GH Transcript Thursday 4/16/20

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 4/16/20


Episode #14497 ~ Finn outdoes himself; Violet's party is full of mischief and emotion.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

Hey, look, danny, I can't be around you or scout or your mom for a little while. Because of mom's parole? Yeah, that's -- that's part of it. You know, the other part is -- is my responsibility. I did something and there are consequences and one of them is... I can't be around you guys. Are you -- are you gonna get arrested? No, I don't think so. Well, then, why can't you be with us? I don't want to waste any more time. Nothing matters more than being together. Your life matters more. And our kids. All cyrus has to do is be right one time. That's it. Just once. What -- what if there's an ambush? What if -- what if something happens to you, sam? We got to think about this. I know you don't want to leave danny and scout motherless, but it's a possibility. I mean, jason, I don't want another separation from you! Right now you're -- you're better off without me around. No. No, we're not. I'm -- I'm gonna -- I'm gonna be with you soon, okay? I promise you. Until then, I just need you to trust me, okay? All right. I love you. I love you, too, dad. You'll take care of your mom and scout? I promise. Okay. You should get back in the party. Want to go get scout? Yeah. Okay. It was different, you know? When it was just the two of us. We could take whatever risks that we wanted to, and somehow, we just... ...we always found our way back to each other. Always. But now, our actions have consequences for danny and scout, and we have to give them the security that they need. We can'T. We can't be together. Ned, I appreciate you looping me in. Yeah, look, if you think the mertenmedtech deal can be salvaged, then of course I'll support it. Yeah. Um, I'm, uh, still at the hospital.

[ Sighs ] Yeah, no, I will. I will. Thanks. Hey. Hey. How's wiley? Uh, the doctors feel they should, uh, just keep him here for another day, you know, just for -- for safety's sake. I'm sorry. I know you were looking forward to bringing him home. I'm not really sure how many more nights I have with wiley at the house. Let's go ride the pony again. You know the nicest thing about this party? Uh, the bounce house or the petting zoo? Seeing your gruff, grumpy brother doting on violet, making this day special for her. I mean, can you think of any other circumstance where dr. Hamilton finn would get on a pony ride? No. No. It's amazing how kids can change your life. Okay, let's just say it's a given that willow would never leave me because she would feel terrible and she's just not that kind of person. No, she's not. But, honestly, how could she ever be happy -- and I'm talking about the rest of her life -- if nelle gets custody of wiley and willow knows that she could have stopped it but then...didn't? Hey, I could use a walk. How about you? I'll relay the message.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone rings ] Everything okay? Renault called. He said he wants to meet.

You know, nelle and i aren't the first parents to fight over a child or the first parents to demonize each other. Yeah, except nelle is a demon, and we all know it. Wouldn't it be nice if diane can put that into the custody petition? "Your honor, nelle benson is a demon and her malevolent behavior is of supernatural origin and she should be banished to a parallel dimension." I can actually picture diane making that argument. I mean, the thing is, diane is so good, she'd probably make it halfway through before the judge fined her for contempt and threw out the case.

[ Chuckles ] Maybe we should use the "wizard of oz" approach -- stand you and nelle up in front of a judge and douse you both with a bucket of water and whichever one of you doesn't melt gets wiley. Wow, that sounds tempting. Hey, mom. Hey. Pay no attention. Clearly, I'm getting punchy. Hey, that's what long hours in a hospital will do to you. And I do see the attraction of tossing water on nelle and watching her turn into a green puddle. Oh, yeah. No, I hear you, but I can't afford to think that way because if I'm wrong, wiley is the one who pays.

