GH Transcript Tuesday 8/11/20

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/11/20


Episode #14524 ~ Sam is cautiously optimistic; Ned calls an emergency meeting; Jordan lies to T.J.. Lucy accosts Cyrus; Curtis is confrontational.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

[ Monitor beeping ]

[ Sniffles ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Voice breaking ] Michael's called. He wants, uh, an update on your condition, but all I can tell him is what the doctors tell me, that your recovery is right on track, your vitals are excellent, and you're going to be opening your eyes any time now. And when you do, I'm going to be right here waiting.

[ Sighs ] Michael: I have some good news. So, uh, jason hasn't regained consciousness yet, but that is normal at this stage, but he is expected to make a full recovery. -Oh, thank god. -That is such a relief. Yes, it'll be nice taking some good news with us to court today. So is it just testimony or...? Everyone's said what they have to say. Yeah, all that's left is for the judge to decide who gets wiley. Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting half an hour. And yet, I'm 10 minutes early. If you don't like waiting, maybe you should show up late. Do I need to remind you that you're the one that's working for me? Not for the third time this morning, and not until I've had my coffee. So if you wouldn't mind waiting just a moment while -- oh, yeah, sure, just get your morning cappuccino. And then, in the meantime, you can think of an excuse of what you're going to tell the judge why I'm not going to be in court today. I beg your pardon? You heard me. There's no way I'm going to that courtroom today. Laura, yes, I-I understand you're upset. I-I should have given you a heads-up. And it is within your purview to ask me to resign. Okay, I'll be in touch. Tj, I -- I didn't know that you were working. Yeah, I-I got a chance to observe a surgery. Well, I hope you're not skipping P.T. Mom, physical therapy is going great. My leg is almost as good as new. See? Okay, good.

[ Chuckles ] But I'm your mom, so I get to worry. Okay. And I'm your son, so I get to worry, too. I heard you with the mayor just now. Mom, did you get fired over your big endorsement of cyrus renault? Hello there, mr. Renault. May I offer my sincere congratulations on your exoneration, not to mention that amazing, enthusiastic stamp of approval from our discerning commissioner last night? Why, thank you. You're welcome. Um. Oh, lucy coe. I thought you looked familiar. I have been poring over your book, getting acclimated with my new hometown. I must say the, uh, photo on the jacket does not do you justice. Wow! Thank you.

[ Both laugh ] May I then say that, um, as someone who herself has been wrongly accused any number of times, it is so heartening to see that you are getting through the wake of all those inaccurate accusations.

[ Chuckles ] Well, it's good to meet a kindred spirit. Hmm. Well, I am hoping we have a little more than that in common. Do tell. I also am the chairperson for general hospital's biggest, best, brightest, most awesome event, the nurses' ball. Can I count on you for a contribution? Good luck today, and, hey, if there's anything any of us can do to help... no, but we appreciate the offer. We might take you up on that.

[ Chuckles ] Look at you two, coming to breakfast together? Did you kiss and make up? Olivia and I are fine. I'm glad we're all here. We have to pull together as a family, today of all days. Really? For what? Yeah, I'd like to know that, too. You promised leo a swim lesson today. He's really looking forward to it. And so am I. This shouldn't take long. Okay, what exactly is this? This is an emergency elq shareholders' meeting. We need to officially vote on whether to bail out general hospital of its financial troubles. Well, thanks for telling me, skye. I'll be there. Did I tell you epiphany saved us again last night? My by-the-book parole officer was about to barge in and find me here with you, never mind that -- oh, that you're unconscious. She would have just slapped me with a parole violation and probably arrested me for good measure, but you know what? She's not going to be a problem for us anymore.

[ Door opens ] Valentin: How's he doing? His prognosis is good. Were you able to stay with him last night? No trouble from your parole officer? Thanks to you, right? As per our agreement. But that was just a temporary fix -- I can make it permanent. As soon as you sign.

