GH Transcript Friday 12/21/18

General Hospital Transcript Friday 12/21/18


Episode #14185 ~ Aiden is disappointed. Oscar makes a point to help others. Anna feels indebted to Maxie. Chase can't stop thinking about Willow. Jordan confides in Stella.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

Ready? Ready. Okay. Both: Rock, paper, scissors! Aw! Yes! Yes, yes, yes. Two out of three? Nope. I won fair and square. I am reading "the night before christmas," and you get to wear the suit.

[ Groans, breathes deeply ] Okay.

[ Chuckles ] Pretty sure the nurses aren't gonna like that. Yeah, well...I'm pretty sure I bought them all off. What? Really? Are you for real? Yeah. Well, I-I hired a massage therapist to come work out all their kinks next week, so yeah. Ho-ho. That's brilliant. I have my moments. This look good? Bring on christmas, then. Ah, it's just getting started. I don't believe it. Ta-da! Where did you find it? Well, the disney store, of course. It was super-crowded, but the staff was so nice, so it was definitely worth the trip. Oh, avery is going to love it. Here. Well, I hope so. She seemed more excited about mickey's 90th than mickey himself. With everything you have going on, you still made time to get this for avery. You, my dear, are a spectacular big sister. Well, I just want to see her smile. She's just a little kid. Christmas should be magic for her -- a time when anything can happen. Okay. "Dear judge whoever, this is my apology to the court and to my fellow citizens for the huge mistake I made last week. I should not have tried to buy drugs. I thought I was helping a friend, but it turns out I could have really hurt him." What else will keep me out of jail? Hey. How's that letter going? Um, okay, I think. You want me to look it over? Probably be a good idea before your brothers get home.

[ Door opens ] It is cold out there. Oh, it's a good thing you got firewood. Yeah, it is. I got to tell you, though -- santa's helpers, not so helpful. Oh. And why is that? Well, you can't carry wood while you're eating a candy cane. Oh. Yeah, he does have a point. We got one for you, too, cam. Okay, well, bring it over here, you little squirt. I'm not that little. Okay, well, you're littler than me.

[ Laughs ] For now. We're both gonna leave you in the dust. Oh, really?

[ Laughs ] Come on! You guys asked for it! Oh, no! No! All right? You guys are no match for me!

[ Laughs ] Yeah, but...

[ Laughter ] Come on, guys! Yep. Hey! Hey. Come on in. -Merry christmas eve. -Yeah. How's my newest nephew? He is so excited for his first visit from santa. Yeah. Where's brad? Oh, he's, uh -- he's stuck at the hospital, helping out a colleague. He's gonna meet us at home later. All right. Right? Why don't we get you unloaded, and come on in. Okay. Carly, josslyn. Aww! -Your favorite baby's here. -Oh, wiley! Hey! I could so use a dose of baby cuteness right now. Michael: Well, get in line... carly: Right. ...Because godfather gets first dibs. Come here, buddy. Oh. Aww!

[ Laughs ] Look at this outfit. Look at that outfit. I didn't think you'd come. And I never thought I'd see you again... after you convinced me to give up my son.

He's just always so zen when he's with you. Yeah, I guess I have that effect on babies. -Aww. -Did you have that effect on me? No, there's nothing zen about you. Yeah, then or now. Aren't we supposed to be nice to each other on christmas? Oh, you were an amazing baby. All my kids were. I would say this one's following the family trend. Yep. Can -- can I get you... want to go back to him? Here you go. ...Something to drink? -Yeah, thanks. -Oh, yeah, that sounds good. -Carly, red wine? -Yes, please. -Michael? -I'm okay. Thank you. Merry christmas. Merry christmas, joss. Aww. Just think how nice the world would be if we were all this considerate -- all the time, not just two days a year. Yeah, that would be a miracle. Well, if someone's handing out christmas miracles, I'm sorry. Mine's already spoken for. Ooh! Mm. Ta-da! -But it's not christmas yet. -Oh. But you always get one present early on christmas eve. This is it right here. Okay. Wow. -Well, if you don't want that... -I mean, wow. He is so slow opening them up. I can't believe this. I used to tear right through them. Look at -- hey. Look at that. Socks. Mm-hmm. Cool. Uh-oh. Oh. I-I don't think he likes them. The color, maybe? No, really. These are -- these are awesome. My feet are always cold in here. Yeah? Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Try them on. What, like, now? Well, yeah. We want to see what they look like. You guys are so weird. I've been called weird before. "Weird." Put the socks on. Whatever. Do you think we're that weird? I'm definitely weird. There's something in the toe. Really? No way! Yes way.

