General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/26/18
Episode #14166 ~ Ned is uncomfortable about Julian being at Thanksgiving; Kim is disappointed; Monica takes precautions.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
[ Cheering ][ Laughs ] All right, let's pour it quickly. Okay, good, here we go. Quick, quick, quick. The last thing we need is a champagne-related wardrobe malfunction. I'm not even dressed yet. I know, and you're gonna be leaving that robe on until the last minute before you walk down the aisle. Okay, okay. All right, quick, we need to get this poured. -Okay. -Everybody take one. You got one. Yeah, I do. Okay. To jordan. All: Jordan!
[ Chuckles ] A woman who I am privileged to have as a colleague and one I'm proud to call my friend. All the happiness in the world. You deserve it.
[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Clink! Hear, hear. Cheers! Cheers.
[ Sighs ] Down the hatch.
[ Laughter ] -Mmm! -Mmm. Hi, aunt stella. Uh, I-I-I know you've said that, you know, y-you wouldn't be here, but...
[ Sighs ] I just want to let you know that... that -- that we'd love it if you changed your mind. I love you. We all do.
[ Gasps ] Nina.
[ Chuckles ] You look beautiful. You look amazing. Thank you. Okay.
[ Exhales sharply ] All right, as your best person, I think there are some things I need to discuss with you. So... what do you think? That looks delicious.
[ Chuckles ] Good, because there's about a dozen more of them out in the kitchen. I figured why tempt fate this year? I mean, we always end up ordering pizza at the last minute on thanksgiving, so why not do it up proud this time? Order from the best. So, chef santoro at his michelin-rated restaurant. I'm just pointing out, the pizza oven I wanted would have done exactly the same thing.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Doorbell rings ] I'll get it! Well, uh, looks like you outdid yourself this year. Oh, hey, I can order with the best of them.
[ Chuckles ] Asking everyone to bring a donation for the local soup kitchen was a very nice touch. Well, I really didn't want to go through the stress of a big meal only to wait around for it to implode.
[ Chuckles ] No, this year, I -- I wanted to focus on what's -- what really matters, and that's family.
[ Door opens ] Hey! Happy thanksgiving, ted! What do you think you're doing? Well, I thought we were supposed to bring some food to donate? No, what are you doing here? Well -- charlie. Happy thanksgiving. Hey. Whoa, whoa, kim. I have to say, it's a little presumptuous of you to invite him to our family's thanksgiving dinner. She didn't invite julian, ned. I did. -Hey. -Hey. Where's carly? Uh, minor crisis at the hotel. She'll be back as soon as possible. Oh. And josslyn? Will she be making an appearance? She sent me a cryptic message saying that she'd be back home as soon as possible. She just had to take care of something first. Sorry, we're clo-- josslyn: Great. We won't be interrupted, then. Wh...what are you doing here? I'm asking you for the truth.
[ Voice breaking ] Are you sick? Smile!
[ Camera shutter clicks ] You look amazing! Um, no. No, not in that picture. Ah. Delete. Uh, no more pictures until we're at the wedding. Party pooper. Thank you. For what? For a minute there, I forgot how mad I am at my mom. Well, you have cause. It's like every time I let her into my life, she does something awful, like knocking you out, drugging sasha to make me think you slept together. Yes, that was extreme -- even for ava. I have half a mind to turn her in to the cops. Oh, my god. Laura. I asked you over and over again why you wanted the separation, and now I know! Olivia?
Iving? -Hey, buddy! -Dad! What's up? Happy thanksgiving! Leo: I drew a turkey for you. You want to see it? I'd love that. A-and besides, I think your mommy and, uh, ted here have some things to talk about. His name's ned, silly. Ohh, my mistake. You know, I think I've been coming down with a cold. Besides, I got a lot of work to do. Stop lying. You're sick. You're, like... really sick, aren't you?
[ Sighs ] What? Cam told you? He swore he wouldn't say anything. Yes, well, I'm glad he told me! Obviously it's true.
[ Voice breaking ] How bad? I don't want to talk about it. Just tell me. Look, this is none of your boyfriend's business. Cam's not my boyfriend! Faked the whole thing. He was helping me make you jealous. You know, it worked. So you still care about me? Joss... I never stopped. I texted oscar to let him know that he is welcome here if he changes his mind. Yeah, I appreciate that, but, uh, I don't think oscar's making an appearance. I did try to get through to him about the immunotherapy. Oh, I appreciate that, but, uh, I think oscar just wants to make his own choices.
