GH Transcript Friday 11/9/18

General Hospital Transcript Friday 11/9/18


Episode #14157 ~ Sonny proves his point; Ava is intrigued; Terry confides in Elizabeth; Franco and Nina bond; Kiki is supportive.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

You should be grateful to joe. He started you in a business that's been really good to you. So, whatever he did -- or didn't do -- for me, it's got nothing to do with you! I already told you, somebody that I love is wrongly accused, and I'm gonna make sure the truth comes to light. The hell with you! I'm gonna burn these letters and there's nothing you can do about it. Maybe he can'T. But I will. Margaux, honey, w-what are you doing here? I came here for the truth, mom. And after all these years, I think I deserve it. Everyone lies. I know that. I mean, I've told some pretty big lies myself. Then there are those who like to spin the truth to get what they want, and in their twisted way, they think they're, um, doing the better thing. I know the type. Yeah, me too, unfortunately. Uh, my husband is like that. Uh, my ex-husband is like that. It's just really hard because we love each other so much, but I just can't live like that, waiting for the other shoe to drop. You know? Anyway, whatever this is, whatever this relationship turns out to be, we just -- we'll make sure we're completely honest with each other. But I haven't been honest with you, nina. I've been keeping the truth from you for days. I' m confident that the boardis gonna do the right thing. By the time thanksgiving rolls around, this will all be a horrible, horrible memory. Cheers. To horrible memories. They make the best stories.

[ Laughs ] What? You. Your optimism. After everything that's happened, h-how can you -- keep the faith? In case you haven't noticed, griffin, everything's taking a turn for the better. Oh, I've noticed. Hey. Hi. What's going on? I'm just proud of you 'cause the police asked for your help, and you gave it to them. Well... well, thank you for believing in me. Now I want you to believe in you, too. I do. I-I totally trust myself. But I'll go see dr. Collins. Just in case. 'Cause like he says, therapy is good for the soul. Sonny, call me. It's important.

[ Sighs ] Thank you for coming in, mrs. Corinthos. This is pointless. I already answered all your questions the other night at the floating rib when -- when mary pat's head was found?

[ Knock on door ] Just a second.

[ Clears throat ] Come in. Good evening, dr. Collins. So... are you ready for me? Ready and waiting.

Thank you for agreeing to see me after normal office hours. Thank you for agreeing to see me after normal office hours. Oh, I, uh... I'm sorry. Don't apologize, please. No, it's -- it's unprofessional for me to leave it out like that. I, um... I was finally able to take it off, and then I couldn't figure out what to do with it. But enough about me. Well, let me just tell you one more time that I'm -- that I'm very sorry about you and laura. I'm the one who broke it off, so... it's my mess to clean up. Well, leaving someone isn't any less painful or any easier than being left. It's just a different kind of awful. At least that's my experience. Which is what we should be talking about. Your experiences. Right. Yeah, sorry. I-I overstepped. No. [ Laughs ] No, no, you didn'T. It's -- it's my fault.

[ Sighs ] Taking you to charlie's this morning, that was -- that was inappropriate. Why do you say that? No, listen, I-I was very upset, and like any good therapist,

You wanted to make sure that I was all right. I should've insisted that we come here. Well, in hindsight, right? Then you wouldn't have seen laura and spencer. It had nothing to do with them. Anyway, let's talk about you. Let's do that. You said that you were coming up with innovative ways to manage your anger. Why don't we talk about those? You guys are wasting your time. I'm not answering any questions without my attorney present. Then how do you explain the strands of hair found in the hands of mary pat ingles' decapitated body? Jordan: Any theories on how they got there? Isn't that the job of the pcpd? I mean, you follow the clues, and then through deductive reasoning, you come up with your own theories. If you're gonna ask my client to do your job for you, I'm going to insist that the city refund a commensurate amount of her taxes. Miss miller, always a pleasure. Likewise, commissioner. It really is. Every time you tear me to shreds, I feel like I learned something.

[ Laughs ] Well, thank you, detective. Sarcasm -- original. And as it happens, we're doing exactly what you described. We followed the clues, and they brought us right to your client. Chase: We have a witness that can attest to threats being exchanged between the victim and mrs. Corinthos. Purely coincidental. Your evidence is circumstantial at best. Given that mrs. Corinthos was present when the head was found, and we have a headless body clutching strands of her hair in its hand, we'd be derelict in our duty if we didn't investigate. Speaking of therapy...

