GH Transcript Thursday 8/22/19

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/22/19


Episode #14350 ~ Curtis gets a lead. Kevin just wants what's best for Ava. Franco seeks Kim out.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

Here.Hi. Hayden... what? What are you doing? I'm just trying to make the place a little, uh, cheerier for my nephews when they come home. That's very sweet of you, especially since I know you're more comfortable behind a desk than with a bunch of kids. Oh, you know, my comfort zone has expanded in the last couple years. Besides, I'm here to help.

[ Sighs ] Hey.

[ Gasps ] Hi! Hey, baby boy. Give me hugs. Oh! Oh, I missed you, I missed you, I missed you. How was your time with grandma laura? Did you have fun? Yes. Oh, good. Say hi to aunt hayden. Hi, aiden. How you doing, cam? Doing okay. Cam said you're staying with us. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna be here, help out a little. Why? Where's franco? Hey, dr. Finn. You got a minute? Hey. You're in luck. I just got done seeing my last patient of the day. Yeah. I need to get in touch with your fiancéE. Oh, well, unfortunately, anna's still out of town. Um, would you like me to relay a message to her? I have to find out if she's been in touch with andre maddox. Oh! There you are. While I'm here... I'll take a vodka martini, please. Filthy. Three olives. Kevin: Ava? Oh!

[ Laughs ] I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry. Are you all right? No, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing personal. I'm just -- it -- I'm -- I'm just not gonna get used to the same face that's on, uh, you know... I understand. Listen, I don't want to bring up any unpleasant memories, but...

[ Sighs ] I've been thinking about you. Oh. Well, it doesn't take a psychic to figure out that laura told you that I've been seeing a psychic. Chelsea lam. And she'S... I was gonna say "terrific," but that would make it sound like I enjoy our sessions, which I don't, so I will settle on the word "effective." She's a very effective psychic. Is she helping you contact your daughter? Yeah. But it -- it turns out I don't need chelsea's help. Kiki contacted me directly. You know, uh, it 's not too lateto change your mind.

[ Chuckles ] Listen, I understand that we're in a better place, but, uh, I think you like the idea of me being close enough to call, yet far enough away not to screw things up. Well, when you put it like that, maybe.

[ Breathes sharply ] Willow, what's going on? You're not thinking of selling charlie's? I am, actually, but, uh, it's already a done deal. Yeah, my dad and kim are moving to manhattan. You're leaving town? Yeah. [ Sighs ] But -- but your family's here. Trust me -- I have every intention of remaining in wiley's life. Just -- just as you will be, willow.

[ Indistinct conversations ] I know you're supposed to sip it and then spit it out, but that is such a waste of wine.

[ Conversations continue ] Mmm. Lulu? What's the matter? Is it too oxidized? Of all the rideshare drivers in all the world, you had to call that one. Here. Try a "buttery chardonnay that pairs well with salmon." Oh. Thank you, dustin! You know, it's a shame peter couldn't join us and make it a foursome. Shiloh: Look, when you came to port charles, you lied about everything. Your name, your background, what you did to jason morgan. I mean, my god, man, you kept that poor bastard prisoner for five years. And, again, we're back to your lack of proof.

[ Laughs ] Henrik, come on, man. I'm an eyewitness. I heard what I heard. I saw what I saw. And, yeah, you can deny it. But with your track record, who is going to believe you? Hmm? No one. Especially not that little cutie you brought to the nurses' ball. What was her name? Maxie jones, wasn't it? What do you want?

[ Scoffs ] I want to get the hell out of here. You're gonna make that happen. I publish a newspaper. I don't control the legal system.

[ Sighs ] And you're facing enough charges to put you away for the rest of your life. Well, henrik, I have confidence in you. I do -- after all, you weren't just a simple newspaper publisher all those years in europe. Those days are over. Yeah. Well, you'll find a way. Or would you prefer to face robert scorpio... and everyone else you care about? I mean, do you want everyone to know that you were in on drew's kidnapping, that you were helena cassadine'S... "project manager" for the whole thing?

