General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/16/19
Episode #14422 ~ Jax is in for a surprise; Nina learns the truth; Chase confides in Finn; Anna takes notice; Elizabeth waits with anticipation.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Oh, trisha, so nice to see you. Thanks for coming. So... how are we doing with that guest list? Crazy good. Pretty much everyone who's anyone in port charles showed up. Not everyone. Not yet, anyway. I think you're gonna sell every last one of these paintings. Hmm. Yeah, I think it'll be a very lucrative evening. But I'm most interested to see what happens when that portrait goes up for auction.[ Telephone ringing in distance ] Cameron? Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. No, no, no, no. It's fine. It's fine. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I want to be here the second franco wakes up.
[ Monitor beeping ]
[ Telephone ringing in distance ] Sorry for hovering. I just -- no, no, no. It's okay. How is he?
[ Sighs ] His vitals are strong. We just have to wait for him to regain consciousness to know more. By the way... thank you again. You saved my life. I'm just glad you're okay. This is the second time someone tried to prevent franco's procedure. They went through a lot of effort to interfere with my work.
[ Beeping continues ] Hey. Hi. Um, I just wanted to let you know that things have calmed down here. You know, your friend andre's got more lives than a cat. Thank god. Yeah, well, hey, since everything seems under control there at the hospital, you want to come down and join violet and me at kelly's for a little dinner? Mm. Yeah, I'd really like to, but I can'T. Oh. Why not? Uh, yeah, I've got something pressing that I need to take care of here. Okay? I'll talk to you later. Okay.
[ Sighs ] Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. It's okay if you're not. You know, most people wouldn't be, in your shoes. It's been a rough couple days. That's an understatement.
[ Chuckles ] What are you thinking about? Is it lucas, nelle, your mother? All of the above. Did you see my triple axel? It wasn't a triple axel. Yes, it was! No, it wasn't! Triple means three. You didn't spin three times. Maybe I was so fast you couldn't even see it. Yeah. That's it. You're just jealous you can't do it. Beat you to the table.
[ Sighs ] W-what, you're not gonna race them? Oh, yeah, no thanks. I got my cardio in today at the ice skating rink. You're pretty good. And you are a saint. For...? For spending your day off with me and my kids. Well, I love spending time with the kids. What about me? You're not so bad.
[ Laughing ] Oh, thanks. Actually, I wouldn't turn down a little alone time with you. Okay. We are just getting ice cream. I have to get you to your papa'S. And you, sir, have a sleepover. What about you? Are you gonna have a sleepover with dustin? Hey. Hey! [ Chuckles ] I'm sorry. A-are we late? No, no. You didn't miss anything. Nice turnout, mr. Jacks. And there it is, right in front of us. Yep. It is nothing if not shrewd. Give us all a chance to buy the painting from her, fair and square. Hmm. Do you think that she knows about the codicil? I can't say.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Excuse me. I'll be right back. Okay.
[ Sighs ] Yeah, well, uh... I'm glad that jax and his deep pockets are on our side.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Can't hurt, right? Look, I know you're not worried. There's no way in hell anyone else is leaving here with that portrait besides us. I wouldn't be so sure about that.
[ Wind whistles ]
[ Switch clicks ] Oh, boy. You know, I really hoped that your text was a joke and that you had the sense not to be here. The auction's about to start. Where else would I be? Hiding at my house. Your mother and i have this covered. Nothing is covered until we have the portrait. Well, then stop interrupting me so I can make it happen.
I'm trying to focus on what i can control. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about lucas. Or nelle, really. So, that leaves your mother.
[ Sighs ] She wants to rebuild our relationship. I mean, I want that, too. I miss my mom, but it's just complicated because of shiloh. She regrets her actions now, and I can forgive her mistakes, but it doesn't change what shiloh did. And everything I had to give up because of him. Being wiley's mother?
[ Door opens ] We can talk later.
[ Chuckles ] Oh! Hey! Look who it is. You remember willow and your uncle chase? Of course I do. Yeah? Of course you do! You know what? Has your dad been boring you all day?
[ Sighs ] You're a bad influence, you know that? That's an uncle's prerogative. Don't push it. Guess what. What? I am the luckiest uncle in the world. Why? You want to know why? Because I have the coolest niece in the world. You might know her. Her name is...violet. That's me!