It's a fairly succinct and straightforward agreement. Danny morgan and emily scout cain delegate to me the power to vote their elq shares until their respective 18th birthdays. And you will make sure that dolores doesn't show up here again like she did last night? Well, I can't guarantee that now, but if she does, it'll be the last time. And why do I trust you? Sam, you don't have to trust me. Do you have other people helping to get your parole officer off your back? Now, I have other places I have to be. Are you going to sign this or not? The nurses' ball? I have to say, those were my favorite parts of your book, though it was all fascinating. Well, thank you for that, too. Mm. Hey, listen, you know, I have to be honest -- the history of port charles practically writes itself, but the nurses' ball, that's a particularly colorful part of our history. And since you are so very interested, this is the perfect time for you to offer -- give to the nurses' ball?

[ Laughs ] I'd be delighted.

[ Breathes deeply ] I'll even underwrite if, uh -- if you need someone. Actually, sonny corinthos... oh, yeah. ...Has traditionally been the big underwriter for the ball. I don't see why both of us can't shoulder the burden of such a worthy charity. In fact, I not only want to support the nurses' ball, but also the hospital as an institution. Your timing couldn't be more perfect, then. I'm sure you've heard the hospital has been maligned quite badly by that nasty little piece of baggage, nelle benson. I have heard something about that. Well, I'm -- I'm sure it's okay. I'm sure the quartermaines have it covered. You can relax. I'm still employed. But the mayor isn't happy that you threw a press conference telling the world that cyrus renault is a great guy. Sounds like you're not happy, either. Mom, it doesn't make any sense. You despise renault. I mean, that has been clear since the day his name first came up. I know, but my personal feelings are besides the point. I don't have to like someone to follow the law as it applies to them.

[ Sighs ] When I discovered that taggert and the others had fabricated evidence, it no longer mattered if cyrus was actually guilty. I had to come forward with what I learned. But if you stopped there, that would have been enough. The law is upheld. Your conscience is clear. Why go the extra mile and vouch for renault in public? Cyrus renault is making a play for the hospital, and the board is going to be deciding on his offer later today. -So we need to act fast. -Okay, well, then can we vote? Because willow and I need to be in court in less than an hour. Yes. This should be just a mere technicality. I can't imagine any shareholder in this room voting against saving G.H. I called lucy coe, asked her to come by in case we needed a tiebreaker, but I'm sure we won'T. Yeah, what is this whole lucy coe tiebreaker thing again? Lucy got one share to be used in the event of a deadlock from alan as part of the divorce. So there are actually 101% of voting shares in the company? Yep. Makes as much sense as anything else in this family/company. I'll call maya and get her vote, and then I'll call skye and get her and lila rae's vote. I assume sam is staying with jason today. Uh, did sam happen to give you scout and danny's proxy? I'm going to take off. No, after the meeting. Alright, well, listen, I'm going to go make some phone calls. If you need to take off, you can give me your proxy. Michael, you don't need to vote for brook lynn. She can do it herself. Uh, well, about -- you know, you're always saying how you want to feel more like a part of this family. Well, this is how you do it. You stay. You vote. -No. -That's it? No? No. Mrs. Benson jerome, it is far too late to ask for a delay. Not that I don't understand your reluctance. You scrounged up one character witness -- one -- and she turned against you. There's no erasing that. And all I need is a doctor, one doctor, who can tell the judge that I can't appear in court today. One, this isn't grade school. You can't get out of a court appearance with a doctor's note...

[ Clears throat ] ...And, two, what could you possibly hope to gain? If I can't appear in court today, the judge will have no choice but to delay handing down his decision. But if the judge decided in your favor, your frivolous absence would very probably change his mind. That's what I need a doctor for -- to make it not so frivolous. So you want to be diagnosed as too ill to appear in court, and therefore too frail to be a mother to your child? Okay, genius. If that won't work, what will?

[ Monitor beeping ]

 I need a stall tactic. I need -- I need time. To do what? T-to find another angle. To...drag josslyn jacks in there and get her to admit that she would be dead without my kidney. Have her -- have her billionaire father admit that -- that he forced me to be an organ donor. The only party responsible for removing your kidney was your father. Then get someone to testify about my terrible childhood. Marty, do something. Once again, it's too late. The opportunity for calling witnesses has closed. Force it back open. Even if we could, that judge is going to see through any trick pony you trot in there...

