General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 11/28/18
Episode #14168 ~ Nina and Charlotte attend the ballet; Josslyn catches on; Laura is uneasy.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Okay, charlotte, let's go, let's go! Gosh, what was I thinking about a costume change?[ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh. You look adorable! Look at you! That's a perfect dress for "the nutcracker." Right?
[ Chuckles ] Yes! You ready? Ready. Let's go. Quick. Sorry I'm late. Charlotte: Surprise! I found someone for our extra ticket. Joss, hey. Can I come in? Uh, yeah, sure.
[ Cheers and applause on tv ]
[ Tv shuts off ] I talked to oscar. Yeah, how did that go? He told me he has an inoperable brain tumor. And that he broke up with me not because he didn't love me, but because he wanted to protect me. It makes me crazy when I think about all of the time we've lost, especially now that he'S... well, did he tell you about the experimental trial? Yeah, I convinced him into doing it. If not for himself, then for me. Uh, so you guys are back together. Yeah, of course. So you couldn't have been that mad at oscar for not telling you the truth. I'm not mad at oscar, cameron. I'm mad at you! Laura: Ohh! I love you so much. -[ Laughs ] -Thank you, franco. [ Laughs ] So, tell me, how was thanksgiving? It was great. Yeah? Yeah.
[ Chuckles ] How was the movie? Awesome. Aiden? What did you think? It was his pick, right? Yeah. It was good. Just good? Football's cooler. Ooh. Okay.
[ Sighs ] Well, what do you say we sit down and we have our annual post-movie pie? Oh, yes. Yes, let's do it. Okay. Thank you. No, thank you. As an estranged wife myself, I can't imagine how hard it was for you to go public with your separation. Wait -- you and dr. Collins aren't married anymore?
And make it seem all right
[ Door opens ] I know it's a little late for dinner, but I was hoping you had time for dessert? Hey, hey. Uh, did, uh, kiki ever show up? You know what? I never saw her, but, um, some guests went to the deck to look at the stars, so maybe she's out there. Okay, thank you. Mm-hmm.
[ Laughing ] Wow.
[ Laughs ] This is nice. I know. You know [Sighs] Baby...
[Sighs] I wish I had a better way to say this. You are at a loss for words?
[ Chuckles ] The smoothest talker I know?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ] I love you, baby. Thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest man alive. I love you, curtis. Thank you...
[ Sighs ] ...For never giving up on us. I mean...
[ Sighs ] ...You didn't always make it easy. Hm. The best things never are. Now, you ready to get our wedding night started?
[ Laughs ] Let's get this party started -- yeah, yeah. Oh, hold on for a second. I want to do something. Uh, what's that? I want to carry my queen over the threshold. Oh, okay. Mm-hmm.
[ Laughs ] All right. Oh! Oh. [ Laughs ] Yes. Hi. Hey. Oh, um... oh. I'm gonna need some...
[ Laughing ] Okay. ...Help right here. Let me just -- ah! Beautiful. Hyah!
[ Both laugh ] Hmm. You're beautiful.
[ Chuckles ] Oh, my god... what the hell is this? Looks like we've got company. Well, hello? This is our room. Hello? Excuse me? Yo. Hello? Hello!? Excuse -- she's cold. Curtis... there's no pulse.
Kevin, I have your caramel brulee lattes ready! I'm guessing you didn't know I was coming. I did not. Charlotte...? You told me that nina invited me to join you at the ballet tonight. Was that not true? I just wanted us to do something special together like we used to. Like a family. I'm sorry. I'll go. No. You don't need to go. There's no reason why you shouldn't join us. Yay! Okay, yay. But you are sneaky, and you're sitting in the middle. Deal. Okay, come on, let's go. We're gonna be late. Well, this is officially a crime scene. Okay, what can I do? Get chase and valerie -- hopefully they haven't left yet. Tell them what happened and that I need them right now. All right. I got it.
[ Sighs ] This is commissioner ashford. I'm reporting a homicide. The stateroom on
the haunted star. Victim's female, but that's about all I know. I need uniforms and csi on site. Okay. As soon as you can.
