GH Transcript Tuesday 10/30/18

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/30/18


Episode #14149 ~ Sonny has a plan; Laura and Carly make a pact; Anna looks for help; Michael drowns in denial; Mary Pat gets in over her head.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

this is exactly what I need -- leverage against the D.A. I just got to figure out a way to use it. I-I just wonder if margaux has any idea that her mother was involved with her father's death. Well, let's just say margaux doesn't know anything. I mean, parents go to their grave preserving their kids' illusions. Some. Not all. So, tell me if I have this correct. The wsb is going to spring me out of pentonville early, right now, on the spot, if I betray my own mother? Get her thrown into the slammer instead of me? The mother who bore me, raised me, turned me into the woman that I am today? The woman you are today is incarcerated. Salient point. Yes, that's the deal. That's a tall order.

[ Sighs ] Tell me more. Chase: Miss? What? Please step out of the vehicle, miss. Hey, michael. Hey, lulu. You want to join me? Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah, s-sorry. I'm, uh... I'm fine. Except you're obviously not. Kevin's not here. Did he not say that he was going to be at his office later? I didn't hear that. But that was probably when I had that visitor lanyard thing stuck in my hair, so I don't know. That's okay. I wasn't really asking. Anyway... I just want to say one more time that I was really impressed with how you handled yourself at ferncliff today. Oh. Thank you. It felt really good to go back there with power this time. Good. You know, that's why I wanted to see kevin. Regrouping. Regrouping? Wh-- yeah. I mean, going back and seeing the facility now that all the changes have been made, watching mary pat get fired... I mean, I'm so glad we didn't miss that.

[ Both laugh ] You know, I've never really met the woman, and I found it gratifying. Yeah. Wow. I hate to say it, but you made the right call when you stepped in and stopped that nurse from walking into the patient's room. Although it drives me crazy because I was so close to seeing him, and I had to walk away. I know. I know. And -- and we will find out what's going on with that poor man, but I think kevin's right. If we want our actions to have an impact, then we have to follow procedure. Procedure can hide a multitude of sins. Yes, I know. But we'll keep pressing on. No one should have to endure what you did at ferncliff, and just from what you've told me, I'm pretty sure that you're not the only person to have suffered at the hands of mary pat. So nice of you to join me, dr. Collins. Somehow I knew we hadn't seen the last of each other. Not yet. But that day is fast approaching.

I mean, these letters prove that getting rid of vincent was jeanette's idea. Yeah, but, you know, jeanette had scully wrapped around her little finger. She wanted vincent gone, and she used him to make it happen. The letters suggest plenty, but they don't prove anything. I got to figure out a way to use them. Okay, assuming that margaux has no idea her mother was trying to get rid of her father, I mean, that letter is gonna blindside her. Or liberate her. Liberate her how? Take away all of margaux's illusions about her parents, what does she got left? Sometimes the most dangerous enemy is the one that has nothing to lose. I think what I'm gonna do is publicly pressure ned to petition the state and have them do a complete investigation of ferncliff and everyone who works there. It's supposed to be a rehabilitation center. You know, I want to find out just how far they fall from that mark. Well, I've seen a lot of horror movies, but none of them were as scary as ferncliff -- and not just because of mary pat. I mean, laura, you should have heard the patient next to me. The way he would scream and cry -- endlessly pounding on the wall. I'm sorry, I just -- I just want some concrete answers about who he is... and what the hell has happened to him. You think you'll soon be rid of me, is that it? Like I'm a tool that you can use, then put in the toolbox and forget about? On the contrary. I have nothing but respect for you.

[ Laughs ] Forgive me if I don't feel all that respected right now. Not by the facility where I devoted 19 1/2 years, and certainly not by you. Clearly, we have things to discuss. Oh, we certainly do. Then let's go somewhere more private to discuss them. Don't want to be seen with me? No, I don'T.