[ Sighs ] ...Just like he saw through your sham marriage to julian jerome. I'm sorry, nelle. It's over. So there's nothing you can do to help me be with my son? I didn't say that. There is one thing I can do. Monica has recused herself from this meeting. She feels like it would be inappropriate for her to participate, given that the hospital's financial troubles are partially due to her alleged actions. Grandmother didn't do anything wrong. Look, wiley needed surgery -- nelle refused to allow it. As far as grandmother knew, nelle signed the consent form. And if anyone knows anything different, they're not saying, right?

[ Sighs ] However it happened, wiley got the help he needed. Whatever part monica played, I am so grateful. Unfortunately, nelle's vindictiveness has pushed G.H. Into a corner, and elq may not be in a position to help. Why not? Because skye's, maya's, and lila rae's shares have all been sold. Oh, my god. So tracy was right? Someone really is trying to orchestrate a hostile takeover of elq. Wait, wait, wait, what? Ned, what the hell is going on? Jason, I just did something, and I wish I could have...

[Sighs] Talked it over with you first, 'cause it has to do with danny and scout and elq. I know you don't care about the family business, but love... a lot. Michael, I didn't want to trouble you, okay? You were focused on other priorities, and I thought I'd just handle it myself. That wasn't your decision to make! Okay, you know, we'll -- we'll deal with this later. Alright? Just -- just -- who bought those shares? I don't know, and, apparently, neither do they. Okay, the sale was made through a mediator on condition of their silence. Okay, okay, none of this matters right now. All that matters is that we focus on saving G.H. And from what I can tell, this mystery purchaser does not have 50%. -Elizabeth gave me jake's proxy. -Good. Okay, so even with the loss, we still are the majority shareholders. It's a done deal.

[ Doorbell rings ] I'll get it. Michael, um, did sam give you scout and danny's proxy? I -- she's -- she's with jason. I-I didn't -- I didn't want to bother her. No problem. I'll call sam and get their proxies myself. Valentin: There's no need. Sam has already signed over the right to vote the children's shares... to me.

 Come back to me. That's all I want is for you to be you and the freedom to be with our kids.

[ Door opens ] Well, you don't have that kind of freedom. You need to leave now. I will send you straight back to pentonville. There are rumors that renault has offered to bail out the hospital. He's trying to get the board to accept his money. Mom, your statement of support could have swayed them in his favor. That's the last thing I want to happen. But I felt obligated to make amends after taggert and the others framed renault. I mean, those men were my colleagues. I bear some measure of responsibility, if only by association. Look, the truth is, it's none of my business. You're doing what you think is right, and I respect that. Thank you. And I'm sorry. For what? For being insensitive. No matter what he did, marcus taggert was your friend, and you are still grieving him. I want to thank you for being the first stranger in port charles to treat me like a friend. -Hmm. -I look forward to getting to know you better. Well, I daresay the feeling is mutual. Ta! Mr. Renault. Well, mr. Ashford, to what do I owe the pleasure? My wife -- you won't be having any more private meetings with her. I'm afraid you don't have anything to say about that. I do have business to conduct with the commissioner of police. You might want to reconsider, especially in light of a certain someone who resides at 1257 wilson avenue. Nelle: Let's hear it. What's this great idea, and can we make it happen before I have to get into the courtroom today? Certainly. All I have to do is make one phone call. Great. To who? Michael. We call michael and explain you're willing to share custody of wiley, that you're dropping your suit for sole custody. To sweeten the offer, we can agree to drop the suit against general hospital and his two highly respected grandmothers. In return, I am fairly certain michael will allow you a generous visitation schedule. So how about we give it a try? How about we give this a try, marty? You're fired. Why would sam give scout and danny's proxy to you? It's all right here in writing, along with several agreements with some of your key shareholders, including nelle benson. You wanted her out of your hair, michael. Well, you're welcome. Ned, I used intermediaries so none of your family members knew they were selling to me. Why? Why would you do this? When has this family ever gotten in your way? Well, why don't you ask your ceo that? What -- you did this because I supported sasha? No, but that's when I was introduced to elq, a very lucrative company, going to be even more so with aggressive management. So I just systematically targeted key shareholders. Okay, I don't know about any of the others, but -- but why would sam give up scout and danny's shares? She didn'T. I have the proxy. I would never ask sam to give up her children's inheritance. Sam would never do this willingly. What the hell did you do to coerce her? Well, your family members respected my request for discretion, so I'm going to have to reciprocate. How convenient. This has all been interesting, but I have studio time booked, so... no, you need to stay... to vote. Actually, I don'T.

