General Hospital Transcript Thursday 10/25/18
Episode #14146 ~ Sonny stops by Charlie's; Julian steps in the help Kim; Finn is pleasantly surprised; Nina is rejected; Kristina shows Oscar the ropes.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
[ Sighs ] Roxy, I am so sorry. I just, uh -- I just got out of surgery. Forgive me. All right, you must be starving. There you go. Hey.[ Sniffs, sighs ] I'm glad you're okay. Me, I had a hell of a night, you know, and now I'm gonna fall back into that bed and I'm maybe gonna sleep until anna comes home, whenever that'S... gonna be.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Exhales sharply ] Housekeeping is really slacking.
[ Shoes clatter ] There you are. Are you here, or... am I already asleep and dreaming? I don't know. You tell me. It was in the shop window for months, and every time I walked past it, it just always made me think of my baby and... yeah.
[ Gasps ] It's an amethyst. It's the february birthstone. And I-I know you have to leave. I-I understand. Um, I wish you could stay, but I get it. I just thought it would be a memento of our -- our time together. It's beautiful. It feels so good in my hand. It represents inner strength and energy and healing. I know. You -- you know? It's my birthstone, after all. It's your birthstone. Exactly, exactly. It was st. Valentine's favorite gem, sometimes known as "the couples' stone" because it engenders a deeper union between lovers. Coincidentally, your ex is in the house. Nina. Hey. Yeah? Um, sorry to interrupt. Did you forget we had an editorial board meeting? Oh! Oh, my gosh. I did. I did. I forgot. No. It's okay. I took care of it. Oh, you did? Yeah. Oh, you're a lifesaver. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Will you join us, please? Um, I'd like you to get to know my daughter. I can't believe I'm saying that. I love saying that.
[ Chuckles ] Um, maxie, this is my daughter sasha. It's nice to meet you. You too. Ms. Davis, I finished step one. I got a job. Good.
[ Door closes ] I'm a busboy. It pays a little more than minimum wage, plus tips. Well done, oscar. But if you want to follow through with this lawsuit, you're gonna have to get yourself a place to live. No sweat. I signed up with a bunch of roommate services. Okay, well, I hope they -- they work fast, 'cause if you want to be emancipated, then you're gonna have to prove that you can take care of yourself without your parents' assistance. I'm holding up my end of the deal, ms. Davis. I need to be able to decide what's right for me... for whatever time I have left. I understand. Thank you. I'll talk to you soon? Indeed. Bye, oscar. Bye. So, what's your favorite dish?
[ Door closes ] Oh, the seasonal salad is stellar. Yeah, I'm looking for less healthy, more comfort. I had a late night. Then try the truffle mac 'n' cheese. It'll cure anything. Did you have a late night, too? Yeah, you could say that. Oh, well, I hope yours was more fun than mine. What were you doing? I'm sorry. Do I know you? Sonny: That's the new D.A. Meet margaux dawson. She's the one who sent carly to ferncliff. And now she's gunning for your father. Guess who's here. Gracious greetings.
[ Laughs ] Spinelli, thank you -- thank you for coming.
[ Muttering ]
[ Sighs ] It is -- it is my great pleasure to be back amongst friends. Well, we are glad to see you. Um... I couldn't help but notice your choice of pronoun. Dare I hope that you -- meaning the collective "you", sam and jason -- are working towards a long-awaited and much-desired reunion?
Nina talks a lot about you. She said you were more a sister to her than in-law. Oh, I feel the same way. We've been through a lot together. I'm so sorry about your husband. I would have loved to have known him. He would have been thrilled to know that you survived. And I can't wait to meet baby james. Yeah, I forced her to look at all of my pictures. Oh, stop. He's adorable. Oh, my gosh, you're james' cousin, his first cousin. He doesn't have a lot of blood relatives. Nina's been telling me a little bit about the family. Interesting bunch, right? Let's see. There's britt, nathan's sister. She's a criminal, like her mother. Uh, in fact, liesl, to avenge nathan's death, abducted that man right over there and held him prisoner. When did you get back? What? When we talked on the phone last night, you didn't mention that was a possibility. Oh, well, I-I, uh -- sorry. I was in emergency surgery all night. Oh. But now that you're -- so, what's up? Did you find obrecht? Are you gonna stay for a while? I don't -- what's -- do you want to ask a lot of questions, or do you want to just, you know, dot, dot, dot? Definitely the latter, the dot, dot, dot. I mean, if you're too tired, you know... uh-huh. ...If you've been working all night... I'm a little tired. ...You're probably exhausted. Exhausted. Yeah. I mean, it was an emergency -- surgery, yeah. Did everybody live? It was -- yes, they did. Can we stop talking? Hey, spinelli, what'd I tell you about matchmaking? To cease and desist. But I-I fear you've misconstrued my most innocent of remarks. Um, it's really hard to misconstrue the, uh, "much-desired reunion" phrase. It's a simple statement of fact. See, your reunion is indeed much desired by a wide circle of devoted family and friends, including but not limited to danny, molly, kristina...