[ Chuckles ] I also don't want to be interrupted. I think we should come to terms as quickly and quietly as possible. Fine. Where? Meet me at pier 55. Mm, can't have a drink at pier 55. Oh, don't worry. I know the owners. They let me get away with murder. I don't know. I j-- I got a lot of things... buried, I guess. Pretty deep. Are they buried to keep them from other people or... to keep it from yourself? I, uh... I think somebody's looking for you. I-I-I can put him off if you need to talk. No, it's -- it's okay. I-I-I got a thing, anyway. Um...thank you for the chat. You know I love you, right? I do. And I love you, too. All right. I'll see you. Mr. August. Mr. Corinthos. Did I interrupt? No. He has a lot on his mind. Well, I'm sure. I can't even imagine what it must be like to lose his son. Yeah. Thank you. Boss man is treating me to drinks after work, which begs the question, what did I do to deserve this? This. This exciting spreadsheet shows our circulation. Okay. Our numbers are on the rise, lulu, steadily... due in no small part to your series on the chamberlain murders. Seems people can't get enough of your take on this gruesome business. Thank you. I'M...doing my best. Which is why I'm also spiking your latest installment. Get out of the vehicle, miss. Get away from my car, freak. Look, I'm not gonna ask you again.

[ Horn beeping ] Whoa, whoa, lady! Help! Help! Lady, I'm a cop! I'm being harassed! Lady, I'm a cop. If you're a cop, where's your uniform? I'm a detective. Oh, okay. Listen, sherlock, either you make tracks or I will -- right over you. Okay, look, here's my shield. All right? "My shield"? Who do you think you are, captain america? Besides, how do I know that's real? If you call the station, you can verify my identity. Go ahead. I'll wait. All right. I will. All you have to do is lure obrecht to port charles and into the wsb custody. And I go free? Ye-- well, the authorities have agreed to your release, contingent on your cooperation. Huh.

[ Sighs ] I don't know. Or you could just stay here, serve out the rest of your time here at pentonville. Well, I mean, I've grown accustomed to the place. I've paid my dues. I've landed a sweet gig running the laundry.

[ Chuckles ] The girls want their whites white and their colors bright. They know to stay on my good side. And if that's where you want to be... you're gonna have to make me a much better offer. What do you want? Patrick drake.

 Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. You know, this may not sound very clinical, but are you insane? No. I'm valuable. And I want payback against those who hurt me. Hmm. Starting with... emma. What do you have against emma? Oh, she poisoned patrick against me. Her cute little voice and her magic little wand. Don't be fooled by her.

[ Laughs ] Damn! Your face literally did not move during all of that. Wow. You must be one hell of a poker player. And you, you are -- ugh, you are far too trusting. All right, you've had your fun. Oh, no, you are seriously gonna fatten the purse. I'm not turning my mother over just for an early release.

[ Scoffs ] I want my medical license reinstated. No. Yeah. Mnh-mnh. I'd rather find your mother the old-fashioned way. There is no way that I would allow an embryo-stealing quack like you anywhere near another patient after what you did to lulu. Come on. Rocco? I mean, that is the stupidest name. What's wrong with ben? I like ben. Okay, that's it. I've made my offer. You want to stay here, or you want to sleep in a nice, comfortable bed tonight? 'Cause that's it. It's your last chance. All right, all right. Fine, fine. I'll -- I'll -- I'll take the deal, okay? But I just have -- I have one more condition, and this one's non-negotiable. Britt: Mmm. Mmm. Wow. You happy now? -Mmm. -Wow. -Can you pass me the cornbread? -Yeah. -Oh, passing the cornbread. -Mmm. Do you want something for your mouth? Mnh-mnh. No? I'd --

