General Hospital Transcript Thursday 2/6/20
Episode #14449 ~ Sonny worries about Mike. Carly tries to get to the truth. Anna feels strained.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
I'm expecting a call from detective harlan, nypd. I want to go over her report on the attempt on sonny conrinthos's life in brooklyn. I'm hoping that there's some kind of pattern, something that indicates who's responsible.[ Cellphone ringing ] That's all for now. Thanks.
[ Ringing continues ] Taggert: Commissioner?
[ Exhales sharply ] I'm glad I caught you.
[ Ringing continues ] Hey. It's me. Um, call back when you can, okay? Alright. I love you. Ahh. Are you so happy to see the snow again? Yes. Yes! Dad says he doesn't miss the snow at all -- but mom and I do. You know what? It's patently untrue that there are no seasons in california. They're there. They're just slightly gentler than they are here. But we -- you know, we get the real snow and the real winter here in port charles. Speaking of which, they've re-opened the ice rink at rice plaza. Do you remember the ice rink there? Oh, yeah. Yeah. They've reopened it, and it's great. I mean, we should go down there. I mean, I'm sure you didn't bring your skates with you, but we can rent some. Grandma? Yes, darling? Is everything okay? I suppose a person can become...desensitized. You get so used to taking risks for yourself, you don't perceive the risk that you're bringing to others. But how do you point that out? I mean, how do you get someone to listen when they don't want to hear? I suppose the person who is making the big mistake is anna, and she's making it about peter. Uh...
[ Exhales sharply ] Uh, brad -- I-is lucas in there? I got a call saying he woke up. I want to see him. I need you to take a deep breath before you go in there.
[ Heart monitor beeping ] Oh -- oh, no.
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Heart monitor beeping ] Ohh. There she is. I'm sorry. I was so worn out by visits from my loving children that I needed a nap. You want me to have your surgeon restrict your visits? No. That's okay. They needed me. They needed reassurance.
[ Scoffs ] Kids.
[ Laughs ] Ohh. Don't laugh. But I can't say I blame them. We know who's behind the attacks, and it's serious. This is a drug trafficker with a long reach and a reputation for violence. Who? Cyrus renault.
[ Sighs ]
[ Inhales deeply ] Mr. Corinthos. We meet at last. Mr. Renault. Please. Call me cyrus. You've made a big problem for yourself, cyrus. I'm not sure you can solve it. (Elevator rings)
Ahh. Good? Yeah. So, who wore you out more -- lulu or nikolas?
[ Groans ] Hard to say. Lulu finds herself falling in love with dustin, and she's not quite sure what she wants to do about it. And nikolas is up to his neck in dysfunction with ava... mm. ...And doesn't want to admit to it. And I didn't have the heart to tell them that their mother had just been shot and was just too tired to listen. But you listened anyway. I did. Yeah. Jason? Hope I'm not interrupting. No. No, not at all. Please, uh, come on in. What can I do for you? I was just checking in on you, seeing how you're doing. I'm doing fine. Thank you. She shouldn't have been in that situation in the first place. Yeah. O-ob viously, sonny had no idea there would be an attack, and he deeply regrets that you were involved. Well, not as much as she does. Does he know who's responsible? He's working to address the situation. Tell sonny that I appreciate his concern and that, as his friend, I, uh -- I'm very happy that he and his family weren't hurt by this. But as the mayor of this city, I am not about to allow port charles to become ground zero in a mob war. So whatever he's doing to "address the situation," it better not include violence or retaliation. I'll pass on the message. Well... I guess you told him.
[ Sighs ] My only problem is with the federal government. They sentenced me to life without parole for something I didn't do. Some of the feds like you. Why else would you get transferred to pentonville? Bureaucracy works in mysterious ways. Not me. I play straightforward. I keep what's mine. Too bad you didn't think of that before you tried something stupid. Damn it. I knew it was too good to be true. Oh, no. No, brad, you don't understand. Lucas woke up about an hour ago. But -- but now he'S... he's sleeping. Yeah. Come here. Give me this baby. Don't worry. It's a normal part of the recovery process. Oh! Oh, thank god.
