General Hospital Transcript Thursday 11/21/19
Episode #14413 ~ Nina returns to Valentin and Charlotte; Sonny grows increasingly suspicious; Stella has an update on Mike.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Hi, liv. Hey, sonny.[ Sighs ] I'm glad you're here. What's wrong? I just came from the courthouse. Sam's, uh, been convicted of manslaughter. What? She's going to prison? For how long?
[ Sighs ] It's two years. It's two years. Jason, I'm so sorry. Oh, god. How is it I'm the last to know port charles has its very own high-end retreat for the unsound mind? Well, I'm sure you'll end up here eventually. With your lineage? That's actually what I want to talk to you about. Your mental health?
[ Chuckles ] No. Family. Nina's here. What, she's outside? She pulled up a few minutes ago, got out of her car, got back in. Can't seem to make up her mind. Well, then, you should go to your room and wait there until I tell you you can come out. That's a good one. Actually, I have an errand to run. You'll be seen, and this will all be for nothing.
[ Doorbell rings ] Don't worry. I'll be careful. You better be.
[ Door opens ] Hey. Hey. Hey, good timing, actually. Alright, come here.
[ Door closes ] Make yourself useful, will you? Alright. Put your -- put your finger right there. Right there. Good. It's a little light for anna, don't you think? It's not for anna. Oh, okay. Is it for the daughter you neglected to mention? Oh. Thank you for coming. Did you think I wouldn't? I wasn't sure you were interested in clearing the air. Feels like the right thing to do. After all, we're gonna be one, big, happy family once you and finn get married. You're still getting married, right?
Oh, jason, I'm so sorry. How's sam? She's -- I don't know -- she's okay. She'S... you know, she's trying to stay strong. And you? I hate it. I would do anything to get her out of there. I'm just really worried about the kids, you know? They don't know yet? No, and I'm really struggling with what to tell them. Because I -- I don't want to lie, I don't want to sugarcoat it. I don't want to tell them that, you know, that sam's gonna be home soon. There has to be a way to reduce her sentence. I mean, time off for good behavior? There's got to be something. Carly, I don't know. Everything with shiloh has -- has worked against us. What -- what if the sentence sticks? You know, kids danny and -- and scout's age, they think that... they think that two weeks is a long time. How am I supposed to tell them that their mom's gonna be away for two years? Let me help you. Let me do for you what you always do for me.
[ Sighs ] We can figure this out together. Hey. Hi. Nina. Hi. Um, well, it's a surprise to see you. I figured after everything that happened last night, you'd be at wyndemere with your family. Yeah, I was. Uh, I just had to come by here and drop something off, and then I'll be right back with charlotte. Oh, okay. Well, come in, come in, come in. Thank you. How is -- how is charlotte doing, by the way? Uh, not as rattled as valentin and me, but that kid is ridiculously brave. I really like everything that you've done around here. Oh, yes, thank you, thank you. Can I -- can I get you a drink? Water or something stronger from the bar? No, thank you. Thank you, but here. What's this? Better not be a resignation. Please, you're gonna have to pry crimson out of my cold, dead hands. Good. Oh. Wow, a wedding invitation. You're gonna try to marry valentin again, huh? Yeah. And I would very much like you to be there. I guess I should go find nina and let her know that the man she's determined to marry is a no-good -- pg, babe.
[ Sighs ] Pg. Right. Mm-hmm. He hired a woman to impersonate her daughter. Who does that? So then go tell her. And blow up her world
again? So then don't tell her. And let her live a lie. You already know how I feel about this. Right. "I have no proof, um... it's none of my business, let her figure it out."
[ Sighs ] Oh, so you do actually listen to me. I listen to you. But what if she never figures it out?
[ Sighs ] Has it occurred to you that, on some level, nina already knows? That valentin orchestrated the whole sasha scheme? Maybe facing the truth isn't worth losing him. Maybe nina loves him that much. Yo, that's insane. Yeah, to us. But for some people, a lie is more comfortable. Stella: Did someone say "comfort"? Because I am in the market for a hug!
