GH Transcript Tuesday 8/6/19

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/6/19


Episode #14343 ~ Shiloh presents Jason with a decision; Drew calls Sonny; Joss surprises Cameron; Neil and Alexis grow closer; Lucy takes Sasha apartment hunting.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

So, did I hear you correctly? You're -- you're leaving port charles? Charlie, I didn't -- I didn't want to tell you like this. Well, so far... you haven't told me anything. I just o-overheard drew wishing you good luck, which sounded a lot like goodbye to me. So what's going on? I can't bear to live here without oscar. Okay? I-I see him, his ghost, around every corner, and -- and I -- and I remember every moment that we shared together in port charles, and I cannot bear to live here without him. I know, and I'm so sorry that you're going through this. But, sweetheart, you need to know that this will pass, okay? Eventually, you'll stop grieving so -- so much. It won't be so overwhelming, and until then, you can lean on me. You can. No. I have to leave port charles now before the grief swallows up what is left of my life. I'm leaving port charles. What, do you want me to just start from scratch with someone else? Because if you refer me to someone else, I swear -- you are eminently capable, alexis. I'll leave it to you to find your own therapist. Somebody who can fit your needs. But I'M... I'm not the right guy. Well, that's funny because I thought that you were... ...the right guy. This has been a fraught day. I suggest that we -- no, I suggest that we talk about... ...or acknowledge that there's some connection between us. At least there is for me. There's a lot.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Hey, hey. Hey, what are you guys doing? Uh, not quite the greeting we were expecting. We are helping you with your community service. Then you can come with us. Where? Sampson's point? Uh, doesn't a picnic on the beach sound better than trash detail? Don't worry about it, that's what friends are for. Okay, listen to me right now. You have to put back every single piece of trash before you get me into any more trouble. So, what's up? What do you mean? Well, you said that you wanted to take me to lunch for a reason and that there was something you want to talk about. So what is it? Your future. It's hard to believe we were swimming in the ocean this morning, the beautiful beach as far as the eye could see. Yeah. Well, you know what? There is a lot of beauty here, too. I'm gonna miss island life, though. Especially those afternoon naps. Yeah, but we didn't really do that much sleeping. Exactly. Well, maybe we could continue that custom here. If only.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Chuckles ] Uh, sorry, I didn't see you. Yeah, I noticed. Uh, should I keep -- should I keep going? No, no. Of course not. Hey. Hey. Good to see you. Yeah, when'd you get back? About an hour ago. Yeah? You remember sasha? Mr. Corinthos. Yeah, yeah. Call me sonny. Sonny, it's a pleasure to see you again. No, pleasure's all mine. You want -- you want to join us? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay.

[ Sighs ] So, not that I have to ask, but, um... how was the island? Did you find him? No. Dr. Cabot was registered in the metro court, but he's already checked out. Maybe he needed a place a little bit more private. Yeah, this ain't going anywhere good. I mean, first, shiloh -- he hounds you for your memories, then a flash drive, containing said memories, comes up stolen. And then the doctor who performed the original operation, he shows up in port charles. And his last visit here was no picnic. I wonder why he's back now. Maybe somebody told him that they can help him finish his life's work. Someone with not much left to lose. Someone who believes that there's information in that flash drive that could give them a way out. Yep. Shiloh. All goes back to shiloh.

[ Grunts ]

[ Straining ] Kill me and sam dies.

[ Grunts ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Groans ] Make a choice. You either hold on to her memories or you give her a chance to live. But either way, sport, that clock is ticking, and she is running out of air. So what are you gonna do to save her? Dr. Cabot is ready to transplant drew's memories into your brain. So it's your choice -- your memories or sam's life?

Hey. Hey. Hey, what? Nothing. Just hey. I like having lunch with you. I like having lunch with you, too. Then why does it seem like you're not a million, but like a few miles away? I think I may have overstepped with lulu the other day. Why? What happened? I told her that her husband is an idiot. Julian: So, that's it? You've already discussed this with drew but not with me? No. No, I ran into drew, and, as always, he reminded of oscar, and I felt my chest tightening like it has every day since oscar died.