[ Laughter ] With liesl being taken to the hague probably for a very long time, I would just like it if you would drop this vendetta you have against peter. I don't have a vendetta. Okay. Then whatever you want to call it. If you could just constantly stop treating peter like he was some sort of suspect and maybe see what the two of you have in common. You mean like... those we love? Ugh. No. Besides that. I can't think of anything that I would have in common with -- liesl! She tried to kill both of you guys. Oh. That's true. And where you might be used to bouncing back from that sort of thing, peter -- he's suffered enough. Well, that's a matter of opinion. Robert, I have known you literally my entire life. Which is why I only want what's best for you. Okay, you need to accept that what's best for me is my decision... just like I need to accept that you may never see peter for the wonderful man that he is. Robert: Has it ever occurred to you that peter is, in fact, alex's son? Not yours? This is your big chance... to sever all your ties with faison. Well, I'm not abandoning peter. He's not a waif. He's an adult! And every bit as treacherous and sadistic as his father! You, uh, care to enlighten me? What were you doing visiting pentonville prison yesterday? You know, I understand that lawyers don't often ask questions without already knowing the answer to them, so I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you know I was visiting shiloh. Right. What I don't know is why. Why don't you shine a light? My family -- they don't see it yet, the dark side of you. But they will. It kills you, doesn't it? To know the people you care about care about me, even love me. Give them time, they'll learn. Oh, and I'm sure you're gonna do everything you can to persuade them, right? Go ahead. Attack me all you want, robert. And since there's nothing I can do to say or convince you in any way, I'm gonna let them speak for me. And they will. They think that highly of you, do they? Oh, you're gonna have to ask them. Please -- do. You know, faison's ego, it was his undoing. It'll be yours too, junior. We'll see. There's something off about him. Apart from the fact that he's faison's son? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. I mean, look, if you want to deny what's right in your face about finn, that's one thing. But denying what's in your heart about peter, that might come back to bite you. How long have you been suspicious of peter? Jason came to see me at the hospital the day franco was going through that memory procedure. And, um...he believes that peter was probably more involved with faison than he's admitted and maybe was involved with what was done to jason and drew. You've got a peter-sized blind spot, and if you're not careful, it's gonna get you into a lot of trouble. Because when he goes down, I don't want you going with him. What the hell is that supposed to mean? There are things in the works out there... things that are gonna show you what your would-be son... is really like. You were eavesdropping at anna's, and then you shopped us to the attorney general. And what would it matter to you if I did? Unless, of course, you were up to something...shady? Hmm. You know... I really should thank you for getting me off that... production. Now... well, now it's just you and jason morgan. I sure know a trained killer when I see one. And jason... well, he knows the truth, henrik. And he's coming to get you. And this time, anna's not gonna be able to save your sorry butt. Oh, you're so right about that. I-I will never see in him what you do. Have a good party.

[ Sighs ]

Maybe we shouldn't have gone to that party. Are you kidding? We were not going to miss violet's birthday extravaganza. Thanks, but I see what it does to you. It's not the party. It's just the day. I'm fine. You should go back. What, and leave you alone? I can handle a walk through the park by myself. I'm resourceful that way. Okay, you are the most resourceful and resilient person that I have ever met. But I know how it weighs on you, worrying about wiley and what will happen if janelle gets custody.

[ Sighs ] It's one thing for nelle to balk about elective, preventative surgery, but what if wiley's condition gets worse and she still refuses? Then michael and his lawyers will handle it. What if it's not enough?

[ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I know it's not my problem to solve, but -- hey. You have been more of a mother to wiley than janelle benson ever could. But I'm not his mother.

[ Sighs ] Olivia: Sneaking out? Ah! Guilty.

[ Chuckles ] Listen. I need you to do me a big favor. Well, that depends on what it is.

[ Sighs ] I got some pressing business that I got to take care of, and, uh... I don't want to disappoint violet or anna --

[ Laughs ] You play that damn didgeridoo one more time, you see if anna complains. No. Now, violet, on the other hand, I -- okay. All right, look. I need you to create a bit of cover for me. Mm-hmm. Um... if someone says, "have you seen robert?" You say, "well, I thought I saw him in the kitchen," or, "I thought I saw him going into the garden." Hmm. And, um... well, if you could do that, I would be so much in your debt. Well, I like the sound of that. Thanks. You got it, robert. Thanks, babe.

[ Door opens ] Yeah, I'm gonna need that distraction for scorpio now. Yeah, that's right. The sooner, the better. Make it happen. Hey, charlotte. I was just telling avery about your horse, butterscotch. Now, she's a little bit too young yet for riding lessons, but she loves horses, don't you? Once me and my grandpa had a sleepover with the horses. I believe you.

