General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 4/15/20
Episode #14496 ~ Nicolas and Sonny face off; Jason steals time with Sam; Willow can't stop worrying about Wiley.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Elizabeth: Hey, aiden, don't run in the house, please. Thank you. Okay, everyone. Party has begun! It has! Everybody, join us outside. Come on. Come ride the pony. There's face painting. You can put your gifts on the table over there. There's a clown. There's a face painter over there. The pony's over that way. -Ponies? -Ponies. -Oh, yeah. -Well, a pony. Don'T...[ Indistinct conversations ] -[ Chuckles ] -Well, yeah. Alright. Have a great time! You have my piñata. Willow: [ Chuckles ] I do. Why? Hi, willow. Hi. I took it from a delivery person who seems... terrified. ...Reluctant to bring it in. He should be terrified and reluctant, waiting to the last moment to deliver this. Okay, well, it's here now, so... so are the extra cupcakes.
[ Sighs ] Vanilla with purple frosting, as requested. Bless you. Thank you. Do I hear -- who's that? Hi! Cupcakes. Welcome to the birthday extravaganza. Oh, thank you. Chase: Yeah, I see you went all-out. Yes, yeah. Just wait till you see what your brother has done to the backyard. Well, no. It'S... it's, like -- there's animals. Anyway, I'm gonna put these in the kitchen. It's -- it's small.
[ Sighs ] Violet: I'll be right back.
[ Whispering ] It's a surprise. She can't see it. Uncle chase! Willow! Come outside and see the bouncy house! I'd love to. There's also a pony and a clown and a real popcorn stand. Let's go. Wow.
[ Sighs ] Ooh. Who knew you were fun.
[ Chuckles ] Any update on cyrus? Uh, you know, after carly threw him out of the metro court, he got a suite at the cosmopolitan. Visitors? Uh, lawyers, security types, and walker, the guy who killed taggert. So cyrus isn't even bothering to hide what he did? No. Look, we got four witnesses to, uh -- to taggert's shooting, right? We got trina, we got cameron, me, and curtis. Right. Now, the kids -- they were too traumatized to give a reliable testimony. I got a criminal record, and you know curtis can't say anything because -- because jordan is under cyrus' thumb. He wants leverage over law enforcement. I think there's somebody else that needs a heads-up.
[ Sighs ] It pains me to admit this, but violet's party is kind of giving me serious anxiety about james' next birthday. Do you really think james would feel slighted if he didn't get a pony and bouncy house and all this? No, probably not, but it's a mom thing. I don't want to be out-partied. That is never gonna happen. Aww. Hi, there, nagini. We're going to have so much fun at the party.
Have you guys seen charlotte? No. No.
[ Sighs ] So, how did lulu handle the news of you working for valentin? I work for the company that valentin finances, but in the day-to-day running, he has no say. He gives us money. We make him money. There's no conflict of interest. Mm. So she's okay with it? No, she hates it. She's worried that the whole thing's gonna blow up in my face, but she accepts it. Does she? Yes, well, she agrees that it is not her decision to make, and she needs to respect my choices. She hates it.
[ Sighs ] Try to get some rest, nagini. I need you at your fiercest when the time comes. Charlotte! Yes, mom? Uh, why aren't you outside with the other kids? I don't think fletcher the pony likes giving all those rides to the kids. I know butterscotch wouldn'T. Oh, well, you know, butterscotch may be a one-woman horse, but fletcher seems pretty happy doing his job. Why don't you go help? Help? Well, you know so much about ponies. You could give the other kids some pointers. Well, if it isn't the newlyweds. Ava: Hiya, sonny. Nikolas: Howdy. Good to see you. Really? Then why did it take you so long to climb from under your rock to say hello? You know what, sonny -- 'cause I'm dying to hear. We just came by to pick avery up for violet finn's birthday party. We're not looking for a fight. Isn't that right, darling? Sy is gonna take you and avery to the party. Is a bodyguard really necessary? Well, he's the best. He's very discreet. You won't even know he's there. I am perfectly capable of protecting my wife and stepdaughter. Yeah, that's fine. But you know what? You're gonna stay here, 'cause... we ha-- we have a lot of catching up to do.