[ Chuckles ] ...What are we gonna do with aiden? Oh. He had such a good time on halloween, and he was actually playing with the other kids. Yeah, he was also dressed up like a little blue ninja and nobody knew who he was, so... I know. I checked in with miss tate. She said that he's becoming even more withdrawn at school. Mm-hmm. I think I'm gonna try to talk to kevin tomorrow about him. You know, he had the time of his life carving pumpkins on halloween in the art therapy room. And maybe you could just let me take a crack at him with some glue and some crayons and some clay and a little bit of paint -- maybe I can get him to open up.

[ Doorbell rings ] Hm. Hey, biz. Oh, no. That bad? I'll get the bottle opener. What have you not been honest about? I told you it would be easy for me to find a job. Yes? But it turns out that's not the case. I'm totally tanking the job search. All right, well, that wasn't being dishonest. You were just wrong. I presented myself as this confident, "I'm so great, I can get a job anywhere" person. Oh, come on, you underestimated the port charles job market. So what? So, here you are, a big, successful editor in chief, and I can't even land a temp gig. All right, you want to know how I got my job? I'll tell you. The guy who owned crimson, he was in some hot water with the irs, and he needed a financial loss for his taxes. So he hired me thinking that I would tank the magazine because then he would not be in trouble with the irs anymore. But you made it work. Yeah, I made it work, but with a lot of help. So, I want to help you. I want to do that. Please reconsider my offer. As much as I would love to work at a place like crimson, I can't accept a handout. Oh, no, no. It's not gonna be a handout. Believe me, it's not easy at crimson. It's late nights, hard deadlines, complaining clients. You're gonna have to bring your a-game. And if I can't keep up? Well, if you can't keep up, listen, whatever this is, it means the world to me. But if you screw up my magazine, I'm gonna have to fire your ass. In that case, I accept. Welcome to crimson.

[ Both giggle ] All right. So, I haven't been completely honest with you. There's something I need to tell you. Margaux, w-whatever he said, you can't believe him. That man is a mobster! Lying is like breathing to him. I told your daughter the truth. Now it's your turn, jeanette. You can't be working with him. You're a district attorney. He's the worst kind of criminal. This could ruin your career. For once, mother, I'm not thinking about my career. I'm hunting for the person who's responsible for my father's death, and that hunt led me to mr. Corinthos, and he -- he led me to you.

 I have made an important discovery. By channeling my anger in the right direction, I can find forgiveness. Huh. Forgiveness for whom? Well, kiki, of course. Not griffin? No. Not griffin. Never griffin. How about for yourself? Well, that's a very different story.

[ Laughs ] Okay, then. Kiki. Yes. Kiki. I realized that I will be able to forgive her... once she knows what it's like to be hurt the way that she hurt me. And who will hurt kiki? Well, not I, if that's what you're asking.

[ Laughs ] I admit, I did wonder. Griffin. He will do the honors. And once kiki realizes that he's been unfaithful, our relationship can begin to heal. Of course, I may need to nudge the process along. In what way? Griffin is going to cheat on her. So, really, wouldn't I be doing kiki a favor by getting it all out into the open sooner rather than later? All right, but how do you know that griffin will be unfaithful? Well, he cheated on the church, didn't he? He cheated on me. I'd say it's his nature. Or do you not believe in human nature, doctor? The hospital board really pisses me off sometimes. I mean, okay, I get it. You broke the rules, but -- and the law. But it's about how you behaved after. You had integrity... mm. ...And I think you've been punished enough. Here's hoping they agree. You're a gifted doctor, griffin. To keep you away from the work that you love and patients who need you, it's ridiculous. And not to mention they've completely underestimated how badly i want you back at the hospital. That alone should be enough to get me reinstated. Too bad I'm not that important. You are. When we were in middle school and things would go south for one of us... usually me. ...Biz and I would climb to the roof of her house with moon pies and root beer to stare at the stars and wait for the world to make sense again. And wait. And wait. Eventually, we realized we'd have to solve our problems ourselves, but hey... together: Sugar!

[ Both giggle ] I'm gonna, um... I'm gonna go to charlie's and get us some takeout, okay? Okay. I'll try and find something that goes with a moon pie. Okay. Thank you. Can I get you anything? I'm good. Thanks. Okay. Okay, so, you brought the sugar. You go first. I'm gonna wait for the rush to kick in. What is upside down in your world?

