GH Transcript Thursday 11/1/18

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 11/1/18


Episode #14151 ~ Cameron makes a discovery; Jordan and Curtis discuss wedding planning; Michael and Chase bond over Nelle; Ava confronts Carly; Laura kicks off her fund-raising competition.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

 Listen, I know you think it's a long shot, but I've heard nothing but positive things about your campaign. And why wouldn't you? My wife is a rockstar. Hey, there. I'm so glad you're here. Mm. A gorgeous rockstar. So, are you ready to raise some funds for a good cause? Let's do it. I have a feeling tonight is going to be unforgettable.

[ Thunder crashes ] -Whoa. -What was that? -Oh, my goodness, thunder? god. -How perfect. -Yeah, yeah. I know. Well, at the very least, we'll raise money for mental health. And if laura gets a boost in the polls, then even better. Tonight's not about my campaign. Selfishly, I want both -- funds for mental health and my wife as the next mayor.

I meant to tell you hey, michael! Oh, I'm so glad to see you. Unless you're forcing yourself to be here. Because you don't have to do that. If you're not up for it, you're not up for it, right? I could, uh, think of no better place for me to be than an event that supports mental health. Hey, we talked about this. We did. You don't have to be okay. So if you want to be home, it's okay to be home. I know. I know. Uh, look... I wasn't in the best place last time we talked, and, uh, I'm still not, but... I think I've taken a step in the right direction. Really? How so? Well, I'm glad the rain stopped. It would have ruined my costume. Come on! Everyone's going to trina's afterparty. We have like an hour before curfew. As you wish, your highness. Whatever you say. As long as I get paid. You'll get paid more than you can imagine. I don't know. I can imagine an awful lot. You're a great han solo. You're a great princess leia. I mean, you've got the whole bossy thing down pat. Oh, so that's how you return a compliment. I'm just saying. [ Laughs ] You know what? Now that I think about it, your costume does have a flaw. I told you to bring the chewbacca stuffed animal. Look, that doesn't make any sense, okay? Chewie's like eight feet tall, not some stuffed animal. Don't be so literal. Look, I agreed to couple's costumes. I draw the line at props. No, but really. Where are my dragons? Do you have something that I can use?

[ As daenerys targaryen ] 'Cause the mother of dragons is nothing without her children.

[ Chuckles ] Best I could do.

[ Normal voice ] Oh, I love them! I live to serve.

[ Sighs ]

[ Thunder crashes ] Hey. You got a sec? I have nothing to say to you. Besides, I've got a lot of work to do. Yeah, well, I might buy that excuse if julian had taken the time to decorate. Does he have something against halloween? What's up? He resents that a kids' holiday has been co-opted by drunk adults. Ah. Well, fair enough. What do you think about that? I'm not an adult. Looks like we agree on something. Hey, look.

[ Clears throat ] Your mom and I, we want to give you your space, but we're worried about you. Your mom's freaking out. She only calmed down because I said I'd come talk to you. Hmm. Sorry to ruin your night. Don't do that. Hey, you know that's not what I meant. Look, oscar, I came here because I wanted to see if you're okay. Everybody misses you at the qs. Your mom says you haven't been home in days. Don't worry about it. I found a place to stay. Really? I know you don't have money for rent, so what's up? Well, they're very nice people. You want to elaborate and fill in the blanks here? Why? So you can drag me back home and force me to go through with this drug trial?

[ Sighing ] Hey. Hey, charlie! Hey, I'm really glad to see you.Good to see you. You know, I've been trying to reach you all morning. Yeah, I'm sorry. I know. Um, truth be told, I was trying to avoid giving you the bad news. Why? What is it? I wasn't able to convince alexis to drop oscar's case. Hi. Oh, wonderful! Thank you so much for being here. The people can always count on the port charles pd. Well, more people with better access to proper mental health treatment would make our job a whole lot easier. That's true. As well as being the right thing to do. Absolutely. You've got a killer turnout. Mm-hmm. I know! The people of port charles just have big hearts. And hopefully, big wallets.

[ Chuckles ] Well, that, too, I hope. Can I buy my boss a drink? No. But your boss will buy you one.

