General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/9/19
Episode #14417 ~ Lucas pleads with Brad; Liz is surprised; Olivia is optimistic; Monica calls Epiphany; Finn and Anna have a heart-to-heart.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
[ Cellphone vibrating ] Damn it, pick up! No wonder julian's been trying to reach me. Oh, this is terrible. And lucas, he's just starting his own family. Yeah. Where there's life, there's hope. The doctors induced a coma so his body would have a chance to mend on its own. Right. And thank god wiley wasn't in the car. But brad, how is he? Well, he didn't bear the brunt of the injuries, but he is... certainly devastated. Oh, of course he is. Oh, julian. You know, he and lucas were just starting to bond again. Have you seen him? No. No, but I, uh -- I know he has a lot of support around him. Oh, poor julian. The -- the pain of losing a child... it's an agony I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, let alone my brother. I just -- I pray that lucas comes back to us. Yes. I said "pray." Old habits die hard. Okay, full disclosure -- martin is having spencer followed around the clock. Apparently, he spent some time at a gastropub in grenoble because he likes the owner's daughter. Sounds like spencer's growing up. But what he doesn't do is exchange a lot of phone calls or e-mails from the united states. Well, in short, spencer's being spencer. Okay. Well, that makes sense. I didn't think he was throwing in with jax. I mean, could you see jax taking orders from spencer? No.
[ Laughing ] No. So, if spencer's not pulling the strings, who is? I don't know. But I think the answer's in that portrait. Listen, I don't want you to give up on ava just yet. Will you do me a favor? See if you can get something else from her. Wait, wait. You're leaving? Where are you going? I have a man in a mask to find... and a fight to finish. Wait. Don't worry -- I won't tell hayden that you were behind the staged attacks. There'd be no point to that, would there? Just want her to know that it's safe to come home to her daughter. She hasn't returned any of my messages.
[ Sighs ] Problem? Her phone is no longer in service. She must be worried it could be traced. She'll make contact through finn. She's not gonna cut all ties with her daughter. She already proved that she would do anything to protect violet. I guess that thug you hired was pretty convincing, huh?
Damn it. Answer the phone! What is going on? Don't tell me it's the stress of moving day. Don't tell me that. I can't help you if you won't tell me.
[ Sighs ] Well, they-- they've probably gotten started by now. So, this is it, huh? Now -- now, um... I mean, these are all the instruments? No scalpel, no sutures, no blood. Right. Just my memories. Just everything that gives me my identity. Everything that makes me who I am. You have a form for me to sign, right? Are you sure about this? Yeah, I'm positive. If this goes south, I'm not gonna be sitting here with a breathing tube and a ventilator. Pretty sure franco feels the same way.
[ Sighs shakily ] Where do I sign? Right here.
[ Inhales sharply, sighs ]
[ Scribbling ]
[ Monitor beeps ] You know, part of the reason... I came back was to see you. I regret the way things ended between us and how much I hurt you. I appreciate that, griffin. But really, I know that I caused my fair share of pain. I own that. I'm trying to do better. Be of service to people, get to know myself, and own my own choices. I carry kiki with me all the time -- in my heart and soul. I envy you. I only see her in my dreams. In my nightmares, really. And she tells me that she'll never forgive me. That is your own conscience talking, your own regret. That's -- that's not kiki. She was all about forgiveness. Well, I'll never know
[Sniffles] If she would've forgiven me or not. I can only tell myself stories about her now. Now I feel the... the loss and the emptiness every day.
[ Sighs ] But, you know, I learned something along the way. I don't do "broken" well. And I don't do "helpless" at all. I hit rock bottom when I was at shadybrook, or as close as I ever want to get.
[ Door opens ] And I will never again let anyone take what's mine
[ Door closes ] Or give them the power to hurt me. Nina: Ava? Ava, I'm -- oh, I'm sorry to in-- griffin! Hi! Hi. I didn't know you were back in town. Yeah, yeah. It's, uh -- it's just a short visit. Um... I understand you're engaged to valentin. Again. I-I wish you all the happiness. Um, please tell charlotte I -- I said hello. She probably won't remember me, but -- I will tell her a friend says hi. Thank you. Uh... I should probably get going. It was nice to see you, ava.
[ Door opens ] Are you all packed? I can't find it. I'm not leaving until I do. Find what? Some kind of stall tactic?
[ Sighs ] I must have left it in my room. There's nothing in your room. I packed everything. What exactly are you looking for? My ring. With the cassadine crest.
[ Breathing heavily ] I might have lost it. I called shadybrook, and they said you left. I had a feeling that you'd be here. I...was surprised to see griffin, though. There was a break-in last night. Storage room ransacked. But I'm guessing you already knew that. Well, ava, we both know who's responsible and what they were looking for. The real question here is... what are we gonna do about it?
There were two break-ins last night. Valentin's to blame for the first one, but someone else had the same idea. Valentin has no idea who it was, but you do. Do I? Yes, you do. Remember this? I found this in your room at shadybrook -- after the ghost of nikolas had come to haunt you. There's one problem -- ghosts don't wear rings with the cassadine crest. There's only a few of these in existence, and nikolas had one of them. So, you really believe it was him? Oh, yes, I do, and so do you. I can tell. Otherwise, you'd still be curled up in a ball in your bed at shadybrook, ava. Don't you think it's time that we do something about these cassadines and all their lies and manipulations? Remember me saying that to you? Yes. But I was still on my meds. You know, I needed... one last reality check. This is it -- this ring. This proves that nikolas is alive. He's not an apparition or a fevered delusion, ava. He's alive. And if last's night break-in doesn't convince you, nothing will. Convince me of what? That we should join forces, you and I. Let's take down the cassadine boys once and for all. Jax: You lost your ring? The one with the family crest that -- that could identify you and prove you're alive? Exactly. And if the wrong person finds it, if they recognize the insignia and they bring it back to valentin -- maybe out of curiosity or they think it belongs to him -- I'm exposed.
[ Doorbell rings ] Jax! It's valentin cassadine! Let's put our cards on the table, shall we?
The invader has a potential scoop, but my reporter's gone radio silent on me. You're the publisher. Doesn't the editor handle that for you? It's sensitive material. I can't just leave it to anyone. Would you please excuse me? Elizabeth, you're really brave.
[ Scoffs ] I'm not brave. I'm scared to death. Well, then, how can you be so calm? What were franco's last words to you? You know. I've told you them about a thousand times. Mm-hmm. He said to tell you... that he loves you. And then he said he'd be back. And I believe him. I believe my husband. And now we all have to believe.
[ Sighs ] Just lay back. I'm going to administer the sedative.
[ Sighs shakily ]
[ Monitor beeping ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Exhales deeply ] Okay. Can you start counting backwards from 100 for me? 99, 98...
[ Muttering ]
[ Groans ]
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