ski trip. College ski trip. Shayne: Oh, cool. At least there's some explanation why you're dressed like a ski bunny. Ben: Actually, I was just giving her a little lesson. We don't want her to have any accidents. Marah: Right. Because you know most accidents, they happen in the home. Shayne: Oh, yeah. Especially when you have an older sister. I'll see you guys later. It's good to see that Marah's giving you some good ski lessons. Ben: No, no. Actually, I was giving her lessons. Shayne: Yeah, right. With all those ski trophies, I don't think so. Later, Ben. Ben: You lied to me. Marah: Yeah, I did. Look. In the beginning, I was afraid to go away alone with you, so I thought if I just told you that I couldn't ski you would just kind of let it go. Ben: But I didn't. Marah: No. No, you didn't. Then I just had to keep going with the lie. I'm so sorry. Ben: No, don't be. Okay. I understand. Marah: So does this mean I can get more lessons? Ben: You can get anything you want. And you know it, too. Marah: I know that's how you make me feel. Alan: You set me up. Olivia: You were willing to cut me off at the knees. Destroy the one dream I still had left. You know how much this project means to me! Alan: And I would've been there, Olivia, to help you. Josh: Call it off. Alan: What are you talking about, Josh? Josh: The flooding of the harbor. Alan: Let's see, what do we have here? Two disgruntled former business associates, a vindictive ex- wife. My word against yours. Your threats are meaningless, they mean nothing. Reva: How about these? You should read these. Olivia: Who is Brandon Spaulding? Josh: Alan's father. Reva: I wonder how many people would be interested in knowing that the father of the great Alan Spaulding was a war profiteer in bed with the Nazis. You think that's something Spaulding Enterprises could recover from? I don't. Make the call, Alan. Call off your henchmen and tell them to stop the flood. It's over. Ben: We're going to have so much fun on this ski trip, okay? Marah: I know. I just wish we didn't have to go and pack. How many kids are going? Ben: A few dozen, I think. Marah: There goes our privacy. Ben: Yeah, I know how you feel. Friends are great and all, but... Hey. Hey, I just remembered, don't the Bauer's have a cabin up there? Marah: Actually, you can ski to it from Mount Catamount. Ben: God, I haven't been to that cabin in years. I used to go there all the time when I was a little kid. What's it like now? Have you been there? Marah: Not in a while. Hey. You know what? Why don't we take one afternoon and go there and spend it alone together. I'll ask Michelle for the keys. Ben: You think we can? Marah: Yeah, why not? Ben: Yeah. Yeah. Why not? Maria: You are Tony's future. Catalina: Do you really believe this? Maria: I know this. Now, answer once and for all: Do you want Tony? Catalina: More than anything. You know how much I love him. Maria: Are you willing to do whatever it takes for your future together? Hmm? Catalina: Yeah. Yes. I am. Maria: Good. Good. Catalina: Whatever it takes. Romeo: Hey, is that what you were talking about before? The place where your not-girlfriend is going. Tony: Yeah. This is it. Romeo: All right. Well, I'll call you from there, okay? Tony: Hold up. You may need some help. Alonzo: What are you talking about? Camille: You always think less of yourself than you should. You're a man with a future, you really are. You're a prince among men, I mean, really. Everybody knows that. Alonzo: That's me. Prince Alonzo. Camille: Well, what's wrong with that? Alonzo: Well, if I'm Prince Alonzo, wouldn't that make you Princess Camille? Camille: Well, for your information, Cassie, who you are so gung-ho about, she wasn't born a princess. Alonzo: No. She married a prince, that's how it happens. Oh, come on. Can you really see us sitting on a couple of thrones trying to balance those crowns on our heads? We'd look ridiculous. Camille: No, we wouldn't. Alonzo: Yes, we would. Camille: No, we wouldn't! Alonzo: Camille, let's just go and create our own kingdom. You and me. Let's just take off, let's see the world. Camille: But why now? Alonzo: When your president asks you to do something, you just do it. Camille: Wait a minute. Richard asked you to do this? Alonzo: Yes. Camille: Well, then, I guess I'm going. Alonzo: Really? Really, that's great. That's great. You won't be sorry, okay? We're going to leave first thing in the morning, okay? Camille: Aye-aye, captain. Alan: These are nothing but forgeries. Josh: Actually, they're copies. The originals