General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/26/19
Episode #14352 ~ Chase interrupts a private family gathering; Finn is stunned by a series of test results; Nina gets a startling text; Alexis drags Diane to a workout class; Willow tries to salvage the rest of her year.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
[Punchy music] And you, too, man. Say it. What? It's a little weird. I don't know. This --[ Chuckles ] I mean, really. I mean -- I know that sonny and carly love each other, but they're not really for, like, over-the-top romantic, and, uh, this is kind of [Chuckling] A huge gesture. Yeah, well, I'm going with it. Yeah? To take a break from the nonstop drama and to enjoy flowers and cake and to appreciate each other. Okay. Bring it on. Bring it on, sistah.
[ Both chuckle ] You know, I could think of another couple who could stand to appreciate each other, even [Exhales sharply] Do something -- I don't know -- over-the-top romantic. I hate you, I hate you. Alexis, boot camp? Outside? In august? It was a fundraiser... for a worthy cause. Well, I nearly died. Is that worthy enough to you? What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Or sends us directly to the er.
[ Sighs ] Hey, ladies. Oh. You two really know how to rock a push-up, and I'm not talking about the bra. Oh. Good job today. Yeah. Yeah.
[ Breathing heavily ] Did you hear her? She said "good job." Let's eat. Okay, but you're buying. Fine. Someplace nice. The metro court. And I'm gonna order a burger and fries and wine... I'm having a cheeseburger. ...And dessert. Fine.A cheeseburger. Oh, that'll sit well. Hey. Hi. I see you, uh, lived to tell about your lunch with liesl obrecht. Yes. Actually, I had a nice time. Ha ha. You're not kidding. Uh, no. You know, she's actually very smart. She races formula 1. Did you know that? I did not. Yeah. And she despises me. Well, I'm sure you can handle it. And truth is, she can be a helpful ally against valentin. And how will nina feel about that?
[ Monitor beeping ] Hi. How's my girl? Tired. Yeah. Yeah, I bet.
[ Sighs ] Michael was here. He was so sweet.
[ Chuckles ] He wanted to stay, but I told him to go be with his family. Yeah? Well... I know I'm no substitute for your amazing boyfriend, but I can try. Do you... want something to read, or how about something to eat? I could get you something. I could -- it would be nice to know what's wrong with me. Yeah, it would. Bad news for sasha. I knew it was a possibility, but I was hoping it wasn't the case. Whatever it is, can it be treated? So, how are you? Are you -- are you doing okay? That is, like, the fifth time you've asked me that. I'm good. Good. Great. I'm glad to hear that. Are you alright? Okay, look, I don't know how to do this, so I am -- I'm just gonna do it. Okay. Do you remember when you called my apartment my lair? Oh, my god. Like, who even uses that word?
[ Sighs ] No one. Why?
[ Laughing ] Why did you bring that up? Because I'm curious. How would you feel about sharing said lair with me? How you doing? Good. Mm. Carly come down? Not yet. How you feeling? How are the nerves? Uh, I'm good, you know? I mean, they've done this before. Once or twice...
[ Chuckles ] ...Maybe -- maybe more.
[ Knock on door ] Michael: Hey. I hope you don't mind, I, uh, I parked in your spot. My car isn't in my spot? I don't know. Maybe one of your guys moved it? We have a problem. What do you mean? What's wrong? I can't find josslyn. Was dev upstairs? I didn't see him. No dev, no josslyn, no car. What's wrong with this picture?
You really should hydrate. That's the plan.
[ Sighs ] So, explain to me again why you just tortured me with a workout worthy of the marines. Because I'm -- I'm trying to broaden my horizons and -- and [Sighs] Uh, create new challenges. Mission accomplished. Both physically and mentally. Yeah. I've -- I've joined a book club. I'm volunteering with a group that's working with prison reform. Oh, how nice. And this broadening of horizons comes at the recommendation of a certain therapist? No, my therapist fired me, and then I went to my old therapist and he fired me, too. Neil fired you again? So he could pursue a romantic relationship? Yeah. No. So he could get me out of his life. What happened? Where to start? We got stuck in the elevator, and he opened up about his daughter. Ooh.
[ Glass taps lightly ] Then he came to my house the next day, and he said that it had gotten too personal and that he felt a-a-a personal connection... mm-hmm. ...And I mentioned that I may have felt a personal connection, and it -- it -- it got awkward. Oh, suddenly everything has fallen into place. Carly, what are you doing? I'm calling josslyn. Okay, carly... what do you want me to do? Stop and count to 10? If -- if it was just dev, I'd be concerned. But if he and josslyn are together, I'm sure it's gonna be fine. How sure? I mean, come o-- thank god.
