GH Transcript Monday 3/30/20

General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/30/20


Episode #14486 ~ Nelle confronts Carly; Monica has good news; Mike is disoriented; Trina confides in Ava; Molly tells Sam she is angry.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

hey. Can you please call me back? I was totally out of line last night, and I wanted to apologize. Apologize for what? Oh, hey. U.. I was brutally unfair to mom last night. The commissioner asked me to bring you in to ask you a few questions about the warehouse explosion back in february. I have nothing to say without my attorney. No surprise there. So get comfortable. She'll be right with you.

[ Door closes ] So, how was practice? Um, it was good. Great. Cool. So now maybe you and I, we have a little bit of a chance to talk. You mean about how I'm doing? Did mom ask you to find out how my session with dr. Byrne went? No, no, no, no. Your mom has nothing but complete and utter respect for your privacy. Me, on the other hand, not so much, so... tell me everything. Oh, honestly, nikolas. How was I supposed to know you needed the launch at exactly 9:00 A.M. This morning? Well, I forgot. Hey, maybe we should get a second launch. I can get the upgraded version, and you can keep the old one. H-- hello? Please tell me you didn't skip school, 'cause frankly, between us...

[Whispering] I'm scared of your mother. Don't worry. I don't have school today. Don't you have something better to do on your day off? Oh, I have plans. That's the problem. Well, you know what? It sure was nice that taggert's name was added to the pcpd's roll of the fallen. Should give the family some comfort. Yeah, except now I'm about to blow that up. Expose the worst thing that taggert ever did in order to save myself. No, no, no, no. You're saving tj's life. Yeah, in order to free cyrus.

[ Sighs ] Baby...look.

[ Scoffs ] I know your meeting with internal affairs is gonna be tough, but you gotta pull through. Convincingly. I know what needs to be done. But throwing my team under the bus when I know that I'm just as guilty? I hate that.

[ Sighs ] Good morning. Hi. Uh, I stepped out, dad, to get you s-some decent coffee. No offense. None taken. I've never worked at a hospital with drinkable coffee. Here you go, dad. Hey. Hi, dr. Robinson. Josslyn. Look who it is, dad. It's josslyn. Hey, mike. Uh, I brought cards. I was hoping that maybe you could help me play a game of solitaire. You are always better at it than I am. I-I-I-it's understandable that he's -- you know, he's disoriented. He's gonna be a lot better when he goes back to turning woods. I'm afraid there's been a new development. It was very nice of sonny to bring us coffee from perks. Yeah, I'm glad he was able to get out a bit. Yeah, we've been, you know, spending a lot of time here, between mike and wiley. Shouldn't wiley be out of surgery by now? Well, surgery takes time and precision. Especially when on a small child. Yeah, well, you know, grandmother said that everything is -- is proceeding smoothly. You know, I'm just, uh -- I'm glad she's observing. What's important is wiley's getting the help he needs. That's all that matters. Thank god nelle came to her senses and signed those papers. What do you think changed her mind? Oh, my god. Nelle? Nelle? Nelle? Nelle, can you hear me?

Nelle? Come on, I need you to wake up. Open your eyes for me. There you go. Hey. Okay. Here we go. There you go. The door wouldn't open. I screamed for hours, and... no one heard me. You've been out here all night? How did this happen? Carly. Let me remind you, you have to turn in taggert and the others so renault's sentence will be overturned. Once that happens, we'll get tj back, and we can go from there. We will stop cyrus renault for good this time. But for now -- for now you gotta stay strong. Taggert, bob, mark, they'll understand.

[ Knock on door ] Come in. Hey. Jason morgan's in the interrogation room. Good. Did he give you any problems? None. But he's not talking without his attorney present, and ms. Miller will make sure he doesn't tell you anything, so... okay. Well, I'll work him. If you have a new angle, I'd be happy to sit in on a questioning. No. It's okay. I got this. But I-I'll let you know if something shakes out, though. Okay. Thanks.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Door closes ] Portia robinson just texted me. She just started at general hospital. She wants to meet me "if I have a minute." I wonder what she wants. Only one way to find out. You'll be good here?

