General Hospital Transcript Friday 8/21/20
Episode #14531 ~ Ned and Olivia butt heads; Sam sees a softer side to Brando; Elizabeth and Franco come to a realization; Michael makes a startling discovery; Julian is forced to make a life-changing decision.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
lucy: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the 2020 nurses' ball general hospital telethon! Listen, as always, we raise funds for hiv- and aids-related charities, but tonight we are having a special event. We want to raise funds to make sure that our frontline workers have the special safety equipment that they all need. So, please. Our volunteers are standing by. Just call them. That's very kind of you. And now it is my great honor to introduce the most favorite person in the whole world, I think, at general hospital. Please welcome epiphany johnson.That's wonderful. Ohh! Tonight's telethon is to benefit our frontline workers. And I'd like to explain why any donation, large or small, helps. Please do. Thank you, lucy.
[ Both laugh ] Hospitals are a collaboration. It's not only the doctors and nurses that are providing patient care. There are the orderlies, the lab technicians, the cleaners, and many others all working together, all providing essential services. These are incredibly stressful jobs... and they are taking their toll on the providers and their families. It helps us to know that the community that we are supporting also supports us. Lucy: And, yes, we do support you. And, ladies and gentlemen, that's why this evening is so important, and the telethon is our way of saying a big thank-you to the medical personnel and all those first responders out there. Those are the heroes, along with their families... that are on the front lines doing so much for all of us. And so that's why it's our turn to give back. So, please, call our volunteers, make a donation. And while you're doing that, we are gonna entertain you. Boy, do we have some amazing acts still to come. Stay with us. Those cassadine men.
[ Pops lips ] They do have a way of getting under our skin. Mm-hmm. Which brings me back to nikolas. Is he trying to make you jealous? Is that why he's making such a fuss of elizabeth webber? Because even if you guys are married in name only, flirting with another woman, especially a married woman -- that's just tacky! Mm. It could also be very profitae for me. I think I told you, didn't I, that if nikolas sleeps with another woman, it triggers our infidelity clause and I wind up with 90% of the cassadine estate. Nikolas can shower elizabeth with tributes to his heart's content. If he actually manages to woo her into bed... I get the payoff I deserve. Hi. Um, jax. Can I talk to you? Yeah. What's up? Um, josslyn called. She's still with trina. But she was calling to check in, as promised, and she wants to talk to you. Is she okay? Yeah, I think she's looking for a congratulatory present after her performance. Oh. Well, you know she's angling for her own car. I do. And I'm gonna let you handle that. See you later!
[ Chuckles ] Okay. I will.
[ Telephones ringing ] Uh, you know, the, um -- the, uh -- the scholarship for nursing students in elizabeth's name was very generous, but, um...maybe you should have thought about it, you know, a little bit more. That jax, man. He's got a point. You know, the next time you feel the wave of generosity washing over you, maybe you want to shower some of that on your wife. So, tracy married my mom's uncle, luke spencer. I think it was a fraudulent marriage. I -- [ Chuckles ] I can't keep track anymore, to be honest. But, yes, luke is definitely tracy's life partner. So unconventional marriages are a thing with the quartermaines? Oh, yeah. We don't do them any other way.
[ Telephone rings ] Oh. Nurses' ball telethon. Yes. Lucy: ...Telethon, listen, as always, we raise funds for hiv... well. Still sleeping. Disaster averted. We want to raise funds to make sure that our frontline workers have the special safety equipment that they all need. So, please. Our volunteers...
[ Ominous music plays ] I can't wait for the cops to haul you off in handcuffs in front of all those volunteers and the viewers at home. The cops are never gonna believe you. They'll say you're harassing me. Okay. I'll call michael first. He can call the police.
[ Phone thuds ]
[ Sighs ] No worries. Mac scorpio is right here in the metro court. He can come arrest you himself. Brook lynn? Look. I-I'm really sorry. Please just -- [ Sighs ] Just pretend you didn't see me. You didn't hear anything. Right? Save it, bitch. You messed with your last quartermaine.
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
Everything all right? Yeah. That's brook lynn. Missed call. No message. Oh. What do you think she wanted? No idea. Maybe she's hoping to make peace. Brook lynn doesn't need to make peace with me. Yeah, I don't like the idea that you sold her elq shares, but so did a lot of other members of my family. At least she didn't know that she sold her shares to valentin. You seem way less worried about this than ned. Yeah, well, look, I --
[ Scoffs ] I hate the idea that valentin is in charge of elq, and I fully intend to force him out, eventually.
