GH Transcript Friday 9/18/20

General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/18/20


Episode #14550 ~ Robert is backed into a corner; Alexis meets with Portia; Molly is caught off guard; Curtis loses his temper with Stella; Cyrus taunts Sam.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

mr. Quartermaine. I got a call that you were coming in. Dr. Robinson, this is alexis davis. I'm not sure you've met. Briefly, yes. What can I do for you? Uh, you can reassure my friend here that he's overreacting.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I'll need a few more details first. I fell at the gym, and it just -- it aggravated an old injury. She fell weeks ago, okay? And she's still in a lot of pain. She can't even hold a cup of coffee. Let's get you to an exam room. Your friend is welcome to come, too, or he can wait here. Oh, by all means, he should be present when you tell me that there's nothing to worry about. Tj: You are being too hard on yourself. Don't be nice, man. It just makes it more obvious that I was trash. I should be busted back to t-ball. Or maybe it was a little too early to get back on the field. You were just in the hospital. Don't make excuses. Okay. From now on, I'll -- I'm sticking with basketball. Now, you should've said that earlier. Next time, we're hitting the court.

[ Laughs ] Your funeral.

[ Laughs ]

[ Horns honking ] How is it that this woman who paid to have my necklace divided also happened to be my nurse 20 years later? That would be quite the coincidence. No. There's a connection. There has to be. Phyllis -- she knows what happened to my child. Where'd you go? This probably sounds crazy, but... I had to run. You know, I -- I wanted to feel my lungs filling up and my heart beating out of my chest, you know? That doesn't sound crazy at all. I kept thinking about how long it's been since mike was able to do that. You know, run until he was out of breath. Little by little, everything just got taken away from him until there was nothing left and...

[ Sobs ] You know... god. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. He was a great grandpa. I'm gonna miss him. Yeah, I'm gonna miss him, too. Is it awful that mike dies and... all I want is to feel alive? N-no. I think that's exactly what mike would have wanted. Look. Mike -- mike made some big mistakes. He did. But he lived his life. He didn't stand on the sidelines watching and criticizing. He went out there and he lived. Mike's life wasn't wasted. He made choices, he took chances, a-and, yeah, he had to live with the consequences. He did, didn't he? Yeah. There are people who run the race... and then there are people who stand by and do nothing but watch. And I know that you're gonna be that somebody who runs to race.

[ Chuckles ] Now, look, you're not always gonna win, but those are lessons, and you're gonna learn, and that means that you're gonna live your life to the fullest, and that's all mike could have ever asked for. Hey. Hey. Is is time yet? I don't know. No one said anything. See this picture that avery drew? Hm. My dad loves it. He said it -- it looks like me... when I was a kid riding a bike, but I -- I don't think it looks like me at all.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Exhales deeply ] You know, my dad never gave me the bike I wanted when I was a kid, and I nursed that broken promise for years. It was, you know, the ultimate proof that he wasn't a good father. Another brick in the wall between us. I didn't know it haunted him after all these years. You know, his mind was going. He had to give me that bike. Even to the end, he had to keep his word. Mike knew that you forgave him. If I had known, I mean, I-I'd have just bought -- bought us bikes. Can you imagine us riding bikes together

[Chuckling] After all these years? Wearing the same hats.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ] Oh, man. It hurts. [ Sighs ] Yeah. Unh-unh. Keep your hands where I can see them. Ahh. And this must be... ethan lovett. The pleasure's all mine, I'm sure. Yes, I was afraid the cavalry would come riding to the rescue the moment she managed to place that call. Robert: I knew it. I knew it. Holly's alive.

 I take it from your lack of professional detachment that you have a personal interest in the lady. You smarmy bastard. You tell me where she is. Otherwise I'll rip your throat out. Pity you brought bare hands to a gunfight, isn't it? Restrain them.

[ Gun cocks ] Without shooting, if at all possible. The delightful holly was investigating our, uh, shall we say, less than reputable businesses run out of this establishment. When we learned of her interest, we arranged for her ship to sink -- literally. It would have been awful for her to drown, so we brought holly here. You see, we needed to know just how much the bureau had on us. Take us to her right now! Holly managed to distract her guard and appropriate his phone. By the time we realized what was happening, it was too late. I knew that was holly's voice. Where is she?! Holly is... engaging company, I grant you. But she had to be dealt with. What the hell does that mean? Why tell you... when I can demonstrate?

