General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 9/2/20
Episode #14539 ~ Sonny lets his guard down; Olivia worries about Dante; Lulu hopes her own experiences can help a friend; Chase wants to come clean; Robert makes a chilling remark to Anna.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Anna: I want to have a dinner party at the house, if that's alright with you, just to celebrate the happy news and... it's happy news, right? Oh! God, yes. Okay, good! Of course. Surprising, but happy. Yeah, best surprise I ever could have imagined.[ Chuckles ] We're having a baby. I still can't believe it. Neither can I. Spinelli, I'm gonna be out of town for a few days. Now, listen, y-you keep me in the loop with this peter business.
[ Scoffs ] Nine months will go by in a flash. Before that kid pops out, I want maxie to know the truth about its father. She's gonna have it all planned for you, like a lot of planning. Have you seen my hand sanitizer? I definitely don't want to get on a plane without it now.
[ Sighs ] So you're still determined to leave today? I have to, ned. No. You don't have to. I do, if I ever want to see my son again. Honey, I told you, robert's friend is only in charge of this facility temporarily. He -- he's doing us a huge favor by sneaking me in, and in a month from now, who -- who knows who could be there? Someone who doesn't want to let visitors in. If -- if -- if -- if I want to see dante... i have to go now. And where does that leave brook lynn?
[ Monitor beeping ]
[ Telephone ringing in distance ]
[ Knock on door ] Hope you are up for a few visitors? I don't know how you feel, but you look great. Doesn't she look great? She does. You do. How are you?
[ Scoffs ] Hey, sorry I'm late. Oh, thank you for meeting me. Your text made it sound important. What's up? I just wanted you to know so you're prepared, that I'm gonna tell willow the truth -- about us. I mean, our affair or non-affair. Whatever we're calling it. Are you out of your mind?
[ Children playing in distance ] Are we hovering? Melanie brings wiley here all the time. That's her job. She's the nanny. There's absolutely no reason for us to supervise personally. Well, I mean, come on. Wiley was kidnapped last night. Of course, we're gonna keep an eye on him. But that's not fair to wiley. We can't turn into those hyper parents, who monitor their kid's every move. Well, you know, that's why we're over here -- at a distance. It's a compromise, right? He gets to spend some time with the nanny, and we get to keep an eye on him. You make it sound so reasonable. Yeah. Well, or I guess we could just admit that we are hovering for the time being. But, you know, it's only -- it's only temporary. You sure about that? Yeah. I mean, things got to go back to normal at some point, right? We both got to go back to work. But not today. No, not today. No, today, we get to hang out, watch wiley on the swings... and, uh, appreciate that he's back home safe. I couldn't ask for anything more. I, um... I could.
[ Horse whinnies ] What do you say, dad? Looks like a winner. Well, hold on. Got to see what our options are. Let's check out the other horses before we decide who to bet on for the big race, huh? Sounds like a plan. Go ahead. Carly: Hey, hey! Yeah? You okay? Yeah, it's -- it's, uh... it's nearing the end, and I can feel it. And I -- I just want to spend...
[ Voice breaking ] I want to spend as much time as I can with my father. Every day, every hour. A really wise man just said... "sounds like a plan."
So, there's something I have to tell you. Alright. You know how much I hate being wrong, right? Who, you? Which is why we get along so well and we're so good together, because the only person who hates being wrong more than I do is you. Alright. Fair enough. When you told me you were gonna bring mike here, I was really scared. I thought you were hiding from reality. You were trying to push mike into doing something he didn't want to do. I don't know, denial or magical thinking that somehow this was gonna make mike better. Man, was I wrong.
[ Chuckles ] This was the best gift you could have given mike. How wonderful is it watching mike enjoy himself? It's absolutely wonderful. I spoke to diane, and, uh, it's gonna be a little tricky, you know. While I have full custody of wiley, nelle is still the biological mother. So, you know, we'd kind of have to go the whole "abandonment" route, which can be kind of tricky because both parents usually have to sign off on it -- michael. What? I have no idea where you're going with this.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah, sorry. I was kind of all over the place there, wasn't I? A little bit. Um...okay. What I'm -- what I'm -- what I'm trying to say is... once diane can legally put the question of nelle to rest... I, um... I want you to adopt wiley. Every reason that michael and willow had to get married is now gone. Not only has janelle vanished, but she attacked brook lynn and literally slashed her throat. So now janelle is a kidnaper who assaulted with intent to kill. There's no way that she can get near wiley again. It's over. Wiley is safe from janelle for the rest of his life, and now I can go to willow and tell her everything that happened and why. And then what, chase? What do you mean? You think you can just go to willow and -- and tell her why and -- and then what? She'll say, "great news," hand michael back his ring, kiss wiley goodbye, and run into your arms? No, I know she'll be upset. But eventually, she'll understand. Willow loves me. Yes, she does. But she loves wiley more, loves him the way a mother is supposed to love her child, because in her heart, that is what willow is to wiley, his mother. That's why we did this, right? Yeah, but, you really -- no, no! No! You can't put something like that in motion, and then think you can control the outcome. You know that phrase "you can't un-ring a bell"? This is the same thing. No matter how bad you want to, you can't un-give up someone you love. We actually have something in common, brook lynn.