[ Both laugh ] I was so scared we lost him.
[ Exhales sharply ] Aww! You know, lucas wasn't sleeping when he was in the coma. His body has been actively fighting to get better all these weeks. He's exhausted. The doctor said he's gonna be in and out for the next few days, until he gets his strength back. Well, I am not leaving his side.
[ Carly chuckles ] I'm gonna be right here for you when you take up this time, okay? How long do you think that'll be? Hopefully not much longer. I'm going to, uh, check in with the neurologist. She ran some tests earlier. I will be right back. Mm. [ Laughs ]
[ Grunts ] Alright, wiley, why don't we give your daddies some space, okay? They need some time together.
[ Sighs ]
[ Clears throat ] Or not. Wow. Come on. Come on, babe. Wake up. Hey, hey, hey. What do you think you're doing? We need to get our stories straight. Look, you told lucas the truth about wiley before the accident. What are you gonna say when he brings that up? Thank you so much for taking the guest room. You know, that was really kind of you. Grandma, I already said it's fine. Ahh. It was violet. As soon as she saw your room, she just had to have it. It was like love at first sight. It's really okay. Are you sure? I mean, it is so generous of you -- very generous. I'm so excited to see violet in real life. You're gonna love her. She was so cute when we facetimed. She's adorable. She's just like you were at that age. She's -- she's very precocious, and she loves to read and draw and, um, crafts and -- and make-believe. Like this morning, we were playing, uh, the avengers.
[ Chuckles ] And she was captain marvel, and I was nick fury, and peter [Voice breaking] He was the bad guy.
[ Spoon clinks ] I don't know. I'm just -- I'm just, uh, talking here. Please don't take anything I say too literally. No. Look, finn, listen, I-I know we don't know each other very well, but I assure you, you can trust me. You are not the only one who thinks that peter is bad news. I'm not? No. Robert is on your side. Well, that would be a first. I promise you, he is determined to put him away.
Is everything okay with uncle peter? Yeah. Why do you ask? 'Cause you seem like you're trying too hard to be happy. Like you're sad underneath. And when you were talking about him, you started to get tears in your eyes. Oh, wow. You're so perceptive.
[ Chuckles ] I should have known better than to try to fool you. You don't need to fool me, grandma. What's wrong? It's [Sighs] It's really convoluted... sort of like a complicated history... that really should stay in the past and not be dredged up. About uncle peter? Yeah. When he was younger, he didn't always... make the best decisions. But he's done everything possible to make amends for that. You know, he really has tried to turn himself into a better person, tried to make better choices. He would prefer that all of his mistakes were just left in the past. But there are some people that just won't let him. Who? Robert offered to broker a deal with me to have a new parole officer assigned, a less strict one, so I could spend some more time with danny's father. Mm-hmm. Provided you do what? I would have to give him something big, something incriminating. On peter? Yeah. Look, finn, I just... I really want my family back together. And I think we can really help each other here. Please tell me. If you have any sort of damning information on peter, you have to tell me. I mean, at least before he can hurt anna. What do you say? I understand your strategy to "go big or go home." But this time it worked against you. You think? Three very public attacks on me and mine, one in brooklyn, two in port charles. If it had worked, I'd be gone. So would my son. You would be able to take over port charles. But guess what? It didn't work. And I'm still standing. And you're twisting in the wind. Have commissioner ashford call me back as soon as possible. Yeah, yeah. Great. Thanks.
[ Sighs ]
[ Knock on door ] Curtis. Hello. You know, I would offer to pull some strings to get your call through to jordan, but... shouldn't you be recovering? You know, I just made that point. No luck?Not even a little. City business waits for no one. I have responsibilities.