[ Chuckles ] Well, you know, I was thinking that maybe sometime, she could come and watch you ride. Maybe she'd even want a horse of her own one day. What do you think? Is that a good idea? If your mom lets you keep your horse in the stables at wyndemere, then the box stall at the back is the best. That belonged to my horse, but we don't live there anymore. Wait. So, charlotte used to live at your big house? Yeah. But it's my house now, mine and nikolas'S. Come on. Let's go have some more fun at this party. Aiden! Don't touch that! I wasn't gonna hurt it. I'm sorry I yelled. It's just... there's a big surprise in there, and everybody needs to be here to see it. So, I gave anna a heads-up like you wanted, about cyrus. And? She said thank you. She has not seen anything out of the ordinary, but she will keep her eyes open. Good. And then about a half an hour later... mm-hmm? ...Cyrus called, wanting to meet with you. Mm. And I said I would relay the message.

[ Sighs ] One thing I got to say about cyrus -- he's doing it the right way.

E: Hey!There you are. You missed georgie having her fortune told. Oh, wow. That sounds like quite the event. Oh, I got it on video, but I promise you it's not the same. Hey, I'm sorry. I've been called away.

Invader business. Okay. This wouldn't be some convenient excuse to duck out on a children's party, would it? Alas, no. It's crucially important. I promise. And I've already said my goodbyes to anna. Okay. Well, you go to work, and I will just kick back and watch the children fight each other for candy. It's like a teeny little "hunger games" where no one has to die. Oh. I'm sorry I'm gonna miss that.

[ Chuckles ] I'll see you at home. I only wish that I said this sooner, but... thank you. What? You saved me and my baby that day. And if nathan were here, he would thank you, too. This baby has no idea how lucky it is to have you in its life already. When you say it like that, I... almost believe you. I'm gonna accept the fund -- for nathan and the other grieving families. Maxie, that's wonderful. So, does this mean you're starting to come around about faison's son? Why do you keep trying to convince me that he's good? It's not the same, but you can feel it from the outside.

[ Laughs ] Did you feel that? It's hard to miss! Can you believe there's an actual person in there? I keep wondering who he or she will be like. Me? Nathan? I'm guessing a little of both.

[ Chuckles ] I can't wait to meet you, little one. That makes two of us. You know, as it turns out, attending the nurses' ball is actually an unexpected job requirement. It is? Yeah, all our media outlets will be covering it -- tv, print, radio, and streaming. So... so...send an intern. They don't understand that with glamour, there's always, always pain. Or...maybe... we could go together? It would be my first time ever attending a port charles tradition. I certainly would appreciate the company. Oh, well, now that you bring it up, it would be a lot easier for me to go with a friend.

[ Groans ] Wh-what's wrong? You need to pull over right now! Why? Pull over now! What's wrong?! My water just broke! Maxie jones, meet your son. Oh, my god!

[ Laughs ] Look at him. He's so tiny! Looks like you and your son are gonna be in good hands. We already are. I've had to atone for things. I've made mistakes and hurt people, too. From way back in your horrible phase? It wasn't so long ago. Well, then, I guess you've come a long way, considering how much people hold you in such high regard. Maybe there's hope for me yet. You are one of the only true friends I've ever had in my life. I messed that up. I hurt you. And for that, I will forever be sorry. But if keeping my distance makes you feel -- what if I don't want you to keep your distance? I don't know. I guess... being stuck on that elevator with you kind of crystallized what I already knew, which is that I'm done with the bitterness and the anger. Well, I'm humbled. But not surprised. You are an incredible and compassionate woman, maxie. Thank you. But considering all those people who found it in their hearts to forgive me after

i had done something terrible, it's pretty much the only way I can pay it forward. And know that I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Maxie jones, I care for you. So much. More than anyone I've ever cared about before. Oh. Yeah.

[ Exhales sharply ] Why didn't you say anything? I don't know. Why didn't you? Because you're the first person that's made me feel this way since nathan, and I was nervous. And then last night, you said you wanted us to live our separate lives. I thought that's what you wanted. No, it's not. No, me neither. Okay. So, where does that leave us? Do you know how hard it is to pack for a trip when you don't know where you're going? I thought you might be up for the challenge. Are you gonna tell me? Guess. Okay, we're going to new york to see something on broadway. No. But it is a city. Oh! At least you gave me a hint. Okay. L.A. Chicago? Nope. Are we going to portland to see georgie? No, but I'm filing that away for next time.