[ Laughs ] Hi, baby. How -- how, uh -- how'd you find out? Robert scorpio. You know, for a guy who was a spy, that guy really can't keep a secret. I-I'm sorry, man. I-I wanted to tell you about violet myself. Yeah, I really would've liked that, too. Yeah, it'S... it's been overwhelming. I-I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that's happened, let alone figure out a way to start telling other people. But I should've told you, and I'm sorry. I appreciate that. So, you have a daughter. I have a daughter. How's it feel? Amazing. And utterly, utterly terrifying. Well, for the record, I think it's kind of awesome. Yeah? Dude, I'm an uncle! And dad's a -- he's a grandfather! You haven't told him yet, have you? No, but you definitely should. Yeah, no, I'll, uh... yeah, I'll -- I'll get around to it. Man. The chase/finn family's expanding. Mm-hmm. I just -- I can't wait to meet her. Yeah. I tell you, chase, violet, she'S... she's incredible.
[ Sniffles ] You know, thank you. For what? For just being on board with all this. Well, obviously. No, not obviously. I... I'm not sure everybody feels the same way you do. Everyone... or anna? What makes you think finn and i won't be getting married? Well, he didn't say anything, if that's what you're concerned about. I'm not concerned. It's just, you know, you've been gone for so long. You know how it is. Do I, though? Well, time passes, feelings change. But like I said, he never told me anything explicitly. No. I guess that's what you two share in common. I'm sorry? Yeah, that you don't tell people things. That's your M.O. So, you redecorated? I like it. Monica can be a little touchy about unexpected guests. What does monica have to do with anything? It's her house. Sonny and olivia: Alan gave it to her. That's still a thing? Well, I'm not a guest. I'm family. Welcome home, brook lynn. Thank you. How's the music industry? -It's fantastic. -Mm-hmm. Can't say the same about my shoes, though. Ugh! The portico is all torn up -- the terrace is an obstacle course. You know, I was almost desperate enough to come in through the kitchen, but I don't know enough yet about cook three to risk it. Did somebody die in here or something? It's like granny just walked in, not everyone's favorite ashton. We were, uh, in the middle of something... we're quartermaines. When are we not in the middle of something? All except you, uncle dimples. Still driving the ladies wild? It's a gift. If you haven't noticed, I'm not really feeling myself these days. Perhaps we could finish this conversation another time. Uh, well, I would like to continue our conversation from halloween, the one about helena cassadine's portrait. I've had time to reconsider its significance, and I'd like your professional opinion. I will reward you handsomely, of course. Right. Ava, is that any way to talk to me? You owe me. You know, I arranged your reconstruction. And look where that got me. Well, I don't know. But if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have your beauty. But at least I might still have my soul. I'd know that I did the right thing for spencer and his father. I wouldn't be seeing him around every corner. Who are you seeing? Spencer? No. Nikolas.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door opens ] Charlotte: Who are you, and what are you doing in my living room?
What is this about nikolas? Please leave. I really am exhausted. What kind of meds do they have you on?
[ Sighs ] The kind that get rid of hallucinations. Hmm. I see, so that's what you meant about "seeing" nikolas. Halloween night. Boo. Funny that he would be on the top of your brain considering how long he's been gone. Although sometimes it feels just like yesterday. That's the thing about regret, isn't it? I really wouldn't know. Lucky you. Well, if you make a mistake, you fix it. If you can't, you don't dwell. But there's nothing anyone can do for nikolas now. Hmm. Well, I will keep that in mind the next time any cassadine memorabilia passes by. That's why nikolas is on your brain, isn't it? You have helena's portrait. Jax: You really gonna do this? Yes. Is that so surprising? No, it just -- it seems a little fast, that's all. Really? Well, yeah. Because to me, it seems like the most drawn-out wedding in history. Okay, you know what I mean. A lot has happened since your last attempt to walk down the aisle. That's all I'm saying. Well...