[ Sighs ] ...Michael, carly, her esteemed husband, dr. Quartermaine -- we get it. We get it. We get it. We get it. You want us back together. But you have to understand that this is our life, it's our relationship, and whatever happens between us is our business, okay? Understood. My most humble apologies. I shall endeavor to restrain myself in the future. Okay. Well, thank you. Anyway, I'm -- I'm really glad to see you.
[ Chuckles ] What happened to the trip with ellie and georgie? Ah, alas, georgie awoke with a viscous rhinitis and a mild pyrexia, so we had to cancel. Uh, she's okay? I think he just said she had a runny nose and a low fever? Yeah, just so. She'll be fine. But she would not have been able to fully experience the joys of wacky water world. So we'll reschedule for when she's better. But in the meantime, I come armed with intriguing information about margaux dawson. You don't know when to quit, do you? What is your problem? I came here for brunch. That's all. You know damn well she's my daughter. Yeah, and she also works here, does she not? I was merely asking her for menu suggestions. Yeah. You better grab a table, ms. D.A. These seats are reserved. At the bar? For brunch on a weekday? Oh, charlie's bloody mary made upstate magazine's top ten list. Yeah. Okay. Fine. Thanks for getting rid of her. Shows your loyalty. Even though I'm working for julian? You know, you can do better than that, but it's not my call. It's your call. Thank you. Why is it that you understand that but mom never will? Julian. Come in. Julian: Thanks. Are you here because of my mom? Did she send you here to talk ms. Davis out of handling my case? Oh, well, your mother did ask me to speak to alexis, but trust me -- I can't talk alexis into doing anything. I'm here as a friend. This, uh, can't be easy for your mom, oscar. In fact, this can't be easy for anyone. So, you're not on my mom's side? The busboy job's still mine? Well, I'm -- I'm not rescinding my offer. The job's still yours. All you have to do is, uh, well, stop by, fill out the paperwork, and grab your schedule. Okay. Great. Thank you, mr. Jerome. And you, too, ms. Davis. Yeah. See you later, buddy. Bye.
[ Door closes ] You gave oscar a job? Much to his mother's chagrin. I, uh -- I thought I was just helping oscar earn a little extra money. I didn't realize this was about oscar getting a legal right to make his own healthcare decisions. I can't discuss a client's case with you. I already know that oscar's very sick. I also know that his parents want him to participate in this medical trial that may prolong his life. Look, alexis, I know what is at stake here. So do I. Did you come here to try to get me to change my mind about representing oscar? Or is what you said true -- you're here as a friend?
Wow, I realize I was born into a very colorful family.
[ Chuckles ] Do you think their mental instability is hereditary? Um...I mean, I don't know. I mean, I had mental problems. And, uh, you know, I was institutionalized. Because you had just woken up from a 20-year coma... right. ...And you were grieving the baby that you lost. You're fine now. Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine now. I'm fine now. Yeah. I-I overcame my mental illness, um, before, uh, I knew that you had survived. And so I'm -- I'm good. And now here you are, and I'm completely healed. Although the nature/nurture debate is very interesting. How's your mental health? So, I assume that's nina's daughter? That's sasha, yes. A couple weeks ago, nina came to me asking me about the discovery of my own mother. Now I know why. I assume you were less than encouraging to nina, given your unfinished business with anna. As a matter of fact, no. I urged nina to reach out to her child. Interesting. Does that signal a change in your feelings toward your own mother? I missed you. I missed you, too. I would much rather have been here. I'm so sorry it took so long. I was almost worried you got kidnapped again. But we facetimed, and you knew I was okay, right? I worry.