Aiden was asking about franco, and, um, I told him that you'd explain. Uh, I'll just be upstairs. No, wait. Um... can you stay? Please? It's a family discussion. Sure. Thank you. Sit down, aiden. Scoot over. Um... so, we wanted to have this conversation with you and jake, but jake really wanted to go camping with kelsey's family, so I -- I let him go, and I'll just have to explain all of this to him later. Explain what? So, franco can't be here with us right now, but your aunt hayden is gonna stay to help out while franco's getting better. What's wrong with franco? Is he sick? Um... he has something that's -- it's kind of like amnesia. Do you know what that is? You forget everything, and you don't know who you are. Did franco forget us? I was sleeping, and kiki, she just appeared at the foot of my bed. She was wearing the same dress that she was wearing when she was killed. Did she speak to you? Not a word. Not a whisper. She just stared at me. Like, really stared, like, into my soul. And then I woke up. What does chelsea have to say about this dream?

[ Chuckles ] Well, apparently, chelsea doesn't do dreams. But a certain dr. Freud, well, he made a career of dream analysis. Isn't that right? So, maybe this is your department. What do you say, dr. Collins? What do you think my daughter is trying to tell me? Comes down to your word against mine. Who will people believe -- shiloh, the cult leader, or peter august, the man who turned his life around, admitted his mistakes, and was accepted by the good people of port charles?

[ Scoffs ] Hey, pete, let me tell you about the good people of port charles, all right? They love you when you're on top, but they will cut your throat when you fall from grace. And, buddy, you are headed for a fall. And all of the good people of port charles -- they're gonna turn on you. Now, once I plant those seeds of doubt, scorpio's gonna look into every half-truth that you have ever told, and then, when that happens, I am gonna sit back, and I am gonna watch the story of your blameless existence unravel. I've never claimed to be blameless. Your nearest and dearest will know that you called the shots, that you delivered drew to helena cassadine, that you drugged jason morgan into oblivion and locked him away in a glorified gulag. Even if I could somehow get you out of here, how do I know you'd keep silent? Well, you don'T. But what choice you got?

I know this is really difficult, but we just have to be patient. Franco is... confused right now. Everyone comfy? Want a carrot? Or another pillow? Here you go. Sorry. I'm new to this warm and fuzzy stuff, but everything is gonna be okay. Your mom's the best, right? Yeah. You know, we got this. So, if you have questions, you should just ask away. Franco and I were going to make a seven-layer cake. We bought all the ingredients and everything. -Right. -Well, I'll make it with you. Yeah, and you know what? I know nothing about baking, so I would love to see a master at work. And you know that franco would never want you to stop baking, right? Yeah, we can even put a piece in the freezer for him, and he can have it later. Aww. But who's going to make us feel safe? I guess we'll just -- we're all gonna have to pitch in for that one. That's what families are for -- do the hard stuff together. Right, mom? Right. Well, I am glad that chelsea didn't try to say that the dream was a message from the other side. You really should meet her. She's totally transparent. She's non-judgmental. She's honest. I mean, I haven't liked

[Chuckling] Most of what she's had to tell me, but I don't question her honesty or her ethics. And chelsea thinks that I was just dreaming about kiki, nothing more. Freud would say that a dream is a message from your unconscious, a repressed desire or an -- an unfulfilled wish. That it's something that you wouldn't allow yourself to think of while you're awake. But in the freedom of sleep -- I -- I let her come to me. And I -- I want her to say whatever is in her heart, even if it hurts me, and she still won't even talk to me. Try looking at this from a different perspective. The dream isn't about what kiki is trying to tell you. It's about what you are trying to tell yourself. Dustin! Thank you for going above and beyond. You could've easily accepted another passenger, but, instead, you stuck around to make sure we don't sip too much chardonnay and do something foolish. What I love about this job is I get to choose my own hours. You ladies enjoy the sauvignon blanc. Herbaceous, but with a hint of lime.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, you must have just read that one in the pamphlet, 'cause you're certainly not drinking it. Well, actually, one of the vendors told me. Uh, but I'm not the one writing the story -- you are. What do you think? I would say that I cannot taste the herbs or the hint of lime, but I will say that it's good. Mm. Thank you for waiting on us.

