General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/23/19
Episode #14426 ~ The citizens of Port Charles learn the true meaning of the holiday season.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Monica: "He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk. And laid his finger aside of his nose and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew, like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, 'happy christmas to all, and to all a good night.'"[ Applause ] Happy christmas, everyone. Alright. We, uh -- we better get going. I'll grab violet, and I'll meet you out front. Why? What's the rush? Well, uh, the parking garage is gonna be a-a mess to get out of, and we don't want to get stuck on the road during the storm. No, the news always -- they overhype all of that, and besides, the party's not over. Mm, it kind of is. I'd like to stay, say hello to some of our friends, spend some time with maxie and peter, you know? Uh... and violet's really enjoying herself, aren't you? I'm loving this party. Ah. She's loving this party. She's loving it, yeah. So, you want to go play with your friends for a little while? And I'm gonna take daddy, say hello to some of our friends. Is that okay? Okay, off you go. S-stay where I can see you, though, okay, sweetheart? Alright, I --
[ Sighs ] Let's make this quick, okay? Oh, really? Mm-hmm. Christmas comes but once a year. Could you just get into the spirit of it? Alright, qs, let's get a move on. There's turkey to eat and presents to open. Mother, the party's not over. What's left to do? We made our donations, you read the story...
[ Scoffs ] I'm glad to see your time in amsterdam made your heart grow three times its size. Michael: Yeah, look, uh, this event isn't just about signing checks, tracy. Yes, it's about edward and lila's legacy, about giving generously. Which lasts year-round, not just a couple days in december. God help elq with you in charge. Anna: Did james love the story? Did you love the story? Yeah, I think so, but he's getting a little tired. Oh. You gotta keep up that stamina, little guy. We have a party to go to at grandma and grandpa'S. Did he get this today? Oh, yeah. You should bring violet to the floating rib. She would love it. Finn: Oh, I... obrecht: Yes, do come. Oh, we will. Yeah. Christmas is the time to put aside our differences and spread goodwill. -Mm-hmm. Yes. -Right. Anyway, uh, listen, it's violet's first christmas without her mother this year, and I just -- I want to keep things simple for her, okay? Oh. Totally understand. Thanks. Okay, we're gonna go get james a cookie. -Oh. -You want a cookie? -Yeah. -Save one for me. Yeah, come on. Yeah, so, violet is a very social little girl. Do you see how happy she is playing with all the children? I-I just sort of feel like mac and felicia's party would be a great distraction with everything that's going on. What did -- are you hearing me? Yeah, I'm hearing you. Listen, I'm all for a little, uh, goodwill and cheer, but the notion of chugging eggnog and convincing kids that some chubby stranger's gonna come down their chimney and leave them presents is just not my idea of a really good time. What? Oh. Uh, no. Your daddy's super grouchy because last year, he got a piece of coal in his stocking 'cause he was naughty. Finn: Yeah. Hey, come with me. Come on. Okay. Hey, robert. Hey, love. You know...
[ Sighs ] You're a real scrooge, you know that?
[ Elevator bell dings ] Um, hey, everyone? Looks like, uh, the storm took a turn for the worse. All the roads are closed except for emergency vehicles. Does that mean we're stuck here? Can't we hijack a snowplow to get us home? Um... hey, kids! Listen, we've got plenty of activities, and we've got treats for everybody. And don't you worry, we're gonna a lot of fun. Find me a book, fast. Yeah. Would you all gather with me? Come on. We're gonna have another story. Well... violet -- viet didn't hear what I said, did she? Uh, no. Good. But I did take the precaution of reinforcing the fact that santa only comes to children who believe. Thank you. You know? Um...of course. Sorry. I'm -- I'm sorry. Oh. I love you to pieces, finn, but you really have to set an example for your daughter. You -- you just -- you have to open your heart to the spirit of the season. Can you do that? Ah, did you find something? Ah, yeah. I found...a classic. Oh. Oh, hey, kids, this is great. It's called "a christmas carol" by charles dickens. Now, some of it is a little scary. Are you okay with that? Yeah!Yeah! Yeah!Yeah!
