General Hospital Transcript Thursday 9/13/18
Episode #14117 ~ Margaux and Jordan worked together; Kristina opens up to Sam; Maxie is confused; Peter gains a little perspective; Lulu is cautious.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
Hi. Are you all settled? Hi. Yep. Did you see the new sheets on the bed? They are, like, bamboo. They're s-- they're extra soft. I thought that maybe you'd really like them. Mom. What's wrong? What did you mean when you said that you were staying in town long enough to decide what to do about peter? Well, um... I want to talk to him. You should. You should have lunch with him or something. Maybe all three of us could -- we could do it here. Well, he wouldn't come here. Um... maybe we could go to metro court or something like that. A-actually, I-I was thinking something a little less orchestrated, a little more impromptu. Just peter and me. Okay.
[ Doorbell rings ] Oh, they're here. Who? -Hi! -Hello. -I've missed you. -Hi. I've missed you, too. Oh. Gimme, gimme, gimme. Go ahead. Hi. [ Gasps ] I'm your auntie robin. About time that I get to meet you.
[ Chuckles ] Hi, sweetheart. Hi. Hi. I'm just saying that if you're trying to rebrand the invader as a legitimate news source, maybe you don't want to splash the 25th anniversary of the ryan Chamberlain crime spree on the front page. See, I'd argue the reverse. The Chamberlain story will deliver the type of high-profile launch that the new
invader needs. And since you're my lead reporter, I want you to write it. "It is this doctor's recommendation --"
[ Sighs ] No. More dour. Didn't think it was possible for kevin to sound even more pompous, but...
[ Chuckles ] "It is this doctor's recommendation that the patient should be committed to high-observation solitary confinement." Because a little alone time can do wonders. Make one focus on what's truly important.
[ Door closes ] Welcome to charlie'S.
[ Sighs ] You're really doing this? I really am. Why? Why would you want to work for julian of all people? It's a job, I'm a good bartender, julian had an opening -- end of story. So, you're telling me it has nothing to do with avoiding your feelings about ending things with parker by running headfirst into a fight with mom and Sonny? Why would you think that? Well, if you want a fight with your parents, working for julian is the way to do it...
[ Ice rattling ] ...Guaranteed. The bones belong to a male between the ages of 35 and 38 at time of death. Based on the deterioration of the remains and the surrounding sediment, they estimate that body has been in that foundation for approximately 30 years. The coroner's gonna continue to assemble fragments and has already requested dental records. I'm gonna put an officer on missing-person files from that period. We should pull any building permits that were filed over the years for charlie's pub. Good idea.
[ Keyboard keys clacking ] And I'd better acquaint myself with the original owner... ...charlie delaney. I know why you pushed so hard to buy my place. You didn't want charlie'S. You wanted what's buried beneath it. Is there a problem? He's just, uh, telling me about something that's buried beneath his property.
[ Chuckles, inhales deeply ] Not something, Sonny.
Someone. There was a body in my basement. Police just took the liberty of digging it up.
the, uh, gas explosion tore up the foundation, exposing the skeleton. Well, wonder how long it's been there, huh? Yeah, that's fascinating. Yeah. Why'd you come to me? Oh, well, I mean, I knew you had a passionate interest in buying the place. I thought maybe you might be interested. Cops find anything else you think, uh, I might be interested in? You know, I have no idea. I mean, the cops, uh, they sealed off the -- the, uh -- the basement... mm-hmm. ...And then they tore the place down to the studs. Anything they found, they must've taken back to the pcpd. You didn't think to inquire?
[ Chuckling ] Oh, no. No, I wa-- I want to keep my hands clear of this one. You know, far be it for me to get in the way of justice. This was only last week?! James looks so much bigger. He's growing like a weed, and noah looks so much like patrick. Oh, he has that same little frown when he's concentrating on something. Oh, another dr. Scorpio-drake in our future, perhaps?
[ Chuckles ] He's already bought him a toy stethoscope. Aww. Well, georgie's making a list of everything she wants to teach james. I see being a bossy big sister in her future.