[ Sighs ] Aiden's really struggling in school, socially. If he was just shy, it would be one thing, but he'S... he's just obviously in so much pain. About what? That's the thing, I don't know. He won't tell me. Hmm. Okay, your turn. I know it's not news. We live in a world where children get brain tumors, and with all my years of studying and training, I still can't cure them. Where's the sense in that? Give me the letters. No. For once in your life, do the decent thing and give me the letters. No, I can't! They're my intimate letters! They're not for a child to see -- I'm not a child, mother! You're my child, margaux! Jeanette, give her the letters. I can't believe you're doing this, margaux. Well, I guess that makes us even because I cannot believe that my mother is a cheating tramp who conspired to kill my father! Margaux, please, don't do this. Don't do this to either one of us.

"My dearest joseph, I look at myself in the mirror and ask, 'am I a wicked woman, a bad mother, a faithless wife?' And then I think of us, and I know I'd break any vow, commit any sin, take any risk as long as one day... we can be together." Margaux, y-you don't understand. Dawson: What don't I understand? Did you not write this? So, what did you do after you ran down to the -- the corner mailbox? Did you come home and you made dinner and you sat on that sofa and you watched tv with dad while you were holding his hand? Can we just not do this in front of him? Why? What do you have to be ashamed of? You know what, margaux? This is a family matter. I'm gonna go ahead and take off. Is that all right? Yes. No! No, no, no. No, you stay.

[ Chuckles ] You stay 'cause this is your party. You told me I wasn't gonna like what I was gonna find, right? And you love being right. You know what? Let me get you a drink 'cause this is a party. A big bon voyage to what I thought was my family. I may have... acted out of turn. In what way? I told ava jerome to stay away from you. But she's my half-sister's mother. She's also a murderer and a slut, and that's an insult to sluts. 'Cause I'm all for sexual freedom, for sure. But...ava hurts people when she's not murdering them. Why isn't she in prison? I don't know, some nonsense about her confession going missing or something. But see? That's how slippery she is. She'll slit your throat, she'll walk away scot-free, and she'll blame it on you. Wow. Yeah. So, she's dangerous, and I'm sorry, I may have overstepped, but I just wanted to protect you. I appreciate you looking out for me. But honestly, you do not need to worry. When it comes to taking care of myself, I think you and i have a lot in common.

[ Door opens ] Oh! Hey! This is -- hey, come here, come here. Franco, come here. Um, this is sasha. I want you to meet her. This is my -- my friend, franco baldwin. Hi. Nice to meet you. Um, sasha is my long-lost, newly discovered daughter. I knew what I was getting into when I chose to be a pediatric oncologist. These are very sick kids fighting harder than most adults will ever have to. And usually I don't flinch. But in oscar's case? We are talking about oscar nero, right? Oscar figures if he's going to die, he'd rather do it standing up and dancing and enjoying the hell out of the life he has left. Yeah, I know. Kim told me. Oscar's parents are demanding he participate in the medical trial. Hm. He's refusing to. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking, counting down what's left of this boy's life and making it that much harder for me to save him. Yeah, but you know you're doing everything you can.

[ Scoffs ] And I'm failing. I'm failing oscar. I'm failing his family. All my years of training and experience and success -- I-I mean, I've saved a lot of lives, biz. But now...

[ Sighs ] I feel useless. Okay. What do you need from me? Perspective. Tell me what else can I do for this family. My client cooperated with you fully when you initially questioned her. So, unless you're charging her -- we don't think carly did this. No, not for a second.

[ Chuckles ] Then what, pray tell, are we all doing here? Jordan: Bear with me. The killer appears to know what they're doing. They surgically separated mary pat ingles' head from her body. Placed the head and body in public places so it would be found. Presumably planted carly's hair in the victim's hand. Implicating that you could have been simple expedience, given your history with the victim. Alternatively, nurse ingles caused you grievous harm. Harm your husband would be in the position to redress. Oh, I see. Hmm. So, this is a gambit to get at sonny. While neither sonny nor carly possess the medical skill to commit such a crime, sonny certainly has the resources to retain someone to do it for him. That does not sound like sonny. Sonny is usually accused of making people disappear rather than making their bodies appear in public in the most gruesome way conceivable. I have a question for you. Hmm? Since the rest of the body was found at ava's gallery, why isn't ava a person of interest? You believe that if you put your ex into the right situation, he'll repeat his mistakes? Oh, I'm counting on it. The tricky part is I need for it to happen somewhere that kiki can see it. And once she sees him for the lying, hypocritical bastard that he is, she'll come running to her mother for support. And I'll have my daughter back. A little worse for wear, perhaps, but our bond will be stronger than ever because we will both have been betrayed by the same man, and griffin will end up with nothing and nobody! Which is exactly what he deserves. Dr. Collins, you're -- you're staring.

