General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 10/9/19
Episode #14383 ~ Spinelli gets to work in helping Sam. Peter cringes. Robert has sad news. Monica visits Franco. Elizabeth is ruthless.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
With -- with all duerespect, madam commissioner -- it's just "commissioner." Uh, yes, of course. No disrespect meant. That said, uh, this task would be so much easier if I could use my own [Sniffs] Um...significantly more sophisticated gear. Mr. Spinelli. Uh, it's just "spinelli." "Jackal," if you'd prefer. I don'T. After relentless badgering by diane miller, I am allowing you access to this recording. Ms. Miller has assured me that despite your obvious bias in favor of the accused, your integrity is unimpeachable. Well, I am honored by her assessment, which is accurate. Uh, should my examination prove the opposite of what I hope, I-I will not hesitate to present accurate, albeit damning, findings, regardless of how it may pain me personally. Great. Then have at it. Um, uh, commissioner? The gear? You're supposed to be the best, right? If so, you'll be able to conduct a thorough examination using the same equipment as the police do, correct? Okay, that -- that's kind of like saying nasa should have no trouble reaching the moon using the same technology that the wright brothers used at kitty hawk. But it is the poor craftsman who blames his tools. Yes, I shall do my best. I know you will. Keep an eye on him. You, especially. If he does anything that looks like it might alter the recording in any way, stop it and have an officer come get me. Will do, commissioner. Have at it.[ Spinelli clears throat ]
[ Door closes ] See? Nothing up my sleeves. It's likely whoever arranged for shiloh's escape is the same person or persons framing sam. Yeah, the phony pentonville guard clearly wasn't working alone. Why do I get the feeling that you got your eye on someone? Because dev wasn't alone on the docks that night. Peter august is the one who drove wiley and dev to the hospital. Nina, where are you? I haven't heard from you, and I want to know that you're okay. Well, obviously, you're not okay. But send me a text or a carrier pigeon or something, just as long as you get in touch. I love you. Anything? No, I haven't heard from valentin, either. Yeah. He's probably laying low, trying to figure out a strategy for damage control. I'd guess that's exactly what he's doing. You know, I don't care that sasha didn't say valentin's name. I know he was involved. Who else could fake three dna tests? And the worst part is valentin thinks he did this because he loves nina. Take it from me, peter. Nobody wants to be lied to, deceived, and betrayed in the name of love. Dr. Nero? Martin grey. Oh, mr. Grey. Thank you for meeting me. Please, have -- have a seat. Sure. Um, I cannot tell you how relieved I was to hear that you wanted to represent drew. Oh, it's my pleasure. Very exciting case, and one I have no intention of losing. Alright, you know, elizabeth, I-it's just not gonna be easy. I mean, we -- this experimental procedure -- we're -- we're forcing it on a -- on a -- on a healthy guy. Uh, no, medically, he has a brain injury. He doesn't know who he is. Yes, I -- well, how are we gonna convince the court of that -- that the procedure that he's refusing to do, if he was in his right mind, he would say yes to this? I know how. Put me on the stand.
[ Knock on door ] Hello. I have nothing to say to you. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Really? Yes, of course I am. You sure? Yeah. Because the last time you and I spoke, you seemed real worried that you were gonna lose me, and now here I am. It's almost as if it couldn't have gone better for you if you planned it yourself.
So, spinelli got access to peter's account at a port charles bank. Yeah? The same day shiloh escaped, peter withdrew $35,000 in cash. And dev said that he overheard shiloh say something about money on its way. Right, and dev also said that peter had a gym bag, and there aren't any gyms down by the docks. So it looks like peter was just walking around with a bag full of cash. What's the connection between shiloh and peter august? Sasha started posing as nina's daughter intending to be in and out. But nina being nina, she wants a deeper connection. Before sasha knows it, she's working for nina, living out of wyndemere, uh, bonding with nina like crazy. If she loves nina so much, why didn't she just come clean? Because she knew how much it would hurt nina. Yeah, but at least she could have done it privately, on her own terms, instead of being outed by lulu at nina's wedding. I don't think sasha had any idea lulu knew the truth. That's not my point. Sasha was sitting on a time bomb, and she knew it. How hard is it just to tell the truth? I don't know. I mean, are either one of us really in a position to judge?