[ Door closes ] Oh. Looks like everyone's here. Yeah, we're wondering why you took the car without permission. -Yeah. -Uh, you have my word. I'm an excellent driver. He actually is. That's not the point, josslyn. And thanks to you, I have my current and legitimate license. Yeah, well [Chuckles] You know, that doesn't mean you get to take the car without asking. It's actually my fault, okay? I was getting ready to call an uber when dev saw what I was doing and he offered to drive me. Drive you where? Okay, well, I know that this isn't a formal wedding or anything like that, but, mom, you guys are renewing your vows, so you're gonna need a bouquet.
[ Chuckles lightly ] Did you just ask me to move in with you? Poorly, but, yeah. Wow. That'S... is that too much? Is it too soon? No, no. It'S... it's wonderful. I just... I need you to be honest with me. Always. Are you asking because you really want me to live with you, in your apartment, all the time, with all my stuff and all my... me?
[ Breathes sharply ] Or are you asking because you know I'm out of a job and I need to find a cheaper place to live? I am aware that you are looking for a place to live, but that is not why I asked you. You're sure? Oh, my goodness. Willow, this is not a pity offer, okay? I asked you to move in with me because I want to live with you. Yes, with -- with all your stuff. But most importantly and especially with all your... all your you. I want sasha started on a protocol of oseltamivir. Hopefully, we can catch this thing. On it. Thank you. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dr. Finn, listen, here's the deal -- if you can't diagnose and heal my daughter, I have no qualms of -- of finding another -- we know what's wrong with sasha. You do? She has a very rare case of the flu. The flu? But you -- you already tested her for the flu. Not in this form. That's how...rare it is. I had my suspicions. It turned out I was right. Okay. What is it? Avian influenza A. What? Wait... sasha has bird flu? I didn't think that that was a thing anymore. It's so rare the protocol doesn't even demand that we test for it. Well, that's good news, right? Now that you know what is wrong with her, you can treat her, right? Yes. What? There is the possibility that we might be too late.
The pragmatic part of me wants nina to be happy, eh, which is good for business, and I also want the magazine to do well, of course. And the personal part of you? I like nina. No, not like that. I mean, obviously, she's in love with her fiancé, and I'm -- I'm happy for her. I'm also sad for her at the same time. Why? Well, because loving someone like cassadine, um, can be difficult, you know? They try not to disappoint you, but in the end, they always manage to do exactly that. You speak from experience. Yep. My brother's like that. Jerry is lethal to everyone except me. He loves me. He can't quite grasp that I won't stand by him while he wreaks havoc, which... I think that nina and valentin are also like that, you know? He's, uh, smart, amoral, clearly worships the ground she walks on... mm. ...And she thinks she knows him, but in reality, she doesn'T. Well, if this rolls out the way it's supposed to, valentin is going to lose. Yes, he will. And that means nina will lose, too. Finn: There are effective anti-viral medications, but they only work if administered within 48 of symptoms. 48 hours? Sasha's been sick longer than 48 hours. We're starting her on medication right now. Then the medication might not work? Sasha's right on the cusp. Only time will tell. No, that's not -- that is not acceptable, dr. Finn. Please, there must be something else that you can do. Nina, I wish there were. What happens if the drugs don't work? What's this? Something that will hopefully make you feel better. But you don't know if it will. Dr. Finn will be in shortly to explain. Take the pill, please. Kristina: How's sasha doing? Uh, you know, she's not -- she's not great, but, uh, she insisted that I come. She knows how important family is to me, so... well, dad seems good. Yeah.
[ Doorbell rings ] He really does. This is nice, isn't it? A happy, normal family gathering. Us? Normal? Eh. Okay, well, as close to it as we can get. Bobbie: Hello, hello. Hey, bobbie. Oh. How is everybody? Good. Thanks for bringing him by. Oh, of course. You know, we cranked up the music in the car. We were singing the whole way, right, mike?
[ Laughter ] This one's got a -- a set of lungs on her. Yeah? So, are you, uh, are you ready to tie the knot? Again? I am more ready than I've ever been in my whole life. Sam: Oh, stop it. Look.
[ Chuckles ] May I present to you the cutest flower girl in port charles? I love your dress, avery. Avery: Thank you. You look very beautiful. Thank you. Hey, but what makes you really beautiful? My heart. That's right. Your heart. Come here. Bobbie: Oh, my goodness. I've got to get a picture of this. Okay, all the kids. Let's all get together. -Come on. -You got her?