[ Laughing ] Yeah, it is. Come here. Oh! I should get going. I want to, uh... see brad and lucas before visiting hours end. Okay. Do you want me to come along, or...? Uh, no, no, no. You stay here. I'll, uh... I'll see you at home. All right? Okay. Bye. Hey, it was so good seeing you, violet. Bye. Bye.
Sing in exultation was it something I said?
Sing all ye citizens maxie: Willow? Maxie. I didn't see you. Are you okay? I'm not being naive. I know there's a risk the memory-mapping procedure didn't work. But franco did say he was gonna come back to us, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he did. And I choose to believe him.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Hey, anna. Hi. I was just thanking peter for saving my life. Oh. I only did what anyone would've done, dr. Maddox. No, not everyone would've put themselves in the line of fire. But you did. Franco and I owe you big time. Speaking of franco, I should give elizabeth an update. So excuse me. Yeah. How are you feeling? Oh, me? Oh, I'm fine. Why? It would be perfectly normal for you to feel uneasy about what happened yesterday. What do you mean, shooting a man in the or? Yeah, I must admit, that was... definitely a first. Hopefully, he'll pull through. You know... and we'll be able to question him about who sent him. Elizabeth. Any news? Franco's vitals are excellent. All we can do now is wait for him to wake up and assess how the procedure affected him and see where we are from here. But you're confident that he will wake up? Everyone who has been subjected to the memory-mapping procedure has regained consciousness -- everyone. So, there's no reason to believe that franco would be any different. However... he did understand the risks, and before he went under, he signed a dnr order. Fans of J. Garrin? The biggest.Huge. Well, that's so interesting. Garrin is, uh, fairly divisive. But appreciation for his work isn'T. That it isn'T.
[ Clears throat ] Didn't one of his pieces of his abstract phase sell for $100,000 at christie's last year? Correct. I'm gonna get myself a drink. Does anyone else want one? No, thanks. Double vodka! Uh, okay, I'll be right back. Play nice. Why don't I show you to the bar? That's a great idea, thank you. Curtis. Would you give me a moment alone with valentin? Yeah. I'll be right over here. Should I prepare myself for a signature laura collins tongue lashing? Always. But this time, I don't want to talk about you. I need to talk to you about charlotte. Charlotte! Why would you think that dustin is -- I know grownups have sleepovers. How do you know that? Nina used to sleep over at papa's when they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend, too? Um... uh, um... you know what? Why don't you guys go to the bar and get us some seats, and we can have our sundaes over there, hmm? Thanks! Cool!
[ Laughter ] That was smooth, just give them cash. Yeah, thanks, but I don't think charlotte fell for it. Oh, no, don't worry. She'll be back to trying to convince rocco she really pulled off that triple axel in no time. I'm sorry if she embarrassed you. Oh. That was nothing. Really? Oh, right, I keep -- oh, thank you. Mm-hmm. I keep forgetting that you work with teenagers. You know, it is natural for charlotte to be curious about us. No, you're right. I mean, we've been seeing each other for a while now. Yeah. And I think we're getting kind of serious. Aren't we? Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? We'll start the auction... if you have a legitimate concern about charlotte, then I'm listening. But if you're gonna parrot any number of lulu's complaints, then I'm just gonna skip it.
[ Scoffs ] Okay, well, here's what you can't skip. You cannot make decisions about charlotte's safety without sharing that information with lulu. You should have told her about the bodyguard.
[ Auctioneer speaks indistinctly ] What bodyguard? There's absolutely no reason for you to be here. You're just a liability at this point. I disagree. Really? What are you gonna do besides lurk here, in the back room? You can't actually take part in this auction. You know that, right? I can monitor it. I am streaming the gallery's security footage. To what end? Winning the portrait is far from a done deal, okay? There is a room filled with perspective buyers, including my wealthy, murderous uncle, who wants helena's portrait as badly as we do. Now, I wonder... what valentin and my mother are talking about. Well, whatever they're talking about, they don't seem to be enjoying the conversation. Someone has to deal with valentin, and I would rather it be you than my mother.
Did I just bring up the "are we serious" conversation too soon?
[ Sighing ] Oh. No, not at all. Because the flash of panic in your eyes suggests otherwise. I... I would like to think that what we have is... getting a little more serious. But...? But we kind of skipped a few bases making our way to home plate. Oh, because we had sex on the first date? Oh, wow, yes. Yes. And then your mom walked in on us -- oh, okay, no, I -- you know, I had just successfully started to repress that image. Mm, my bad. Okay, it's fine. I'll send you the therapy bill.