[ Laughing ] I know you worry. So, what happened? Hmm? Did you find obrecht?
[ Sighs ] What makes kim think that you can get me to change my mind about representing oscar? Well, it wasn't, uh, kim's idea for me to come here. She actually went to sam first, uh, and from what kim said, sam didn't think she had influence over you. She thought maybe I might. Sam still believes that you have that kind of sway over me? I-I don't think that's what sam meant, but that's what kim heard. Look, alexis, kim's desperate, okay? She'll do anything to prolong oscar's life. That's why she wants him in this medical trial. Even if it means that she denies oscar the last vestige of control that he has over his own life? The rent's how much? No, I think you misunderstood. I just need a room, not the whole apartment. There's nothing cheaper? Look, I just need a place to sleep -- an air mattress, futon, anything.
[ Sighs ] I know better than to get between you and your mother. I mean, there's nothing to get between. As far as mom's concerned, I'm wasting my life and potential. Well, you know, as long as you're supporting yourself, which you are, you're gonna make your own choices. I've owned a few nightclubs in my day, and I got no problem with you tending bar. You know what I got a problem with? You tending bar for julian jerome. I'm absolutely, positively not defending him, but so far, he's treating me fairly. Uh-huh. I'm just saying, this place attracts a bad crowd. Okay, I'm here for you. I'll tell you, look... with the D.A. Hovering over me, I've had family on my mind. And I know we haven't seen each other much, and I don't feel good about that, but I just wanted to tell you that I miss you and I -- I wanted to see how you were doing. I'm doing fine. I mean, or I would be if mom would leave me alone. Well, you know that's not gonna happen because she worries about you, just like all parents do. Yeah, well, they only worry about it when their kid's a screw-up. You are not a screw-up. You went through a break-up, and that's a very hard thing to go through, right? Yeah, it was. So, first, samantha relayed to me mr. Sir's recognition of vincent marino's wife, jeanette. She may have been joe scully's paramour? That's what we think. All right, so, her husband's murder may have been a crime of passion or pure and simple greed. But I tapped in to some less-than-public records and discovered that mr. Marino had a very substantial life-insurance policy. However, in the years after his disappearance, his wife never tried to collect it. Well, according to margaux, her mother wasn't completely convinced he was dead. Because they never found the body. Okay, but after literally losing her husband, she only had a modest income. Okay, well, maybe scully was supporting her. In cash, maybe. There's no record of it. But why wouldn't she file a claim to her husband's life insurance? Maybe she was hoping marino was still alive. Yeah, but why would she want that? She was cheating on him with scully. Maybe she was in love with two men, and, uh, she had an affair and felt guilty. Maybe declaring her husband dead was too much for her to handle.
So, what happened with obrecht? It was a long, arduous search. You understand why I had to do it, right? For peter. Mm-hmm. You have to protect your son from people like obrecht. She's a lurker, and as long as she's lurking out there, it's unsettling.
[ Chuckles ] She still is lurking. I thought that -- you thought I would stay out there and on it until I tracked her down. Ah. Yeah. That was my intention. But I was just -- I was getting nowhere. I really missed you.
[ Chuckles ] So I came home. You know, I find it ironic that you would be concerned about my feelings towards anna, considering you're the one that thwarted anna's good intentions, delivering me right into the hands of my father. That was the worst decision at the darkest point of my life. And I don't suppose you'll ever forgive me. But I care very much about your mother. I care about anna. So I hope, one day, you see fit to forgive her. Well, slowly but surely, I'm rising from the evils of my father... with a lot of help. You know, I'm doing the same. I can only hope that the woman who makes me a better man can one day forgive me for what I did to you. That could be a long road. Worth every mile. Maxie, that's a really rude question. Wh-- it's okay. Um, I don't think I'm crazy. I mean, everyone's a little out there... yeah....In different ways and varying degrees. But in terms of murder and mayhem, no, I'm pretty normal. I mean, anybody who would spend five minutes with you could see that. Okay, well, I -- I didn't mean to offend you. You didn'T. I admire you looking out for nina. I'm glad you understand. All right, well, I need to get back to the office, so... all right. Well, I'll be down later. Oh, no, no, no. No rush. Bye. Bye. You're lucky to have such caring people in your life. Yes, I am very lucky.