[ Chuckles ] See you later. Okay. Have fun, you guys. Have a good one. Alexis! Oh! Hi! [ Laughs ] I am so glad you made it. I wouldn't miss it. It's a worthy cause. Thanks. And I thought maybe -- I know. I know. It could boost my campaign, but that's not what tonight's about. Well, it wasn't my motive, but it might have a collateral benefit.

[ Sighs ] You're, uh... you're wearing the watch that mikkos gave your mother. I am, yeah. It's the most expensive bling that I have, and, uh, you know, this is one of the few things that I have left of my mom'S. How fortuitous that valentin found it and gave it to you. You disapprove? It's not my place to approve or disapprove. My experience has been, any gift from a cassadine comes with a hidden cost.

[ Sighs ] I'm sorry the storm has inconvenienced you.

[ Thunder crashes ] No, you're not. You're right. Let me rephrase that. I, uh...I regret that you have been inconvenienced. However, I'm delighted for charlotte, because she'll be thrilled to find you at the breakfast table. She's not gonna find me at the breakfast table. I'm not staying overnight. The rain has stopped. You can call the launch, and I'm gonna get changed. Uh, well, the coast guard has closed the harbor to traffic, so my captain's not taking you anywhere. There's nothing I can do about that. It's just a little wind. The storm can't be that bad.

[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Electricity crackles ] Of course. I'm sorry. You were saying?

The falcon flies at midnight. And the rooster crows at dawn. Come on, baby. You're not even trying. Excuse me? I went through a lot of trouble with this outfit. All right. Yeah, you did. It was worth it, too. You would fit right in at casino royale. Oh, so would you. Sadly, I think we're a bit overdressed for a harvest festival. Yeah. Well, I just give us credit for showing up. Well, I wanted to show my support for laura, mingle a little, then we can head over to the costume party. All right. Yeah. Hey! I was just checking with my city editor. All anyone wants to talk about is your write-in campaign. If I weren't your daughter, I'd be covering this event. Uh, why does everyone think that this is a campaign event? Welcome to politics.

[ Sighs ] What have I gotten myself into? A new job, I hope. I'm so proud of you, mom. I mean, I love ned. He's a wonderful grandfather to rocco and charlotte, but there is no one more qualified for this job than you. Hear, hear. Just a minute, now. I'm not expecting to win this election. I'm just hoping that my presence in the race will force ned to look at other issues. But tonight is only about collecting money for mental health. I don't want to think about the election. Too late. Well, the power is out over the whole island.

[ Thunder crashes ] Generator didn't go on. I'm not sure what that's all about, but I've got somebody working on that. Charlotte's sound asleep. Is this fire keeping you warm enough? Mm-hmm. Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

[ Wind whistling ] Thanks. Cheers.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

[ Fire crackling ] Am I making you uncomfortable? No. You can sit wherever you want. It's fine. This is bringing back a lot of memories. My favorite part of the evening was sitting by the fire with you. The world stopped, and we made our own. Remember? I remember. And there's, uh...

[ Clears throat ] ...A group that meets at the hospital. That's great. It is. You've been through a lot. And I always took your strength for granted. You know, I didn't realize how much you were holding back and...not just... everything that happened with jonah and his death, but what happened in prison, A.J., His murder. Yeah. Yeah, mom. I-I really appreciate the support. You know, it means a lot. But, um, this process, these sessions, it's something I have to do on my own. It's something that has to belong... to me and...only me. I understand. I do.

[ Exhales sharply ] I'm gonna get a drink. Do you want something? No, I'm good. All right.

I've been trying, I've been trying

[ Sighs ]

I've been trying to come so far michael's capacity for forgiveness is astonishing. He must get that from his father's side. Of course, I'm referring to the father that sonny murdered. If you want to hash out the story around A.J.'S death, let's do it.

[ Sighs ] Mac, what the...? I know you said no costumes. This is a harvest festival, not a halloween party. It's a party on halloween, so that says costumes, right, kevin? Me? Hey, what do you say, norma and eve make an appearance tonight?

[ Chuckles ] Who? Oh, oh, I see. Now that you're a politician's husband, you're too good for our alter egos? Well, it's actually been a while since I've seen the two of you rock those wigs and heels. Oh, you got me!