[ Scoffs ] W-what I mean is -- I know what you mean. I did the same thing to protect dante and lulu when I miscarried their child. And you love them. Lying about my daughter was the biggest mistake of my life. Just like lying about being nina's daughter was the biggest mistake of sasha'S. I am sorry. For choosing jason over me before we were old enough to crawl?
[ Sighs ] Jason told me how you found out that you were a twin. He told me about the picture that you saw in the paper and how you assumed that we had kept him and we had given you away. And that couldn't be further from the truth. I really hoped that we had time to straighten this all out, but then -- well, then drew d-disappeared. There's still no news? No. No. H-how do you, um -- how do you feel about that? I don't know. I think that the other guy who's me -- he seemed like a really good guy. You know, I have
[Chuckling] I have lost jason so many times in so many ways. Well, he's still here. No, he is back. There is a big difference. Look, I... I have worked so hard to hang on to the children that I have left. I think I should have focused more on -- on what you needed from me, rather than what I could get from you. I think maybe I owe you an apology. I was angry and I took it out on you and I shouldn't have done that and you don't deserve that. I'm tough. And so are you. I mean, after all, you're a quartermaine. Cameron, are you sure? 'Cause I know you've had doubts about how I'm dealing with this situation. I don't doubt that you love franco, okay, and I don't want you to do this alone. You know, franco used to tell me in times of trouble to look to you for clarity because that's what he does.
[ Sighs ] You see, that's -- that's -- that's my kid. You know, he's hip, he's cool, and then he gets schmaltzy like -- listen...we're gonna have to put you up on the stand, and you're gonna have to testify, if that's okay with you, elizabeth. Yeah, I'm fine with it. Okay, now, I don't know who's gonna be representing "drew" or franco, but they are gonna grill you about your relationship with franco. Fine. Um, it won't be the first time that franco's put me in a tough spot. And, no, franco and i have not always gotten along. But, you know, we were just starting to when -- when he saved me. You know, he looked me directly in my eyes, and he told me to tell my mom that he'd be back. Oh, that's great. Hell, that's really good. I was standing directly over him when the procedure happened. I was looking into his eyes while I was watching him disappear. I was the last one to see franco at all. All drew and i want is... another shot at having a life together. I mean, we were kept apart for so long. And now forces are trying to keep you apart again? I'm not unsympathetic to elizabeth. I mean... that's franco's wife. Yeah, I know. And she certainly hasn't got much sympathy for you. Dr. Nero, I-I think I should -- okay, you know what? me kim, please. Ah. Oh. Okay. Sure. Um, kim... you know better than anyone ours isn't a world where finding peace comes easily. Before the two of you can find the solace, the privacy you seek, you're gonna have to make some noise. Noise? Ah. [ Chuckles ] A whole lot of noise. You should know that in order to win this case, I'm gonna put drew in the center ring. I'm gonna build a circus of publicity around him, but when I'm finished
[Chuckles] There won't be a court in this state willing to deny him his true identity.
Now, shiloh called me from pentonville and made it a point of mentioning peter. And peter claims that he went to see shiloh several times because he's laying groundwork for a story that he's working on for the invader. That's the way the guy works. He's always in the proximity to a crime, but it's never his fault. What, is he just innocent? Bad timing? Or he's just good at covering his tracks.
[ Scoffs ] I mean, think about it. Faison orders him to kill me. Right. Right? Instead, peter keeps me drugged up away from my family for five years so I can assassinate his father. And then he turns the whole story around and makes himself the victim and nobody questioned it because he's anna's son. Well, and maxie's boyfriend. And maxie believes that he sought redemption for what he did to you, and made it. If he's the one framing you, I don't care what he means to anna or maxie. Uh-huh. Uh-huh! Uh-huh... um... uh-huh. Huh. Could you...?
[ Clears throat ] Here. Uh-huh? Uh-huh? Now... now. Aha! Aha! Right?!
