GH Transcript Tuesday 10/27/20

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/27/20


Episode #14574 ~ Dante is apologetic; Anna asks Kevin for help; Chase questions Sasha's erratic behavior; Nina rejects Valentin; Carly confides in Jax.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

What are you doing here? Uh, well, I assume you know that nina bought this place from ava. I did. A-as you can see, she's, you know, still moving in. Is she here? Uh, no, she's not. She's in a meeting with someone regarding finding her missing child. Oh. That's a nice bottle of wine. Yes, it's from sonny's wine cellar. It's a housewarming gift? I was hoping that nina would accept it as a peace offering. Thank you for signing up to help me search for my child. Hopefully we're more successful this time than we were last time. Well, as a reminder, my search in the past didn't stall out because I ran out of leads. I had a false roadblock because your ex-husband decided he wanted to try to pass off sasha as your daughter. Alright, what have you got for me next? I want to try something new. I'd recommend water. You need to slow down.

[ Chuckles ] Are you kidding? It's still early. How about a dirty martini? Somebody's in a better mood than the last time I saw her. I messed up. It happens. What am I supposed to do? Wallow in regrets forever? What are you doing? I-I-I got this. Hey. Let me escort you back to your room. Come on. Get your hands off me. Whoa! Back off, cassadine. Leave her alone. Come in. Okay. I got to admit, you are the last person I expected to see. This is the last place I expected to be. Hmm. Since you've come to town, it just feels like there's a lot left unsaid between us and we need to change that. Actually, uh... I couldn't agree more. I'm not sure if peter is my son, and you're the only person who can help me get to the truth. You're talking about the anamnesis project. Yeah. So you think it's possible that your memories of giving birth to peter aren't really yours? Yeah. But with your help, I think... I have a chance to settle this once and for all. I'm sorry for neglecting you. Oh, do not apologize. How was the reunion with dante? Fantastic. Mostly. Mostly? Yeah, dante had some reservations about us getting married. I think he was mostly surprised. It's like for dante, nothing and no one has changed in port charles. It's basically like time stood still. So, uh, maxie's pregnant, huh? Yeah. Can you even believe it? Uh, no, not really. But things just keep moving along, huh? Whether we like it or not. Uh... maxie was filling me in on the, uh, softball season. Sounds like you guys were pretty awful, or she just wanted to make it feel like I was missed. Mm-hmm. They were awful. And you were definitely missed. Hey, sorry I was late. Uh, got stuck at a pta thing. Dante.

Alright, uh, first, let me make sure that I have my facts straight. My understanding is that your history with faison goes back many years. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, early in my career, I-I pretty much thought I was smarter than anyone else. Um, but when I look back on that, I just was reckless. A-a lot of that time was a blur. You know, I was running on adrenaline for so many years. Adrenaline and coffee and very little sleep, which is a recipe for disaster. I mean, it isn't inconceivable that those nine months of that time that's shrouded in darkness and -- and... there's so many lies that -- that your mind was open to having an extended memory implanted. The memories I have of that time a-a-are of... the night that I spent with faison as part of an elaborate sting operation. And peter's birth and -- and then my decision to put him up for adoption and all of those thoughts line up perfectly with that period in my life and then I have worked really hard to -- to put all of that behind me and to bury it, just -- just really so I could survive. And when you learned that you had been one of cabot's subjects? Well, I wondered if those memories were mine at all. If they were my sister'S. Dustin, hi. I didn't realize you'd be joining us to celebrate maxie's engagement. He isn'T. I mean, dante wasn't invited. I mean... I don't know what I mean. I wasn't invited. I just thought I'd stop by the rib and have a beer and ran into maxie, and we were catching up, totally spontaneous. Well, as long as you're here, maybe it's time you and i got to know each other. What do you say? Wow. This is a really good year. Mm-hmm. I'm surprised sonny let it go. Who says sonny knows I took it? Yeah, well, unfortunately, nina doesn't drink red wine anymore because the tannins give her headaches. What, are you serious? Yeah. Oh, man. Well, I could go back home, grab a bottle of white, and come right back. You know, carly, I don't think a bottle of wine is gonna make nina forgive you, no matter how good it is. Okay, I was hoping that maybe she had cooled off a little bit. Nina has to know it was an accident. I did not intend to knock nelle's headstone over. Yeah, but you did, and she's really upset about that. Okay, stop. I know that nina is very important to you, okay? That's why I'm here trying to make peace. I'm not doing it for my sake. I'm doing it for you. Well, that is very thoughtful of you. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that. But do you know what would have been even more thoughtful? Is not going to nelle's grave in the first place...