[ Chuckles ] I guess it has been quite some time. Three months. Are you counting? Honestly... maybe a little bit. Oh. But look, I'm o-- I'm okay to take things slow. Are you sure? Yeah. If that's what you want. I guess I feel like maybe we've taken it slow enough. I don't know. Maybe charlotte was on to something. Do you want to have a sleepover? I'm gonna nail my triple axel next time. I just need more practice. I'm gonna be on the ice every single day. Don't crack your head open. I won'T. My bodyguard will make sure nothing bad happens to me. Your what?! What bodyguard? I didn't hire a bodyguard. You didn't hire a bodyguard?
[ Chuckles ] No. Not even... right after she was abducted by cassandra? Laura, I do have my own private security detail, but I do not have anyone watching charlotte at the moment. If I did, I would tell lulu so she didn't think somebody lurking in the shadows was stalking charlotte. I actually believe you.
[ Sighs ] Charlotte is convinced that she has a secret bodyguard. Is it possible that she... has an imaginary friend? Absolutely not. That doesn't sound like charlotte at all. We are taking that portrait home tonight, and I am prepared to do so by any means necessary. You'll take the portrait by any means necessary? Yes. How exactly are you planning to do that? Are you just gonna sneak into the gallery and just grab the painting? Of course not. Then -- then what? Oh, I see! You're gonna -- you're gonna wait for the winner's driver to load it up at -- at the dock, and then you'll whack them over the head and steal their car. Is that it? That's a wild imagination you have there. Well, better yet, why don't you just threaten their families, make those drivers believe that if they don't leave town tonight, they'll never see their daughters again? I mean, th-that is your mo, isn't it? Let's hope it doesn't come to that. And what if it does? Well, that's on you. Win the auction and we're golden, but I am making contingencies in the event that you should fail. Well, that won't happen. Prove it. Thank you. So, are we all set? Trust me... none of these fools is gonna know what hit them. Cheers to that. Cheers to what?
[ Sighs ]
I mean, I -- I even showered. You sure it wasn't me?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah, I'm sure. Well, I've been told I can be an acquired taste for some. Well, you've been told the truth. Why do I keep setting you up?
[ Chuckles ] But really, um... willow leaving had nothing to do with you. She'S... she's got a lot going on. Okay. And by the looks of it, she's not the only one. Here you go, sweetheart. I, uh, heard nelle benson was admitted to gh. That must have caused a little bit of strain. Not for willow and me. Thankfully she doesn't even know what nelle looks like. Okay, well, um... do you want to tell me what's going on between you two, or should I just keep guessing? It's okay.
[ Whispering ] She's -- she's in her own little world. All right. For, uh... for a minute there, willow thought she might be pregnant. She's not. But she -- she didn't even tell me until after the fact. But I don't know. It's like... it's like pandora's box, I guess, where once you start thinking about parenthood, it's nearly impossible to stop thinking about it. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little overwhelmed. Fresh air feels nice. Aww. How you doing, buddy? Oh, he's good. He just had a little too much fun at the park.
[ Laughs ] How are you doing? Oh, it's been a bittersweet couple of days. Lucas still hasn't woken up yet. Right. I'm headed there right now, actually. How you holding up? Just trying to keep my mind off that, keep busy elsewhere so I don't lose my mind. Any luck? I started that konmari method thing. Oh, yeah, I've heard good things about that. Yeah, yeah. I just needed to do something about all the clutter in my apartment. It's been chaotic since peter moved in. So, I've been boxing up all of georgie and james' old clothes to donate them. Breaks my heart to get rid of all that stuff, but somebody else could use it more. Somebody who actually fits in it, unlike mr. James here, right? Can you believe how much he's grown in the last year? I have a selfish interest in wanting that gunman to pull through. I don't care how horrible the guy might be, I just don't want his blood on my hands. Oh, no. Trust me, you don'T. Even if you're forced to kill for the greater good, you -- it always sticks with you, you know? Andre was very fortunate that you were here at the hospital. What were you -- you were... covering franco's story? That's right. You didn't want to send a reporter for that assignment? It was out of consideration for franco and elizabeth. I thought I'd handle it personally. Oh. Aww, that's lovely. Does elizabeth know to what lengths you went for her? That's really sweet. Did you always do your own reporting? Why the third degree, anna? You don't think I'm lying to you, do you? No, of course not. Franco specifically said that if the procedure left him without brain function, he does not want us to use life support to keep him breathing. He said he doesn't want to live like that. But th-that wasn't franco, that was drew who signed that. Cameron, he won the right to determine his own medical care. W-what do we do now? How long do we have to wait for franco to wake up before the dnr kicks in? Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's every reason to believe that franco will regain consciousness. Just be patient. Okay? I'll give you two some privacy. Kid, will you do me a favor? You hold on to this for me, okay?