[ Voice breaking ] And I just -- I realized I am choking. I am literally choking on missing my son. Kim. Please just let me say this, okay? I came to port charles in the hope that oscar -- oscar would be able to connect with his family, his father's family. And -- and he was able to do more than I could ever wish for him. I mean, he -- he found his father, and he had an extended family, and he had a sense of where he came from and where he belonged, and he found josslyn, and he had love and... oscar found a home here. And I just cannot bear to be here without him. Well, the ironic thing is... I really did think that you found a home here, as well. It started from that first moment that you walked into charlie's and you fixed my espresso machine. You need to know... you're not just gonna be walking away from ghosts. You're gonna be walking away from me.

[ Sniffles ] Well, I should go. I have a meeting to get to before I go to work. Alright. And listen, come by the house, I'll cook you dinner -- all of us. I would love that. Yeah? Well, I'll call you. Okay. Uh, you went pretty fast from "good to see you again" to "come over for dinner." Well, you know, it gives us a chance to get to know sasha a little better. Hey, this is lucy coe. I'm the one who ordered that big bulk garbage pickup at 6701 brook haven. Yes. Is there anything I can possibly do to make that happen faster? What? Are -- swear? You swear to me the truck is on its way? You're a miracle worker. Thank you so much. I-I-I'll give you a bonus or something. I-I so appreciate your quick service.

[ Laughs ] Okay. Finn told me before dr. Cabot fell off the radar, that he filled prescriptions for drugs similar to those used in the memory-transfer procedure. I think shiloh and dr. Cabot are gathering all the necessary pieces to get your memory off that drive. All they're missing is a patient. I won't disrespect you by pretending there isn't a connection between the two of us. Okay. However, I think the best course of action is to acknowledge that and part ways. No, I don'T. I-I mean... you're right. You win. I acknowledge that we have crossed the point of no return, as far as you being my therapist. So it makes sense that we go back to being strangers at the bar. It's impossible. We know too much about each other. And you still like me? You do, don't you? Yes. I do, alexis. Oh. Well, that could have its benefits. That prior knowledge, you know? No tricky surprises. True. I know that you haven't gotten over your ex-husband yet.

If dante is giving up on his family, it's not because he's a jerk. It's because he loves them that much, and he's clearly not safe to come home to them. He does not want to hurt them. But he is hurting them. And that's what makes this situation so horrible. My heart is breaking for lulu. But if dante believes that this is the best thing to do, then I trust him.

[ Scoffs ] I know. It's a far cry from my mind-set at the wsb facility. A little bit. You were right. I was...wrong. I've since learned my lesson. Is there any more crow I have to eat? No, I think you've had just about enough. I really am sorry that I didn't listen to you. You tried to warn me, and I just... it really does speak to what you've been through in your life. Hey. You've been through things, too. Yeah, but it's different. You've seen up close and personal what violence and trauma can do to people. How it can change them into someone you don't recognize. I feel terrible for lulu. So do I. And I don't know what to do for her. Well, sure you do. I do? Just be her friend. Like you were for me. You know I think you are brilliant. I mean, you graduated college with honors. You got into three top-tiered law schools -- four. "Four." Sorry.

