General Hospital Transcript Thursday 3/12/20
Episode #14474 ~ Stella pays Curtis a visit. Jordan is beside herself. Michael is amused.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Hey, pops. How's the rug rat? Hey. Oh, sleeping soundly, which is what I would love to do. I mean, t-that little kid, he is unstoppable, I'm telling you. Yeah, I'm sure. I got to get to bed early myself tonight. I start work at elq tomorrow. Does elq know this? Well, as of this afternoon, I spoke to dear old dad about taking my place in the family business. Huh. Well, I-I'll be back full time in a month, so I-I'm looking forward to seeing what you, uh -- what do with the place.
[ Doorbell rings ] You rest. I got it. Thank you. Detective chase. Hello, ms. Quartermaine. May I come in? Brook lynn. Do you have a warrant?
[ Indistinct conversations ] Hey. Did you just come from brad's arraignment?
[ Sighs ] What happened? Did he make bail? Leave, nelle. I'm not in the mood. I'm not leaving. I'm not even done with my dinner. I can write a really scathing yelp review, you know. Do what you got to do. Just do it from over there.
[ Sighs ] Zahra. I need to know what happened at brad's arraignment today.
[ Britt clears throat ] Britt. You sure look like you could use a friend. Oh, my god. You have no idea. Hey. [ Laughs ]
[ Laughs ] Wait. H-h-how did you get here? W-w-where have you been? I-I called you a few months ago. Did you not get my voicemail? Sorry.
I...was fighting to getmy medical license. You wouldn't believe what I had to do to get it back. But everything worked out. I'm sorry I missed your arraignment. But since you're not in jail, I assume you made bail. You definitely do not want to go to prison. Oh, you are never alone, always looking over your shoulder. And the food is truly terrible.
[ Sighs ] Hey! Cheer up. I'm here now, and we are not gonna let nelle win. She already has, britt. I pled guilty. Auntie!
[ Laughs ] In the flesh! Hi, baby. Now, tell me, curtis ashford -- what have you gotten yourself into now? You have something to say, just say it. No locked, windowless room. No mayor. No commissioner. No one can keep a very determined man from doing what's necessary to get what he wants. Do you have my son? Why do you ask? Is thomas jr. Missing? Where is my son?! You just said that no one can stop you from doing whatever you want, cyrus. I was merely commenting on the state of the world today, how the powerful do what they must to retain their power. You see, there's nothing really to do in solitary but become philosophical. I got here. About all the wrongs I have yet to right.
Should we go somewhere else? No. We are not gonna let nelle chase us out of here, okay? It's giving her too much power. You're right. We won't give her that satisfaction.
[ Sighs ] So...I'm glad we could get together. How are you doing? I'm -- I'm coping. And you know what? The best thing you can do is give me a distraction. Fill me in on some juicy gossip or -- or tell me about deception. I might actually have some juicy gossip. Oh. Who's it about? Michael and I. We're talking about marriage. I'm here to see michael. Come on in. Michael, it's the cops! Hey, chase. Hey. You couldn't come to the rib, so I brought the rib to you. Oh, you are a true friend. Oh, and you're more than welcome to join us if you promise not to swing one of these at my head. Um, maybe another time. Not for the bottle at the head thing -- for -- for a drink. I got to go meet my father. Oh, congratulations on the new job. New job? I have an exciting new role at, uh, elq. I'll see ya. So, is, uh, everything okay? I mean, you show up out of the blue with a six-pack. I mean, not that I'm complaining. We need to have a conversation about janelle. Have I taught you nothing? You never admit guilt. Yeah, but... I'm guilty. Of loving your husband and wanting a family with him, brad. I mean, yes, you've made some mistakes along the away. In the midst of a tragic event, you were coerced while you were in deep grief! You didn't mean to hurt anybody. I...have really missed you. Obviously.
[ Sighs ] Come on. The brad I know wouldn't have rolled over so easy. Something happened. What? Sonny corinthos happened. He made me an offer I...couldn't refuse. "Plead guilty and live." That is a compelling offer, all right.