[ Gun cocks ]

[ Grunts ] I squandered my son's chance at being close to his grandfather. Or, when you think about it, of having a connection to his own mother. Mike knew courtney. Certainly better than I ever did. I mean, the things that he could have shared with spencer. It just goes to show how messed up my priorities were. Hey. You know, nik-- nikolas, we've all been there, you know? Oh, but not as much as I have. The truth is, I keep making the same mistake. I never see how valuable something is. Till I let it go. Thanks for calling and letting me know. Is, uh, sonny in mike's room? Yeah. Yeah. Um, I was with her when you called, so I gave her a ride. Ah. I'm really sorry about your grandfather. Thank you, um, for bringing brook lynn. I-I think it's gonna do my dad a lot of good to see her. Good. I know brook lynn's in this big fight with ned and she's too prideful to accept any help from the quartermaines, but I'm -- I'm just worried about her being by herself right when she got out of the hospital, so... did she say anything to you about what her plan is or -- or does she even have a place to stay? Actually, I, uh -- I think she's gonna crash with me. After all these years of unanswered questions, I finally maybe have some actual facts to go on! Okay. Just be prepared. You might not like what phyllis has to say. I know. I know. But I can live with anything as long as it's the truth. All right. And thank you. Me? Yeah. Because of you and your connections, I am closer than I have ever been before to knowing what happened to my child. And it means the world to me. I would give you the world if I could. I know you would. Molly. I do believe you are a couple of minutes late. Oh. Ha-ha. Molly's one of those obnoxiously on-time people. Yeah. I'm guilty of that, too. They drilled it into me in the military. Hm. Brando. I didn't know you were joining us. I just came by to grab a drink after the game. Yeah. I'm buying. Poor guy needed consolation after getting owned all nine innings! Ohh!

[ Laughs ] Well, looks like you two have plans. Nothing major. Just studying. Well, "just studying" medicine and law. Well, we can take one night off of overachieving, right, mol? I mean, you're always telling me I work too hard, so... well, you do. But maybe brando has someplace to be. Does this hurt? Ohh! Okay. Ow. It's definitely swollen.[ Sighs ] It might be more than just a sprain. Now, you mentioned something about an old injury? Last summer. I believe dr. Robinson was speaking to me. Sorry. Tell me the story about your past wrist injury. Okay. I, um, slipped on the steps of my porch. Ohh! Okay. And, uh, when I tried to steady myself, I jammed my wrist. Your left wrist. My -- I'm left-handed. And, so, it [Sighs] It ached for about a week or two. And then I iced it, and it felt better until I fell at the gym. Any weakness at all? In between the incidents? Uh, some. Continuous? Not that I recall. Okay. And what about this time? This time, it's been

[Groans] Ach-- thank you -- aching since I fell at the gym, and so I've been trying not to do things with my left hand to try to give it some rest and keep it iced. Have you been doing anything besides the ice? Nothing stronger than over-the-counter medication. I'm a recovering addict. I'm also highly sensitive right now after what happened with neil byrne. I can prescribe a non-narcotic pain med, given your concern. Also, I'd like to get an x-ray. So, let's see what it says, and we'll take things from there. Ned: Thanks, doctor. Mm-hmm. And I was sorry to hear about dr. Byrne. I hadn't worked with him for very long, but he was a good man.

[ Door opens ] It's okay to cry. I won't judge. Little help here?!

[ Grunting ] That was for my mother!

 yeah, this is former field agent robert scorpio. I need a direct line to the wsb field office, district three. Yeah, I got a prisoner of interest.

[ Handcuffs click ]

[ Crying ] I'm sorry.

[ Chuckles ] Don't need to apologize. Just the last place I expected to be was in an exam room. If the x-ray comes back negative, then I'll apologize. It's just better to have you checked out. It's not just my wrist. It's everything. You know, neil was only in my life for two years. And it...changed. Changed it so much. He got me to, you know, dig inside for answers, and he got me to believe that I was worth being loved without conditions or secrets... or pain. Hell, if I didn't meet neil, I would never have risked my career for all of this happiness. Now he's gone? I mean, he's just gone? And I-I'm in here getting a checkup for my aching wrist like it's any other day? And life just goes on. And it doesn'T. It's -- it's -- it's not fair. Hey. Hey.