[ Sniffles ]
[ Indistinct conversations ] Mayor collins? Ah, yeah. Trina.
[ Chuckles ] Are you an art fan? Yes, and I'm an intern at the jerome gallery... oh. ...Studying the business of fine art. Ah. And not-so-fine art. Oh, yes. If you're referring to this portrait of helena, I couldn't agree more. Creepy, right? If it were up to me, every image of that horrible woman would be wiped off the face of the planet. Yikes. Did you know her? She was my son's grandmother. Oh. Are you bidding on it for him? In a way. My son died a few years ago. But his legacy and his family, very important to her, and in a strange, sort of twisted way, this portrait... embodies that legacy. Well, I hope you win the auction for your son. Me, too. I think it would mean a lot to his son and to the rest of my family. I'm definitely rooting for you.
[ Inhales deeply ] Thank you, sweetheart. Have fun tonight. Uh, let me guess, you are bidding on the piece about the collision of technology and nature. Come on. You can save the pretense. Well, that's no fun. We both know why we're here -- to bid on that painting. I'm actually glad you came. I'm gonna enjoy watching you fail. May the best man win. I always do. Nina, can I talk with you, please? Uh, no, unh-unh. Now is not a good time. Excuse me. We're just about ready for the marquee piece. Ugh. Okay. Come on, come on.
[ Sighs ] Okay.
[ Sighs ] Yes, what is it? Nina... you've been dodging me. No, I haven't been dodging you. I've been busy. Okay, just listen. I have some important information to tell you about valentin. You've made yourself abundantly clear on that subject. He's lying to you about sasha. And I have proof. Ladies and gentlemen, I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see how quickly so many of our pieces have moved. But I believe I do know why some of you are here. I present to you our auction centerpiece -- a rescued J. Garrin original, a portrait of the late helena cassadine, matriarch of the cassadine family. Are we ready to begin the bidding?
Our auctioneer, mr. Keyes, will take it from here. Mr. Keyes? Thank you, ms. Jerome. Ladies and gentlemen, we will start the bidding at $10,000. Do I hear $10,000? $10,000. $10,000 to the gentleman. Thank you so much. Do I hear $11,000? $11,000. $11--$15,000. $15,000. Do I hear $16,000? $16,000. $16,000. Do I hear $17,000? $50,000. Well, looks like we're early. The launch isn't back yet. Can we watch the boats while we wait? Of course. Don't get near the edge, okay? Okay. So how about I go to my place and grab a few things, and I'll meet you at yours later? I'll be waiting. All right. I'm just gonna say goodbye to the kids. Okay. Okay, wait one sec. One sec. Ooh, I got some good ones. Me, too.
[ Sighs ]
[ Rocks splashing ] Rocco, stop. Mom said to not get too close to the edge. I am. I'm not even that close. If you trip and fall in, I'm not gonna save you. Maybe your imaginary secret bodyguard will. I'm not making him up! Sure you're not. He's real, rocco, and I'll prove it to you. So what kind of proof do you have that valentin was behind sasha's lies? I followed up on the dna test that I did for him. The one that was supposed to indicate that sasha was your daughter. Mm-hmm. And...? As it turns out, the sample was for a mother and daughter. Just not... you and sasha. What does that mean? Look, nina, all I'm saying is, I -- I didn't stand there and watch sasha swab her cheek, okay? I gave her the swab, and she returned it the next day. Would've been quite simple for valentin to come in and give her his own swab. He probably had help from someone who knew her way around a lab. Aunt liesl. Um... nina, call me crazy, but you don't seem at all surprised to find out that the man you love has been lying to you this whole time. I'm not.
[ Indistinct conversations ] $100,000. $150,000. Auctioneer: $150,000. Bid? We're looking at $151,000. I have $150,000 here, going once. $150,000 going twice. $300,000.
[ Sighs ] Nina. Whatever you think you're doing, stop it now. No, I don't think you're lying about anything. Good to know. I just asked because there's going to be an extensive follow-up by the police. They're gonna want to know everything that happened in the or, detail by detail. And you don't think I'm prepared to tell them?
