General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/23/18
Episode #14106 ~ Jason's concern for Carly intensifies; Kevin seems distracted; Finn thinks fast on his feet; Chase finds an in; Franco steps up to help.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Carly: Whoo!
Jason: Pretty good.
Carly: That was great.
[ Both chuckle ]
Carly: This is nice, isn't it? Hanging out, playing
pool. We haven't done this since you got back.
Jason: It's long overdue.
Jason: Yes.
Carly: [ Exhales sharply ] Funerals.
Carly: I mean, what are you supposed to do after? I mean, I know
there are tons of things I should be doing, and, well, this is one of the few
things I want to be doing.
Jason: Yeah, me too.
Carly: All
right, well, to, um... to little Jonah.
Jason: To Jonah.
Jason: And to you. You did good today.
Carly: I had
Franco: I'll be fine.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I know. I know. I'm -- I mean, I
have complete faith in you.
Franco: I don't think that you do, but it's
sweet of you to say that.
Elizabeth: Can I offer you a little advice,
Franco: I love you, and I -- I am aware that the task in front
of me comes with its challenges.
Elizabeth: Well, that's an
Franco: I am a student of the worst-case scenario, and I
plan accordingly. You know that about me.
Elizabeth: I know the first
Franco: And I have analyzed the situation, and I have a
bulletproof battle plan, and I am so positive that this is gonna go so
flawlessly, this operation, that the WSB is gonna offer me an honorary position
as a secret agent, and I'm thinking that my new secret-agent name should be
Double-O Franco.
Elizabeth: [ Sighs ]
Robert: It's been 48
hours since Cassandra Pierce was abducted. Look. I need progress reports or lack
thereof immediately. Thank you. Commissioner, good to see you.
Well, this is my station. And since you've obviously set up camp here, I'd like
an update on Anna's whereabouts.
Carson: It's the
moment you've been waiting for. Alive and in person, your patient --
Anna: Cassandra Pierce.
Carson: I was just gonna say that.
Anna: Finn?
Finn: [ Scoffs ] I'm sorry, fellas. There's no
way I could save this patient.
Lucy: Hey, Doc. What's a guy like you doing in a place like this? Kevin, what's -- what's the matter?
Ryan:: Somebody
help me, please! Somebody! Help! Oh. Oh, thank God. What's your name?
Gordon: I'm Gordon.
Ryan: Gordon! Gordon. Y-y-you have to help me. I'm
not supposed to be here.
Kevin: I'm fine.
Lucy: No, you're not.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] Lucy, I'm just trying to enjoy
a drink by myself.
Lucy: Exactly. You are here flying solo, drinking
alone on the anniversary of your birth.
Kevin: Well, it's complicated.
My birthday has not been at the forefront of my mind today.
Lucy: Hmm.
Well, that is just plain unacceptable. S-see, to me, you need to be with someone
that treats your birthday with the appropriate importance, like planning big
parties or -- [ Inhales sharply ] You have someone to do that named Laura.
That's it, isn't it? That's why you are so downtrodden -- because your current
wife forgot your birthday.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] Bartender.
Jason: [ Groans ]
Carly: Okay, so, Josslyn talked Michael into taking her out on Sonny's
speedboat, which I know is good for them, and -- and Sonny and Mike are spending
the afternoon with Avery.
Jason: Mm-mm
Carly: And I know that's
good for all of them, so it's okay that I'm hanging out here with you, right?
And having fun and...
Jason: Yeah, what's wrong with doing something you
Carly: Nothing.
Carly: [ Chuckles ] Used to be the main
focus of my existence, right? I mean, it's -- it's kind of funny that someone
who's so completely selfish spends so much of her time now worrying about other
people. I mean, if someone would have told you the night we met that I'd wind up
a wife and a mother and taking care of so many other people, would you have
believed them?
Jason: Uh, n-not a chance.
Carly: [ Laughs ]
Elizabeth: No. No.