[ Sighs ] How did everything fall apart? I mean, you told me that your father-in-law was helping you keep the secret. He did. Until...he didn'T. My lawyer just called. Brad pleaded guilty. Why would he do that?
[ Sighs ] You know, I should be really happy that justice is being served, but no amount of punishment will ever erase the suffering that michael and i endured. You know nobody's buying your act, right, nelle? We all know that brad didn't steal that baby. You traded wiley like a baseball card. In fact, you're, uh -- you're not even fit to be a mother. You know, you're no shining example of fatherhood yourself.
[ Chuckles ] At least I know when wiley's grown, we'll have a better relationship than you'll ever have with lucas. Except that, uh, wiley's a corinthos, and, you know, they just don't do compromise. You know, in fact, I bet by the time wiley's grown... ...he won't even know you exist. Did you actually expect me to stay an ocean away after telling me about a shooting where your partner was killed? Well, he -- he wasn't my partner. I was just helping out. Well, he was like a partner.
[ Exhales deeply ] I just thank god the two of you managed to rescue those kids. I-I-I know cameron, and I've met trina. She's a very impressive young woman, and I'm so sorry her daddy was killed. But, honey, are you all right? I'm good. You know, like I told you over the phone. I'm good. Uh-huh. Curtis, please. I know you'll lie to protect me.
[ Chuckles ] Auntie, I'm good. Look. No bullet wounds. Uh-huh. No broken bones. Little bumps and bruises, but, uh, I'm good. Like I said. It could've been you who was shot. But it wasn'T. Taggert died... and you lived.
[ Sighs ] Baby, how does that make you feel? It makes me feel awful. I left taggert in that warehouse, and now his daughter is grieving. And that is not your fault. I suppose there's no more terrifying feeling than having a child go missing. No matter what the child's age, it must be excruciating. The not knowing, the worst-case scenarios playing out in your imagination. If you have hurt my son, I will kill you myself! Careful with the death threats, commissioner. These walls have ears. Stop toying with me, cyrus. Stop with the doublespeak. If you have my son, then prove it. Now that you mention it, snatching the police commissioner's son on his way home from general hospital would offer tremendous leverage for someone wanting to exact favors in exchange for his continued health. What do you want? Same thing you want -- the safe return of your son.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Aren't you gonna answer that? T.J.'S the only person I want to hear from right now. Still, that text might be important. You never know.
How was your day? Good. Unexpectedly so. Learned a little bit about my situation. Obviously. I have to say, I was a little surprised to get your call about accepting the job at elq. Honestly, I surprised myself a little, too. Well, it's a very mature and responsible thing to do. So, what changed your mind? Well, I'm a quartermaine. I should work in the family business. You know, maybe I have something to offer it, too. You know, a more modern sensibility.
[ Laughing ] Modern. Yeah. Michael isn't exactly ancient. And neither am I, for that matter. And while I appreciate your enthusiasm, I need to be clear -- you're coming on board as an assistant. Executive assistant. Who will be answering phones and taking messages, at least at first. Okay. So I'll start with the phones. I'd like to update the hold music -- you know, to something, like, cooler, more vibey. Not so predictable, not a step up from elevator music. Uh, we use a service for that. All broadcast music played in public environments have to be licensed. And given your reluctance to read contracts, I don't know if you want to deal with licensing rights. Okay. So -- so let me work with them. I'll be like the liaison. I could be the in-house music curator. I-I-I'll start with updating the hold music, and -- and then I can make an elq streaming channel for the employees to listen to on their lunch breaks in their -- in their break rooms and reception areas.
[ Laughing ] Wow. Wow! That sounds ambitious. But? No "buts." I like it. I like how you're trying to connect to elq in your own way. And maybe there'll even be a, uh, consultation fee in it for you. Yeah? Good. Because I want to put my family first. Family courts tend to be pretty traditional. It might be hard to convince a judge to bar nelle from wiley's life. But if michael has a wife and A... a mother figure to wiley... wow.