[ Laughs ] Yes. Okay, it's nothing fancy, though, all right? But it drives. Yes, and it was in the top 10 in the safety standards. Yeah, that, too. So get better, get your permit, and your wheels will be waiting on you. I don't believe this. My own car! Thank you, mom. Thank you, dad. Uh... -merry christmas! -Hi. It's "happy christmas," actually, in this house. Oh. -She'll never let you forget it. -No. Oh, I'm so glad you're here. Thank you for the invitation. Yeah, of course. -We have, uh, apple. -Mm-hmm. -We have pumpkin. -Mmm.

[ Laughing ] We have pecan. Oh, my. Let me show you to the kitchen. Yes. I've found it's a good place to hide out, as well. -Really? -Just saying. Yeah. I hope everyone's ready for a traditional english meal. Oh, we are looking forward to trying something new. Mm, it's not for everyone. Trust me. Yeah, well, uh, I'm sure it's better than alexis' dry-to-the-bone thanksgiving turkey.

[ Gasps ] Curtis! I... was it dry? I hate that.

[ Both laugh ] Thank you so much for coming. I'm really glad you're here. Ah. Are you kidding? With all the madness surrounding these murders, I was just grateful to have something taken off my list. Sure. Happy to do it. Yeah. So, who else is coming? Maxie, I assume? Yeah, maxie's coming, yeah.

[ Doorbell rings ] Oh. That's probably her right now. Oh.

[ "O holy night" plays ]

[ Exhales deeply ] Coming through! Toys for tots! Oh. Oh! I think you forgot a few. Chet! Oh, my god! I remember that day so clearly. You walked into my classroom, told me who you were... practically begged me to not take my son away from yours. Now, I didn't think about it at the time, but only my lawyer and i knew all the parties involved, and I'm positive diane didn't give me up. What would she say if I told her about your visit? I'm thinking it would void the adoption altogether.

Where's your coat? It's freezing out here. Come inside. Everyone's here. Everyone? Yeah. Uh, jason, michael, lucas, wiley. Oh, that wiley. He's a hoot. Yeah, he's cute. Cute, little kid. Why don't you come say hello? Uh, in -- in a minute. I'm -- I'm waiting on my best gal to show up. And, boy, have I got a present for her. What do you mean, you're leaving? I'll be coming back. It's christmas eve. We're supposed to be together. And we will after I drop off elq's donations to toys for tots. I-I guess I can't argue about that. I'm sure you can find a way. Oh, yeah, I'm sure she can.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ] Michael was so much fun at this age. Oh, yeah. That's right. Sometimes I forget you raised him for a while. Yeah. Did my best. I mean, it was good that he was so resilient, because I knew nothing about kids.

[ Chuckles ] Well, I mean, I think it's kind of a learn-as-you-go kind of thing for all of us. Yeah. Well, it looks like it's going pretty well for you.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. I, uh [Laughs] I told brad I don't want any presents this year. I got everything that I ever wanted. Did I try and bribe you? No. Threaten you? You were very polite. Kind, even. I just pled my case, and in the end, you agreed with me that you weren't able to give your son the life he deserved. You knew that, and -- which is why you decided to give him up in the end. Willow, you put your son first. There is no greater sacrifice than that. There is no act of love more profound. But...maybe we should just know each other. I mean, that could only be good for him, right? To know his mother? I don't know. I mean, have your circumstances changed? Are you better off now than you were before you gave him up? Because I can tell you right now... wiley is. Elizabeth: I don't understand. Wasn't that football on aiden's list? Mm-hmm. It was. Well, then, why doesn't he seem happy about it? I don't know. Maybe he only asked because he wanted to be like cameron.

