General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/3/19
Episode #14379 ~ Sonny and Carly wait; Nina remains blissfully ignorant; Lulu makes a confession to Dustin.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
I'll see you soon, okay? Okay. Sleep tight, honeybun. Love you. Chet: Must be nice. What's that? What must be nice? Getting handwritten notes. I didn't think people had the patience for that anymore. Oh. [ Laughs ] Well, you know something, the author of these letters has nothing but time on his hands. What, my martini's not worth savoring? On the contrary. It's quite delicious. But on nights like these, I prefer to get right to the point. And the point being...? A well-lubricated bout of amnesia. All right, dad, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you soon. Hey, can I, uh, close out my tab? Sure. Well, hiya, michael. Since you're here, can I ask you something? Would you please tell your father to stop ignoring my voicemails?[ Sighs ] I'm scheduled to see avery tomorrow, but I-I-I can't make the final plans for that if he doesn't respond to my messages! I'll let him know. Good. Thank you. I haven't heard from your father in days. Well, he's been a little busy. See, avery and I have a brand-new baby sister... donna corinthos. I'm gonna need another one of those. Or four. Will you please go check on her? I don't want to leave you. I'm fine. You need to be with donna right now. There's nothing I can do but pace outside the O.R. -- So go pace out there. Our daughter needs to feel you close to her. Sonny -- hey. Oh, I'm glad you showed up. Can you -- can you just stay with carly? 'Cause I-I want to go check on our daughter. Yeah. Yes. You found a clue in the painting? Possibly. Then again, I may possibly be seeing something that I want to see. I wouldn't be the first cryptographer who saw a -- a clue where none actually exists. Okay, well, tell me, what do you think you see? That the codicil actually exists. Valentin: What? I'm just wondering where you acquired your musical talents. I can't picture mikkos crooning like that. My father? No, my father didn't sing. He, uh -- he screamed.
[ Chuckles ] And I guess I have to, uh -- to sing because words alone couldn't communicate how much I love you. Only you could say a line like that. Which is why we're getting married tomorrow. Tomorrow. It's so far away. What happens tonight? Well, if I understand tradition, not much.
[ Groans ] And even though I don't want to invite bad luck, I haven't really been a traditional type. Mm-hmm. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. You made a choice, sasha. We both did. I chose to protect your secret in order to protect nina. My niece's happiness is of utmost importance to me, and you make her happy. Therefore, nina must never find out that you are not really her daughter. You don't need to remind me what's at stake here. Nina's happiness is my priority, too. You let nina invest her heart in a lie. You made her believe she finally found her lost daughter. But you're no daughter. You're an imposter. And now we're both in too deep to get out.
Don't act like you're some victim. There's only one victim here -- poor, trusting nina who believes you are the long-lost daughter she adores. You're right. I'm a liar. I took advantage of nina's trust -- stop whining and live with it! As far as imposters go, you're a convincing one. You genuinely seem to care for nina. I do genuinely care for her. So do I. Which is why your moping-about cannot be tolerated. Smile! Convince nina that her happily-ever-after is real. Wow. Is this the, uh, last night out as single people before the big wedding tomorrow? Actually, it's what's left of our bachelor-bachelorette party. Yeah, it turns out driving rain wasn't as conducive to golf as peter thought it would be. And my party bus got a flat, but our luck changed, and we wound up in the same place. Well, congratulations. It seems fate is on your side. Mm-hmm. And what about you? Unless you're grabbing a beer after a softball game, you don't seem like a floating rib kinda guy. Well, the floating rib has its charms, and I thought I'd, you know, go out for something casual tonight since I have a formal commitment tomorrow. I'm looking forward to your wedding. You don't have to do that. I really don't care if you approve of our relationship. But we do care that you respect our life together. Look at the jewels in the collar of helena's jacket. Yeah? Some sparkle, some don'T. Now, I think the pattern is intentional. In fact, it reminds me of a constellation -- corona verum. How did you know that? Well, I'm a little bit of a constellation nerd. Of course you are. Some historians believe that cryptography had its origins with the ancient stargazers, people who looked to the heavens for meaning. Okay. [ Chuckles ] So, what does my favorite cryptographer know about this "corona verum"? "Favorite"? Are there other cryptographers in your life I should know about? I thought it sounded better than "only." I'll take it. So, I know that some of the constellations are connected to greek mythology, right? Mm-hmm. So, I-is this one of them? It's possible.