[ Laughs ] Oh, I just don't feel like resurrecting eve tonight. Uh, I'm eve. You're norma. Who could forget? It's just... even if this were a -- a costume party, I'm not sure how appropriate norma and eve would be in today's climate. Times have changed. It might seem like we're making light of a sensitive and important issue. Oh, that is a good point. You know, I never thought of it that way. I suppose you're right. Maybe it's finally time we kill off those two broads. Hmm. I got to hand it to you. Forcing michael to forgive the man that murdered his father... I couldn't agree with you more.

You ought to be grateful that sonny shot A.J. He was trying to strangle you after you framed him for connie's murder. And how about that, ava? There's a woman who's dead, because you found her inconvenient. I was exonerated. No, you weren'T. The charges were dropped, because there was no evidence against you. But everyone here knows you did it, just like everyone knows what you did to morgan. And it's a joke that you're showing your face at a mental health fundraiser, that's for sure. Get your hands off me! 'Cause you didn't give a damn about morgan's mental health the night you switched his medication. He's dead because of you! I am so sick of you trying to blame that on me!

[ Laughs ] I am not responsible for morgan's death! Olivia jerome planted the bomb that killed him! You were the reason he spiraled out of control! You were the reason he was in that car! I am coming for you one day. And let me tell you something, it's not gonna end pretty.

[ Scoffs ] If only we had a wookiee! Look, I told you, I don't do action figures or stuffed animals. Where's your enthusiasm? Guess I'm just not good at pretending to be something I'm not. Is this the fake boyfriend thing? Do I have to beg? No. I said I would help, and I will. Good. That reminds me, you still haven't posted our selfie. You've got to be careful posting online. What do you mean? That's the whole point. Oscar has to see that we're doing stuff together, so he'll buy we're dating. Yeah, I know. I get it. But my mom's still giving me the third degree about the nature of our relationship. Ugh. Me, too. It's like, "mom, I'll let you know if there's something to know." Right? I guess our moms are just worried about what kind of trouble we'd get into. Like what?

[ Laughter ] Stop! What are you doing?! It's not unreasonable to expect my son to sleep in his own bed. I have a bed at my new place. Okay, I'm not changing my mind about this. You know, your mom and I, we discussed this, and no one wants to involve the cops. So then why bring it up? Because we want to make sure that you're safe.

[ Scoffs ] How does it feel, then? Not having vital information about my health? I came here to make sure that you're safe. But I also wanted to give you an update on the trial. I don't want to hear it. You deserve to have the same information your mother and I have. We learned that lesson the hard way, and I'm sorry. Trial starts december 1st. Soon. Yeah. But...still gives us time, you and I. We can hit the road. Well, thanks for trying to reason with alexis. I mean...I don't get it. I mean, I, really -- I just... I thought that you could be the one who could get through to her. Yeah. I'm sorry. I know how much you want this case to be over and for oscar to be home. I just -- I-I don't get it. You know, I-I don't -- I don't understand how -- how alexis, in her right mind, could -- could take on oscar's case. I mean, she's a mother, for god's sake. I mean, how can she possibly sleep at night knowing that she is signing oscar's death certificate? I-I think she genuinely believes that oscar's old enough to have a say in his medical treatment. Okay, well, no wonder you couldn't work your magic on her. Because you agree with her. Mr. Mayor. Olivia. How nice of you to attend. Well, it's such a worthy cause. The more attention I can bring to funding for mental health, the better our fair city will be. And that's why ned and i have pledged to match every dollar raised by the good citizens of port charles here tonight! Thank you. That's very generous. And tomorrow, I will be laying out my specific plan to address this serious issue. I didn't realize that mental health was such a focus for you. Well, that's true. My priorities have been on rebuilding commerce after the earthquake. But now that business is booming, it's time to refocus the conversation on mental health and other social services. That's great. Let's talk about ferncliff. Crepes... eggs florentine, croque monsieur? What? Breakfast. It's a special occasion. We should have a menu that reflects that.

[ Chuckles ] You're assuming that the power will be back on by the morning.