[ Sighs ] ...'Cause that was a-a conscious choice. So what exactly were you trying to accomplish? Are you sure nina's not gonna drink this? Not a drop. Then go get two glasses. I'll tell you everything. Here is a folder on phyllis caulfield, one of your maybe ex-nurses. I got to say, nina, you're extremely lucky that that jeweler decided to give you a name because it brought us that much closer to your needle in a haystack. I was able to access a database for all the registered nurses in new york state. How'd you do that?Well, clearly, you don't know that when I want something, I can be very charming.

[ Chuckles ] Mm-hmm. I weeded out all those that were inactive in the early '90s. I was able to narrow it down to six women with that name who could have been the nurse that cared for you. Six phyllis caulfields who are all nurses? Yep. And unless we can determine if caulfield is a birth or married name, this is the best we can do. Well, it sounds really simple and incredibly complicated. These six women -- one woman knows the truth about my child. Sasha, are you okay? Yes, chase, I'm fine. You have completely misread the situation. Sasha was a little out of line with the bartender here. I was trying to keep her from making a scene. Obviously, my presence is no longer necessary. I will leave you in chase's capable hands. By the way, I called you the other day

[Whispers] 'Cause she could have used a friend. She could definitely use one now. Whatever valentin just whispered to you, don't listen to him. I'm fine. I don't need a babysitter. Stop it. Okay? Stop lying to me. I assume you've talked to chase since I last saw you. Yeah, I'm supposed to meet up with him in a little while. What about him? He wants to do this family dinner, the three of us and...and anna. Has he mentioned anything like that to you? Uh, a family dinner? No, not that specifically. But the last time I saw my son, he -- he was quite intent on seeing if I could help mend fences between you and your dad. But we both know that's not gonna happen. Don't we? Chase thinks the only reason why I don't talk to my old man is because of how fast he got remarried after my mom died. He needs to go on thinking that. Even if it doesn't make sense that you cut yourself off from your family for decades? You're clearly not a vindictive person. It doesn't add up. I see it. Your brother sees it. Maybe, uh, he'd stop pushing the issue if he knew what really happened between us.

When I -- when I think about all of this, you know, t-the memories that I have, the more I thought about it, it really started to trouble me because...

[Sighs] My memories o-of peter are very compartmentalized. You know, there's the conception... the birth... and the adoption. That's it. It's very specific. Whereas when I compare that with memories I have of robin, there's millions of them. You know, and they're random. That's what makes me think that maybe those memories aren't mine at all. Can you account for your whereabouts on the dates in question? I can't, because that's the trouble with intelligence work. Everything is a cover. The truth is either redacted or it's buried somewhere in a top-secret file. Look, I admit that part of me doesn't want to know the truth, I really don'T. I'd rather just leave it the way it is. But, um, peter's going to start his own family now and there's this -- this lingering threat of my sister out there looming over everything. And -- and I feel like I should find out, you know, once and for all if -- if... if peter is my son or if he's alex'S. Okay. Anna, what can I do? I don't know, dustin. You're sharing a house with my son. Maybe I should be getting to know you. Dustin! You're finally here. What happened? Did you get a flat tire? No, I'm sorry. I was stuck at a pta thing. Uh, tonight's not about me. I'm so happy for both of you. Happy engagement. Thank you. Don't open it now. Are you kidding me? You know me and presents. Oh, don't let -- don't let me stop you. You -- have at it. You guys all have a good night. Oh, you're not leaving on my account, are you? You and maxie go way back. Yeah, they do. Dante, y-you should stay. The fact of the matter is, I won't know which one of these women is the phyllis caulfield you're looking for until I do an extensive background search on all of them. I understand. It may require doing in-person interviews. I might have to outsource this work to someone downstate. Okay, curtis, do whatever you need to do. I guess what I'm saying, nina, is that even with the friends and family discount, this is gonna be a pricey undertaking. Why are you trying to talk me out of this? We're talking about my child, okay? Money is no object. I will make sure that you get whatever you need wired into your account, okay? That won't be necessary, curtis. I would like to pay for the investigation myself. I don't know what you and valentin were getting into before I got here, but I honestly think he's just trying to help you. What gives you that impression? He called me after your presentation and he said that you needed a friend. I figured you just needed some cheering up. But then I got distracted by brook lynn's situation and I didn't realize how bad off you were. Come on, you're having these crazy mood swings. You're all over the place. One day y-you're sleeping in past noon, the next day you're yelling at me for being hung up on willow. And today you -- today what, chase? I want to forget about my problems for a little bit and have some fun. What's wrong with that? For one hour, I want to stop thinking about everything that we gave up so that michael and willow can be happy. Big deal. God, you know better than anyone what we sacrificed. So sue me if I want to have one drink too many tonight. Look, I get that. I do, but if there is anything else going on, you would tell me, right? Harry is not a fool. Finn: Harry. You know, he goes by chase now. He's always gonna be harry to me. And like me, he's an investigator. He's gonna see the strain between us and he's gonna wonder why. Well, you know, you could always just pack up and leave. I'm sure there's a breaking story on that other coast. It'd be better for all of us, wouldn't it? Wow.

