GH Transcript Thursday 5/7/20

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/7/20


Episode #14509 ~ Michael makes a life changing decision; Julian helps a friend; Nelle has a proposition.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

[ Exhales sharply ] You didn't have to bring me here. It's just a bloody nose. Well, you haven't stopped bleeding, okay? It's gushing. Could you just... stop being so nice? Hi, willow. It's, uh -- it's nice to see you. You, too. Well, I, uh, just got out of a meeting, so I have to plow through some paperwork before I head out. Right, right. No, I-I won't -- I won't keep you, alright? I just, uh...

[ Sighs ] I want to say I'm really sorry. You know, my brother's a good kid, but he can be a real knucklehead sometimes. That'S... one way to put it.

[ Scoffs ] Right. Well, I was wondering if maybe you could... maybe just cut him a little slack. I don't think he'S... much of an expert when it comes to relationships. Carly: Hey, there! Are you flying solo? Hi. Kevin had an emergency at the hospital. Oh. I hope everything's okay. Yeah. I hope so, too. Can you join me? I can for a minute. Great.

[ Chuckles ] I know you must be very busy, especially with the nurses' ball being right around the corner. Oh, yeah. Well, michael's custody case is tomorrow. Oh. I see. I've done everything I can to strengthen his case for sole custody, but... there's just no way to be sure. Hi, mom! How was the movie? We loved it! Okay, maybe not the movie itself -- it was so-so -- but the four of us out together? Joss and dev off house arrest? That was pretty awesome. Mm, I'm happy for you, sweetie. I'm happy for me, too. Good. So, what are you doing back? I thought josslyn's driver would have given you a ride home. Um, they offered, but I wanted to drive home with you. Doesn't that make me a thoughtful daughter? It does. Mm-hmm. Unless you're worried that it's not safe for me to get home by myself. If that's the case, that would make you a very anxious young lady. Hey, curtis. I was wondering when you'd call. Sorry it took so long to arrange something. Yeah, we -- we just wanted to, you know, keep our distance and give y-you and jordan room since cyrus let tj go. I didn't want it to take this long, either. Yeah. But the commissioner's adult son being kidnapped -- all eyes are on jordan right now. Tj's -- he'S... is he okay? Yeah. He's good. Thank god. Back at work. How's his memory of the kidnapping? I decided to go into work. You know, to get my mind off things. I was almost back here. And I heard someone running up on me. And before I could turn, they jumped me. And they laid me on the ground.

[ Sighs ] I woke up in a basement, tied up to some chair. Can you identify the kidnappers? I didn't get a good look at the guys who jumped me. Sketchy. But you know what? That's a good thing. The less he remembers... the safer he'll be from cyrus. Come in. Mac. You're here late. Yeah, I've been working non-stop on tj's kidnapping. Which I appreciate, but even the best detectives need sleep sometimes.'s it going? The next thing I know, I got jumped. I mean, they wrestled me down to the sidewalk. They threw a sack over my head. I... how many? Do you remember? Two. Do you remember anything distinct about the ride -- maybe which way the van was headed? Yeah, I was trying to pay attention so that I wouldn't pass out, and after a few left turns, the van stopped. And there was clanging, and... then a train went blowing by. I heard its horn. The basement smelled damp, like it was near water. And I could hear people upstairs. Men? Women? Men. Outside the basement, anything distinctive besides the smell of water? A constant pounding, morning to night, like there was construction going on somewhere. I spoke to tj this morning. He remembered a few more details about the kidnapping, and I'm trying to piece them together, hopefully narrow down the area where his abductors were holding him captive. Hmm. Any luck? I'm getting closer. But there's still a lot of questions. I'm hoping you can point me toward the answers.

Thank you. So, this nelle benson is really dangerous, isn't she? She's a relentless nightmare. I trusted you. I mean, I really trusted you. Carly... did you like making a fool of me? I mean, every time I sang your praises, you were tightening the screws on my husband. Right? Sending yourself flowers, pretending like they came from him. Planting your bra in his bed. It's you. All of it. The weird phone calls, the scarf in my office, that night at my mother'S. You smashed the picture, you put the note on my car, and you sent me to morgan's grave. Who's laughing now, carly? 'Cause I've got 5% shares of elq and my own room at the quartermaines. And the best part about it is I didn't have to be rescued. You don't know what I can do... what I've done... how I can blow your entire world apart. I wanted to let you know I just ran into michael. Okay. How was that? It was terrible. He was abusive, threatening, and I fully intend on telling my lawyer. Do you not care that michael's treating me this way, the son that you raised? Not really. Well, just so you know, you're never going to see your grandchild again, and your mom is going to lose her medical license all because michael refuses to be flexible. Everything I ever did was because you couldn't be bothered to take care of me. Is that what frank told you? No, it's the truth. Let michael have full custody, and we will give you visitation rights, and you can build a relationship with wiley. And he stays in a home that he knows, where he's happy. What? So, I should just give up the lawsuit, too, while I'm at it, against the hospital... oh, nelle. ...And just let monica and bobbie get away with malpractice? Yeah, think again, carly. I am going to leave the hospital bankrupt, and it is your fault because all of this is your fault. Because I never did anything that you didn't make me do. She's not only going after your grandson, but she wants to bring down general hospital at the same time.