[ Sighs heavily ] But in the short term, I mean, I don't know. Valentin -- he's a smart businessman, okay? So I don't -- I don't think that elq will suffer. And I don't think that brook lynn committed some unforgivable betrayal. Maybe you should tell her that. Yeah, maybe I should.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Telephones ringing ]
[ Ringing ]
[ Cellphone ringing ] You know, brook lynn
[Clears throat] You should have been nicer to me, you know? More sympathetic. It's your mistake, right? But now my plan... to have wiley vanish
[Sighs] Has gone south, so I need to go.
[ Ringing continues ] Lucy: ...Special event. Sorry, monica. I had no choice. ...Special safety equipment that they all need. So, please. Our volunteers are standing by. Just call them. Thank you. [ Television clicks off ] [ Cellphone chimes ] Are you kidding me? [ Sighs ]
[ Telephones ringing ] Here you go. So [Sighs heavily] To wiley and his amazing new life. He is safe from nelle because of you. Uh, because of us. And diane. Right. Diane. wiley and diane.
[ Bottles clink ]
[ Telephone rings ] G.H. Nurses' ball telethon.
[ Telephone rings ] Nurses' ball telethon. Thank you so much for calling. And what's your name? Oh! Oh, yay! There you are. Okay, so, you found jordan and she's warming up her voice, right? I mean, she is the next act. I couldn't find her. What? W-what did you say? You -- what -- you can't find her? Curtis said she was called away on a case. O-okay. No. No, no, no, no, no. That doesn't work. She's the police commissioner. She doesn't have to solve every single case in town! She can delegate to other police people. She cannot delegate her act. We got to find her. Just go call her. Immediate. Call, call. I did! I even called the pcpd and the hospital. Nobody's seen her. I'm sorry. You're gonna have to cut her number. Are you kidding?! No! I can't do that. I need acts. I mean, it can't just be moi out there asking people for their money. You know, this is a telethon. You know how telethons work? You have an act, you ask for money, and then you have an alternate activity. You know, ask for money, alternate activity. It's kind of like the nfl draft. You know, you draft a player, you have a commercial, alternate activity, draft another player. I don't have a football player to draft. I don't have an act to draft. This is the nurses' ball, so I'm gonna focus. We are going to find jordan, and we are gonna make her come and entertain the audience! We have to find a -- what part of this don't you understand?! Lucy, you can panic later! Right now you have to face the facts. And the fact is, you have no jordan. Are you gonna shut the telethon down? Shhhhhh! No! Of course I'm not gonna do that! No! Show the viewers 10 minutes of a test pattern? Stupid idea. Perish the thought. Call cyrus renault back on stage... oh, my gosh! ...And have him say a few more words? You are losing your mind! Stop. Stop. Okay. Let me think. You've made your point. You are gonna go find epiphany. You're gonna find deanna. And you're gonna warm up your voices, okay? Go. Find them right away. La la la. Sing, sing, sing, and I'll stall. Maybe I'll do a little tap dance. I don't know how to tap-dance. I hate tap dance. Just stall!
[ Exhales heavily ] Your song was beautiful. Oh. Thank you. At least somebody appreciated it. Oh, please. False modesty doesn't look good on you. It was wonderful, and you know it. As was your pledge to match the donations. Is this where you're gonna accuse me of trying to burnish my public image? That's part of it, isn't it? Maybe just part. I gather congratulations are in order. Peter and maxie are expecting. You must be thrilled for him. I am. Hmm. Becoming a parent can change everything, make you better than you ever thought you could be. Happened for me with charlotte and you with robin. Maybe it'll happen for peter. Of course it will. He has his whole life ahead of him. Hope so!
[ Softly ] God knows certain mistakes are impossible to fix. Nina: It's probably slipped your mind, ava, but franco is my friend. I really hope that you're not playing with his marriage. No! No. I'm doing no such thing. I've heard rumors that underneath that angelic facade, elizabeth is chronically unfaithful. So if she chooses to break her vows with my husband, I think that franco should know the awful truth sooner rather than later. Okay. I can't comment on elizabeth. I don't know her well enough. But I do see one major flaw with your big plan. You do? What is it? The way that you and nikolas were looking at each other tonight -- ava, either you're getting really good at pretending that you love him or...something has changed in the last few days. Methinks you're projecting your own issues with valentin onto me.