[ Monitor beeping ] No, n-not dustin. I also know the terror of being stabbed and left to die. I'm sure you followed the whole ryan chamberlain nightmare.
[ Beeping continues ] When I came to after the attack... I was terrified. And it took me a long time to get over that trauma, to stop feeling like someone had... stolen something so deeply personal from me that I would never get back. So I get it, and I'm around if you ever want to commiserate. I think maybe we should let brook lynn get some rest.
[ Beeping continues ] Take care, okay? We'll check in on you soon. Ned: Brook lynn is lying in the icu right now, okay? And she refuses to see me, and you are the one -- and I thank you for it -- who reached out to her after I slammed that door in her face, okay? You went after her, and you were kind enough to put her up in the metro court. Why are you saying this all to me as if I wasn't there? Because I'm trying to make you understand that you are the only one my daughter might allow to help her. I think that you are mistaken. I think she would allow sunny to help her. I think she would allow michael to help her, although that's a little bit dicey right now, considering that he is technically a quartermaine, and she seems fairly determined to keep all her family members out of her life right now -- she needs us, liv. She needs me! I get it. I get how much you want to make this work with brook lynn. Yes! And you can help me make it happen. You can be that bridge, okay, to help get her... to accept help from me --do you hear yourself right now? This isn't about her accepting help. This is about her accepting help from you. Yes. Because I am her father. I need your help. To help my daughter. And whether she admits it or not, brook lynn needs me. It's just gonna be a small dinner party, you know, two of you, me and finn, mac and felicia. You can just sit back, relax, let us celebrate you. I think we can manage that, right?
[ Chuckling ] Yeah. It sounds great to me. It's so great it's hard to even take it all in. I never imagined coming to port charles and falling in love, let alone... becoming a family man.
[ Chuckles ] Before you know it, you'll be driving a minivan.
[ Laughs ] Kidding. I am all for you making a change, but, uh, there's still got to be a little edge. Good to know. Just not too much of an edge. Oh, you know what? We better get going. We're gonna meet dustin and lulu before our appointment at the hospital. Okay, so I'll text you with some dates and see if they work for you. Are you sure? Yeah. What? This is what you do when you're celebrating with family. Family. I like the sound of that. Good. Don't mess it up. Oh, don't worry. I won't let him.
[ Chuckles ] Alright. Thank you, anna. Yeah. No. Of course. You're welcome. Yeah. Thank you. I'll see you soon, yeah? Definitely. Bye. Okay. -Bye. -Bye. Robert: Something wrong?
I remember when I was a kid, my dad used to take me to the track. Something fun to do, you know? I can just see my dad, always he was so happy. He loved being there. He knew everybody. Everybody knew him. You want another one? That must have been so cool for you. Here you go.
[ Laughs ] I think before the gambling turned into addiction... my father was at his best at the track. He loved horses. He loved the people who handled the horses. He just loved the... whole experience. You know? I understand what you're saying, to a point, but I think mike's his best self when he's with you. I do. I think that's why it was so hard for him for so long. He left that part of himself behind when he left you, and he couldn't find it. Now here at the end... mike's his best self all over again, thanks to you. Michael... so was that too much too soon? No. No, it's -- it's not.