[ Telephone rings in distance ] I just want you to know what questions to anticipate. Excuse me. Dr. Maddox might have an update. Andre. What's going on? Is -- is franco okay? Is he waking up? Uh, no. No change yet. I just got an update on the man who tried to kill me.
Is the gunman out of surgery? Yes. But he didn't make it. Cameron: He's dead? Yeah. And with him, any chance of finding out who hired him to kill me and franco. Excuse me. Okay, come on. You okay? Andre, what's happening to him? There's been a spike in his heart rate. W-what does that mean? Is that -- is that bad?
[ Monitor beeping ] Here you go, sweetheart. Thank you, daddy. You're welcome, sweetheart. What's the matter with you, huh? I mean, didn't you ever get the talk about, you know, using...
[Whispers] Protection? Okay. Willow and I... we...
[ Sighs ] Willow and I were very responsible. All right? And besides, it was a false alarm. Okay. Good. Look, don't get me wrong, kids are -- kids are amazing and all that, but i was barely ready to be a father, and I got a few years on you. A few? Hilarious.
[ Chuckles ] I mean, hypothetically, what would you have done if willow was pregnant?
[ Inhales deeply ] Look, I'm -- I'm not ready to be a father just yet, and, um... but I'm committed to a future with willow. I love her. So, yeah, if --
if she got pregnant, I would be all in. I'm talking stroller, the mini van, the whole thing.
[ Chuckles ] But I'm not gonna lie, I was relieved that I'm not -- not gonna be a dad just yet. You'll be a good dad when the times comes, but in the meantime, it seems like everything worked out. So what's the problem? I think just the thought of her being pregnant brought back some feelings about wiley for willow. It's amazing how fast kids grow at this age. You almost don't recognize them week to week. A couple of months, forget it. Oh, my god. I am so sorry. I've been rambling about james, and he's not that much older than wiley. It's okay. No, it's not. I was going on and on about baby clothes. It's fine. It's fine. I mean it. You don't have to walk on eggshells with me. Still, I have somewhat of an understanding of how you feel. You do? Yeah. I went through this really messy custody situation with my daughter georgie. A custody situation that i created because I thought I could give her up, but it turns out that I couldn'T. I'm sorry. It'S... it's -- it's different with me. I...gave wiley up to protect him from shiloh... and I can never regret that. Auctioneer: $300,000 here, going once. $300,000 going twice. Jax -- $350,000. Damn it! I said stop! If you keep bidding on that portrait, you're gonna regret it! $400,000. $400,000. Bid? Looking at $410,000. I've got $400,000 here, going once. $400,000 going twice. $450,000.
[ Guests gasp, murmur ]
We have $450,000 to the mayor. Laura, that is quite a bid. Are you sure about this?
[ Sighs ] You heard me. $450,000. Auctioneer: $450,000 going once. $450,000 going twice.
[ Grunts ]
[ Tray clatters ] Sold for $450,000 to mayor laura collins!
[ Chuckles ]
[ Applause ] Congratulations.
[ Laughs ]
[ Scoffs ]
[ Electricity crackles ] No! No! Damn it, no! Laura: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. What are you gonna do? You want proof? No, charlotte, don't!
[ Water splashing ] I don't regret giving wiley up for adoption. It's what protected him from shiloh. I am so grateful that he has two parents who love him. Still, I assume that doesn't make it hurt any less.
[ Softly ] Not really. Well, I better run before I miss visiting hours at gh. Bye, sweetie.
[ Chuckles ] Look, I know wiley's always gonna be in willow's heart, but I guess I overestimated how well she's coping with having given him up, and now seeing him all the time. Yeah. No, no, no. That's gotta be hard. I know anna still grapples with the decision she made to give up peter all those years ago.
[ Indistinct conversations ] You okay?
[ Inhales deeply ] Yeah. It's just...
[ Sighs ] It's a lot to process, you know? Oh, yeah. I'm sure, yeah. Well, you can take comfort in the fact that you saved both franco and andre's lives. A rise in heart rate indicates he's closer to consciousness. Talk to him -- help him find his way.
[ Monitor beeping ] Franco? Franco, we're here for you. We love you so much. You said you were gonna come back to us, and so we're just here waiting.
[ Beeping continues ] Andre told me that I need to talk to you, and I just have absolutely no idea what to say to you right now, except that I-I just -- I love you so much. Mom. Oh, my god. Franco? Franco.
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