General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/20/19
Episode #14370 ~ Shiloh testifies in his own defense; Lulu is supportive; Peter is suspicious.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
dn't standlooking at shiloh's face. Uh, but, uh, listen. Uh, jason will fill you in when he gets the news. I was just gonna get something -- some lunch. I was gonna get you something, but it looks like you're -- you're on the other line or whatever, so, uh, I'll just improvise. All right, bye. Carly: Yes, I realize the semester has already started. But you know what? Dev is a fast learner, and I feel like your school is a perfect fit for him. An interview? I think that would be a great idea. This essay is such a waste of time. Not a hawthorne fan? Not a fan of the assignment. What's wrong with it? "Explain the symbolism of light and dark in 'the scarlet letter.'" I would much rather talk about whether the book is misogynistic or feminist. You know why it's dark in some scenes? Because it's nighttime. The end. You -- you're quiet today. Something wrong? No. Don't tell me you're still worried about school. It's not working. We're going to have to send dev away, for everyone's good, including his own. Maybe a little. Thank you for lunch, salad goddess. My pleasure. This is long overdue. Agreed. Oh, I have so many updates.[ Gasps ] More fun stories about hot dustin? Oh, my god. I am still mortified about my mother walking in on us. Yeah, I'm sure she was, too. Next time, why don't you give her a heads up? Can we change the subject?
[ Chuckles ] Mm. So, how's james? Delicious. Aww. And how are things with you and peter? So good. [ Sighs ] I'm almost nervous. We're not gonna get another opportunity like this. There can't be any mistakes. Do you understand me? Don't worry. After today, shiloh won't be a problem for anyone. Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I do, so help me god. -Guys, I want you to meet someone.This is jamie. You're going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -I'm not calling him "dad." -Oh, n-no. -Look, [Sighs] I get it. Some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. Right, champ? -I'm getting more nuggets. -How about some carrots? You don't want to ruin your dinner. -You're not my dad! -That's fair. Overstepped.
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[ Laughs ] Already? Yep. Yeah. Our teachers did not go easy on us these first few weeks. Hit the ground running, as they say. Yeah, well, it feels like we're sprinting. Listen, you got a lot of homework on your plate and the whole thing. Why don't you take some time off at the warehouse? Are -- are you sure? 'Cause -- yeah, yeah, I'm sure. I think I -- you know, we can survive without you for a bit. Okay. I'm very proud of you, staying on top of your homework. Well, don't worry. I'm not gonna ditch again. I am back to being an outstanding pchs student. Good, because that's one thing less for your mom to worry about now that the baby's on its way. Knock, knock. Hey, mom. Hey, come in, come in, come in. Wow. I'm glad you're home. To what do I owe this surprise visit? Oh, well, I thought I had a little time before I have to pick up wiley at the nanny, so I figured I'd pop by. Oh, gosh, I wish you would've brought him. I miss that little guy.
[ Laughs ] No can do 'cause I got to take him straight to the y for his swim lesson. Wow. That kid gets around, huh? Yes, he certainly does. Mm. Well, brad and lucas are both working today. They didn't want him to miss his lesson. You sure are living up to that "world's best grandma" mug.
[ Laughs ] Oh, I'm trying, and I'm hoping to stay on the same streak with your little one. Mm. Which is actually why I'm here. Okay? I wanted to go over a few things with you. Like what? Your due date is approaching like a freight train. Mm, it is. Time is flying by, isn't it? Yeah. Too fast for my liking.