[ Exhales sharply ] What can I do for you? Well, I was about to ask you the same thing. Sorry? Look, I don't know who's behind the shooting that landed you here, but let me tell you this -- I intend to find out, okay? So in the meantime, I know you have your own security detail, but, uh, I am motivated and willing to provide backup. Thank you. And as much as I would feel comforted by having you watch over me, it is not necessary, because from the information that I have, I was not the target. I was collateral damage. H-how sure are you of that? Uh, we just got confirmation from an inside source. Yeah. That's why I need to speak to your wife. She and marcus taggert were conferring about something just the other day, and I would bet that it has something to do with this latest flare-up of mob violence. Good to see you again. Yeah. You too. Uh, so, how you holding up?
[ Scoffs ] Been awake for too damn long. This coffee isn't even doing its job anymore. Yeah, I've been there. You're just gonna have to hold off till you get a little shut-eye. Yeah, no chance that'll happen anytime soon. And if you stopped by to get an eta on when sonny is coming in to give a statement, the answer is he's not. He was targeted in brooklyn. And his lawyer already filed a motion that we have to go off of the nypd's records of the incident. I'm not here to bring sonny to justice.
[ Scoffs ] Oh, I'm sorry, captain ahab. Did you just abandon your quest for the great white whale? I mean it. Okay. Then spill. Why are you here?
[ Sighs ] I've got some information on bob massicotte.
[ Bell chiming ] Oh, hey. Hey. How are you? Hey. Mm. Good. How's work? Oh, you know, that pointless kind of frantic where everyone's rushing around but there's no results. Look, we know that sonny and his family were targeted, but we don't know who's responsible. And so far there's -- there's no leads. Oh. Sorry. What about you? Me? Yeah. Don't think I'm so stressed out by my own work that I can't tell when you're stressed, too. Have you heard from brad? Not since he told me he doesn't want me taking care of wiley. Okay, look, I'm -- I'm not defending him, but his husband is in a coma, alright? Maybe brad lost his temper and he misdirected his anger at you. Mm. Didn't feel that way. Well, give him some time to cool down. He might reconsider and ask you to be wiley's nanny again. If that's what you want. What is wrong with you? Your son just woke from a coma, a-and you're worried about something I said? Yeah. And you should be, as well. You told lucas that wiley is michael's son. Now, when he wakes up, you're busted. I'm telling you, brad, there's no way in hell that you're bringing me down with you. Lucas: Brad?
[ Gasps ] Lucas. Brad? Oh, my god. You're awake.
[ Sighs ] Hey.
[ Exhales heavily ]
Who's taggert? Marcus taggert. I-I just thought you'd know him. Why would I? Uh, he's a detective, or he was a detective at the pcpd. It was a long time ago. Yeah. He was actually in the trenches during the last mob wars in the '90s. He left town more than 15 years ago. Yeah. Well, that explains why I don't know who he is. You think the shootings brought him back? Possibly, yes. I mean, I don't know what other connections he has in port charles, except maybe to jordan. What about her? They knew each other from work, apparently. I bumped into the two of them at the pcpd the other day. Um, you know, I'm headed to the pcpd right now. I could tell jordan that you're trying to reach her. Well, that'd be great. Thank you. Yeah. No problem. Laura, try to pencil some time to recuperate in between your work calls, okay? Huh. See? You hear that? Yes. I hear it. No promises.
[ Sighs ]
[ Chuckles ] You take care, okay? Yeah. You too. How did you get your hands on bob's medical records? These must have come from his personal physician. Don't ask questions if you don't want the answers. Fair enough.
[ Scoffs ] This is just like bob. He had two checkups each year.
[ Chuckles ] He loved himself some hand sanitizer. Poor guy was a total hypochondriac. Yeah. Look, there is no shortage of blood work results in here.
[ Sighs ] And there are no traces of drugs in his system during his last visit. Which was less than a month before his death. Exactly. So, what, bob -- he got so addicted to drugs in a couple weeks he overdosed? That's a stretch. I think you're right. There's definitely foul play going on here.