[ Grunts ] Perfect. And say "cheese."
[ Cellphone camera clicking ] Together: Cheese. Now a funny one.
[ Laughs ] Well done.
[ Laughs ] Look at that.
[ Chuckles ] You did that. It's incredible. Yeah. So, I, uh -- yvonne and i were looking at some pictures someone took of our wedding... mm-hmm? ...And I... well, I saw you were there, and I realized that I-I-i was a little bit out of it that afternoon. But now I know. So, thank you, son.
[ Laughter in distance ] It was an honor to be there with you, and I'm really happy that you're, you know, sharing this day with me. You and me both. Here! Here! Here! Here!
so, max and I went on one of those romantic cruises around the lake. You mean the booze cruise. Potato, potahto. Anyhoo, dr. Byrne was there, as well, with a woman. Good for him. Why? Why what? Why "good for him"? It's good for him that he's having a good time.
[ Chuckles ] Who said anything about having a good time? They weren't? Well, I mean, it wasn't a disaster of epic proportions, if that's what you mean. I mean, nobody got tossed overboard, but I did manage to overhear a bit of their conversation. Fine, I eavesdropped, okay? Anyway, the point is that they both agreed that there would be no second date. So, it was a first date? Blind? Ish. He met her online. Mm. I see no reaction there. I knew that he dabbled a bit in online dating. Well, I went online and looked at his profile. Of course you did. He goes by the name of "byrnebrain," in case you're interested. Living with you would be amazing. I agree. With you, not with me. I-I know what it's like to live with me.
[ Chuckles ] But have you ever done that before? Does my college roommate count? Uh, no. Then, no. No, I haven'T. Have you? No. Then we'll be newbies together.
[ Exhales sharply ] It's just scary. I promise, I will always leave the toilet seat down. I'm being serious. So am I.
[ Sighs ] Things are going so great. What if we do this and it ruins everything? Bird flu? Y-you thought it was obsolete, right? This may sound a little strange, but did you have any contact with birds either here or in puerto rico? Uh, I mean... no more than anyone else. I-I certainly wasn't playing with them or anything. I understand. How about when you were in the water, swimming? Anything like that. Did you come in contact with birds then? We went into the ocean. Nothing enclosed? No. Well, how did she catch this, then? I'm trying to figure that out. Is sasha contagious? It's rare for the virus to be passed from human to human, but were are gonna need to test anyone that had close, physical contact with you before becoming symptomatic. Michael.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ] You look beautiful. Thank you. Dearly beloved... I mean that, 'cause we, uh... we love all of you here. Thank you for being here, uh, today with carly and me to... renew our vows. It's, uh... means a lot. Okay. Ready? Let's do it.
Nina's a spoiled little rich girl. Oh, come on. It's not like she's had an easy life. Pfft. Who has? I didn't commit even close to the atrocities nina has, and I had to crawl on my hands and knees on broken glass to come back from it. Meanwhile, nina has always had this comfortable cushion of money, so people are lining up to forgive her. Oh, poor nina. She's mentally unstable. Poor nina, her -- her mother put her in a coma. Boo-hoo. I thought you'd be immune. I guess not. Will you please reach out to michael corinthos, uh, obrecht, maxie jones, and valentin cassadine? They all need to come in to be tested. Yes, doctor. Thank you. How long until we find out if the medication is working? I've given sasha the highest dose possible, but it may be a couple days. No, that's too long. I'm sorry. It's all we have. Is gh equipped to handle such a rare virus? No, let me put it another way for you -- if sasha was your child, would you accept this place as the best possible care? Yes. If I had a child, there's nowhere else in the world I'd want them to be. What if I annoy you? Impossible. Oh, it's very possible. Okay, what if i annoy you? I'm a clean freak. Oh, like I haven't figured that out already? You actually know how to fold a fitted sheet.
[ Chuckles ] That's -- that's easy. I'll -- I'll teach you that. You just have to promise you'll tell me if you feel too crowded or too... anything because the worst thing would be for you to just
[Chuckles lightly] Suck it up and go along with something that turns out to be a mistake. Maybe we should stop looking at the worst-case scenario, okay? Yes, I want us to be honest. I will tell you if you are getting on my nerves, and you have to tell me if I'm getting on yours. I will. But the reason I asked you to move in with me is because I love you, willow, and I love being with you, and I think that this -- you and me -- could turn into something so special. So, instead of looking for all the ways that this could go wrong, what do you say we look at all the ways that it could go right?