 In case you haven't noticed, jason was in an accident last night, and he almost died. And I'm sorry to hear that, but the law is still the law. But these are extraordinary circumstances. My god, what is wrong with you?! Once again, ms. Mccall, you keep flouting the law, and somehow, I'm in the wrong for trying to uphold it. Because you follow me around! I mean, aren't I just supposed to be, like, reporting to you once a week or something, telling you about my job and how good that I am being and -- and not you stalking me? And what would you be up to if I was just waiting around for our weekly visits? Ms. Maloney, a word? -Why? -The deputy chief sent me.

[ Door closes ] I just feel terrible for his daughter. I mean, trina's been hurt so badly, losing her father and then having his reputation tarnished. I just wish there was more that I could do to help. But trina wants nothing to do with me.

[ Scoffs ] So I guess all I can do is be grateful in that the people I love are still with me. You're at the top of that list, you know? What I'm learning from medicine... is that there are no perfect answers. Mm. You do what you think is best, and you hope it's enough. I guess our work is similar in that way. Sometimes. You did your best to uphold the law. That's your job, your duty. You can't always control the outcome. How did you get so wise? Ah, I learned a lot from watching my mom. Mm!

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Chuckling ] Ohh! Do you know how many wilson avenues there are in the world? You may recall that I am a private investigator and I have been for a long time. There's only one wilson avenue with a sweet arts-and-crafts home with someone in it that you care about. Is that right? Enough to send money every week. Hm. I mean, sure, you could have moved them again and again, but I would have found them again and again. So if you are interested in keeping them safe, you will do exactly what is asked of you. I'm -- I'm not sure I'm hearing you correctly.

[ Chuckling ] Stop it. You hear me just fine. You just don't like what I'm saying because you're used to blackmailing and bribing whoever you want. And I find that very funny. For all that talk you do about justice, you clearly know so very little about what it means, because if you did, you would be on the first plane back to your base because justice is coming for you, mr. Renault. Oh, and before you think about threatening or bribing me, don't even bother. I'm not for sale, and there's nothing you can use against me. Don't be too sure about that. And this is port charles. You barely have a foothold here. Mm? Yeah. You got lucky once or twice, but your luck has run out. I see you, and I know exactly what you stand to lose. So when you come for my family and you threaten my wife, I fight back. From here on out, we play by my rules. And I know you hear me. I strongly suggest you do not fire me. You need someone in your corner, and right now, I'm all you've got. And look how that's working out. My case was a slam dunk, and then you lost it. No, nelle. If anyone lost your case, it was you. Hm.

[ Chuckling ] You are your own wrecking ball. Now, in time, I can get the judge to re-examine your case. You stay on the straight and narrow, the judge may reconsider since you are wiley's mother. No. You let diane miller run circles around you. You let them paint willow like she was some sort of cinderella, when she was in a cult and slept with its leader. A man you then chose to marry when you were both in prison.

[ Scoffs ] You didn't even play up the fact that michael's father is a crime lord, that his godfather, jason, is a killer, not to mention his mother is a horrible person, and his grandmother used to be a prostitute. No, marty, I do not need you. I would have had a better chance representing myself.

[ Scoffs ] That I would have loved to see.

[ Chuckles ] In the meantime, what about your suit against general hospital? I'll find somebody else to take that on. When I say you're fired, marty, I mean, you, sir, are fired. Fine. I have more reasonable and lucrative clients to attend to. Honestly, I'm glad to be done with all of this... and with you. Well, the feeling's mutual. You will be receiving my bill this afternoon. What bill? Oh, my services were not pro bono.