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Inhales deeply ] Do you follow football, mr. Corinthos? Love it. Then you'll understand my perspective. A preemptive strike is like a "hail mary" pass. Your team scores a touchdown, you're a hero. You get intercepted, you're benched or fired. This isn't a game. No. It's a negotiation.
[ Elevator bell dings ] So, we're doing research on cyrus renault -- how he works, who he knows. And the only thing that we know for sure is that he's in pentonville and he's serving a life sentence for federal drug crimes. Wait. H-he's running his operation in prison? That's the word on the street. Well, how are you gonna stop him? If he's already in prison, he's gonna be hard to reach. Okay, that's -- that's for your father to worry about. You cannot be involved in details. I just want you to know what we're dealing with. Thank you.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
[ Sighs ] Oh, sorry. I have to take this. It might be about grandpa. Michael corinthos. Wow. That's, uh -- uh, thank you. Lucas woke up from his coma.
[ Exhales sharply ] I didn't know if you'd come back to me. But you did. Oh, my god. I love you so much. No. Oh, hey, hey. Easy, easy. You've been through hell, okay? You -- you got to be careful. My m-- my mom -- sh-sh-- she -- she was here? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's just talking to your doctors. Mnh. She s-said we were in an accident? We were driving to your sister's for thanksgiving. Then the brakes just gave out. We don't know what happened. Uh, do you, uh -- do you remember anything about being in the car or the accident?
You want to negotiate? 10% of everything I move through port charles, plus a guarantee that none of my merchandise gets sold locally. You can keep that market for yourself. Not interested. You should be. Every day you refuse to allow product to move through port charles, you weaken yourself, cost yourself money, make someone else -- me, for instance -- rich enough to take you down. If you don't change with the times, the times will destroy you. So... do we have a deal? Honestly, I'd love to be wiley's nanny again. But I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm almost embarrassed how important that job was to me. Hey, you have no reason to be embarrassed. Being a part of wiley's life was a big deal for me, just seeing him every day. I don't know. Maybe it was too much. How so? Maybe everything happened for the best. Being so close to wiley could have blurred lines I put up when I chose to give him up for adoption.
[ Cellphone ringing ] Do you mind if I take this? Yeah, of course. Michael? Everything okay? Hey. I got some good news. Lucas woke up from his coma. Yeah, wiley's got his dad back.
[ Sighs ] Lucas: I don'T... remember being in the car. Oh. What -- well, what do you remember? Um... I-I came home from work, and... um, e-elizabeth got, uh... t-ter-- uh, terry -- terry to cover for me so I could see you. I wanted to hash things out between us. That's -- that's all I remember.
[ Exhales heavily ] That's okay. That's okay. None -- none of that matters now, huh?
[ Inhales deeply ] Dad? You gave us quite the scare, son. Listen, I, uh, understand that you're still pissed with me for what happened on halloween. There's really no excuse. Uh, your father's been my rock the whole time you've been in a coma. I don't know how wiley and I would have gotten through this without -- wait. W-w-wiley. Is -- is he here? He thought you'd never ask.
[ Laughs ] Look, wiley! Your daddy's awake! Hey, buddy. Watch yourself. I got you. Hey. I got you. I'm right here.
[ Groans ]
[ Chuckles ] Mm.
[ Both chuckle ] Finn? Is there something you want to say? I, uh --
[ Cellphone ringing ] Well, uh -- uh...
[ Stammers ] You should -- you should take that. No, no, no. No, no, it can wait. You should -- no, it could be important. It could be really important.No, nothing is important as what you're about to say to me. Sam, I'm really sorry about your parole situation... ...but I got nothing to give you on peter.
[ Cellphone ringing ] Hey. What's up? I just heard. Your brother's awake. Are you sure you're alright on your own? You don't want me to drive you to see epiphany? Yes, grandma, it's fine. I like the walk to the hospital. I want to see the park, the library, rice plaza -- oh, and my old school. I think you're a little young to be nostalgic, aren't you?