[ Chuckles ] At this rate, I'd say you get five stars and a tip. Wouldn't you agree, lulu? Shiloh: None of us can escape our past, peter. Peter: Aren't you all about change? Redemption? Absolutely. And if you make sure I get my shot at redemption, I'll return the favor. Think about it, henrik. You set me free, I'll do the same for you.

[ Receiver thumps ]

[ Cellphone ringing ] Hey, you. We're drinking wine in rice park. Come join us. Under any other circumstances, I'd love to. What's going on? Can you meet me at the metro court in 20 minutes? Please? Sure. I'll explain when I see you. Oh. Whoopsies. I got to go. Maxie -- no, it's okay. Dustin can keep you company. It all works out. Just make sure you don't do anything foolish. Bye.

[ Sighs ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Alarm blaring ]

[ Keys jingling ] Benson, get in here. We're on lockdown. Lockdown, archer. You know the drill.

[ Alarm blaring ] I'll be right back. Looks like it's just the two of us.

Of course we can. Be sure to get dumplings. Oh.

[ Doorbell rings ] Maybe it's franco! I'm not too sure about that, bud.

[ Door creaks ] Curtis, hey. Hey, man. Is this a good time? Yeah, of course. Come in. I've, uh -- I've got some errands to take care of, so I'll see you guys later. Can you -- wait, wait.

[ Door closes ] Thank you. You're welcome. -See ya. -Yeah.

[ Door creaks ] Sorry for just dropping by.

[ Door closes ] I suppose I could've text-- no, no, no, it's totally fine. Cameron, can you help aiden take his stuff upstairs before dinner? Of course. Thank you. Alright, come on, bud. Let's go. So, what do you think we should order? We can order kung-pao chicken, some sautéed green beans. Aiden: Spring rolls and won tons. That sounds awesome. Okay, so, what's -- what's going on? I'm passing on a message from drew. Okay. It's about franco. Maybe you're right. And maybe what I'm trying to tell myself is that I didn't deserve anybody as good and as beautiful and as perfect as kiki. I don't believe that. I don't believe that. If we all got what we deserved, then -- we'd all be completely alone with nothing but a martini for company.

[ Chuckles ] You know, it's funny -- chelsea says that I drink too much, and scott just wants to drink with me.

[ Chuckles ] Scott thinks he's lost his kid, too. You used to be franco's shrink, right? So tell me something. Do you really think that he could believe he's drew? I can't comment on a patient. Franco? No, ma'am, that is not my name. You're the doctor who treated me in the hospital, right? Collins. Yes. Yes, would -- would you like to join us? No, thank you. No more doctors. No more people who think they know me. I prefer to drink alone. Kim. Hi. Hi, willow. Lucas, how you doing? Hey. Julian just told me the news. I think it's so brave of you to make a new start in the big apple. Oh, yeah, well, it just -- you know, it seemed like the right thing to do. Yeah, well, like I told my dad, we're gonna miss you both. Yes, and we'll expect a visit as soon as we get settled in, which should be soon since it looks like we may have found a buyer for charlie's already. Oh, you accepted the offer? You sold -- well, olivia wants another restaurant, which means that charlie's gets to stay in the family. Wow. That's -- that's really great. Yeah. So I guess there's nothing keeping us.

[ Chuckling ] We could go to manhattan tonight.

[ Telephone ringing in distance ]

[ Elevator bell dings ] Hi. Hi. Are -- are you on your way out? Uh... yeah, yes. Well, I won't keep you. I just have some, uh, crimson related questions to run by nina. Um, she's still in isolation with sasha. Oh. I was hoping sasha's condition had improved. No, not yet. That's awful. I can only imagine what nina's feeling. Can you? You mean how can someone as cold and heartless as I am imagine what nina's going through?