[ Door closes ]
Hey. So, um, I'm supposed to take our tally from the last hour and give it to lucy in the ballroom. So what do you say we, uh -- we hand in the paperwork and then...sneak out? You want to abandon our posts? Well, we've done more than enough, right? And I figure we can go home and check on wiley. Oh, sure. Make me an offer I can't refuse. Did I really just say that? Ah, don't worry. I don't think he heard you. All right. Let's go.
[ Laughing nervously ] Well! Hello, all you gorgeous, generous, amazing donors! You're doing such a great job. And I hope you realize how so, so very important it is, this job you are doing. You know what we're trying to do, those frontline workers out there are helping us every day, and so our job is just to help them, and that's what we're gonna do tonight, and that's what you're gonna do, is keep on donating! When we work together and when we give something of ourselves, it means we're doing something a little bigger than just raising money for the equipment for our frontline workers. It means we're building a community. And I really believe that that shows our medical personnel and all those first responders that we care about them, that we support them, and that we are together for them. And so that's what we're trying to do tonight. So please call, donate. Any amount is greatly appreciated because that means we're all pitching in together. And while you're calling and doing that, we're gonna keep right on entertaining you. And, boy, are you in for a special treat.
[ Michael sighs ] Well, I'm, uh, sorry the evening crash and burned. It didn'T. I had a good time. Mostly. Yeah -- right up until chase and sasha. I mean, I get it. In theory. You know, the telethon's important. They had a great act. And, uh... and they did really well. They were fantastic. Yeah, they were, weren't they? You know, someday it's -- it's not gonna hurt so much. I know. Until then... I say we go with plan B. We have a plan b? Oh, yeah -- popcorn and the funniest movie ever made. Ugh! You really don't have to cheer me up. Okay, well, how about cheering me up, huh? We'll check on wiley, make sure he's asleep, and then you can pick out the movie. "The funniest movie ever"? No pressure there.
[ Both chuckle ]
[ Ominous chord strikes ] It looks like michael and willow aren't coming back. Well, you know, they probably went home to check on wiley. They're such good parents.
[ Laughs ] I'm just glad it wasn't your idea. What wasn't? Chase and sasha pretending to be involved so michael and willow can get married. 'Cause let's face it, t-this is the exact kind of plan that's up your alley. Back in the day, right? Okay. Yeah. Back in the day. 100%. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But then I would have seen the four of them together, everyone's hearts breaking, and that would've just made me feel all kinds of guilty. But instead... I'm just grateful because michael got custody of wiley, and wiley has the best stepmother on the planet. You're gonna stay out of it, right? Yeah. Sure. Carly. No. Seriously. T-there's just too much going on right now. I know that! I do know that. Do you want to call turning woods and check in? No. They're gonna call me if there's a change. Plus, the best thing I could do for my dad right now is stay here, supporting the people who have given my dad such amazing care. Brook lynn! Problem with my daughter? What a surprise. She's not answering any of my calls. Guess, under the circumstances, it's, uh, highly expected. Oh, please. Can we just pause the lecture until we get home? Oh, is that what it is to you now, when I express my opinion? Now it's a lecture? Well, on this particular topic, um, yeah, they're one and the same. I lecture you because you're scaring the hell out of me right now. Liv -- no, no. Let me say my piece. I have heard enough stories about your grandfather to know that his intentions may have been excellent, but his methods were toxic. And, honey, I say this with love -- you are turning more into edward quartermaine every damn day. That's not true. Then prove it! You go find your daughter and you talk to her!
-thank you so much. All right. -Uh, excuse me. Have, uh, any of you seen brook lynn? Uh, not for a while now. No. Okay. I'll go check the front desk. Maybe she went back to her room. She might be warming up backstage for her number. Lulu: We could go check. Oh, thank you. That'd be great. Thanks. Okay, yeah.