[ Both chuckle ] I just like visiting places that are special to me. Um, maybe after the hospital, I can go to the metro court and say hi to uncle peter at his office. You two are good friends, aren't you? Yeah. Even though we live really far away, he's been a good uncle to me and noah. So, whoever is trying to make you feel bad about his past, don't listen to them. They don't know uncle peter like we do. I knew it. Bob's death has always felt suspicious. We need to get to the local authorities to reopen the investigation. On what grounds? This! It's circumstantial. We both know why foul play could be a real possibility here. We just need to give them some background on bob, and they'll see it, too. Unless... what if... what if this has to do with... what we did? We said we would take this to our graves. Looks like bob kept his end of the bargain.
[ Door opens ]
Thank you for that, sweetheart. You're right. The people that judge peter -- they don't know him like we do. And we have to still keep believing in him 'cause he deserves our faith.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Keys jangling ] Hey. Emma, what a nice surprise. Hi, finn.
[ Door closes ] Another solo cross-country plane trip? I am very impressed. It was no big deal.
[ Chuckles ] Of course. You're a-a seasoned traveler at this point. Yes. And very independent. Mm. She's just about to go off to see epiphany on her own. Oh. But I don't want you out after dark. So if it starts to get late, you call me, and I will come pick you up, okay?
[ Chuckles ] Okay, I promise. Alright. But I've got at least two hours till dark.
[ Chuckles ] That should give you two plenty of time to talk.
[ Door closes ] So, l-let me get this straight. Phhh!
[ Chuckles ] I was in a -- I was in a coma longer than you served time for manslaughter? Ha ha ha ha. Funny. It's nice to see that you still have your wit and humor about you. Mm-hmm. Fully intact. That's good. We're, uh -- we're very happy that you're back. Where you going, buddy? No one more than you, I'm sure.
[ Both laugh ] You got that right. So, what are the doctors saying? When can you go home? Well, they don't want to risk moving him just yet. The neurologists are gonna keep an eye on you for the next few days until you're discharged. Mm.
[ Clears throat ] Uh, brad. Could we just, uh, step outside for a second? They want us to take care of some administrative work. Shouldn't be long. Yeah. I'll be back. It's so great to see you awake. What's up? Okay, we need to get our stories straight now. Did you not hear? Lucas doesn't remember anything about the accident. Yeah, that's right now. But what happens when he starts waking up and remembering? Then what?
[ Scoffs ] Come on. That is a big "if." Well, it's a big possibility.
[ Sighs ] I [Chuckles] I just think you need to just calm down and -- and chill out. H-honestly. For the first time in -- in months, I finally feel like... everything's gonna be okay. Curtis. I didn't realize that you would be stopping by. Well, I just visited mayor collins at G.H. She's been trying to reach you, but I guess you've been busy. Yeah. Yeah, I've been swamped all day. And this would be...? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm exhausted. Um, this is my husband, curtis ashford. Curtis, this is marcus taggert. Nice to meet you. Marcus and i go way back. Uh, we were colleagues during my stint at the dea. Okay. You still in law enforcement? No, I'm -- I'm retired. Ah. So, what brings you back now? Well, coincidence, I guess. You know, I used to live in port charles years ago, so I'm just visiting some old friends. I-I didn't even know jordan was the commissioner.
[ Chuckles ] Really? No. I mean, we just ran into each other today. I'm offering an olive branch here. I don't want peace. I want you gone. Then you're sure to be disappointed. You see, I have personal reasons for my move to port charles, and I'm here to stay. You never know. You're far from your base of operations. Accidents happen.
Emma looks great. She -- every time I see her, she's taller. About earlier... I should have been more patient. I'm sorry. I'm the one that should be apologizing. I took a cheap shot. That was wrong. It's okay. I accept your apology. Thanks.