[ Chuckles ] I'm sorry, ava.

[ Scoffs ] I thought I could do this. Uh, but it's just... wrong. What? I don't understand. What? What's wrong? I can't treat you any longer, ava. So... did you ever love dad? Or was it all a lie?

[ Voice breaking ] Vincent and i did not have a good marriage. Well, I...

[ Scoffs ] I remember him laughing... and smiling. He was smiling at you, not me. There was nothing between us, and I thought that I'd spend the rest of my life like that. And then joe happened. And that changed everything. The more I wanted joe, the more I hated your father. So, I went to joe, and I begged him to get rid of the one person that was keeping us apart. Did you ever consider that I would be losing my father? Of course. But you did it anyway. Kids are strong. They move on. Just like everyone does. I couldn't stop thinking about... how I wanted my husband gone... how I wanted vincent dead. Did you get that? Every word.

 Oh, I see how it is.

[ Laughs ] I don't think you do. No, I do. You get me to open up, tell you all about my thoughts and feelings, no matter how unsavory. "No judgments," you promise, and then once I reveal to you some of the darker places that my mind can go, all of a sudden, you jump ship.

[ Laughing ] That's not what's happening here. Uh-huh. So it's just a coincidence, then? That right after I tell you about my plan to get my daughter back, all of a sudden, I-I-I'm too reprehensible to handle? My patients have included serial killers and the otherwise criminally insane. Do you really think that your unorthodox but rather sweet plan to bring you daughter back into your life is enough to make me run for the hills? Really? Well, I don't know. Then what is it? And why can't you be my doctor? If -- if I'm not so horrible, then what is -- you're not horrible, ava! I think you're fascinating. Too fascinating. In fact, in many ways, I-I-I can... I can identify with you. In what kind of ways? I've said too much already. No, you haven'T. I mean, if you're not my doctor anymore, then nothing you say can be considered unprofessional, isn't that right? I can't be your doctor because I can't be objective. Not where you're concerned. I was reading that. I don't care. I just hope you still respect me after what I'm about to tell you. Which is? Doing this with you right now... yes? ...Is so much better than studying.

[ Chuckles ] You're... she'S... my daughter. How? H-how? H-how? Oh, right. I mean, how did... apparently, I didn't lose my baby. Um, I had the baby when I was in a coma, and my mother gave her away and just continued to lie about it after I woke up. Well, that makes total sense. Yeah. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it. Kiki is over the moon about having a sister. I mean, a half-sister. Sister is fine. Yeah, sister. And I'm surprised she didn't tell you about it. I mean, franco and kiki are super close. Kiki and I are moving in very different orbits these days, so she didn't tell me about the new sister. But, sasha, I hope you realize that you are now related to one of the most remarkable women that I've ever known. That's so sweet. I couldn't agree more. And, uh, now I'm gonna leave, 'cause I'm starting a new job tomorrow, and I want to impress my new boss. Again, it was so lovely meeting you. Likewise. All right, see you later. H-h-holy -- holy moly. 'Cause -- holy moly.

[ Laughs ] I know, right? Tell me everything. Okay, fair warning -- a lot of what I'm about to say starts with, "what I've learned from being a mother," which I know is really annoying to some people. Okay. Hit me. The longer I've been a parent, the more I realize how little is actually within my control when it comes to my kids. I mean, I do the best I can. I look out for them. I try to be as involved as possible while I still let them do their own thing. When they need me, I'm here. But stuff happens. Knees get skinned. Hearts get broken. I would give anything to know what's going on inside aiden's head, just so I can figure out what it is he needs from me, and then I can fix it. But really, all I can do is just tell him how much I love him every single day and how wonderful he is just the way he is. What do you do when everything that worked before, everything you know is the right thing to do, stops working? Show up. And you keep showing up and doing your best. Yeah. And sometimes, prayer and relentless determination. That's all you've got. You worked with this man to s-- to set me up, to record my words? I told you I wanted the truth, and I got it. I was -- I was wondering, once, uh, vincent disappeared, where were you? Two people who would do anything to be together, even kill, you would think they'd jump at the chance to be together. Why weren't you? Joe scully wasn't the type of guy who liked to explain himself. He said, "wait." We waited. You know what I think? I think joe found a mark to do his dirty work for him. Once the cops found vincent's body, whoever pulled the trigger was gonna go down for murder, and then you two would be together. But there was no body. No body, no scapegoat. No scully for you, right, mom? Margaux, if you could just -- get out! Get out of here! I don't want to look at you! You disgust me! You heard her, jeanette! Leave!