[ Chuckles ] But you lost. That means that I don't owe you anything. No, that's not how this works. I'm not some bargain-basement ambulance chaser you choose to pay only if I get you money. No wiley, no money. Nelle, let me give you a bit of free legal advice. Don't ever screw over a lawyer 'cause we know a thousand ways to vivisect your life. You will pay me what you owe me, or you will pay that and the court costs. Sorry, I don't have any spare cash. I know what you got for your elq shares. I think you do. And I need all of that money to get as far away from here as humanly possible. Oh, really? You planning on leaving town? I know how important this is, but we need to leave for court in about two minutes ago. Right, yeah. I think we'd feel a lot better if this weren't hanging over our heads. You're right. Um, look, we got to get to court, so, uh... give me your proxy. I think I know how you're voting. Yeah. You been making a lot of assumptions on my behalf lately, ned. Look, let's just get this over with. Okay? I want to see how it turns out. Like, we -- we still have the majority, right? Yes, we do. Okay, so let's just take a vote right now. Why don't we start with you, valentin? I vote no. Elq is strong, healthy, solvent, shouldn't waste assets supporting a poorly run institution. That just figures. It figures you have absolutely no sense of community... you know, this may surprise you, olivia -- ...despite everything this hospital has done for you and your family! Despite your emotional appeal, it's not changing my mind. I don't give a damn about your mind, valentin. I'm trying to change your heart! Maybe it's my mistake thinking you actually have one. Moving on, now we'll start with the voting of the actual members of this family. I'll start. I vote yes -- to give G.H. The money needed to protect itself from nelle's lawsuit and to keep the hospital afloat. Mm. I vote yes, on behalf of myself, my grandmother, jason, and jake. I have dillon's proxy. So that's a yes vote for both me and dillon. Brook lynn, you're next. Brook lynn, cast your vote. I would vote yes. That settles it. Wait, do you mean you would vote yes? That's right -- I would, if I had a vote, but I don't because I no longer own my shares. Valentin does.

Congratulations, ms. Mccall. I just got transferred off your case. -Really? How? -Not a clue. Orders came from the big boss. I don't suppose you'd know anything about that? I -- I mean, well, I wished upon the stars, so maybe that was it? Right. In the meantime, I want you to meet your new P.O. Owen anderson, meet samantha mccall. Good to meet you, ms. Mccall. Thank you, dolores. You can go. Hmm. For the record, I meant no ill will towards you, sam. I was just doing my job upholding the law. But I guess you got what you wanted after all. S-so how does How do you mean? Do I have to leave now, or...? Of course not. Stay as long as you want. Family first.

[ Sighs ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Sighs ] Okay. I got your text. What do you want? Is that any way to -- cyrus, I'm not in the mood. I had to go on tv last night and tell the citizens of port charles that the most evil, vile, dangerous man I know is someone they can trust. And you know what? It didn't feel great. So stop wasting my time and tell me what the hell it is you want now. Fine. I want you to call your husband off. Why? What did he do? He explained to me that should I make a move to threaten anyone he loves, there would be dire consequences. Curtis threatened you? Really? Yes. Really. With what? What did he use as leverage? What could my husband possibly know that is bad enough about you to ruffle your feathers? I was just talking to mom about how our work is not all that different. I think the same goes for pis, too. Wait, your mom was here? Yeah, just a few minutes ago. You know, I walked up to her in the middle of a phone call. Mayor collins was chewing her out for her press conference about renault. Well, your mom didn't have much of a choice. You know, she's getting a lot of pressure from the dea and the feds. She's got to give preferential treatment to cyrus renault, you know, to offset some of the damage that was caused by taggert and his guys. But that's not how she explained it to me. What I plan on doing, marty, is ignoring any bill that you send me. You were worse than useless, and I promise you, if I lose my son, someday, I will make you pay.

[ Scoffs ] You know, nelle, I think you do need a doctor. Maybe I can get mrs. Corinthos to recommend somebody from her stay in ferncliff because you are clearly losing it. I'm not losing anything. Do you understand me? Loud and clear. Not anymore. Wiley is mine -- not michael's, not carly'S. Mine. And I'm going to go into that courtroom today, and I'm going to win my case, the case that you gave up on...