[ Both laugh ] And you chose mccutcheon hall at pcu because you wanted to be close to home. Yeah, because I wanted to be close to you. I'm sorry, do you think I made a mistake or picked the wrong school? No. No. But I've watched you, mol. And the thing that -- that really gets you excited, the thing that you are most passionate about, is your writing. When you were planning that exposé on dod? You were on fire. So it's not that I don't think you would make a great lawyer, you would. But you don't think I would be happy. Maybe. Probably. Look, something I've seen in med school is that there is a difference between people who have a genuine passion for medicine, a vocation, and people who are doing it just because they think they should. Or because it's the "safe" career because they've always been good at science. Those are the people that burn out. Okay, but med school is really hard. No doubt. The hours I spend in the hospital are brutal. But I get way more out of it than I put in because of the work itself. So while I 100% believe that you would succeed in a legal career... I don't know, baby. You're too gifted, you're too full of life, you're too young for that just to be your only option because everyone expects it. Yeah, well, if shiloh is coming for you, he's got to go through me. I appreciate that, but I think if shiloh was coming for me, I'd know it by now. But it is your memory he wants. Yeah, well, hypothetically, he doesn't need me to access them. This is an experiment on twins. Yep. I may have been with shiloh in afghanistan, but it was my brother who ruined his life. We got to locate jason. Kim: I did find a home here. And I fell in love with a remarkable man. And god knows, your love was my only lifeline at times. You were mine, as well. I mean, this is why I love it when you call me charlie. Because charlie's a much better man than julian jerome ever was. Hey, you gave that to me. No. Don't you underestimate yourself. You are a good man. And you deserve so much better than I am able to give you right now. It'll be better for you if I go.

[ Julian sighs ] You know, kim, you just -- you keep saying the word "love," but you don't love me enough to stay in town.

[ Sniffles ] You don't love me enough to ask me to go with you. So you need to be honest with me. I mean, maybe... you're not just trying to put port charles behind you. Maybe you're trying to put me behind you, as well. Cam, have you been in the sun too long? We just picked all that up. Yeah, and some of it was super disgusting. If you don't want to go to the beach, just say so. Of course I want to go to the beach. You guys don't understand. Community service isn't like doing chores at home. I supposed to do a certain amount of hours. If I finish this assignment, I -- they're just gonna send me somewhere else. Like the beach? Well, last week, someone had to clean out the garden shed. There were snakes in there. Cool. Okay, so not the point. Well, I like snakes. Well, I don'T. Okay, okay. We got this. I know exactly what to do. Sam's not picking up. Neither is jason. Sam and jason all but wiped out dod. They got charges against shiloh lined up that would put him away in pentonville for life. That's right. So think of the payback. If he wipes out jason's memories or replaces them with mine as a younger man, then jason... he loses all connection with his life as he knows it now. You better make up your mind, bud, before time makes it up for you.

[ Groans, coughs ]

[ Chuckles ] Whew. Oh. What the hell, though, right? I mean, sam said she was a diver. So, you know, she can probably hold her breath longer than I think. Oh.

[ Grunts ]

After nathan died... you were just this nice, warm, supportive presence that let me feel however I wanted to feel and do whatever I needed to do. You didn't jump right in and try and give me advice or fix things. And I needed someone like that. What do you think? Am I totally off-base here or... no. So what do you want to do? Honestly, I love writing. I do. Both fiction and investigative research. Yeah. But what if I was so fired up about the exposé on dod because of kristina and, you know, because of how much I hated everything shiloh was doing to her? Yeah, but don't you owe it to yourself to find out? How about this -- maybe -- maybe the classes you were gonna take this summer to get a leg up in law school, maybe instead, you take that time to write. There is no downside. Well, there kind of is. How? What if I love it? Writing? Well, how -- how is that a downside? Okay, if I -- if I stick with the lawyer plan, then I will be done with school in three years. And then two years as a public defender after that, and then I get hired by a serious law firm. Mm-hmm. Hopefully. Definitely. Serious firm means serious money, and serious money means we can finally start to make a dent in our student loans. No. No. Molly. I work with people who are seriously ill or dying, and let me tell you, you do not want be lying in a hospital 70 years from now realizing you never actually achieved any of your real ambitions. But hey. You got your bills paid. Lucy: So, for this next prospective property, um, you need a little bit of imagination. Like, imagine this whole pile of junk isn't there because, in fact, it won't be for long. I have a whole garbage hauler coming to haul it away. I love old houses like this. But it's way too big for one person. Oh, no, no, no, no. See, that's where your imagination has to come into play, too. Because actually, um, if the seller doesn't get the price, he may want to renovate and turn it into condos. Hey, you want to see inside? Okay, come on. Come on. Come on. Dad. What? Don't start. I'm not your mother. I'm not gonna bombard you with questions. You're gonna tell me what I need to know when the time's right. Well, if there's something to tell. Sasha's a lovely woman. She's, uh, personable. She's intelligent. She has a great smile. All the above. Can I give you a piece of advice? Okay. You may want to play this close to the vest with your mother 'cause she's so eager for you to move on that she may help it along. Yeah, well, you know what? No help needed. So thanks. Please don't think that I want to leave you, because... ...I don't think I would have survived losing oscar without having you. But I cannot ask you to continue being my crutch. Kim.