[ Clears throat ] All those things have been dealt with. Have they? Yes, they have. And any remaining issues will be ironed out by the ceremony. Well, you seem very confident.
[ Chuckles ] Really? Why -- why is that -- why is that funny? Well, it's funny because j-just the way you are. You know, why are you getting so upset? I am the one getting married, not you. Okay. Well, I'm sorry, I just -- I just -- it's probably because I just don't know what to say. Okay, I think you're overthinking it. Just say chicken, fish, or vegetarian. None of the above. What? I won't be attending your wedding. Anna came home to find you and hayden and violet -- your child she had no clue existed -- shacking up in her own house? No, no, there was no -- no shacking up, no shacking up. I'm just saying, that could've gone really, really bad. It didn't go great. Uh, it was definitely a little tense there for a while, but for the most part, anna took it all in stride. Okay, so is this where you cast judgment on the choices I've made as violet's mother? Oh, I have no clue what kind of mother you are. Violet seems to be lovely. Which must due to your influence, at least in part. Thank you. Mm-hmm. I guess I'm referring to your choices as a human being -- one choice in particular, which was keeping finn in the dark about his daughter. Do you think that was easy? I've beaten myself up plenty, thanks. Yet he should've known. Finn should've had a say, an opportunity to be a father. And he's getting that now. Don't you think it's a little late? I mean, you -- you've robbed him of years that he could've spent with his daughter. You've robbed both of them, actually. Well, I'm not too worried about it. Robin turned out okay, didn't she? First, you need to tell me all the reasons you're mad and all the reasons you blame yourself.
[ Sighs ] Come on, carly. Don't "carly" me. You don't vent unless I make you, jason. I'm mad because I should've killed shiloh from the start! Because if I would've done that, if I would've done my job, we could've avoided this whole situation. But sam didn't want that! Sam chose to handle shiloh the way she wanted to, and these are the consequences. I think the question you need to ask yourself -- is sam the one you're mad at?
Now, why would I be mad at sam? She was just trying to save her sister. I'm mad at sam. I'm furious with her. It's like you said -- the whole thing with shiloh would've been over before it started if sam would've let you do what you needed to do and looked the other way. But here we are because of the decisions sam made. I get it -- I'm not judging her. I love sam. I'm just being honest here. I get it. I know it's frustrating. I'm frustrated. But in the end, it -- you know, it was -- it was sam's call to make. Kristina's her sister, and this is how she wanted to handle things. And she accepts that this is the risk, and she took it. And you accept it, too. But that's me. And that's sam. That's not our kids. Why didn't you call us and let us know you were back in town? I didn't want to trouble you.
[ Scoffs ] Since when are you trouble? -I'm only here for a minute. -Aw. Well, all the more reason why you should've gotten in touch. Yeah, why such a quick visit? Yeah, I mean, what -- you don't love us anymore? Oh, stop.
[ Laughs ] I'm just grabbing a visa so I can go back to london and stay as long as I want. So, then, uh, I take it you and, uh, long-lost cousin wanda are getting along. Mm-hmm. Like fish and chips.
[ Laughs ] Wonderful, stella. But we do miss you. Aww. We miss you something fierce. Things just aren't the same without you here. Oh, of course they aren't! Did you expect otherwise?