[ Sighs ] How long have we known each other? Forever. Yeah, since we were babies. We practically grew up together! I always assumed I could trust you. Joss, you can trust -- no, I can't! You lied to my face! And not just once -- multiple times, about something
really important! You don't think I know that it was really important? Then why? I told you, joss. Oscar was begging me to keep his secret. He was scared and hurting. Not in the best place to make decisions, cameron, but you -- you're supposed to have my back. Okay, look, I didn't ask to be in the middle of any of this, okay? If I can go back and never find out about oscar's brain tumor? I would. But I did. And oscar was practically forcing me to keep his secret so I could never... did you not once think about how this would affect me -- ever? I thought about it all the time, okay? I just figured that oscar was the one who was sick and deserved the bigger favor. Seriously, joss. Put yourself in my shoes. What would you have done? I would've told you. Really? I... and then you asked me to be your fake boyfriend. And we're spending all this time together, and it's really, really great. And we're going to pep rallies, and then we started kissing... and I want to enjoy that. But I can'T. 'Cause I know the truth. These things aren't happening because oscar's an insensitive ass that dumped you... they're happening because he's dying. Jake... what? You hurt grandma's feelings.
[ Sighs ] Oh, I-I didn't mean to. Nobody thinks you meant to. No, honey. No, no, you -- you didn't hurt my feelings. Not at all.
[ Sighs ] But you know what? Sometimes keeping secrets can hurt people, and that's why I chose to make an announcement about me and kevin separating. That way everything's all out in the open, and...
[ Sighs ] Um, so, look, if you have any questions about anything at all, it's okay, just ask away. Uh, I have a question. Okay. Can I have apple
and chocolate pie?
[ Chuckles ] Uh, yeah, I think that can be arranged. Franco: Yeah! And armpit if they have it. I love armpit. -[ Chuckles ] -Pie? Gross! Yeah, don't knock it till you try it... come on. I'm so sorry. Oh, it's okay, honey. It's really okay. I should have prepped those boys better -- no, no, no. Please, don't be silly.
[ Sniffles ] I chose to release that to the press. You know?
[ Sniffles ] It's one thing to write the words, and it's another to have to live with it. I understand the art world is -- it's rather cutthroat. Oh, yes. Absolutely. One must hone one's instincts. Be ready to act aggressively at a moment's notice in order to get what one wants. Does that work? You tell me. Jordan needs to see the two of you in the stateroom -- now. Is something wrong? There's a body lying face-down in my honeymoon suite. Let's go. Uh, hold up. Excuse me. Uh, I'm very sorry, but everyone needs to stay exactly where you are. This ship just became a potential crime scene. What kind of crime? Uh, that's all the information we have. Uh, but as soon as we find out more, so will you. In the meantime, nobody moves. Understood? I'll stay here, make sure everyone stays put. All right.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Csi is en route. I need you to secure the whole ship and do a search. No one comes in or out except for law enforcement. Okay? No one. Got it.
[ Sighs ]
Curtis: Any updates? We've secured the boat. Still waiting on backup and csi. Look, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. We're gonna wrap this up as soon as we can. Everybody, just hang tight, all right? Dr. Munro... yeah. ...I think the commissioner could use your expertise. Could you come with me? Yeah.
[ Sighs ] I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that --
[ Sighs ] No, I get it. Look, there's a still a chance that, you know... he can pull -- cameron, it's fine. I never thought about how this was for you. It must have been really hard. I'm sorry. Please, you don't need to apologize. Yeah. Yeah, I do. You were put in an impossible situation, and I'm being a total bitch about it. Maybe just a partial one.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ] Does that mean I'm forgiven? Look, joss, I'm joking. Okay, I just want this all to be done. All the drama... I want my biggest worry to be my next soccer game... or what I'm having for dinner. You and oscar go on your walk through the woods, read poetry, listen to symphonies... I'll be here playing video games. The way I like it. Poetry and symphonies? Yeah, whatever. You do you. Just leave me out of it. He really is good with them, isn't he? Yeah. Sometimes better than I am. Oh, stop. Okay, so you can tell me to mind my own business if you don't want to talk about it... it's okay.