[ Sighs ] How much does chase actually know? He knows I met gregory through you. When you were doing that story about me.

[ Laughs ] Wow. You, uh -- you still have the same plus-size ego. My story was shadowing a group of first-year residents in a boston hospital. You were one of many. Well, that's your story and you're sticking to it, huh? It's funny. I don't remember seeing any of those other residents when we were spending all that time together. I stuck to my journalistic standards. I didn't want the problems of crossing the line into personal involvement. I'd already done that once before. Yeah, I don't want to know about that. Well, I didn't want to make the same mistake, so I stuck to my standards. Yeah. Where were your journalistic standards when you met my father? While you're shadowing me, you hook up with him. How's that not crossing the line? I do not have to defend myself or my choices to anyone, certainly not to you. What about your choice to marry him after what we did the night before the wedding?

 I-I appreciate the offer. I really do, but I should get out of here. Uh, peter, can I have a word with you before I go? Uh, okay. What's on your mind, dante? Uh... I owe you an apology. I'm so sorry that dante is raining on your big night. Oh. First of all, dante didn't rain on anything. It was great to see him and catch up and he was 95% supportive. And the other 5%? Is over and forgotten. He wished peter and me well, and now it is your turn. Tonight is about celebrating my future. Well, speaking of celebrating the future, lulu and I have some news of our own. We've decided to officially make this living arrangement permanent. So I'm not just crashing at her place between leases anymore. I'm officially moving in. Oh. You want me to say the words? Fine, I'll say them. You slept with me the night before marrying my father. Don't you dare throw that night in my face like you were an innocent bystander. What happened between us was mutual. Wasn't like I seduced you. I never said you did. And I take full responsibility for my part in it. And I just thought maybe... you know, maybe you would postpone the wedding so we could figure a few things out. When I started dating your father, I... knew you most likely had feelings for me. You didn't have any feelings for me? Of course I did. But I couldn't admit it just then. I-I did not want to get involved with another subject. I just couldn'T. I -- and the night before the wedding, I couldn't lie to myself anymore. Yes, I had deep feelings for gregory, but my feelings for you... were just as real. Do you remember what I said to you? You said you'd call off the wedding if I could admit my feelings for you. When you kissed me, I thought that was it, that you were declaring your feelings for me, but the next morning, you could not have gotten out of that bed fast enough. You told me to forget what happened between us. I had slept with my father's fiancéE. What can I say?

[ Sighs ] I didn't react well. You made your choice and then I made mine. I wasn't gonna give away everything with gregory to a fantasy. Just wasn't gonna do it. So... you want to know the really sad part? I kept looking for you. At church.

[ Sighs ] Kept looking for you to show up, beg me not to go through with it, insist that I be with you. Hell, at the very least, I thought you'd -- you'd show up and tell your father what happened with us. But you never showed up, not at the wedding or anywhere else after that. So, yeah. I went ahead and married your father. There's nothing else, chase. I'm just trying to blow off some steam, okay? I'm sure you must have other plans tonight, right? I do, but, uh, they're running late, so... but I-I can stay with you if you need me to. Like I said before, I don't need a babysitter. Go! Okay. But if you plan on going anywhere, call a ride-share, okay? Yes, detective. I'll call you tomorrow.

[ Exhales sharply ] Valentin, nina doesn't want your blood money. It's not blood money.

[ Scoffs ] Really? What do you call it? Penance. You know, curtis, can I just have a minute alone with valentin, please? Nina, I don't think this is a good idea. Yeah, it's probably not a good idea, but it's something that I need. Thank you. Nina, you know how badly I feel about the whole masquerade with sasha. Will you please let me pay for the investigation? Valentin, I don't need your money. I have my own money. And even if I did need your money, I wouldn't take it. I would -- I would knock on doors. I would sell cookies. I would start an online "please find my child" fund before I let you anywhere near the search for my child.

[ Sighs ] Wow, you're still having nightmares about nelle?