[ Chuckles ] You could wind up wiley's mom. That's what's freaking me out a little bit. Mich ael and I only moved intogether because of nelle. Raising a child wasn't even on my radar a month ago.
[ Sighs ] It's all happening so fast. But I thought things were going well with you and michael. They are. We're so compatible, and I -- it's been wonderful knowing I'll see him every day. Then it's -- it's wiley you're having a problem with? God, no. No. I love that little guy. I just have a hard time... thinking of myself as a mom. Raising a child is huge. Yeah. Yeah. It'S... it's everything. You're wrong, you know. Michael and his family think they're gonna keep me away from my son. They think that they're above everyone and everything, but I'm gonna show them just how wrong they are. That's all this is to you, isn't it? Sticking it to michael and his family. You don't care about wiley. You never did. I'm definitely gonna have to change his name. Jonah seems a bit morbid now, but I really like the name william. I-I'm sorry. What? Plus, william is much classier than wiley. But wiley is the name he knows. Eh, he'll adjust. Wiley is a person. You can't just take away his name, nelle. Oh, my god. I am so sick of you and your self-righteousness. I will raise him however the hell I please. He's my son. So despite what you think and all of your delusions, please just remember that your son is dead and stay the hell away from mine.
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Gasps ] Chase: Despite everything that's going on, I still think your chances of getting full custody are good. I mean, you're the obvious choice to raise wiley. Well, as long as nelle keeps insisting that she was unconscious when brad stole wiley, the court may find her sympathetic, so...
[ Sighs ] I'm telling you, man. Sometimes it feels like criminals have all the protection. Are you sure there's no way to prove that nelle assaulted willow? I -- what about the evidence that she was -- she was planning to kidnap wiley? Yeah. We, uh -- we haven't been able to locate the forged passports. How in the hell could they get lost like that? They couldn'T. They were stolen. Why didn't you give julian up to sonny?
[ Sighs ] Because I needed to leave lucas with something. He's the only man I have ever loved, and I've already taken away so much. You know he was in a coma for months after our car accident? You said the brakes failed before you hit that car? Yeah. I'd just told lucas the truth about wiley. Yeah. Then he lost control of the car. And there wasn't something wrong with your brake system before? Not that I know of. The cops couldn't determine why they failed. They said that there was too much damage to the car, that we were just lucky to even have gotten out alive. And it felt like a miracle when lucas finally woke up and didn't remember what happened. I knew I was on borrowed time, but then I got that job in portland, and -- and just for a moment... for a moment, I-I thought that we could just get away and...make a fresh start. Am -- am I delusional like nelle? No! Come on. That chick is straight-up crazy. You were just crazy in love. Yes! Yeah, I was! But then all the lies and deceptions were wearing on me so badly.
[ Sighs ] I couldn't eat or sleep. I was physically sick. It felt like I was having a heart attack at one point. Could've really used a friend. Could have -- could have used you. I'm sorry. I was busy readjusting to normal life after years in prison. Speaking of prison... I heard my mother has been arrested for multiple counts of attempted murder. Didn't see that coming. I thought after my father died, she was committed to being this doting grandmother. Yeah. A doting grandmother who blackmailed me every chance she got. So for a while there in the hospital, we thought taggert was gonna pull through. And then all of a sudden, the alarms went off... and that was it. Oh, that's heartbreaking. Yeah. Heartbroken -- that describes trina. Her father, right? He -- he sacrificed himself for her, you know? He drew gunmen's fire that I might have a chance to get her out of there safely. Which is what you did. And I thank the lord neither of you were hurt. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Well, trina's not so grateful. All she knows is that her father was shot and I left him there to die.