[ Door opens ] Are you happy you got everything you came for? Are you satisfied?

[ Door slams ]

Well, we got what we wanted. Do you want to go? We got what you wanted. I'm not done. Well, look at this.

[ Scoffs ] The sacred desk that I would never let my mother get rid of. This was a symbol of my father's hard work. I went to law school to be the kind of lawyer I thought he was. For whatever it's worth, I think he'd be very proud of you. Oh, go to hell. I mean it. I can't even nail you for his murder. You know what? We're done here. You can go. Thank you. Thank you so much for giving me the truth that I've been searching for my whole life. I really am sorry that things turned out this way. Is that a confession?

[ Scoffs ] I didn't think so. Cheers. Jordan: What motive would ava have to kill mary pat? Ava would do anything to tear avery away from us. Cutting off someone's head and planting my hair on the body -- I wouldn't put it past her. Would you put it past her? No. No. That's a bit of a stretch. Unlikely, but possible. You're damn right it's possible. Ava has the connections and the resources. She would have no problem finding someone to do the deed and set me up for it. So, I'm just going to assume that ava jerome is also being questioned? I can assure you both we are exploring all avenues. I'm super happy for you, beyond happy. After all this time, finally a child of your own. Not that charlotte isn't -- well, charlotte'S... a-all these years dreaming about having a child, and... I have one. She's a fully grown woman. You okay with that? Uh-huh. I think so. Well, uh, you missed the poopy years, so... I would've like to have the poopy years. Yeah, I know. Anyway, I'm very lucky. I'm very, very lucky to know this remarkable woman. Oh! I didn't know you were here. I just got in. Sorry. Am I in your way? No, I was just, uh, coming to grab a glass of water. Happy to share. You do look a little flushed. Kiki: Griffin. Come on back to bed. Griffin was thirsty. Here, all yours. See you in the morning. Carly, I got your message. Uh, I-is everything okay? Uh, listen, I'm not gonna be able to come home tonight, but, uh, if it's an emergency, can you just call me, let me know? Otherwise, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you very much.

When I think about oscar and his family and what they're experiencing, it really puts my life in perspective. I have three healthy boys. And whatever aiden's going through, at least it's not that. Once upon a time, I was a perfectly healthy teenage boy. And nobody else's problems, no matter how deep, dark, or serious, made my life any easier. The bullying still hurt, the confusion about what I was going through still hurt. The only perspective that matters to aiden is his own. Yeah, you're right. I guess the difference is, with oscar, we know what it is. Maybe we can't help him, but at least we know what's wrong. But with aiden, franco and i are trying to reach him, and he keeps shutting us out. And right now, the only thing I can do is try to convince my little boy that he's not alone. Well, I-I do hope that sasha realizes that she's got a home run of a mother. Thank you. You're welcome. Look at us. We're doing pretty good for two baby-stealing fugitives. Yeah, turns out you don't need to steal them after all. They just got to show up -- first charlotte and now sasha. Yeah, look at you. You didn't even want kids, and you have three boys. Three. Yeah. You're kind of enjoying this whole karmic spin of the wheel, aren't you? I am. I'm glad you're happy. I am. Thank you. Look at us, all mature and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, be careful what you wish for, because I'm terrified to screw it up. Oh, I'm sure you will. Oh, great. This is a good talk. This is awesome. Yeah. No, no, no, I will, too. To make mistakes is to be human, and -- and maybe we shouldn't even bother trying to be perfect at all. We should just focus on being... happy. Yeah. 'Cause that's something that we're never gonna screw up, right? Was sasha just hitting on you? In front of me? Maybe we were misinterpreting? You don't hold a glass to someone's face by accident. She was hitting on you. That's not okay. Well, I'm gonna miss these talks. I was really getting a lot out of them. Please know this has been the toughest decision I've had to make in a long, long time. Well, I don't think that can be true. So, um...I guess I'll see you around. Good luck, ava. With everything.

[ Sighs ] Hey. Hm. You can't sleep here. Come on. I'll help you up. Okay. All right. There you go.

[ Sighs ] Diane: So, are we finally done here? Jordan: For now. Carly, you're free to go. Thank you. But you're still a person of interest, so... I have no intention of leaving town given my family, my business, and my entire life is here. On the other hand, you might want to figure out how half of mary pat ended up holding my hair.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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