[ Scoffs ] She only filed that malpractice suit so she could force michael into giving her custody. And my mom and monica were the target, and general hospital is just collateral damage. And, unfortunately, I don't think that the hospital's malpractice insurance is gonna cover this. You've got to be kidding me. I can't believe he has the nerve to set foot in your establishment. If it were up to me, he'd still be in pentonville. From what I can tell... mm? ...No one at the pd seems to have found anything that can link cyrus renault to tj's kidnapping. Is anyone getting close? Mac scorpio. Well, you know what? Doesn't surprise me. It's a high-profile, uh, case, and mac is the chief of detectives, right? Well, he's made it his personal mission to find out whoever did this to tj. Hey. I just spoke with tj. He's stronger, clearer. His memory's returned. We've got significant information to find whoever kidnapped him. Mac: This is where I think tj was being held. Tj was being held by the waterfront? Where the new construction is. And here, at elm and 10th -- that's where tj said he was abducted. There's a bodega at the end of the block. You'll speak to the owner, of course, see if they have any surveillance footage. You read my mind. Okay. Good. I'll report back as soon as I know anything. And -- but if he gets close... it puts tj and jordan in danger. Okay. We need jordan's input. What time's she getting here?

[ Sighs ] Jordan's not coming. In fact, she doesn't even know this meeting is happening. W-w-what do you mean? Why not? I'm not sure jordan is ready to talk about what needs to happen next. But I sure as hell am. Tell me what you're thinking. I don't understand why the kidnappers made a point of using tj's phone to text you messages... coming from him. My first message trying to reach him after he left the restaurant was at 8:47. Really? Okay, because I have text messages from him since then. I think maybe he's just taking some space. Oh, you see? He's just licking his wounds. Look, I know things between molly and tj will work out soon. I'm not worried about molly and tj. Trust but verify. Why would they go through the trouble to convince you that tj was safe and sound? I know my brother hurt you, and there is no excuse for that, but it took courage for him to face you and own up to what he did. You sound proud. N-no. No. A-after what chase and sasha did to you, I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to see him again. But h-he, uh -- he talked to you, right? He explained everything. I saw chase when I went to the apartment to get my things. He apologized, and I know he meant it. I know he's sorry. I'm sorry, too, but that doesn't change anything.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

 So, nelle is claming that the head of the hospital and a senior staff member conspired to do surgery on her child without her permission? I never signed anything.

[ Chuckling ] Of course you did. You should be proud, nelle. You behaved like a caring mother. My son cannot have surgery. I will not allow that. But you did allow it. You went with the doctor's recommendation, you signed the consent, so, um, the surgery's in progress. I never agreed to any surgery, michael! Nelle, the consent form that you signed is in wiley's chart. Okay, then it's forged! See, that opens up the hospital to charges that are not covered by the hospital's insurance. And look, if -- if worse came to worse and the hospital did have to pay nelle off for the damages that she is asking for and then all of the negative press that would come with it, I... I'm not sure that the hospital could survive that. Cyrus: Now, that does sound dire. Why no ransom demand? Why try to make you think tj was just letting off steam after molly turned down his proposal? I wondered that, myself. Maybe they were biding their time? For what? I wish I knew. But tj didn't hear them talking about any plans. Unless he remembered something this morning. The back doors opened up. They gave me chloroform before I could identify anyone, so... and when you came to? I was in the basement, blindfolded. No. Nothing like that. Okay, mac. Sounds like you have a theory, so... lay it on me. The less I know about your methods, the better. Mm-hmm. Jordan being the commissioner, she can't be anywhere near what happens next. What do you have in mind? Well, the way I understand it, once jordan threw taggert and the other two agents under the bus, got cyrus renault's sentence vacated, the two of you were supposed to "handle him." I mean, that is how you maintain peace and protect your loved ones? It is. Okay, well, with all due respect, what's taking so long? Sweetie, I-I-I know that you're still processing everything, your father's death, and it's gonna take some time. But constantly worrying about me isn't gonna help anything. I just wanted to spend a little extra time together. Oh. It's not because you don't want to be home alone? Okay. Fine. Yes. I'd rather just wait here with you. It's okay. Baby, it's alright. Listen.