[ Sighs ] I keep thinking about last year and how excited he was, running all over the house. And this year, he just seems so burdened. Yeah, I know. I was really hoping since charlotte apologized that this whole thing would just be over, or at least getting better. It'll get better. I promise. Do you? Do you promise? Yeah, I do. It has to. We're a family, right? This is just what we do. What did you do to get in so much trouble? Something really dumb. And I made it worse by trying to hide it from mom. Didn't work?

[ Chuckles ] Uh... one thing I've learned -- when you do something wrong, you mess up, even though it's really hard and you know you're gonna disappoint her, you got to tell mom. And if you're too afraid to do it alone, tell me -- okay? -- And we'll tell her together. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. All right. Together: Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ] What are you doing here? I'm helping out with toys for tots. Wait. Isn't that the marines? Well, all branches of service help out when needed. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, you look hot.

[ Scoffs ] I better. Just did a photo shoot. Stop. What kind of photo shoot? One of those beefcake charity calendars. "Men in uniform against M.S." What month?! October. That's my birthday month! Happy birthday! Oh, it is really good to see you. Yeah, I've been thinking about you a lot, wondering how you've been doing. You know, there are these things called cellphones where you can actually reach out to a person and make plans to see them. Yeah.

[ Chuckles ] So, things are good? Yeah. I mean, as good as they can be, I guess. I'm the mom of two amazing children, and one of them is about to celebrate his very first christmas. What are you doing for the holiday? Oh, amy got called in for a last-minute surgery, so I'm on my own. I don't think so. March. -Where are we going? -You'll see. Hup! Two, three, four. I did not think you would accept the invitation. Well, me neither. Oh, yeah? What made you change your mind? It was maxie. I'll thank her. Maxie told me you were doing an english feast. I don't know about a feast. It'S... it's a trifle. I hope that works. Of course. It's perfect. How did you know to -- my time in europe. Peter. Hey. Dr. Finn. Just finn. Call me finn. Finn. Would you like me to take that to the kitchen? Uh-huh, yeah. Um, it's just through there. It's to the right. All right. The kid came. It's a christmas miracle.

grandma, look! Mom and dad got me a car for christmas! Oh. Well, I wish you would have told me. Now he's gonna have two. Oh. Ha ha. You're right -- ha ha. But I think I just might have the perfect accompaniment to it. Now I'm intrigued.

[ Chuckles, singsong voice ] You're not gonna find out till tomorrow. Come on. In the meantime, all patients are required to be in the hub -- stat. For what? Tradition. Merry christmas.

[ Laughs ] According to anna, it's "happy." -Oh, right. -You just can't let it go. Can you? -No. Okay, wassail, anyone? -Wassa-wha-wha? -Low proof, high taste. -Yeah, it's very good, honestly. -Mm. -Oh, I'm in. -That should be good. -Right. -Ooh.

[ Both laugh ] I'm really happy you're here. So am I. That T.J., Though, is on my list. Oh. Off skiing with molly. Who does that boy think he is? A med student in desperate need of a break. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, but believe me -- I-I miss him, too. You're right. He's worked so hard. He deserves a happy christmas. Yeah. So do you. Yes. Which is why I wish I had better news. What's wrong? It's about mike corbin. There you go. Ah.

[ Sighs ] Yvonne should have been here by now, I think. Yeah, you know -- you know, maybe she got caught up with family. Maybe. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna give her an hour. If she doesn't show up, well, we'll figure out a plan.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. So, you looking forward to christmas morning, dad? Uh-huh. You know -- you know -- you know what I was thinking about the other day? What? That time that I -- whew! I got you tickets for the -- for the giants game. We got, you know... and then, uh... and then I tried to, you know, remember the actual day -- you know, the stadium and where we were sitting. And... and I couldn'T. So, did I just make that up? You know, I mean, did it... did it actually happen? No, you didn't make -- it did happen. You got me tickets to the game... but the giants lost.

