GH Transcript Wednesday 2/12/20

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 2/12/20


Episode #14453 ~ Peter bonds with Emma. Robert is confrontational. Nina confides in Ava. Valentin gets devastating news. Maxie misunderstands.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

hold on. What do you mean the deal is off? Things... kind of fell apart. But we kept up our end of the deal, robert. We gave you the eurotech lead that connected peter to david black. It was a good lead. I'm just not allowed to pursue it. Why not? We were to so close to nailing peter. Why back out now? W-well, that's not my call. Well, whose call? Well, there's your million-dollar question. Somebody shopped us to the attorney general. Is something wrong? I think you might be projecting a little bit. Oh. It's glaringly obvious, is it?

[ Chuckles ] Mm. I imagine peter and robert'S... run-in was worse than usual. Yeah. As hard as that is to believe, yeah. Oh, I believe it. Yeah. You know, robert and I -- we were arguing about peter before he even arrived. Did you tell him you knew about his deal with jason and sam? No. We were fighting and he inferred as much.

[ Sighs, scoffs ] What did you think you were gonna get out of confronting robert? I-I just thought I could get him to back off, you know? Robert? Are we talking about the same guy here? You really think he was gonna pass up an opportunity to go after peter? What am I supposed to do? I just accept it? I just accept that robert is going to try everything he can to destroy peter's life? Do you have any idea how painful that is? Emma: Uncle peter? Emma. Hey. I'm so glad to see you here. Me, too. I tried stopping by your office yesterday, but you were out, so it's the best coincidence, finding you here. Well, I'm so glad you did. Any chance I can get my first official hug as your uncle?

[ Chuckles ] Oh.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hello, ava jerome. Or do I have to call you mrs. Cassadine? Ava: To you? Mrs. Cassadine, always. Actually, this concerns the property where you used to reside... illegally. I'm just wondering if there's a way to turn the lights on in the stables remotely. The mistress of wyndemere should not be wandering around in the dark. Are you kidding? Try a flashlight. And be careful. The cliffs are slippery. It's only a matter of time before nikolas pushes you off one. Goodbye, mrs. Cassadine. Oh, now, just hold on a second. Who just walked into the gallery? Hello, nina. I'll be right with you, okay? Okay. Take your time. Actually, I-I really should be going. Try to have a nice evening, and don't -- don't dwell too much on everything you've lost. Martin. Listen, I'm at general hospital. Get here immediately.

[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Knock on door ] Maxie: Knock, knock. Hey. Hey, uh, we need your approval at crimson. Let me guess. Another budget hike? Yeah. The dubai shoot, uh, turned out to be more costly than we anticipated. Okay. Well, have nina call me and I'll go over it with her. Oh, nina's not in the office today, but I took a look at the budget. You did? Yeah. It's par for the course these days. I wear many hats. Well, I'll -- I will take a look at this, and I will get back to you. Thanks for handling it. Yeah, of course. Was there something else? Nina didn't -- didn't tell you she wasn't coming in today? Uh, no. She doesn't have to run her schedule by me. Yeah, no. Of course not.

[ Chuckles ] I just thought you -- you guys would share that sort of information since, you know, you... well, I don't have to remind you.

[ Exhales sharply ] I think you might. What brings you by? Well, I'm on the hunt for a new home, which will need new artwork, and I was hoping to look at some of your new acquisitions. Well, that's great. I'm more than happy to help. Was that valentin on the phone just now? Yes, it was. I-I had a couple of questions about spoon island. Then, ava, ask the staff, not valentin. Why provoke him? Why not?

[ Exhales sharply ] I will not be intimidated by a-a homeless false heir out on bail. In fact, the only one who worries me is you. Mm. How so? Valentin wants you back, you know that that. Well, too bad. I'm moving on. I like that direction, but you're lacking in conviction. Oh, you don't believe me. Not really. Well, you would believe me if you arrived in my office just a few minutes earlier. What happened? Jax and I kissed. Oh.

[ Chuckles ] Well, that is an interesting development. So, you're gonna have to tell me -- how exactly did this happen with jax?