[ Sighs ] Roughly translated, "corona verum" means "true crown." But it could be taken as "rightful heir." I'll be sure to pass on your congratulations. Ah. Please do. And if you're planning on seeing avery tomorrow, uh, why don't you try and be sober? Thank you for, um, staying with me. Oh, come on, you don't have to thank me. I just think it's better for sonny to be down there, you know, at the waiting room. It's, um, lots of room for him to pace around. I mean, if I could walk, I would be there pacing with him. How you holding up? Physically, I'm fine. Yeah, dr. Navarro said the c-section was straightforward, no complications. Well, that's -- that's great. But I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about donna, you know? I mean, she'S... she's so tiny.
[ Sighs ] They let me hold her for a minute, and she's so sweet and pretty and alert, and I can't believe she's on an operating table right now having surgery. I know.
[ Sighs ] Remember, michael had surgery when he was a newborn. And he came through it, and donna's gonna come through it, too. I know. I know. I --
[ Groans ] And I knew this was coming, you know? I knew she was gonna have to have an operation, but I just didn't know I'd be so scared.
[ Sighs ]
Well, I bought it for you. I -- and donna. But mostly -- mostly for you. You don't give presents. Well, this is a special occasion.
[ Giggles ] It's a travel guide. Like the one you gave michael. Yeah. Africa was, uh... the first book he had. I just -- you know, I just thought it was a great place for you and donna to start. Thank you. What are you doing? Hanging out over my shoulder? Well, I wasn't hanging out. I was just in there, and I was gonna go -- since when do you have a "honey bun"? Since I picked her out at the breeder'S. Honeybun's my dog. You have a dog? Yeah. Hence the frisbee aiden and I were playing with. Oh, that was your dog's frisbee? It's the only thing I had in my car. Ah. What kind of dog is it? Uh, she's a lab. What was that? A labrador retriever. They're very popular. Right. Named "honey bun." Yes. And it's been a while since I've seen her, okay? The talking helps with the separation anxiety. Yours or honeybun's? Both. I'm just trying to make sure that my baby's managing okay without me. So go ahead, tease me all you want. I'm not teasing you. It'S...sweet. It's very maternal. That's me. Maternal. Hey, I found this book about constellations in the library, and y-you're right, there is a -- a-a myth that's connected to corona verum. Look. Here it is. Oh, let's see what you found. "A distant relative usurped the crown from the rightful heir, earning the enmity of the gods, who cast him down." You did it.
[ Laughs ] You did it! You absolutely nailed it. I mean, look, helena bequeathed this portrait to nikolas for a reason. It fits! It all fits. Unless helena was toying with nikolas. Weren't -- weren't they at odds when she died? They were. Yeah, she tried to control him for decades, tormented him. And then eventually, he sort of flipped, and he used her tactics against her. And he actually became as ruthless as she was. I think that was her plan all along. But would she want to help nikolas or hurt him?