[ Sighs ] ...And then I'm going to take my baby and get as far away from here as humanly possible. Brook lynn, what did you do? Linc would only let me out of my contract in exchange for my shares of elq. He was holding my music career hostage. There was no other way out, so I took the deal. Y-you pointed that sexual predator at my daughter?! Linc is a vile human being. I pointed him at no one. I don't believe you! Brook lynn signed a contract. She was stuck with the guy. I offered her a way out.

[ Sighs ] Why didn't you come to me? I did -- over and over. First, you didn't want to help, and then you said there was nothing you could do. So I had to do for myself. By turning your private stock over to a sleaze, who then handed it over to him?! I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a company. It isn't family, or what family's supposed to be. Okay, I don't want to sound insensitive to this escalating domestic situation, but this is supposed to be a business. I have the voting proxy for danny and scout's shares. I legally own shares that used to be owned by skye, lila rae, maya, nelle, now brook lynn. I own 50% of your company. Do you hear that? You just helped valentin get a 50% stake in elq! Oh! Let's talk about this with brook lynn later. Right now, we have to focus on saving this hospital. -Ned, we still have lucy coe. -Yeah. She will cast the tie-breaking vote. All will be well. See? It's going to be okay. Willow: We need to get to court. Yeah, look, we, uh -- we need to go. Um, look, olivia's right. Lucy will vote with us to save G.H. As far as what brook lynn did and who she should have told... look, we've all made some questionable calls at some point, but we're still family, and I urge you all to remember that. -I'll see what's keeping lucy. -Good luck in court, okay? Thank you.

[ Door opens ] -Oh, hi. -Oh! Hey, I am so sorry I'm late, but I'm sure it doesn't matter really. I mean, I am absolutely sure you don't need my vote to save G.H. Yeah, you, uh -- you better get in there. What? O-okay.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Well, you, uh, got a full-on taste of the quartermaine side of the family today. Can't say I wasn't warned, but nothing really prepares you. No, I hope it wasn't too much. I don't know what's going on with elq, but I do know that even if you and ned are at odds, you're both fighting for what's best for your family. Well, it's good to know that the quartermaines didn't scare you off. Far from it. This, on the other hand -- this scares me. What's about to happen in there? What if we lose, michael? I -- I think we're in pretty good shape. Because no matter what the judge decides, we are in this together. And we are going to find a way to make this okay for wiley.

[ Sighs lightly ] Something you should know about my husband -- curtis doesn't bluff. So if he's pressuring you and you're asking me to put him on a leash, he must have something good, something important. Your husband is a brave man -- foolhardy, perhaps, but he's certainly brave. Now, as much as I might respect him for taking a stand, all he's done is become a thorn in my side -- a tiny, irksome thorn. But if that thorn should get any sharper or any bigger, I'll have no choice but to prune it. Your mom had a number of reasons for giving that press conference, so if she didn't give details, well, it's because she's conflicted, and not just from pressures from the outside. The men that framed cyrus renault were friends of your mother, so her loyalty to them is at war with her loyalty for the law. That all makes sense, but if there were something bigger going on, something I needed to know, you two would tell me, right? T, you know, I'll always do right by you and your mom. Yeah, but... yoo-hoo! Here I am. Oh, lucy, thank god. We have a mystery interloper here -- valentin cassadine. So we do. He secretly snatched up 50% of the voting stock, and he refuses to bail out general hospital. He does? You do? Isn't this the same hospital that helped your daughter when she jumped into the harbor in the very dead of winter? And I will always be grateful for what they did for charlotte that night, but that doesn't obligate me to rescue the hospital board from the consequences of their own poor actions. Let's get back to the business at hand. Lucy, now that you're here, I need to officially ask you -- are you voting with valentin, or are you voting with the family and save the hospital that you love so much?

[ Chuckles ] This -- this wor-- this worked. I -- I just got a new parole officer, and not only did he let me stay, he -- he didn't even stick around.

[ Chuckles ] I took a chance on valentin, and he came through. You see, if this is any indication how the rest of my parole is going to go, then we can finally be free. We can finally be a family again.

[ Monitor beeping ] Jason?

[ Gasps ] Jason? Can you hear me?

[ Voice breaking ] Jason, please. You need to wake up. You need to wake up.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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