[ Telephones ringing ] Robert: Olivia! Yeah? Oh! You -- you got a minute? Uh, yeah. Everything okay? Everything's good. In fact, uh, it's good news. Yeah? A connection of mine over at the bureau said that, uh, she can get you in to see dante. What?! [ Gasps ] Oh, my god! Oh! Robert, where -- when? When? Hey. Sorry, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm --
[ Gasps ] I'm gonna calm down. W-where is he? He's at a, uh, bureau facility in geneva. Okay. Um, no civilians allowed. Okay. So I'm gonna go with you. That's fine with me. Um, this guy is a supervisor there. He's waiting for his boss to return. Okay. Now, there's a narrow window. We got to go in the morning. Okay. Robert, I haven't had any contact with my son in over a year. I would literally leave right this second if I could. Thank you! Thank you, robert. Thank you so much. Okay. Pleasure. Okay. Popcorn and the funniest movie ever. Yeah. But only to cheer you up. Yeah, and please feel free not to be cheered up at all because this is only about me. Got it. [ Chuckles ] So, uh, what movie do you have in mind? Promise you won't laugh. Well, I mean, the whole point is to laugh, but... okay. There is a super-cute animated movie. I fell in love with it when I was a kid. Okay, sold. We're watching it. It really is a kids movie. Not sophisticated. The humor is very silly. Oh, I can -- I could really use some silly right now. Let's cue it up and check on wiley. All right? Hey, grandma. Grandma? Hey. Grandma? Grandma! Grandma?!
[ Sighs ] Sorry, wylie.
[ Alarm chirps ] You deserve better than this. Unfortunately, our crazy birth mother has other plans. Why am I giving you to her?
[ Chuckles ] Well, wiley, it's because I'm the world's biggest coward, and if I don't give you to her, well... she'll tell sonny I knew you were michael's kid all along. And sonny, well, he knows... well, at least 50 different ways to kill somebody, so...
[ Sighs heavily ] Looks like I've, uh, run out of options. All right. Go on.
[ Clears throat ] Tell me what an idiot I am for getting mixed up with her. Julian. What on earth are you thinking?! And why haven't you killed her yet? You wouldn't be here in the first place if nelle didn't have you over a barrel. And that's exactly where she plans to keep you. If you think that she's gonna release you when all of this is over, julian, you're a damn fool. Or maybe not. Lulu: If she's not in here, she probably bailed on performing. Dustin: No. Brook lynn gets stage fright, but she wouldn't run away.
[ Sighs ]
[ Knock on door ] Brook lynn! Brook lynn!
[ Lulu gasps ] Oh, my god.
Lulu, call 911 right now! Brook lynn, can you hear me? Wake up. Our telethon tonight is raising funds to purchase much-needed equipment for our frontline workers, but this is still the nurses' ball, and we are so passionately committed to overcoming aids and hiv. That is still our mission. That's why the full budget of the ball, along with generous donations from nikolas cassadine and from sonny corinthos, are going directly to aids and hiv charities. And now it's my great pleasure to introduce a woman who is very committed to both of these important causes. Please welcome anna devane. Hey, lucy. Thank you, darling. Hi, everyone. Um, thank you so much for your donations. I've been answering the phones, and I have got to speak to some of you, which has been lovely. We're very grateful for your generosity. The nurses' ball has a very special place in my heart. Um... not just because I received a lovely marriage proposal here on this very stage a year ago [Chuckles] From dr. Hamilton finn. But, uh...the nurses' ball is special to me because... so many people's lives have been touched by hiv and aids. I'm the mother of an hiv survivor.
My daughter was diagnosed at a time when the... outcome or the prognosis wasn't as optimistic as it is today, a time when prejudice and fear was even more rampant. Robin and countless other people are alive today because of medical research. And perhaps that's why she became a doctor herself. Which leads me to how important this telethon is tonight. I served as police commissioner here for many years, and I saw how closely first responders and medical personnel work to support our community. They are all vitally important, every single one of them, from cops to doctors... [ Cellphone chimes ] ...To ambulance crew to hospital cleaners. No one does their job alone. They need each other. And we desperately need them. Desperately. So, please, give whatever you can. Any donation, whatever size, shows your support. Thank you. Here you go. No, thanks. Okay, can we just get this over with? I know you've been waiting all night to -- I don't love the fact that you went all caveman on nikolas, but you're not the problem. Ava is. I'm pretty sure that ava had no idea that nikolas was setting up a scholarship in your name. Well, maybe not, but it definitely fits in with her plan. What plan would that be? No. Wrong metaphor. It's a game. Ava's playing emotional chess with nikolas, and you and i are her pawns. Look. Um... I got to get back inside. Okay. Anna's gonna have a fit when she realizes that I wasn't there during her speech. Listen. You just tell anna the truth. You tell her that you found a way for me to see my son, and I know that she will understand. Yeah, maybe. Anyway... see you tomorrow. I will be waiting outside the door. Robert, I don't know how I'm ever gonna thank you for this. Ooh. We'll think of something...