Don't go anywhere that's not on the itinerary.
Franco: I won't.
Elizabeth: Okay, and, mm... oh, and stick to the budget.
Franco: Okay, I
Elizabeth: That's important. -
Franco: Mm-hmm, it is. -
Elizabeth: A-and on the list -- stay, just stay -- d-don't let them pull any
surprises on you 'cause --
Franco: Oh, I won't. I really should get
Elizabeth: Okay.
Kiki: Is everything okay?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Things are fine. I-I don't know why I'm
worried. I --
Franco: What exactly are you worried about, anyway?
Elizabeth: Oh, my God.
Franco: I got this. I don't know why you
don't trust me.
Elizabeth: I do trust you. It's -- it --
It's what? What is it?
Elizabeth: It's them. I-I was ju-- I hope you're
not biting off more than you can chew. I should just talk to Epiphany because
I'm sure I can switch shifts with somebody.
Franco: Kiki, will you
please tell the love of my life that she worries too much?
Kiki: I
honestly don't know what we're talking about, so I'm just gonna stay out of it.
Franco: I will be in touch every hour on the hour, and if, for some
reason, I don't make it back alive, I would really like a simple funeral. No
extraordinary measures. Kiki is my witness.
Elizabeth: Okay. [ Chuckles
nervously ]
Kiki: Um...where is he going, and why might he not come back
Elizabeth: Franco's taking the boys shopping for clothes and
school supplies -- all three of them.
Kiki: Oh.
Elizabeth: Oh,
my God. What have I done?
Kiki: [ Chuckles ]
Robert: And so, using
that, we were able to determine the last location.
Jordan: But not their
current one?
Robert: Someone removed the tracker. Now, whether it was
Finn or one of the captors, I don't know, but I can say with a degree of
certainty that they're probably both alive.
Jordan: How do you know
Robert: We found some medication at the scene. Anna uses that to
treat her PV.
Jordan: So, Anna's kiDNAppers need her alive.
Robert: Yeah, as leverage over Finn. I mean, after all, he was the main target.
Jordan: And you gave him to them.
Robert: I still say that
fitting him with a tracker and sending him in was the best way to go.
Jordan: Except now we don't know where the hell they are.
Finn: This,
uh...woman tried to kill me, tried to kill both of us.
Carson: That is
not my problem.
Finn: I understand, but if you were me, would you go out
of your way to try to save someone who tried to kill you?
Carson: No, I
would kill them.
Finn: Okay.
Carson: Unless, of course, I was
being held at gunpoint.
Anna: Oh, please. Can you just do
it, Finn?
Finn: But, Anna, I don't want to do it.
Anna: I know.
I don't want you to save her, either, but you're a doctor. You heal. It's your
Carson: Get to work!
Anna: Just do that.
[ Monitor
beeping ]
Finn: Okay. This blood work, this was done yesterday? Hm.
Well, the virus is spreading, all right? I-I don't know what I can, uh -- wait,
wait, wait, wait. No, no, no.
Anna: What is it? Finn? Huh? What are you
Finn: Here. Put this on.
Anna: What? Why?
Just do it. Just do it.
Anna: Okay.
Finn: If those numbers are
accurate, this virus is now contagious. Did either of you have prolonged
Carson: I mean, maybe 30 minutes, but no one said anything
about her being contagious. She wasn't even in quarantine.
Finn: Who's
"no one"?
Carson: Huh?
Finn: Who was -- who was treating her?
Were they an expert? Yeah, I didn't think so because this virus has now mutated
significantly from the results you showed me two days ago. Nice work, fellas.
Now we're all at risk.
Carson: The medications the WSB was using to
treat her are right there.
Finn: Get out of my way. Obviously, whatever
they were using, it wasn't working. At best, it was getting rid of the
non-contagious cells and allowing the mutated ones to survive. All right. Well,
maybe you had... minimal exposure, and I can save you. Here is a list of all the
medications I'm gonna need. Why are you still standing there?! If any of us has
what Cassandra has, I'm not sure there's anything I can do to stop it.