[ Laughs ] Well, okay. Alrighty, then. Let's start. "Marley was dead, to begin with. There was no doubt whatsoever about that."
[ Clock chimes ]
[ Gasps ]
BUt he was a tight-fistedhand at the grindstone, scrooge. A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner." Sound familiar? Oh, that's very, very subtle.
[ Chuckles ] Yes, okay, I get it. I'm not exactly brimming with christmas cheer. No. There is a man after my heart. And that's why you'll always be my favorite backgammon partner. Ooh, I better be your one and only. Mm. Hi. How are you, tracy? Hi. Anna, how are you? I'm good. I hear there's, uh, some catching up we need to do, daddy. Yes. Yes, we do.
[ Chuckles ] Speaking of which, what brings you back to town? Can't a gal just visit her family? Mm. See? The holidaysren't all bad. It brings you back. Yes, well, it was really just obligation. Mm, there it is. Oh, my... what? The true meaning of the holiday season has been long gone. Mm-hmm. Christmas is nothing more than A... retail bonanza. Exactly. My god. You two really deserve each other. We could do worse. Much, much worse. Okay.
[ Chuckles ] Which one is yours? The little girl with the red bow in her hair. Wow. She's beautiful. Yes. Just like her mother. Yes, she is. Monica: "But what did scrooge care? It was the very thing he liked. To edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones called 'nuts' to scrooge. Monica: Once upon a time,
of all the good days
in the year,
on christmas eve,
old scrooge sat busy
at his counting house."
[ Knock on door ] Merry christmas, uncle! Bah! Humbug! Well, c-christmas a humbug, uncle? You don't mean that, to be sure? Oh, I do. And what reason have you to be merry? Well, don't be angry, uncle. Come. Dine with us tomorrow. Bah. But why? Why?
[ Sighs ] Why did you get married? Because I fell in love. "Because I fell in love." Good day to you. Well, I'm sorry to see you so resolute. But I'll keep my christmas cheer to the last. So, a merry christmas to you, uncle, and a happy new year. Mm. A merry christmas to you, sir. And to you, sir.
[ Church bells ring ]
[ Door closes ] If I hear another sound from you, you'll have your christmas by losing your situation. Mr. Porter: At this festive time of the year, mr. Scrooge, it is more than usually desirable to make provisions for the poor. Are there no prisons? Oh, well, there -- there are plenty of prisons. Ah. And the union workhouses? They no longer in operation? They are, still. Oh, I support both of these establishments. They cost more than enough. Ah...many can't go there, and many would rather die. Well, if they'd rather die, they'd better do it and decrease the surplus population. Ah. I can see that no argument toward charity will prevail. Mm. So, I bid you good day.
[ Clock chimes ]
[ Door opens, closes ] Look at that. He has wasted what was left of this work day.
[ Sighs ] It's time to close. I suppose... you were hoping for tomorrow off? Well, sir, I...
[ Clears throat ] ...It is customary. And I'll assume you'll need the whole day? Be here all the earlier the following morning. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Merry christmas, sir. Please, sir, do you have anything to spare? Please? Bah! Humbug! To the poorhouse with you! Go! Go! Ah, eating in bed again instead of the dining room downstairs? Perhaps this house is getting a bit big and empty for you. That will be all, mrs. Dilber.
[ Clock chimes ] Woman: Scrooge.
[ Gasps ] Scrooge!
[ Breathes shakily ] What do you want with me?
[ Chains clinking ] Much.
"The chain she drew was clasped about her middle. It was long and wound about her like a tail. And it was made"... anna: Okay, listen, I've got to ask you -- um [Chuckles] Do I have your family to blame for finn's lack of christmas cheer? No. No, our father always went overboard. We had a set of real, authentic sleigh bells that we hung on the front door so they would chime all through the season. Oh. Mm. Well, that might be the problem right there. You think?