Proximity is a funny thing. It's like salt or cayenne pepper. You lost me. Too much can be overwhelming. Too little and life is bland. But just the right amount makes everything better. Are we thinking about adding a cooking column to crimson? Is that what we're talking about? Oh, come on, jax. I know that you and nina kissed. Oh. Aren't you gonna tell me where you're going with your relationship? I remember music playing when I walked in. Ugh. Champagne chilling. So, I guess it makes sense that you and jax were toasting more than just a rise in circulation. Oh. Right? I'm just sorry that I spoiled the mood. No, no, no. I'm glad you did, because it would have been a disaster if jax was there when valentin arrived. Yeah, that's true. But hey, you, um... you smooched your... corporate dreamboat, right? Yeah, let's not call him that. No, that's not a good idea.

[ Chuckles ] But seriously, though, I'm really happy for you. It takes courage to get yourself out there again. It's just one tiny, little kiss. Well... was it a good tiny, little kiss? It was a fantastic kiss. Geez. I can only think about this guy. Really? Yeah. Well, is that -- is that bad? N... it means that I'm over valentin, or at least, I'm trying to get over valentin. But it doesn't even matter. It's not like jax and i have a future or anything. Well, if valentin is out of the picture, why the hell not? Ah. I'm expecting the dna results any moment. I want you here for them. For moral support.

[ Chuckles ] No. I need you to take action. As soon as I have proof I'm a cassadine, I want to regain my assets, and I want to make sure that nikolas and ava are off of spoon island. Now, the, uh, the other endeavor. How's that going? Oh, swimmingly. Uh, nelle is primed to sell the elq voting stock she inherited from david henry archer, but you should be advised, she is expecting a life-changing number. Life-changing? Yeah. Well, she's trash. How formidable a number could that be?

[ Chuckles ] Now, once we acquire nelle's shares, I want to move forward on the other shareholders. I need a majority holding to take control of this company. I have an understanding of how painful this is for you. Yeah. You know, robert's on the warpath, and -- and when he gets like that, he has his blinders on and he can only see peter as a criminal, and it really scares me. Like, what he will be able to do now that he's working with jason and sam. Finn: David black, the assassin who tried to kill andre and franco, he worked for a company called eurotech from 2011 to 2014. Sam: Wait, wait, wait. Peter august listed that on his résumé when he was applying for coo of aurora media. Eurotech's also a shell company owned by peter's father. So, peter august has linked his contractor to faison. Where'd you get this information? I have an unnamed source that shall remain that way. Sam: This is it, jason. We got to call robert and tell him that we can tie peter to the assassin. I am... I'm really sorry you're going through this. I never want to see you get hurt. I'm just angry, really, at robert. You know, why would he make a deal with jason, of all people? Well, it makes for strange bedfellows. Yes, I know. I-I mean, he's always considered him a thug, and now he's putting all of that aside? I-I-I can't believe he went behind my back like that.

[ Exhales sharply ] Well, you... to be fair, you went behind robert's back first when you decided to withhold the bank statement from david black's pcpd file. What's your point? My point is you deliberately withheld the connection between peter and eurotech. Whose side are you on? Really? No, I mean -- uh, it's getting harder to tell. Obviously, I'm on yours. If that was true, then you would understand why I held that statement. Because robert -- a-and now jason and sam -- they are doing everything they can to destroy peter. They're trying to pin all of it on him, from drew's death, all the way to the attacks on andre and franco. I had to protect him. I didn't have a choice. Sure, you did. You chose peter. I had to defend him. How did the attorney general find out about the deal? Somebody shopped us. I was told this by the ag in very colorful terms, that -- and that if I continued with the investigation, I'd face sanctions. But the attorney general should want this deal because we're gonna bring a killer to justice. This spike in mob violence kind of went against us. The justice department -- they're in business to make sure people like him are not in business. We don't go to them for help. N-n-no. Don't you want to figure out who was behind drew's murder or the attacks on andre and franco? The bureau are pursuing that their own way.Oh, they -- they are. I -- well, I doubt they're gonna make that a priority. You're probably right. But I'm sorry. You're sor-- you're sorry? Hey. For what? Nobody wants to take this guy out more than I do. But my hands are tried. What now? You honor the terms of your parole and go back to your po officer.

[ Scoffs ] And what about peter? He's a bureau problem. Sorry.