[ Gasps ]

[ Laughing ] Oh. Oh.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ] It didn't matter. You know why? 'Cause we had a great time. It was actually one of my favorite memories.

[ Sobs ]

[ Sighs ] He looks happy. Yeah. Now, you -- you never say his name. Wiley. I guess it feels strange. It's not what I would have called him, so... yeah. I'm sorry. That's all the pictures I have. Aside from these ones that they sent me, lucas and brad, they, uh -- they keep their distance. They definitely kept their promise not to allow wiley into my life. They love him? With every fiber of their being. As does wiley's entire family... from close and from afar. That's what you think I should do -- love him from afar... not tell him who I am. Only you can decide that. Hey, michael, hold up. Hey. Hey, we weren't sure if we'd still be here by the time you got back, so brad and i wanted to give you this, just in case. Oh, yeah? Yeah, it's a little sentimental. Hope you like it.

[ Chuckles ] Wiley can't wait to follow in his godfather's footsteps. You get it? Yeah. I get it. Thank you. I appreciate it. It's cheesy, I know, but, you know... no, no. It's -- it's -- it's perfect. Thank you. Merry christmas to both of you. Bye, buddy. Yeah, right back at you. Uh, he needs his diaper changed, by the way. What? Really? How do -- dude, you just went like 10 minutes ago. There's a changing table upstairs. All right. All right, thank you. All right, you little stinker. Let's go. Hey. Hi. Aren't you gonna even ask why I'm mad at you? Because oscar told me he was sick and I didn't tell you. I mean, cam, I can understand. He's dumb, and he's a kid my age. But you're my mom's best friend!

[ Voice breaking ] And she's told me a thousand times that we could count on you for anything. You can. That is bull, jason. Oscar broke up with me because he knew he was dying! And you knew that! You saw how bad it was hurting me! Even worse, you knew how much time we were wasting. And still, you said nothing. How could you do that to me?! My dear friend steve hardy started reading to the patients on christmas. And when he passed away, your grandfather, alan, took over. And now? Well, now it's all mine. As it should be. So, anyway, you grab a seat and prepare to be spellbound. Can't wait.

[ Laughs ] Monica. Ah. We have a very big, santa-sized problem.

[ Sighs ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Telephone rings in distance ] Hey. Is it okay if I sit with you?

[ Sighs ] I get it. I'm not that big into story time, either. But I heard this is a good one. It's not that. Then what? Look, if something's wrong, you can tell me. My grandmother runs this hospital, so she can fix whatever it is. I've never been away from home for christmas before. What if santa can't find me?

Let's end this.

[ Gasps ] Happy christmas! Hi. Look who's here. It's your brother. Who invited this guy? Come in. Happy christmas. -Merry christmas. -Thank you. Hey, and thank you so much for the invite. I really appreciate it. Oh, of course, yeah. I wish I could say I baked these, but I did stand in line for them. I think that counts, and they look delicious. You know what? I'm doing something that I'm really not very good at, so why don't you go and take them in? And I think you know everybody inside. Okay. Actually, uh, I have a friend who's newish to town, and I don't think she has any plans tonight. Schoolteacher? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, schoolteacher? That's fine. Yeah. But if it's too big of a deal, we don't have to. No, no, no, no. No. No. I totally understand. It's fine. The more, the merrier.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Okay. Thanks.

[ Sighs ] Merrier.

[ Door closes ] Merry, as in "merry christmas." Oh. Wow. You're so funny. You see that? So funny. Hey. Sorry, guys. I don't mean to interrupt. I was just wondering if maxie had arrived yet. Yeah? No, she didn't get here yet. I'll tell you as soon as she's here. All right. Hey, peter, I -- you know, I'm, uh -- I'm supposed to be helping anna wrap these presents, and it turns out I'm all thumbs. So would you mind filling in for me?