are hidden away where you will never find them. Alan: You do your worst, Josh, and I will do mine. Reva: Oh, I don't think you want to do that. You see I found out all kinds of things about the Spaulding family. Alan: Well, they're lies, Reva, all lies! Reva: Like how the Spaulding oil empire was founded on stolen money in New Orleans. How they made their profit off runaway slaves. Not to mention the fact that your father was cozy with the third Reich. That ought to make for one interesting, if not heated, board meeting. Alan: Reva, many an empire has been built on ill-gotten gains. This will be old news in a week. Reva: If I let it be. What do you think, Joshua? A documentary on the Spaulding family airing coast to coast? Olivia: Where are you getting your information? Reva: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Josh: I'm sure the state department will be interested. Alan: All right. I will call off the harbor flood if you will give me the original documents. Josh: Sorry, no deal, Alan. You'll call it off and I'll make sure that those documents-- the originals--- never see the light of day. You have my word. Alan: I have your word, Josh? Josh: Take it or leave it. Alan: Cancel the operation. No, all of it. Well, if there's nothing else to discuss. Josh: There is something else, Alan. You took my father's company away from me. I want to buy back Lewis Oil. Alan: Very well, Josh. You know, you've all made a terrible mistake. I encourage you to enjoy your momentary victory, because this war is far from over. Reva: We did it. Josh: Thanks to you. Reva: Thank you. I mean it. We never would've been able to bring Alan down if it hadn't been for your help. I'm going to go find Cassie. I'll be inside. Olivia: Well, you did it. You stopped the all-powerful Alan Spaulding, you and Reva. Josh: With your help. Olivia: You're the only man I know who could've gone hand-to-hand with him and won. Josh: I appreciate that. But with the documents that Reva found, I think anybody could've done it. Olivia: This was supposed to be the most wonderful night of my life. Josh: It still is. You got exactly what you wanted. Olivia: No. I wanted to share it with you. All I ever wanted was you. Tony: Hey. You know, I'm sorry about missing our movie date tonight. And I'm going to make it up to you. Catalina: Yeah, really? Tony: Yeah. Take a look at this. Me and you, mountains-- a romantic weekend for two. Catalina: Tony, I don't ski. Tony: That's no problem. We can make snowmen. Catalina: Isn't this the same ski trip that Marah and Ben are going on? Tony: Yeah. Whatever. I mean, we're going to have a lot more fun than they will. We're going to have our own lodge, just the two of us. Catalina: Just the two of us. Tony: Are you up for it? Catalina: Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want. Tony: Good. I'm going to buy you a whole new ski wardrobe, too. Catalina: No. No. You don't have to do that. Tony: I want to. Cat, you know, you mean a lot to me. I mean it. Now come on, you should get going. I want to get an early start for tomorrow. Let's go. Catalina: Okay. Tony: Want a ride? Catalina: No, no. I can take my own car. So why don't you go and make all the plans and see you in the morning. My birth control. I'm the right woman for you, Tony. And I'll do anything I can to make you see that. Ben: Hello? Oh, hey, man, what's up? Listen. Listen, listen. Tell the boys they're going to owe me a lot of money come Monday morning. Yeah. Marah and I are going away for the weekend. Cassie: Why don't we find Josh and Reva and go watch the fireworks down by the harbor? Come on. Richard: You know what? Go ahead, I'll catch up with you. A couple things I've got to take care of it. Cassie: Don't be long. Richard: I hope you understand, darling, it's the only way. Camille, hello. If you're looking for Alonzo, he's not here. Camille: No, I came to see you. Richard: Well, listen, can this wait until tomorrow? Camille: I'll be long gone by tomorrow, won't I, Mr. President. Richard: All right, you've got something to say, go on and say it. Camille: All right. I think you are a terrible man. I know what you're doing, and you won't get away with it. The people won't let you. Richard: I have no idea what you're talking about. If you don't change your tone, you can just leave. Camille: I'm sure that's what you want, for me to leave and to just take Alonzo with me, because he is your brother and the rightful heir to the throne. Because he is what you aren't, the real prince of San Cristobel. |