[ Alarm blaring ] This is what passes for speed dating here, only you can't move on to the next date.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Alarm blaring ] Yeah, you got to laugh, right? I mean, it is the best survival skill. Well, I am nothing if not a survivor. That makes two of us. Shiloh, right? Have we met? I recognized your picture from the book jacket of "every day is a new dawn." Ah. Mm. It's been read about a zillion times in the prison library. Happy to be of service to my fellow inmates. Well, not everyone. Lorraine miller is my cellmate. I'll always know her as "harmony." She told me all about you. Mm. And the baby you're trying to steal. Thanks for meeting me. Yeah. Yeah, it sounded important. What's going on? There's something you need to know. Okay. I just left pentonville. I was visiting shiloh.

Franco is determined to return that money to afghanistan. No, he can'T. I mean, he's wearing an ankle monitor. Do you really think that's going to stop him? No, of course not. I don't, either. And neither does drew. So, he came up with a work-around. Franco stays in port charles while drew is headed to afghanistan with the money. So, drew is making the trip in franco's place? Drew's making the trip for the both of them. So, while he may not remember what happened to him in afghanistan, he still wants to see justice done. Oh. Thank you for letting me know. Yeah. Uh, there's more. Haven't even told drew yet. I have a location on dr. Maddox. I didn't mean it like that. Yes, you did. No, I didn'T. I don't -- I don't think you're cold and heartless at all. I mean... the person I knew was never like that. I was on the phone with elizabeth when you showed up there, said you'd be there for her and your nephews, and I just... for what it's worth, I'm proud of you. I didn't do it for you. I know you didn'T. Look, before I leave, I'll -- I'll stop in, and I'll -- I'll see nina and -- and tell her you were thinking about her. Thank you. Yeah. Hey. You know, whatever's going on in your life, I'm glad you came home.

[ Sighs ] I hope you mean that.

[ Elevator bell dings ] Damn it. What? Sorry, it's just something I remembered I-I forgot to do. It completely slipped my mind when I was on my way to pentonville. To see shiloh. Do you want to tell me about that? I understand you're going through a very rough time. I helped franco recover his memories, but now this is completely different. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm a good listener. Just ask ava. I'm guessing that makes you ava. And now is when you say, uh, that you and franco have "a long and fascinating history."

[ Chuckles ] We do, actually. And you're gonna tell me now that you wish I would disappear and that guy would come back. Well, don't make assumptions. Some of us do want franco back, but a whole lot more probably hope that this transformation is permanent. An honest woman. To a fault. All righty, then. How about you give me the real story about this franco, then? Here's a spicy red from argentina. Oh, no, thanks. No? Is it the vintage or the company you're not feeling? Oh, no, I don't have any complaints about either. Maybe it's this assignment. The last time we spoke, you were still working on the story about the bandito who stands up his online dates so he can rob their houses. What happened with that? Well, I wasn't getting anywhere with the story, so my editor assigned another reporter. I've been relegated to wine tastings. Well, the lulu falconeri who broke the ryan chamberlain story is wasted on tannins and hints of blackberry. Lulu spencer. I'm changing my byline. And my driver's license. Oh. Oh. When we spoke at the baseball game, you said the divorce was in the works. And now it's a done deal. I'm sorry. Actually, no, I'm not. Harmony or lorraine or whatever name she uses, sadly, she's a discontented creature who has been looking for meaning in all the wrong places. What, like between your sheets? 'Cause she told me you were her lover and her guru before you went after her daughter. Was it, uh, laurel? Maple? Willow. Right. Well, according to harmony, it's her daughter's baby that you're trying to steal. It's not stealing if it's yours. That was an illegal adoption. Willow gave up my son without consent. Did she? Mm. That child belongs to me, and once I get out of here, I will claim my son. I heard you're going to be tried from everything from fraud to sexual assault to murder. Mm. What makes you think you're going to beat all those charges? Let's just say that I have infinite faith in human nature. It's never let me down yet. Maxie, I don't really know how to start this. Okay. [ Chuckles ] Start from the beginning. Why did you go visit shiloh? He called me. At first, I just thought he wanted some kind of publicity, a place to tell his side of the story.

[ Sighs ] But, maxie, some men, they're -- they're -- they're prisoners forever in their past, and no matter how much they want to be someone else, someone better -- wait, do you empathize with shiloh because you have a past that haunts you? You think he's the same and you -- you want to help him? Now, let me just finish this because if I don't say this right now -- because you're nothing like him, peter.