[ Crying ] So sorry. It's okay, brando. I mean, you don't want to hang out with a couple study-holics. And I'm sure you have someone to see. Molly has a point. Ladies are probably lining up for you. Actually, I'm in the middle of a dry spell. No worries, bro. Molly can hook you up with a few of her friends from law school. S-sure. If you want. Yeah, yeah. What about ashley? And cj? They're both smart and fun. I'll see what I can do. All right. All right. Sit tight. I'm gonna grab us some iced teas and arrange a no-pressure meet. Perfect. Well, I guess you and tj are bonding all over the place! He's a good guy! So, I-I-I'll be making myself scarce. She's gone. I was just checking on avery. And the slider in her room is open, and she's gone! You can't have gotten far. We'll find her. You know, I was telling you over and over again that I just want a lead. Yeah. I just wanted a trail to follow. And this is it! This woman that I remember, that I will recognize if I see her. But I just -- I have to find her. You know, who knew there'd be so many phyllis caulfields in new york city? There's more than one, huh? Oh, there are a lot more than one.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey, joss. Everything okay? Joss: Yeah. Actually, no, it's not.

[ Sniffles ] Mike? He's gone, dad.

And I know that that's a good thing. You know, it was time, and... he doesn't have to suffer now, but... I don't know. I just wanted to call you and... wanted to hear your voice... just know that you're still here to talk to. Always, sweetheart. Always. Just -- I-I want to thank you for... everything you did for my dad. Every time you would visit and sing, he'd light up like a kid. I-I'm glad mike liked my singing and company, but I'm telling you... the person he really lit up for was you. I mean, your father loved you so much, and you were right there with him till the end.

[ Exhales deeply ] You did good, sonny. You did so, so good.

Wait. So you're j-just gonna take off and leave me here to explain? Isn't that what you want? No! I'm not asking you to be rude. Just maybe the next time tj challenges you to a game of basketball or whatever, you could be busy. Sure. You don't have to worry about me getting in your business. Oh, I'm not worried. Tj and I are in a great place. There's not gonna be a repeat of you and me. No offense. I wasn't looking for one. No offense. I just want to clear the way for you and tj to have the life you want. Well, that's great for me, but what about tj? I mean, he obviously really likes hanging out with you. He's a cool guy. I'd like to be friends with him. But I don't lie to friends. Neither do I. Well, then maybe we should just tell him the truth. I wanted to give you your results privately since mr. Quartermaine isn't a family member. Of course. And I had an orthopedic specialist confirm my diagnosis. You do have a fracture in your left wrist, which explains your limited movement and pain. Wow. Oh. See, I thought it was like the fall last summer where it was just a sprain and it would heal on its own. This is a fracture. Women can lose bone rapidly at the time of menopause. And if you have bone loss, that could be the reason you broke your wrist. I'm definitely in that category.

[ Chuckles ] My daughter was right. I hate when she gets to say, "I told you so." Yeah, well, don't we all? Okay, so, what do we do to get this better? We're gonna need to cast that wrist. Oh. For how long? Six to eight weeks is standard. Sometimes longer, depending on the severity. Oh, joy. But the cast is only gonna address the immediate injury. I suggest you get a consult and additional testing to see if you do have bone loss and that's the reason for that break. Well, I know the reason for the break. I fell. A fall like yours shouldn't result in a fracture. Your best option is to be tested to check to see if you have a possible underlying condition. I will be home first thing in the morning, and in the meantime, between now and then, if you need me, you are going to do what? Call you. That's right. I love you, sweetheart. I love you, too. Ava: Avery! Ooh! Pretty! Avery, are you out here?! Nikolas: Avery?! Avery, baby, can you hear me?! Coming, mom! Our people are doing a sweep of their facilities. This place was a front for a laundry list of illegal activities, enough to put rudge and his associates in steinmauer until -- well, until they're old and gray. Did you find my mother? Any sign of her? I'm sorry. Thusly the sweep has showed no signs of her. Holly's not here, if she ever was. You son of a bitch! Now, where the hell is she?!