[ Exhales sharply ] What happened with your father... mm-hmm. ...That's the exception. It's not the rule. Yeah. The police department in port charles keep this town very safe. How can you say that? When you know the commissioner threw dad under the bus? During the investigation into your father's death, I discovered that he might have tampered with evidence in order to send a criminal to prison. Your father and I were working with two other agents on an undercover dea job to catch cyrus. When it looked like he was going to get away with committing horrible, horrible crimes, your father and the others, they made a choice. They tampered with evidence to make sure that cyrus was found guilty. I don't believe you. I'm sorry, trina, but that's the truth. How can you trust anything to do with jordan ashford?

Mr. Renault, the mayor and i were having a private conversation. I didn't mean to interrupt. And yet you have. After eavesdropping. After a decade of hearing almost exclusively male voices, and not the most enlightened voices, you'll have to forgive me if I'm drawn to the siren song of female conversation. I am sorry for overhearing, madam mayor. However... oh, an apology followed by "however." If you're talking about the future of general hospital, isn't that a matter of concern for anyone living in port charles, regardless of how new to the city we might be? We will keep everyone posted. Wonderful. Knowing that the steady hand of mayor laura collins is at the reins does ameliorate my concerns. I'm sorry. Did I miss the part where you told me what you wanted? Oh, of course. The reason I came by in the first place. I wanted to know the appropriate address to send an invitation to my housewarming. You and sonny have been so gracious welcoming me to your fair city. I'd like to return the gesture. Why haven't you taken care of cyrus? Okay, look, we -- we understand how concerned you are about tj and jordan, but we got to move carefully because if we rush it and botch it -- I get that, man. We know it's difficult, curtis, but -- I know -- look, I know you've been undercover before, and you know sometimes, you got to let things play out because if we force it, it could go sideways real quick. That was one mind-set when I was single, but I have a family now. Right now, all I can think about is -- is trina and cameron, and one bullet between both of them, separating them from life and death... what are they doing to my dad? We have to save him! Trina -- trina. Come on, come on. Dad! Trina -- dad! Dad! Listen to me. Listen to me. This is what your dad wanted, okay? He acted as a distraction so I could get you out of there. He just wants you safe. And i want my dad. ...And trina calling out for her father, a man we couldn't save. Sonny: You know what? This couldn't be happening at a worse time for all of us. Yeah. You know, my aunt stella told me some of what's going on with your father. I'm very sorry. Well, if -- if stella told you what's going on with my father, then you know I-I want to neutralize cyrus as bad as you do, and we're t-- we're doing everything we can. We're trying to solve the problem. I got your word on that? You have my word. Matter of fact, the plan... is already in motion. Without a ransom demand, it's safe to assume that tj's kidnappers weren't motivated by financial gain. I mean, it indicates they were trying to use him as leverage. But the only person tj is connected to with any power or influence is you, the police commissioner. Tj was returned. And no demands were made on you? Nothing unorthodox? Do you have my son? Why do you ask? Is thomas jr. Missing? Where is my son?! I suppose there's no more terrifying feeling than having a child go missing. No matter what the child's age, it must be excruciating. The not knowing, the worst-case scenarios playing out in your imagination. If you have hurt my son, I will kill you myself! Now that you mention it, snatching the police commissioner's son on his way home from general hospital would offer tremendous leverage for someone wanting to exact favors in exchange for his continued health.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Aren't you gonna answer that? Tj's the only person I want to hear from right now. Still, that text might be important. You never know. What the hell do you want?! You've had plenty of chances to kill me! That's obviously not what you want! It's something else! What?! I'm sure tj will be fine. Because I know you're the type of woman who will do anything to bring him home safe. You're gonna be cyrus's person inside the pcpd. Smooth the way for his shipments by assuring that your police are preoccupied elsewhere. What guarantee do I have that tj will be let go if I follow his orders? None. The only guarantee you have is what he'll do to him if you don'T. How far are you willing to go, jordan? When do you stop making everybody your enemy and trust us with the truth? You just cannot stay silent, is what I'm saying. You got to say what we want to hear. Who is it? Yes, okay?! Cyrus and his people have my son! Jordan, I know -- I know where you're coming from. Sometimes, you know... judgment -- y-y-you know -- desperation clouds your judgment. But this thing with cyrus -- it has more to do than just a drug shipment. He told me personally that he came to port charles and he had personal reasons for doing it. And that meant you. Nothing. I'll get going. I just want to say that, um... I'm grateful for this job, commissioner. I appreciate you trusting me. Over the past few months, I've come to think of you as a friend as well as a boss. Well... the feeling is mutual. So, if you ever want to talk about the job or... anything, I'm here.