[ Chuckles ] No, you have to think bigger. Thank you. Thanks. Like, as in internationally bigger. Internationally? It's a good thing that I always carry my passport. Well, I did take that into consideration when I opted for a complete surprise. All right, there is a river. There are many romantic bridges. And there's a tower, erected by a man in 1889 named gustave eiffel. Oh, my god. We're going to paris? Today has been just perfect without any plan at all. Well, then, it's been just perfect for me, too. And it was kind of french. It was... french-esque.

[ Chuckles ] And that counts, right? Absolutely. Maxie: Maybe it's time for you to get a new place, like, a permanent place. A home. Somewhere james and i could come, and georgie, when she's in town. We could leave a toy or two, maybe an extra toothbrush. Maxie, I would love that. Really? Yes. Good. Because I'm ready, peter, to go all-in with you, to have both my kids know you, to start looking towards the future with you. There's nothing that I want more. This whole thing has given me a newfound perspective on what's really important, maxie. What's that? You. James. Spending every moment we can together. I don't want to just meet you for dinner and take him to the park. I wa-- I want more than two or three mornings with you. I want to spend every morning with you. Let's move forward with our plan and move in together. So, did peter tell you the good news? No. We're moving in together!

[ Gasps ] See? That's so great. Congratulations. I love it. Why did you wait so long, by the way? Hmm.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] I have something to show you. What's that? We'll hang it with mine and james's, because now that you've moved in, you're officially family, and we love you. I've never had one of these. You okay? Yeah.

[ Sighs ] It's just funny, how the smallest things... can get you. So, I take it you like the stocking?

[ Sighs ] I love it. Just like I love you and james. Nobody can come between us -- except us. Okay, you can come down from the soapbox. No, I like my soapbox. I like it, too. You look really good on that soapbox.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ] You know who's putting a strain on the family? You. You are the one pursuing this. You're like a dog with a giant bone, and you're targeting peter and you're trying to prove something that you can'T. Why? I don't know. Why? Why -- why can't you just look the other way? You've done it before. Just accept the official story, put it in a drawer, and that's the end to it. You did it for a lot of agents back in the day. You did it for me. Why can't you do it for my son? Why can't you just leave it alone? Because I can't! Well, there's no present danger, no imminent threat. There is really no reason why you have to keep digging like this, other than your almighty ego and your constant need to be right. I am not gonna stand around and watch you systematically wreck yourself. For what? A murdering son of a bitch! What?! Okay, henrik. Let's see what you're hiding.

Hey, buddy, what's up? Aiden, go help with the piņata. Charlotte told me to leave it alone. Ava: Oh, what a surprise. Well, this isn't charlotte's party, so why don't you just go -- go look at the piņata. Just don't touch it. Franco: Yeah, I'm gonna go with him. Come on. Hey, y-you want to come, too, avery? Yeah, go check it out. Right on. Let's go.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ] Wow. You know, if you had told me years ago that franco, of all people, would find happiness showing children a non-violent piņata... right?