[ Clears throat ] Maxie. Peter. Hi. I didn't want to interrupt you and nina with her daughter, but I wanted to ask you about little james. James is fine. Um, I'm sorry for dragging you to the hospital the other night. Oh, no, no, no, don't apologize. I was just over at G.H. Earlier, and I was just thinking about how lucky we are that little james is okay. Wait. Why were you at the hospital? Thank you for inviting me over. Well, it was the least I could do, seeing as you were so instrumental in getting sasha to stay so we could get to know each other better. All I want is your happiness.
[ Chuckles ] Well, then maybe you could talk to sasha and get her to stay in port charles a few more days. Look... oscar just found out how sick he is. He is spinning. He's confused. His life, his situation is untenable, and he has absolutely no control over any of it. Yeah, I know. I -- I can see how the kid would feel helpless. The last thing I want is to add to kim and drew's pain. I mean, my god, I can't even fathom what they're going through. They are good people. But what they want and what oscar wants are not the same thing. But maybe in time, it will be. So, you're thinking you can somehow make this right for both oscar and his parents? Sonny: I'm glad you're home. I'm glad you went to oregon. You know, you did everything you could to try to make it work, right? Except it didn't work. Yeah. You faced it, and you came home. Those are big steps. That shows that you're gaining maturity. I'm glad you think so. Most of the time, I feel like a loser. When you beat yourself up, your family's there to pick you up. Right? Is that do? Well, you guys are my life support, and, uh, in the good times, especially the bad times, you know? And if you need me for anything, you know I'm just a phone call away. And don't you think that I forgot that your birthday's coming up in a few weeks. And we're gonna do everything we can for you, and you allow us to show how much we love you, right? Deal. Okay, honey. I love you. I love you. Hey, you. Hey. Daisy, right? Yeah. So, was that your dad? Why do you ask? Oh, whoa, I didn't mean anything by it. I just assumed he wasn't a customer. And you don't seem like the sugar daddy type. Right. Yeah. Uh, sorry. I just had an encounter with that women over there. It just put me on the defensive. Yeah, that was my dad. He seems nice. Yeah, he's the best. So, um, how are you? How have you been? Excellent, never better. And I have something that might possibly take your mind off of whatever's bothering you. A thousand pardons. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories. No, no, no. It's not your fault, spinelli. Well, I don't really understand. What -- what memories? Well, uh, a couple of years after you disappeared, I was backed into a corner about declaring you dead. And there was just a bunch of craziness going on between elq and the quartermaines -- danny's legacy to that. They should not have pressured you. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I was forced to face the fact that you may never come home. I mean, it -- it was a horrible time in my life. Everyone told me to move on, to get closure, and, jason, they were all wrong. So I understand if margaux's mother was reluctant to face the facts. Maybe she was holding out hope. With all due respect, I fear you may be projecting. I mean, jeanette marino's feelings for her husband -- or lack thereof -- couldn't possibly compare to your feelings for jason.
No, nothing's wrong. I-I just -- I had my last checkup from the liesl incident. Still have some nerve damage in my hand, but the bruises have healed, and the other injuries have healed, too. I'm fine. Are you really? Are you referring to my post-traumatic stress? I thought you were gonna pass out on me when we were stuck in the elevator. Did you end up getting those anti-anxiety medications that you wanted? I don't think I'm gonna need them anymore. I'm coming through it... because of you. I need to get back to chappaqua. I have a job there. Oh, yeah, of course, of course. I-I can't even believe this. I didn't ask what you do. Right now I'm a temp, so I fill in at different offices. I'm really good with computer software, and I can do just about anything. Are you, uh, filling in somewhere currently? Well, when I decided to come to port charles, I put off my next gig. That's the great thing about temping. You're not tied to a job that way. But if I don't work, I don't get paid. Uh, well, I mean, why don't you just stay here? I could set you up with the crimson support staff. I couldn't accept that. My mother raised me to make my own way. Oh. Well, you know what? And she did a great job. But, um, I mean, it's not like I'd be putting you on the payroll and you -- you wouldn't work. I mean... I don't know. Uh, okay, well, if you don't work for me, how about, um -- maybe peter has a position at the invader, right? I mean, just -- just think about it. I-I don't want to pressure you, but just think about it. I mean, just think about making port charles your home. Spinelli: Well, the obvious question is, why didn't jeanette marino cash in on her husband's life-insurance policy? You did what you had to do to take care of danny. Why wouldn't the presumed-widow marino do the same for her child?