What happened to you? Oh, it's not a big deal, really. I just have a bloody nose. Well, you're here now. Let's go have a look. You want to talk about it? Well, uh, brook lynn and i ran into chase and sasha at the boxing gym. Tempers flared, and brook lynn "accidentally" punched sasha in the nose. Willow is, like, the sweetest girl on the planet. Her baby died. And then you turn around and you jump in bed with sasha? I mean, willow's supposed friend. Okay, stop. You got a problem, bring it to me. What were you thinking? I mean, it's clear that you're too shallow to see michael for who he is, appreciate his -- his loyalty and honor. This is not helping, okay? So let's just -- let's just go. You could have been sitting pretty for the rest of your life, but, instead, you jumped into bed with that loser. Well, if chase was there, why didn't he drive sasha to G.H.? Why did you? It is so thoughtful for you to think of us. Cyrus: Oh, not at all. Sonny and I have a lot going on right now. Our plate's really full, so... our calendar's booked. What a pity. I'd like to send the invitation anyway, in case your evening opens up. Oh, you could send it here. Or you could send it to the coffee warehouse. I know you know that address.

[ Gunshots ] Why would I? Well, it's a business address. I'm sure as easy to find as, say, a pub in brooklyn. Now you're making me hungry for a pastrami sandwich. I can't remember the last time I had one of those. You don't serve those here, do you? No. We don'T.

[ Sighs ] And you, mayor collins, I do hope that your schedule is... a bit more accommodating. Mm. Well, I don't know if you've heard, but the city is going through a major crime wave. Of course I've heard. I believe you're the one who told me about it. Tragic stuff. And I hope you get a handle on it soon. Me, too. But in the meantime, I'm being kept very, very busy by that, so I'm afraid that I will have to pass. That's a shame. I was hoping you both could attend. Well, all three of you. I don't know if he's told you, mrs. Corinthos. I am sure he doesn't like to burden you with the details of coffee importing, but, uh... sonny and I have reached an understanding. Really? About what? Oh, a conflict of interest. But it's all cleared up. And I'm planning on making a rather memorable debut into the port charles social scene. You're a memorable guy. And you, likewise, are unforgettable. Oh, you both are, really. At any rate... you can expect an invitation from me. I certainly know where you live. The mayor's address is a matter of public record, yet you make it sound so ominous. Unintentional, I assure you. But don't worry. I'll be sure to put you both on my christmas-card list.

[ Sighs ] I can't eat. Yeah. Yeah. Rain check, okay? Absolutely. Anytime. Thanks. Tell me what I need to do, 'cause I'm ready. Right now, just keep doing what you're doing. Just live your life. Maintain a cover? Yeah, I mean, cyrus is watching jordan. Mac's digging around. The best thing you can do is just put on a normal front, 'cause what we have in mind is gonna take a little time. Okay. Put up a front. How much time? Well, that depends. Yeah, look, curtis, if we attack cyrus right now while he's parading himself around town as the wronged party, that's gonna attract a lot of unwanted attention. That's the last thing I need. That's the last thing jordan needs. So that's it. You're waiting for better optics? Curtis... we've reached a truce with cyrus, which means we dig in, play nice until we find the right moment to act. And how will we know when that moment has arrived? We have to make sure there are no loose ends. I have a pretty good idea what cyrus is planning. How do I stop him? Without risking tj's life... or yours... or the lives of everyone else that I love? I was up all night, trying to figure out my options. Do I just go to the feds? Confess that I was in on the frame with taggert, massicotte, and simon and that I'm -- I'm just as culpable? No, because then you go to prison while renault remains free. No. I'll tell the feds that he abducted tj. So while you try to thread this very narrow needle, jordan is stuck on a tightrope with a killer. Mac, I appreciate your loyalty and your friendship. Okay. Glad to hear it. But there's nothing about tj's kidnapping that I'm not telling you. I hope you weren't offended. No. I know how it looks from your end, and I know that you had to ask. I'm just glad that the right man is on the case. I have every confidence that you'll get to the bottom of my son's kidnapping. And you can count that I'll stay on it until I do.