[ Inhales deeply ] So, what happens if he wins this emancipation suit? Well, then he has the legal right to refuse treatment. Uh, here, let me take your coat. Oh, thank you. Yeah. You know, I'M... I'm always glad to see you. But I-I was kind of hoping you -- you'd be a last-minute cancellation. What kind of greeting is that?
[ Chuckles ] I'm just assuming there'd be another place more important for you to be?
[ Sighs ] And always tell the truth, and if the truth hurts, know, spruce it up. Never lie. Gifts help. And... [ Sighs ] Most importantly, don't ever, ever cheat. Nina. I'm a grown man. I really don't need you to give me "the talk" on my wedding night. I've been married a couple times. I just...want you to know what you're getting yourself into.
[ Sighs ] Right back at you. My life was so much easier when my mom was locked away. We'd all be better off if she were behind bars. Yeah, well, uh, proving ava drugged sasha and ambushed me is a lot harder than just proving sasha was drugged. So you want to let her off the hook again? No. No, no, but... I'm of the belief that the best revenge is a life well-lived. That's nice. But that's not how my mom sees revenge. She isn't gonna back off. You think ava will try again? Unless we get lucky and she finds someone else to focus her energy on. I asked you if there was someone else, and you were too much of a coward to admit it to me.
[ Sighs ] Laura, listen, it's -- it's not like that at all. Kevin and I, we have not -- we are not having an affair -- ava, you're the last person I want to hear from right now! I'm talking to my husband! Do you have anything to say to me? I've been completely honest -- our marriage is over. And that's it? That's all you're gonna say to me?
[ Voice breaking ] You know, it's bad enough that you were seeing someone behind my back when I was caring for my grandson, but to cheat on me with the woman who sold out nikolas' memory? Do you have any idea what kind of betrayal that is?
[ Chuckles ] Well, maybe you can explain it to him, ava, because you are the expert on betrayal, aren't you? And now you've sunk to her level! Leo, this is awesome! It's a really nice turkey. -[ Chuckles ] -I'm gonna add a dog. That's a good idea. Every -- every turkey needs a dog.
[ Chuckles ] So, um... are we all set? Pardon? Have you made the arrangements? If oscar wins his lawsuit, your people will grab him and we'll go to brazil, and he'll be forced to receive the treatment. -Hey! -Hey, sorry -- -happy thanksgiving. -Sorry we're late.
[ Chuckles ] We -- we didn't want to wake wiley from his nap. Oh, well, wiley is definitely worth the wait.
[ Chuckles ] What about me? Did you bring dessert? Oh, very funny.
[ Chuckles ] Michael: Hey. Hi. What are you doing here? Uh, well, we usually say "happy thanksgiving," but, uh... oh -- [ Chuckles ] Right.
[ Chuckles ] Happy thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving. I, uh, just meant -- I thought you'd be at the quartermaines this year. Oh, actually, I'm going there after. They, uh -- they always eat later than we do anyways. Plus, it's always great seeing this guy.
[ Chuckles ] How you doing, little man? Can I hold him? Yeah. Oh, yes.
[ Chuckles ] Hey. How you doing? Hey, happy t
yeah, you, too.
[ Chuckles ] Are you and cousin michael buddies now? Huh? Yeah. Uh, where's the bar? Oh. Oh, thanks. Kevin... tell her the truth. She wouldn't believe us, anyway. Besides, you were just about done here. Aren't you?
[ Scoffs ] You know, I keep looking in your eyes to try to see some trace of the man that I married, and I don't see him in you at all. You are like a stranger to me. God knows I'm probably somehow better off for it. Ava, I came here to discuss your donation to my campaign.
[ Sniffles ] I don't accept blood money!
[ Exhales sharply ]
[ Moans softly ] Anna: Something borrowed. So, this is the bracelet that I was wearing the day that we met, when I -- I tried to arrest you.
[ Chuckles ] You mean when you, uh, almost ruined my case? Uh, I think the words you used were "completely tanked my operation." Something like that. Yes? Mm, uh-huh.
[ Laughter ] But it was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. I love you. I love you, too. Thank you, anna. Oh, you're the best. Okay, next one. Okay, um... something blue. These are the earrings that tj gave me. He saved up for a really long time, and this gift made me feel so special. But I already felt like I was a part of his family because you have always made me feel welcome. My son is so lucky. And so am I. Thank you. Oh, gosh, okay, okay.
[ Sniffles ] Let's do this quickly before my mascara starts to run. Okay, yeah!
[ Laughter ] Who's got the something new? Oh, I do! I do! You're mad.