[ "Silent night" plays ]

[ Breathes sharply ] I didn't -- I didn't think doctors could be all thumbs.

[ Door closes ] No, they shouldn't be. Look, you don't have -- I-I -- you don't have to do this. I-I've got it all covered. Really? Because it looks kind of like a mess. Yeah, it is. But I-I didn't invite you here so that -- to put you to work, you know. I'm happy to help. Really? Pass the ribbon.

Holy night that's a mess for you.

[ Laughs ]

All is calm marcus didn't tell you any of this? Mnh-mnh. Is he gonna press charges? Well, I haven't heard anything more, so I'm hopeful the D.A. Convinced him not to.

[ Sighs ] But as with everything, you know, there are no guarantees. Oh, what a fine mess. You know, I should probably go see how mike's doing. Will you please say my goodbyes for me? And I'll explain to anna on my way out. Yeah, of course. Tell curtis no peeking. You either.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Elevator bell dings ] Michael. Hey, willow. Hi. Merry christmas eve. You, too. Are you here for the meeting?, no. Actually, I'm here to drop off a check for the toys for tots drive on behalf of my company. Oh, that's -- that's really nice. Yeah. What about you? I just kind of found myself here. Yeah, I know the feeling. And, then, randomly, I got invited to this christmas party. I know I should go. I want to go. Or at least I want to want to go. But you don'T. I just don't feel like smiling and making conversation when I have this, like...

[Voice breaking] This, like, hole inside of me. I know. But that makes me want to kick myself, you know? Because how else am I supposed to move on? In the only way that feels right. You know what? I... there's a reason why they hold meetings for grieving parents on christmas eve. Because it's a night completely devoted to family. And the only people who really understand the loss you're feeling are the people who've experienced the same thing. So... ...let's do it. Michael. Mm. No. I'm sure you have plans. Well, nothing that can't wait. Come on. I can't believe the giants lost. It didn't matter, because you got me the tickets for mid-december, and it was a beautiful day. Wait a minute. Uh, mid-december. I-I thought they were a christmas present. Yeah, well, you got me the tickets early. You -- you surprised me after school. Sounds like a moment to remember. Yep. But, you know, dad, the hard part is, like, back then, especially back then, when it was -- when it was good with you, it was really good. And as a kid, you don't want those times to end, but you can't really appreciate the moment for what it is. You can't accept that it won't last forever. Well, maybe -- maybe that's what this terrible disease is -- is... is teaching me, you know, today, anyway -- you know, to be in the moment and not get hung up in... what's coming in the future. I'll tell you what. I'll do that if you do that. Deal. When I ran into oscar that day, I could see that whatever he was carrying was crushing him, that he needed to talk to somebody. And the only way that he would do that is if I gave my word not to tell anyone. Yeah, especially me. I kept the secret so I could help oscar. It was the only way. But I hated it, josslyn. Every day, I hated it.

[ Voice breaking ] Oscar kept something really important from me. And I can't be mad at him because he's sick. But it still hurts. So much. I'm sorry I blew up at you. And I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be honest with you.

[ Sniffles ] I forgive you. It made oscar feel less alone, like someone was on his side. And that is definitely something good.

[ Sniffles ] Thank you for that. Yeah, I just wish I could do more, you know. I was right when I told her we can count on you for anything. Anything.

[ Sighs, sniffles ] God, I'm a terrible wrapper.

[ Laughs ] I did that one. Oh. Well, then I guess I come by it naturally. Yeah. I suppose you do. But didn't I hear somewhere it's the thought that counts? It is. It is.

[ Laughs ] Oh, oscar. I'm sorry for the delay. We'll get started soon. -No, I'm fine. But is santa scheduled to put in an appearance? Well, he was, but the moths have rendered his suit a bikini. -Yikes. -And all the stores are closed. Is it really that big of a deal? We can hand out presents without using the suit. No. No, there's this patient, katie -- I think she has cancer -- and she's afraid that santa won't be able to find her in the hospital. We need to make this happen.

