General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/10/18
Episode #14176 ~ Ava is having a hard time; Julian tries to smooth things over; Carly pays a visit to Morgan's grave; Drew is in disbelief; Sonny defends his father.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Hey. I think this one will work. Ava, sweetheart, it's -- it's time. I can'T.[ Voice breaking ] I just can't let her go.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Pin clatters ] Commissioner. Thank you for coming. I didn't realize you were that close to kiki. Yeah, she was a friend of my son's, so I'm here for him -- and as a gesture of respect. Kiki was a very strong person who stood up for her beliefs. I also want to see who attends -- and if there are any onlookers. Given the nature of the murders, I suspect the killer might turn up to enjoy the impact of his handiwork.
[ Organ music plays ] Franco. Franco? Hey. It's beautiful. Thank you. It does not compare to all of the beauty that she brought to this world. Well, it's still a wonderful testament to kiki. I just wish I could give her her life back.
[ Indistinct conversations ] I don't have time for games. No games.
[ Laughs ] "No games." Is that right? Listen, I am offering you to have your old life back -- your true self. Please, just take it. Uh, what is this, really? You don't give something for nothing. No, th-that is exactly what I'm offering. This is everything that you always wanted. Your memories are on here. Will you please just take it? You know what? There's something I want more than my past. It's a future for my kids. My son, especially. His future is looking pretty bleak right now, so unless you have a cure for cancer in your back pocket, back off.
[ Knock on door ] Come in.
[ Monitor beeping ] Hey. Jason. Did alexis talk to you about my will? She did. And I-I'm honored that you would -- that you would ask me... so you'll do it? I'm sorry. I can'T. I know it's not polite to drop by like this... everything all right? I don't want to mince words. You need to keep your father away from my wife. -Okay, mr. Godfrey -- -you know, um, can I take your coat? You can sit down. I can bring you something to drink. Thank you, no. I won't stay long. My hope is to make you both understand how your father is endangering yvonne's health.
[ Sighs ] Griffin? I shouldn't be here. You listen to me. I saw the way kiki looked when she talked about you, and you made her really happy. No. You have every right to be here. No. Y-- none of us should be here. This shouldn't have happened. How can she be gone? Sweetheart, I-I-I think you need to get ready. You may not want to, but I think you'll regret not going to kiki's service. If I step into that church, it'll be real. My daughter will be in a box.
[ Sighs ] And every dream that she ever dreamed for herself will be buried with her, and there won't be anything left for me.
[ Knock on door ] Oh, don'T. Please don'T. The only person I would want to see on the other side of that door is my daughter. I'll be right back, okay? Just... it's okay.
[ Cup clinks ] Hi. Hi. Mama!
[ Gasps ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Inhales deeply ] Um, avery needs to know what happened, and, um, we thought you should be the one to tell her. Uh, I'm gonna call scott at the church and tell him we'll be a little bit delayed, okay?
[ Bag rustles ] Where's kiki? Uh, she, uh -- she must have heard my dad and I talking about kiki and you, and, uh... she thought we were coming here to see you both. Will kiki be here soon? Um...
[ Sniffles ] Sweetie, you know that -- that kiki loves you very, very much. Her favorite thing in the world was to be with you. And I know that if she could be, kiki would be here with us right now. Oh, how I wish that she could be here. But, um... there was a terrible accident, and... kiki was hurt very badly. Is kiki okay? No, baby. No. Kiki was hurt so badly that nobody was able to make her better again.
[ Sniffles ] So she can't be with us today. Sh-- she can't be with us anymore. But I want her. I do, too.
[ Sobs ]
[ Sobbing ] I want her, too. I want her so badly.
[ Sniffles ] You won't be the executor of my will? Look, I understand that you're upset with your parents for not telling you the truth, but I don't want to add to their pain by accepting your offer. Oh, no, no, no. This isn't about that. Okay, then -- then tell me what it's about. Just what the lawsuit was about -- making my own choices. Look, I-I need to be ready if this treatment doesn't work. And if I ask either of my parents to help me with my will, it'll destroy them. It sounds like you don't believe that there's much hope. That you're expecting to die. Drew, will you please -- please believe me. And I am genuinely sorry that your son is sick. Will you knock that off, please? You're not gonna give me something unless you want something back in return some time down the line, so... wow. You really think that I'm incapable of a meaningful gesture. Yeah, I-I-I do, actually. Y-you're either gonna give me this thing, and you want something from me...
[ Elevator bell dings ] ...Or you found that there's nothing on it. Either way, I don't want anything from you. Leave me alone. Excuse me. -Yep. For your information...