[ Sighs ] When will you accept that your past is behind you and I only care about the man you are now? The man that I love. Yeah, I said that.

[ Breathes sharply ] I love you, peter. That's all that matters.

So, anna says andre's in ethiopia and that, uh, he's volunteering for some international mental health initiative. I'll send you an e-mail with details on his location. You sure? Uh, yeah, okay. Yeah, I'll tell her. Drew, good luck, man. What'd he say? Uh, yeah. So, he's diverting to addis ababa. Drew will find dr. Maddox, and he will put him on the first flight to port charles. All righty, then. So, uh... go ahead. You're a person who hates franco. No. Sorry, no, I'm one of the people who appreciates franco. He's my friend. And a wonderfully talented artist. I've shown his work in my gallery. You're his partner?

[ Sighs ] We're more like kindred spirits, I'd say. Plenty of people hate me, too. Like who? You're looking at número uno. You really are an honest woman. What have you done that makes you hate yourself so? I betrayed someone that I loved. Someone that once loved me. I believe that it's never too late to make amends. I've been given a second chance to reclaim my life. Well, not me. Nothing can undo what's been done. But you? You have this -- this chance to reinvent yourself, you lucky bastard. Don't blow it. Your condolences were appreciated...briefly.

[ Sighs ] I know a divorce is painful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. The only thing worse is being in limbo. I saw you at the softball game. You were worried and distracted about your marriage until you picked up a mitt and you had some fun.

[ Chuckles ] Mm. You need to do that more often. And I bet your kids need to, too. Charlotte and rocco. They have names. Oh, and faces, too. Let's see 'em.

[ Laughs ] Okay.

[ Chuckles ] Oh. Here. Aww.

[ Both laugh ] Oh, they look like great kids. And happy. Um, are they still young enough to be excited about going back to school? Well, I mean, as excited as kids can be about summer vacation being over. Yeah, I still feel that way, too. Every time it's time to go back to school, I get excited, but a little anxious about a new group of surly teenagers. Oh, right, you're a teacher. I forgot. English. Pc high. Driving beautiful women to wine tastings is just my summer gig. It's back to school in a matter of days. So, no more rideshare? I put my number in your phone, remember? You ever want to play catch... well, rocco is the real ball player in our family. Takes after his dad. Dante always takes --

[ Sighs ] I keep bringing him up. I'm sorry. It's fine if you need to talk about him.

[ Sighs ] I -- I think, um -- I think we need to call it a night. Okay. But I'm driving.

[ Chuckles ] Let's go. Thank you.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, okay, we can't leave for manhattan tonight. I still have the closing I need to attend to. Plus, we don't even have a place to stay in manhattan. Well, we could -- we could get a hotel.

[ Chuckles ] We could stay there until we find an apartment. It would be fun. You know, we could check out different neighborhoods so we don't end up taking the first apartment we find. Okay, slow down. Don't you have some patients you need to see here? Yeah, you know, just a few, and I can just refer them out. Okay. [ Sighs ] What's going on? You see franco? Yeah, I did, I did, but that is not why. Okay. Listen, I know it's weird, very strange, and upsetting that franco thinks he's drew, but, listen, we've talked about this, okay? Franco's not drew.

[ Scoffs ] I know that. I mean, of course I know that. Okay, well, what's the rush? What are you, uh -- what are you afraid of?

[ Gasps ] Adorable.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Wait, wait. What's wiley doing? He's practicing his favorite word. Well, okay, his only word -- "dada." Brad says he's talking about him, I'm convinced he's talking about me, but he does also call his plush pig "dada," same goes for his oatmeal, so...

[ Laughs ] Oh.