[ Sighs ] I don't have a choice.

[ Sighs ] Come on. You got this. You got this.

[ Door opens, closes ]

[ Sighs ] I had some free time, and I didn't want to hang out at home. So, what can I do? Well, I'm sure I could come up with something. Mm-hmm. But, you know, you don't have to work for me in order to talk to me. I'm here for you anytime. Aww. Thank you, but I'm fine. Really. Okay. So, uh, how are you and nikolas? You stole his boat and left him high and dry. You know, it sounds to me like maybe you don't want to go wherever it is that you're planning to go later, so maybe do you want a note from your boss saying, uh, that you're excused from some boring activity? It...won't be boring. Trina? Is somebody trying to get you to do something you don't want to do? No, no, no. No, it's nothing like that. I'm meeting cam. And? And I think I messed everything up.

[ Sighs ] So, what, too personal? Am I being too parental? What's going on? It's just therapy's not the biggest thing on my mind right now. Okay, so, then, what is? It's just something that I have to sort out with a particular someone. Okay. Well, I'm glad you got good friends around you for that, right? You got joss. You got trina. And trina must be going through a really hard time right now. And I don't know if she is in therapy, but... you could probably -- alright. You don't get it. What? I made everything worse when I kissed trina. Oh, cameron. I said some really horrible things to mom last night. Oh. That explains why she called me last night and left a voicemail. She was doing that thing where she tries to sound okay, but I could tell she was upset. Yeah. I just don't know why I didn't keep my mouth shut. Well, your plan to be with jason had just fallen through.

[ Sighs ] Your whole life exploded in your face, and you were devastated. I get it. Oh, my god. Molly, I am so, so sorry. No, your -- your life has blown up in your face, and I just keep going on and on and on, and I didn't even ask. Have you heard anything about tj? Did jordan say anything? No, actually, she didn't, uh, because I didn't ask. Why not? Well, when I got to jordan's place last night, sonny and jason were just leaving.

[ Sighs ] It worked. Chase didn't suspect a thing. That's good. You want to run the story? I've been running the story in my head all night. Well, just take me through it. Just to be sure. What's going on with my father? Mr. Corbin's vitals are fine. There's been no change in that. But while you were gone, an orderly tried to put him in a wheelchair, and his legs wouldn't support him. Did you miss something last night? I can find no medical reason for mike's inability to stand. His legs respond to stimuli, his reflexes are normal. I think that mr. Corbin is refusing to walk. Why would he do that? Well, sometimes if a patient is unsteady on his feet, he'll freeze up... right. ...And refuse to walk for fear of falling. Okay. Wait a m-- you told me last night that my dad wasn't showing any signs of... his wrist being hurt. Mm-hmm. What if he -- he -- he -- he's in pain and he can't say anything? I can order additional testing. Just make sure my father... is not in pain. Excuse me. How much you want to bet that, uh, the hardest part of this whole thing -- after getting nelle's consent -- will be keeping wiley still while he recuperates? Yeah, I'm sure you're right. He's -- he's so active.

[ Chuckles ] Did michael tell you wiley's favorite thing to do at the quartermaines'? Climb the stairs. Anytime I have him in the foyer or on the ground floor, he just makes a beeline for the stairs and starts climbing. Carly: Michael, you did the same thing when you were wiley's age. You did. Sonny's old penthouse had tons of stairs, and the second we took our eye off you,[ Elevator bell dings ] You were racing upstairs. Nelle? Wh-- what happened to you? Your mother happened. Bitch tried to kill me!

[ Knock on door ] Come in! Curtis. Thank you for coming. Sure. Why did you need to see me? I wanted to apologize to you about trina.

[ Sighs ] Trina is a grieving teenager. If it helps her to be mad at me, I can take it. And I also wanted to apologize to you again for myself. I know it was wrong not to tell you that I was married when we got involved, but there was just so much going on at the time.