[ Chuckles ] You haven't shared your birth plan with me yet. Uh, it's all set. Dr. Navarro scheduled my c-section weeks ago. What? Yeah. You're having a c-section? Oh. Damn. Is something wrong? I was gonna ask you to lunch, but lulu beat me to it. Mm. Rain check? I will have to see if I can pencil you in. Oh, well... please do. Hey, shouldn't you be working on your story? Well, this is the first break I took all day. You know, covering the pet fashion show was a larger time investment than I had anticipated. Well, did you at least have fun? Yeah, maybe for the first hour. Ooh, how long? It was a three-hour parade of dressed-up pets with punny supermodel names. I'm scared to ask -- giselle dachshund and cartulodoodle for starters. That must have been painful. Little bit. Well, I'm sure you found a good angle for the story. I tried. I did. I just, I -- you know, I'm craving more. Okay, I know that I promised I wouldn't ask you for any more professional favors, but I am desperate. Can you please convince my editor to put me back on the crime beat? Could you state your name for the record? I'm david henry archer. Thank you, mr. Archer. Shiloh, please. Thank you, shiloh. What is your occupation? I'm founder of the organization dawn of day. We've heard testimony from former members about the supposed horrors that happened within your organization, so I'm gonna go ahead and ask what I bet the jury is wondering. Are you the leader of dawn of day, and is it a cult? No. Absolutely not. And I take issue with the term "leader." Why's that? Well, no one person is above another in our organization. But you described yourself as the founder. We're an alliance of equals. What does dawn of day do exactly? Well, community outreach mostly. Um... such as? Clothing drives, food drives, beautification projects, things of that nature. Would you describe members of dod as volunteers to better the community? Yes, I would. Uh, but I think a more vital component of what dawn of day does is that we're a self-help organization. Could you elaborate? Certainly. Well, uh, we believe that in order to heal the world's wounds, we must heal ours first. We have a program in place that has -- that has helped many lost and misguided souls, some of which are -- are in attendance today. Kristina corinthos-davis, for example, came to us confused and troubled, alienated from her family. We put her in our outreach program and we watched her blossom into a self-assured young woman. Her mother, uh, alexis davis, she was involved in a -- a highly toxic and abusive relationship with her ex. It was widely known around the city of port charles, and through the work that she and I did together, we helped move her to a stable, more mature relationship. And then there was samantha mccall. Now, unlike her sister and her mother, she came to me under false pretenses. You see, initially, she had approached me to -- to help her work with a -- a co-dependency issue she had with her son's father. But the longer she and I worked together, it became clear to me that she had ulterior motives, and that, ultimately, that she was conspiring with the man who tried to kill me. And that's jason morgan. The day after chemo shouldn't mean going back to the doctor just for a shot. With neulasta onpro... ...patients get their day back... be with... ... family... ...or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study... ...neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17%... 1%... ...a 94% decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver... ...neulasta the day after chemo... ...and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome... ...have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing... ... or allergic reactions to your doctor right away in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes... ...fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect... is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor... ...about neulasta onpro. Pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. Be right there baby. Whoops. Sorry. Unlike ordinary diapers pampers is the first and only diaper that distributes wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. They stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night wishing you love, sleep and play pampers
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Sc johnson. What makes a sauce, rag ? Is it our 80-year heritage? Or is it the fresh taste, born of farm-grown ingredients? Actually, it's both. Only then do you get to be called rag . Simmered in tradition. Objection! The witness is assuming facts not in evidence. Well, it's a fact that jason morgan threw me down a flight of stairs. Your honor, the witness is making unsubstantiated allegations. Sustained. Keep your client focused. Yes, your honor. Do you take issue with sam mccall's testimony? I take issue with the fact that she lied. Objection! Inflammatory.
[ Sighs ] Overruled. But I advise the defense counsel to tone down the rhetoric. Yes, your honor. What might have motivated ms. Mccall to give false or misleading testimony against you? I believe it may have had something to do with our past history. Could you elaborate on that past history? Certainly. Many years ago, sam mccall married my father under a false name and proceeded to wipe out our entire family's life savings. I'll mention your concerns to your editor. Hey, that doesn't sound proactive. Wait. No, maxie, it's okay. Anything you can do to help, it's really appreciated. My help comes with a price. What? Lulu, I want you to assure me that you're gonna stick to reporting. No more vigilante stuff going after the suspects yourself. I promise I will stick to the story. Are you sure that this is a good idea? I mean, writing lifestyle pieces, it gives you more time to have a personal life, doesn't it? I mean, it's true that -- well, if you go all in with the crime beat, you won't have time to hang out with hot dustin. I don't want to cause you or mom any stress, okay? I know that the baby is our number-one priority right now. Sonny: I'm glad to hear that. And look, I'm -- I'm gonna go get mom some food, okay? So, you guys need a ride? No, I think we're just gonna finish up these essays here. You sure? Yeah, no, I really want to get it done so I can actually enjoy my weekend. All right, I'll see you two at home. Back to symbolism city... you know, even if the essay is giving you a tough time, I'm, uh -- I'm glad you're getting a head start. Dev, I don't know if I can take another pep talk right now -- I'm not trying to give you another pep talk. I'm just saying I'm glad you haven't written off school. Why would you opt for a c-section? Oh, um, dr. Navarro thought that it would be a safer option. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It must be pregnancy brain.
