Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/2/02 Danny: I'm telling you, man, those wolves are on fire right now. That forward Carter is unstoppable and he's only a sophomore. Ray: Yup. Danny: We're totally going to win this year. You seen my keys? Ray: Hey, we're already winners, primo. Your legal troubles are over, and I get to enjoy a basketball game with my cousin. Danny: Amen. Michelle: And she spoils it. (Laughs) Sorry. I messed up the game. Danny: It's okay. You're too sexy for me to play with. I'm totally blocked. You sure you don't want to come to the game with us? Michelle: Nope. Nope. That's okay. Harley and I are going to stay here. We're going hold down the fort. We're going to scrub it clean. Danny: What? Harley: Changing diapers, slaving over a hot stove. Michelle: Yeah, yeah, that way when you guys come home all tired... Harley: You can have a nice hot meal. Danny: I've still have the extra ticket. Come on, it'll be fun. We'll drink some beer. We'll yell at the refs, go a little crazy. Michelle: Ooh, diaper changing just got a heckuva lot more exciting. Danny: No. Michelle: Mm-hmm. Danny: It did? Michelle: Mm-hmm. Danny: Okay. Your loss. Bye sweetie. Michelle: Bye. Michelle: Yeah, and we were just kidding about the cooking. Have fun. Danny: I know. Michelle: So, you up for a little girl talk? Harley: Huh? Oh, yeah. As long as it's little because I've got to tell you, sleep sounds a lot more appealing to me right now. Michelle: Oh, yes. I know how you feel. Harley: But you know what really, if anybody should complain it should be your brother because he works all those long hours at the hospital and then he comes home, and then he takes over Jude. He's amazing. Michelle: I'm so glad things are going well for you guys. Harley: They are. And it's so great to watch somebody go through that first time parenthood thing. Michelle: Do you remember? Harley: You know every time he does something little, his eyes just light right up. It's wonderful. Michelle: Well, he's waited for this for so long. Harley: I know. Michelle: So... You guys going to tie the knot anytime soon? Gus: So Petersen sent you, huh? He's a jerk. Informant: He said you'd pay for dirt on the Santos family. Gus: Oh, I might. Informant: How much? Gus: What you got? Informant: He said you'd pay decent. Gus: Zatunica? Next time if you bring me a whole sentence, you might get more. All right? Informant: It's a port in Peru. Lot of artifacts moving through. Gus: Is that right? Are they illegal ones? Get back to me. Claire: So are you going after my son-in-law again? Gus: Claire, it's always a pleasure. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Claire: You know what? I guess I don't, considering you tried to frame my daughter. I think it's my right to keep an eye on you. Gus: Well, why don't you take a picture, sweetie, because I ain't got time to waste with you. Claire: You don't give up do you? Stalking Michelle and Danny like this. You better watch out though. I can be just as ruthless as you are. Who was that creep? Your father confessor? Hmm? Gus: Yeah, that's who he was. Claire: That's what you need is a father confessor all right. Gus: Yeah. You're drunk. You're tanked. Because Carmen's mother of the year. I mean I understand, I don't blame you. That's got to hurt. Claire: If you think you're going to get to me, you won't. Gus: Oh, I think I am. I just don't think you realize it because you're too drunk. Claire: I am not drunk. Gus: No, that's okay. You're drunk. But I don't blame you. It's got to hurt. All your attempts were made in vain. Claire: You know, I could say the same about you. At least I was trying to do something productive though, I mean, trying to protect my daughter. Gus: Why are you harassing me? Claire: I'm not harassing you. You know, maybe I couldn't cut a great deal with the feds, but I'm not a murderer. Gus: Right. Well, I guess playing second fiddle to a first class killer has got to hurt. It's got to be painful. Reva: You know it's hard to believe that there was an earthquake here. Josh: Maybe the harbor project helped spur the economy. Reva: Yeah, I think so. I mean take the Rusty Anchor, that hole-in-the-wall place? Now serving cappuccino. You did good. Josh: Well, at least something was a success. Reva: Yeah, in order to keep it that way, I think we should find Richard and Cassie and fill them in on what Alan's plans are: To destroy the harbor fund. Josh: You do realize we don't have any facts, right? Reva: I still think we should tell them. Josh: But