[ Sighs ] That was a lifetime ago. Well, marcus never even found out about the affair,'s just our secret. Wrong. It's not a secret. I told my wife everything. When it comes to "messing everything up," I have a lot more experience than I'd care to admit. So... why don't you go ahead and tell me what happened? Cam is in love with josslyn, and josslyn doesn't know it yet. Which is understandable, because for a long time, cam didn't know it, either. I mean, at one point, he was fake-dating josslyn to make oscar jealous, and you could totally tell by the look on his face that he was gone for her, but he just kept insisting he was just helping out. You knew better. Of course I did! They're my best friends! Cam is in love with josslyn, and he stood by her through everything with oscar. And even though she doesn't realize it yet, soon, she'll have an "it" for him like he's "it" for her. And that's good. I'm happy for them, and I want that for them. But in the meantime, my dad died, and e-e-everything got mixed up, and cam is the only one who understands what I'm going through, and I got everything confused and -- trina. Did you and cam kiss? Franco: Trina, huh? I-I gotta say, I'm a little surprised. I thought joss was the one you had a thing for. Look, the thing about joss is... w-we've known each other for, like, forever, you know, and... about the time that she started dating oscar, I started developing real feelings for her. And then he got sick and... and you backed off because you were being a good friend. "Were" being the operative word now, because trina's in the mix. Yeah, she's in the mix 'cause you kissed her. But...can I ask you something? Does it change how you feel about joss? Sonny and jason were at jordan's apartment? That's really unusual. Right? I thought so, too. What do you suppose they would be doing at the police commissioner's house? I don't know. Jason and i really haven't been able to talk to each other without violating my parole. I have no idea what he's up to. Why are you just now bringing this issue to ia? After taggert's death, I was reviewing some of his personal records, and I discovered... I was shocked to discover proof that he, bob massicotte, and mark simon fabricated evidence against cyrus renault. Evidence that ultimately led to renault's conviction. That's good. It's not obvious that I'm hating every minute of this? Uh, well, it's totally obvious. But it makes sense. They were your friends. They were your colleagues. You don't want to tarnish their memory or cast doubt on the work that they did. But you uncovered a discrepancy, and it's your duty to report it.

[ Scoffs ] You make that sound so simple. It's not. It's not simple. You're doing this to get cyrus out of prison. You're doing this to save your son's life. Right, and who cares if a dangerous drug trafficker gets set free and the memories of the heroic men just get trashed? I don't know why you're all just standing around here. I mean, are you deaf? Carly locked me out on the roof all night! What's going on? Thank you for showing up, detective chase. Please arrest her. Arrest who? Apparently, me. I think nelle is having another one of her delusions. I'm not delusional, carly. You've gone way too far this time. Okay, why don't you tell me what you think happened? I'm sorry -- what i think happened? What i know happened. Last night, I was out on the roof with michael. Yeah, that much is true. She was still there when I left. Yes, and then carly showed up and tried to convince me to sign the consent forms for my son's surgery, and when I refused, she locked me out on the roof all night. Elizabeth: Detective chase, I don't know what happened, but nelle was on the roof this morning. How'd you find her? Sometimes I go up there to get fresh air. And the door was locked? Yes. See? It was carly. Is it common for the door to be locked?

[ Sighs ] It's not uncommon. Technically, the door should be locked from midnight to 6:00 A.M., But nobody enforces that rule. So it's possible that security locked the door last night? Chase, it was not security. It was carly! Nelle, you were on this floor...

[ Pager beeps ] ...After you talked to carly. Excuse me. I'm needed on the 10th floor. I literally don't know what you're talking about. I never left the roof last night. Of course you did. When you signed the consent form for surgery. I never signed anything.

[ Chuckling ] Of course you did. You should be proud, nelle. You behaved like a caring mother.