[ Chuckles ] London's amazing? Oh, it's a dream. Well, uh, you know, perhaps we should find out for ourselves. Yeah. I mean, I'd love to go to england some day. Yeah, no, no, no. I don't mean someday. I mean now. We never did have our honeymoon. How does christmas in london with aunt stella sound? I know you. I saw you on the pier last night. Do you work for cassandra like those other creeps? I work for your father. I was supposed to find you last night and bring you home safe. Somebody else rescued you. Sorry. Next time, I will be faster. Next time? You father wants me to stay on as your bodyguard. Papa didn't say anything. He thought you'd be frightened. I thought you were old enough to know. I am mature for my age. I can tell. Valentin insisted on secrecy, so I'm gonna stick to the shadows. You won't even know I'm here. Why? Why what? Why did you tell me when papa didn't want you to? See, I threw away that portrait, and now you have it, don't you? Ava, this is important to me. My daughter was kidnapped last night. She could've been hurt, or worse. Well, what does that have to do with the portrait? Well, you told me the artist sometimes hides information, encrypted messages inside his work. Mm-hmm. Ava, laura has been on me for weeks -- it has everything to do with this portrait. She seems to think if she can get it, she can get to me. Why is that? It isn't just laura, you know. Yes, I know. It's jax and his mousey little accomplice, hayden barnes. You're not coming to my wedding? No. I'm sorry. It's important to me that you're there. Why? Because it is! Valentin lied to you time and time again. He used the worst pain of your life to try to draw you in close, and you want to marry him again? I am seeing things clearly for the first time, jax. You have to trust me. Sasha, she owned up to the whole scheme. She did it all by herself. Oh, okay. Well, the problem is, you don't actually believe that. If you have proof to the contrary,
please hand it over. Fine. You know what? Fine. I can't tell you what to do. So, if you want to make the biggest mistake of your life -- it's my mistake to make.
You know, you said "our kids." That's so important. Yeah. You know, what I've learned by having kids with sonny is that, when children are in your lives, they're in your lives. I mean, technically, avery's not my daughter. I know, but she is. You know, that's how I feel about scout. I mean, I-I know she's drew's, but... well, the -- the sad fact is, is that scout's not gonna remember drew, so you are her dad. Hers and danny'S. You know, sam and I are the two people they count on. And I'm realizing... what? That we should've taken that into consideration before we got involved in this whole thing. I want that portrait, ava. Join the club. Does jax know you have it? Hmm. He may have come a-calling. Ava... I'm gonna tell you just what I told him -- that wretched painting is somewhere you will never find it. Name your price.
[ Chuckling ] Oh, come on, now. Aren't you more creative than that? Numbers -- they're so mundane. I can't negotiate by myself. Tell me where to start. How's about hell? Why don't you start there? Now get out of here.
[ Door opens ]
[ Sighs ] You know, working with you at crimson gave me a chance to get to know you. Lucky you. Yeah, I am lucky. Because you truly are an amazing person. Y-you're intuitive. You're -- you have good judgment. I mean, you are the last person who should be with a guy who blows up his own enemy. And let's -- let's face it, we all know that valentin rigged cassandra's boat to blow up. He's a criminal, nina. He was terrified for his daughter. And being with a criminal can ruin your life. Okay, trust me -- I've seen it happen. Maybe -- maybe this was a bad idea. Which part? All I wanted was to invite you to my wedding. No. All you wanted was for me to talk you out of it.
[ Sighs ] How did I get here? Uh, you're gonna need to be more specific. Huh? Oh. You know, from a doctor who basically lived in his lab to now I'm a -- I'm a father to a little girl, a guy who's engaged, he -- he's got friends -- I mean, not many, but a few. And -- and -- and, uh... and? And a guy who's got a brother that I think actually cares about him. Oh, well, I am going to need to meet this guy.
[ Sniffles ] I'm still trying to figure out how to be all those things. You know, what terrifies me the most is... messing it all up.'s the deal. All those things -- marriage, fatherhood, friendship, brotherly love --
[Chuckles] You can't control those. You just got to jump in and figure it out. Oh, sure, that sounds easy enough. So, what's it like? Being a dad. What happened with robin is not the same as your situation with your daughter. Really? Yeah. Because from what I heard, you got pregnant and took off -- same. Left the father out of the loop -- same. And for even longer than I did with finn. My life invited danger. I couldn't have her in it. So you were protecting your daughter? Yeah. And that makes it better? More justified? Doesn't it?