[ Scoffs ] I'm not your crutch. But if I'm afraid that you will become one if -- if I stay in port charles. You know, everyone keeps telling me that things are gonna get better, and they're not. They're only getting worse, and I -- honestly, I feel like I am fading away.

[ Sighs ] So -- so -- so, tell me. What I-- is it -- is it better to go to a town where absolutely nobody knows you? I mean, are you gonna be happier being completely alone than you are here? Look, I-I-I could never ask you to come with me, b-because you have a family here. You've just been accepted back into -- to lucas' life and w-with wiley. I mean, and you have your beautiful, adorable leo. I mean, how can I ask you to leave your son when I would give anything to have one more day with mine? Okay, you know what? You're doing this brilliant job of having a debate or an argument all alone, but, please, you need -- you need to let me speak. Okay. Look, I need you to be honest with me. No equivocating. So... if I wanted to come with you... would you want me?

[ Laughter ] Two points! Okay, you guys are having way too much fun with this. Why? It's the summer, cam. Fun is what we're all about. Look out, this one's got ketchup on it.

[ Laughs ] Oh, trina, come on! It would've been a three-pointer. You've got to be quicker.

[ Both laugh ] Oh, cam, you should see your face.

[ Whimsical tune plays in distance ] Oh, my god. Ice cream. Be right back. Oh, get me a -- I will.

[ Grunts ] Hey! Enough with the napkins.

[ Laughs ] It worked, didn't it? Yeah. Great job getting her out of the house. I told her she'd be doing you a favor. Joss always steps up for a friend. Hey, well... if getting hit by napkins gets joss to smile... bring it on.

I really like thinking about those times. Not the pain that you were in, but feeling like I was able to do something that could really help. You were. It was all so new to me. And, you know, really "being there" for someone. And I so looked forward to every time I saw you. Oh, until it was terrifying. What? Terrifying? Yeah. I mean, when I realized that I was...falling for you, oh, then it got scary. I mean, what if you didn't feel the same way, and, even scarier, what if you did? I mean, how could I possibly manage to not ruin everything, considering I'd never had a significant relationship? Yeah, but real relationships, they are terrifying. For all of the reasons you just mentioned.

[ Sighs ] But you know what? What? The fact that you feel that way, that those wonderful feelings go hand in hand with terror, that'S... that's a good thing. Yeah? Yeah. It means your heart's all in it. You're all in. Well, with you, I have no choice.

[ Chuckles ] So, are you saying that you'll no longer respect me if I don't go over and pitch myself as an intern to peter august? I will always love and respect you. But do I want you to go over there? Hell, yeah.

[ Laughs ] So, sasha and I ran into somebody who knew you. On the island? Yeah. Um, she said she unsuccessfully tried to make a deal with you. Sandy lance. I've never heard of that name. She looked familiar, took me while I could place her, but, uh, she stayed at the metro court when she was in town.

[ Cellphone rings ] I don't know. Okay. She's blonde. Hold on, hold on.

[ Ringing continues ] Drew. Sonny, hi. Uh, is jason with you? No. What's up?

[ Sighs deeply ] Curtis and I think that shiloh put a target on his back, and we haven't been able to locate jason or sam. I'll find him. Okay, great. We're gonna track down shiloh. Thanks for reaching out.