[ Sighs ] Well, I mean, I-it's not like it happens on a nightly basis. I do go days without one, but... ...there's been times when I've seen nelle. Okay, I'm not a psychologist, but there's got to be a-a reasonable explanation. You know, I mean, maybe there's a part of you that wonders if there's something else you could have done to save her. Maybe that's why she shows up in your dreams. It was horrible when she fell. And I've asked myself a thousand times if I would have moved faster, could I have saved her, but I will never know the answer to that question. And none of it changes the fact that nelle was a horrible woman who was a danger to me and my family and we're all safer now that she's gone. I'm not shedding a tear over nelle. What makes me sad is that wiley's gonna grow up and he's gonna ask about his biological mother and we're gonna have to tell him about the woman she was. Yeah, that's gonna be a tough day, for sure. See, this is why I know it's not guilt. Look at me. I don't feel guilty.

You're telling me these nightmares about nelle are a warning? About what? I wish I knew. It's not fear. It's not. I-it's like -- it's like something I forgot. Something happened that night. Something important. You know when you're trying to remember something, and the harder you concentrate on it, the faster it slips away? I have replayed that night over and over again. What about nelle's fall could I have forgotten? No, it's too late. It's just -- it's too late. I've moved on. Okay, well, even if that is the case, I care about you and your happiness matters to me. Oh, I'm super, super, super happy with jax. Good. And where does carly fit into that situation? I'd like to know how -- how do you reconcile the fact that with jax, carly always comes first? What do you mean you can't change the music? This soft jazz is so boring. It's practically elevator music. You're telling me you can't switch to something with a little more kick? Metro court is a five-star restaurant. If you're looking for rock 'n' roll, I can recommend the floating rib to you. Our security would be happy to give you directions. I'd recommend dropping the attitude, buddy. I know the owner of this place. I used to date her son. But fine. Look, if you don't want my money, I'll go someplace else.

[ Glasses shatter ] Whoa! No, no, no, really, curtis, I don't need help.

[ Chuckles ] I can be really clumsy at times. Yeah, I bet. Hey, that was an accident. I'm gonna pay for all the glasses. Sasha, what's going on? Are you alright? Nina, uh, look, sasha just, uh -- she slipped, okay? Total accident. What's going on? I'm so sorry. Whatever, lady. Look, uh, I don't like to talk out of turn, alright, but I have personal experience in this area. Wh-- area? What are you talking about? Sasha. She's as high as a kite. And I don't think it's the first time she's used. You wanted me to stop the wedding. But when I didn't show up, you went ahead and married my dad anyway. I guess that makes him a hell of a consolation prize.

[ Sighs ] That is not true. I was -- I was torn between the two of you. When you pulled your vanishing act, I-I only had one path to follow. I loved gregory. This -- this was not a fleeting thing. Our marriage, having harry, those were the best times -- best years of my life. Okay. Sure, I'm human. I-I've hurt gregory through the years, but every husband and wife goes through things. But what you did, you broke his heart. You gave up your father's name because you were ashamed of yourself, because you no longer felt you deserved it. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Before you talk about my dishonesty, I was not the one that wanted to keep this a secret. I told you your father deserved to know the truth. You wanted to keep this quiet. You insisted we take it to our graves. Because maxie's pregnant, peter went through a lot of genetic testing and he told me that he carries the marker for rheumatoid arthritis, which he thought he got from me. But when I was diagnosed with pv, I also had a lot of genetic testing, and I don't carry the marker for ra. And nathan, when he found out, much to his horror, that he might be faison's son, he went through genetic testing. He didn't have the marker for ra. And as far as I know, britt doesn't suffer from ra, which leads me to believe that perhaps faison didn't have the marker for it, either. So if you could confirm that faison wasn't a carrier, then peter would have inherited the gene from his mother. Yes. That would make alex his mother. And that's why finn and i were in your lab, because we know that -- that you're conducting an experiment on the brains of serial killers and we know that faison's brain was donated to you for the study. So if you would release it to me or a sample, then I can get it genetically tested and I can get the answers that I want. I don't know what else to do, kevin. I really don'T. I'm not going to release faison's remains to you, anna. I can'T. You know, when maxie told me you two were getting married, I was less than gracious. My knee-jerk reaction was, uh... well, I was worried that nathan would be forgotten, which is no excuse. I totally get it. Biologically, nathan and I were siblings, but you were more of a brother to him than I ever was. So this living situation is permanent? You guys are officially living together. Wow. I'm so happy for you both. Um, and how is it that I'm just hearing about this now? Oh, uh, y-you know, so much has happened since we first discussed the idea. Like, I-I mean, like, just logistical stuff, furniture. Furniture. Okay. Um, I'm gonna go check on james' sitter. Uh, I will be back.