[ Chuckles ] Maybe. Yeah. Monica: "Scrooge had often heard it said that marley had no bowels..."
[ Gasps ] Hi. Hi, sweetheart. What's the matter? It's getting scary. Yeah? Can you come sit with me?
[ Gasps ] Uh... yeah. Of course, sweetheart. Yeah, I'll come sit with you. Come on. Let's go over here. Monica: ..."Of its death-cold eyes and marked the very texture of the folded kerchief bound about its head and chin, which wrapper he had not observed before. He was still incredulous and fought against his senses." Who are you? Ask me who i was. Who were you? In life, I was your partner in business. Marley. No. No, that can't be. You're just a dream brought on by indigestion. You're more gravy than grave, whatever you are! Silence! Aah! Hear me. My time is nearly gone. Do you know how I got these? No. I wear the chains I forged in life. Link by link, I made them of my own free will. I am here tonight to warn you. You have yet a chance, a hope of escaping my fate. How? How? You will be visited by three spirits, each arriving at the stroke of midnight. Without these spirits, you don't have a hope of escaping the path that I tread. Marley. Marley! Come back here! Come back! Come back! Marley!
[ Inhales sharply ]
[ Chuckles ] It's just a dream. Nothing more than a dream.
[ Laughs ]
[ Clock chimes ] Midnight again? How?
[ Exhales sharply ] Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me? I am. Who and what are you? I am the ghost of christmas past. Long past? No. Your past. Now, rise and walk with me. Take my hand.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ String quartet music plays ] This -- this couldn't be, could it? Welcome one and all to our holiday party! Now, eat, drink, and be merry!
[ Cheers and applause ] Why, it's old fezziwig. Alive again. God bless his soul. He... I was his apprentice. He taught me everything. Well, perhaps not everything. Do you recognize that young man over there? I do. It's me. And there's -- there's dick wilkins. We -- we -- we came up in business together. Ebenezer! Dick! My dear boys. No more work tonight. It's christmas eve. Now, go enjoy yourselves.
[ Chuckles ] Yes, sir. Ah, pish-posh. What's wrong? I'm not interested in celebrations. Suit yourself. Old fezziwig, he always threw the grandest parties for his employees. A small matter in which these silly folks could be filled with gratitude. He spent but a few mortal pounds on these festivities, you know. Ah, but it wasn't about the money. He had the power to render us happy or unhappy, to make our service light or burdensome. The happiness he gave us was as if he spent a small fortune. What's wrong? That's belle. The love of my life.
What's gonna happen next? Let's find out together. "He was not alone, but sat by the side of a fair young girl in mourning-dress, in whose eyes there were tears, which sparkled in the light that shone out of the ghost of christmas past." She was the love of your life? We...were engaged. What happened? Come now. Ebenezer, won't you stop work for one night and ask me to dance? Christmas eve is not a holiday in and of itself. I, for one, have not forgotten that. Are you still not interested in joining the fun? No. Okay. Well, since you are just going to stand here, could I steal this delightful lady for a dance? I'd be delighted.
[ Chuckles ] Ebenezer, where are you going? I have figures to review at the office, sir. My dear boy, that can wait. Take a moment to enjoy your life. Otherwise, it'll pass right by you. Ebenezer... you will never stop loving anything more than you love money. Even me. And that is not a marriage I wish to be a part of. What is that supposed to mean? I'm sorry, ebenezer... but I cannot marry you. Spirit... yes? Show me no more. Conduct me home. There is but one shadow more.
[ Both chuckle ] Belle. -Ran into an old friend. -Oh, whom? Ebenezer scrooge. You did? Ran by his office. Oh. He was working on christmas? That surprises you? No. No, I suppose not. Oh. Poor scrooge. He's all alone in the world, I'm afraid. Spirit. Please take me back. Haunt me no longer. Do you hear me?