Before you say anything, I owe you an apology. Several, I'm sure. Well, I know what I think you should apologize for, so you know what? Let's see if your answers match mine. I should have come to you sooner. For spencer, first of all. I mean, you're his uncle and, more importantly, you're his confidant and his friend and his protector. What else? For getting carly involved in this at all.
[ Sighs ] And then asking her to keep it from you -- that was a bad call. You've done a lot of those lately. Hiding was the only way to keep spencer safe. Not the only way. You don't approve of the way I handled things, but I did what I thought was best for my family. Okay, you know what? I'm not your family, and I really don't care one way or another whether you die. But I care about your mother, and I care about your son. You've made your choices, nikolas, and those choices tell me what I need to know about you. Oh, what's that? There's only one kind of man who betrays his children like you did. And I have no use for him. So, you stayed away deliberately? You have to understand, spencer, I had to -- I had to be very strategic. I had to have certain things in place for my return to matter. I just needed my father. I needed you to be alive. So I told her that valentin wasn't worth the two of us fighting, and I have to say, lulu -- she agreed. Hey, maxie. Georgie's about to ride the pony, and she wants you to go see. Oh, my god! Yeah! Should I shoot this regular or in slow-mo? What about I shoot it and you just watch her? Okay. No! What? No. Absolutely not. Not in my house. Not for my future stepdaughter. Not now. Not ever. No. Come on. It's practically a tradition. Oh, robert, please, no. Hey. Robert, where did you go? Well, I went out to pick up something rather special. Is that for me? Yeah, why don't we sit down here, and we'll open it. Should I be worried? You should be afraid. Uh-huh. Anna, can you help me? Yes. Robert: Yeah. Why don't you, uh, help? I'd love to, sweetheart. Yeah. -There we go. -Hey. It's a heck of a party. Yeah, well, it was nothing. I just -- I threw something together. Well, violet seems to be having a wonderful birthday. Yeah. Yeah, she does. don't think I went overboard, do you? What? No, no. I hadn't noticed at all.
[ Chuckles ] It's the first birthday I got to throw for my daughter, and I just -- I guess I need to prove to her that I could...deliver. And you did. But you didn't need to throw a big party to prove the one thing that violet already knows. You're a good dad.
[ Didgeridoo plays ] What in god's name is that? That's what I call a classic happy birthday, my boy.
[ Didgeridoo plays ]
Hi. Hi. Hey, uh, avery, do you remember my friend franco? Oh, well, I certainly remember you. But I'm franco. So, um... how do you feel about popcorn? Oh, it's gross. You don't -- you don't like popcorn at all, do you? I love popcorn.
[ Laughs ] Well, we should get you your own box of popcorn, then. Can I be your guide? 'Cause they got everything here. They got, like, a juggler. There's a petting zoo.
[ Chuckles ] Leonardo francisco falconeri, you and I need to talk!
[ Chuckles ] Kid giving you a run for your money?
[ Panting ] You have no idea how fast that kid is. I swear, he's just like dante.
[ Sighs ] Especially when it comes to food. You know?
[ Voice breaking ] He was always in and out of the kitchen, you know, just like A... just like a blur. I have no further in-information to indicate that, uh... dante's condition has improved.
[ Sighs ] I'm sorry, olivia. Don't cry, mom. I'm home. I know. [ Sniffles ] I'm just so happy, you know?
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Crying ] I swear i put on a brave face while you were gone, but...I've been just sick with worry the whole time. I know. Maybe you do, now that you're a parent. But, you know, it was just, uh -- it was so long, it was just you and me. You know, and I knew that I was never gonna be able to give you everything that you deserve. What are you talking about? You did great. Well, I did my best. You know, every decision that I ever made, honey, it was to keep you safe. And as I watched you grow, I realized that that job -- it was just gonna get harder and harder, because -- because you are not a man that is ever gonna be content to be safe. Honey, you're a hero in every sense of the word. It's been over a year, robert. I mean, there must be some kind of improvement. I'm sorry I don't have better news. Yeah, me, too.