N't like a "kiss" kiss.Not like anything romantic. Cam and I are friends. That's it. That's all. It was probably just a reaction to trauma. Mm. Well, that is a very mature realization. We talked about it in school. People that experience trauma act in ways they normally wouldn'T. I've certainly been there. Cam and I were kidnapped and almost died. And my dad -- sweetheart. I understand. Anyway, that's the only reason we kissed. Well, did you ever have feelings for cameron before? It wouldn't matter if I did. Uh... he's liked joss, like, forever. Well, in that case, I say kick him to the curb. You are too wonderful to be anybody's second choice. I've liked joss for so long, it's not even funny. But I'm pretty sure she just sees me as a friend. Did she actually say that? On halloween. Ooh. Yeah. And now I'm starting to think maybe we're better off as friends. And what about trina? She's -- she's amazing. You know? Uh, she -- she's funny, she's confident, she always tells you what she thinks, and she'll always have your back. And she's super cute. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. And she's a great friend. So much so that now you think you might want to be more than just a friend. Let me get this straight. You went all the way over to jordan's to...find tj, and you left before even finding out if he was there? Yeah, well, I mean, I probably had no business even going there in the first place. He obviously doesn't want to see me, so why am I chasing him? But it's just -- it's so weird, you know. None of this is like the tj I've that known and I've loved for all of these years. I mean, I-I go from praying that he walks through the door to...wanting to throw all of his belongings out the window. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Sit down.

[ Sighs ] Come. Sit down with me. You gotta dial it back a bit, okay?

[ Exhales deeply ] Hey, you still have limited contact with jason, right, because of danny? Well, very limited. Dolores is watching me like a hawk. Okay, I know I'm asking for a lot, but... do you think that maybe you could ask jason if tj was at jordan's house last night, and if so, how he's doing and -- and maybe he could find out what's going on with tj? Please? For me? I should be the one taking the blame for fabricating the evidence. I should take that responsibility. And then what? Cyrus goes free and you go to prison? You wouldn't last a week in there. It would be open season. Okay, well, at least I would be telling the truth. The truth? The truth is, taggert and the other two fabricated evidence. They knew what they were doing. They knew the risks. They were willing to put their careers on the line to take cyrus down. Now, do you think if any of them had to choose between their reputation and your son's life that they would even hesitate? Only they would know that, wouldn't they? You know what? I have to go. I need to think about this.

[ Door opens, closes ] Come on! There has to be a card I can use. See, that's the problem with solitaire -- you don't get to bluff. Hey, dad. You want some water? Why don't we lift this bed up? Unless you don't want to. That's fine. I'm just trying to do what's best for you. I know you want to go back to turning woods. Right? You know, um, dev really wants to come by and visit you, mike. We didn't want a lot of people coming today, but maybe we'll stop by tomorrow? We can play a round of poker. Knock, knock. Sonny: Hey. Hi. I-I'll help you get him in the -- let's give him a chance. It's important he tries to move on his own, okay? Alright. Hey, mike. How are you? Bet you're tired of being in this room. You want to take a little trip to radiology with me? Come on, dad. I -- oh, no! Leave me alone! My son cannot have surgery. I will not allow that. But you did allow it. You went with the doctor's recommendation, you signed the consent, so, um, the surgery's in progress. I never agreed to any surgery, michael! Nelle, the consent form that you signed is in wiley's chart. Okay, then it's forged! Please, bring it to me! I know exactly who did it. We'll get a handwriting expert to examine it and everything. Okay. Go! I'll get it. Now, you see? Please arrest her for forgery and attempted murder. I could've frozen to death! But you didn'T. You're right here. You'll have to go to the station to make a statement. Do you really want to do that before you know wiley's okay?

[ Footsteps approach ] Well, it seems that the consent form is missing.

[ Scoffs ] It must've gotten detached somehow. Oh, my god! Wait until the judge gets ahold of this. You are never gonna see wiley again. I'm going to get sole custody. That is, if he makes it out of surgery. Monica. Oh. Well, good. I'm glad you're all here. I have an update on wiley. Hi. It's me. I know I'm not supposed to call you. Of course it's the burner phone. The one that's only for talking to you. I wouldn't have called you if it wasn't important. I have to do something. And I'm not sure that I can go through with it.

[ Sighs ] I need you to tell me that it's okay.