[ Chuckles ] Oh, okay. Well, enjoy that excuse while it lasts. Yeah, I am.
[ Laughs ] Are you getting nervous? I am a little. You know? I, uh... yeah. Well, just know, honey, you are doing everything right. I'm trying. There are advantages to a c-section, especially if you anticipate a difficult delivery, but that's not a problem for you. Because we would know by now if there were any serious complications with the pregnancy. Be right there baby. Whoops. Sorry. Unlike ordinary diapers pampers is the first and only diaper that distributes wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. They stay up to three times drier so babies can sleep soundly all night wishing you love, sleep and play pampers
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There's something I haven't told you about the baby. What is it, sweetie? I --
[ Door opens ]
[ Sighs ] Hey, bobbie. Hey. If I'd known you were here, I would've brought you something from kelly'S. Oh, it's okay. I'm good. Hey.
[ Sighs ] So, uh... how you doing? Good. Aww. Mwah. So, carly was just about to tell me something about the baby. Let's hear it. What's going on with my grandchild?'s just, sonny and I, um, we've known the sex of the baby for months now, and we decided not to tell anyone. Oh. Well...I might be a little offended by that. I mean, you can't even tell your own mother whether you're having a boy or a girl? Well, I-I was going to, I wanted to, and then -- and then I just kind of changed my mind.
[ Chuckles ] Ah.
[ Sighs ] Well, you're not gonna have one of those big gender-reveal parties, are you? Absolutely not. No, I think it's better if we surprise the whole family. Okay, well, at least we're all in the dark together. Yes. [ Laughs ] You'll know soon enough. Yeah. So, um, I would love to stick around and try to weasel the truth out of you, but I gotta go get wiley. Yes. Off you go. Bye-bye, handsome papa. You take care. All right. And next time, my dear, save the dramatics.
[ Chuckles ] I know. I'll -- I'll try.
[ Laughs ] Okay. Take care, you two. Bye. Bye. You're not gonna tell your mom about the baby's diagnosis? I-I just thought about it, you know? And, um... I don't know. I just -- the more I thought about it, the more it just didn't make sense. I mean, we don't know the severity until after the baby is born, and I know my mother, god love her, and with the best intentions, she will just hover and hover and hover. And I don't know. I guess I want the next few weeks of my pregnancy to be...peaceful.
[ Sighs ] All right. Then it's settled.
[ Sighs ] We'll wait until the baby is born. Okay. Okay?
[ Sighs ] Just being in that building, it brings up so many memories of oscar. I am constantly reminded that he's not gonna meet me in the hall after class. He's gone. I'm sorry.
[ Sighs ] No, it's okay. Well, I mean, no, it's not, but I don't want to stress out my mom or sonny. I'd rather endure school for seven hours a day. So you're making the sacrifice for them? Well, and for myself. You know, I don't want to mess up too bad or make them think I'm losing it. There is no telling how far those three would go if they think they're protecting me. Here, take a look. Tell me what you think.
[ Sighs ] Yeah, seems -- seems good. Right? I've done a little research. I think this school's a perfect fit for dev, and I've been in touch with them. You what? I spoke to the admissions office. Well, they'd have to interview dev personally, of course, but they're open to accepting him this semester, even before the holidays -- carly, stop! Now! I never agreed... to send dev away. I didn't know you and dustin were serious. We're not. I wouldn't exactly call what happened "casual." Okay, I'm sorry. Despite what cupid over here has to say, I don't even think that dustin and I are a thing. They're a thing. Well, definitely not serious enough to affect my career decisions. I-I'm sorry. I don't understand why you think my work life and my social life will conflict. I mean, yours don'T. You guys seem to be balancing your work lives and your love lives just fine. I'm not exactly hunting down criminals. Just those of the fashion variety. Okay, don't cut yourself short. You are second in command at a national fashion magazine. Only until she's running her own fashion magazine. What's that? Nothing!
[ Gasps ] It's not nothing. It's something. It's something you don't want peter to tell me. Maxie, are you leaving crimson? Are you sure that ms. Mccall was aware of the connection between you and your father? Yes, she confronted me directly, and I assured her that I had long since forgiven her, but she did not believe me and did everything in her power to make sure I was removed from port charles. Objection, your honor. Samantha mccall is not on trial here. Goes to motive, your honor. Ms. Mccall would have reason to fabricate these allegations against the defendant. Objection is sustained. Jury will disregard the defendant's speculation with regard to ms. Mccall. Ms. Soto? No further questions, your honor. Ms. Arden, your witness. You stated that everyone within dawn of day is equal, but that's actually not true, is it? Some are more equal than others. Can you explain how the trust operates? Well, the trust is the highest level in our organization. Hmm. And trust members are, by definition, expected to have sex with you. Well, that's not the -- yes or no. Does initiation into the trust conclude with the initiate having sex with you?