[ Sighs ] ...Neither is true. Everything that you want is on this flash drive. Your entire past. Why are you so afraid to take it? Are you sure that I can't get you something to drink? I can make you some coffee or tea? No, thank you. I'm on my way back to turning woods. Yvonne is expecting me. Time with your wife is -- is precious. I understand. Do you? I mean no disrespect, mr. Corinthos. But yvonne and I have been married for 30 years. We weren't blessed with children, but our love for each other made up for that. Sounds like you had a special marriage. Despite what your father may believe, yvonne is still my wife. Alzheimer's hasn't invalidated our vows. Oh, god. No one is suggesting otherwise. Except for mr. Corbin. I hope you were sincere about your offer to consult in the investigation. We're starting to put the pieces together, and I'd really like your take. Of course. Any way I can help. I'm concerned the murders are rippling through the psyche of port charles. I -- I'm concerned about the emotional well-being of the community. Yeah. Well, thank you. Uh, we'll be in touch. Excuse me. Of course. Mom, I'm so glad you're here. I know, sweetie. I know. Hi. How are you? Terrible. I-I-I can't even wrap my head around it. I mean, who -- who would want to kill kiki? I promise you, I'm gonna find out, okay? What's kevin doing here? When did he become ava's go-to guy? Oh, about the time he started sleeping with her behind my mom's back.
[ Sighs ] I'm just flummoxed that those two have hooked up. Oh, I know. I thought he really loved my mom. I don't even recognize kevin anymore. Griffin? Hi. Hey. I'm so sorry. We haven't really spoken since that awful stunt ava pulled. Making kiki think we slept together -- I'm so sorry she used me to hurt you both. Once kiki knew the -- the truth about what was really going on, she had nothing but empathy for you -- how -- how -- how ava manipulated you. She was looking forward to becoming friends as well as sisters. I would have liked to have gotten to know her better. You would have loved her. It's impossible not to love kiki. Can I get you anything or do anything? You're doing it now. Just remember that I'm here, and you're not alone. I know. Can we just kind of stay here for a little bit with kiki until everybody's here and we can start? Of course.
well, thank you so much for coming over. I love you very much, sweetie. I love you, too. Hey, avery, why don't you go with your uncle julian and wait for me by the elevator, okay? Say bye to your mom. -Okay, sweetheart. I'll see you soon, all right? Okay. Bye. Okay, come on. Let's go. First one to the elevator. Go, go, go.
[ Door closes ] Thank you for bringing her over. Yeah. Well, kiki would have wanted us to put our differences aside to take care of avery. And I'm really sorry for your loss.
[ Softly ] Thank you.
[ Sighs ]
[ Door opens ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Door closes ]
[ Sniffles ]
[ Clears throat ] I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know what I need to do. I've made peace with the way things are. I don't need to go chasing my past. Well, now you don't have to because they're right here. Yeah, here we go. What you want to do with the memories on this drive is up to you. I have a feeling one day, you're gonna want to know. Now, you know exactly where they are. I want to live, okay? But I need someone to talk to about what happens if I don'T. Someone who won't fall apart.
[ Monitor beeping ] You say what you're thinking, and I know you'll be honest with me. Tell me what you want, and I'll see if I can do it. This feels so wrong. Kiki being taken like that? I know. And it's unfair. I mean, you always taught me to fight injustice, but in this case, there is nothing I can do. God. I hate feeling useless. I know. Me, too. Well, kevin, you've been busy. Excuse me? Well, with the commissioner. They -- they give you a little badge now that you're detective collins? I've been asked to assist the pcpd. Jordan feels that with my expertise, I may have some insight into the mind of this killer. And she's right -- I do know how they think.
Monica took me around port charles to see all the cool places the qs have given to the town. Now, I haven't been a quartermaine for very long, but I was automatically given stock. And if I die, I want to follow the family tradition and establish something for kids that are sick. That -- that's it in terms of actual assets. As far as my personal stuff... I want to pick out something for my mom, my dad, scout, joss, and my grandmother monica. I really want my mom to get rid of everything else, and you're gonna have to help her with that. Look, it will be hard for her to let go, but I don't want her turning my room into some shrine... I respect, uh, that you want to make your own choices with the stock, that -- that's great, but shouldn't your mom be able to grieve how -- how she wants to grieve? Like I said, I don't want to die, but if I do, both my mom and dad are gonna need some serious help picking up the pieces. Will you do it? Yeah. Yeah, I'll honor your wishes. On one condition. Yeah. What? When you beat this... get alexis to draft up a new will with a new executor. Deal.