[ Humming ] Those letters implicate jeanette, but they can be just as damaging to me. Yeah, but you're not -- you're not mentioned anywhere in these letters. There could be other letters somewhere that -- that does. Yeah, I mean, y-you're right. We don't know what -- what scully kept, we don't -- we don't know what's in storage. We do know that jeanette saved these letters, and it's possible she wrote down the details of the hit and saved those, too, and hid them somewhere else for insurance. You know what? Honestly, maybe it's best that you don't do anything right now. Right -- right now, margaux doesn't have anything on you. But she's not gonna stop until she has something. I'm not just talking about her father. She'd lock me up for jaywalking if she could and use my family to do it. Why won't you publish this installment? Was it terrible? No. No, no, no. In fact, the writing was great. It was an absorbing piece. I loved it. It's the subject matter that I'm wrestling with. Our readers don't care about a philosophical debate on the nature of evil, lulu. Well, maybe they don't, but I thought you would. I'm sorry. I know I keep going on and on like a broken record about ferncliff. I just... that's okay. That's -- that's the trauma, you know. Do whatever you have to do to come to terms with it. I think that's why I'm so focused on my neighbor. You know, why I want answers, possibly even help this guy. I don't know. It'll -- it'll mean that my time there meant something, I guess. I understand.

[ Sighs ] I support you. Thank you. The problem is... I can't even trust my own memories. I can'T. They were pumping so many drugs into my system, I-I don't remember what was real and what wasn'T. I mean, at one point --

[ Chuckles ] At one point, I thought I saw my neighbor. At one point, I thought he was...

S.O.S. You thought he was who? It saddens me, doctor. How things change so quickly now that I'm of no use to you. I care very much what happens to you. I certainly hope that's true. You know, I was under the impression that you lured me to the floating rib in order to bargain. That you felt your discretion merits reward. There are no free rides. I was a good soldier. I served you loyally, didn't question orders. I kept your secrets. Yes, yes, you did. Now I'm out on my behind, and you, you're still sitting pretty. Now, how's that fair? I'm not the one who tortured patients. "Torture."

[ Scoffs ] That word is so overused, isn't it? The persistent, often systematic infliction of emotional, physical, and/or psychological pain... still means something to me. What does your reputation mean to you, doctor? Do you think that reputation could survive intact if the world learned that you're hiding a maniac at ferncliff? One little call to the invader, and life as you know it is over.

[ Chuckles ] Not just my life.

You check out, detective harrison chase. Track my pen with your eyes. Do not move your head. Are you serious?

[ Scoffs ] What did I do wrong? You were parked in a spot designated for authorized vehicles only. Oh, I guess I did. Look, I'm sorry, officer. Detective. I was preoccupied, okay? You were asleep. That's illegal? It is when you're drunk and parked in a spot for authorized vehicles. Please walk a line, heel to toe.

[ Sighs ] I wasn't sleeping. What, were you just resting your eyes? I was... taking a moment.

[ Scoffs ] And I'm not drunk. Good. Then if you'll just move your car. Gladly. Okay.

[ Engine sputters ] Any day now. If you use your keen powers of observation, detective, you might notice that my car won't start.

[ Sighs ] I guess that's it. Arrest me. Read me my rights. Um, don't worry. I'm -- I'm not gonna arrest you. Uh, but maybe I can give you a hand. You thought you recognized your neighbor at ferncliff? Yeah, I thought, um... who did you think it was? You know what? It doesn't matter. It's silly, 'cause it couldn't have been him anyway.'s fine. Mom? Laura? What are you -- what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Hey.Uh, well, actually, we were looking for my husband, who seems to have given us the slip. I think I might just run by his office one more time and see if I can catch him. let's get together tomorrow. We need to figure out our next move. Okay. As long as you keep pushing forward, I'm gonna be right there with you. Thank you so much. We will fix the problem with ferncliff, I promise you. -Okay. -Bye-bye. Bye. I think it would be in both our interests for you to remain discrete about my brother's presence at ferncliff. Why should I? What do I care? What do I got to lose if the world finds out that a long-lost serial killer is being housed at a state-run facility under false pretenses? The public scrutiny could undo all my work, set ryan back years, even spark the urges he's worked so hard to control. You -- you wouldn't want that, would you? What do I care about ryan chamberlain's urges? I'm out here, and he's locked up in ferncliff. It's not like he can hurt anybody. Margaux pushed to get carly sent to ferncliff. She tried to take advantage of my father in my own house. She buried her father right near morgan. Now she's going after kristina and michael. Who's next -- avery? So why don't you show margaux the letters? She can either send her mother to prison or back the hell off. Sam's right. If margaux chooses the cover-up, we got her. Why would I have some special interest in why evil exists in this world? You're cesar faison's son. It doesn't get worse than -- so, my reaction would be some kind of test case. I came from evil, therefore evil must lie somewhere within me, is that it? If you would let me finish, I was going to say that you are proof that evil does not necessarily beget evil. That a good person can come from a bad upbringing. I think you may be giving me too much credit, lulu. Did a tough childhood excuse what you did to jason? Of course not. But you have a conscience. And you have a good heart. Faison and people like him, they don't have either of those things. Okay. So, what's your hypothesis, then? Is one's moral compass a product of biology or upbringing? I need a little more data before I can make that call.