[ Clears throat ] It has on occasion. How many occasions? Five? 10? 50? Give me a number. I don't know. I don't keep track of those sort of things. These sworn affidavits given by your victims may sharpen your memory. How many women did you initiate into the trust? How many women did you order to drink that drugged tea to lower their inhibitions? Now think about how far you've come. And not only that -- think about where you're going. How many did you mark with your tattoo?
[ Tattoo needle buzzing ] How many did you sexually assault? You can't dodge fate.
[ Gasps ] Even if you did change your name... "ms. Tait." I want you to leave. That's what you want. You see, that is not what i want. You see, you made a promise to me to never leave me, and you broke... that...promise. Elena: Objection! Withdrawn. Boo! Ahh! (Laughing) (awkward laughter) (laughter fading) I'm sorry for what I did to your face. All good. Have a break! (Wrapper rustling, snap) (doorbell chime) have a break. Have a kit kat. Charmin ultra soft! It's softer than ever. Charmin ultra soft is softer than ever... so it's harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird. Enjoy the go! With charmin! Discomfort back there? Instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief of preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. Preparation H. Get comfortable with it. Judge lowe: It's late. We'll adjourn for the day and resume tomorrow. Defendant will be returned to pentonville.
[ Gavel bangs ]
[ Clears throat ]
[ Handcuffs clinking ] Chase: Hey. Willow: Hey. You were so amazing. I'm so proud of you. Thanks. I have to stay here for a little and handle some details with the D.A. Are you gonna be okay on your own? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Uh, I don't know about you, but I could use a drink or two... or 10 to unpack all of this. Um, any interest? Let's get the hell out of here. I'll text you when I leave here. I love you. I love you, too. A most satisfying day. I mean, shiloh l-looked like he was drowning up there. I should've known he was gonna use my past against me. Shiloh always has another card to play. Yeah, I think spinelli's right. Your testimony was strong, and so were the other witnesses. But still, we have to cover every possible angle. Okay, w-what can I do to help? Well, you have to find out about the connection between peter and shiloh. Right, will do. Um, I'll let you two know if anything comes up. Okay. Thank you, spinelli. Hey.
[ Sighs ] You okay? Jason, I cannot believe he used my past against me to make himself look like a victim. I know, I know. We knew this was coming. When shiloh opted to stand trial, his only hope was to cast doubt on his witnesses. Try not -- try not to let it get to you. No, I'm not gonna let him win. I can'T. Not after what he did to kristina and willow, jason. I just -- I can'T. Bryce: Hey! Hold up. Let me help you. Warden wants this to be a two-man operation. I thought we were on the same page here. Obviously not. I-I only agreed to continue the conversation. Yeah, and I just wanted to have something to present to you when we did. Well, I didn't think you were gonna go off and -- and schedule an appointment for dev to be interviewed. Nothing has been scheduled, sonny.