[ Laughs ] Well, I wonder who she got that from. Hey, I loved being a big sister when georgie wasn't driving me crazy.
[ Laughs ] Yeah, um... speaking of siblings... oh, my god. How insensitive am I? Haven't even asked you how you're doing since you found out peter is your brother. Yeah. Let's just say it's a lot to take in. But you're here visiting your mom, so that's a good sign. Yeah. I mean, when she first told me, there was this kind of delayed reaction. I...I felt numb, and, um... then it started to hurt.
[ Chuckles ] I was angry, and I felt betrayed... which is...not how I want to feel towards my mother. I just -- I needed some time to think. I needed some distance, so... well, I guess I got my wish, considering that my mother was held captive for more than a month and I didn't even know it. I certainly hope you're not blaming yourself for that. I wouldn't say blaming, but let's just say I wish I had reached out sooner.
[ James fusses ]
[ Exhales sharply ] It's just strange, you know? I mean... knowing that this whole time there's this huge secret that she's been keeping from me, and... I thought it was just the two of us. This whole time, she's had this memory of this other child in her heart.[ James fussing ] That doesn't mean your mom loved you any less. I never doubted her love, but... it is a big change. And...peter? Where does he fit in? I totally understand why my mom wants him in her life, but... I'm just not so sure I want him in mine. You said that I wouldn't have to be involved. Well, if you don't take the piece, I'm gonna have to assign it to someone else on staff. They're idiots. They'll totally sensationalize it. My point exactly. My staff is limited, and the story is going forward. Lulu, if you want to ensure that it's done with tact and sensitivity, you're gonna have to write it yourself. Okay, so this is blackmail. No.
This is journalism. Now, do you want the ryan Chamberlain story or not? Many of Chamberlain's victims still live here in Port Charles. Some are close to me, almost family.
[ Sighs ] I won't move forward unless I'm given leeway to give each and every one of them a personal heads-up.
[ Chuckles ] You really think that's necessary? Absolutely. I refuse to blindside people. Lulu, y-y-you can't go around asking permission to publish. Look, if you write the truth, don't violate any laws, you've already done your due diligence. I think it's possible to capture a good story without collateral damage. If you think otherwise or if you're still so determined to make your mark no matter who gets hurt in the process, you need to find yourself another reporter. Mike knew charlie delaney, right? I mean, uh, gave you that, uh, photo of them together? I mean, isn't that why you wanted to buy the place, for dad? Yeah, yeah, you have a good memory. Mm. Unfortunately, my dad doesn't, as you can see, right? He has alzheimer's, and h-he gets confused. It's hard to remember what's real, what's fantasy. I know. It -- it is sad. I mean, Mike was pretty confused and, uh, distraught, even over the, uh, gas leak. It's fortunate nobody was hurt, and it was a good thing you were there to rescue kristina. Yeah, you should call the gas company, make sure there aren't any more accidents. "Accidents"?
[ Chuckles ] Yeah, I intend to do just that. You know...with all the trouble I've had and all the delays and trying to, you know, get that renovation going, I probably wouldn't have found those bones for, oh, uh... a few more months at least, you know, if it hadn't have been for that gas leak. It's funny, huh?
You know what? Thanks for bringing by your local gossip, but, uh, jason and I, we got, uh -- we got business to take care of, so you can go ahead and -- oh, oh, oh, uh, speaking of business, that's the other reason why I'm here.
[ Sighs ] What? You know, when you think about it, that explosion sort of expedited my demolition, and, uh, as soon as the police give me the all clear, well, I, uh, plan on going ahead with my renovation, and, uh, you know, I think I'm gonna go with a different... coffee distributor. That's an interesting idea. Well, listen, I think, you know, we've had a good run. I mean, I think you would agree that now's a good time to go our separate ways now that we've got A... clean slate between us. Well, if that's what you want, but don't blame me when everybody starts complaining about the inferior coffee.