[ Sighs ] Well, when you put it like that... so, is that a yes? Yes. Thank you for asking me. I would love to move in with you. I am not looking up my ex-therapist's online dating profile. You're not curious? No. Liar. Why don't you just admit that you've got it bad for him and he's got it bad for you? Wildly evident in that he doesn't want anything to do with me. Oh, please. Neil's just scared. You probably evoke feelings in him that he hasn't felt in a long time, if ever. If it's meant to be, it wouldn't be this hard. It's only hard because the two of you are making it hard. Look, honey, I am the first one to say professional boundaries ought not to be crossed, but there are no more boundaries. He's not treating you. So, just behave like two consenting adults. It's too messy. Messy? You want to hear messy? I once represented a client who had an incredibly sexy, flexible bodyguard. Well, you should know. You walked in on us. Probably not the best match for me, but max and I decided to just go there, and it's the best decision either of us ever made. We found each other soul mates. That's wonderful for you and max. And it can be wonderful for you. Honey, there has got to be a happy medium between having so many don'ts that you end up with no one and saying yes to a homicidal lunatic like jerry or julian. Speaking of julian, he's moving to manhattan with kim. Mm. Change of subject much? Did it work? No.
[ Sighs ] Mnh-mnh. Well, before we get started, I, um, I want you to know that I will always love you, even though it's not always easy.
[ Laughs ] And even though I sometimes want to stop loving you, and god knows I've tried, I can't because you're it for me. You are. You have been from the beginning, and you will be to the end. Got it? I got it. With that said, I, caroline, take you, michael -- who are those people? Eh, she's got a point.
[ Laughter ] Right, okay, um... I, carly... take you, sonny... to be my husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish... forever. My turn, right? Yeah, it's your turn.
[ Both laugh ] I don't know what to say that you haven't already said. Uh... you're it for me. At the worst of times, you're the hand that I reach for, and at the best of times, like today, you're the hand that I reach for. I, sonny, take you, carly, to be my wife, to have and to hold, for better, for worse... ...for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health... love and -- and to cherish... ...forever. I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know. Okay, are you ready? You may kiss the bride.
[ Laughter ] Yes!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Nina, y-you don't have to stay here with me. Oh, I have nothing else to do. What else would I do? Oh, I don't know. Run a magazine, spend time with your fiancé and step-daughter. Why don't you go back to wyndemere and take charlotte out for a ride? I bet lumière would love to stretch his legs. Lumière is fine. He gets a lot of attention. Unless I'm hovering. Am I hovering? No. No, I-I'm driving you crazy, right? No, no. Because I can hover, you know? You can admit it. Please. I can be a lot sometimes. You just ask anyone. Nina. They'll say, "yes, nina's a lot." Nina. Nina. You have no idea how grateful I am for you. I do have an idea, 'cause you know why? I feel the same about you. My liking for nina has nothing to do with her money. In fact, I would like her more if she had less money because she'd be more motivated to stay at crimson. Are you having regrets? I wouldn't have embarked on this if I didn't think it was worth it, but I do regret what it's going to cost nina. Onward, then. Okay. We have to get into the trophy room at wyndemere and find the codicil to mikkos' will. Get our hands on that, and the cassadine fortune is restored to its rightful heir.
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Laughter ] Yeah! Yeah!
[ Laughter ] Oh. Gonna give you this little piece.
[ Laughter ]
[ Speaking indistinctly ]
all these good, good times thank you.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ] Okay, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. I know you're looking at the bouquet, but you're a little too young. But sooner or later in life, I'm gonna get you a bouquet, okay, I promise. Well, let's not give dad a heart attack on his wedding day.
[ Laughter ] Come on, baby. Aww. Alright. Wait, wait. Um, aim for sam. Oh, I'm already on it. Okay. You guys ready? Josslyn: Uh-huh. Are you guys ready? -Yeah! -Whoo! Okay. Alright. One, two, three. Oh. -[ Laughs ] -Uh-oh. Somebody call scott.
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ] Alright, I'm on it. Duty calls? Unfortunately. No, it's actually very fortunate because I have a lot of packing to do. And I have to make some space in the closets and the fridge for all your... cold-pressed juices.