if we come off as just a couple of doomsayers what is that going to help? Reva: We'll do the leg work. Because my guess is that Alan's going to wait until the ceremony. I just hope we have our bases covered by then. Josh: I hope so too. When it comes to revenge, Alan doesn't waste any time. Let's go. Reva: They're good aren't they? Josh: Yeah. Alan: The operation must be timed to the second simultaneously with the fireworks display at the palace where the civilians are. Now I don't want any casualties. No collateral damage, do you understand? The only thing I want to destroy are the dreams of a few. That is the worst casualty of all. Olivia, what a surprise. Olivia: I could say the same. You hear that? That's the sound of people celebrating my success. Alan: Our success. Without me, this new harbor front and little party of yours would not exist. Olivia: According to your overblown ego. But in reality, your contribution was so minor, Alan, I'm wondering why you bothered to come. Alan: I'm not here to pursue you, if that's what you're implying. Olivia: Oh, no. You're just here for all those boring speeches. Alan: You know Olivia, there's a still a small part of me that thinks we belong together. But if you think I'm going to chase you to the end of the earth, you're wrong. Olivia: So instead, what, you're planning on waiting for me to come around, come running to you? Can you hang on till hell freezes over, Alan? Alan: Something tells me it's not going to take quite that long. Claire: I don't take a back seat to anyone, especially Carmen Santos. And if I'm in the doghouse with my daughter, we can thank you for that. Gus: Well, I didn't actually have to twist your arm to wear a wire, Claire. Claire: No, you told me that Michelle would go to jail. Gus: Oh, please. You did it for yourself, that's the reason you did it. Claire: If you think I enjoyed lying to my daughter and trying to set up my own son-in- law, you've got another thing coming. Gus: You? This has got to be the alcohol talking, okay? Because you had it in for Danny just as much as I did. Claire: Yeah? You're wrong. Gus: Am I? Claire: Yeah. Gus: And when I met you in the first place, you were about to have your licensed revoked for signing this fake death certificate for Carmen Santos. Claire: I did it to protect Michelle. Gus: Well the whole thing blew up in your face, didn't it. Backfired. Claire: I'm a very good doctor and the board understood that I was in a no-win situation. Gus: Translation: You had to beg and crawl for your career back. Claire: You know, I would do it again in a heartbeat to protect my daughter. Unlike you, a lonely man with nothing to fill his empty life. Gus: I got the pursuit of justice. Claire: That's pathetic. Grow a heart. Gus: I have a heart, Claire. Claire: Well, then why don't you use it? You know, I think you need a new obsession, like a woman. Gus: Oh, I need a new possession? Thanks a lot Claire. Thank you, thank you. Claire: You're welcome. For what? Gus: I think that I just figured out my New Year's resolution. Can I have the check please? Check. Harley: You know, Michelle, you hit me with one version or another of the marriage issue every time we are together. Michelle: Yeah, and you never answer. Harley: Because I got to tell you, it's not a priority for me. There's well, there's getting my son to sleep through the night, remember that? Michelle: But you guys are already living together. Just jump in, the water's fine. I mean, you're thinking about it, right? Harley: I have already popped the question, if you must know. Michelle: What? When? Harley: Yes. Right after Jude was born. But the more we thought it over we realized that the timing was all wrong. Michelle: I can't think of a better time. Harley: Well, you know, if it's meant to be. Michelle: Wait. If? Harley: You know. Michelle: No, I don't know. What's holding you back? Harley: Michelle, timing, timing is very important. Michelle: Mm-hmm. Harley: Okay. When I came back here, I found out that Rick was actually starting to have feelings for somebody else. Michelle: What? He never told me about this. Harley: He didn't. Well, then, you know what? I don't want to be the one to tell you this. Let him tell you. Michelle: No, no, no. You have to tell me who. You can tell me who she is. Right? Harley: I'm feeling like.. I can't be talking about him behind his back. Michelle: Oh, you're certainly acting like you're married. Harley: (Laughs) All right, I'll tell you this. He made it sound like it wasn't a once in a lifetime