[ Scoffs ] Oh, hell no. Thanks. They, uh -- they don't make strawberry margaritas. Sorry, anna. Deal's off. Okay, that's fine. We can get her back to pentonville in time for the next laundry detail. Mm-hmm. You know, you are no fun. Mm-hmm. Pour me a refill, doc. Oh. Allow me. Oh!

 Lulu, you bitch! I guess I'll get another pitcher. Oh, yes, please do. I feel like I missed a spot. -Oh, I am gonna tear you in -- -whoa, whoa! -Bring it! Bring it! -I want her arrested! -I'm surprised you didn't melt. -What is going on?! This kidnapping skank is supposed to be in pentonville!She got an early release, okay? Why wasn't I notified?! Face it, lulu, I'm out, and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh, really? Yeah. We'll see about that. Lulu, wait! W-who is this? What -- what is -- -oh, I'm sorry, my manners. Britt, this is peter august. Peter, this is britt westbourne -- your sister. My brother was your patient, too. Yes. He was. I've toiled for years to rehabilitate ryan so that he could stand trial for his crimes. And you've been by my side for most of that journey. I was loyal. So now it is on you to make sure my needs are met.

[ Cellphone ringing ] I'm sorry, dr. Collins. Do you have more important things to do? No, mary pat, I assure you... you're at the top of my list. Hey, kevin, it's me. I'm here at the hospital. Didn't you tell me that you were gonna be here? Anyway, um...give me a call when you get this or, I don't know, maybe I'll just see you when I get home. I have a lot to tell you. I love you. See you soon. Bye. Today was just the beginning. Sit down. We are going to hold ferncliff accountable. Good. That's great. Yeah. Sounds like you're turning your whole, uh, ordeal into something positive. I'm proud of you. Oh, thank you. Means a lot to hear you say that. You know, actually, I'm thinking I could stand to take a page from your book. Uh, diving impulsively into a volatile situation before forming a plan or considering the consequences?

[ Laughs ] I'm talking about the way you, uh -- you handle things, you know, head on. Where you going with this? What do you need to confront? Well, the confrontation already happened. Uh...I was at the floating rib, and D.A. Dawson made it a point of chatting me up. What did she want? To remind me that sonny killed A.J. And asked how can I live with that. Margaux built her whole world around getting justice for her father. When she finds out that her mother was behind the murder, I wouldn't want to be jeanette. You know, sonny, it's strange. You're -- you're talking like you almost admire margaux. No, no, I just know, you know... I get what she's -- wh-where she's going with this. I took a little girl's father away from her. Did joe scully give me the order? Yes. Did jeanette start the ball rolling? Yes. But who pulled the trigger? Now this little girl grows up, she's hell-bent on, uh, sending me behind bars for the rest of my life. Little girl or not... ...she's coming at you through your family. Well, that's why she has to be stopped. I know that. Thank you. I owe you. I owe -- actually, I owe both of you. Uh, tell spinelli thanks, and... thank you for helping me get the truth. Yeah, h- hold on, sonny.What's the -- what's the plan? What do you mean, what's the plan? Yeah. The plan is that I take it from here.