[ Sighs ] She definitely would want nikolas to inherit before valentin. Nikolas is her own flesh and blood, and valentin is the product of her husband's infidelity. She would never want the cassadine estate to land in valentin's hands. Well, the painting seems to confirm that valentin's not the rightful heir. But that doesn't bring us any closer to learning the codicil's whereabouts. I don't know about that. Maybe the answer's in the stars. Nina doesn't know you're nursing a guilty conscience. She's afraid you're going to have a relapse. Do you want her worried on her wedding day? No. Of course not. Then stop thinking about yourself and think of her. Nina's going to be married. Never mind that the groom is a lying serpent. Be the daughter nina thinks you are, the daughter she needs you to be instead of selfish sasha nobody from nowhere.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ] Valentin, you son of a bitch! Well, I hope the wedding tomorrow will serve as a new beginning. And not just for the two of you, although that's -- that's most important. How perceptive of you to realize that. But also a new beginning for you and me, nina. Professionally, of course. No more spying, and, uh, no more secret files. Okay? You were the one with the secret files. Yes, but you both enlisted curtis to spy on me. It was a wasted effort. We could've, uh, focused on the magazine. Anyway, look, moving forward, I would -- I would like to do better. So would I. Let's, um, put the past in the past and leave it there. Couldn't agree more. Well, to honor our truce, what should we drink? Dr. Obrecht: A vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred. Dr. Obrecht, how lovely to see you. And you,
herr jacks. But please, didn't we agree to call me liesl? Well, liesl, uh, only if you call me jax.
[ Chuckles ] Well, then, jax. Will you join me in a vodka martini? Yes, but only if I'm buying. How wonderful. We can catch up.
[ Nina stammering ] Aunt liesl, I'm sorry, I think that's gonna have to wait till tomorrow. We have to get back to wyndemere and catch up on our beauty rest. My beauty requires minimal care and maintenance.
Wir holen
morgen auf, liesl. Vielleicht ersparst
du mir einen tanz?
[ Chuckles ]
Ich werde
die studen zahlen.
[ Speaks german ] Boy, what a man. Mm! What a man. Yes. Jax is very, very charming. Um, aunt liesl, please...take it slow. Don't worry yourself. Jax and I are both cosmopolitan citizens of the world. I didn't even know he could speak german. What did he say? He asked her to save him a dance tomorrow night. He's so athletic. No doubt he'll be a marvelous dancer. Okay. I think this conversation can end. White wine, please. You got it. Michael: Hey. So, I'm gonna go to G.H. To, uh, check on my mom and donna. Enjoy. I plan to. So... I'll see you tomorrow? Without a doubt. Look, uh, try and keep your chin up, okay? This will all be over soon. Surely we have time for a drink. This is your last night of freedom. It must go down with a roar, not a whimper. No, no. We have to get back to wyndemere. Don't you want to rest up for your big dance tomorrow? Perhaps you're right. I want to make the most of tomorrow's opportunities. Great. Hey! There you are! Okay. I think this is good night. I hate that you're gonna be spending the night out there on spoon island. If the weather gets any worse, they're gonna close the harbor. You won't be able to make it back tomorrow. Then I'll swim to you. Nothing will keep me away from you. Nothing.
Nina! Oh, hello, lulu. Hey, lulu. You know what? Thank you so much for coming out tonight. I know we've had our ups and downs, but I really appreciate you making the effort. It's not you. It, uh... okay, I-I think that you would want... lulu, are you okay? Looks like somebody's overindulged a little bit. I'm not drunk! Valentin: I'm not judging you. This is a bachelorette party. I just don't want you to get dehydrated. Big day tomorrow. I don't want you to have a hangover. Yeah, no judgment. I'm a little tipsy myself. I guess I'm tired. Yeah, just go home, get some rest. And you know what? If you can, show up to the church early tomorrow. The photographer can take some really cute pictures of you and charlotte, okay? Okay. Okay. Yeah, that's nice. Enough chit-chat, time to move. A thousand pre-wedding details and rituals await. Okay, hold on, hold on. Just drive safely. I'll see you tomorrow. Yes, you will. Do you understand how much nina means to charlotte? Yeah, I'm aware of that. If you jeopardize that relationship or charlotte gets hurt even a little, I will tear you down. Do you understand me? Go home, lulu. You're drunk. Lulu. Hi. Can I buy you a drink? I would rather get some fresh air, if you don't mind. Sure. Cheaper, too. Yeah. Hey! Are you okay? I have to get out of here. Haven't people used the stars to navigate for thousands of years? Maybe corona verum, maybe the position of it in the sky means something. Its position when? Maybe when the stars are brightest? Like the jewels in the painting. Yeah. Exactly. M-maybe they indicate the location of the codicil. So, let's start by finding out when corona verum is its most visible. Okay. So, um, what are you doing here? Oh, I got roped into valentin cassadine's bachelor party. I... anna's son begged me. Things you do for love. Mm. Hey, there you are. Finn. Hi. Hey. Uh, you go ahead and grab us a table, okay? I need to use the restroom. She okay? Hmm. I guess she just misses her dog. You know, strange, I never thought of hayden as a dog person. It's news to me, too. She never mentioned honeybun? Who? Her labrador?