thing. Michelle: So just like more of a crush. Harley: Yeah, yeah, I guess. And he said that he was going to push his feelings aside for my sake and for Jude's. Michelle: Well, if he's willing to do that, I mean, then what would be stopping you then? You, too? Oh, Phillip. Harley: What? No. No, no. No way. It's not about that at all. I'm not going back there again. Michelle: Then who? Then who? Harley: I just have feelings for somebody else. It was somebody else, and it was total lapse of any sort of reason. And I'll tell you something, compared to your brother, the father of my child, there is no contest. Rick: Tincture of Cat's Claw, and drop of Mashua, say what, 10 cc's? Mel: Okay. Rick: And add that to the sangre de grado resin? Mel: Got it. Rick: Talk about finding a needle in a haystack. Mel: It was child's play. I mean, we knew Sam was bitten by an insect. Rick: Only because you caught it. Mel: Beginner's luck. And remember we were trying to gauge his response to our voices. Rick: Still if you hadn't been so observant, this, you know? Mel: Rick, it was an accident. Rick: Mel, stop being so modest. Mel: Well, I'll gloat when there's reason. Anyway, Sam mentioned the word Zatunica before he lost consciousness, and I just did an internet search and up that account of the Peruvian expedition. Rick: Right, where everybody got as sick as Sam did. Mel: Right. The symptoms were very similar. Rick: And you made the connection. Mel: With your help. Rick: And you came up with the recipe for the tonic that saved his life. Mel: You can thank the search engine for that. Rick: Look at this, this home remedy. What is this, 100 years old? Mel: Well, let's just pray that it works because nothing else has. Rick: I know. Sam seems to be getting progressively worse. Mel: Well, we have his sister's consent. So she has faith in this. Rick: Well, I have faith in you. Mel: You ready for the moment of truth? Olivia: Don't expect me to come running soon, Alan. I'm flying solo. Alan: Yes. Without a net. Olivia: Yes. So Josh has turned his back on me, but I still have this amazing project and after tomorrow, I will be fabulously wealthy. Alan: Do you think the money alone is going to sustain you? Olivia: Why not? It sustained you. And if I actually have time to feel lonely, I'll travel. I'll meet new friends. Alan: You got it all figured out, don't you? Olivia: But for now I'm by myself and that's plenty. Alan: Well, I guess congratulations are in order. Olivia: You guess? Alan: I have to admit, Olivia, you have turned this harbor project around and my hat is off to you. And so tonight when the fireworks fill the sky, I will raise my glass to you. Olivia: Well, welcome to the party. I didn't think you'd show. Reva: Well, this is one of the most profitable things Lewis ever sponsored. Olivia: Yes, well, it's been my project from a to z, so your presence here is a bit irrelevant. Josh: Olivia, I care very much about this project. Because of that, I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by while you and Alan destroy it out of spite. Gus: You know something? Are these your car keys? Are they? Claire: Yeah. Gus: Cause you're not driving tonight, Claire. Claire: Excuse me? Gus: No, you're not driving. You're not getting behind the wheel of a car. Not tonight. Claire: I don't think you can stand between me and my good time. Gus: No, I wouldn't dream of it. But you're not driving tonight. You could melt a breathalyzer. Claire: I can handle it. I can handle anything. Gus: No, I'm sure you can. You're just not driving tonight, okay? Not tonight. Claire: I had two drinks. Gus: You had a colossal, a colossal martini. That's what you had. Claire: (Laughs) Are you keeping tabs on me now? Gus: No, I'm just telling you a stiff drink like that, like you said, two of them in a little body like yours, that's screaming "road kill" on my... I can't have that on my conscience. Claire: Oh, really? Your conscience. You have a conscience? Gus: Because I would be liable, you see. Because I'm the last person that saw you intoxicated. Claire: All right, I've had it. Give me my keys. Gus: No. Claire: What? Gus: Fine, then I'm going to call the police and tell them there's a mad drunk woman out on the highway. Claire: You're going to keep me from leaving? You are... I have never... You are something else. Gus: No, don't, please... I'm embarrassed... Watch your language. Don't start with me. Claire: I have never met a more infuriating jerk in my life. And if I have to call a cab, I will, all right? Gus: Fine. Fine. Claire: Because I will not obey you. Gus: Right. Oh, I'm sure that your daughter will be very happy to know that her mother is about to become a statistic. (Phone rings) Michelle: Harley, could you get that for me? Harley: Hello? Gus: Hey. What? Did you get out of mommy jail? Harley: You know, if you called to harass me, I'm going to hang up. Gus: No, I didn't call to talk to you. I wanted to talk to Michelle. Harley: Well, if you called to harass her, she doesn't want to talk to you either. Gus: Well, can you tell her to get her mother out of my face? Harley: What does that mean? Gus: I'm down at Inferno and she's on a drunken tear and if she doesn't come down here and fetch her, she's going to wrap her car around a tree. Harley: Aitoro, you know, a nice guy would give her a ride home. Gus: Is that right? Well, I'm not really known as a nice guy, am I? Harley: That's right, I forgot. Gus: Look, I did my job, okay? I did my good deed. Now it's Michelle's problem. Bye. Michelle: What? What's going on? Harley: You'd better get down to Inferno. Your mother just had a fight with Gus. Aitoro. Michelle: So? Harley: So she's been drinking. Michel: And? Harley: So she's threatening to drive. You know, maybe it's none of my business, but I'd go rescue her from him because you know, he's a bad influence on her, you remember. Michelle: Yeah, I do remember. Can you watch Robbie for me? Harley: Sure, sure. Go. Michelle: Thanks. I'll be back in like a half an hour. Harley: Good call. Michelle: Thank you. Olivia: I poured everything I had into this project. Josh: Right. Including kickbacks to Edmund's cronies, mob payoffs and let's not forget sleeping with Alan Spaulding to underwrite the cause. Olivia: Yeah, well, I'm a woman playing a man's game. I did what I had to do. Reva: The question is how many people you plan on hurting in your attempt to get back at us? Olivia: What are you talking about? Josh: Look, it's no secret that you've been in bed with Alan Spaulding, literally and figuratively. Olivia: Hold on a minute... Josh: And it's a pretty easy guess that you're going to use the harbor project in some way to get back at me. Olivia: What? Josh: Don't try to bluff me. Olivia: I am not bluffing. Josh: If you care half as much as you claim you do, you'll tell me what you know. Olivia: I don't know. Why would I sabotage my own project? Josh: I'm not sure why you do anything. Olivia: This project is all I have left. Josh: Don't play the sympathy card. Just tell me what you know. Olivia: You don't get it. Oh, no. Reva: Oh, no, what? Olivia: Oh, no. Before when I was telling Alan that this project would set me free, he smiled like he knew better. Oh, God. What if you're right? What if he is trying to destroy us? Josh: I'm starting to lose patience. Olivia: No, no. It's perfect. He gets revenge on you, and he ruins me to the point where he thinks I'm going to come crawling to him, and he walks away a winner. I can't believe this but I think you're right. Josh: If you have agreed to some kind of a payoff from Alan for what he's about to do... Olivia: You're not listening to me. If you think that he's trying to destroy us, you have to tell me now or he will. Josh: After everything that's happened, you still think you can pull a number on me? Olivia: Josh, that's not what I'm doing. Look, I had to deal with Edmund, and I had to deal with the mob and yes... Alan. After all that I have nothing except this. I have made some mistakes, but I am not self-destructive. Josh: Olivia, I want to believe you. Olivia: Then do it. Josh: I can't. Olivia: You may have given up on me, but I haven't. And the only other person in the world who hasn't is lying in that hospital bed fighting for his life. Josh: Okay. How is Sam doing? Have you heard anything about him at all? I am genuinely sorry to hear that, Olivia. Olivia: Yeah, me too. I don't even know why I'm here. I should be out with my brother. Josh: Then why aren't you? Olivia: Because you ran after her, remember? Somebody had to look out for her interest. Now please, I'm at the end of my rope here. If you think Alan is going to blow this thing sky high you have to tell me how. Josh: If we knew how we wouldn't be standing here talking to you. Olivia: Well then use me! I'll work the man for information. (Cell phone rings) Josh: Yeah, go ahead. Say hello to Alan for me. Olivia: It's the hospital. Hello? Rick: Olivia? Olivia: Rick, what's wrong? Is Sam okay? Rick: Well, as a matter of fact, we gave him this experimental treatment and guess what? His fever