[ Gasps ]
[ Breathes heavily ] Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It was but a dream.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Clock chimes ] Oh. No, no. No, it can't be 12:00 again. Surely this clock is broken!
[ Laughs ] Hello, scrooge! You're just in time. I am the ghost of christmas present. Look upon me.
"'I am the ghost of christmas present,' said the spirit. 'Look upon me!'
Scrooge reverently
did so.
It was clothed in one
simple green robe, or mantle,
bordered with white fur." Ghost, I have learned a lesson that is working now. If you have to teach me, let me profit by it. Touch my gown. W-where are we? Why, it's christmas day this very year. Do you not recognize your own nephew's home? I have never been here before. He said christmas was a "humbug."
[ Laughs ] Mr. Porter: Well, I will spare you what he said when I asked him to give charity to the poor. -Oh. -More shame to him. Poor fellow. So wealthy, and yet, he does not do a lick of good with it. Agreed. Well, let us give no more bother to scrooge and carry on with our game. Hmm. I believe you're up, dear fred. Yes or no. Are you an animal? I should say so, indeed. Mm. A local animal? Yes. In a menagerie? No. Do you roam the streets? Quite so. Ah. Do you travel in a pack? I-I should think not.
[ Chuckles ] I know your game. It's your uncle scrooge. Right you are!
[ Laughs ] -To scrooge! -To scrooge! -To scrooge! -To scrooge!
[ Glasses clink ]
[ Bells jingling ] Spirit? Hush. Witness. Mrs. Cratchit: How was caroling, my boys? Ah. Joyful. Tiny tim sang the sweetest of all. You should've been there, my love. But then who would've put together christmas dinner? The goose is ready. Go wash up. Come on, tim. I know these people. This is bob cratchit's house. Look at them. So happy with so little. Certainly, I pay enough to afford more than that miniscule goose. Do you? Alright. A toast, then. To mr. Scrooge, the founder of the feast. Mm, the founder of the feast, indeed. Such an odious, stingy, hard -- oh. ...Unfeeling man.
[ Chuckles ] Christmas day, my dear. Mrs. Cratchit: I will drink to his health for your sake and the day's, but not for his. Hear, hear. Alright. Let's say grace. Merry christmas, my dears. God bless. God bless us, every one.
[ Coughing ] Spirit. Tell me if tiny tim will live. I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney corner and a crutch without an owner. Tell me the boy is not to die. If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, he will.
[ Deep voice ] But if he is to die, he better get on with it. Decrease the surplus population.
[ Church bells ring in distance ] Spirit? Are you okay?
[ Normal voice ] I exist only for a brief time. The present is fleeting. Do well to remember that.
[ Clock chimes ] Oh, no. No.
[ Ominous music plays ]
"In the very air in which this spirit moved, it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery." Ghosts? Grim reapers? Are we sure this story isn't too scary for the kids? See for yourself. They're loving it. ..."Visible save one outstretched hand. But for this, it would have been difficult to detach the figure from the night and separate it from the darkness
by which
it was surrounded." You are the ghost of christmas yet to come? You are to show me shadows of things that have yet to happen, but will happen in the time before us?
[ Voice breaking ] Ghost of the future, I fear you more than all the others. I do not know what you expected, fred. The only people who came did so for a free lunch. Well, some may have yet to arrive. I do not think so, fred. He was a miser, poor soul. I say good riddance. Yes. Good riddance. Why would fred say such a thing?
[ Exhales sharply ] Oh.
[ Metal clatters ] Ooh. Very nice. Who's worse for the loss of a few things like these? Not a dead man, I suppose. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, indeed. Well, if he wanted to keep them after he was dead, why wasn't he more natural in his lifetime? If he had been, he would have somebody looking after him when he was struck with death, instead of lying there, gasping his last, alone, by himself. Spirit...I see. I-I see. The case of this unhappy man might be my own. Cheer up, mother. The man that we owed that debt to has passed. He has? I passed his house, and I saw his servants gathering his possessions. Surely this will give us time to get back on our feet. 'Tis the one piece of good news we have this christmas.