[ Sighs ] She's young. And she may not even be aware but probably blames herself for surviving. She just can't process it yet and needs someone to be mad at. And that's you. Makes sense. Doesn't make seeing her pain any easier. Of course not. But, baby, you can't take on that guilt, either. Taggert put his life on the line to save the child he loved. That was his right as a parent. And god bless him. Something amiss? Where is he? Oh, my. Looks like he's been through quite an ordeal. What have you done to him? But I'm locked up away from the world -- in solitary, no less -- and without a phone to take that picture or to send it to you. We both know that you have people doing your dirty work for you. What the hell do you want?! You've had plenty of chances to kill me! That's obviously not what you want! It's something else! What?! Calm down, jordan. You need to focus. You'll have to move fast. From that photo, the people who have T.J... are not concerned about his health. My son has nothing to do with this. He's going to be a doctor and save people's lives! I'm sure T.J. Will be fine. Because I know you're the type of woman who will do anything to bring him home safe.
Somehow -- somehow, some way, you always manage to make me feel better -- even when I'm facing the hard truths. It's 'cause I love you. I love you, too. So, how long do we have the pleasure of your company? I'm not sure yet. I want to call T.J. And ask for him to make room for me in his busy schedule before I go back. Yeah. That might be a problem. T.J.'S been a ghost lately. Why is that? He proposed to molly... and she turned him down. You mind if I askwhat made you change your mind and go all in with elq? I was, um -- I was visiting mike corbin. Yeah. I was singing for some of the folks there. Actually, olivia sent meatballs. Of course she did.
[ Chuckles ] That's very sweet of you to go visit him. Well, it's one way I can still perform and stay off linc's radar. Besides, you know how much sonny means to ma. I do. She used to tell me stories all the time about luke's club and -- and l&B. I mean, mike was a part of all that. He's from the neighborhood, and anyone from the neighborhood is family. Yeah. So, how was he? To be honest, the, uh... the alzheimer's is pretty advanced. But his smile's the same. Anyway, mike started going on and on about the importance of family. And, you know, it really struck me. I mean, here's this guy who's losing so much, but he still remembers the importance of family. You don't always get along, you know, you don't always like each other, but... they're the ones who show up for you, who support you when you need them the most. You better believe it. My mother helped deliver nelle's baby before she took off for cuba? Mm-hmm. And after she got back to town and was exonerated, somehow she put it together about the whole baby switch and realized that lucas and I had adopted michael and nelle's baby.
[ Chuckles ] Obrecht figured that she could use me to do her bidding whenever she wanted to, and that's -- that's precisely what she did. Well, forget about julian. Why didn't you use her to confirm your story? I just figured your mom would just lie to keep herself out of trouble.
[ Sighs ] Brad, I am -- I'm so sorry my mother made things hard for you. Well...we all do things we regret. Look, at the end of the day, obrecht wasn't the problem. I was. Me and all my terrible decisions.
[ Sighs ] I just... I just wanted to be good enough for lucas. Doing anything I could to make him happy. Well, that never works. We can't change who we really are, no matter how hard we try. You're gonna pay for that.
[ Sniffs ] I'll have you arrested for assault. It was an accident. My hand slipped. Yeah. It sure looked that way to me. Oh, I'm not paying a dime for that dinner. Oh. I'm sorry. D-did you have something to say? Encore? You deserve more than a drink in your face. Oh, I do? Well, listen to this. You are nothing more than a tramp hopping around the mansion till michael's sick and tired of you. Oh? Well, at least I am welcome in the house. No one has packed me off to go sleep with the boats. Okay. You know what? I thought you were leaving. Oh. Did I say that? Actually, I'm not going anywhere. So get used to it. I had hoped that the, uh, fake passports would be found, but I suspected that they were buried or...taken. But by whom?