[ Crying ] Ava? Rough night?
[ Sniffles ] Rough couple years. Uh... I'm sorry, but, um, do you mind? I just need to get in here -- yeah, you know, actually, I-I do mind. Okay, now you need to tell me what's going on. What are you talking about? I know you. You wouldn't have left if it wasn't important. What happened?
[ Sighs ] Sam's been arrested for shiloh's murder. What? How is that possible? Shiloh was a kidnapper and a sexual predator.
[ Sighs ] Sam shot him to save your life. I know. Sam shot him in the back. What was she supposed to do, politely ask him to turn around? I-I know, I'm just telling you what the cops said. Well, the cops are wrong! Yeah, they are wrong. But one of the nurses overheard sam and I talking the night it happened, and sam said something potentially incriminating. So the nurse took it to the cops. Now, diane says the nurse's statement is hearsay, but...then somebody else dropped off a recording of sam saying that she wanted shiloh dead. People say stuff like that all the time. But -- but sam didn't even say it. The recording is fake. Somebody's trying to frame sam. It doesn't make sense. What would somebody get out of framing sam? I don't know. Maybe it's a-a couple leftover people from dawn of day. I have no idea. But if -- if it -- if that's all it is, diane can handle them. But sam is still in lockup. She'll be arraigned tomorrow and hopefully then that's gonna be the end of this.
[ Door opens ] Is it over? Is she okay? I didn't see donna. Operation's over. The surgeon's gonna come talk to us.
[ Sighs ]
Here. Thank you. Better? Yeah. Thank you for walking with me. Yeah, sure. You seem stressed. Well, I-it's complicated. Well, I can handle it. I just found out that someone I know is being lied to by a person they love. Is it bad? It's despicable.
[ Sighs ] Are you gonna tell them? I haven't decided. T-there's a chance that this someone would -- would prefer not to know. Hmm. So, do you help someone by hurting them, or hurt them by not helping them? That is my dilemma. I mean, what do you do? You think you really know someone, and then it turns out they're not th oh, okay, I got it. "Corona verum is visible in the northern hemisphere from november through march." Mm-hmm. And I have -- here -- the longitude and latitude right there. Got it? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay, please tell me it's not the middle of the ocean. The latitude and longitude is spoon island. You're kidding. No. Look.
[ Laughs ] That's it!
[ Laughs ] We did it! We solved it! Oh, my goodness. Oh! But -- but -- but -- but -- hold it. Hold it just a second. Uh...this house is massive. There's the grounds. There's the outbuildings let alone the island itself. I'm not sure we've narrowed it down at all. You're right. You got your first clue from the painting... you think there might be another one. Yeah. Nina: Hi, we're home!
[ Laughter ] Thank you. Do you have, like, a de-puffer in your purse or something, or like -- no, I don't have a de-puffer. I've never needed one. I don't typically engage in public crying jags. I didn't think you cried at all. Well, I thought the same of you. Where did you get that idea? Nikolas.
[ Chuckles ] I couldn't afford to be vulnerable in front of him. Why not? I mean, he was a wonderful and sensitive, generous man. You know he wanted me dead, right? Hmm. So he had some contradictions. Don't we all?
[ Sniffles ] He certainly cured me of the mysterious brooding type. The simpler, the better for me.