[ Chuckles ] We both had our reasons. I'd love to hear more about yours. No, I would. I mean, you must have thought that finn would get angry, that perhaps he would want to take the child from you. So, why tell him at all? I had to. Violet got sick. There are other doctors, there's other towns that you could've situated her and not been discovered, but yet you chose to come here and loop finn in. That really just begs the question... why now? I have my reasons, which I won't share with you. Finn knows the truth. But suffice it to say, the timing felt right. Yeah. No, I bet it did. Because I was out of the picture.
I was out of town when you came back to port charles. And could've been returning any second. But I didn't, did I? And that's my fault?
[ Chuckles ] No. I'm just pointing out the fact that you had finn's undivided attention for months, and it really couldn't have worked out better for you. I'm confused. Do you wish I hadn't told finn about violet? Of course not. I'm so happy he knows that she exists and that she's going to be part of his life. It's -- it's beautiful. I just would like you to be honest. And that this was less about a father-daughter reunion and more about you rebuilding a relationship with finn. Here's the thing, anna -- I didn't have to work to rebuild anything. Finn and I already had a relationship. And because of violet, we always will. I'm sorry, I just can't picture you hosting a tea party. Well, violet was really the host. I just attended. Normally, bella and otto join in, but for some reason, they couldn't make it. Bella and otto? Bella's a pig. Otto's an owl. Oh. Yeah. I mean, I've heard they're a little uptight, but I haven't met them yet, so I'm gonna reserve judgment. Oh, here, take a look. Man, is she cute. Yeah, she is. What is that you're drinking? It's apple juice, of course. I mean, it was all very civil, actually.
[ Chuckles ] I just -- I never thought that I'd see the day. Me neither. Fatherhood looks good on you, brother. Thanks, bro. It feels good. Isn't it wet and cold in london around christmas? More so than it is here. Mm-hmm. That's for sure. You know, you need to go someplace warm, put your toes in the sand, relax. Mm-hmm, I am with aunt stella on this one. And what's the matter with you, anyway? You haven't planned a honeymoon for your bride yet? We've been busy. Yeah, work has been taking up all of our time. You got to take time for yourselves and for each other. Otherwise, what's the point?
[ Chuckles ] You might want to reconsider taking your own advice. What do you think I've been doing over in london? Mm. Now, how's tj? Also very busy. Mm-hmm. With med school. Among other things. What does that mean? What is my grandnephew up to? She definitely could've done a lot better job at calculating the odds.
[ Sighs ] Yeah. I think the days of sam riding off with you, guns a-blazing, are probably over. Being your friend, I should've told you that, but I don't think sam would've listened. I think -- I think she'll listen now. In the meantime, while she's gone, those kids are gonna really need you. I had no idea what happened to dante, hand to god. Is he gonna be okay? The kind of trauma that dante's been through, it's -- it's a long road to the other side. Might've been shorter had his wife decided to stick by him. Dante's the one who filed for divorce. Lulu's never seen a paper shredder? I am so sorry about brook. She's becoming more and more like my mother. Yeah, tell me about it. But, honestly, it's not her, ned. I know. It's about dante.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sniffles ] I wasn't just writing him weather reports and the local gossip, you know? I -- I... I told him to take his time and to get better and -- and that we were here for him forever, that we were rooting for him, that the minute that he reached out to us, we would be there to get him. Yeah. I told him I loved him. And he didn't see any of it, and he doesn't even know.
[ Crying ] It's my job to protect you, charlotte. I don't feel comfortable lying to you. We're a team, you and me. But if valentin finds out that I broke his confidence, I'd be fired. Will you keep my secret? I'm not supposed to lie to papa. It wouldn't be lying if you just don't tell. It's like your papa -- he didn't tell you that he hired me. Please, charlotte, I just want to prove myself, keep you safe. You're at war with yourself. I mean, half of you knows that I'm right about everything I've said about valentin. And what about the other half? The other half is willing to look past all the atrocities he's committed and tell yourself that it won't affect you or charlotte. Come on, nina, you're smarter than this. You, jax, are a patronizing, condescending jackass. Who are you to tell me who I am and what I want? Oh, because you're a lot better than valentin?