[ Exhales sharply ] Amazing! We have a fight, and you run straight to robert. No, no! I'm sure he said just the right thing. Ned. Ned. No. This had nothing to do with our marriage. Robert has figured out a way for me to see dante! Wha-- well, that's great news! He's -- h-he's in some sort of facility in geneva, and robert just happens to know the guy that is in charge, so... okay. All right. Well, I'll -- I'll clear my schedule, and we'll go. No. Um... robert has to sneak me in as it is, so he's the only one that can go. Okay. Lulu: Ned! Olivia! Brook lynn's been attacked! What?! Grandma?! Come on, come on. Please wake up. Hey. Hey. Are you okay? Michael? Yeah. Ohh. Geez. You scared me half to death. Are you okay?
[ Groans ] I -- I-I must have dozed off. You were sleeping pretty heavily. I don't -- I don't remember. You don't remember what? Falling asleep? N-- I-I remember...
[ Groans ] I remember the phone rang. I left it... I left it in the foyer.
[ Groans ] I-I-I came back in. And I heard wiley. Y-you mean you heard him on the baby monitor, or you heard him -- you heard him downstairs?
[ Breathing heavily ] I'll go check the nursery. Where's wiley? Safe in the car.'re saying you want to give me your set of wheels? That's very nice and totally unnecessary. We can just put him in my car and get going.
ava wants nikolas to cheat -- with me -- so that she can divorce him and help herself to the cassadine fortune. There's only one problem with that. I think you've got it backwards. How? It's not ava. It's nikolas. Nikolas is the one who's playing us. Wow! [ Chuckles ] Thank you to everyone who made the nurses' ball such a resounding success. This 2020 telethon was just amazing. And thank you to everybody who jumped in the last minute to help. Thank you to all of you who gave so generously to our frontline workers. Thank you to our amazing performers and everybody backstage that just pitched in and made this whole thing happen! And, really, thank you so much to my wonderful, amazing gown designer. But most of all, I want to make sure to thank our amazing... audience at home. Thank you for sticking with us. Thank you for being so supportive.
[ Chuckles ] And now it's my great pleasure to introduce the intrepid nurses of general hospital. We always try to do so much sometimes try to feel too much and hope it works out to see it work out we try to we try to quiet the fears and calm them and just carry on carry on we're always changing while we are growing never staying we are moving sometimes falling while we are climbing I couldn't hold you anymore want to hold you forevermore pushing the fears away, I'm sure making everything seem like they're supposed to be never ruining something beautiful not ruining something powerful and it's just a false facade not even a restless heart we're always changing while we are growing never staying we are moving we're sometimes falling while we are climbing I couldn't hold you anymore hold your heart forevermore I've gotta let you heal before you hurt I don't want to analyze anymore I've gotta let you heal before you hurt I don't want to analyze anymore ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh we're always changing while we are growing never staying we are moving sometimes falling while we are climbing and I couldn't hold you anymore we're always changing while we are growing never staying we are moving we're sometimes falling when we are climbing and I couldn't hold you anymore no, I couldn't hold you anymore we'll hold your -- hold your heart forevermore
[ Chuckles ] Did you see anyone come out of this room? Anyone look like they were fleeing the scene? We didn't see anyone. Hang in there, brooky. I won't leave your side. -Come on. We got to go. -Hang in there, baby. I'm right here. I'm right behind. If you think of anything that could be helpful, any detail, no matter how small, call me. So, w-what were you doing before you fell asleep? Was wiley still up in the nursery? I -- I'm sorry. I j-- I don't remember. Michael. Michael! What? Wiley's not in his room. What?! All right, hubby, it's been real fun, but it's time for me to go. I'm sorry, nelle, but, uh... you're not going anywhere. What are you talking about? You see, nelle... you pushed me too far. And now I'm pushing back.
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