[ Laughs ] So, how's mr. Mastermind doing? Spinelli? Well, he's been in there a while. We should have his take soon enough. Hmm. I just came from interviewing, uh, daisy kwan. And? Well, she's a little unhinged. I was afraid of that. She gets this odd look on her face when she's talking about shiloh. Like he's god's gift. Ah. Wouldn't shut up about what an honor it was to give herself to him. Ugh. What kind of witness do you think that she'll be?
[ Laughs ] That bad? Uh... she comes across as completely unreliable. So, the fact that daisy delivered the recording to us may taint the recording itself. Unfortunately. Well, I wasn't 100% sure about the recording, anyways. But if spinelli can't find anything wrong with it -- wait, wait, wait. Let's see how it goes. What about the nurse? Sherri cottle?
[ Scoffs ] I'd rather put daisy on the stand. Oh, great.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
[ Scoffs ] Hey, I got to take this. Okay. This is scorpio. Oh. Well, we knew it was a long shot. Yeah. Hey. Thanks for calling me first. Yeah. Robert. I, uh, got some news I've got to deliver in person. Okay, go. I'll keep you posted. You know, I didn't want jason at first. I mean, here he was, the love child with my husband and another woman and all of that. You had every right to feel that way. Oh, and I did. I did. But pretty soon I realized that it wasn't jason's fault. And then I-I got to love him as my own, and pretty soon, he just was my own. It's kind of like how the quartermaines operate. All of you. Well, now, don't misunderstand me. I mean, there's quite a few that will be nit-picking about stocks and the shares of elq. But at the end of the day, it's the family that matters the most. That's how it was with you. If we'd known about you, that you existed, we would have searched every inch of this earth and done everything in our power to help you. Well, after all this time, that's really good to hear. And you have to know that I am here for you. Thank you. You know, I-I-I would have reached out sooner. But in fairness to me, you all had terrible reputations.
[ Laughs ] You --
[ Chuckles ] You don't know the half of it. But if I had known, right? If I'd seen jason's picture in the paper and then reached out, made contact, and maybe sorted all this out when alan was still alive, maybe things would have -- would have played out differently. Yeah. But it didn't, and here we are right now. And we can't -- we can't regret everything that we can't change. That's true. You know, there's been a lot of love that has come into my life in the very strangest ways. And I'm grateful for all of it. Well, if things go my way and I get to stick around, maybe you and I can get to know each other a little better. You can count on that. Are you sure that publicity is the right way to go?
[ Chuckles ] This -- this is no ordinary case. The ramifications here will be precedent-setting. And the question of identity -- it's, like, at the forefront of our culture right now. Gender identity, racial identity, class identity. I mean, that's all drew is asking. He -- he wants the right to be himself. Uh-huh. And -- and to make his own decisions for his own life. Well, aren't we all? And yet some would argue against it. Drew was once this other person -- franco baldwin, correct? Yes. And if I understand correctly, then this person is now gone, erased by some experimental memory procedure. Yes, um, drew has no connection to the -- the man that franco was. Baldwin's wife won't accept that. Look, I-I-I can't blame her. I mean, biologically, he is still franco. But aren't our minds, our brains part of biology? Well, yes, but -- then isn't it fair to say that even biologically, he's no longer franco? Well, that is what I believe. Elizabeth sees it very differently. And... she thinks she can force him to have this procedure. And from what I understand, it's got a better chance of leaving him a vegetable than it does of bringing franco back. Yeah. Look, I -- I don't fault elizabeth for loving her husband. Oh, no. No, of course you don'T. But she's already lost franco, and, I mean, should -- should -- should I also have to lose drew again? And I'm terrified that that is what is gonna happen if we aren't able to stop elizabeth.