[ Sighs ] Maybe she was afraid declaring marino dead would stir up things with her and scully. I mean, there definitely would have been some sort of investigation into what really happened to marino. And, you know, that would draw attention to the fact that his death was a hit. Interesting theory. But there's more.
[ Knock on door ] Got your text. Hey. Look who's here.
[ Chuckles nervously ] Good day, mr. Corinthos, sir. Uh, we are endeavoring to gather information that we hope will deter D.A. Dawson's dogged pursuit of you. I found her cozying up to kristina at charlie's pub, trying to use her the way she uses mike. Margaux's crossed a line. We are gonna stop her. We're close to getting what it takes. Did you make it to, um, that concert a few weeks ago? I did, but I didn't see you there. Oh, yeah. I was one of the organizers, so there was tons to do backstage. But there's an event coming up soon that I'll be able to attend as a plain old partygoer -- a bonfire at the beach. Do you want to go? Oscar: Hey, kristina. Oh. I'm sorry to interrupt you guys. Are you guys talking? Yeah. No problem. Um, this is daisy. Daisy, this is oscar. Mr. Jerome said you would be able to help me with learning to be a busboy. You're working here? Yeah. Well, welcome. That's great. Yeah. Thank you. I just -- I need to be good at this job. I need this. Why? Is josslyn making you spend big? Um, actually, I'm emancipating myself from my parents... like, in court. From drew and your mom? Yeah. And your mom's my lawyer. A 16-year-old boy, who is terrified, comes to me, desperate for my help. He wants a say over what happens to his own body. Yeah, but he's choosing not to fight his illness. How could you possibly be okay with that? Let me tell it to you this way. If a 16-year-old pregnant girl came to me and said that she wanted to keep her baby but her parents were forcing her to give it away, I would fight to help her get what she wants. And I don't think there's many people that would question that. Well, I certainly wouldn'T. I...[ Sighs ] I think it's a crime, you know, that nobody was in your corner when your father took sam away from you. Do you understand why I'm doing this? I do, alexis. But I also understand that nothing good could possibly come of this. You got two parents who are estranged from their son when he needs them the most. Not necessarily.
I tracked obrecht to portugal. Then the trail went cold. You know, she could be anywhere, really. So I have the wsb running a detailed search of all her former associates, anyone she ever worked with. And of course, you know, she was associated with faison and the dvx for years. She's probably owed a lot of favors. Hmm. I expect there's a ton of hiding places that she has access to. Well, you know, even a rat has to come out of its hole once in a while. Yeah, and when she does, I'll be waiting for her. I know. I have to. I owe it to peter to bring her to justice. Mm. To keep him safe, you know? And until then? I don't know. I thought maybe you could find something to keep me occupied. Huh.
[ Laughs ] I don't think that I did that much for you. You listened. That was just what I needed. Well, I -- I hope you really are healing from everything... 'cause halloween is such a fun holiday. I hope you can actually enjoy yourself and relax. This will be my first halloween ever. What?! Wait. Why? 'Cause you grew up in another country? Partly. I never really had the desire to mingle with the ghouls and monsters -- probably 'cause they reminded me too much of my father. Ugh. So, my nephew and i will both be experiencing our very first halloween.
[ Chuckles ] Has james decided on a costume yet? Oh, no, he entrusted me with that task. Wise boy. Yeah. Who knows fashion better than you? Precisely. In fact, I'm gonna go shopping today, while the selection's still good. Would you like to come with me? Very much. Nina: I'm sorry, sasha. I don't want to pressure you. I'm just grateful for the time that we spent together and the visits you may take in the future to -- to see us and -- no pressure. I don't want to get carried away again. I'm starting to get used to it.