[ Sighs ] I -- I wanted this. Okay? You don't have to pay me back. What? No. That's -- that's not what this is about. Are you sure? Because you are conscientious to a fault. You trip over yourself thanking me, acknowledging me, giving me credit, and I just want to be clear. It was not a sacrifice to marry you. I'm glad I could testify at the custody hearing. I'm loving being part of your family -- I mean, as... wiley's stepmom. Willow, willow, hey. [ Chuckles ] This isn't -- this isn't about thanking you. I want you to adopt wiley for him, so that, legally, you have equal claim on him. But -- but what that really means... is that wiley has claim on you. Michael and willow are adults with feelings. They love wiley, and they're committed to him. They're happy. Wiley's happy. You can't just show up now and say, "whoops, just kidding." And if I don't? Come on. Doesn't that mean we're playing god again, deciding that michael and willow are better together instead of telling them the truth and letting them choose. But you're counting on willow to choose you, but why would she? You lied to her. You deliberately broke her heart. Willow won't forgive you for that any more than michael will forgive me. There is no going back, chase. Our only option is to move on. Well, maybe that works for you, throwing yourself into your career, or however you numb the pain, but I am in love with willow, and I-I can'T. I won't give her up. Thought you'd be happy to know that I'm going to holly's memorial. Flight leaves tonight. Oh, good. Good. Glad to see that you're out of that strange denial you were in and you're facing things head-on. Well, now that I'm not in my denial, I thought I'd drop by and take one more crack at yours.
[ Scoffs ] God. Is this about peter?
[ Stammers ] Of course, it's about peter! When is it not about peter? With you, never.
They really are such beautiful animals, aren't they? Oh, how did it go?
[ Chuckles ] Your father could be the mayor if laura ever decides to step down.
[ Both laugh ] It's good to be with friends, right, dad? Hey, um, felix, why don't you and i go to the concession stand, and you, um, can have a chat with your dad. You had me at concessions. Carly: [ Laughs ] Salty or sweet? I'm thinking both. Me too. Hey, buddy. Come over here. What are you doing, dad? No, no, no, no. What? Let me help you up. Come on. You okay? You okay? Uh-huh. Carly and I were saying how beautiful the horses are.
[ Chuckles ] Are you sure? Uh-huh. You got it? Uh-huh. What is it, dad? What is it? Thank you, son. Just don't bother. I know exactly what you're going to say. Do you? Yes. Yes, I do. Word for word.
[ Scoffs, chuckles ] I just love it when we play this little game. No, you think that I've ignored your warnings and jason's, and that I've just cleared the way for peter to convince maxie that he's reformed and that I have allowed their relationship to become even more serious because now they're having a child together. Peter... who murdered drew. According to you. According to a lot of people, according to his accomplice, shiloh -- and if maxie finds out that peter has been lying to her all this time and that he is, in fact, this evil mastermind that you claim him to be, she's gonna be as devastated, if not more so, than when she lost nathan. And that it's gonna be even worse, because I stood back, and I just allowed it to happen. I ignored my own professional instincts, and I just jumped on the "obrecht did everything" bandwagon, because it was where I wanted it to be at the time instead of going after where the facts lead me. I mean, am I close? Wow. Clearly, I don't need to be having this fight with you. You're already having it with yourself. Wait, wait, wait. Olivia, please. Olivia: No, no, no. No. Obviously, your daughter is more important than my son. That's not what I'm saying -- you are blatantly asking me to choose between our children. Look, dante's situation is terrible. It is. Of course it is. But it's static, okay? Nothing has changed in over a year. Hold on. Static?! Brook lynn is recovering right now, okay? Rejecting me right now, needs me right now. I am telling you, this may be the last chance I ever get to talk to my son. I know it feels that way -- no, it is that way, ned! I understand that this is a horribly painful situation for you and for brook lynn, but she is getting better all the time. It's not like she's not gonna be there for you to reach out to. And if you truly, truly need me to build that bridge to her, then it's just gonna have to wait a couple days. A couple of days so you can fly to geneva and break your own heart.
[ Monitor beeping ] Hey. Is this a bad time?
[ Telephone rings in distance ] I, um, brought you something.
[ Chuckles ] It's deception's new moisturizer. Of all the things I hated when I was stuck in isolation here, dry skin was top of the list, so... this stuff is amazing. All natural. You're welcome. So, um, I am totally gonna take advantage of the fact that you can't talk. You can type all you want on that thing -- I'll just ignore it. So here's the deal. Chase is not a dirtbag. Of course, I want to adopt wiley, I want that little boy to have a claim on me... forever. But...? No "buts." That's honestly how I feel. I will happily, wholeheartedly adopt wiley as soon as I am legally able. But... see, there is a "but." Since that can't happen yet because of nelle, since we have that legal pause, anyway... if there's something you want to say, just -- just say it. It's okay. I just want to make sure you're not doing this because you feel like... you were wrong to kiss me... or that it shouldn't have happened, or... whatever your take on it. No, we, um... we promised that we would be honest, right? And not try to protect or shield each other because those kind of lies led to where chase and sasha ended up. Right. Right. I don't regret the kiss. I don't, but I -- I do regret the timing because, look, I know you're still in love with chase, and I want you to know that I -- I... completely respect that. Thank you. And since we're being honest... I don't regret the kiss either. But you and wiley are too important to me to -- I can't mess this up, michael. I can't rush into things or make assumptions. You are wiley's father, and nothing is more important than giving him a stable, loving family.