[ Breathes deeply ] Well, unlike the doctors at the wsb, I am not giving up. As long as dante is still alive, there's still hope. You've been talking to spencer. Yeah. Um, we're close. Uh, very close. You want to know why? 'Cause you have a similar skill for getting around the rules? Because we both have been abandoned by our fathers. Spencer checks in with me every night. Sometimes it's a text. Sometimes it's a voicemail. But when he -- when he calls, I pick it up, and we talk. What do you talk about? I'm sure it can't all be about what a terrible father I am. Well, he doesn't really mention you that much. He doesn't have to, because you're there in everything he says, and not in a-a good way. Yeah, I didn't think it was. He tells me about school, what he does every day, and, you know, his discoveries of france, the people he meets. Spencer doesn't tell me he's lonely. 'Cause he doesn't have to. I am, uh...sorry that my son's in pain, but, um... spencer is a child. And in time, he will understand the choices I made were to protect him. You didn't do it for spencer. You did it for yourself. And, see, the thing about spencer is he doesn't understand why you chose to abandon him. You could have come back anytime! I never had to leave home at all! I'm so sorry, son. All this time, you cared more about hating valentin than loving me. Ava: No, no. Now, that -- that isn't true. Your father has always loved you. You're wrong! About everything! I hated valentin, too. I hated him for killing you. But now I hate you for staying dead. You know, I thought you of all people would understand the lengths that I went to for my family, for my son. The way you betrayed spencer -- only cowards do that, and I'm not a coward. You'd be smart to remember that.
Okay, if I'm a coward for, what, in your words, abandoning my child -- that's spencer's words, not just my words. Now, the two of you have conveniently forgotten that valentin tried to kill me. He took everything from me. I had to protect spencer while I found a way to take back what was mine. Okay, you want to battle valentin, be my guest. That's just like one snake taking the head off another. But let me tell you something. You stay away from the people that I love, and that includes my wife, carly. Not a problem. I regret dragging carly into this in the first place. And spencer. Forgiving your father will not excuse what he did. But it might keep you from shutting him out of your heart. Spencer, I've seen how much you love him. I know how profoundly losing him affected you. And I know how deeply he loves you. Don't you think it's time that both of you stopped hurting? Spencer, put your anger aside. Let your father love you again. You could have come back with nothing -- no money, no cassadine inheritance, none of it. But you didn'T. You let me believe that you were dead. I lived every day of the past three years alone because of you. Spencer, I -- I built you up in my memory as this noble prince. But you're just as heartless as valentin, because when it comes down to it, the cassadine legacy is more important to you than I am. Son, no. Don'T. Stay the hell away from me! Please, spencer. Hey! Don't walk away from me!
[ Door slams ] Okay, so, you put the candy inside. Then each of the kids get a chance to pull a string until one of them pulls the string that releases all the candy. Mm-hmm. What happened to just beating on the thing until it breaks open and candy spills out?
[ Sighs ] You're supposed to be an enlightened millennial, and yet you have no compassion for the papier-mâché unicorn? Some kids don't like hitting things that remind them of other living things. It makes them sad. Thank you, willow. Ms. Tait, ms. Tait! They're telling "peter pan"! "Peter pan"? One of my favorites. Show me where. Glad that willow was able to make it today. Yeah. Yeah, I think she's having a good time. She loves being around kids. Yeah, I can see that. Well, I mean, I guess it makes sense and all, her being a school teacher. True. You alright? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. But willow's not. It's that whole custody battle for wiley. She knows that he's not her son, but... she bonded. Fully. Yeah. And deeply. She can't just switch it off. Of course not. Michael's fighting janelle for fully custody, but if he loses and she gets wiley, I'm not sure willow can take it.
[ Sighs ] Sorry I couldn't meet you at the metro court, but I'm in the middle of a major party here. No, yeah. I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted to give you a heads-up. If this is about peter, I really can't right now. No, it's about cyrus renault. Oh, the drug trafficker. Yeah, I saw that he was released from pentonville. Yeah, he's trying to get leverage on key members of law enforcement, and we don't know if he's gonna target you, but sonny just wanted you to be aware. Okay. Well, thank sonny for me. I appreciate the heads-up. Yeah. Wait. Has -- has the wsb ever gone after renault? I can't share that information with you.