[ Thunder rumbles ] Which makes me realize, ugh, the storm, the power outage... you set this whole thing up so I'd spend the night with you. Oh, this again? I thought we'd settled this. No, you thought that you bamboozled me into believing you. Wait, "bamboozled"? Yes. Yes, I bought the whole thing about the traffic and the harbor. But you pushed it too far when you arranged for the power outage. Okay, wait, you lived here how long? You don't remember the power's the first thing to go in a storm? Yeah, well, conveniently, this has gotten me to stay, right? Okay, listen. Contrary to folklore surrounding my family, we don't actually control the weather. And you getting stuck here in a storm, in a power outage, that's just a series of unfortunate events. Yeah, for me. All right. Yeah, I'll admit that I cherish any moment I have alone with you. How am I supposed to believe you? What about ferncliff? I witnessed firsthand the abuse that's going on right under your nose. But, carly, you know better than anybody else, ferncliff is a state-run facility. Well, actually, you have a good point. The city should take a more active role in monitoring it. After my inauguration, I would like to invite both you and laura to join a special task force to address the issue. How very magnanimous of you. I need a drink. So do I. Well, laura, I hope, uh... you will consider my offer to reach across the aisle. I hope you will consider laura's offer in turn, because wxpc just posted the results of their latest poll and laura collins is surging. Kim, you're not being fair. I never said that I agree with alexis over you. You didn't have to. Look, it was written all over your face.

[ Sighs ] Alexis is looking at this as a lawyer. I am looking at this as a mother. And to do nothing, it means my child dies. So if I have to fight this in court, so be it. It's like I told oscar. I am fine with him hating me for the rest of his life, as long as it means that he has a life. Okay, but what if he doesn't? Kim, what if this treatment doesn't work? What -- what... what if these really are oscar's last few months? How much will you regret them if you spend each -- each moment fighting with each other? So, thanks to you, I've been doing some research on big events passing through the sky. If you're talking about that meteor shower over kilimanjaro, it's not until february. I know that. I'm talking about the leonid meteor shower. And it passes through in november. And apparently, the best place to see it in this hemisphere is central florida. So I was thinking, we rent an rv, just the two of us, we drive down the coast. Florida is beautiful. We have an adventure. Things could get weird. They're definitely gonna be fun. What do you say? Leonid passes over us every year. It's not that special. You know, someone very special to me once said you've got to... got to find the grace in the everyday, in the little moments. Look, regardless, spending time with you... is very special. I can't leave town for a month, because of the lawsuit. But you already knew that, didn't you? You never tell the truth, at least not all of it. We were sitting there in front of a fire tonight, saying that we're gonna put all the cards on the table... you're right. You're right. I wasn't completely honest with you. But ask yourself this, when you look back on all of it, on all of my mistakes, all of my untruths, was there ever a time that I made you think that you didn't mean the world to me?

[ Thunder crashes ] I mean, I may have...

[ Sighs ] ...Screwed everything up...

[ Sighs ] ...But I knew the moment I laid eyes on you that you were special. That you were for me. And we soon as we were married, I knew I loved you. And I knew I would always love you, and I've never stopped. The more you say you love me, the more I think you purposely set this up. Nina, I promise... I swear on everything that I hold dear, on my love for you, I did not ground the launch to force you to stay here tonight. You're just using this to your advantage. Yeah. I'll use any advantage to remind you of how good we had it. And I'll never give up hope that one day, somehow, I'll say the right thing to convince you to come back to me.

Peppermint mochas for lia. Uh, no, that's -- that's -- that's a mistake. That's -- nina? I promise you, that was fate that brought us together tonight. No. No. No. That kiss that happened right there, that -- that shouldn't have happened. That's a mistake.