You know, as weird as it is to say, considering how horrible nelle is, she's, um...she's kind of given us a gift. I mean, all this time, waiting to see what's gonna happen with her is time that we can spend getting to know each other more as a family, see where we are and our comfort level. Time to not rush into anything. Yeah, exactly. Just take it day by day. Day by day. It's great with me. Speaking of time... remember I told you that nina stopped by while I was waiting for you to call about wiley? Yeah. How did that go? Surprisingly well. Nina was really kind, which I never would have believed if you'd told me back when she was trying to have me fired over charlotte. Hmm. Well, it sounds like she learned to appreciate you. I may have learned to appreciate nina, too. In fact, she taught me how to play backgammon. Oh. It's a fun game. You play? A little. How much is a little? Well, we'll play a few games, and you'll find out. Why do I feel like I'm being set up? Would I do that? In a heartbeat? Behind your oh-so-innocent face lurks the heart of a shark. Chase is actually the opposite of a dirtbag. He's, like,
the greatest guy. What happened with us...
[ Scoffs ] Chase was feeling overwhelmed because there was no way that he could solve willow's problem. The only person who could keep willow in wiley's life was michael by marrying her. Chase wanted to be the hero. He wanted to save his girlfriend. And not only was he unable to do that, but michael could. As for me, I, uh... I was feeling alone and scared and completely in over my head because no way was I ready to be married yet, let alone be an insta-mom. So we tied one on. And look, it was me, brook lynn. I kissed chase first. Please don't hold him responsible. Dante has told you every way he knows how that he doesn't want you to see him, so it's not a choice between my kid or your kid. It's a choice of helping brook lynn or another agonizing and futile attempt to reach out to dante. Okay. I-I get it. So -- so -- so what you're telling me is that... I'm wasting my time trying to help my own son. Dante thinks he's better off away from you, okay? So you can honor his wishes by leaving him alone.
[ Scoffs ] Wow. I can understand how it would be possible for you to give me advice like that, considering the fact that you are the one who threw your own daughter out of her family home, like a common criminal. I will never, ever abandon my children. The way I see it, robert, is you have two choices. You can accept the fact that peter and maxie are happy and that obrecht is the culprit, and it's over, that there's a beautiful, innocent baby on the way, a baby that represents a whole new chapter. Or you can just continue to dredge up misery for everyone around you in this endless quest to be right. Which sounds better to you? Well... I see it that you have two choices -- keep on avoiding the truth, or step up and face it. You don't want to be late for your flight. Are we late? No, no, we just got here. And took the liberty of ordering you coffee. Oh, herbal tea for you. Thank you. My darling. We just met up with anna. She seems very excited to become a grandmother again. Oh, I bet she's over the moon. How are you guys doing? Uh, we're okay. We just came from seeing brook lynn. Oh, god. Was it horrible? In a word...yes. He sure is a beauty.
[ Horse whinnies ] Yeah, he sure is. Hey. Go ahead.
[ Sighs ] You know, dad, I've been thinking a lot about equestrian park. Um... remember when you spent the night there with avery? You want to sit down, dad? Uh, huh? I'm fine. Are you sure? Remember you spent the night there with avery? You got lost, and we were all worried, and then dante found you. You know who dante is, right? Dante, your grandson. Yeah. He -- he brought you home safe and sound. A lot has happened since then. A lot of loss, but a lot of gain. And I'm just very happy that I'm able... to bring you here. A place where you... you just loved to be, right, dad?
[ Sniffles ] Listen, dad, uh... I'm gonna go play the ponies. I'll be back. I'm probably gonna bet on the long shot, 'cause that's what you would do, 'cause you love the long shot, right? Now, how much should I bet, dad?
[ Sighs ] Shoot the moon, son. Yeah, dad, we're gonna...
[ Voice breaking ] We're gonna shoot the moon.
robert! I'm sorry I'm early, but, uh... well, airport security, you know, can be a bear. You're right on time. I know that you have to put up with me because we work together, and not only is that not true for you and chase, but he's also arrested you two times. Yikes. Three times. I just don't want you to think that he's some hypocritical jerk, lecturing you about right and wrong while he cheats on his angelic girlfriend. Believe me, brook lynn, if you were drowning, the person you'd want to jump in and save you is chase. He's a genuinely good guy.