[ Both laugh ] I know, he really has changed. He's happy. And throughout his life, he's been a lot of things, but being truly, genuinely happy... that's all because of you. Thanks. We are pretty happy together. I wish that I could say the same for nikolas and me. You know, when we first got together, I thought we were such a good match. Two outsiders comforting each other. But now, I -- I don't know. I'm not so sure. I mean, you guys are two completely different people. I mean, clearly you are an extrovert. You are not afraid to put yourself out there. And nikolas has spent his entire life under the mercy of other people's opinions. I mean, if he tried to do something bad, then his uncle and helena thought it was not bad enough. If he tried to do something good, then it wasn't good enough for himself. I'm pretty sure that's why he's given up on his "better angels" from time to time. I see. No wonder he's so lonely. Nikolas -- he puts on a-a great front, but when he's at home alone, he just walks through the house. He's practically haunting it. He had such high hopes for his return, you know, and then when he got everything that he wanted, nobody was even happy for him. I wouldn't say "nobody." But he did some reprehensible things. If he didn't want to be held accountable, then maybe he should have thought twice about doing them. No, I know, and I think he knows that, too. But still, it has taken a toll. And... there is an emptiness in nikolas that I just can't reach. Hey, it's okay. No, no, it's not. Wiley isn't even a person to nelle. He's a means to an end, a weapon she can use against michael and his family. Hey, you're preaching to the choir. You know nelle better than most people. Do you think if the worst happens, and nelle gets custody, she'll be able to look past her own selfish needs and act in wiley's best interest? Because I sure as hell don'T. I'm definitely gonna have to change his name. Jonah seems a bit morbid now, but I really like the name william. I-I'm sorry. What? Plus, william is much classier than wiley. But wiley is the name he knows. Eh, he'll adjust. Wiley is a person. You can't just take away his name, nelle. Oh, my god. I am so sick of you and your self-righteousness. I will raise him however the hell I please. He's my son. So despite what you think and all of your delusions, please just remember that your son is dead and stay the hell away from mine.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Gasps ] I'm sorry. I-I keep going on about this. Between me and michael, it's probably all you ever hear about. There is a simple solution. It's not easy, not by a long shot, but there is a way to fight janelle and improve michael's chances of getting full custody. You marry him. Chicago! Ok so, magnificent mile for me...

 And I-I keep going back to diane's original strategy. It won't -- it won't do me any good to make nelle look bad. I have to make myself look good. But, michael, this isn't like an acrimonious divorce. I-it's not like you guys are arguing over who let the kids stay up too late or who didn't pay child support. This isn't a "he said, she said." Nelle's crimes are a matter of public record. Yeah, I know, but if I pile on nelle, it could make the judge more sympathetic to her, more willing to believe that she turned her life around for wiley's sake. And as -- as much as I-I'd love to fight nelle and -- and -- and to call her out on all the horrible, deranged things that she's done, but -- but it could backfire. I mean, the judge could see her as a victim. Our baby is strong and hanging in there. And no matter what happens, I'm gonna be by your side. I am not going anywhere. After josslyn told me how you felt, I-I tried to find another way to make that connection. When I said I wanted you to be the baby's guardian, that was because I just -- I admire you so much as a mother. And I-I trust you in that, carly. But you know what? Even that -- that was a mistake. So please, carly, just -- I know that you don't want me to name the baby morgan, but you can at least understand that -- that I'm just trying to do it t-t-to honor him. Please, I-I am begging you. Just let me do this one thing for you. Please. Let me make things right. Our son didn't make it. I tried so hard to get him to start breathing, but there was nothing I could do. The crash was too much for him. Y-y-you weren't hurt. That -- that was the... that was the first thing you told me. You said that -- that -- that you and the baby were fine. I was wrong. The crash killed him, michael. You know, y-you were too busy trying to get me to confess to something, and --

[ Breathing heavily ] To pay attention. Wait, so you're -- are -- are you seriously blaming me for this? You let me get in that car thinking I was gonna die by the end of the night. Instead our son is because of you! How can you blame me for our baby dying, michael? You were the one driving. If anyone is at fault here, it's you. You hated me so much that you killed our baby! Hey, you guys need to stop. You're both in shock. No, I didn'T. [ Groans ] I didn't do -- you're -- you're grieving. You guys don't know what you're saying right now. He looks like he's sleeping. He's not asleep, michael. He's dead, all right, because of you. It's your fault. You ruined everything. You know, carly, if I had only known that the lifeless baby in my arms wasn't mine, that my jonah was actually alive -- brad ripped him from the safety of my arms. If I could have stopped him, I would have. I would have done anything to protect my kid. Give it up, nelle. You are never going to see wiley again. And if the legal system doesn't make certain of it, I will. Well, she is a master at playing the victim, that's for sure. Yeah, so it can't be about attacking nelle. It has to be about building me up, showing all the reasons why i am the best parent for wiley. When sasha first suggested it, you said it was crazy. Yeah. As in flat-out insane. But I've had time to think about it, to watch you just agonize over wiley. And I've -- I've realized that it's -- it's not my decision to make. It's yours. So if you want to stay in wiley's life and help michael get custody, then -- then you got to marry him. But if you decide not to, you need to take a step back and let wiley's situation be michael's problem, not yours. Honestly, it's not only about how you look on paper, it's how you are in person. See, nelle -- nelle is great a-at faking it, you know, pretending that she's innocent, altruistic, but you -- you are those things, a-and so much -- so much more. It's like -- it's like saccharine versus sugar. What?