[ Sighs ] My separation come as a surprise? Yeah. Yeah, join the club. Oh. I feel like I left one husband when I left for paris, and I came home to a completely different one. What happened? I don't know. I've been asking myself that for weeks now. Was it because I stayed away too long? Is it just all this stuff about his brother? Maybe it's a combination of the both? Actually, there's a third factor. What? Not a what. A who. Ava jerome. I'm sorry. For what? Mm. That was rather forward of me...
[ Both chuckle ] I like forward. In light of what's happening between you and laura -- laura doesn't matter. What does matter is right here, right now. You and me. I feel like I'm taking advantage. Of what? The situation? Certainly not of me. I'm right where I want to be. And those instincts, those desires... don't hide them. Don't even dim them. Be proud. Because you. Are incredible. Commissioner, I know csi isn't here yet, but griffin's a doctor. You want him to take a look? Good idea. I-I checked for a pulse. I couldn't find one. Unfortunately, I think she's dead. She...? But confirmation is always good.
[ Gasps ] Kiki...
[ Breathing heavily ]
She can't be gone. Dr. Munro.
[ Breathing heavily ] Who would do this to her?! I'm so sorry. But are you able to call it? She's dead. I know you want to stay with her... I would, too. But you need to leave. We can't contaminate the crime scene any further. Come on.
[ Sniffles ] I'll walk you. Come on. Come on. I'll get him some water. Thank you. Ready?
So we cross the great divide let me ask you something. How -- how's, uh... how's aiden doing in school? I don't know. You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?
That I thought I'd never find I've heard some kids say he's weird. Weird? Like -- like how? How's he weird? Like...he doesn't fit in, I guess.
Are the best days of our lives enough about me and my dysfunctional marriage. Fill me in. How is aiden doing? Is there any improvement at school? No. We actually met with his teacher. Ms. Tait? Mm-hmm. Yeah, she thinks -- she thinks he's being bullied. Bullied? Yeah. By who? Apparently, she's not allowed to say. Which is probably a good thing, 'cause I'm pretty sure franco would show up on their doorstep with some very choice words for the parents. Yeah, and I wouldn't blame him. Yeah. Bullying. That is awful. That is such a hard thing for a child to deal with at this age. Well, really, for anybody at any age, right? Mm. So, what did the teacher suggest? Supporting him, trying to get him to open up without confrontation, teaching him how to self-advocate... good advice, but that's easier said than done. Yeah.
We believe it all especially when you have a little boy intent on shutting everyone out. Jordan: Take a seat right here.
[ Crying ] Oh, no. -Oh, my god. -No. It's kiki.
[ Sighs ]
[ Clears throat ] J-- just promise me, okay, that I will not... find you in bed with my daughter. I'm sure your daughter is a lovely girl... but her youth makes her shallow. Vapid, preachy, and judgmental. Why would I want that when I can have you?
You feel up to answer some questions? Okay. Sure. When was the last time you saw kiki? At her apartment. We w-- we were getting ready for the wedding. I got called to G.H. We decided we'd meet at the ceremony. But she never showed up. I went to her apartment. The door was ajar. Not like it was wide open. Something... something that could have happened if you left in a hurry. Any sign of struggle? There was a broken vase o-on the floor. You know, it looked like something that could happen -- y-you know, it fell off of a table. Again, if -- if she was in a hurry, maybe something she left to clean up later. Is that her shawl you're holding? Yeah, it had some blood on it. Can I see? It was a couple of drops. You know, I thought, like, it could've come from a cut from the -- from the vase. Look, I-I-in no way, shape, or form did I think I was walking in on a murder scene.
[ Laughter ] Papa, I wish we could get a carriage like that back home for our horses.
[ Chuckles ] See, nina? Oh, nice. Just like the sugar plum fairy. Even better. Even better. You know what? This ballerina needs to get her pjs on. Nina's right. Scooch.