Shiloh. Maybe they were business partners. Maybe shiloh's blackmailing peter. That's shiloh's M.O., And peter august has plenty to hide. Wait, guys, maybe we should slow down. Maxie has her heart wide open to this guy. Speaking of which, peter august -- I-it didn't take him long to go after his brother's widow, did it? I'm just saying -- I mean, it's -- I-I-I'm just saying maybe we're jumping to conclusions, and we need some proof, that's all. Okay, I don't like that -- that anna or maxie could get hurt, but if their trust in peter is misplaced, letting it go on is only gonna hurt them worse in the end. Yeah, okay. I'll tell maxie that right after I tell her we're gonna blow her life apart again. I know this might sound selfish to say, but I don't care. I'm proud of us. Everything we've been through, the work that we've both done so that we could be together... we done good.
[ Chuckles ] Thank you, maxie. For what? Having faith in me. You make me want to be worthy of you. You are. And I'm glad you did things right. You know, instead of hiding our insecurities behind a bunch of lies, we were honest with each other. I think that's why we work. We accept each other's wounds and imperfections. So far, anyway.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah. So far. One thing I do know is I'll never have to look over my shoulder the way nina did because you'll never betray me the way valentin did her. That's not the kind of man you are. Hey. Don't look so miserable. I just told you how great you are. I just -- I-I worry that you might not always feel that way. Of course I will. Just don't screw it up. First of all, we're gonna detail how franco came to your rescue, how he -- he knew the risks, that he knew his mind, his memories, and his life -- that -- that that would all be gone and that he was brave. Then we get you up on the stand, and we paint a-a picture of this empty warehouse, this mad scientist, this cult leader with a nehru jacket on, and there was a gurney and he was hooked up to all of these machines, and there was, you know... yeah, I-I-I -- ...a lot of currents and -- I could tell them how terrified I was and how I didn't know if I was gonna get hurt or be killed. Great, great, great, great, great, great. And then -- and then I-I could tell them about how shiloh and that scientist guy drugged me up and I was out of it and I -- whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Drugged up? Do they know that you were drugged up? Uh, no, I-I don't think so. No, no, no, no, no. We don't mention that. It could ruin your credibility as a witness. Elizabeth: Okay, but what if they ask? Well, then, we'll cook something up, you know, for -- we'll have an answer. Um, uh, do you want me to make something up? No. Tell the truth, the whole truth. See, that's where we're gonna win, and it's gonna hurt them. See, then we're gonna paint the picture of franco -- the hero. He put his life on the line to save yours. Well, it's funny. You make it sound so dramatic, but that's exactly what happened. Well, good, that's what we're gonna argue -- that he chose to give up his life for yours. And he wants to come back. And he deserves every opportunity to do that. Drew is a decorated navy seal hero. He has earned the right to make his own decisions and determine his own future. I mean, he should not be subjected to a procedure that he doesn't want. No, you can rest assured, kim, that's not gonna happen. Okay, so, how do you plan to defend his rights? Well, first, I intend to establish that there are no emotional, social, or intellectual traces of franco baldwin left. And since she had him declared incompetent for that very reason, his wife won't be able to argue. In contrast, we illustrate how drew possesses all of those attributes. Drew cain's emotional life, his memory, his personality, his intellect -- in every capacity, save one, he's drew cain. Yeah. Yeah, but that one, it's -- it's pretty big. No. No, bottom line -- drew's personhood isn't defined by the vessel that contains him, but by the mind and the soul that embodies him. How we doing? Great. I want you to meet your client now. Drew needs to know that he is not in this fight alone. It's spinelli. He says that I need to come to the pcpd asap. Let's hope it's good news. Alright, well, I'll tell you when I get there. Spinelli? Hmm? Did you just tell sam to come down? I did. Don't you think it might be a bit premature? Well... didn't you hear it? I heard hum. Hum? [ Chuckles ] Um, um...
[ Clears throat ] Allow me? By all means. Uh... okay. Uh-huh.
We're not gonna be arguing about who you are biologically, but rather about your right to choose who you want to be. It's a hot-button topic right now. We can call in experts to argue about the philosophy identity, but we're gonna be the ones to insist that you get a psychiatric evaluation. T-to prove that you're competent. No. To prove you're sentient. And very much your own man. Well, if only there was a place I could find a shrink. That's a joke because we're in a mental institution. There's got to be a shrink around here, right?