[ Sighs ] That's what's disturbing. There's either someone on the inside or someone with access. And that means that nelle has another ally we don't know about, right? I mean, she already threw brad under the bus. He's in jail. So who else is out there? Another true believer? Helping out shiloh's widow? Yeah, it's possible. The only other person I-I-I know who helped nelle was -- was ava, but, I mean, she regretted that pretty quick. Janelle knows how to make allies. She got to shiloh, probably even ryan. The thought that there's someone else out there backing her up is all kinds of bad. I know, which is why we need to get in front of this, keep her from ruining my son's life. I-I-I mean it, chase. We have to stop her. No matter what.
Okay. So, how does this work tomorrow? Well, I usually arrive at the office at 7:30. A.M.? I thought 9:00 to 5:00 meant we worked 9:00 to 5:00. The hours are a little more fluid than that. Oh! Okay. Cool. So I could work from like 12:00 to 8:30? Because I've never really been a morning person. I'll see you there at 8:00. And try not to yawn. Coffee helps. Just so you know, I've never tried anything like this before, okay? I don't know how to work those word-processing programs with the tables and charts and... I don't know how to make a spreadsheet. I know. You'll learn. You're smart, talented, very creative. You're a, uh, think-outside- the-box-type person. All qualities I look for in an elq employee. I mean, that music-streaming idea was a great idea. There could even be a title for you down the road. You really think so? Yeah. There's a learning curve, but, uh, I know you can do whatever you put your mind to. Except what I love most. I mean, no performing for five years. I've always been a singer. Without that, I don't even know who I am. Hey, I understand what it's like to fall in love with a child that's not yours. I only carried lulu and dante's baby to get patrick back, but after little ben was born, I loved him so much, I couldn't bear to let him go. It's good to be around someone who gets it. Well, we've always been friends. We get each other. Mostly. I would never have let julian walk away -- lucas or no lucas. I would have handed him over to sonny without a second thought. So you think I made a mistake? I'm totally jealous. How did it feel to throw that drink in nelle's face? Oh, extremely satisfying. Oh, I just wish she'd melted like the wicked witch she is.
[ Sighs ] I feel so bad for michael. Having that woman as the mother of your child is a nightmare. And now he's got this brutal custody battle looming. I just wish there was something I could do.
[ Sighs ] Kind of seems like there is. You mean marrying michael? For real? I mean, I wouldn't want you to jump into something you're not ready for, but... what if you were and you just didn't know it? Assuming janelle is going for full custody and you can't send her back to prison, how do we keep her away from wiley? Well, diane had an interesting idea. She, uh -- she thinks that I should get married. You all right?
[ Chuckles ] You're gonna need these a lot more than I will. Hey, look. Marriage doesn't really scare me. Not much. Hold on. Are you considering this? Whoa. I mean... I guess sasha has been by your side through all this. Yeah. No. Yeah. She's -- she's been amazing, you know? But...I don't know. Marriage is just -- it's like a whole nother level and... so is fatherhood. And you're adjusting. Shouldn't you put wiley first? Yeah. No. I mean, of course. Wait. Are you --
[ Chuckles ] Are you saying that you -- you think that we should do this? I should propose to sasha? If it were me, I would consider anything that could give me an advantage over janelle. Curtis: Hey! We were just talking about you. Hi, baby. Hi. Look who's here. Jordan! Hi. Jordan. Jordan, you're shaking. Am I? It's just -- it's chilly. And I am so happy and excited to see you. Baby, is everything okay? You -- you want to talk about it? No. No, no, no, no. I'm -- it's just been a long day is all. I could use a little downtime. Yeah. Okay. You're -- you're clearly upset. What happened at pentonville? Cyrus got underneath my skin. Who is that? Cyrus renault is the man we believe to be responsible for taggert's death. And you went to see him? Must be horrible to be face-to-face with the man who took someone you care about from you. Okay. I'm sorry. I can't do this.
[ Sighs ]
You passed up a chance for revenge on julian for lucas's sake. You put the man you love first. That's real love, brad. At any rate, I'm so proud of you. You did the right thing. Wow. I, uh... I do not hear those words much. Maybe one day, lucas will understand. I hope so -- for both your sakes. Because I guarantee you he's never gonna find anyone who loves him as much as you do.