[ Chuckles ] That was a nice touch, the carriage ride from "the nutcracker." Did you like it?
[ Chuckles ] Charlotte liked it. I, uh -- I made the arrangements, admittedly, before I knew I wasn't invited to "the nutcracker."
[ Laughs ] Does that bother you that charlotte lied? I think lying might be a stretch. She wasn't honest, so... well, what's the harm in, uh, being a little manipulative if you're just trying to make the people you love happier? Well, you just outlined charlotte's total mind-set. Does that mean you're happier... that I'm here? It means that I'm hungry. And I want to order room service. Look, I really am sorry. Please stop apologizing. Well, I just feel bad -- don'T. Oscar's sick, so he gets a free pass, and you were lied to, so you get one, too. Yeah, but what about you? It always falls on the messenger, right? "I that do bring the news made not the match."
[ Chuckles ] What? "Antony and cleopatra." Shakespeare? Quoting shakespeare. Um...we had a test last friday. Mm. We didn't have school last friday. Or some time last week. Well, thanks for being so generous. Yep. Just as long as you know -- I'm out. Out...? I mean, feel free to call if you need anything, but this is for you and oscar to figure out. The next time one of you guys feel like keeping a secret... or lying... or creating some fake relationship... get someone else. Okay? Okay. Um... I mean, I-I'll see you soon, right? Yeah, I'll be around. Aiden's really struggling, and I just wish cameron could be a little more sensitive to it. Do you know why he didn't come to the movies with us? Why? He wanted to watch football. Ah. That explains the comment... mm-hmm. ...And the lack of enthusiasm. Which is crazy because aiden's been begging us to take him to that movie. Mm-hmm. I just thought it would be so nice if we all went together as a family, you know? Yeah. Give him a little boost. Aiden worships his big brother, and if cameron had gone tonight, I-I just know he would've had so much more fun. Did you say anything to cameron about that? I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Yeah. But I don't know. Maybe I should have? Elizabeth [Sighs] You're a wonderful mother. Don't ever question that. The only thing that
really matters is that you love those boys. And I know you do. Hey. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Um, I think we should go. I think jake is really second-guessing the whole "let's have two pieces of pie" decision. -Oh. -Ooh. Go. Go. Are you sure? 'Cause I can stay -- no, be with your family. Pie's on me. Can I have my hugs?
[ Chuckles ] Bye, sweetheart. I love you so much. And you, too, little one. Love you.
[ Laughs ] Oh. My sweet little boy. Aww. Franco. Yeah? Happy thanksgiving. Oh, thank you so much. Happy thanksgiving. Let's go. Go ahead. You're better than a thousand ava jeromes. Don't ever forget it. I love you. I love you.
Okay, what time did you arrive? With all the other guests. Um, 5:00? Okay, did you notice anything suspicious in the parking lot? Someone leaving, or maybe a car pulling away...? Everything was normal. Except for kiki not being here. I-I do remember griffin checking his phone a couple times during the ceremony, and then he left briefly before the vows. How briefly? Um...five minutes at the most? And then he was there for the rest of the ceremony, and we all left the church and came here for the reception. Including griffin? Yeah. He was here when the reception started. And then he left and came back again. I assume to look for kiki. I'm sending a forensics unit over to kiki's apartment -- would you be comfortable with them searching your place as well? Whatever helps find kiki's killer. Excuse me -- of course. Thank you. If I have any more questions, I'll let you know. Okay. Have a forensics team meet you and detective spencer over at 829 hawthorne drive. Seal off kiki's apartment, and then do a thorough search of dr. Munro'S. He gave you the okay? Yeah, keep me posted. I will. In the meantime, I'll release the remaining guests and staff. Got it. Do you have a four?
[ Gasps ] I'm sorry, charlie. Get your fishing rod out.