[ Chuckles ] It's good you have your sense of humor. We can use that. How can we use that? The challenge ahead is rigorous. So, I'm just gonna warn you -- if you're pretending in any way -- how -- how -- how could you ask that? Of course he's not pretending. He would never do that to -- franco wouldn't do that to elizabeth. Franco is no more. And elizabeth has no claim to him. Or, rather, do you. Are you willing to fight to prove it? You know, I've never been afraid of a fight. Excellent. Kim tells me you were a navy seal. I assume you have a-a good military record? Oh, he has multiple commendations for bravery. Okay, so, pull it together. Put it in the window. The ribbons, the, uh -- the medals. I assume in this other drew cain's belongings, maybe we can get ahold of some of them? Yeah, I mean, I-I can ask for them. Good. We're gonna have to remind that judge we're acting on behalf of a man who was willing to risk his life for his country. So, what do you think? I think it's time to get the ball rolling. See? I told you we could do this and that I would find someone to fight for you. And you did. I'm gonna need a list of potential witnesses -- people willing to speak on your behalf, describe what losing you would mean to them. Other than dr. Nero, is there anyone you can think of? I can think of one person, but I'm not entirely convinced that they'd take the stand on my behalf.
[ Chuckles ] Don't worry, drew. You just point me in the right direction. I'll take care of the rest. The, uh, flight indicator has the plane going down in bad weather. Um, the pilots were scrambling before they lost control. The search of the I-indicated area has turned up no survivors. So... so, that's it, then?
[ Chuckles ] I'm afraid so. Uh, in a couple of hours, the agency will officially declare drew dead in absentia.
[ Sniffles ] Thank you.
[ Sniffles ] Thank you for, uh -- for coming yourself. That was -- that was really thoughtful of you. I am so sorry for your loss. If it's any consolation, the -- the navy held drew in very high esteem. He was quite remarkable. Jason! Hi! Hey. How's sam?
[ Sighs ] She's, uh -- she's good. We're expecting new evidence to clear her at any time now. That's great. Yeah. You must be so relieved. Yeah, I am. I am. And I wanted to thank you for, uh, helping get dev and wiley to the hospital. I'm just glad I was in the right place at the right time. Yeah, it was pretty lucky, huh? Dev said you were going, uh, to work out. Work out? Yeah, I didn't -- I didn't know there was a gym down by the pier. Oh! Your gym bag! No, peter wasn't going to the gym. Really? No. No, I wasn'T. Oh, okay. So, what -- what am I missing? I don't know why you're being so shy. It's not like jason's never walked around with a bag of money. Why would you be on the docks with a bag of money?
Okay, how -- how long should I expect to be staying? Uh, commissioner, if I may? I think you have to. Well, um -- well, first the bad news. Uh, I could not completely debunk the tape. Therefore I approached it from the other side and attempted to authenticate it. Wait, you tried to prove that I was guilty? Yes, but I-I couldn't do that, either. Um, as I-I explained to the commissioner -- you -- you don't have to stay for this. Unfortunately, I do. So, I-I listened to the recording, paying particular attention to the extreme frequencies, namely anything below 60 and above 10,000 hertz. Normal people ignore those because to our ears, they register as a tape or room...hum, as the commissioner can attest. Yes. I can. Now, someone splicing a tape will pay closer attention to the most noticeable middle frequencies, ignoring the high and low, which is why I looked. Alas, the police software could not identify the precise frequencies well enough to prove evidence of tampering. Yet, enough red flags were raised in several sections to warrant further examination. It's inconclusive. Spinelli and our forensic audiologist -- wonderful fellow, by the way. Very expressive. They both can agree that at this time, they can neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of the recording. Wait a minute. So, does that mean... it means I am going to call robert and make sure that all charges against you get dropped. In the meantime, you're free to go.
[ Door closes ] Spinelli! You are a genius!