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Sighs ] It's a deal. Thank you.
[ Door closes ] You know what? I think we're getting ahead of ourselves. My father and yvonne are just -- they're just enjoying each other, playing -- playing cards. My father's dealing with a lot right now. He spends every day worrying about the memories he's lost and the things that he's missing. Is it so wrong to spend two hours a day where he doesn't have to think like that? You know, yvonne and mike -- they're good company for each other. I mean, there's no harm in that. I hope you're right. I'm sure we are. We'll probably see you again at turning woods. Yeah.
[ Sighs ] -I kind -- you know, I -- -oh, my gosh. I get that it's hard for him, and he's struggling to hold on to the love his wife is clearly forgetting. I know. A-and, you know, I --
[ Sighs ] I think that yvonne and mike's friendship is a good thing. Well... what if mike feels more than friendship? But it's not like they can go outside. They can't be alone together. True. And my dad lights up every time he sees yvonne. Oh. And it's like -- I don't know if it's just me being selfish or the fact that kiki's death is weighing on me. I know. I feel it, too. I am just so grateful that my dad can have just one bit of happiness. No matter how he finds it. So, the med students and the nurses started a gofundme to create a sexual-harassment curriculum for med school students. That's great. Doing something positive in the face of such tragedy. I'd love to write about it -- a follow-up piece in kiki's honor. Yeah, kiki was a member of the G.H. Family. And we'll never forget her. I think I'm gonna go. What? Before the service? Everyone here was so much closer to kiki than I was. It feels wrong to intrude on their grief. Oh, no, no. You're not intruding. Kiki was your sister -- you missed a whole lifetime of being with her, knowing her. In the short time I knew her, she was really good to me. Yeah. So stay. After you listen to the stories of everybody talking about kiki, maybe you'll feel like you know her a little better. You're right. I should stay. Okay. Good. Besides, I need my daughter by my side. Hey. Hey. How are you? K-kiki deserved so much more. You know, not that long ago, she came over to my house, and she told me how hopeful she was about the two of you. Really? Yeah. You made her really happy.
[ Exhales shakily ] I keep seeing kiki. You know, I, uh -- how beautiful, how full of life...
[ Sighs ] If only didn't leave her that day, you know. Why was anything more important than leaving her? Don'T. Don'T. Don't do that, okay?
[ Sniffles ] Kiki didn't die because you weren't there. She died because some sick person chose to take her from us.
[ Door closes ] Kevin, good of you to come. Of course. I'll always be here if ava needs me. I don't know if I can do this. You just lean on me.
[ Elevator bell dings ] Hey. Hey. Funny running into you. You know what? Y-you spent a lot of time looking for this. You might as well see it. That's dr. Maddox's flash drive? Yeah. Margaux had it. She finally decided to give it to me. She was holding it this whole time? Yeah. Using it as leverage to, uh... well, I imagine you know what she wanted me to do. Didn't do it. I guess she decided to give it to me out of her own free will, you know, the goodness of her heart. Well, if she was the bigger person, she would have given it to you as soon as she found it. Yeah. I guess the question is... what do we do with it now? Reverend weston: If you would all take your seats, we're about to begin. We're here today to celebrate the life of lauren katherine jerome, known to her family and friends as kiki. It seems appropriate that she be memorialized by someone who knew her best. Mr. Baldwin?
[ Franco sighs ] "Family" is not just who you're related to.
[ Clears throat, sniffles ] I believe that you can choose your family, and kiki and i chose one another. I was not kiki's biological father, and that was a very bitter pill to swallow when I discovered that, but kiki... ...kiki didn't care at all.
[ Sniffles ] She, um -- she continued to choose me. And she allowed -- she insisted that I remain her father-figure. And I loved kiki very much. I am certain that kiki had no idea how much I loved her. Maybe that's the lesson in all of this. M-maybe -- maybe that's what we're supposed to learn because we all do it. We all take things for granted. We say, "oh, I'll tell that person that I love that person the next time I see that person." We all do it. Ki-- k-- that's not true. Kiki didn't do that. Kiki had a voice. Kiki spoke her truth. And I believe that that drew people together. I mean, who -- who but kiki could get a group of misfits like us all in the same room together? She would smile right now. She would be very proud of all of us. She would be very grateful that we could put aside our differences and maybe just for one moment... we're all a little kinder. She loved sunflowers.