You're gonna have to make some real changes, jason. Seriously, I mean, there's -- there's no more openly daring the cops to come get you. Until sam's out of prison, you're -- you're a superhero with a secret identity. Carly... you know I'm right. Look, I feel for sam. I mean, she's lying in that cell, wondering what happened. But she knows her kids are okay. Because they have you. Did I develop a british accent so you could no longer understand me? What's going on with tj? Nothing yet, but, uh... it may be something. Okay, now you're scaring me. No, no. It's -- it's nothing bad. In fact, it's -- it's just the opposite. Yeah, but it's tj's place to tell you, not ours. Well, then, I'll just go track him down.
[ Door closes ] Sorry, olivia. I had no idea about dante. If I had, I wouldn't have said anything. Honestly, it's okay, I understand. So, how long are you in town?
[ Sighs ] Tbd. I assume it's cool if I crash here? Yes. Of course. It kind of looks like you're not so okay with it. No, no, no. It's not that. Then what? Because if I recall, I did you a major favor when I took leo -- which I have thanked you for about a gazillion times. It's just -- you know what? It's just a little bit of a shock, that's all. We are thrilled to have you here. And leo! Leo is gonna be beyond excited. In fact, you can help teach him how to ride his new pony. Oh, god, here we go. Hold the phone. You got him a pony? Mm-hmm. That is not a done deal yet. That is very cool. I think so, too! Olivia has been a little bit of a hard sell. How come? Well, let's see -- the kid's not learned to ride a bike yet -- maybe a pony's a little over the top. It's just so...quartermaine. Uh, you're a quartermaine. Well, you don't have to sound so excited about it. I don't think brook was -- meant it that way. I think that's exactly how she meant it, ned. But your husband wants to buy your son a pony. Who says no to that? Uh, how about someone who doesn't want to raise a spoiled, entitled little brat who do-- -[ Chuckles ] -Hold on a second. Hey, handsome. What are you laughing at? I -- I -- I was just thinking, like, um... how much edward and lila would enjoy this. That's everything I got on alexis' poisoning. Thanks. This'll definitely help us out. So, when do you want to meet violet? Is now too soon?
[ Chuckles ] She's coming over for a sleepover tomorrow night. You think maybe you want to stop by? Yeah. Yeah, I'd love that. Alright, I'll see you. I'll see you. Oh, and, finn? Congratulations. Thanks. I -- I -- violet's lucky to have you as an uncle.
[ Door closes ] I welcome the addition of violet. Just not the addition of me. Well, exes, you know, they come with the territory.
[ Chuckles ] Violet's gonna be part of our life. And I'm -- and I'm over the moon about that. But it's our life -- finn and mine. And I don't want you to, um... no, no, what's that expression people use all the time now? Oh, um... I don't want you to get it twisted. You know, you're right. It -- it -- it's your life, it's your choice. You want to throw away everything by marrying valentin -- what if I wasn't planning on marrying valentin? What if I'm planning on destroying him? I could use a secret bodyguard. There are a lot of bad people out there -- papa says so. Does he? Well, I promise to get rid of all the bad people, charlotte. Every last one of them.
[ Keys jingling ]
[ Door unlocks ] Valentin: Oh! Papa! Bon soir, ma petite!
Ah, ça va? Huh? Good day? Full of surprises. Really? Good ones, I hope. Very good. Well, I want to hear all about them. Will you do me a favor? I need to make a quick business call. Why don't you run upstairs and brush your teeth, and I will come up as soon as I can? Okay, papa. Thank you. Hmm... hello, ms. Barnes. Valentin cassadine. Uh, listen, sorry about the late notice. Any chance you can get out to wyndemere tonight? Why would I want to? Uh, well, I have a proposition for you, and I think you'll find it very beneficial. Excellent, I will have the launch captain waiting for you. And, ms. Barnes? Keep an open mind. I think we'll be very useful for one another.
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