[ Sighs ] What if charlotte walked in? I think she'd be thrilled. She'd love to have you living here again. No. We'd get her hopes up. What about my hopes? Are they unfounded? Latest polls have laura at 28%. Really? Already? Congratulations, laura. You've really shown everybody how important it is to get involved in your city. Truly, you should be very, very proud. Thank you. Wow. You have them running scared. Oh, hardly. You can't win an election with 28%. You just announced your candidacy, and you already have a quarter of the vote. You have momentum. Yeah, but can I gain support fast enough for an election that's next week? A lot can happen in the next few days, my love. Oh. Even tonight, for that matter. Cameron! Stop! Okay. Oh, my god. You're such a jerk. Look, you're just mad because you didn't see it coming. Well, you know what? I know how to pull a prank, too. So just know, when you're least expecting it, payback's coming. What are you gonna do to me, princess? Well, you'll have to wait and see. This was your plan all along. You want me out of town, so that I can't sue for my medical emancipation. That's not what this is about. You and mom probably cooked this up together. You figured you could distract me with some, what, stupid father/son field trip, and, what, I wouldn't realize it until it was too late? What, when we come back home, you could force me to go through with this science experiment? I wanted to take you on this trip because I wanted to spend as much... I wanted to spend as much time with you as I can. Look, I-I get it. You're mad at me. I understand. I'm just the dad you never asked for, who's suddenly telling you what you can and you can't do. I'm just some guy who showed up for a tiny portion of your life. But to me, you and scout, you're my entire life. You're all that I have. And I'm not... I'm not ready to let you go. This treatment will help oscar. I know it. Okay. Forget about the treatment for a minute. Okay, kim? You're a doctor. Now, these debates about quality of life versus quantity of life must be pretty common? Yes, they are, for patients who have already lived a life. Oscar's has barely started. And now for the first time, there is a possibility that he can get more time. A-and, you know, maybe even enough time where -- where he could be cured. I am not giving that up without a fight. Hey, kevin. Um, I want to thank you, for looking out for me when I was in ferncliff. You did protect me from mary pat when you could. Well, you should try to put it behind you. Yeah, but I still have so many questions about the guy who was in the room next to me. Oh? Yeah, I mean, he was so desperate to communicate, he was using morse code to tell me that he was held against his will. I've explained this several times before. Patients who are institutionalized belong there. I know, but you must be able to tell me someth-- well, I can't! And you should know when to back off!

You're not leaving already, are you?

[ Sighs ] I saw you, uh, duck out. Realized we hadn't talked in a little while. You okay?

[ Sighing ] I don't know, man. I...I've just been -- I've been thinking about jonah a lot. Uh, the doctors say that the trauma from the car crash didn't cause his death, but I-I still keep going over it in my head anyway. One choice causes a ripple effect, so... I mean, who knows what would have happened if... nelle gave birth in an actual hospital? Dude, I get it, man. But that's just your own mind playing tricks on you. You are giving janelle exactly what she wants every time you do it. Didn't you say you're doing the exact same thing? I question how I handled a lot of things when it comes to janelle. Uh, a few weeks back, I flew to palm beach to tell zach's family that, you know, she'd finally get what she deserves. They were relieved that it was all over. But all I could think about was how I prolonged this horrible nightmare for them by getting involved with janelle in the first place. I am not the... I'm not the hero in this story. Well, maybe not, but you know what? You made things right. So you owe it to yourself to make peace with what happened. Right back at you. I don't doubt that you love me, just like I don't deny that I love you, but that's not the point. If I let you into my heart again, you will hurt me. You may not intend to... but you will hurt me. It's who you are. I'm not gonna allow that to happen again. I'll go put some candles in the guest bedroom, so that, uh... charlotte doesn't get her hopes up. Actually, what am I doing? I think wandering the corridors with a candle's a bit goth.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Are you okay? I'm sorry. I guess I'm just protective of you. The patient who was next door to you at ferncliff is very dangerous and is definitely right where he belongs. How do you know? Because I looked into it. Why didn't you say something? Because I'm not inclined to share information about patients with people who are uninvolved! It's illegal and highly unethical. If you'll excuse me. Martini, please. Make that two. It'd be a shame for you to drink alone. I know it's hard maddie. But I promise, it's gonna get better.