[ Sighs ] Okay, uh, well, if you spot a tail or surveillance, if you feel like something's wrong, just feel free to call me. I can take care of myself, jason. It can't hurt to have backup, right? I'll keep that in mind. Sam: Okay, danny. Danny: D-dad?
Aiden: Let's go ride the pony again. You know the nicest thing about this party? Uh, the bounce house or the petting zoo? Seeing your gruff, grumpy brother doting on violet, making this day special for her. I mean, can you think of any other circumstance where dr. Hamilton finn would get on a pony ride? No. No. It's amazing how kids can change your life. So, michael wants to marry her. I think the only reason he's not is... out of respect for you and willow. Because he knows how much you love each other. Okay, let's just say it's a given that willow would never leave me because she would feel terrible and she's just not that kind of person. No, she's not. But, honestly, how could she ever be happy -- and I'm talking about the rest of her life -- if nelle gets custody of wiley and willow knows that she could have stopped it but then...didn't? Hey, I could use a walk. How about you? If you'll excuse me, I've got to get back. So, are you here for the party? Uh, no. I had to -- had to talk to anna about something. Hey, I mean, y-you're here, right? Can't you stay? Oh, hi, charlotte. How are you? I'd really like to go home. Well, where's your mother? I'm sure she'd be happy to take you. I was referring to my real home. Oh. Wyndemere, huh? Well, I'm sorry that it's difficult for you, charlotte, but I know you know that wyndemere belongs to nikolas and me now. It's not about me so much, but butterscotch misses her stall. Butterscotch? Is that your little pony? Butterscotch is a horse. Well, is there a big difference? Ponies are 14 hands. Butterscotch is 15 hands high. I tell you what, charlotte. You are more than welcome to visit wyndemere any time you like. Although I don't think that butterscotch would enjoy the launch ride. No. I don't think she would. I hope charlotte wasn't rude. Hmph. She's just a little upset that her little po-- her horse, butterscotch, had to leave wyndemere. Yes, it has definitely been an adjustment. Mm, well, I blame valentin for giving her false expectations. Ava -- what? Oh, I know. I think I know. I know what you're gonna say. Do you? I do. [ Chuckles ] 'Cause I-I kind of want the same thing. A-and what do you think that is? Well, for us to become better acquainted as sisters-in-law, of course. Uh, uh, you know that that is not what I was going to say. Oh, lulu. Come on. You could have at least played along. It would have given us something else to do besides just bask in the glow of this childhood mirth. Anyway, it's no secret that I hate valentin. Yeah, wait till he pushes you off a parapet. See how you feel then. The last thing I want is my daughter getting caught in the middle of this feud. Well, no problem. So, you' steer charlotte clear of whatever's going on between them? Yeah, no, no. Of course I would. But I really mean "no problem." The -- the whole nikolas vs. Valentin thing -- it's over. We won. O-okay. Th-that's great. Thank you.
[ Clicks tongue ] Lulu. Hey! Look at us, talking. Socially. Is that your way of warning me not to talk shop? That is my way of saying that there is nothing I would love more than to talk shop, but with all these kids and sugar and animals -- I-I-I'm not in the right frame of mind. I hear you. Then why don't we talk about maxie, then? I want you to know that it means a lot to her that you -- how to say this -- given her a non-non-blessing for her new job at deception. Maxie means so much to me, and if she's gonna be working with -- near -- having her paychecks covered by valentin, then...'s her mistake to make. Believe me, my eyes are wide open. I'll be watching. Good. Just be ready to catch maxie when valentin knocks her down. Spencer is my son. According to spencer, he's an orphan. You weren't there for him, so I had to be. I'm sorry that I lied. I'm sorry I hurt people. But I cleared the road for spencer. He'll have the opportunity to be the man I could never be. Okay, okay, skip the false humility. It's not convincing anyone. You're not sorry. You're proud. You're proud that you climbed out of the sea, you got in bed with ava, and now you're back into wyndemere. Congratulations. Listen, you do whatever you want, but if it touches spencer... ...I will intervene. Do you understand me? Yeah. Good. Then we're done here.