So, you're the half-brother I've heard so much about? Is it true you held jason morgan captive for five years just so you could turn him loose to eliminate our father? That's right. Genius! I totally owe you a drink. You're liesl's daughter. Yeah, when it's convenient. Your mother tied me to a bed for months, then tried to burn me to death. Imagine being raised by her. Oh, you prefer day to day with dad? You know, we should really get together sometime, compare notes. See who had it worse? How about lunch tomorrow? I-I'm assuming I'm free. I notice you're wearing an ankle monitor. Oh. This little thing? It's coming off soon. Then why is a wsb agent chaperoning a convicted criminal? You know, it's a heartwarming tale -- okay, peter. Can I talk to you, please? Have you got this, finn? -Yeah, you want a towel? Yeah. It's bad enough having faison as a parent, but having him

and obrecht? Speaking of which, your search came up empty? I have every intention of bringing obrecht in. But in the meantime, I need you to put a muzzle on lulu. All right, try it now.

[ Engine sputtering ]

[ Sighs ] Sorry. I thought I had it. I'm sure you meant well. Don't worry about it. Hey, chase. Hey. Oh, miss tait. Hi, miss falconeri. Hey. Wait. You two know each other? Uh, miss tait is charlotte's teacher at school. Are you, um... here on police business? He got a report that someone was parked inappropriately. I'm the perp. Ah. It's really late. I hope everything's okay. Oh, yeah, just... visiting a friend. I hope they get better soon. Well, I look forward to our next parent-teacher conference. Okay.

[ Clicking ] Have her try it now. Uh, hey, give it a whirl.

[ Engine starts ] Whoo-hoo! -What? -It's working. I'm my father's daughter. He can start a car without a battery. By the way, you know, willow... she's single. And she's great.

[ Chuckles ] You are gonna get me a job at G.H. You can swing that, can't you?

[ Scoffs ] It'll take some doing. I want to put my feet up, do the crossword. I mean, something with a desk will do. Oh. Anything else? Oh, I'll need some income in the meantime. I don't know who you think I am. You're a wealthy psychiatrist. You have money to burn. And even if you don't, you can find it. After all, you'd do anything to make sure your brother gets the care he needs. I need you to understand, mary pat, I can give you some money to tide you over. You've earned that much. But once I get you this job, that's it. We're done. Maybe we are. Maybe we're not.

[ Chuckles ] Who knows what the future will bring? Wait, sonny. How are you gonna get that information to margaux? You can't just show up and -- and tell her what we found. Why not? Maybe clueing margaux in on all this is the way to stop it? Okay, what -- what if jeanette knows that you pulled the trigger? What if it's in a letter somewhere and she hands that over to margaux? It's not gonna be enough to -- to convict you for murder, but it's gonna cause a lot of problems. Can we just stick to what we know? Margaux is gonna find out that the father that she adored isn't as innocent as she thought he was. Her parents' marriage wasn't a happy one. And she's gonna find out that her past was a lie. She loses her motive to come after me. Unbelievable! Who the hell does that woman think she is? Mom, it's okay. I shot her down. How? How did you shoot her down? I am the C.E.O. Of the largest company in port charles. I told D.A. Dawson if she crosses any more lines with me or my family, I'll be calling for a full investigation. That's a great idea. The sooner she's out of office, the better. I wouldn't count on it. Margaux may be insensitive. That does not mean that she is corrupt. Insensitive doesn't even begin to describe it. I can't believe that woman would dredge up all the stuff that happened with A.J. On top of everything else you're dealing with.

[ Sighs ] You know, am I -- am I -- am i dealing with it, though, mom? I mean, really? My son died. And how do I deal with it? I-I-I go through the motions of grieving, and then I throw myself back into work, you know, and I tell myself and -- and everybody around me that -- that I have it under control. Okay, hey. Look at me. You've grieved. And you're grieving. You know what they say -- there's -- there's no wrong way to do this. I think I found the wrong way. Mom, I tell everybody I'm fine, but I'm not. I-I am the opposite of fine. I think about jonah all of the time. I can still feel his... his little body wrapped up in my arms. I'm not okay, mom. Not without my son. And... I-I have to stop pretending that I am. I know. I know.