[ Sighs ] I know. I just don't understand why you wouldn't warn me about julian coming. Because I knew that you would object. And with -- with good reason, ned, and I needed you to see with your own eyes how much this would mean to leo. I do. And I'm trying to be mature about that. Honey... honey, no one is gonna replace you in leo's life. You're the one that's there for him day in and day out, but we owe it to him to learn how to co-exist with julian. That's a very different tune you're singing these days. I know, but it's because I've seen how much julian has changed since he's gotten out of prison. He's a different man than he used to be. I, uh, I've been in touch with, uh, some former associates. And...? Kim -- [ Sighs ] I think you need to... think about this long and hard before it goes too far. I have thought about this, charlie. I hate it. I hate it so much, but I am out of options. Listen, if the judge rules in oscar's favor, I need you to make sure that your "associates" get him. When I found out I was sick, you were the first person I wanted to tell... then why not tell me? Why would you lie to me instead? I saw the hell that I was going to go through. I didn't want you to have to go through it with me. I-I wanted you to forget about me and be happy and move on. Forget about you? How? I love you. I never stopped. Look, I don't care how hard it's gonna be. We're gonna do whatever it takes to get you better. That's the thing, joss. I'm not going to get better.
Laura was out of bounds to insult you like that. Well, I am used to being the town pariah. My own daughter blames me for every terrible thing that happens in the entire world. But you don't deserve this. Your wife walked in on a single, spur-of-the-moment kiss. It should not get in the way of your reconciliation. I already told you, laura and I are not reconciling. I was going to formalize the divorce after the holidays. And as for that kiss? I'm sorry if I overstepped. Well, who said you overstepped? Whatever you felt, I felt it, too. You've really done it this time. If we hurry, we can still be late to the wedding.
[ Groans ] I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Here. Look. Done. There you go, we're ready to leave.
[ Chuckles ] No. The dress was the easy part. I still have to fix my hair and my makeup. You look beautiful. You are very, very biased. And proud of it.
[ Cellphone ringing ] Um... hello? Dr. Munro? Monica quartermaine.
I just wanted
to let you know
that the board has come
to a decision
about your suspension. They have?
Yes, but, uh,
hospital policy prevents me from telling you about it over the phone. So I have left a copy
for you to sign for
at the hospital. Uh, uh, thank you, dr. Quartermaine. That -- that's very, very kind of you. Well, happy thanksgiving, doctor. And happy thanksgiving to you, dr. Quartermaine. Thank you. Well, it looks like we're gonna be even later to the wedding. Oh, boy. Now that they made a decision, I'm not sure I want to know. Monica wouldn't have called you if it wasn't good news. Come on, let's go to G.H.! No, no, no. No, no. You -- you -- you stay here and get ready. I will run there and I will meet you at the church. Deal. Mwah. Hey, why don't we, uh... why don't we get away for the holidays? You know, someplace warm. It might be our last chance before life starts up again. I'd like that. Okay. Go.
[ Sighs ] Go. Lulu.
[ Chuckles ] I told you to bring something old. No, no, no, you definitely told me to bring something new. Why would I do that? I organized this whole thing! Okay, wait, so you -- you guys both bought a new garter? Guys, it's fine. It's no big deal. I mean, okay, so I don't have something old. I don't really believe in that kind of superstition anyway. I don't think anything is going to go wrong. Aunt stella's still boycotting the ceremony? Yeah, seems like it. I'm sorry. I was sure I could get through to her, but I want you to focus on how happy you are with my mom. How happy you make each other. So, since when did you start offering advice to your elders? Since I've been in a steady relationship for years.
[ Laughs ] All right. Fair enough. All right, so...
[Inhales deeply] ...Lay it on me, man. What's your secret? Just cherish what you have... and try not to screw it up.
[ Chuckles ] -Hi. -Hey! You look gorgeous. Maxie. You -- you look beautiful. Thank you. Oh! I'm gonna say hi to valerie. Mm-hmm. You're not gonna leave me unescorted, are you?
[ Chuckles ] Well... I sure hope anna didn't stand you up.
[ Chuckles ] Come on, we're friends. You have to give me -- let me get one dig in, right? Mm, I know. It's just she's the matron of honor, so I think she's in-inside helping jordan. Mm-hmm. What's with the dour face? Hm? You're more dour than usual. Am I? Yeah. Well, we're friends, right? Mm-hmm. Curtis...
[Sighs] ...Gave me a letter from hayden. Guess she wants to see me. That's -- that's probably not a good idea. Probably not. I mean, you did put that chapter behind you. Right? What do you mean you're not gonna get better? According to my doctors, I've got less than one year to live. No.