[ Both laugh ] Okay. Oh, uh, one more thing. Uh, I hired kristina as a bartender. You what? Yeah. But I'll let you, you know, get the details from her. No, no, I want to hear it from you. You want -- you want me to tell you? Yeah. Yeah, I do. Well, okay, uh, she was in my place, you know, prior to the explosion. She was filling out, uh, an application. As it so happens, you know, I'm short a bartender, so, uh, I hired her, you know, I mean, short-term, and then, of course, the explosion happened, and, uh, I mean, to tell you the truth, I-I thought I'd never see her again, but then she showed up at work this morning, and, uh, well, she's there now. I'll ta-- I'll talk to kristina. Well, good luck with that, you know? Like her mom, she's, uh -- she's got a pretty strong -- strong mind of her own.
[ Exhales deeply ] Mm-hmm. Mm. Anything else? Nope, nope. That's about it. Concludes our business. Uh, don't worry about it. I'll let myself out. Yeah, okay.
[ Door closes ]
[ Sighs ] He's using Mike as leverage. We can't keep our guards down. So I want to thank you for, you know, grabbing the wrench my dad used to break that gas pipe. The only t-thing he said that was right was thank god that you got kristina out of there. She was just trying to protect her grandfather. She has a big heart, and you know what? It -- she -- it gets her in trouble and -- okay, listen, listen. I'm gonna keep an eye on her, but this guy... julian -- he could still cause some problems. I hope not. He -- he has his expansion, and the -- the coffee contract is -- is gone. But he's got my daughter working for him. So now I can't make a move. You think he manipulated kristina? No, I don't -- I don't think he did. I think that... ...he's telling the truth for once -- my daughter wants to work for him. Okay, why? Because it's who she is. She's a rebel. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[ Chuckles ] Okay, try. It's good. Wow.
[ Chuckles ] Is that... grapefruit juice? Mm-hmm. Yeah, they do a lot of funky stuff out west, but it's good, right? Yeah. It's very good. Yeah, I liked working the bar in eugene. It was fun, like, getting to talk to all the different types, like the locals and the students and... people want a good drink, and I can make good drinks. Some of them have their expectations, but I met them, and it was simple and satisfying. At home with parker? I don't know how many other ways that I can explain it, but I just got... caught up in this fantasy of running away and starting a new life together and love conquering all. The reality was that parker's new job gave her a life and I didn't fit in.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Cup clinks ] Here. Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. Uh, none for me, mom. Thanks. Uh, I have an errand to run. What? What? Yes.
[ Clears throat ] And what about our visit? Well, the star of the afternoon is going to sleep soon, right? So no reason for me to stay. Oh, that's how I rate?
[ Chuckles ] I thought we were gonna talk. We've already agreed that the discovery of finding out peter is my brother is...complicated, and we have each other to get through it because we're family. Now, you two need to stop avoiding each other. Robin, come on. Avoiding each other? Mom, you kept secrets with the best of intentions, and peter kept his own secrets. His intentions at this point are unclear. And then there's you, maxie, that got caught up in the middle of all of it. I know you would probably do things differently if you could, but life doesn't go backwards, so... you guys owe it to each other to talk it through and figure out what comes next. Lulu, you are the only reporter I want on the Chamberlain project, and I expect you to write it however you see fit. Chamberlain's story -- it is fascinating, sensational, but I have no interest in exploiting his victims' pain. Good. I'm glad to hear you say that. Furthermore, I expect you to offer your honest opinion, no matter how unpleasant, whenever needed. Don't think you have to worry about that. Apparently. Look, I also want to say thank you, lulu. I want you to know that I'm fully aware of the chance you're taking, leaving the security of the Port Charles press to come here and work with me and possibly go down in flames with me. There aren't many others as eager or willing, even... to give me a second chance right now. I don't let public opinion dictate what I do. I became a journalist to make a difference. And you're getting a hell of a story that it would've taken you years to earn over at the press. It's better than covering pta meetings, right? Ryan Chamberlain was the bogeyman in the closet when I was growing up. Don't all kids want to unmask their nightmare? Your tears were always beautiful, felicia.
[ Telephone rings ]
[ Sighs ] Kevin collins. Laura? Oh. Oh, laura! I am so sorry. I meant to call you, but time got away from me. You know how I can get
My phone? Um... hold on, laura. I'm, uh -- I'm sorry, love. I-I turned off my phone when I was in session at ferncliff. I'm -- I've been very distracted by a patient there. Tough nut to crack.