[ Chuckles ] Your turn. Do you...have a six? I do have a six. That's a nine. Turn it upside down. It's a six. That's a lie. Papa would do anything to give you what you want, nina. Uh, speaking of doing anything to get what you want, I want to make sure you know that it was wrong to lie to me to say that nina invited me to the ballet tonight. I just wanted to have fun. Are you having fun? Yes, I am, but -- and you? Don't -- no, that's not the point. Why not? I just wanted to be all together. And here we are -- together. Well, she's a tough one to argue with, isn't she? Gets that from you.
[ Chuckles ] Cameron is trying to redeem himself by letting jake and aiden "tell" him about the movie. It's a nice gesture. Jake is doing all the talking. Aiden's barely said anything, and he's the one who picked the movie. It's like he thinks his opinion doesn't matter... about that. This is, uh... this is aiden's picture from earlier. Is that aiden? Yeah. I'm really looking forward to having a strong and honest woman in office.
[ Chuckles ] If I win. You will.
[ Sighs ]
[ Chuckles ] Well... I hate to end our evening, but I do have to pick up avery at her father'S. I still have one daughter that loves me... I think avery can wait a few more minutes. But as for kiki... oh, I know, I know. Just put her out of my mind, right? Better yet -- pretend she doesn't exist.
Jordan has given the all-clear to leave. Um...thank you for everything you did to make this reception beautiful. Curtis, I'm just so sorry that it ended like this. Me too. But not for us, but for kiki and everyone that loved her. Y'all get home safe, okay? Okay. You too. Thank you. Yeah.
[ Sighs ] I-I'm gonna stick around a little while longer, see what I can learn.
[ Sighs ] Always the journalist. Mm-hmm.
I want to get out of here. Can I drive you? You don't have to do that. I know. But selfishly, I'd love to take a little peek in on my nephew. Well, in that case... thank you. Elizabeth: Unh-unh. No more football. You're done for the day. What? Yeah, you heard me. And I should have never let you refuse to come to that movie. Why not? You knew how important it was to your brother! Can you not see him struggling? Mom -- he looks up to you, cameron. One day -- one day to make him feel special. That's all I asked is for one day, and you couldn't even do that. Do you have anything to say? Yeah. I know oscar has a brain tumor. And now josslyn knows, too, because I told her. Oh, yeah, and I'll try to be a little bit more careful with aiden next time. Oh.
[ Sighs ] Could I have messed that up any worse? Yeah, probably. Can I get a slice of apple pie to go, please? Thanks.
You said I don't want to lose you
when I'm close to giving up
there's always a trade-off
there's never enough
of you to go around cameron: I feel like we haven't been hanging out since we were kids. I had such a crush on you back then. No, you didn't! Yes, I did! Oh, come on. You knew.
[ Quietly ] Maybe. Well, too bad I was dressing up as ears of corn. I liked the look.
[ Laughing ] Liar! Valentin cassadine needs a room for the evening. Oh, come on. Surely you have a room. Seriously? The presidential suite? The honeymoon suite? Okay, well, can you just, uh, bring up some pillows and -- and blankets? Thank you.
[ Sighs ] You can sleep on the sofa. A sleepover?!
[ Chuckles ] Did you brush your teeth? We can have breakfast together and go to central park! Okay, okay, time to go to sleep! Sleepy time!
[ Chuckles ] This is the best thanksgiving ever! Good night, ma petite. Sleep well. And doesn't nina get a kiss, too? Eh -- [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Okay, let's go. Okay. Good night, papa. All right. Night, nina. Good night. Despite all the effort you put into today, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave along with the other guests. Because if I stay, then I become press... yeah, and I can't have press at the crime scene. I know this isn't the way you hoped it would turn out, but you were a beautiful bride. I second that. Good night. Good night.
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Some wedding, huh? I'm sorry, babe. What are you sorry for? It's not like you asked for all of this. Actually...I like watching you do your thing, you know that? Yeah? Yeah. It's a good thing you married me, then. Yes, it is.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone rings ] Hold on. Chase, what do you got? Chase: I'm at dr. Munro's apartment...
I think I found something.
[ Knock on door ] R-really? Who on earth could that be?
[ Pounding on door ]
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