Would be perfectly understandable if you had feelings for cam. You think he's a terrific guy, right? But you also know in your head that he's into joss. And so all I can say is that you have to protect yourself, 'cause there's nothing worse than being in a relationship with someone who wants someone else. Has that happened to you? Yes. And it can be completely demoralizing. And it can make you behave in desperate ways

[ Voice breaking ] That you could never imagine. And, sweetheart, you deserve so much better than that. So, what you're saying is, I need to tell cam that the kiss was an accident, a mistake, and that we're just friends. Now, don't misunderstand me. If you are over the moon about that kiss, I would tell you to fight for cam. But given all the circumstances, if you can walk away, I think now is probably the best time to do it. Being friends is a great way for a relationship to start. Your mom and i were friends. I loved her for a long time before I could tell her 'cause I just didn't think that someone like that could ever care about someone like me. But I took a chance, and... your mom took an even bigger chance, and I gotta tell ya, cam, your mom makes me really happy. Okay, well, you guys are adults, you know, with marriage and kids, you know, and I -- I'm just in high school.

[ Laughing ] I know that, cameron. Hey, if I could tell you one thing, it would be this -- you're a great kid, and you deserve to be happy. Thanks, franco. No problem. She's actually, uh, meeting me here in a bit, so would you mind? Oh, yeah. Yeah, no -- sure. So, uh... so, good talk, yeah? Yeah. Don't tell mom. Oh, no, no. I...wouldn't do that to you. I really like jordan. Looks like now we're never gonna be friends. Jordan isn't the jealous type. And I give her no reason to be. Marcus was her partner. Trust me, she's gonna feel some type of way about me betraying him. With you, the man that is now currently her husband. There's not enough understanding in the world for that. Jordan understands that she's got a big job and a lot of responsibility, so she can't afford to take it personally. I'm terrified trina's gonna find out I cheated on her father. She thought that that man hung the moon, even if he wasn't around much to do it.

[ Sighs ] How -- how is trina? She's struggling. I'm watching her very closely. Her friends are great, and, you know, she takes pride that everyone is saying her dad died a hero. Yeah. Did you know that the pcpd added his name to their roll of the fallen? Yeah. I saw that today. I got to take trina to go see it. She takes comfort in knowing that her dad is finally getting the recognition that he deserves.

[ Knock on door ] Yes? The officer from ia is here. Send them in. Commissioner ashford. I'm detective cliff simpson. Good morning, detective simpson. I've been expecting you. Please sit down. I'm gonna get right to it. I understand you have some information regarding the undercover operation that led to the arrest and conviction of cyrus renault. I requested the dea file. In fact, I have it with me. But much of the report is redacted to protect the identities of the agents involved. I know. I was a part of the four-person task force that put renault away. Hey, mike. Hey, it's okay. No, no. Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Elizabeth: It's okay. It's okay. Mike. Mike, look at me. It's okay. It's okay. Hey. You're safe, okay? No one's gonna hurt you. We're only here to help you. I shouldn't have touched him.

[ Sighs ] We're his family. We should be able to help him. Sometimes you can'T. Well... elizabeth's been trained to know what to do. I just hate to see him that way. So, is -- is -- is he okay? I mean, what -- what happened? Is he -- is he gone? Did -- did he not make it? Can you tell me something, please? Can you stop?! Nelle! Wiley's surgeon, dr. Bedlow, said the procedure went just fine.

[ Sighs ] Geez. Wiley came through with flying colors, and he is in recovery. Willow: Oh, thank god. So, he's -- he's okay, then? He's fine? For the time being, yes. What does that mean? Well, uh, his case was just a little more severe than we anticipated. Okay, so, the surgery didn't work? No, no. He is a lot more comfortable than he was. It's just, uh, that in about six months, he's going to need an occluder installed. And that is...? It's a device that's implanted in the heart to stimulate tissue growth and help repair all the weaknesses in the heart wall. So, your illegal surgery didn't work. Illegal? Yeah, well, my consent was forged. And now bobbie claims that my form is missing. I'm sure it'll turn up.