[ Chuckles ] Get it? Tough nut. Uh, no. No, no, no. I am not stressed. I-I promise you. It's probably nothing a little less coffee couldn't fix. No, no, of course not. I am not overdoing it, I promise. How are you? Uh-huh. Oh, yes. Mm-hmm. Really? No, I-I promise you, when we have our phone call tomorrow, I'll be right back to my usual self. Anna: He's very gorgeous. And looking more and more like nathan every day. Yeah. Very grateful that you're both safe and healthy. All right, that day when I came to the hospital, you know, and I -- and I had peter's letter... and you were hurting so much, I-I feel like I'm partly to blame for that. Anna, you didn't know peter was nathan's brother. You didn't even know he was your son. Well, I knew at that point, yes, I-I was...intervening on behalf of my son because I needed to believe the good that was in him, the good that he showed you. I get that, anna. I feel the same way about james already. I mean, I think he's the smartest, most developmentally advanced baby in history. But more than anything, I just love him. I mean, half the time, it doesn't even feel like anybody else exists. So glad you have him. I don't think I would've survived otherwise. I know.
[ Sighs ] Robin's right. We are family. And she's also right that... if I could, I would change things. Wouldn't we all? I know what it's like to grieve someone you love, and I know that it isn't always a rational process and that there's these random things that come into your mind or -- or just something reminds you of loss and...
[ Snaps finger ] ...You're right back in it and it just swamps you, and... so...if it's easier if you don't see me because of my connection to peter or just because, I totally understand, and I'll -- I'll just keep my distance, you know?
[ Sighs ] The D.A. Sequestered all the remains and evidence found at charlie's, but I can -- I can find a way in, Sonny. No! Too risky. D.A. Dawson has both you and me in her sights. We have to stay clear of the pcpd. We can't let her think that we -- we have any interest in the case. Okay, okay, at least I can have spinelli hack into the evidence log and see if they found a gun with the bones. I hope not because that gun is the only thing that links me to the body.
[ Sighs ] Charlie delaney's history is fascinating. Jordan: He looks like quite the character. Says here he faced racketeering charges connecting him to the local mob kingpin at the time, frank smith. I'll check the dental records, see if they match any of smith's guys. There was a building permit issued in the early '80s when the bar got updated with a new freezer and basement space. Which would've made it very easy for frank smith to disappear someone. Uh-huh. Who else was in town then? Let me look.
[ Computer beeps ] E-mail from the M.E. Findings? Confirmed cause of death -- multiple gunshot wounds to the chest. Did you recover a gun? Still looking.
You know that i was there the night that peter almost died? On spoon island? Yeah. I mean, the stables were burning, valentin had gotten nina out, but by then, the building was engulfed in flames, and it wasn't until nina said something that any of us even realized peter was still inside. I thought there was no way anyone was gonna be able to save him, and then finn ran in after him. Finn? Yeah, I was completely freaking out. They were in there so long I thought for sure both of them were dead, and it was like a miracle when finn hauled peter out of there. Finn went into the building that was on fire for peter? No, not for peter, for you. He would never let your son die. Didn't finn say any of this to you? I mean, he was kind of an unexpected hero. He seems to have a knack for that. Anyway, I waited at the hospital... for peter to wake up. I'm not sure why I did that. Because you're a good, kindhearted person. So are you. And caring about peter, wanting him to be okay, that doesn't dishonor my grief. Just makes you his mother. Peter? Robin.
[ Sighs ] Hello. Hi. Um, your office told me that I could find you here. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. No, no, no, no. Not at all. Actually, you -- you caught me avoiding my phone calls. I've got a lot of work ahead of me to try and get this invader paper where I want it to be. Sometimes I get away from the office in order to
[Inhales deeply] Focus. Would you like to sit down? Yes. So, I thought we should talk. Um... I-I have no idea what it's like to grow up with faison as your only parent. I do, however, know what it's like to grow up with a mother who is perpetually... afraid of him and to lose years away from my family because of his obsession with her. I'm sorry. My father was... really good at inflicting pain. In a way, we both grew up in faison's shadow. I'm here to make sure that my kids don't suffer the same way that we did. My father's dead. So, you're not planning to pick up where he left off? Absolutely not. Y-your children have nothing to fear from me. I would never do anything to hurt them... or you. Sam: Sometimes our hearts send us chasing after a dream that'll never see the light of day, and sometimes love is just never enough.