[ Chuckles ] Things are a little... strained between us right now. We can't pretend they're not. No. I know. It's true. But I don't ever want to be the guy that runs out when things get tough. No. It's not like you. There's something I need to tell you. What is it? I ran into sam at kelly'S. She and jason are determined to find a link between peter and the attempts on franco and andre. And I know why. Well, that's just jason. You know, he -- he's relentless. Robert knows. He does? He's working with them. It's true. Prison can be dangerous. But I've acquired supportive friends along the way. Yeah? I have friends, too, uh, here in pentonville, port charles, offshore. I don't trade in your merchandise, but I know people that do, and they get very unfriendly when somebody loses their money. You go against me, cyrus, it could be very expensive. As a matter of fact... could cost you your life. Yeah. Today is the first time that we've seen each other in ages. I can't believe it's been that long.
[ Imitates explosion ] Like a blast from the past. Yeah. I just wish that it had come at a better time. I'm drowning in work. But we should catch up before you leave town. Well, I would love to introduce you to our family. You know what? I would -- I would love that. I bet you T.J.'S bigger than me. Yeah, he might give you a run for your money.
[ Chuckles ] Well, you -- you know what? Um...the three of us -- we should do dinner sometime. Yeah. That sounds nice. How long are you in town for? For the time being. Um... you know, I-it was, uh, nice meeting you, curtis. Yeah. You too. Alright. I'll, uh -- I'll, uh -- I'll see you guys around.
[ Cellphone ringing ] How'd it go? We're in for a fight. The son of a bitch isn't gonna back down. So, I guess I can't hide your phone and pretend you lost it? Mnh-mnh.
[ Chuckles ] What kind of mayor would I be if I dodged phone calls when there was a mob war looming? Sonny's an old friend. You can't reach out to him personally, see if he can try and keep the peace? I know that sonny would avoid violence if he could. I'm afraid whoever is responsible for this is forcing his hand... which means there could be a lot more collateral damage. Lucas woke up? That is amazing. Yeah. I am -- I'm so thrilled. His family must be over the moon right now. Yeah. Do you want to go -- go see them? Oh, no. I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure lucas wants to be with his loved ones, and I don't want to intrude. I doubt you'd be intruding. Well, I mean, even if they welcome me, I don't want to cross a line, you know? Wow! Now that lucas is out of his coma and, god willing, he'll recover, things will go back to normal. A-and I want that, of course. But I... I won't really have a role in wiley's life anymore. I've missed you so much, buddy, so... lucas, are you okay?
[ Exhales heavily ] Lucas? Hmm? Yeah, I'm -- I'm -- what? I'm f-- what? I'm fine. Why don't I take wiley? Oh, no, I'm f-- real-- no, really, I'm fine. I'm just -- I'm just tired.Bobbie: Your body's exhausted. Yeah. Why don't we all get out of here and give these two men some time, huh? Good idea. Daddy needs his rest.
[ Laughs ] Yeah. And I'll come by and see you in the morning. Yeah, sounds good. Why don't I, uh -- you know, why don't I take wiley for the night? Bobbie: Are you sure?Yeah, as long as wiley's dads sign off. Oh, thanks, michael. You're the best. Yay! You're going with michael. Yes. Give michael the glove. Alright, I'll see you later. Sam: Yeah. Bye. I'll see you later... alright. Okay. Bye. ...Bro. See ya, sis.
[ Heart monitor beeping ] Say bye. Bye. Oh, my god, there's so much I haven't told you, lucas. What does that mean? Brad: Lucas? Yeah? What is it? We should take him for drinks, pitch him our vision for expanding it. Absolutely, uh, but I...
[ Sighs ] I'M... no, you should go. Are you sure?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Because that would be great. Because [Sighs] This could be so big. But we can still do, uh, a dinner the next time... you're in town, okay? My god. Make sure that you tell, um, greg about the por-- um, the porch -- porch scene. But -- yeah -- yeah, porch -- okay. Break a leg, mom. Oh. Oh.
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
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