[ Door closes ]

 I can't believe this. We did everything robert asked. This is all my fault. No, it's not. You heard robert. The feds won't work with me. I'm the one who brought finn into this. If I hadn't, we could have taken this further. At least finn gave us eurotech. I don't think we would have gotten that on our own. I should have known that he would have given us up to anna. Negotiations between ned quartermaine and linc brown continue. Ned is increasingly motivated to get his daughter out of her ill-advised singing contract. Well, right. The goal is to squeeze brook lynn hard enough that she gives up her shares for the contract. Don't let this linc guy drag things out too much. I don't like him. He's pond scum. Well, pond scum has its perks. Ecologically speaking. The ill-advised contract he secured is exactly the leverage you need. I don't like it. And if I knew he was gonna sexually harass brook lynn, I would never have signed off on the deal. Well, then, by all means, after he comes through with his end of our agreement, you can throw him to the wolves. Maybe an over-eager journalist. Somebody who'd just cherish the idea of "me too"-ing a powerful music producer. That is the least he deserves. Well, as shady as the guy may be, he is useful. He's followed our directions thus far. It's just a matter of time before brook lynn goes behind her daddy's back and trades her shares for artistic freedom. I swear, as a lawyer, you just gotta love overly emotional, impetuous artists. Acquiring brook lynn's and nelle's shares is gonna give me a foothold, but it's just a start. There's a lot of work to be done before I achieve a controlling interest. Do you have your list of elq shareholders? Yeah. I do. Good. Pack your bags. You're leaving port charles tonight. I'm sorry, maxie, but I cannot approve your budget proposal, uh, if you don't give me a chance to review it, so... maxie: I-it won't take long. I think you'll see it's thorough. I'm sure it is, but I-I would like to get to it before the end of the day, so if you could go back to doing whatever it is that you -- please, jax, just tell me what happened. I only ask because I care about you and nina. You could talk to me, jax. You're not breaking any sort of chivalry code, I swear. I just -- I want nina to be happy. Yeah, me, too. Good. So, what -- what are you doing about it? Are you making her happy? Maxie. I'm not gonna tell anyone! I -- it's -- look -- there's nothing to tell! Sure there isn'T. Nina and I are both on the same page about what happened. Oh, good. I'm relieved. Because between the two of us, nina was... nervous to talk to you. Well, I'm sure she was, so it's a good thing we're both in agreement. You're gonna be good for her. I'm happy she's with someone who's not gonna jerk her around like valentin. What are you talking about? You, nina. The kiss that started a beautiful friendship. Nina and I -- we're not together. I don't get it. You're free from valentin. Why would you turn jax down? I didn'T. Y... well, did he turn you down? No. No. Nobody turned anybody down. After we kissed, jax and i discussed the situation. The s-- [ Chuckles ] The situation? That's what you're calling it? Yes, yes. And we both agreed that it is not the right time for us to try to start dating each other. Well, why not? Because I have a lot going on in my life. I just got out of a long-term, volatile relationship with valentin, and I'm in no place... I'm in no place to start dating. That is why not. All I'm hearing are excuses, and maybe even a lie. So, why don't you go ahead and tell me the real reason that you and jax ended things before they started? So, tell me everything. How's everyone in berkeley? We're good. Still waiting for you to come visit. Noah wants to show you memorial stadium. He's convinced he's gonna play there someday. Isn't noah a little young for football? He doesn't think so. Okay, well, what about us? What are we gonna do when I come visit? I want you to take me to the claremont hotel for tea. Ooh. Tea at the claremont. I would be delighted.

[ Chuckles ] And then to muir woods to see the redwoods. Grandma loves those. Oh. I'm sure I would love them, too. Emma, is everything okay? What's wrong? Did my hair just turn green or something? No, I was just deciding something. Oh. Okay. What's that? I was deciding that you're a part of my family, so I should tell you when something happens. Yes, of course you should. What's going on? Grandma's really worried about you. The bottom line is, if, um... peter isn't hiding anything, then there's nothing to worry about. Okay. I'm just concerned that this whole david black lead... is the first action in robert's campaign and god knows what else he's drumming up. Why? Do you think peter is hiding something? No. I don't have any reason to suspect know? Um, and that's why I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, because nobody else seems willing to. Well, I think I just need to be cautious. Oh, come on. Is that what you call it? Yeah, that's what I call it. Peter's history's gonna follow him. You can't get -- get around that. Okay, I'll tell you what I learned from being a dvx agent, and that is that it is very easy to live down towards people's low expectations of you. If they start to call you a criminal, then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, and you just kind of move towards the darkness, and I don't want that for peter. Somebody should be there to tip the scales in his favor and lead him towards his better self.