[ Sighs ] The admissions office just gave me times that worked for them. I s-- you know, I-I really don't think it's right for dev to -- to go off anyway because it's just -- maybe -- I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.Okay, I don't know what you want me to do, all right? I-I'm not gonna ask josslyn to keep lying to her father. I won't do it. And I won't do it to dev. It's too hard on him, sonny. He knows his presence here means that josslyn's life is a lie -- at home and at school and everywhere in between. I -- I know it's asking a lot for josslyn to be patient during this, you know, arrangement. It isn't sustainable. But it could be! How? Tell me how. Maybe we can consider... letting josslyn move in with jax for a little while. I don't want to talk about school anymore. Can we talk about literally anything else? How's your job? Do you like working at sonny's warehouse? It's fine. "Fine"? Be more vague. What? Things are okay. You're gonna flunk english if you don't expand your vocabulary. What do you want me to say? How it's really going. It's going good so far. I just... I just feel like I'm not really needed down there. How come? I don't know, just the way some of the crew talks to me. Do they talk down to you? Yeah. They seem to think that sonny made up the position to keep me busy. Isn't that kind of true? Yeah, but I feel like I'm getting in the way. Not just at the warehouse, but... at your home, too. Peter: I'm sorry. That just -- it just came out. Whoa! Wait. This is happening? Nothing is happening. Nothing. Okay? I'm not leaving crimson. Okay. Then what were you referring to? Peter is fixated on the idea that I could run my own magazine. And where I appreciate his confidence... why do you sound so reluctant? Because I'm happy at crimson and I love working for nina. But don't you want more? Okay, now that you've hijacked my catch-up session with lulu, I'm going to politely have to ask you to leave. Understood. Oh, uh, and, lulu. Hmm? One more thing. Um... I wouldn't rock the boat at work. Oh. I mean, not until I've had a chance to speak with your editor. Thank you. Thank you. I would really like to get back to crime. You know, I would love to cover the shiloh trial. Uh, too dark. I know, but it --
[ Sighs ] It's torture waiting for details on trials from other reports instead of just being there. Yeah. I know the feeling. Enjoy your lunch, ladies. Bye. See you soon. Shiloh: When you came to port charles, you lied about everything. Your name, your background, what you did to jason -- you kept that poor bastard prisoner for five years. And, again, we're back to your lack of proof. Henrik, come on, man. I'm an eyewitness. And, yeah, you can deny it. But with your track record, who is gonna believe you? No one. Especially not that little cutie you brought to the nurses' ball. What was her name? Maxie jones, wasn't it? What do you want? I want to get the hell out of here. You're gonna make that happen. Warden didn't say anything about this being a two-person transfer. Yeah, well, you know the warden. Sees all the media attention this trial is getting, all the crazies coming out of the woodwork. So he thought you could use some help. Just in case. Whatever the warden wants. All right, let's roll.
[ Cellphone rings ] Uh, excuse me. I-I got to take this real quick. Go start the van. I'll be out in a second.
[ Ringing continues ] The situation is being handled. Good. It better be finished by the end of trial. Keep me posted.
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Find something incredible from somewhere amazing. Unique selection. Unbelievable prices. Homegoods. Go finding. You want josslyn to move in with jax? I just think that having josslyn live with her father for a little while would do the least damage to her and to dev. Okay, well, you can forget that idea, because that is not going to happen. I know you want to help dev, but it will not be at josslyn's expense. Carly, I never meant to prioritize dev over josslyn. I hope not, sonny. I'm just -- I'm just thinking out loud. Okay, w-well, then, you need to keep thinking, because that plan does not work for our family. I am not uprooting josslyn. This is her home. Can you imagine how devastated avery would be? The first thing out of avery's mouth in the morning is, "where's josslyn? Where's josslyn?" I would -- I would never sacrifice our family for dev. I'm just trying to help the kid out. I know. I get that. But you're not his father. Maybe the best way to protect dev is to keep him at a distance. I can't hang him out to dry, carly. We would never do that. But -- but sending him to boarding school just feels that way. Okay. Look at it like this.
[ Sighs ] We would be sending dev to a place where he can create the life he wants. He wouldn't have to worry about fielding questions about his past. Dev would be free. Hey, you're not getting in the way. It's not fair that you have to lie to your father about me and everyone at school. It's just -- it's a lot. But I really, really appreciate everything that you and your family have done for me. Yeah, I know, I know, I know. You're grateful. I heard you the first 100 times. I'm serious. I just want you to know that everything you've done has meant a lot to me, whatever happens. "Whatever happens"? What's that supposed to mean? It just means that anything can happen to anyone at anytime. Yeah. I don't want to go another day without apologizing. I'm sorry if I was a jerk at the beginning. It's okay. And if suddenly I weren't around... I'd want you to know how much your kindness really meant to me. Okay, you can stop the whole auditioning thing, dev. Okay? You booked the gig. You aren't going anywhere. All right, um, well, I'm gonna head home. Are you coming? Uh, you know, I'm -- I'm gonna stay here. I didn't like what I wrote. I'm hoping inspiration will strike. All right. Well, I'll see you at home. Where you're not getting in the way. So, tell me about this new job opportunity. There isn't one. Not until you leave crimson. Why would i leave crimson? This place is, like, part of my dna. I've been here forever. Remember when we were assistants? I do. And I know how passionate you are about working here, but you're not obligated to stay. I mean, maxie, we are talking about your own fashion magazine. No, we're talking about a fantasy, because there's no real offer on the table. Well, not yet, but maybe. Besides, starting a magazine at this day and age is like asking to fail. Okay, well, have you at least thought about what you would do if there were an offer and you were suddenly put in charge?