[ Laughs ] Really? Finn doesn't strike me as, uh, all that simple, to be honest. Who said anything about him? Finn and i are completely done, so please, don't spread any other ideas. Why would I do that? I just want to be clear. I put finn in the past, totally gave up on him, much like you seem to have given up on life.
[ Glass shatters ] Oh! Ow! Yeah, hayden has never mentioned her -- her dog, uh, honeybun. Not to me. But to be fair, she also never mentioned that you were engaged, 'cause we don't really talk about our personal lives that much. We just kind of keep it strictly business. Finn, we need your help. Um... what's the matter? It's ava. She's -- she cut her hand. She's in the ladies'. There's no one else in there.The ladies' room? Yes. All right. So, are you gonna tell me why you called this meeting? Well, first, I'd like an explanation. Why haven't you told finn about your child?
[ Elevator bell dings ] I know, I know. Diane, please, I just want sam out. Okay? And we can deal with the rest later. Thank you. Hey. Uh, for your mom? Yeah, I was hoping we'll have some good news to celebrate. So, is there any -- any word on donna? Well, the operation is over. Uh, the surgeon's talking to your parents right now. That surgeon? Yeah.
[ Sighs ] Hey. What happened? What did the surgeon say? Our little girl came through with flying colors. She's gonna be okay!
[ Laughs ]
[ Chuckles ] Donna's gonna be okay. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Surgery was a complete success, no complications. Well, it's a miracle. First uncomplicated corinthos. That's right. There wasn't any damage to the neural tissue, so they cleaned up the membranes, and they closed the hole in her spine. So, when does she get to come home? Well, donna's gonna have to stay in the nicu for a few weeks. You know, she's on antibiotics in case there's an infection. She also has to be monitored very closely to make sure the surgery site is healing the way it's supposed to. But the surgeon doesn't think there's any reason that it shouldn'T.
[ Sighs ] I'm happy for you guys. They're moving her to the nicu if you want to see her. Of course I want to see her. Okay. Michael? Uh, we -- we can take shifts. You guys first, and I-I can stay with mom. Yes! All right. I'll see you, sweetheart. Give my love to donna.
[ Chuckles ] So, how do you stay so strong? Oh. [ Laughs ] You wouldn't be saying that if you saw me during the surgery.
[ Sighs ] I don't know what I would do. Um, I guess it depends on what it relates to.
[ Sighs ] Okay, you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone. I don't know any of these people except for you. Yeah, I need to hear you say it. I promise. This is your secret to keep or to tell. Okay, then. It turns out that nina's daughter, sasha -- she's not her daughter at all. It's a scam! And I know that valentin had something to do with it. He probably cooked the whole thing up himself, and now nina is gonna marry that smug bastard tomorrow! And here I am, armed with all this information that could just blow valentin out of the water! Only... only you would be the one to destroy the wedding. Right!
[ Exhales sharply ] All right, so look at it from nina's perspective. If you were her, would you want to know the truth? Don't you think we've had enough? No. And you can't say no to the bride. Certainly not. To my darling niece. I wish you nothing but the best.
Prost. Thank you. Cheers. Mm! I have gifts for you two.
[ Gasps ] Me first! Me first!
[ Laughs ] Okay. All right. Here we go. Aunt liesl, you first.
[ Gasps ]
Mein gott. My very own karaoke machine. Thank you, sweetheart.
[ Laughs ] I will be prepared to audition for "american idol" in no time. Thank you. All right. Now it's your turn.