[ Laughs ] I'm sure he'll figure it out. Yeah. Yeah, and some day, uh, he'll know who his mother is. Now, something tells me that you're counting on more than faith to secure your release. I can win my case with the right attorney. And, uh, how do you plan to pay them? I mean, to hear lorraine talk, your money's tied up offshore, and the feds have placed an embargo, so... well, once upon a time, I gave a kid named oscar a place to stay. Now, oscar was grateful, and my kindness was rewarded, because that oscar turned out to be oscar nero quartermaine. Now, sadly, oscar died young, but happily, he left me all of his shares of a company called elq, which is worth enough to buy a small law firm. Really? Mm.

[ Door opens ] Lockdown's over. Benson, let's go. The quartermaines owe me, too. So, to be continued.

[ Keys jingling ] Peter, did you hear what I said? I heard. I love you, too. You say it like it's a sad thing. No, it's wonderful! It's everything. But you're still not ready to believe that someone could love the son of faison? Not even if you're anna devane's son, too? You make me believe it. You, maxie jones -- you make me believe anything is possible. Because it is. As long as you love me and I love you. I do love you, maxie. I do. I love you.

[ Laughs ] That's better. Now, what were you going to tell me about your visit with shiloh? Shiloh, he, uh -- just wanted to pitch a tell-all for the invader. Oh. Hmm. Well, I have to admit, as big of a creep as that guy is, I bet he has an interesting story to tell.

 Andre knows more about memory transfer than anyone, I-including dr. Cabot. So, he should be able to figure out a way to reverse the procedure. Well, that's the hope. But there's -- I know. I know. There's no guarantee.

[ Breathes sharply ] But I still need to believe that franco is in there somewhere, wanting to come back. And with andre's help, he'll find his way home.

[ Cellphone rings ] Right on time. Is she awake? Put her on. Hi, sweetheart. Mommy's so happy to hear your voice. What'd you do today?

[ Telephone ringing in distance ]

[ Cellphone rings ] Hey. Was there something else about andre?

[ Chuckles ] You miss me, huh? Well, that's funny how that works. I -- I miss you, too. So, tell me about your day. There.

[ Laughs ] Sent you the watermelon pictures. Oh, thank you.

[ Laughs ] Oh. I just feel blessed to be a part of wiley's life in any way. Well, when, uh -- when wiley's old enough to understand, we'll -- we'll tell him about you. We'll figure it out. The only important thing is that shiloh is no longer a threat.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. And wiley is safe and happy with the parents who love him.

[ Chuckles ] It isn't fear talking. It's -- it's momentum. Look, I've always been this way. Once -- once I make a decision, I just -- I want to get on with it, you know? Okay, all right. I mean, we don't -- we don't have to, like, rush through this, do we?

[ Chuckles ] No, of course not. There's really no way we could go tonight. I was just... but I do hope that you fast-track the closing because the sooner that we start our life together, the better. Mm. Hmm. All righty, then. Thank you so much for a very interesting conversation. Oh, no, no, please. Uh, it's on me. I insist. Well, thank you. You do not, by any chance, know a dr. Kim nero, do you? Yeah. Yeah, I do. Wouldn't happen to have her number, would you? Next time you think about texting a rideshare driver, don'T. Did you have a good time? That's beside the point. No, that's the only point. Did hanging out with me and dustin make you feel better about your divorce? Um, I wouldn't say "better," but I'm starting to accept it. Good. Good. I'm glad you're coming to terms with it. And that also means I can share my wonderful news with you. Oh, so peter called you for an actual reason? It wasn't just an excuse to leave me alone with dustin? Hmm. Nope. I, uh -- I told peter that I love him. And guess what -- he loves me, too. Aah! Oh, my gosh, that's fantastic!

[ Gasps ] Oh, I'm so happy for you. Thank you. So, where is he? Where's peter? He got called away. Why? I want to make sure that he knows how lucky he is. And maybe possibly ask him to pull some strings, get me assigned to a story just a little more interesting than weekends in port charles.

[ Laughs ] Well, he almost had a scoop for you about shiloh. Well, what happened? Uh, I guess shiloh wanted to sell his side of the story to

the invader. A-a-and peter turned him down? Shiloh just wants the press. Besides, you know how dangerous it is to get involved with a creep like that. Well, that was quick. If word of this ever gets out, if anyone ever knows -- yes or no? Yes. I'll help you.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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