When can we see wiley? Um, how about try "never"? I want you arrested for fraud, forgery, assault... assault! You already said that. Attempted murder! Yet here you are, alive and well, and we only have your word that you were locked on the roof. Janelle, if you insist on having carly arrested, you will both have to come down to the station for questioning. Do you wish to proceed? Michael: I hope you're taking everything into consideration here, nelle, because wiley's just come through surgery, you know? Don't you want to be here when he wakes up instead of in a police station? I mean, 'cause I know i will be right by his side. Fine. Fine. That would be a waste of my time, anyway. You all just cover for each other, anyway. I'll, uh, just sue the hospital for millions instead. How about that? Uh, good luck with that. Now, monica, I want it in my son's form that my written as well as my verbal consent is required from now on. Got it? Duly noted. Alright. Thank you for everything, grandmother. Thank you. And thank you, mom, for...everything. Mm. Of course. I need to go check in on sonny and mike. Yeah, give them my love. I will. And, uh... ...everything is going to be fine with wiley. Marcus was married to the job long before he married me. I could just never reconcile myself to coming in second. But, I-I-I mean, I guess things are different with you and jordan. I mean, you both understand what it means to be in law enforcement, the sacrifices that you have to make. Jordan is determined to make a difference. Marcus told me she took a lot of risks going undercover with renault. Wait. He talked to you about who was on the team? About what was going on? I mean, well, he knew how much I hated being a dea agent's wife.

[ Chuckles ] All the constant worrying. So he told me everything that he could safely tell me so I wouldn't imagine the worst. I was the person on the inside. Massicotte, simon, taggert -- they all acted as distributors of renault's drugs. Simpson: And you have information regarding the case against renault? Why now? What's made you revisit the case after all these years? Because the other three members of my team are dead. Sam? Hey. Where are you? Ah, just leaving the pcpd. Jordan wanted to talk to me. Um, listen, there was a development with dolores last night. Is it bad? Um... kind of. Not really. I mean, maybe -- I just -- I need to talk to you face-to-face.

[ Sighs ]

[ Birds chirping ] Trina. Hey. Hi.

[ Sighs ] I got your text. Uh, wiley got through the surgery okay? What's the prognosis? Uh, we can talk about that later. How's mike doing? He's doing all right. He -- he just got back from a full-body ct scan. They're just trying to figure out medically w-what's going -- why he can't walk. I know it's rough on you. Well, it's better now that you're here. Mm-hmm. I agree. Having communication issues didn't really help an already struggling marriage. But, you know, marcus tried to tell me as much as he could about the job -- at least in the beginning. Uh... an ongoing investigation can be tricky, for sure. I mean, I knew that there was a lot that he couldn't tell me. And frankly, there's a lot that I didn't want to know. But even when we were breaking up, I still really cared about that man. And I have to say, he did everything that he possibly could do to reassure me. Jordan: I needed to understand why my partners -- three good men -- were killed. They helped do the impossible -- bring cyrus renault to justice. I can certainly understand your need for answers. I mean, you were a team. But what does this have to do with internal affairs, commissioner? No, I-I want to see you, too, but we got to be careful. Are you okay? Yeah. I-it's molly. She hasn't heard from tj in a while. Do you know anything about that? Uh, why -- why you asking me? Um, because molly said that she saw you and sonny leaving jordan'S. W-why were you there? You're right. We should talk. Let's meet at the usual place. Okay. I'm on my way. I don't care how busy you are. I need to see you right now, alright? Carly thinks that she won this round, but I will get the last word. Well, at least wiley got the help he needed for now. That's what's most important. It's all worked out for the best. It's just too bad that that consent form went missing. Monica, if nelle sues gh -- you know, the good thing is that wiley has two great-grandmothers that are always gonna be looking after him. Hey. Did you see him? How was he? Uh, he's a -- he's a champ, you know? He's sleeping soundly. He already has the picu staff wrapped around his finger. Congratulations. Just, uh, do me a favor and never tell me what happened last night.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Granted. What about the second surgery? Yeah , that's all I, uh...have been thinking about. Nelle's already proven that she can't have a say in wiley's medical decisions, and, uh... there's only one solution. I, uh... I have to win full custody. Whatever it takes.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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