Must be so strange for you. I mean, you join our family, what, like five minutes ago, and already we jump right into this? Of course, I'm incredibly sad, and I am so sorry about your grandfather. But, honestly, what I'm really experiencing is how close you all are, how much you all love each other. I've never been part of a family in that way, and seeing what you all do to help and sustain each other just makes me feel even more grateful than I was before.

[ Chuckles ] Holly's gone. You son of a bitch.

[ Grunts ] Robert, stop! Please! Let him go!

[ Gasping ] Robert: He's lying! It's out of your hands now. The bureau's taking over. The hell with the bureau. My sentiments exactly.

[ Grunts ] Now, where is my mother? Gone.


Sie ist weg.

[ Speaks mandarin ] What's mandarin for "gone"? Don't make me arrest you. On what grounds? Searching for my mum? Mr. Lovett, the wsb is grateful for your help. That's why I've avoided running your name and pulling a list of... outstanding warrants. I would really like to see you walk out of this casino a free man. So don't kick him again. Help me load the prisoner for transport. Rudge is lying. He has to be. But what if he's not? I think about coming clean to tj every day. I-I really think if you tell him what happened, the actual circumstances, like, you had every reason to think that he ghosted you, he'll understand. He might even realize there's nothing to forgive. Yeah, except me keeping the truth from him all this time. The longer you wait, the more likely he is to feel betrayed. But every time I-I think it through, I realize that telling him would be selfish. And I'm not gonna hurt tj just to relieve my own guilt. That's your decision. I respect that. I'll keep my distance. Well, I don't want that. And, I mean, tj really doesn't want it -- obviously. He likes you. He's not gonna give up on you. He can't force me to hang out and shoot hoops. I have a garage to run. Speaking of which, if you keep driving your little hybrid like a tank, it's gonna do serious damage.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Door opens ] Whew. Sorry. I was on the phone with a guy from my study group. Mol, did you give brando contacts for cj and ashley? You ready to go? Should we wait for your parents? Uh, no, I, uh -- I think my dad would just like to be alone with my mom for a bit. Come on. I spoke with the administrators. You have all the time you want with mike. But they're ready to take him. I-if you're ready. Yeah. You know. Let's do this. It's okay. Dad, I got the -- I g-- I got my bicycle. Um... I love this bike. I-I love this picture, dad.

[ Sniffles ] And, uh... I'll always love you, dad.

You comfy? Good. Good night, pumpkin pie. And no more running off into the woods. I won'T. You promise me? Promise. Okay. Good night, sweetie.

[ Light switch clicks ] I have a nurse practitioner coming in to cast your wrist, and I also have an orthopedic specialist coming down for a consult. Now, we might be able to run a few more specific tests tonight before you leave. You're very kind to offer that, but I really would like to get home. I'm dealing with a lot, as you know, and if I could just take a moment to catch my breath, I-I will make an appointment, I promise. Obviously, it's your call, but I just want to go on record and say that I don't advise putting this off. If you do have an underlying condition, you need to address it. What tests would I need to have? Well, the ortho specialist is recommending a dexa scan. What's a dexa scan? It's called a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, or dexa. It's a non-invasive way to measure bone density. Bone density. What condition do you think I might have? The specialist can explain in depth. But the specialist isn't here. You are. W-what do you think that I'm dealing with? Based on your symptoms? You may have osteoporosis. Garage is taking all my attention. I don't really have time for socializing. I've said the same thing a million times. If it wasn't for molly, I wouldn't have a social life at all. Yeah, well, there's only one molly. True. But her friends are really cool. And you have to start somewhere. I'm -- I'm just not big on blind dates. Okay. All right. What if we set it up to where you could meet ashley and cj while supporting a righteous cause? We're putting together a group to stand for general hospital. Stand against what? Not what. Who. The new board chair, cyrus renault. Rudge is hoping to make a deal, right? I mean, the agent said that they have enough on him to send him to steinmauer. H-he's gonna use holly as a bargaining chip, right? Trade her whereabouts for a reduced sentence. Well, t-that makes sense. Holly's not an agent. She works for the bureau as a contractor. T-they're not gonna bargain for her return. They have to! I-I mean, rudge said she was investigating the casino. Okay? I mean, she -- she risked her life for the bureau. They have to find her. Wagner: We did. We finished our sweep of the grounds. We found a shallow grave -- recent. A woman's body burned beyond recognition. Well, that could be anyone. There will be an autopsy, of course, but she's a match for holly's height and build. And... we found this on the body. What is it? Robert: For some time, I've felt that you should have a ring. I actually bought this, uh, a while back. But after tonight, well, I-I realized that you'll probably realize it's just, well, for, uh, appearances sake.