[ Inhales deeply ] Mm. And y-you think withholding the assassin's bank statement was the best way to... support peter? I don't know. No, it wasn'T. Probably not. But I don't regret it, you know? Because he's never had a fair shot at life. I just walked away and I never went back to check on him. If it was you. Me -- uh, me, alex. It doesn't matter. The point is that he was raised by a monster and there's good in him, you know? And I-I-I owe him a second chance at life. He needs to be encouraged. Do you really think that... covering for peter is -- is gonna help him? I don't know. I don't know. What else was I supposed to do? Well, I think you should be showing him that his choices have consequences. I also think you might want to take a step back on this one. Let the authorities handle their part of it. Look, I know how much you love peter. I do. But sometimes, you have to do the right thing for someone, someone you love, even if you know it's gonna cause them some pain.

You think anna gave us up? Finn must have told her that we were working with robert to go after peter, and she told the attorney general. Then it's -- then it's my fault the deal got blown, because I'm the one who went to anna in the first place. I laid out our case against peter, and at the time, yeah, I thought that she would... I thought she would see the truth. I knew that it would be upsetting, but I didn't think she would deny what's right in front of her and start working to protect him. Well, you know what? She is a parent, so she's gonna see peter in any light that she wants to see him. But you know what? Maybe it wasn't anna. Maybe it was peter who went to the attorney general. It doesn't really matter. At this point, the deal's off. No, it doesn't matter, and I am so pissed because I should have never trusted finn. We are never gonna have the lives that we wanted, jason. That's what I was planning on. Y-you know what? The second that we walk out that door, we're back to square one. We have to pretend that we're not together again. And I... I-I can't do it. I can't do it anymore. Look, I know -- I know it's tough. No, jason, you don't know. It is time to take control of the situation. How? I say that we take scout and danny... and we disappear. I mean, I'm familiar with the notion of tough love. What are you getting at? I need to tell you something. Okay. I ran into sam earlier tonight, and I told her that --

[ Knock on door ] What did you tell sam?

[ Knock on door ]

[ Knock on door ] Damn it. What? Oh. Evening. What is it? Why did you go to the attorney general? What are you talking about? The justice department just tanked my deal with sam and jason. All because of you. But you said that you were on the same page about the kiss. Yeah, we both agreed that it was a mistake. How could that be a mistake? She has a lot on her plate right now. She's trying to put her life back together. Yeah, nobody knows better than me that nina's life is an emotional wreck right now, thanks to valentin, but what a better way to get a fresh start than with a brilliant, compassionate guy like yourself? It's not the right time. I can tell you're holding back. And look, nina, really, if you're not over valentin, you shouldn't feel ashamed about that. It's tough, getting over love, even dysfunctional -- especially dysfunctional love. But hey, you know something? Sometimes talking about it really helps. So, if you want to do that, please -- please do. Vent away, and I'm here and I'll listen. Thank you. You're welcome. And I would just -- I would hate to see you take valentin back after all the things that he's put you through. Well, actually, ava, you don't -- you don't have to worry. Valentin is not the reason why I'm not pursuing jax. Jax is the reason. You know, in all honesty, I was very intrigued to see where things could go between us, but then jax said the kiss was a bad idea, and he said that we should put it behind us so we can stay friends. Oh, I see. Yeah, you don't friend-zone someone that you're interested in. Well, did you maybe give him a reason to think that you weren't interested? I didn't have time. He shut down the whole conversation before we could discuss anything. Well, then bring it up again! I've sent you a detailed itinerary via e-mail. The shareholders in question are far-flung. Expect a long trip. You could have asked first. You're on retainer. Travel comes with the job. Well, nonetheless, I would have appreciated a little advanced notice. I mean, any, really. Too bad. I have enclosed a strategic approach for each of the shareholders. It's time to put my plan into action. Mr. Cassadine? Yes? Your results are ready. Thank you. You're welcome.