[ Door opens ] Bob, where were you? I was at tiny tim's grave. Just wanted to make sure that someone wished him a merry christmas. No. No, it can't be. Tiny tim is dead. Surely this is a future that can be changed, can it not? Spirit, why bring me back here? Why show me this man's grave again?
[ Crow caws ]
[ Crow caws ] Good spirit! Your nature intercedes and takes pity upon me! Assure me! Assure me that I may still change these shadows you have shown me, by leading an altered life! No. No. No! Please noooo!
[ Sighs ] What day is it? Why, it's christmas day, sir. Say that again. It's christmas day. Chris-- christmas day? Yes.
[ Exhales sharply ] I haven't missed it. The spirits did it all in one night! Mm! Oh! Oh! Praise be to heaven! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Ah! Sweet children, do you happen to know the poulterer on the next corner? Yes, sir. The one with the prize turkey? The one as big as me? Ah, that's the one. Would you tell them I'd like to buy it? Here's a crown for you and a crown for you. Now run like the wind. Go, go, go! Ah. A merry christmas to you, nephew! Oh, and to your lovely wife and your most worthy guests. Uncle? Scrooge. We -- we didn't expect you. I cannot stay. But I would be remiss if I did not wish you a merry christmas. And nephew, uh, do stop by my office next week. It is high time we settle this matter of your inheritance. Uncle, I assure you -- no, you are family. You are family, and it's time the courts recognize you as much. A-and you, sir, uh... please pardon me for my unkindness yesterday. I would like to begin by making regular contributions to your charity. Perhaps you would stop by my office after the holidays and we can make such arrangements. Very well, sir. I shall. Marvelous. Yes. Marvelous. Well, I must be going. Merry christmas to you all. Merry christmas! Merry christmas. M-merry christmas. Merry christmas. Merry christmas.
[ Knock on door ] Mr. Scrooge. W-what is this? Scrooge: Well, now, you look like a strong lad. Would you mind taking this turkey into the kitchen for me? Y-yes, mr. Scrooge. Thank you very much for your assistance, my good man. Merry christmas to you.
[ Exhales sharply ] Well, please accept that turkey as my sincere apology. I... bob, it's come to my attention that you... are long overdue for a significant raise. I am? Yes. Double your salary. Double? Yes. Oh, my goodness. I will not keep you all from your christmas feast. And, uh, bob? I do not expect to see you in the office until after the new year.
[ Gasps ] Thank you, sir. Yeah. Oh, mr. Scrooge? Yes, my boy? Well, you don't have to leave. We'd be honored if you would join us for our christmas feast. I would like that very much. God bless us, every one. Monica: "Scrooge was better
than his word.
He did it all,
and infinitely more,
and to tiny tim,
who did not die,
he was a second father. It was always said of him that he knew how to keep christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that truly be said of us, and all of us. And so, as tiny tim observed, god bless us, every one."
[ Applause ] Hey, uh, everyone, I got some good news. The roads have been cleared. We are good to go.
[ Applause ] I bet you can't wait to get back to your house, get away from all the riffraff. No. As a matter of fact, I think we should... stay and help out a little bit. Anna: See? It all worked out. We'll be on our way home shortly. Mm. Yeah. Actually, why don't we, uh... why don't we swing by mac and felicia's christmas party? Really? Why the change of heart? Did someone see himself in old ebenezer? It's the first time I experienced christmas as a father, and... for a moment there, I-I saw it through her eyes. Hey. How are you, sweetheart? That was the best story ever. Hey, you know what? I thought so, too. You know, I thought it was, um... I thought it was a nice reminder that christmas isn't just about the presents, you know? It teaches us to love and to be charitable and... to share the joy, and all that other good stuff. I don't think that's a bad lesson for us to keep in our hearts all year round. Yeah. God bless us, every one.
[ "The first noel" plays ]
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