Franco: Cameron,
genius idea to fuel up before braving the mall.
Cameron: Well, you know
what else I was thinking? Since summer's almost over, why not hit the carnival?
Jake: You mean Lumina Land?
Cameron: Yeah!
Aiden: I
like Lumina Land.
Cameron: And we have time before the stores close.
Come on, Franco. Look at their faces.
Franco: [ Chuckles ] Come on. We
have done zero things that are on the list, and one thing that is absolutely not
on the list, so I don't think so. Besides, Lumina Land -- it's a little early
'90s, don't you think?
Cameron: [ Chuckles ] I know, right?
Franco: [ Scoffs ] Okay, here -- how about this? We do some stuff that is
actually on the list, and then maybe we can check it out.
Cameron: But
Lumina Land already has everything we need, in addition to the rides, games, and
Franco: None of which are things, by the way, that your mother
would call necessities.
Cameron: W-we can stock up on school supplies.
Jake: Right, they have pens at the gift shop.
Cameron: And
clothes, too.
Aiden: I don't think I can get my Princess Kalinda of
Everwood pencils at Lumina Land.
Cameron: Aiden, you can't have Princess
Kalinda of Everwood pencils, period.
Franco: Why not?
B-because Princess Kalinda of Everwood is for girls.
Elizabeth: I'm
surprised to see you back at work so soon. I thought you'd want to take a little
time off. Maybe put some of that money you won from Bensch to good use.
Kiki: I already did, actually. I donated it to a fund promoting equal treatment.
Elizabeth: Oh, that's awesome. You didn't keep any of it for yourself?
Kiki: No, I mean, I was never in it for the payout. I wanted to expose
Bensch and make G.H. a little safer for the women who just want to do their jobs
in peace... which is what I'd like to do, actually.
Elizabeth: [ Chuckles
Dr. Bensch: No one's stopping ya! What are you waiting for, Jerome?
Hop to it!
Finn: Let me be clear -- every minute you waste, the greater the chance the
infection is spreading inside your body and you.
Carson: Or this list is
just a distraction.
Anna: Oh, for pity's sake. Your employer kiDNApped
him specifically because he is an expert in infectious diseases. Now, if he says
this woman is contagious, trust me, she is 100% contagious.
Finn: Of
course, you could always rely on your own medical expertise.
Let's move.
[ Door closes, lock engages ]
Anna: I assume she's
not even a little bit contagious.
Finn: Hm?
Anna: She's not a
little bit contagious, right?
Finn: No, no.
Anna: Oh, good.
Finn: And if she was, these masks?
Anna: Oh?
Finn: Useless.
Anna: Good to know. Yeah.
Finna: [ Sighs ]
Anna: [ Sighs ]
Finn: There she is.
Anna: There she is.
Finn: Away
from WSB custody, and those were the two guys that did it.
Anna: I don't
know if they're the ones that did it personally because they've been busy with
us, you know.
Finn: So, my job is to... keep her alive and make it look
like she's making progress.
Anna: Yep.
Finn: Hmm.
Anna: Gives us time to figure a way out of here.
Finn: Yeah.
Anna: What are you doing, exactly?
Finn: Puttering. Puttering. No, I --
buying us some time or maybe finishing us off.
Anna: Okay.
We'll see which one.
Jason: Mm-hmm?
Carly: Sonny told me about the incident in Croton.
Jason: Yeah.
Carly: And how it connects back to Charlie's Pub.
Jason: Yeah, we're -- we're handling that.
Carly: Okay. Well,
you need to be careful because Julian makes a big show about being reformed, but
he's done a lot of damage, okay?
Jason: Yeah, I know. Sam told me.
Carly: No, you don't know. Julian was working Mike the other day. He knows
something is up, and when he starts digging into that foundation, Jason --
Jason: Okay. Carly, we've taken steps to prevent that.