[ Knocks on door ] Come in. Good evening, commissioner. Hi. Ooh, I cannot tell you how good it is to see you. Mm. Hi. Well, do you think you could just drop everything and join your husband for a late dinner? Well, I am wrapping up now. Um, but if it's all the same to you, I would rather go see tj at the hospital. Just, it's his first day back, and I'd like to check on him in person. Absolutely. Is everything okay? I'm fine. I'll be better once I see him. Okay. Well, the good news is, it isn't broken.

[ Sighs ] But, you know, you want to keep some ice on that to keep the swelling down.

[ Sighs ] So much for being the new face of deception. We haven't even launched yet. At least the paparazzi weren't there to see it. Hm. Chase told me you know everything. I was kind of hoping my brother would walk away from this well-intentioned disaster before it got much worse. Longer this lie festers between you, the smaller the chance that you can win willow back. Wiley still needs willow. Then you let willow decide how she can help wiley. Alright? It ain't fair to her. It's not fair to michael. It's not fair to wiley that her next decision is based on a lie. So you go, you find her, and you fix this. You know, for what it's worth, I think you should both come clean to willow and michael. And then what? Chase and willow get back together? Michael and I work things out? Everyone's happy? Well, it sounds better than what you're doing now. Sure, it is -- for me and for chase. But michael and willow could never be happy if nelle gets wiley. I don't like what jordan did any more than you do.

[ Scoffs ] Mm. But... your father absolutely trusted her. Clearly, he shouldn't have. That's not our call to make. Your father's feelings, his reasons, even if we don't know them, shouldn't they count for something? I guess. Maybe. I'll get back to you on that. I think that we can both agree that your father would want you to move forward from this. He would want you to focus on your future, honey, not his past. I know exactly what my father would want. He wanted to stay in town and see me debate. He wanted to meet my friends. He wanted to watch me grow up. But now he doesn't get what he wants... and it's just not fair! I know. I know.

Okay, well, there's gonna be a little bruising, but there won't be any kind of scar. Thanks. Look, um, I know you're worried, but chase and I know what we're doing. If you say so. You know, I couldn't help but noticing the way you were looking at michael. I wasn't looking at michael in any kind of way. You love him, and chase loves willow. You really think the best solution is to play god with everyone's life? I wasn't gonna make sasha call a rideshare when her nose is, you know, gushing blood. And chase was busy reading brook lynn the riot act, so I-I drove sasha myself.

[ Sighs ] It's -- it's hard, you know? Turning off those feelings. Oh, I know.

[ Sighs ] But you know what? Tomorrow is -- is wiley's hearing, and, uh... we have to be ready. We will be. Yeah. Um, so... do you remember that time that we got married so I couldn't testify against you? Which one? Either time. The point is, you can tell me anything. It stays between us. I know. Good. Since knowledge is power and forewarned is forearmed -- carly, carly...

[ Mumbles ] Is there anything I need to know? Sonny?

[ Sighs ] Well, you know what? I would tell you, but for now, I think we're -- we're best, uh... great. So, um, I'll wait until I need to know. But I want you to promise me something. Mm-hmm. This craziness with cyrus, I want you to promise me that you're gonna end it. I promise. Great. When? I have an offer. Take it or leave it. One time only. Okay, here's the thing -- you can live in port charles as long as you conduct your business elsewhere.

[ Buoy bell clanging ] You do not move your merchandise through my territory, and it does not touch me or my associates. Fine. We have a deal. Why agree to let him stay? Because I'm buying time, letting him get cozy and soft as he plays house. And then? When he stops looking for me out of the corner of his eye... I'm gonna take him out. Sooner than our friend cyrus thinks. Hello, mayor. Looking for the commissioner? I am. Is she in? Uh, looks like we both just missed her. Hm. Needed her signature on some reports, but it can wait till morning. Anything I should know about? No. Closed cases. Is there anything I can help you with? Not unless you can get rid of cyrus renault for me. You'll have to excuse me. I don't believe we've been introduced. You know good and damn well I'm curtis ashford, jordan's husband. Cyrus renault. I know who you are. I know everything about you. So why don't you play your little game somewhere else. You stay the hell away from trina and portia. Understood?

On the next "General Hospital" --


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