[ Sighs ] Look, one tastes fine until you have the real thing, and you are the real thing, willow. And so is your love for wiley.

[ Sighs ] And I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love the chance to be able to show that to the judge. Cyrus knows better than to contact me, so he's using you as the go-between. You want to risk a meeting? You think it's a risk? Well, cyrus ambushed you once. He could do it again. But maybe he wants to meet with me because he wa-- he wants peace. "Peace"? Yeah. On his terms. Well, if it's on my terms, cyrus would be gone. He knows that, so he has to be very careful. Yeah, he just got out of prison. The last thing he wants is to be charged with another crime. Uh-huh. So he asks you for a meeting, opens up negotiations, and now he's gonna try to bluff you into making some concessions. Which won't happen. You're cyrus -- what's your next move? Okay, are th-- are there any other takers? Actually, scout is on another pony ride right now. Uh, georgie is with her, and, at this point, they're basically just taking turns. And leo's deep in a game of bouncy house. I think I'm just gonna let him run the sugar out in there.

[ Laughter ] I think that that's enough children, or else they're all gonna just trample each other when the candy falls. Oh. Safety first, yeah? Yeah. In that case, it's -- it's the moment you've all been waiting for. Is everybody ready? All: Yeah! Yes? All right. All right, so, violet, you get to go first. You want to pull a string, or do you want somebody else to go? Somebody else. Aww. Yeah, okay. Okay, sweetheart. Well, why don't we pick it at random, yes? Here, stand here, close your eyes, and I'm gonna spin you around. Put your pointer out. And here we go.

[ Vocalizing ]

[ Laughter ] And -- oh! Charlotte. There you go! You're first. Avery can have my turn. Oh, really? Olivia: Oh, honey, that is so sweet of you, but if we start messing around with the rules, then someone's feelings are gonna get hurt, so... yeah. Lulu: You want to go? Honey, go for it. -Here she goes.

Well, cyrus is fresh out of prison. He's far away from his base of operation, and he's already lost one very expensive shipment. Which made his overseas partners unhappy. Right. He can't afford to make another big mistake, and he can't come after you unless he knows it's gonna work. But this is your city. You have all the advantage. Not "all." Cyrus has the police commissioner under his thumb. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, jordan can, you know, not investigate, she can misdirect patrol, sure. She can give cyrus enough room to maneuver while clamping down on us, even though we move different merchandise. Mm-hmm. But if he's free to operate and we're not, over time, that's gonna hurt us. That's the key -- "over time."

[ All groaning ] That's all right. No big deal. The important thing is, you're in the perfect position to dive for candy when it does shoot open. Anna: Ah. Ooh! Sam: Around and around and around. All: Oh!

[ All groaning ] -Whoo! -Yeah!

[ Groaning ]

[ Groaning ] Come on, danny! Yeah!

[ Groaning ]

[ Groaning ] Finn: Oh!

[ Groaning continues ]

[ Groaning ] Kids: [ Chanting ] Do it!

[ Groaning ] Come on!

[ Groaning ] All right, here we go. And...okay. It's your turn now. Yeah! Okay, let's see how she does.

[ Groaning ] Good try. Okay, violet, it's your turn now, sweetheart. Anna: Oh, where's robert? He's gonna want to see this. Uh, he was just out on the patio. We shouldn't make the kids wait for him. Okay.

[ Chanting ] Violet! Violet! Violet! Violet!

[ Keys jingling ] Finn: Ready? Anna: Violet. Yes! Yeah? Okay. Go ahead, violet.

[ Chanting ] Violet! Violet! Violet! Violet! Pull a little harder, sweetheart. Do you want daddy to help? No, I got it. You got it?

[ Screaming, cheering ] Hey! Hey! Get in there! Get in there! Oh, that's so precious. Sam: Danny, get me some!

[ Laughter ]

[ Kids talking excitedly ]

[ Screams ] Snake!

[ All screaming ]

On the next "General Hospital" --


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