[ Exhales sharply ] Right, but this is where my big sister would offer some advice. Wait a minute. Are you asking me for advice? If you haven't noticed, my life is in a free fall. I could use all the help that I can get. Hey, that's my sister you're talking about. Come on. Don't be so down on yourself.
[ Sighs ] I'm just scared. I've been... lost for so long, chasing a sense of purpose from relationship to relationship, school to school. Will I recognize, like, the right fit if I find it? Can we just slow down for a second and just tell me how you feel right now?
[ Sighs ] I like being a bartender. Okay. I'm comfortable at it, and it's something that I'm good at. Yeah, but we are at julian's bar, and I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry, I hate to ask this again, but do you really think this place is the right fit for you? Or is it the right place to pick a fight? Married to luke spencer's ex. Brother, you have certainly gotten more interesting over the last few years.
[ Knock on door ]
[ Clears throat ] Come in.
[ Door opens ] Kevin, do you have a moment? Lulu! Well, of course. For you, anything. What brings you to me today?
[ Door closes ] Well... I wanted you to hear this from me directly. Mm, that doesn't sound good. Peter august has asked me to oversee a special edition of the new invader. Oh. Congratulations. Thank you.
[ Chuckles ] I hope you still feel that way when I tell you that it's a standalone, collectible edition marking the 25th anniversary of the ryan Chamberlain crime spree. I had no idea people were still that interested in ryan. Revisiting serial killers is very popular these days. Ryan, as you know, is a Port Charles legend.
Lulu: I won't be conducting the interviews personally, but I will have oversight on all aspects. Now, I know that you don't like talking about ryan, and I do expect that felicia, mac, and my mom won't be happy that we're dragging up that dark time, but it was a critical time in this town's history, a-a-and, honestly, peter was gonna run the edition with or without me, so I-I'm just hoping that you can understand why I feel the material is better in my hands than in a stranger'S. I agree completely, and I'll back you up with laura if you need me to. Really? I-I was so sure you would object. Frankly, the previous coverage of ryan was... pedestrian. Totally failed to acknowledge his considerable intellect, but in your capable hands, he won't be reduced to a one-note caricature. He'll get the in-depth consideration he deserves. "Deserves"? From an anthropological perspective, of course. You're really okay with your brother's crimes being rehashed in the media? It's been 25 years, and my brother is a fascinating case study. Medical science will never truly understand the inner workings of a mind like ryan's until we're no longer afraid to bring them out of the darkness and into the light. I survived my father, and now I'm moving past him. I'm living out in the open. Started a new, better life for myself. Why build that life here in Port Charles? The place where everyone knows my past and most of the people despise me for it? It's the first place I ever felt at home. And what about my -- our mother?
[ Sighs ] I don't know. I mean, you grew up with her. Do you have any advice for your...big brother? No, I mean, if you choose to have a relationship with her, that's between the two of you. You're not gonna lobby on her behalf? I don't have to. Our mother is a remarkable person. She stands on her own merits. I have two children -- emma and noah. You may have seen emma at the nurses' ball. Yes, I remember. Um, she was sitting with you and anna at your table. It's a miracle that an hiv-positive person can have a healthy baby. That's what emma and noah are -- they're my miracles. Emma is obsessed with her grandmother. She wants to be her when she grows up.
[ Chuckles ] Well, I hope when emma grows up, she gets to be whatever she wants to be. She's very lucky to have such a loving and supportive family.