Carly: Okay,
the bigger the steps, the more Julian is gonna know that you guys are up to
something. Julian isn't just some rival. He's Sam's father. He's woven into all
of our lives. The longer this takes, the messier it's going to get.
Kevin: Lucy, I'm sure
Laura and I will celebrate properly once she comes home. In the meantime, I'm
just preoccupied at work. My [Chuckles] birthday hasn't crossed my mind once
Lucy: Really?
Kevin: Mm. Hmm.
Lucy: So, who do
you think you're talking to?
Kevin: [ Sighs ]
Lucy: I-I know
we're not close anymore, and I get it, that it's completely my fault. [ Sighs ]
But, Kevin Collins, I have loved you in one fashion or another for the better
part of my life, the very best parts, so let's not pretend I don't know what it
looks like when you are hiding something.
Ryan: Is it -- just --
just hear me out, please?
Gordan: I'm just supposed to make sure you're
okay and then go.
Ryan:: But that's just it! I'm not okay! And neither are
a lot of other people! There is a very dangerous man loose in Port Charles!
Franco: There are
a lot of people in this world who really like Princess Kalinda of Everwood.
Cameron: Yeah, a lot of girls. Good luck making it through third grade with
little cartoon princesses on your pencils.
Franco: Okay, that's enough.
Knock it off.
Cameron: Okay, I'm just trying to help my little brother
get through third grade without getting swirlies, wedgies, or getting stuffed in
garbage cans every day.
Franco: Aiden. Aiden!
Cameron: Come on,
Aiden. Don't be such a baby.
Franco: Really, dude? Both of you, stay
Jake: You're in trouble.
Kiki: How is it
possible that you still work here?
Dr. Bensch: Why wouldn't I? I am a
well-respected physician.
Kiki: Were. You were a well-respected
Dr. Bensch: [ Chuckles ] In case your attorney hasn't informed
you, I've already filed my appeal, and I expect the judge's decision to be
overturned soon enough. I hope you didn't spend all that settlement money. I'll
be needing it back.
Kiki: Hm.
[ Beeper beeping ]
Bensch: Oh, perfect timing! Chief of Staff has just summoned me. No doubt Dr.
Quartermaine has heard from my new lawyer and will be apologizing for the
inconvenience I have been subjected to. Please, let my patients know I'll be
with them shortly.
Excuse me. Why did no one bother to inform me that my brother's
missing? I had to find out from dispatch. Now, I would appreciate any
information you have on the search.
Robert: Okay. He's with Anna Devane.
We used a tracker to find their previous location. I got to the previous
location about 48 hours after they'd been moved.
Okay. What can I
Jordan: Nothing. You're way too close to this.
Robert: Yeah,
yeah, stay out of this one. Look, I'll keep you in the loop.
Okay, with all due respect, Sir, isn't Agent Devane your ex-wife and the mother
of your daughter, Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake?
Robert: Hmm, someone's done
some homework.
Actually, people were talking about it at The
Nurses' Ball after you decked Valentin.
Robert: Hmm.
Okay, listen. I see where you're going with this, Detective.
with all due respect, Commissioner, isn't Agent Devane one of your closest
Jordan: Yes, but I --
I barely know my brother.
Both of you are closer to Agent Devane than I will ever be to Finn.
Jordan: Okay, if you're not close to this, then why are you so hell-bent on --
Robert: On interfering. Look, at least pretend to be objective.
What I driven. If Finn dies now, I'm never gonna get a chance to
know him.
Finn: Phew.
Anna: Okay, wait. Wait.
Finn: What?
Uh, I just want to make sure that, um...
Finn: Oh, she'll be fine.
Anna: Okay, wait, 'cause -- look, I despise the woman, but...
Finn: Uh-huh?
Anna: Clearly she's of pivotal importance to
someone who spent a great deal of time and money in her recovery.