[ Chuckles ] Nina, I -- I can'T. Of course you can. What is it? Look. What A... significant gift. This is way too much. Oh, there's no such thing when it comes to you. Of course it's not the original heart necklace -- that one got lost. But I had this made for you. And it -- it fits -- it fits my piece. Look. See? It's A... turn around. It's a perfect fit, sasha. Just like us. Yeah. Yeah. Um... let's keep our theory just between the two of us right now, okay? I sort of feel like hayden could still be a wild card. Someone could've heard you out there. Why haven't you told finn the truth? I don't see how this even involves you. Every time I cover for you, I become your accomplice. That's a role that I'm not really that comfortable with. Look, you're gonna get caught, so you may as well just cut your losses, okay? I won't get caught. Really, hayden? I mean, your lies are becoming more desperate by the minute. A dog? Named -- named honeybun? I had to cover. It's too late to do anything else. I mean... if finn had come to rome, I would've told him about our child, no question. But he chose not to meet me, and now he's moved on with anna. Doesn't change the fact that he has a -- a daughter he doesn't know about. Ow! You may not wanna look. I'm kidding. The cut isn't even that deep. Are you sure? I mean, it hurts! Mm. You won't even need a stitch. Just keep some pressure on the wound, all right? Aah. And then when you get home, you put a proper bandage on it, and you disinfect. Okay. And, uh... you may want to lay off the booze, though, or else it's just gonna keep bleeding. As if this night couldn't get any worse. How'd you cut yourself, anyway? Your ex-girlfriend, actually. She offered an unsolicited and completely inaccurate assessment of my life. I mean, who is she to judge anyway, right? How -- how -- how did you end up with that little hypocrite, anyway? We never "ended up" together. I'm engaged. And since when has that stopped anybody?
Nina: When I went to the jeweler to have this made, I thought about what my life would've been like if valentin never found you. And you know what? I couldn't imagine that. You made me a better person. I know we would've found each other one way or another 'cause we were destined to be together. Thank you for being my daughter. I love you, sash. Of course I would want to know if I was being lied to! But maybe it's better to just let her live in ignorance. To sit on this truth. How am I gonna make it through the wedding? How am I gonna keep my mouth shut while she exchanges vows with that liar? Okay, here. All right, this might be a long shot, but maybe a little distraction at the wedding would help. What kind of distraction? An escort at your side. Smooth. I try. I could be your backup. You got a date? No. Want one? All right, it's time for bed. It's getting late.
[ Groans ] Yeah, I'm tired. Oh, come on!
[ Sighs ] Okay. All right. Good night.
[ Sighs ] Good night. I can hardly wait for tomorrow and for you to be by my side. It's gonna be beautiful. Mm-hmm. Good night. Good night. Sweet dreams. Good night, niece. Good night. [ Laughs ]
[ Groans ] That's enough out of you. Valentin: Woman's a real buzzkill, isn't she? You're not supposed to be here! I needed to see you one last time.
[ Laughs ] I have something important for you. There have to be other clues in that painting. And a photograph is a poor substitute for the real thing. I'm sure there are lots of clues there. I mean, helena intended for nikolas to figure this out. Are you eyes closed?
[ Chuckles ] Yes. Open them. Valentin... it's beautiful.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] I love you. I love you. I'm trying to think of the last time I saw your fiancéE. It's been months. And here's hayden -- still head over heels in love with you.
[ Chuckles ] Hayden's made it pretty clear she feels nothing for me. Don't kid yourself. And don't let hayden kid you, either. You know, she's lying if she tells you she's over you. Telling finn would just throw both of our lives into upheaval. Okay, if that's it, then it's probably for the best. What -- what do you mean? Are you saying that if finn finds out about our daughter, he wouldn't want me back? Oh, that's not what crossed my mind, but it's obviously crossed yours. Everything has crossed my mind. Every possible scenario, from happily ever after to an ugly custody fight. And every time, I come back to the same conclusion -- finn can never know. Oh, I just -- donna was so tiny and fragile when I held her, you know? And I just kept worrying that something was gonna go wrong in surgery and that that one moment was all I'd get. Well, you know what? Now you got -- got a lifetime of moments to look forward to with donna. She's a very lucky girl. Yeah? Oh, yeah. Yeah, she's got the best mom in the world.
[ Chuckles ] I love you.
[ Monitor beeping ] There she is. What do you think?
[ Chuckles ] I mean, she's, uh -- she's so tiny. Tiny but fierce. Carly and I chose the right name. Our little girl's a fighter.
[ Monitor beeping ]
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