[ Voice breaking ] No, that can't -- that can't be true. Your life just started. We have so many things that we're gonna do together! No, I know, that's exactly what I thought, joss. But I have a malignant brain tumor. Inoperable. There has to be some way to fight it. Okay? Everyone said that jason was gonna die from a brain tumor, and he survived. There is a-a drug trial dr. Randolph -- my doctor -- found. My parents want me to be in it. That's good. That means there's hope. Joss... I'm not doing it. Thank you, charlie. Look, uh, kim... oh. Hey. We were -- we were just talking -- yeah, I heard you're planning on kidnapping my son. Okay. You know what? I-I-it was my idea, so if you have anything to say, you can say it to me. Oh, I will, but I'm gonna talk to him first. Julian, you're going to stay the hell away from oscar. Did you actually hear me say that I would take oscar out of the country? What? Look, you two obviously have a lot to talk about. I'll let you to it. What are you doing? I'm trying to save our son. And the clinic in brazil is our only option. Yeah? And when you and your wannabe thug boyfriend drag oscar all the way to brazil and he still refuses treatment, what's your plan gonna be then? Happy thanksgiving! -Yeah, happy thanksgiving.
-Happy thanksgiving to all. How's wiley enjoying his first turkey day? Um, uh, yeah, sorry. Uh, so far, so good. Yeah, um, hey. Can you take it from here? I-I need to do some damage control. Okay, uh, hey, dad, I got to run. Um, have a great day. Tell leo I said hi, okay? Bye. Will do. Thanks, lucas. Hey, julian. So, brad, how are you holding up? Better. I've been doing a lot of soul searching, and, uh, truth is... wiley is where he belongs. So, you're saying you, uh -- you're ready to put this to bed,
move on, raise your son,
and be happy? I'm saying I've made peace with the choices I've made. For better or worse.
There you are! The ceremony's about to start.
[ Sighs ] What's wrong? Nothing. Uh, we can talk about it later, okay? Let's find seats. Okay. Mm.
[ Gasps ] Still not overstepping? I don't know what this is, but I know I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I hope you feel the same. Hey, you know, we're both, um, thanksgiving orphans today, so how about we spend it together? You're offering to cook? No.
[ Both laugh ] But I -- I do have turkey sandwiches. And we can pour potato vodka into cranberry juice. Mmm. It's the next best thing. -It's a date. -All right. Ah. So glad we have the chance to explore this. And thank god I convinced you not to leave town. Well, for the time being. To be honest, I'm not sure how much longer I can manage here. How long can i suffer through kiki flaunting her relationship in my face? We'd both be a lot better off if I wasn't here. Or if she wasn'T.
[ Inhales deeply ]
[ Purse thuds ] Anyway...
[Chuckles] ...Should we adjourn to my apartment? Let me meet you there. I just have a little business to take care of.
[ Sighs ] It's cold in the church. I should get a wrap. Sonny: I'd like to make a-a pre-dinner toast. Thanksgiving is -- is my favorite holiday. And I'm gonna tell you the reason why. Food.
[ Wiley coos ] That's funny, that's funny. No, it's -- you know, for me, it's always been a time to -- to get everybody together to...
[ Wiley coos ] ...Give thanks for our blessings. Especially for family, and just -- I know our family has had a lot of losses over the past years. But we've also had some incredible additions, as well.
[ Wiley babbles ] That's the cutest baby I've ever seen.
[ Laughter ] Funny thing about -- about family is you -- you can't always choose who's in it, but it's the most important thing in the whole world. Happy thanksgiving. -Happy thanksgiving. -Happy thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving.
[ Glasses clinking ]
[ Laughs ] Tj. How are you feeling? I'm great. I'm just -- butterflies. That's all. It means so much to me that you're walking me down the aisle. I'm so glad you and uncle curtis found each other. You deserve to be happy, mom. Even after all those years I wasn't there for you? Too busy chasing bad guys? You're here, now. Yeah, your job kept us apart, but you showed me that I need to do the right thing, no matter what the cost. I know I don't say it enough, but you're my hero, mom. I love you. Oscar is a teenager, he is not a child. If he does not want to participate in the trial, we can't make him, short of, I don't know, restraining him. Well, if that's what it comes to. There is not an ethical doctor in the world that would treat oscar under those circumstances. What's wrong with you? W-what's wrong wi-- wh-why -- wh-why are you even questioning this? I mean, if -- if oscar doesn't get treatment, he dies. I don't want my kid's last days on earth to be spent as a prisoner. I can't believe you would, either. I don't want any of this. Hey, neither do I. But it's happening. That's the reality. Look... the decisions we make about oscar, we're gonna have to live with those for the rest of our lives, so you think long and hard about what you're gonna do, because we're gonna have to live with it. Okay, I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want a treatment that can cure you? This drug trial is experimental. People have improved, sure, but someone has died from it. But without it, you -- you die anyway, don't you? At -- at least I'll die on my terms. I don't want to be a vegetable -- or so sick for the last few months that I can't leave my bed. Okay. Okay, what are the risks weighed against the potential pay-out? That's -- that's the way my dad looks at business deals. This isn't a business deal. This is my life! Which is why you have to find out everything you can! What are the odds that this treatment kills you? Or makes you feel worse, or leaves you a vegetable? Because based on what you're telling me, the odds are 100% that you die without it!