[ Door slams ]
You know what, danny? Your -- your dad -- he is really busy. No. Hold on. There's something important that we need to talk about. Do you -- do you need me to go get sc-- no, no. It's okay. Scout's a little young for this, so... I need you to keep being the -- the great big brother you are. Okay? Yeah. To look out for scout and your mom, because... I-I can't be around for a while. Why not? Charlotte: You okay in there, nagini? I promise I'll get you out soon.
[ Footsteps approach ] Ava: I must have left it out here. Huh. There it is. We don't need to do this right now. It'll just take a second. Just let me check my calendar. Okay. And, uh, we're thinking, what, tomorrow... yeah. ...For our next sitting? Whatever. It totally works for me. Can we just get back in? I know this sounds weird, but I kind of have a thing for piñatas.
[ Laughs ] Oh, franco. Look at us, would you? The former town pariahs at a birthday party. Are you sure about the "former" part of that sentence? Yeah, of course I'm sure. I mean, we're here, aren't we? Invited guests at anna devane's house, no less. Yes, we have come a long way. Mm. And yet I am nowhere near satisfied. Are you serious? He has a bottomless bank account and an island! Community property. He is a prince! You are -- you're a princess! Well, my tiara happens to be a little tarnished. Well, it's nice on you. Whatever this look is, I'm very happy for you, mrs. Cassadine. I'm serious. You're the -- the vision of a dream come true. Not yet. But I will be.
[ Laughter ] Hi. Hi. Hi. Guys.
[ Sighs ] Oh, just when I thought everything was going so well. Oh, who -- who got hurt? I-I got -- I got insulin and epipen in my medical bag. No. Wait. Stop. The party's going famously. It's you. What's troubling you? Why? Do I look troubled? You do. Oh. Mm. I guess I was just thinking, um -- I don't know. I was thinking maybe I should write violet a letter. Why don't you just tell her whatever it is you want to say? Hmm? Oh, no. I know what I want to tell her. I was thinking about writing a letter from the person... that should be here today who's not. Oh, her mom. Mm-hmm. You know, on the one hand, if I write a letter, it'd be a way of telling violet that her mom was thinking about her. It's a lovely sentiment. Mm. On the other hand, it may also imply that hayden is... you know, coming back, but -- oh, and we don't know that that's the case at all. Has she asked about her mother recently? I-it's been a while. From what I see, violet's a very wise little person. She's probably just sorting through what she thinks happened, and when she's ready, she will ask you. Oh, good. I just -- I hope I know what to say when she asks. Who are you? I'm hamilton finn, damn it.
[ Laughing ] Yes, you are. Did you win the lottery or something? You seem different. Are you in a good mood? I am. I may have had a breakthrough in my research today. Does that mean I'll be treated to more dr. Hamilton finn? If my luck continues and yours runs out. To running away from your problems. I will reluctantly drink to that. I was wondering if maybe you could come by and visit some time. Maybe you could leave a toothbrush. I can buy one of those metro court robes, you know, the ones that you like, if that would sweeten the deal. You had me at "toothbrush." Griffin: I'm reviewing these results, and there's something else that needs addressing. Oh, what now? The, uh, results say your pregnant. Pregnant? Me? I'm pretty sure it -- it isn't me. It -- it was your sample. Uh, is -- I mean, is that, um, even -- could you actually -- are you positive that's what the lab report says? Yeah, I mean, it's right here in black and white. I can't take for granted that you're up for the challenges of fatherhood or...partnerhood. Uh, partnerhood? Is that even a word? It is! It is now. You see, this is what I meant when I said that you were jumping the gun. Talking about the three of us, like, living together, like we're some sort of family or something. Well, what if we are? What's wrong with that? What's better than family? That's what I want -- with you. There. Is that a big enough declaration for you? You, me, and the baby -- let's be a family. Why didn't you say so in the first place? Will you marry me? Yes. I'll marry you. Rachel berlin, dba, white hat limited medical supplies. Finn: Rachel berlin? Why didn't you tell me you were in trouble? The minute he showed his face, why didn't you come to me? I couldn'T. Why not? You were too ashamed? I mean, of course. I don't want you knowing this about me. It's not my proudest moment. And I don't know shame or guilt or self-loathing? Your love got me through addiction. Why didn't you let my love help you through this? None of hayden's things are in her room. She's gone. Hayden:
There was something wrong
with our baby --
a complication.