Obviously, I'm not gonna be able to keep britt's release quiet for that much longer, but if you could just help me keep it out of the paper... fine. So, what is this deal you've struck with my dear sister? It's -- it's a delicate operation. Well, if you want my help, I'm gonna need to know. Oh, come on. Britt is gonna help me lure obrecht out of hiding, and then I'm gonna get her straight into pentonville. Can she be trusted? She benefits from the deal, so...I think so. And if I get obrecht behind bars, that's gonna give you a measure of safety, yeah? That would be a relief. So, then... for your own good, could you keep a lid on it? And when I get obrecht, which I will...

...the invader gets the exclusive. Is that a deal? So, you and, uh... what's going on with you and anna? You two... it's funny you ask. It's none of your business. Ooh. So you are. You do know that anna... and my father... yeah, I know how conception works. Really? Mm. Because anna and faison... that is a tough image to get out of your head.

[ Chuckles ] Am I right? -Okay, you ready to go? -Uh...yeah. Well, all I want now is a long, hot shower. I hope the water pressure at the metro court has changed since the last time I was there. You're not going to the metro court. Well, then where? Oh, please tell me not that skeevy no-tell motel down off the highway. Oh, no. You're going somewhere far closer to home. You don't mean -- mm, my house. It's true, going to margaux with this is a gamble, but it's better than sitting on my hands, waiting, you know, on her to... going after my family and everything. Well, then, maybe I should do it. I should be the one who confronts margaux. Well, it makes sense. You're the one who's detached, and you can lay it all out for her, you know. Okay, then. But it's not gonna -- it makes sense, but it's not you. You're not going. Why? 'Cause I'm who she wants. You guys are just collateral damage. I have to face margaux and confront her with the truth. Hello, miss dawson. It's sonny corinthos. It's time we had it out. Just the two of us. These feelings that you're confronting, it's gonna be hard. But it's good for you. And your family is gonna be by your side every step of the way.

[ Sighs ] Uh, mom. No, please. Please let us help you. No, I-I know you mean well. Yes. And -- and -- and you really want to help. But if I'm being completely honest, look, I-I feel like you want me to be okay so bad that I'll pretend to be okay just to not disappoint you. Does that make any sense? I wish it didn't, but it does. Okay. Thank you for understanding.

[ Chuckles ] Okay, so this help you're getting... where are you gonna get it from? Uh, here. From people who are going through the same thing I am. Look, you might want to have a real mechanic check that out. You seem qualified enough. It was nothing, really. Well, then... thanks for nothing. Any time. Look, can I give you a piece of advice? Look, if it's about my parking, I really -- it's not. It's about that. Good eyes, detective. But that is none of your business. Maybe not, but, uh... going to that group, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Uh, who said I was ashamed? Well, you lied to me about it, so... look, all I'm saying is that if you don't want people in your business, maybe try keeping that out of plain sight. What, like this? Yeah. Kind of like that. Anyway, I am sorry for butting in, and, uh, try keeping your eyes open on the way home. Yeah?

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ] Mom. I'm so sorry I'm late. I just got held up. What's wrong? And don't tell me nothing, 'cause I can see something's upsetting you. Okay, all right. I-I'll tell you all about it on the way home. How was ferncliff? Uh, it could have been worse. We left with a lot more questions than answers, though. Well, maybe kevin could help. I had a long talk with him this afternoon. Really? Well [Chuckles] I'm glad my husband can make time for one of us. You know, honey, I... I have to ask, when you were with kevin, did he seem... okay? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Kevin's kevin. I don't think I've been quite clear. Once I help you get back on your feet, our association is over. It would be shortsighted of me to put an expiration date on our partnership when I don't know what the future holds. After all, there may come a day when I call on your assistance. Oh, don't look so down, dr. Collins. Your secret's worth at least that much, isn't it?

[ Water splashes ] Hello.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Ava: You messed with the wrong woman.

Kiki (to Griffin): Does that mean you're coming back to work soon?

Peter (to Maxie): I decided to go to the fund raiser, but maybe you could come with me.

Elizabeth (to Laura): This is exactly why you're gonna make a great mayor.

Sam (to Jason): Happy Halloween.

Jason: Happy Halloween.

Ryan (to Felicia): This must be my lucky night.

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