[ Clears throat ] I'm confused. Before, you said you didn't want to put our relationship on pause because dante was back in town. Do you not want me living with you anymore?

I've had enough of you. I'm calling security. That won't be necessary. I will make sure she gets back to her room. I take full responsibility. And I will pay for all damages. Whatever's left over, you take for your troubles, okay? Okay, fine. Okay, come on. Let's go. Alright, thank you, nina. But you really don't have to do this. I don't know why you offered. Frankly, I don't know, either, but I just know that I don't like to see anyone in pain. I'll be fine. I can make it to my room myself. No. I know you're high, and you shouldn't be alone when you come down. Come on. Of course I want you to live with me. It's just... I-I haven't had time to process how it's all gonna work or even how we're gonna tell the kids. I-it was one thing when you were just crashing, but it's a whole nother thing now that dante is back in our lives. But listen to me. I want to make something very clear. I love you. And dante's return to town -- it does not change that. I love you, too. Come here. So now that you're staying in town, what are you doing about a job? Ah, yeah, I don't know. I'm thinking maybe get into some security work or something, but, uh... I'd have to find a company that doesn't mind me having a two-year gap in my résumé. You know what? I might have a lead for you. Anna. Faison's organs were donated to scientific research by his next-of-kin, peter. Now, I can't release any of his samples to a third party, let alone a non-medical one, without peter's consent. But I assume that you already knew that or else you and finn wouldn't have broken into my lab in the first place. Yes. Well, like I said... it's impossible for me to release any of his samples. But even if that were allowed, I've already scheduled a wide battery of tests to be done on faison's samples immediately. What kind of tests? Well, no one has actually looked for a link between sociopathy and autoimmune disorders. Now, there probably isn't one, but I think it's worth an investigation just to confirm. So tonight...I'm having faison's samples tested for a variety of genetic markers, including type 1 diabetes, addison's disease... and rheumatoid arthritis. Oh, kevin. Thank you. You have no idea how many times I wanted to tell gregory the truth over the years. Why didn't you? 'Cause too much time had passed. There was too much -- too much to lose. It would have been so much easier if we had just told him from the start. But I kept quiet because of you. It was only a few months after my mom had died. He was pretty broken up. You're the one. You brought him out of his grief. I didn't want him losing you or his son. Damn, finn. He lost his son anyway. You made a decision years ago, and we're living with the consequences, including harry. He's the innocent bystander here. He wants a family with his brother and his parents. Doesn't he deserve that? I don't know, jackie. You know, it's been so many years of my dad believing I hate him and me knowing what I did to him. I don't know if I can ever bridge that gap. You're not gonna know if you don't try.

[ Knock on door ] Chase: Mom, it's me. Hey. This isn't about my father anymore. We both know how complicated this could get, given what's at stake. Hey. Hi. Finn!

Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt.

[ Chuckles ] I thought we were supposed to meet upstairs like 20 minutes ago. Yeah, you're absolutely right. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot. I'm guessing you were shocked to see finn. I mean, I certainly was. I've been trying to bring us all together as a family, and you keep turning us down, but now you're here. Yeah, you're right, chase. Uh, I came here to tell your mom... enough is enough. What does that mean? dinner. If you're doing a rain check, then, uh, anna and I would like to join you. Really? Really? Yeah, why not? We're family after all. Oh, man.

[ Chuckles ] That's great. Thank you. Thank you very much. Alright, we're set. I managed to get a rush job on the lab results. Tests will be done overnight. Oh. Wow. So this time tomorrow, I'll know whether peter's my son... or not. Do I even want to know? What did dante want? Actually went really well. Dante was very gracious. He even congratulated us. Oh, that's awesome. Lulu, there's something I want to ask you about. Now, if you're against it, I-I won't do it. Okay, I'm listening. Well, now that the invader is investigating cyrus renault, there is some possibility for some credible danger against our offices and staff. Dante was just mentioning he's looking for security work. How would you feel if we hired him, brought him on as part of our team? Private security, that is. I smoothed things over with the bartender. He's not gonna make any trouble for us as long as sasha doesn't create any more drama. Good. I, uh -- I noticed that nina became more concerned with sasha after talking to you, so do you know something about sasha that I'd like to know? I think nina's got it handled. I know it doesn't make sense, okay? I just can't shake the feeling that I'm missing something, that I'm supposed to remember something really important. Okay. Well, you know, the best way to remember something is to think about something else. So think about this. I am with you, carly, and we'll get through this together, okay? Come here. Oh, thank you, jax. Thank you so much. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] You're so great.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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