Hey, sonny. Let me know if jason's okay, alright? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have him call you. What is it? H-have you heard from jason today? No. Why? Is something wrong? Uh, drew seems to think so. And, uh, it involves shiloh. Okay. I'm coming with you. Yeah, we'll see what's going on here. Yes, I've had my struggles getting over julian, but you know better than anyone else that I have no intention of reuniting with him. The point is, we can't go back to two people who -- who met at a bar. You know, being a therapist is not a switch I can turn on and off when I leave the office. I know. That's what I like about you. Your humanity is what I trust -- you don't know me. You know a few things about me. You know why I do the work I do, but I'm no more developed a human being than the night we met at charlie'S. And yet you've been all in my psychological nooks and crannies. Well, that's a picturesque way of putting it. Would you like to come back inside? So, how about we find a way to get on equal footing and you let me have a chance to get to know you better? Unless you think I'm too damaged to risk getting close to. It's such a pretty house. I'm sure the apartments will be lovely. Oh, definitely. You can count on that. But I need a place now. Even if the owner decides to convert to condos, it's gonna take months.

[ Door closes ] Ah, yeah, yeah. That is -- that is true. But, you know, I was just thinking -- that because you are a friend of the owner, uh, he might be able to speed up the time frame. Excuse me? Oh, um, michael corinthos. You know, at least with him, you know you're in very good hands. I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to pass. It feels like a conflict of interest. Really? Well, you know what? I think -- I think you're overthinking this. I mean, michael -- he is absolutely adorable. And you -- you are absolutely adorable. And I remember seeing you now at the nurses' ball, and you two looked just

so amazing together. Um, so have you had any chance to think about my offer? I'm not a model. I-I know. But you [Sighs] You're just such a -- I-I mean, you're -- you're just this natural beauty, you know? So I've been thinking, I-I-I do so love real estate, but, um... I don't know. Maybe the universe is telling me to take a different path. Excuse me? I-I really believe that you are the face to re-launch deception. You know what? Let me just tell you about deception. I-I-it's a fantastic -- I mean, it was. It -- it could be because it's a modern company for a modern woman, a strong, strong woman, who doesn't let current trends...

[ Groaning ] Ah!

[ Groans ] Jason!

[ Gun cocks ] Look what I have. Joss, I can'T. I-I-I'm working. Oh, please. I've seen you devour one of these in like five seconds. Okay, you have the time. Here. Thanks. Wow. You guys did a killer job. It will definitely take me until the end of my shift to clean all this up. You're welcome. So, it's a little bit not super sunny for the beach. Maybe a movie? Oh, I don't know. Hey. Come on, joss. I've been working here in the heat all afternoon. I need to do something fun. Okay. Okay, but only if i get to pick the movie. Deal. Okay. Text me when you're done. I will. Keep up the good work, cam. Sam! Come on! Help me find you! Make some kind of noise! Come on, sam! Answer me!

Hi. I'm so sorry to interrupt. Yes? Hey, molly. Hi. Um, so while I am ridiculously relieved that dawn of day is a thing of the past, I did some great preliminary research, and I-I was wondering if you would still be interested in running the article. Unfortunately, the story already broke. But I do appreciate all your time and effort you put into it. Hey, I heard you're going to law school in the fall. Yes, t-that is the plan. Um, but I'm -- I'm also really interested in exploring being a writer/reporter. So I would love to come work for you as an intern at the invader this summer. Well, you were pretty spot-on about dawn of day. I don't suppose you have anything else in your back pocket. Well, no. I actually just worked up the courage to come over here and pitch myself. You know what? There might be something that I have for you. Really? Do tell. And you're actually uniquely qualified to write it. Come on. Sam! Sam, I know you're here! Son of a bitch. Sam. Sam. Sam, hold on. I'm gonna get you. Come on. Lucy: Jas-jason, what are you doing?! Sam's locked in here. Please call 911. Oh, my god. Sam, hold on! My name is lucy coe...

[ Groans ] Sam! What do you got? Nothing on the docks? Okay, check the abandoned warehouse on pier 33.

[ Sighs ] No sign of, uh, sam or jason.

[ Cellphone rings ] Lucy coe can wait.