(Mom giggles)

[ Fire crackling ] You know, I don't mind drinking alone. I don't want your pity. Who said anything about pity? I'm not a fool, you know? I saw felicia giving you an earful. Oh. I'm sure she couldn't wait to tell you about all the sins that have been laid at my doorstep. You mean like morgan corinthos' death? Let me be clear. I believe in self-realization, self-responsibility, and self-acceptance. I don't believe in taking on the onus of other people's choices. You switched morgan's medication, yes, but you didn't force him to steal your brother's car. And even if you had... he didn't die because of reckless driving. He died because someone wired the car to explode. You're as much to blame for morgan's death as a distillery is for a drunk driver. And I look forward to further exploring what goes on in that mind of yours. How you doing? I've been better. Yeah. Laura rising to 28% in only two days? Certainly doesn't paint me as beloved. Ned, you are a wonderful mayor. Okay, y-you know how much easier it is to criticize than to get in there and actually do the work. I-I know that you're gonna have the next four years to show the people of port charles what you can really do for the city. You have to say that. You love me. Do I ever sugarcoat things? Now, laura's surge is too little, too late, at this point. Look, if the election were in january or next month, maybe, but you know how hard it is for a write-in candidate to actually win an election. There's just no way she can catch up with you at this point. I hope you're right. There's so much I want to show you. There's so much of this life that you haven't lived. I'm sorry. Um, appreciate that you asked me to go with you, but I can'T. I need to fight this. Got to fight, huh? Must be my son. That was a long-shot anyway, but... ...have a happy halloween. Happy halloween. Hey, you know what? Who says we can't make kilimanjaro? Goodnight, son.

[ Door closes ] Oscar is my life. I know. And I want you to know... no matter how you choose to handle this, I'm gonna be with you all the way, okay? Thank you, charlie. You know, it's so ironic, because... when there was no chance of oscar surviving, our -- our relationship, we couldn't have been stronger. And now that there is a possibility that he could survive, it's like, he -- he won't even look me in the eye. I'm sorry. You know, drew and I, we keep -- we keep trying to convince him that -- that to live a happy and a full life is worth the risk. We just...I don't know. We can't get through to him. But you know what? Maybe someone else...could. Who? Josslyn. So, are you ready to take another selfie, you scruffy nerf-herder? Will there be a bonus? Well, don't worry. If money's all you love, then that's what you shall receive.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Beep, click ] Wow. Very convincing. You look like you're actually having fun. I am having fun. Me, too. Looks like the games are about to begin. Oh. Okay. I have to play hostess.

[ Chuckling ] Okay. Everyone, if I could have your attention, please?! Come on! Come on! Gather 'round! Now that we've all had a chance to have a drink and mingle and say hello to each other, we are going to begin the first of our mini-competitions for the evening. So, this one, for $10 a try, to win a $500 gift certificate to wyndham'S. -Ah! -Ooh.

[ Applause ] Okay. Please remember, it's all for a very good cause. All right, and now I'm gonna turn it over to mac scorpio. Okay, first up, we've got an oldie but goodie, bobbing for apples. Any takers?!

[ Laughter ] Any takers?! Woman: Oh, come on, now. Um, do you still want to make it to trina's afterparty? Yeah. Yeah, we should probably get going. What is this? What's that? Come on! This is your chance! Come on! Let's go now! Who's gonna step up?! Any takers?! What do you think? Kevin, what about you? Uh, would you start everybody off, set a good example? I'd love to, but I have to go. Go? Yes, I really should return to that sleep study. It's important to get data over five consecutive nights.

[ Stammers ] You're really leaving? It's like -- it's like we're ships that pass in the night. I know. But I'm certain you'll give port charles a night to remember. Come on! This is your chance! Come on, now! Any takers?! Uh, I just want to say one more thing. All the proceeds from tonight will go to mental health watch groups, vitally important for everyone. Yes. Okay? Any takers? Come on, now. Are you worried about your hair? Ladies, if you're concerned, you're having a particularly good hair day, and you want to keep it back, we have... oh, yeah. There we go. ...Hair ties for the girls, uh, maybe for the guys. Let me pass these out.

[ Indistinct conversations ] We need this for the girls. Boys, anybody need a swimming cap? What do you think? How about you, mr. Mayor? I'll buy a chance! Oh, good! There's my champion! -Here we go. -[ Chuckles ] Hey. What did you find? Uh, nothing. Someone just lost their id card. Oh. Okay! -Whoo! -Whoo.

[ Chuckles ] You ready? Woman: Whoo! Let's do this! Okay! Come on, carly!

[ Screams ]

On the next "General Hospital" --


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