 It's a big move. The alternative is we live apart for two more years. I know. I know. Sam, I-I do not... I do not want that. But if we go, scout and danny will grow up without any -- any family besides us, and -- and you'll never see your mom or your sister again. Is that something that you're willing to do? I don't know. I don't know. I just remember what it felt like when I lost you, jason, and I don't ever want to feel like that again because danny was the only reason I got through that.

[ Sniffles ] And I just don'T... I don't want to put my kids through another two years of this. Why don't you tell me what's troubling anna, and then that way, I can maybe reassure her so perhaps she won't have to worry so much? It's about your complicated history. I see. That covers a lot of ground. Grandma says you made some unfortunate choices. Well, that's a kind way of putting it. Emma, when I was young

[Exhales sharply] I was so focused on what I wanted that I ignored the cost. Not just the cost for me, but the cost for other people. I made some bad decisions, emma, and then I made some worse decisions trying to cover them up, which is actually a-a good lesson to learn and remember in life, not that I believe you will ever make any of the mistakes like I made. What's the lesson? When you screw up big, stop. Stand still and take a look around and ask yourself, "what did I do to end up here? And now that I'm here, what's the lesson I'm supposed to figure out?" Did you learn those lessons? I did. But I learned some of them too late. See, emma, there are some people out there right now who don't want to forgive me for my mistakes, and -- and that is absolutely their right. But the last thing that I want to do is drag my mother down because of mistakes from my past. Could that happen? No, honey. No, no, no. See, I have a whole new life now, and it's a good life. I have a family. I have maxie and james. I have you and your mom and dad and noah. And anna. People I truly care about, and who I think care about me.

[ Chuckles ] Uh, duh. Of course we do. So, those things from the past, those -- those problems, they -- they're gone for good. They're not gonna come back to hurt anyone. You're sure? Yeah. I'm sure, and I don't want you to worry about that anymore. I won'T. You promise? Pinky promise.

[ Chuckles ] Alright. You start making sense or just get out. Look, j-just admit it. You tipped off the ag. It wasn't me. Anna... I'm gonna check on violet. I'll give you some privacy. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. I haven't told anyone about your deal with sam and jason, certainly not the attorney general. You really don't know anything about this, do you? No. No. I'm being totally honest with you. Then it had to have been peter. He overheard us while we were -- while he was lurking outside. It's not his fault that you were yelling at the top of your lungs. No, but, uh, he stopped us from moving ahead with the lead. Assuming that there was anything worth pursuing. Well, we'll never know now, will we? It's just as he planned. Oh.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. And there's another little bonus to this. I've been taken off the investigation. You know what that means? It means the bureau -- they're not gonna do anything with this, and peter gets off with it scot free. You can't be certain he's guilty of anything.

[ Scoffs ] All we know is that he lied when he was at the front door. He must have been the one who spoke to the attorney general. Why? Have you found out something that proves that he hired that assassin? Well... it's only a lead, a starting point. What was it? Eurotech, an old faison company. Look, I-if you're so convinced that this guy is innocent, maybe you should be checking into it yourself. Valentin? What's it say? It says alexis isn't my sister. It says we share no dna. It says I'm not a cassadine. Well, that can't be right. Well, your people monitored the whole process. There's no way this has been tampered with. I am sorry. I...I know that wasn't the outcome you wanted. Oh, I don't know. It's not like I chose to be a cassadine. It's just something that was. They sent me away. They forgot me. But I always had the bloodline. I had the name, I had the legacy. Now what? Nikolas wins? He's the prince? He's the heir? What am I? I'm a lie! I'm a lie told by the greatest liar who ever lived -- helena cassadine. My mother.

[ Exhales sharply ] (

Sam and jason think that david black and peter are... linked through eurotech. How did they come by that information? Well, they weren't too specific. Shocking. What are they gonna do with it? Well, what can they do? The bureau's not gonna go into business with jason morgan. Sam's gonna have to deal with her parole, and that means she's not gonna get to see her family for a year and a half. Oh, god. Well, you don't have to be so broken up about it. What? It's terrible. Spare me the faux concern. You're more interested in the fact that peter's managed to dodge the bullet. Again. And, oh, by the way, congratulations. You protected a murderer. Was it you? What? That told sam and -- and jason about the eurotech connection? Jason: As hard as it would be for us, it's gonna be even harder on the kids. Scout and danny have a big family, a lot of people they love, and a lot of people love them. I know. I know, jason. It's just really unfair.