Anna: But wh-what is of -- of equal concern is the fact that
this person has a source inside the WSB that alerted them when she was being
transferred or -- or maybe even arranged for the transfer in the first place.
Finn: Okay. So, what you're saying is -- you would like Cassandra to
survive and, if all possible, to wake up.
Anna: Right.
You're very demanding, you know that?
Anna: I'm a woman.
Anna: Wow. Well, what -- what are the odds, do you think, really?
Finn: 70/30. 60/40. Let's -- let's not talk about odds.
Anna: [
Sighs ]
Finn: We'll know soon enough.
Carly: Okay. I get
that this is business, all right? And that you and Sonny are gonna decide what
steps to take next, but after what happened to Morgan, I need you to hear me.
Jason: I -- I always hear you.
Carly: Julian would love to ruin
Sonny, especially if he can do it in a way where his own hands are clean, where
he's an innocent bystander, and what could be more innocent than uncovering a
crime Sonny committed decades ago?
Jason: Okay, you're -- you're right.
If Julian learns the truth, he will exploit it. But at this point, all he really
knows is that Mike has some kind of connection to Charlie Delaney.
Carly: And Sonny wanted to buy the pub.
Jason: Well, it -- it doesn't
matter. Sonny despises Julian. Why wouldn't he want to take over his business?
Carly: So, you just want to wait and watch?
Jason: For now.
Carly: Don't wait too long. Don't do it. We know that a bad situation can
only get worse.
Ryan:: Look, I know the doctor will just tell you that I'm insane, that I'm in
here for my own protection.
Gordan: Well, this is an institution for the
criminally insane.
Ryan:: That's just it! I'm not a patient! I'm a
prisoner! And as long as I'm locked up in here, he's running around free to
destroy everyone I love.
Gordan: I just -- I-I don't know what to tell
Ryan:: I know. I'm sorry to put this on you. It's just that every day
I'm in here, he just takes a little more from me.
Gordan: Is there
anything I can do to help you?
Kiki: How is it
possible that that man is still working at this hospital?
Elizabeth: Did
you talk to Monica?
Kiki: Yeah. She walked in on me and Griffin in her
office. Talking. We were talking.
Elizabeth: Is that when she was going
Kiki: Inform him of his suspension? Yeah.
Elizabeth: What
happened? What did he do?
Kiki: I don't know, but whatever it was
couldn't possibly have been worse than whatever Dr. Bensch was doing. It's so
Elizabeth: Well, one thing we can take comfort in...
Kiki: [ Exhales heavily ]
Elizabeth: There's not a nurse on staff
willing to lift a finger for that man.
Kiki: Really?
The way we see it, you had our backs, and now we've got yours.
Jake: You shouldn't
have said that to Aiden.
Cameron: I...would do the same thing for you
that I just did with Aiden. It's called protecting your little brother.
Jake: Do me a favor. If I ever need "protecting," find someone else to do it
because Aiden thinks you're cool, and you just hurt his feelings, bad.
Franco: Hey.
Aiden: Huh?
Franco: That was a crummy thing Cameron did, huh?
Aiden: [ Sniffles ] Mm.
Franco: You know what? You don't need to listen
to that guy. He doesn't know -- he doesn't know what he's talking about. There
is so much to like about Beverly of Evergreen.
Aiden: Kalinda from
Franco: Yeah, her too. Can I tell you a little story? Once
upon a time, there was this guy who made art, and he took this pile
of...elephant poo, and he put it on a canvas, and he called it art, and he sold
it for like $7.5 million. It's true. I mean, some people were like, "Oh, that's
terrible," and other people were like, "I like it" because people like what they
like, and no one person in this world should ever be able to tell another person
what they can and cannot like.
Aiden: So then why did Cam say that stuff
to me?
Franco: 'Cause he made a mistake. He's going to apologize to you,
and then I'll take you to the Kalinda of Everwood store, and you can buy all the
Kalinda of Everwood stuff you could ever want.