[ Sniffles ] She just -- I -- it's so fitting to me because they're just so resilient. They're such resilient seekers, coming up out of the cracks in sidewalks and growing out of the sides of buildings. Anything to just turn their face towards the sun. Anything to just be in a small patch of sunlight. And kiki was resilient. She was not perfect. I'm not gonna stand here and say that kiki was perfect because she would hate that because she hated all lies. She hated all hypocrisy. She hated all injustice, and she would -- she would take on injustice no matter how lousy the odds, which is how she could take on somebody like dr. Bensch and win. She had a wicked sense of humor. Even though she couldn't tell a joke to save her life... it's true. [ Chuckles ] She always screwed up the punch line. She put ketchup on her eggs, which is just wrong. I mean, from a culinary standpoint, it's -- it's like a flaw. And I would tell her. I'd say, "y-you're just wrong about that." And she would not change her mind because she was so stubborn, and that's another flaw she had. She was stubborn. Stubbornness. And I, for one, know firsthand just how stubborn she was because she never once gave up on me...
[ Inhales sharply ] And it's not -- not just me. All of you. I'm a better person because of kiki. You are all better people because of kiki. She was just the best.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ] How dare he. Stop him. It's just as well this -- this isn't a catholic service. I -- the church stripped me of my right to the sacraments months ago. Kiki was furious. "How dare they," she -- she said, "take your faith away?" And I told her -- I-I-I told her -- I-I promised her that my faith was constant and that I would never lose it. That was in a -- that was when I lived in a world with kiki. I don't know if I have faith in a world without her. I want to honor kiki today, but my soul is empty. I just can't find the words. What I can say is that she loved you all very much.
In a memory that's locked inside our hearts
you will always live on
live on
live on
like a melody that's written in the stars
you will always live on
live on
in everyone
you'll live on
like the sun rising up
every day
like the moon
guiding our way
you made this world
a brighter place
and a light like that
never fades
looking in the sky
you have changed our lives
in a memory that's locked inside our hearts
you will always live on
live on
live on
like a melody that's written in the stars
you will always live on
live on in everyone
you'll live on
you'll live on
live on
live on
Evator bell dings ] I don't even know if this thing is real. I don't know what to do with it. I mean, that's your, uh -- that's your decision. Yeah? Man, I don't want your memories. But I can't risk losing the ones that aren't yours -- the people I love, my kids. And right now, my son... hey, nobody knows what's gonna happen with oscar. But at least you got the flash drive. You know, maybe one day you can use it without losing anything. I'm gonna go visit morgan. You want to come? Actually, I think I'm gonna just... stay here, have a moment. Will you say a prayer for me? I should go talk to her. I mean, I-I could do it. I know what you're thinking. How could I produce a daughter so kind, so good? Ava, nobody's thinking that. Aw, franco, come on. Don't lie to me. I can see it on all your faces. I didn't deserve kiki. And you think... that I wanted her to die, don't you? Say it. Go ahead. Say it!
[ Elevator bell dings ] Are you sure you're gonna be okay? You could come stay with me if you want. I'd like the company. Oh. Mom, thank you, but T.J.'S schedule is so busy, and our place is closer to here and the campus, so... how about we come over for dinner tomorrow? Aww, that'd be good. Thanks. I'd like that. Mm. I love you. Both. I love you. I love you more.
[ Laughs ] No, you don'T.
[ Laughs ] -Okay, bye. -Take care. Hey, you. How you doing? Mm. -It's good to see you. -It's good to see you, too. You all right? Well, it's been a tough day. You here to see oscar?
[ Sighs ] Yes. I agreed to be the executor of his will. Thank you. It'll be very comforting to him. Let's just hope that you don't have to step up. Burying a child is hell.
[ Monitor beeping ] Shh, shh, shh.
[ Sighs ] Please, god, grant kiki an easy passage. Bring her in peace to morgan and grant us the comfort for knowing that they're together. Every time I think of morgan's death... ...or the senseless crime of kiki's passing or my father's last bits of life that he's reaching for that are leaving him... faith falls short. Help me trust your mercy. Grant me the grace to believe again. You were watching the grounds? Yeah, no one was lurking around during the service. Any surprises in the crowd? No. Not a person without a tie to the victim -- and I can't see any of them committing such a vicious murder. Unless... you don't know everyone as well as you think, and the killer is among us. Come on, franco. You were so eloquent for kiki. Haven't you got any words for me? Oh, not one of you has the courage to say what you're actually thinking?! -Ava -- -no, I know -- I know that you all blame me for kiki's death, don't you?! Admit it! In your heart of hearts, you think this is what I deserve! Nobody blames you, okay, ava, so please, let's just stop. Only you, right, carly?!
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