The baby didn't survive.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Crying ] How's that for an entrance? Hi. Hi. Well, now that we got that sorted out, excuse me. You think hayden was lying to you and that your child is alive? The patient in that room is -- my daughter. Are you saying -- yes, finn. She's your daughter, too. Hi. Violet. That's your name, right? It's violet. Yeah? Well, I'm dr. Finn. I'm gonna do everything I can to make you feel better. If you could just let me, um -- what? Let you what? Leave another note? The last one said you lost the baby. What would this one say? "Just kidding"? You have every right to be angry -- do I? Let me tell you something. I haven't even begun to get angry. No more lies. Why didn't you tell me about our daughter? Now that violet is here, now that you know about her, are you going to want to be a part of her life? Thank you for making me feel better, dr. Finn. You are very welcome, violet. Dr. Finn? Yeah? Can I come visit roxy one day? I would like that very much. You know who would really like it? Roxy. Uh, we'll -- we'll plan a visit sometime soon, okay? I'll bring her lettuce. You will? She's gonna love that. That's her favorite. Before we go to the park, I -- there's something your mom and I wanted to talk to you about. know how, when you ask about your daddy, I always say that he loves you very much, but that's a story for another time? Well... that time is now. Uh, you see, um... your mom and I... we're not just old friends. We, uh... we were very much in love. He saved my life, actually. She saved mine right back, and...we were so in love, we made a baby, and that baby is you... and I'm your dad. For real?
[ Chuckles ] For reals. So, does that mean you... what, honeybun? So, does that mean you love me? Yes. I... I love you more than I ever thought possible. So, roxy's my sister?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah, I guess roxy is your sister. Cool. This is cool.
[ Exhales sharply ] Um...listen, I know this is all new, and you can totally say no, um... just ask her. ...But I was...yeah. Do you think, violet, that maybe I could give you a hug? Yeah? Hello. And what's your name? I'm violet barnes. Okay. Are you a friend of my daddy's? Thank you again for accepting violet into our lives. Are you kidding? Mm. Yeah, I'm so happy to be part of this -- like, your journey to fatherhood. Yeah, it's a journey. It's almost like, you know, those ancient maps where they always write something like, "beyond this point, there might be dragons"? Yeah. [ Laughs ] That's what it is. Thank you for being on board, though. You know there's nowhere else I'd rather be. Yeah? Yeah. How'd I get so lucky? I don't know. I-I ask myself that all the time. Do you? Yeah.
[ Laughs ] I bet. "How did you get so lucky?"
Daddy and anna, sitting in a tree
[ Laughs ] -[ Laughs ] -[ Groans, laughs ] Hayden: Dear finn.
I'm not sure
when you'll be reading this.
Maybe 10 minutes
after I walk out the door
or maybe tomorrow when I don't
arrive to pick up violet.
The truth is,
I didn't have the strength
to tell you this in person.
I'm in trouble, finn.
The kind of trouble that could
put violet in danger.
I have to leave port charles
and I can't take violet
with me.
But I know
she'll be safe with you.
Just, please...
please don't come after me,
and take care of violet.
She's going to need you.
And make sure she knows that,
no matter what,
her mother loves her. Okay, get a good grip. You got a good grip, there? Mm-hmm. Okay, now, listen. Can you close your eyes? Can you make a really good wish? You got one? You got a good wish? Close your eyes. You ready? Let's go. Oh! You got the big part. Anna: You did! I hope daddy gets his wish, too. Aww. You are my wish. Of course you'll know. You've thrown her the most beautiful party -- perfect -- and everyone's having a great time. Why can't you just enjoy that? And just let everything else go for now. Finn: Okay. Hey, charlotte, what -- where are you going with the piñata? Just keeping it safe. I-is it time, yet? Uh...almost. Why don't I gather all the children, yeah? That sounds good. Here. Let me get that. Thanks. Be careful! You don't want any of the candy to fall out. Yeah, charlotte. Okay. You're -- you're right. Thanks.
[ Sighs ]
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