I thought the volunteer from the soup kitchen was gonna pick it up about an hour ago. Well, that's weird. I thought I saw the housekeeper opening the door to him a while back, so... well, is he still here? I mean, he didn't go away empty-handed, did he? No, no, no, I saw someone carrying something out of the kitchen. Yeah, but the donated food is still there. What would he have?
[ Gasps ] All: The pizza! You should talk to my parents. They're trying to force me to participate in this trial. Look, I don't think it's right to force you. They don't care. They think it's worth the risk, but it's not their decision. I'm the one who's sick, and I'm not doing this for them! Then what about doing it for me? I-I already told you -- yeah, I know. You don't want to risk the time you have left. But I'm thinking about the time we've already lost -- because you thought you were protecting me. Look, I can't -- I can't force you to do anything. But whatever you decide, I promise you I'll be there every step of the way. So, um, what was that all about? What? [ Sighs ] You let me think that you were going to help me when you had no intention of following through, did you?
[ Exhales sharply ] I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. And I was hoping that I could count on you.
[ Organ playing ] Hey, is this seat taken? No, please join us. Have you guys seen kiki? I thought she'd be here. No. I haven'T. She must be running behind.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ] Where'd I leave that pashmina? You know, I-I... I don't mean to pry, but, um... the fella we ran into the other day? Marcus? Mm-hmm. What about him?
[ Chuckles ] I don't know, I just had the feeling you were more than old friends.
[ Chuckles ] Nothing gets past you.
[ Chuckles ] Yes, marcus and I were very serious at one time. I've often wondered what might have been had we stayed together. But...
[Exhales sharply] ...I wouldn't change the life I have now, and I know he feels the same. Besides, what's done is done. I mean, there's no use wishing you could change the past. That's the trick, isn't it? Make a decision now that -- that you don't regret later.
[ Organ music playing ]
[ Quietly ] Okay. You ready for this?
[ Quietly ] More than anything. Good.
[ Sighs ] You mind if I sit with you? Uh, yeah. Sure.
[ Organ stops playing ]
[ Mid-tempo piano music plays ]
Without a doubt
you're beautiful
inside out
your lips
your laugh
oh, in my mind
we've kissed a thousand times
it leaves me breathless
forgive my stare
you're beautiful
beyond compare
and my heart
it flies
and I'm falling faster than I realized
now I can't wait to show you
oh, your light
shines over me
and I awaken
from this dream
I can't believe
you're here dearly beloved...
Over here. Okay, those don't look like chef santoro's work. Uh, no, they're not. Uh... we accidentally donated the gourmet pizzas to the soup kitchen, and I don't really, in good conscience, think we can ask for them back. No, no, that would definitely not be good for my poll numbers.
[ Chuckles ] When -- when has any quartermaine thanksgiving gone as planned, right? So...
[ Sighs ] ...It's nice to know that the tradition continues. Mm-hmm. Okay, then. You know the drill. All: First we sing, and then we eat. Okay, ned? -Ready? -Mm-hmm.
[ Chuckles ]
We gather together
to ask the lord's blessing
he chastens and hastens
his will to make known
the wicked oppressing
now cease from distressing
sing praises to his name
[ Doorbell rings ]
He forgets not his own
[ Fading ]
We gather together to ask...
[ Sobbing ] All:
The wicked oppressing
now cease from distressing
sing praises to his name
he forgets not his own... we are gathered here today to join jordan and curtis in holy matrimony. The bonds of marriage are more than just a union of souls. It's a bridge to two families becoming one. If there is anyone who can show just cause why jordan and curtis may not be lawfully wedded, speak now, or forever hold your peace.
[ Door closes ]
[ Shuffling ]
[ Sighs ] Kiki, where are you? Ah-ha! Finally.
[ Keys jingling ]
[ Ominous chord strikes ]
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