[ Sighs ] Okay. If I had my own magazine, it'd have to be an online site. I mean, crimson has an online presence, but that just supplements the magazine. If I ran my own operation, the site would be the crux of the whole enterprise. And I wouldn't just want to report fashion for fashion, I would want it to be a lifestyle brand. We would generate video content, recapping concerts and theater that young people can't afford to go to, interview influencers from williamsburg to silver lake, get guests to talk about the history of fashion and designers. So, basically, you haven't thought about running your own magazine at all? Excuse me, D.A. Scorpio. So, what do you think? Well...shiloh's testimony could've gone better, but I do believe that the jury will see through him. I hope you're right. We all want shiloh brought to justice. But it's gotta be done within the legal system. Not your personal brand. Understood? Spinelli. Who taught you to sneak up on people like that? I am well-versed in the techniques of stealth and surveillance. Yeah, no kidding. You startled me. Well, apologies. I hope I didn't disturb your call. It sounded serious. Just business. Shiloh's trial is business for you? For me and every major newspaper publisher. Ah, yes. I'm interested as to the angle
the invader takes on shiloh. Well, you can read about it. If you have the invader online, of course. Didn't mean to overstep. Just curious. About something specific? In point of fact, peter, I'm curious about you. After all, you're getting very close with my daughter's mother. Now...I hope you're not planning any retaliation. All eyes are on this trial. If something happens to shiloh, well... the pcpd and my office know exactly where to start asking questions.
[ Scoffs ] Are you kidding me? That little lecture was not only unfair, but it was unnecessary. Yeah. Scorpio doesn't think so. What does he think, you're gonna go after shiloh while he's in cuffs with guards with him? He thinks that I want shiloh dead, which is true. And he thinks I could get to shiloh, which is also true. If the system fails, I'm gonna deal with this personally. If that happens, scorpio can ask all the questions he wants because they're not gonna be able to prove a thing.
[ Sighs ] Chase: Damn it! Chase? What? Shiloh! What? He's gone.
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[ Sighs ] Listen, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna keep an open mind about this. Well, don't take too long to make a decision. Or we'll have to wait till the next semester, and that doesn't start till january. We'll make a decision before the baby's born, all right? Just to be clear here, my goal isn't to pick on dev or to push him away. Okay? My -- my goal is to support my daughter. And at some point, if josslyn wants to divide her time between us and jax, we can have that conversation together as a family, all right? I'm not gonna uproot my daughter for dev. I won't do that. I want josslyn to pick what's right for her. Sorry for rambling. That was not rambling. I'm proud of you, maxie. You sound so excited. Look, I have this vague notion of what I would like to do, but I'm no entrepreneur, okay? I'm a fashion editor. I'm not qualified to launch my own magazine. I don't know. That sounded like a pretty smart business plan to me. You're being too kind. I remember when I was considering switching careers and becoming a journalist. It just -- it seemed like a pipe dream. And then a very close friend of mine made me realize that three things will make your dream become a reality -- talent, drive, commitment -- and you have all three of those. Oh, my god. I did say that, didn't I? You did. And you were right. Look, it's a great thing to talk about and everything, but it's not gonna happen, okay? There's no way I'm leaving crimson. Not yet, anyway. Well, why not? Because the last few years have been really rocky for me. And things are finally starting to settle down. Besides, I like how much time that this job gives me to hang out with james and peter.
[ Scoffs ] Why would I want to jeopardize that? Mom? Hello? Greyfield academy. Boarding school?
[ Scoffs ] We should do a double date. You want to g-go out with me and maxie? And ellie, of course. Next time we're all in the same city, we should grab dinner together. Great chance to get to know each other, d-don't you think? Sounds great. Yeah. Yeah, and with the holidays coming up, I'm sure we'll be back in port charles soon. Why don't you float some dates by maxie and we'll set something up? Will do. Great. Well, till then, right? Yes. I guess I should get going. I'll, uh -- if you'll excuse me. I'M... thank you.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Clears throat ] 'Tis I, the jackal. I need you to trace a cellphone call that just pinged off this tower. How could shiloh be gone? He was on his way back to pentonville cuffed and under guard. Shiloh's van never made it back to pentonville.
[ Sighs ] Whoa. Is there a problem, officer? I'm afraid so.
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