broke. Olivia: Oh, that's great. Rick: It's... It's amazing. He's sleeping like a baby, and we're going to watch him very closely. But I think he's definitely turned the corner. Olivia: Thank you, thank you. I'm going to be there first thing in the morning. Thanks. Sorry, it's just kind of been a long week. Reva: Yes, it has. Josh: I'm glad to hear Sam's doing better. Olivia: Yeah, me too. But it's really none of your concern, so if you'll excuse me. Reva: Olivia, wait. I think we should trust her. Josh: What? Reva: We don't have any choice. She may be the only person who can help us. Claire: Hey, Michelle. What a surprise. Hello. Michelle: Look, I'm here to take you home. Claire: Take me home, but wait a minute. What are you talking about? Why don't you let me buy you a drink, huh? Michelle: Well, from what I hear you've had enough to drink. And being summoned to play chauffeur doesn't really put me in the mood. Claire: Oh, no. Aitoro called you? And you believed him? Do I look drunk, Michelle? Really? Michelle: How should I know Claire? You're really good at hiding things. Claire: This is my... I just started my third martini in two hours. I mean, come on Michelle, please. Come on, stay. Michelle, I don't want to go home. I don't. Michelle: That's just great. I left Robbie. I came all the way down here. Okay. Claire: Michelle, oh please, please wait. Michelle, look, you know... Maybe we can talk and sort things out. What do you say, huh? Please? (Emphatic knocking on door) Harley: What? Gus: Hi. I just stopped by for a little business. How's the baby doing? Jude? Is he holding down solids? Is that what they do? Listen, I just wanted to tell you that I got a little information on some shady exports and I thought I'd give you the tip. Harley: Okay, well, I'm still on maternity leave. Gus: Yeah, so? Just because you're playing house mom, does that make you brain dead? You can't pick up the phone and call it into your boss, give the tip? Harley: I could do it if I wanted to, but I'm not going to do something I don't want to do. Gus: Is that right? Really? Wow. Unbelievable. Harley: Yes. So why don't you turn around and go back to the station and give your tip to Frank? Gus: No, I'm not giving my tip to Frank. He wouldn't know what to do with a tip if it was on the end of his nose. No, I'm not doing that. Plus he's not my number one fan right now. Harley: Yeah, well, I wonder why. Gus: Well, he's got a soft spot for Michelle. Harley: Stop it. Don't talk about my brother. Gus: This is big. This is really, really big. Okay? This is, this is the type of thing that gives you an itch. Doesn't it give you the little itch? Harley: No. Because I'm very happy being on maternity leave right now, thank you very much. Gus: Wait a second, you're just going to, just going to dump the chance of busting an international crime ring? Are you kidding me? Harley: Is this why you came here? To bully me into helping you? That's what it feels like. Gus: Well, maybe. Or maybe I just came by because you're the only decent cop in Springfield. Harley: Thank you, but I do take offense at that. Gus: Which I made happen. I made that happen. I made you ask the type of questions, I made you work harder. That's me. You know it's true. Yes, it is. And I would pull you back on those times that you would lose objectivity. That was me. Harley: That's right. You're the one who inspired me to blow the whistle on corruption. Remember when you tried to frame Danny... Gus: You know, I was wrong about you. Forget it. Harley: Sorry. Gus: I'm giving you the chance here, the chance to get in on something really big, and make a big bust. Harley: Sure. Says you. Gus: All right, you know what? Forget it. Fine. Fine. Play house with dr. Rick. Waste your talent. But I'll tell you one thing, there are a lot of women who can do motherhood and a career at the same time. Harley: Hold it right there. I am not going back to the force until I am good and ready. Do you understand me? Gus: Uh-huh. Yeah, sure. Got it. Anything else? Harley: Yes. What's your tip? Just spill it. Just spill it. Gus: Good. I have found out there are some precious artifacts being smuggled into Springfield. Harley: Really? Gus: That's right. Intrigued? Harley: Maybe. Gus: That's right. Well, I was too. Kind of, sort of. Till I heard they were coming from Central and South America, then I got even more intrigued. Harley: (Snore) Gus: What? Harley: That's it? Gus: Well, no, there's this. Sorry. Right there, Zatunica. What? What? Harley: Never heard of it. Gus: Well, now I know you're lying because I worked with you too long. I know when you're lying, just like that, your nose, just like that your nose starts going... What? Don't hold out on me. Don't hold out on... Harley: Why should I tell you anything? Gus: Tell me? I'm sharing this with you. What are you nuts? Harley: That's a good reason. I don't really know anything anyway. Listen, Zatunica, whatever, Sam Spencer said it before he passed out. He's been unconscious ever since. That's all I know. Gus: Where'd he pass out? Harley: At Company. He was working on some story about the mob for the journal. Gus: Hmm. Harley: Hmm, what? What does that mean? Gus: Just, you know, whenever there's a shady story, the Santos family is involved somehow or another. Harley: Don't go down that road again, please? Why does there always have to be a Santos connection with you? Gus: Don't... Hey listen, what, does your brain need a jump start here? Harley: Why me? Gus: Don't you remember Carmen turned all the families over to the feds, remember that? Harley: Yeah, how could I forget? It's when you lied to me about being undercover. Gus: What? You're still mad at that wow, I'm touched. Do you care about me? Anyway, my point was that when Carmen handed the other families over to the feds, it left only one family running the whole show. Harley: Yeah, but there' s no clear line to Danny. Gus: Yeah, but can you ran-dangle me a search warrant? Can you do that? Harley: You want me to do your dirty work for you? I'll pass it along to the Captain. Gus: Well, that's your loss then. Harley: I've got a bottle to warm up. Gus: Right. Well, I got to go anyways, so. And I just want you to know that I'm taking this on, with or without you. It's really big. Harley: It's been real. Really real. Gus: Just like my life, by the way. I'll be moving on with my life, with or without you. Harley: Well, you do that. Mel: He's so peaceful, huh? You know, this was the most frustrating case. I felt so responsible. Rick: Well, you're trying to do your best. In this case, you did great. Mel: Thank you. Rick: I got to.. I got go. Mel: Yeah. Yeah, if you hurry, you may be able to catch the next feeding. Rick: How'd you know about Jude's schedule? Mel: Not Jude's schedule, most babies. From my neo-natal rounds. Rick: Oh, I see. Mel: So go home. Go home to your family. Rick: I can walk you out. Mel: No. I think I'm going to stick around. Keep an eye on our star patient here. Rick: Good night. Did a nice job. Mel: Good night. Michelle: We don't really need to do this right now, okay? Claire: Maybe we should. Michelle: Claire, you brought me into this world and you delivered Robbie, and for that I am forever grateful. Claire: So why can't we just get past all this then? Huh? The other stuff? You know? Michelle: Because you've shown me that I can't trust you. Claire: Michelle, how many times do I have to tell you that I didn't want to turn evidence against Danny? Michelle: You cooperated with Aitoro. Claire: Because Aitoro told me that he'd send you to jail, that's why I cooperated. What would you have done in my position? Michelle: I would have come to you and we would have worked out a plan together. Claire: So I had a little lapse of judgment. Michelle: If it were just one. But you also knew that Carmen was still alive. Claire: Yeah, but Michelle... Michelle: But what? You signed her death certificate knowing that she tried to kill me. Claire: She was supposed to leave town forever. Michelle: Yeah, like you did when I was a baby? Claire: I left so Ed and Maureen would raise you because I knew they would be better parents than I could be at the time. Michelle: And now? Claire: And now I want to be your mother. Please? I want to have that chance, Michelle. Michelle: I had a mother and she died. And she was a great mother. I have a great dad, too. Claire: You know, how is he? Have you gotten so much as a postcard from him since he went to Africa? Does he even know that you've had his grandchild? Michelle: Okay. We're not talking about Ed right now, we're talking about you. And I'm sick of you begging for forgiveness after every time that you've hurt me. You know, I'm starting to think that maybe you can't handle being loved. Because every time I let you back in you just go and screw it up again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But I just can't trust you. Claire: You know how hard it was when I gave you up? How hard it was to push you out of my mind? It's impossible, Michelle. When I started finally admitting that