[ Footsteps approaching ] Cooper. They've got the tahl waiver ready for you to sign in judge lasser's chambers. Now turn. That's my cue.
[ Handcuffs clicking ] Goodbye, brad. Can't get much worse, right? What the hell did he say? Cyrus is a hateful, dangerous man that should be dead and not lounging in a prison. I'm sorry, stella. I know that you just traveled all this way and you're probably tired, but... you can't stay here tonight. So you're kicking me out? I've been there, honey. And I understand what you're going through. And I have complete faith in you and no doubt that you will not lose who you are. Problem is, I don't want to become one of those corporate drones -- no offense. None taken. And neither did I. I really resisted getting involved with elq, but I find myself... getting pulled back in time and time again. So why give in? Why keep going back? Mainly because your grandmother harangues me until I give in. But also because what mike corbin said to you. It all comes down to family. I want to continue my grandfather's legacy. I want elq to remain in the family and have a prosperous future for you and leo and wiley and your kids -- whoa. Whoa, whoa. I-I have no plans to pop out any babies anytime soon.
[ Chuckles ] I'm glad to hear it. I think you need to focus on your career right now. Except thanks to linc, my music career ended before it even started. Thanks for stopping by. Look, we need to hash out some kind of plan to deal with janelle. Yeah. Well, you know, at least we -- at least we have a start, right? I can't tell you how much I regret that I didn't take care of her when she killed zachary grant. If I hadn't bought into her lies, you wouldn't have had to deal with her. You know, well, then again, you know, wiley wouldn't be here, and he is worth all the pain that nelle caused.
[ Sighs ] I just have to make sure that she does not inflict her misery on him. You do have a strategy for that. Yes. Marriage. You and sasha are the real deal, right? I think so, yeah. Okay. Piece of friendly advice -- the way I see it, you could speed things up, neutralize janelle, or you could risk her winning a permanent place in wiley's life.
I know five years sounds like forever. But you never know what will happen. Just think of your music career as simply being put on hold. And when your contract runs out, you're free to record and perform again. In the meantime, you can still be creative, right? I mean, david bowie -- he took time off to reinvent himself. So did iggy pop, madonna. Okay, boomer. Shh.
[ Chuckles ] Childish gambino, katy perry. Okay. Point taken. I got it, dad. You can still be creative during the next five years. When you're not taking elq by storm, that is. Thanks, dad. I am ready to become a cog in the corporate machine.
[ Laughs ] It won't be that bad. In fact, tomorrow night is karaoke night at the floating rib. Why don't we go and we can celebrate your first day on the job? I would love that. I would love to sing with eddie maine.
[ Laughs ] Thanks, daddy. I love you. Hey. Hey. What are you doing out here? Aren't you cold? Oh. I...needed some air. Nelle's inside. Oh. Do you want to leave? We can -- we can go somewhere else. No, no. Now that you're here, I -- I won't even notice her. Cash or credit? I was considering getting dessert. We don't have any. You don't even know what I wanted. Well, whatever it is you want, we don't have.
[ Door closes ]
[ Woman clears throat ] What can I get you? That's an excellent question. Hey. Hello, there. Oh. Yeah. Well, your greeting was definitely a lot better than mine. So, I was th-- I was thinking --
[ Laughs ] You -- you go -- you go first. Well, um, I was thinking about us, and, um... well, marriage. Yeah, that's -- yeah. So was I. Were we a little premature saying it's not an option? You know, maybe -- maybe it isn't such a crazy idea to get married after all. If it would sway the judge even slightly in your favor... it's worth talking more about, isn't it? Auntie, would you please give us a minute? Sure. Sure. I'll just freshen up a little bit -- if that's okay. Jordan: Of course. Of course, stella. I'm sorry. There -- there are fresh towels in the basket.
[ Sighs ]
[ Door closes ] Okay, baby. We're alone. Now will you please tell me what cyrus really said?
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