[ Chuckles ] Emma is, um -- she's curious about you. You told her about me? I told her I was going to meet you and that I wasn't sure you could be her uncle. Well, maybe one day I'll give you a reason to want to introduce me to emma and noah. Maybe. Oh. I should've known you'd feel like this. You really do have such a big heart, maxie. I'm a mother, too. I could never imagine being separated from my son. I gave him up because, um... ...I felt it was better for both of us, you know? And it wasn't until it was too late that I realized I was wrong, you know? I understand that when you look at peter, you see the hurts he carries because of your choices, the things you didn't or couldn't give him. And I understand the loss you feel when you look at james, knowing that he's gonna grow up without nathan. I love you, anna. You're my godmother. Yeah. I could never cut you out of my life. Thank you.
[ Sniffles ] I can't promise, though, that I'm ever gonna let peter in. Julian: Mm-hmm. Also good. Wow! What is that one? That's really good. Penicillin. I didn't name it, but it will cure what ails you. I guess it will. Very impressed. Yeah, I was, too. I think kristina's gonna be very good for your business. Wh-- whoa, whoa. So you're not against this? I [Clears throat] Am choosing to support my sister, and if this is what she wants, then I support her. Aww, thanks, sam. So, do you want to be the one to tell Sonny and your mom that, uh, it's a good thing that your sister's working here? Oh, no. No, no, no. That's her job. I knew there was a possibility that that body was gonna be discovered, so I had diane put protections in place. From now on, michael's in charge of legitimate business and personal decisions. You will handle everything else. Well, it's not gonna come to that, 'cause I'm gonna try to shut down the pcpd's investigation. But if I can't, we can get you out of the country at a moment's notice. This murder's been hanging over my head ever since scully... ...gave me the job. If it finally comes to light...
[Quietly] I'm not running.
I can assure you I'm prepared for whatever lies ahead. The truth is... press coverage or no, my brother is never far from my mind. Okay. Well, I'll be in touch. Bye, kevin. Bye-bye. And take care. Hey, it's me. How would you like to get a bite? I would just
love to catch up. Did you see peter? Yes. He and I also needed to talk. How did it go? I mean... you think you could -- you could build a relationship with him or something? Well, I would have to trust him first, and... I'm not sure that I do yet. I-I... I mean, I don't think he's planning on picking up where faison left off. No, no. Yeah, and, that being said, uh, he did hold jason prisoner for five years and almost shot you, so... that's a lot to overcome. Don't you think that that was just a reaction to faison, though? Mom, you don't have to defend him. Sorry. You're his mother. You can defend him if you want. I-it's just that... you're going to have to accept that my relationship with him I-is out of your control, just like your relationship with him is out of my control. Neither of us know what's going to happen next.
[ Indistinct conversations ] Hi. I know I just dropped james off with you, but I can't remember if I left the teether -- the one that you can put in the freezer? Okay, mom, I'll stop worrying. Bye. Oh, wait! Oh!
[ Chuckles ] Made it. Maxie. Hey, I-I know you can be a great bartender, but I just have to ask you one more time if that's the only reason why you're taking this job.
[ Sighs ] Not everything I do is a jab at mom. Okay, okay. In that case, have a great day. Bye. See you at home.
[ Chuckles ] So, you're really okay with, uh, kristina working here? Uh, no. I-I never said that. But she is an adult, and I respect her decisions. However, as long as she's here in your orbit, I'm not gonna take my eyes off of her. This better stay a family-friendly place. Message received. See you, sam.
[ Door opens, closes ] Well, if the family wants to spend more time here... bring it on. Sonny, if the D.A. Can connect you to the body, you know she's gonna try to put you away for life. I know it's risky, but I'm not running. I don't care what they find in that basement. Margaux, they found something. I will stay and face it. Nothing will make me leave my family.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Valentine (to Curtis): I'm just anxious to let Nina know.
Nina: "Let Nina know what?"
Margaux: Well, well.
Jordan: Find something?
Keim (to Drew): We need to figure out how to communicate better about this.
Sam (to Oscar, with Monica): What happened to your hand?
(Maxie and Peter look worried, in a shaky elevator)
Mike (to Sonny and Carly): It's time to re-think things.
(Carly wipes away a tear, and Sonny looks very sad)
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