[ Chuckles ] A genuinely good guy who is not the guy for me. Trust me. When you blow your life apart that bad, that becomes an avenue you can never revisit. The only saving grace, if that even exists, is that willow and michael got custody of wiley. That has to count for something, right? Everything okay? Yeah. Just...
[ Clears throat ] I just -- my sole focus has been wiley lately, as it should be, but, uh... just my family's going through some stuff. My, uh... my grandfather stopped eating. Oh, no. Yeah. [ Sighs ] And my dad decided not to put him on a feeding tube, which I completely agree with. It just -- just means that he doesn't have much time left. Michael, I'm so sorry. I was just texting with my mom. Apparently, they brought him to the track. The racetrack. He loves betting on horses. Oh, god. I was picturing a high-school running track and was like, "that's an odd place to bring your grandfather."
[ Chuckles ] So they're at the racetrack. Yeah. Yeah. My mom says it's going well. You know, I'm just happy for my dad that they get to spend this time together. So you don't have to say, if you don't want to. Okay. What you just told me, that's about your dad losing his father, and that's a really, really sad thing. But you're losing someone, too, michael. How are you doing?
[ Carly laughing ] Oh, look who it is. Oh, what have you guys been up to while felix and I were eating a lot of junk food. Well, we, uh... we were just making plans that we're gonna come back here. I mean, not -- you know... when we pick the right horse. Hey, mike, you gonna introduce me to your friend there. Sure. Come. Come. Alright. Let's go. You're doing great. I don't feel like I'm doing that great. I mean, how do you say bye to a man who has no past, no future? He doesn't even know you're saying bye. Hey! Oh, I can come back. No. No, no, no. Um, I was just heading out. I've already bored her to tears. [ Chuckles ] Take care.
[ Monitor beeping ] Hey, I just wanted to check on you, see if you were doing okay. Uh... one more thing. Look, I messed up pretty bad with janelle. And as a result, she did a lot of damage. But wiley, that little boy, is safe because of you, brook lynn. So thank you.
[ Chuckles ] Just feel better, okay? T
Why don't I put that in the -- in the car? Thanks. So... this is it? This is it. Good luck. I hope it all works out for you.
[ Voice breaking ] I really wish you meant that.
[ Sighs ] Olivia. Olivia... please do not leave angry.
[ Sniffles ] I'll call you when I get to geneva. Sasha. Well... did you talk to willow? Look, you were -- you were right. It's too late to take it back. What's done is done. I'm sorry. Want to know the worst part? Accepting reality doesn't make it hurt any less.
[ Elevator bell dings ] Michael: You know, when I was little, I never really understood the undercurrent between him and my dad. What kind of undercurrent? Well, mike -- he really screwed up, and it took my father a lifetime to forgive him. Hmm. I always thought you were named after your grandfather. No, no. Actually, uh... my dad's name is michael, too, so I was named after him. You really do learn something new every day. Yeah. So as, uh, great and as wonderful as my grandfather was to me, the main thing I remember... was all the regret that he had -- that he had a wife and a son who he loved very much, and he let them slip away. You know, 'cause life -- life gives you endless chances, but you don't always get the same chances back, and the things you let slip away, they don't always come back. So, yeah, you know, I really enjoyed, um... fishing with mike, and it was fun when he brought me to the track. Race track. Yes. The race track. But you know what? The... the biggest thing that my grandpa taught me was actually what not to do. I won't make the same mistakes that he did. You know, I won't squander wiley's childhood and -- and -- and leave him hurting. I won't put my my career, my ambitions, or anything else before him and promise myself I'll make it up down the line. I'm committed to giving wiley the best life possible. And, um... I want you in it. Sounds like a plan.
[ Fanfare plays ]That's us! Alright. Here we go. Let's do it. You ready?
[ Laughs ] Let's go!
[ Laughs ] I never thought I'd say this, but I feel really bad for brook lynn. Yeah, I do, too. I mean, to think of how brave she was clueing michael in on how to find nelle and wiley. Yeah, it's because of her that my nephew is safe. What if her throat is so badly cut that she's never able to sing again? No, I just can't -- that is a possibility. Well, one I really hope does not come to pass. Okay. I want to take one moment to stop talking about depressing things. Talk about some amazing things. Like? Like, the perfect, amazing, wonderful baby on the way! Congratulations again, man. I'm so happy for you guys. Thank you. Peter's gonna be an incredible dad.
[ Cellphone rings ] Anna devane. Alex: Hello, sister.
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