[ Chuckles ] Thanks, robert. Sure. Holly's wedding ring.

 mr. Corinthos, please wait. We have something for you. It came several weeks ago when the staff put it away for safekeeping. I'm sorry no one told you. Told me what? What? Thank you! Uh... what the heck is this? How does this -- who... well, who cares how?

[ Laughs ] The card. Hold that. I dunno... "sonny, this is late, but I hope it's not too late. I love you. Dad."

[ Chuckles ] It's -- it's a beauty, though, gotta tell you. It's perfect. Is avery all right? Yeah, she's, um, snug as a bug in a rug.

[ Chuckles ] Well, thank you... for helping me look for her and for being so wonderful with her. I think you've got yourself a fan in my daughter. I'm just relieved we found her. Me too. She is quite an adventurous girl. I wonder where she gets that from. I wonder. Are you -- are you leaving? Yeah. Yeah, I think there's been enough excitement for one night. You'll return to wyndemere tomorrow? It's still my home. Good night, ava. Good night. Drive safe. I hate to bail on you. I know h-how important this is. Are you out of your mind? Of course you have to be with your daughter. This? This can wait, jax. Well, y-you can continue without me. Yes, I could. But you've been with me for this part of the journey, and I want you with me for however this ends. And I want to be with you. Okay, so it's settled. Do you mind having some company on the flight back to port charles tomorrow morning? I would love that. Good. I can understand why the hospital isn't thrilled to have renault on the board.

Chairman of the board. Still... maybe you and molly should volunteer for another cause. G.H. -- It's the heart of port charles and we can't let renault corrupt it. I'm signing up staff members. Molly is pulling people from the law school and the university. I-I admire your conviction, but if renault's the real deal, he could bring you a lot of trouble. Let him bring it! The hospital is worth fighting for. You agree? I back tj all the way.

[ Sighs ] Okay. I'm in. I knew it. I knew it. I -- y-you might be a sorry softball player, but you are a man with principles. Well, let's just hope molly's friends are worth the trouble.

[ Chuckles ] Osteoporosis? Isn't that for women somewhat "older" than me? That's a common misconception, but postmenopausal women age 50 and over can be at risk for osteoporosis. I see. Well, we can't say anything for certain until we get the test results back. I'll call orthopedics and make the arrangements for you.

[ Door opens ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ] Everything okay in here? I'm waiting for a cast for my wrist, so go ahead and say it -- "I told you so." I'm just thankful that you're being treated. I'll be outside waiting for you when you're ready. You know, they would like to run some more tests on me, so it's gonna take a bit of time. I'm just gonna grab a ride-share. Nice try. I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to do this -- alexis, can you please just once stop arguing and say thank you?

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ] Come on, olivia! Call me back. Call me back. Maybe you could use this.

[ Sighs ] Holly was wearing this the last time I saw her. We, um -- we met up in singapore. Ran this little game on a tech-bro billionaire. I, uh... gave her this when we got married -- for show. One thing and another happened, and it wound up in a safety deposit box that I had in switzerland. I gave it back to her two years ago. I said... while we're separated, we're never gonna be done with each other. I should never have given you false hope that she was alive. At least we know the truth... and who's responsible. Should have got there sooner. Robert, you can't think like that. You did everything you could. Well, it sure don't feel like it! The bureau sent a plane to take you home. It's waiting on the tarmac in nice. Why the bureau's so obliging? We wanted this place shut down. You gave us a way to do it. You're welcome. Ready? Like the girl from kansas said -- there's no place like home. You want a lift somewhere? Any continent but this one.

[ Ringing ] Blackjack dealer:

They're gone.

Scorpio and lovett

have proof that she's dead.

Now, the casino's been

shut down, but I don't think

the bureau has been able

to link this place to you.

Rudge knows to keep his mouth

shut about what you really did

with holly.

[ Beep ]

Open the door!

You bastard!

Let me out of here!

On the next "General Hospital" --


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