[ Sighs ] Then we will.

 Jordan told me about mike and yvonne, and I just came to check on him. Yeah. How's he doing? Oh, hello, jason. Hi, stella. Look who I got to come out of the cold. Oh, my gosh. Weren't you guys freezing out there? I was. Apparently, he's got thicker skin. -Stella henry. -Mike corbin.

[ Both laugh ] Are you a sight for sore eyes or what?

[ Laughs ] How's your christmas eve going? Oh, well, we took a little trip down memory lane -- what's left of it. And? And -- and I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. Sounds like a plan to me.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hello? Sonny, it's drew. I could really use your help.

[ "The first noel" plays ] "Dear anna, thank you for the backpack and all the school supplies." Oh, you found that, huh? Yeah. Every year, on your birthday, I make a donation to provide for a child. Oh. Wow. I... I'm glad to hear that, anna. Thank you for telling me. It's good that you're able to help them. It's beautiful. Well... I have something for you. You do? What is it? It's a flash drive... with my wsb file on it. I don't want there to be any more secrets between us. Hey, guys, we should get going to the hospital. And, jake, I know you want to bring some of your drawings to pediatrics. Oh, yeah. I'll grab them. Okay. Oh, that's nice, jake. I'm gonna go warm up the car. Okay. All right? And then, later, maybe we'll warm up the bed. Uh, do you know how many presents we have to wrap tonight? Honey. I'm aware.

[ Sighs ]

[ Door closes ] Okay, boys. I'm gonna go upstairs. When I come back, we're getting our jackets on. Got it? Okay. Cam? Yeah. How do you get people to like you? Well, there's a secret. Do you want to know what it is? Come on. Get over here. Try and like yourself. Do that, and eventually, the smart people will catch on -- the people who matter, like us. Your family likes you. 'Cause you have to. No. Because you're cool. All right, who digs the best holes? I do. That's right. And who finds things when we think they're lost forever? Me. Mm-hmm. And you're the only one who knows how to work the upstairs tv remote. True. Look, aiden. Kids in the third grade are really dumb, okay? And because of that, it takes them a little while to catch on. But they will, okay? You got it? Got it. Come on, jake! Are you ready?! Jake: Coming! Okay, boys. All right. That's for you. Thank you. That's for you and you. Hey, I'll race you to the car. -What's that? -What's what? -[ Laughs ] He got you. -Oh. Oh, okay.

[ Laughs ] -[ Laughing ] Wait. Maxie's here! And chet! -Hey! My man chet. -Come in. Merry christmas. Merry christmas. How's it going? Well, a lot better since the last time you saw me. I'm glad to hear it. Jordan, curtis, chase, this is chet driscoll. -Hey. How's it going? Should I put the presents under the tree? -Oh, please do. Yes, yeah. -Okay. Such as it is.

[ Laughter ] -Oh! Oh! -Ohh! Whoopsie. Oh, yeah. Told you I keep things interesting. You sure you're okay to stay with him? Of course. There's no place I'd rather be, believe me. All right. Go save christmas. On it. You ready? Let's do this! Let's go!

The beat goes on. Yeah! Hi! Thank you. Mm. Thank you, thank you, thank you. -Okay. -Hey. -Hey. -Let's go. Come on. "'Twas the night before christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even..." together: A mouse! Right. "The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads. When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be saint nick. So up to the housetop, the coursers, they flew with a sleigh full of toys and saint nicholas, too. He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. His eyes -- how they twinkled! His dimples -- how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! He was chubby and plump, a right jolly, old elf, and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself. A wink of his eyes and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word, but went straight back to his work and filled all the stockings, and then turned with a jerk. Laying his finger aside of his nose, and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose." Look, there's santa! -Hey! -Hey! Bobbie: [ Deep voice ] Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Merry christmas! Woman: Whoo! Whoo-hoo! "He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight..." merry christmas to all, and to all a good night! -Yeah! -Yeah!

[ Applause ] Ho, ho, ho, ho!

On the next "General Hospital" --


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