to myself, I guess I was a little late in the game. Maybe too late. Michelle: Maybe. Claire: Michelle, it's that denial that has made me who I am today. Someone who cannot love without screwing it up. You should take a look at yourself, Michelle. You're doing the same thing. Michelle: I don't think so. Claire: You shut me out. And I can totally relate to that. Don't turn into me, okay? Don't. I'm ready to go. Josh: You really think we can trust her? Reva: The few things she cares about, she cares about with a passion. Josh: But how is that going to help us to beat Alan at his own game? Reva: Joshua, look at everything she's done for you. The harbor project? She goes out of her way to protect her interests. Olivia: Well, well, coming from you that's almost a complement. Reva: It's the truth. You trust me, don't you? Josh: I think I proved that in Paris. Reva: Then take this one last leap of faith with me. Here's what we need to know. Rick: So anyway, we gave Sam this home remedy and he stabilized instantly. It was amazing. Harley: That is great. Rick: I was really getting worried for a while there, but everything worked out. Harley: I'm so proud of you. Rick: No, it was Mel. Mel, she just was amazing. She deserves all the kudos on this. Harley: Really? Rick: Yeah, really. I mean she found the cure on the internet of all things. Harley: Well, you know, she did her homework. But, you know, she was following your lead. Rick: Actually, she figured it out herself. I mean, she's got these great instincts. It's just, it's just... I mean it's just unbelievable. It's just unbelievable that we've been staring this problem for days and it's getting the better of us and then all of a sudden we just figure it out and this young man's life is saved. It's just unbelievable. Well, you know what I'm saying. I mean, that rush you get when you crack a case? Right? Maybe you've forgotten that feeling. Harley: What do you mean? Rick: You know, maybe you've moved on now that you're a full time mom and not chasing those crooks anymore. Harley: No, no, no. I haven't. I mean, you know, I do miss it sometimes. Rick: I'm sure you do. But I'll tell you one thing, I know one little boy who's very happy to have his mom home. Excuse me, but I need a Jude fix. Harley: I know. Rick: All right. Gus: You know what? Play house with Dr. Rick, waste your talent. Just remember a lot of women can handle motherhood and a career. Ray: That had to be the greatest comeback in the history of basketball. Danny: Honey, you missed... What are you doing outside? You missed an awesome game. Ray: Listen, if we're going to want to get pizza before the place closes, I got to call in the order. Danny: All right, yeah, whatever, you choose. Just no anchovies. Hey, what's going on? Why you out here? You okay? Michelle: Aitoro called me earlier to tell me that Claire was drunk at Inferno. Danny: And what? Did you go over there? Michelle: What was I supposed to do? It was just so sad. Danny: Honey, you can't let her get to you. Michelle: I know. I tried not to. Danny: She knows how to push your buttons, you know that. Michelle: I know that. I just... I just felt so guilty. She's so alone. Danny: Right. And who's fault is that? Michelle: I can't help it, Danny. I just feel responsible for her. Danny: It's supposed to be the other way around. Michelle: Yeah, well, in a fantasy world. But in real life, there are a lot of kids I know who play parents to their parents. Danny: I guess. Michelle: I think that maybe, maybe I just have to accept Claire for who she is. I just have to stop expecting everybody in my life to be perfect. Except for you. I don't know, I feel like maybe I shouldn't have kicked her out of the garage. Danny: Okay. You know what I think, I think that you should not make any hasty decisions right now, okay? You should just forget about Claire for tonight. Come on inside, eat some greasy pizza with me and Ray, okay? Michelle: Okay. Okay, but just because she shut me out all those years doesn't mean that I should do the same thing to her, right? I just can't. Danny: Okay. Come on. Let's go. Olivia: Ding, ding. Oh, what's the matter, Alan? You're not ready for round two? Alan: Olivia, I meant what I said. I am no longer going to fight for your affection. Olivia: Oh. Alan: Tell me, would you like a puff? I know how much you enjoy good smoke. Olivia: Why do you do that, Alan? Why do you pretend that you don't care? It bothers me. Alan: Then why should I stop? Olivia: Because I'm calling your bluff. I know why you're here. |