[ Laughs ] It was my great pleasure. I loved what martin had to say, didn't you? About the true self being embodied in the soul, differentiating who you are from the body you live in. It doesn't matter what we think. We got to convince the judge. Yeah, but that's martin's job. And I think he's very, very good at it. [ Chuckles ] Come here and sit with me for a second, will you? Hmm. Hmm. How is that? It's so nice. You comfortable? Hmm. Yeah. I got to be honest with you, kim. We got a real fight ahead of us, and I'm a little worried the strain this is taking on you. No. No, no, no, no, no. You don't have to worry about me. Wait, wait. Listen, I can handle this. You think I'm holding you just 'cause it's your benefit? I'm holding you 'cause I get something out of it, too. Come back.
[ Chuckles ] You know... after oscar died, I... I didn't think I'd ever be able to breathe again. And then you came back and found me. And now you can breathe. Even better. Now I can hope. Thank you for letting cameron be a witness. Well, you're the one that's allowing that. I'm just a shark lawyer that'll use every trick in the book to win. You're a good man. Don't tell anybody that. Who would believe me? Uh-huh. I think this is gonna be good for cameron, helping franco. It'll -- it'll empower him a little bit. Yeah, yeah, but you know what? We're gonna need something else, you know, to go in with. Okay, which is exactly why I wanted to speak with you privately. I have something else. What? Kim. Okay, elizabeth, come here. Sit down. Okay. Alright, I'm all ears. All ears here. Okay. What have you got on her? N-- it's not -- [ Sighs ] It's nothing like that. It... a while back, she and i had a conversation. Right after oscar died, she asked drew to have another child with her. Okay? That's why she's latched onto franco, and she's convinced herself that he's drew because she's desperately seeking for some connection to oscar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see. And don't get me wrong. I feel for her. I really do. I mean, I-I remember every second of what it felt like when I lost jake. And I know she's in a lot of pain, but I am not about to give her my husband as a consolation prize. It's no big mystery. Peter was on his way to put a down payment on an apartment. In cash? Yeah, that's not uncommon. Is this some sort of low-key interrogation to find out why peter was on the docks? I'm just curious. You're never "just curious." You also don't just "make conversation." So what's going on? Maxie, please. I-I appreciate you being so protective of me, but after all the wrongs I've done jason, he's entitled to be suspicious of me. You can ask me anything you want, but if it's about that night, there's really nothing more to tell. I was carrying a cash down payment. Did you get the apartment? Alas, no. I gave dev and wiley that ride, and then by the time I finished up at the hospital, unfortunately, the opportunity had slipped away.
[ Elevator bell dings ] Oh! Can you do me a favor? Well, that depends. Are we simply burying evidence or looking the other way?
[ Chuckles ] Can you get a word to dante and tell him that he has a new sister? I-I think he'd like to hear that. That I can gladly do. Dr. Monica quartermaine? Yes. Yes? Ah. My name is martin grey. I'm representing your son drew. I thought that alexis davis was handling his estate. Oh. Oh, I guess you mean franco. No. I mean the man formerly known as franco who now identifies as drew cain. And what can I do for you? It's not what you can do for me. It's what you can do for him. You know, as a doctor, I value two things. That's brevity and conciseness. be as concise as I can, if drew loses this case, there's nothing standing between him and a procedure that may leave him a vegetable. I am aware of the risks. Mm. Well, are you willing to just sit back and see how it plays out? Or are you willing to step up, to fight for drew cain? I don't know. I may be jumping the gun a little bit here, but... I want to start making plans for us, about our future, you know, where we may want to live, if -- if we want to go back to san diego. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Let's -- let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'm all for making up for lost time, but...we need to focus on what we have right here. Now. You're right. Now is good. Am I hearing you correctly? If it becomes absolutely necessary, yeah, you can use kim's state of mind against her on the stand. Okay, but, elizabeth, this -- this could get very, very ugly. I know. And I know kim is still grieving, but franco is franco and not drew. Yeah, I know! And that's what we got to prove. So, you just do what you got to do. Franco is my husband, and I love him. This is war, and all is fair. Hey, how'd it go? Spinelli did it. He had the charges dropped. He proved that the recording was a fake? Not exactly, but close enough. Okay -- tell him the other. What -- what "other"? Well, they just brought in the guy who helped shiloh escape. Stay there. I'll be right down. News? Yeah. The police just captured the guy who helped shiloh escape.
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