[ Ringing stops ] Okay, s-so, uh, so where's shiloh staying? What motel? They're checking. Curtis and, uh, drew are checking right -- where else? Where else?

[ Cellphone rings ] It's lucy. Okay, lucy can wait. Hold on one second. Hey, lucy, I-I can't talk right now. Michael, don't talk. Don't talk. Just -- just listen to me. Sam is in trouble. Jason had me call sonny. We're at the brook haven house. Hold on, sam. Hurry! Get here! Hurry! You're almost out! All clear in here. What about you? Clear. Alright. What is that? There's blood on it. Yeah, whose is it?

[ Jason grunting ] Come on, sam. Can you hear me?!

[ Groaning ]

[ Latch cracks ][ Grunts ]

[ Crowbar clatters ] Okay.

[ Grunts ] Sam. Sam! Sir? Hey, sir, are you okay? Oh, my god. Do you need me to get help? Wait. I-I know who you are.

[ Grunts ] Okay. Okay, come on, sam. Come on. Hey. Come on. Just open your eyes, okay? Sam. Come on, sam.

The cassadines? Is there a more fascinating family in port charles? That's one word for them. And you're a part of it. The only cassadine I've ever had any contact with is valentin, but I'd be very interested in learning more about the other family members, and I think my readers would, too. Okay. So you'll do it? Of course. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I look forward to reading what you come up with. Okay, come on. Hey, I know you can do it. Sam, please. Please.

[ Inhales deeply ] Okay. Okay.

[ Coughing ] Okay, easy. Jason. I got you.

[ Sighs ] It's okay.

[ Squeals ] You are a genius! You're in? Yeah! Let's go home and celebrate. Bye. Have a nice day! Did you see how happy she is? Uh-huh. I think that's great. I like molly. And I think she's gonna do a great job with your story. But? But I just -- I mean, the cassadines? Really? Do you think that's a good subject? They're kind of a seriously creepy family. I think it's a good story. One that the readers would want to absorb. Besides, if molly comes up with something too awful, I just won't print it. Hey, you have to trust me. You may be the relationship expert. Ha. But I do know a thing or two about running a paper. I do, you know. Trust you. Well, that's good to hear. You're not damaged, alexis. Well, I do have a lot of baggage, as you well know. I mean, you've had to unpack it. You've had life experiences that would destroy a weaker person. You've emerged a passionate and -- and fierce woman who's willing to walk through fire for the ones she loves. See? I'm a catch. Yeah, well, looking at the last session we had, you said you didn't want to be involved with anyone. I don'T. Do I? What do you think? What, as your therapist? No, you're not my ther-- you're fired. Let the record show you're no longer my therapist. The record, counselor? Yes. Oh. Yes. You and I both use our professional lives to protect our personal stuff. Do we? I think the better question is, do we want to get to know each other better or not? We can'T.

[ Door opens ] Our love exists solely because of who we are with each other. Listen, I love you, kim nero, and I don't need to be in port charles to do that. But this decision, it has to be the right one for both of us. I know. I mean, what about your pub? Oh, fortunately for us, people do drink in other cities. But leo and your grandchildren. Unless we're talking about bora bora, I'm just a plane visit away. I can visit anytime I want. And leo, well, you know, he'll be able to visit us soon enough. Are you sure? Are you sure you want me to go with you? Always. Okay. Then wherever you lead... I'm gonna follow. Jason: Okay. Here. Here, I got some water. Where's the ambulance? Um, they said it's on its way, any minute. Shiloh... "shiloh"? Don't worry about that. We just got to get you to the hospital. Here. Jason. She's okay. She's okay. Where's shiloh? Shiloh -- I left him unconscious at the...

[ Coughs ] ...Midwood motel on route 8. Okay. Let me make a call first. It's okay. Come on.

[ Ringing ] What's taking so long? Sonny? Sonny:

Yeah, I found jason. It's a long story. He's with sam, but you were right. It was shiloh. We tracked him to this motel. There was some kind of struggle, but, uh, no sign of shiloh.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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