[ Chuckles ] You know what I can't wait for? That, uh, meal-prep service you use. Yeah? I can't wait to help you cook. Oh. Are you saying there's something wrong with my cooking? Uh, no. Yes, you are. No, no. I'm -- I'm just saying I look forward to learning together. I look forward to learning all kinds of things, willow. See you at home? See you at home. And how do you feel about this move? Fine. Just fine? Julian and kim work -- julian and I didn't -- full stop. Despite your erotic dream about julian, which you described in great detail to neil? Do we have to keep talking abouthow dysfunctional I am? I'm just saying, with neil, you could probably put the "fun" in "dysfunctional." I'd rather not. Okay, so, it's boot camp and book clubs and volunteering. Yes. What's next? Jelly-making and weaving and cats? I am not ruling that out. Hi again. Ooh, I was thinking of getting the niçoise. How is it? Delectable. Best in town. Well, that's decided. I'm kendra, by the way. I promise not to horn in on your lunch. I just wanted to say hey and see if either or both of you might be interested in a personal trainer. Is that what you do? -Yeah. -Mm-hmm. But didn't you just compliment us on our push-ups, not the bras?
[ Chuckles ] Why would we need a trainer? Well, my work is not only about physicality. I like to take a holistic approach to fitness. Healthy body, healthy mind, right? Or, at least, that's the goal. Mm. I have some testimonials in case you want to take a look. No thanks. Sure, why -- excellent. Thank you.
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This is actually very impressive. Can I give you my business card? Sure. Why not? Thank you. Have a great lunch, ladies. Thanks so much. Bye. Bye-bye.
[ Sighs ] We need to talk to carly about keeping pushy salespeople out of here. Hey, you two.
[ Chuckles ] Carly: Hey. I'm gonna drive mike home. Okay. I can't, uh, I can't wait to fill yvonne in. Oh. Please tell her we said hi and we missed her. We're so glad that you were here. Oh. Hey, it was very special that you were here.
[ Chuckles ] It was special to me that I was here.
[ Laughter ] I love you, mom. Oh, I love you, too, sweetie. Mwah. And congratulations. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Mwah. Alright. See you, dad. Bye. [ Chuckles ] Bye. Bye. Bye. Mwah. Okay. -[ Sighs ] -Wow. [ Chuckles ] I'll see you at home? Oh, yeah. Hey. You heading out? Yeah, I'm gonna pick the kids up at monica'S. Today was perfect. -It was, wasn't it? -It was. I love you both so much. I love you, too. Bye. Congratulations. Well, you've done it again. Literally. Mm. Mm. Look, I'm, uh, I'm really happy for the both of you, and...
[ Door closes ] ...I'm glad I was able to be a part of it. Yeah, us, too. That's right. Will you please tell sasha that we're thinking about her? Yeah, I will. Alright. Love you. Congratulations, you two. Thank you. Alright, I'll see you. Okay.
[ Sighs ] We did it. We did it.
[ Laughs ] Do you have a plan? Yes, I do. I'm going to convince obrecht to let me into the trophy room. Do not tell her why. What? You don't trust her? Do you?
[ Chuckles ] No, of course not. So, wish me luck, okay? Good luck. You're gonna need it. That place is creepy. Taxidermy really isn't your cup of tea, huh? Oh, it's not just the animals. It's the photo of helena on the wall. Oh. Yeah, that makes more sense. I have an endo appointment, but I can reschedule if you need me. Hmm? Oh. Yeah, no, no. Uh, go. Um... thank you. You were a tremendous help today. I just don't understand how that young woman contracted avian flu. If she hadn't been to asia or had direct contact with birds, it's really only one other way -- sasha had to consume tainted food. But the disease isn't foodborne. That's correct, which means someone purposely contaminated something that sasha ate. I'm sorry. I can't think of another alternative.
[ Sighs ] Hey, look, go. Go to your appointment, alright? And, hey, epiphany? Good luck with your a1c. Thanks. Okay. I'm so tired. Oh, then sleep. Try to sleep. Your body does its best healing when it's sleeping, love. Come on, body. Help me out here.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Oh, my god.
[ Breathing heavily ] What is it? You look happy. I am. I am happy. You know, I really wasn't sure about it when you suggested this, and now I'm really glad that we went through with it. So, I was right? Yes. 'Cause I'm always right.
[ Laughter ] And humble, too. Well... no, really. I seriously think that you... can just be running around like crazy, racing to the next thing, and I think you have to stop and take a breath and appreciate where you are, and I'm really lucky. Yeah. Yeah. I could have said that.
[ Laughing ] Okay.
[ Doorbell rings ] Oh. Alright.
[ Sighs ] Detective chase, what brings you by? I have a few questions to ask you about a missing person -- an employee at your coffee warehouse, the foreman barry ziegler.
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