[ Chuckles ] You know, if you stayed a little while longer, you could meet my daughter -- charlotte. Nina and i are raising her together. Yeah. Yeah, we -- uh, she's lovely and so smart. He told me how much charlotte means to you. I think you two might get along just great, and you'd get a chance to see another side of nina, the one who is caring for a child. I'd better call my temp agency to tell them I won't be available just yet. Excuse me. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, she obviously wants to get to know you better. Do you think so? Who wouldn't? I am merely advocating for oscar to have control. I am not specifically arguing that he doesn't receive treatment. Okay, so, you agree that oscar should be a part of this medical trial. I want oscar to have every chance there is to beat his illness. And you know what? I think deep down oscar does, too. But he needs to get there himself. He needs to find that path on his own. And maybe if he thought his parents weren't controlling him, he might make the right decision. From what joss has told me, I thought you and your mom were super tight. And I'm sure drew seems like an awesome dad. Um, well, they're trying to control me, and I just want the right to make my own decisions. Yeah, I know the feeling. I just never thought about hiring a lawyer. Well, for my case to go forward, I need a way to support myself -- check -- and a place to live, which is not going very well. I can't help you out there. I'm living with my sister and her two kids. You know, I had no idea how expensive everything really is. Maybe I was just being dumb and naive. No. Growing up was a shock to me, too. You seem like you've mastered it. You're just so together. I'll go get you that paperwork to get you started. Thanks. Um, excuse me. I have to keep looking for a place I can actually afford. Hey. I think I can help you out with that. It's curious that marino's wife never collected on that life insurance. Single mom, kid. Could have really helped her. Yeah, but now jeanette marino has changed her tune. After venturing further into the insurance company's records, I discovered that mere hours after her husband's remains were identified, she filed a claim. Interesting. Does she have the money yet? Uh, no. The behemoth corporation, as is their wont, has withheld payment since no premiums were paid all those years and it was a murder. So, the insurance company is opening up their own investigation into marino's death. Yes.
I don't want to push my luck, but is there any chance that you and sasha might come to wyndemere for dinner one night? I don't know. It's not gonna be a romantic ambush. I promise you. It's just gonna be you, me, sasha, and charlotte having dinner. Listen, regardless of how you feel about me, it's a delight getting to know your daughter better because she's so much like you. radiate in her presence. And there's nothing better than seeing you in that kind of joy. You talk like this, and you expect me to believe that this dinner would be innocent. Listen, I promise, it's just gonna be a family dinner. I won't make anything more of it. Okay. I accept. So, will james be able to join us on this costume quest? I can call the nanny and see if he's napping. So, do you want to take the stairs? Thank you, but I'm fine with the elevator. Anna: So, the wsb is still looking for obrecht, and then, when they get a location, I'm gonna go after her. Mm-hmm. But obviously I'll need backup. So, robert? You. Me? Yeah. If you're willing.
[ Sighs ] Would you be backup for me? Let's see. The last time that we teamed up, we were imprisoned with the threat of death. We accidentally unleashed cassandra... I don't know if we unleashed her. ...On the world, and the entire time, the food was absolutely terrible. So, that's a no? No. I'm in. Oh. Good. I thought so.
[ Chuckles ] Mmm. Do you know of someone who needs a roommate? Well, I share a place with a bunch of people -- nothing fancy, but there's a bed if you want it. Uh, you know I can't pay much, right? That's cool. We're all pretty laid-back, and we know it's hard to build a life out on your own. People pay what they can in exchange for helping out with chores and stuff. Are you kidding?
[ Chuckles ] No. It's a really fun place, too. You'll love it. I already do. Great. Um, I'll text you the address, and you can stop by after your shift. Wow. Okay. Uh, thanks. I'm pretty handy. I'll do whatever needs to be done. You seem like you'll be a cool addition to the house. This is amazing. Meeting you came at the perfect time. This just proves I'm doing everything right. I have to tell ms. Davis. Here. Fill these out. So, do you want the info about the bonfire? Why not?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone chimes ] Julian: [ Sighs ] Oscar just got a step closer to qualifying for his right to choose his own medical treatment. He found a place to live. In his price range? Oh, I shudder to think. So, uh, you really think that the court will, uh, take his case? Yes. Well, I dread telling kim that you're not backing off.
[ Sighs ] I just wish she knew you like I did. What do you mean? I'm not exactly sure what you have in mind for oscar, but whatever it is, I trust your judgment. I mean, if anyone can find the king solomon solution in all of this and make things easier for both oscar and his parents, it's you. Thank you. But whatever your strategy is, you better make it happen fast. As far as I can tell, oscar doesn't have much time. There's something not right about this insurance business and marino's widow. I just -- it's not making sense to me. Well, I think it's safe to say that margaux's mother was never straight with her about what went down between marino and scully. And now she's trying to get her hands on the money? Which numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Only jeanette marino would have the answers. Okay, I need to know what she's hiding. I need proof enough to back margaux off. I can't have her do any more damage to my family.
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