[ Sighs ] You know, as, uh... as painful as it'll be for us to... oh, spend two years apart, it'll be more painful to more people if we leave. You know, dolores, my parole officer -- she's not gonna let up. She is gonna be on me and waiting for me to make a mistake so she can send me back to pentonville. Let her try. We'll work around her.

[ Inhales deeply ] In light of the current situation, it is now vital that I achieve control of elq. Valentin, maybe you should take it easy. You just found out you're not who you thought you were your entire life. That's a lot. I'm resilient. And I'm also solvent. I have plenty of my own money in offshore accounts aside from the cassadine estate. I can cover your retainer. Oh, thank god. From now on, you pay in advance. What are you doing here? You have shareholders to meet. I will. I don't like the idea of leaving you alone. Is there someone that... that you can talk to? You should march right back into aurora and level with jax. Oh, right. What -- what do you want me to do? Just throw myself on his desk and beg him to reconsider? Yes.

[ Chuckles ] No. Ava, no. And everything that jax said is -- is -- is true. My life is incredibly complicated right now. You know? I-I need to move forward, and I need to move forward without valentin. I need to find a new place to -- to live, and jax is my boss. Uh, don't you have autonomy over crimson? Kind of, but it could get messy, complicated. That's love. You have to be willing to take risks. Nina, I'm telling you, you need to go for what you want. And if it makes valentin crazy and jealous in the process? Icing on the cake. So be it. Jax: Nina needs space, and that's what I'm going to give her, okay? Did -- did nina say that? Did she actually tell you that she's not interested in dating you? Well, isn't that what she told you? Uh-huh. Yeah. Absolutely. Then why are you asking me? Verification. Just wanted to make sure nina was up front with you, that's all. Oh. Yeah. 'Cause she is definitely done with valentin, but she's not finished with love. Maxie, why don't you just... say what you're thinking? Okay, a-are you sure that nina's not interested in dating you? I was, until you showed up.

 you told sam and jason about eurotech, didn't you? Yes, I did. How could you? Let me explain. No, do you know what you've done? Who the hell do you think you are? Peter: Robert. You just missed emma. Yeah, I know. My brother's got her. But that's a good thing. I'm not sure that I want her to hear what I'm about to say to good old uncle pete. Oh, I take it this won't be a peace overture. You were eavesdropping at anna's, and then you shopped us to the attorney general. And what would it matter to you if I did? Unless, of course, you were up to something...shady? Hmm. You know... I really should thank you for getting me off that... production. Now... well, now it's just you and jason morgan. I ever tell you that my daughter just adores him? And anna... anna's got a soft spot for him, too. Yeah. Me, not so much. Eh. I sure know a trained killer when I see one. And jason... well, he knows the truth, henrik. And he's coming to get you. And this time, anna's not gonna be able to save your sorry butt. Have a good night. I should go. Okay. I hate leaving you. We're gonna get through this. I know.

[ Sniffles ] I love you so, so much, jason. I love you more. It's okay.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Sobs ] It's gonna be okay. Okay. Come on.

[ Sniffles ] You gotta go first, okay? Okay. I'll take a couple minutes, and then... okay. I will.

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Sniffles ] Love you.

[ Sniffles ] Ms. Mccall. Ah. Yes. Dolores maloney. What's going on? I'm glad I bumped into you. We have a problem. Well, I see my work here is done. Oh, yeah, just hang up your bow and arrow, cupid. Okay. Uh, let me know about the budget. Um, nina might want to take another pass at it tomorrow. Some things deserve a second look. Well, I hope that you're headed over to the office right now to talk to jax. Um... won't you at least consider what I said? I will, and I really appreciate the support. Thank you. Although, I must say that, uh, I'm a little surprised that I'm getting such helpful relationship advice from you. Yeah, it's true. I don't really have a winning record when it comes to love, do I? But hey, you know something? That could... that could turn around at any moment. Yeah, with your loveless, sexless marriage to nikolas. Point taken. Alright, go. Oh, and if jax kisses you again, I want to hear all about it.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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