Aiden: I don't want it
Franco: No? Aiden? [ Sighs ] Ugh. I thought I knocked it out of
the park with the whole elephant-poo story.
Kevin: Lucy... I-I
appreciate your concern. I really do.
Lucy: But you want me to butt out.
Kevin: If you don't mind.
Lucy: Doc, I know you, and I know when
you're going into that dark, broody place, and I just feel like I need to stop
it, so, yes, if that makes me a busybody, then I am --
Kevin: It does.
It does, Lucy. And if I'm keeping private thoughts, if there's things I'm not
sharing, it's because, with all due respect, there are other people in my life
that I share those things with.
Carly: Kevin? Lucy?
I'm sorry to interrupt.
Lucy: No, no. Um, it's -- it's okay. As luck
would have it, Dr. Collins and I are all wrapped up, so perfect timing.
Kevin: Jason. Uh, actually, I'm glad you're here. I owe you a debt of thanks.
Your methods may be unorthodox, but you were able to do what I couldn't, and you
kept Carly safe. Thanks.
Jason: I'm just glad I got there in time.
Kevin: Oh, I shudder to think what might have happened if you hadn't.
Carly: I was less than appreciative the last time we saw each other, and
looking back, you were really kind and fair and... thank you.
Kevin: You
are very welcome.
Carly: So, I want to know, what ever happened to the
patient who was in the room next to mine? I feel so bad at the thought that he's
still in the hands of those monsters.
Kevin: You can rest easy. Thanks
to you, the entire staff and administration at Ferncliff have been replaced.
Carly: And my neighbor?
Kevin: He's getting the best care possible.
I'm seeing to that personally.
Anna: How long do you
think before those guys come back?
Finn: Huh?
Anna: Those guys.
Finn: Oh, well, the medications Cassandra needs are -- are pretty rare.
Our guys are gonna be going to some very out-of-the-way places.
Cassandra: [ Moans ]
Finn: Wow.
Anna: What?
Cassandra: [
Moans ]
Finn: It worked.
Anna: [ Chuckles ]
Cassandra: [
Moans lightly ]
Finn: Cassandra? Can -- can you hear me?
Hey, Cassandra, wake up. Open your eyes, yeah?
Cassandra: Wh-what
Anna: Well, hello, Cassandra. We've been waiting for you.
Cameron: Ready to
Franco: Hm, not quite. I think there's something you need to say to
your little brother first.
Cameron: I'm sorry about those things I said.
Can we go now?
Jake: I like Princess Kalinda of Everwood.
I don't like her anymore. Can we go home now?
Franco: No, not yet. I
can't bring you boys home unless I get you your school supplies... which, I
guess, I can probably order online, anyway. Um, tell you what, Jake, Aiden. Can
you do me a favor and go get yourselves some ice cream? Get whatever you want...
Jake: Thanks.
Aiden: Thanks. ...
Franco: But stay where I
can see you, okay?
Jake: Okay.
Cameron: So, that's how you're
punishing me? By getting them ice cream?
Franco: No, man. I just -- I
needed to try and cheer up Aiden, and I needed to speak to you privately, and
that was a really efficient way of accomplishing both things. What you did, dude
-- vibrantly uncool.
Cameron: I did that for Aiden's own good. Better me
than the kids in his class.
Franco: You want to help your little brother
-- I think that's great. You don't need to hurt his feelings in the process. And
b-t-dubs, total-crap apology.
Cameron: Well, at least I'm not
apologizing for killing people. How about all those people you hurt? Did they
buy your apology, too?
Elizabeth: Time is
running out for people like Bensch because you spoke up.
Kiki: Yeah. I
just wish it hadn't come at such a high price. I mean, Griffin's suspended, and
Dr. David Bensch gets to keep roaming the ha--
Elizabeth: Dr. Bensch.
Something the matter?
Dr. Bensch: I just got fired.
Oh. What a terrible loss. How will we ever recover?
Kevin: Sorry, Laura.
What was that? Oh. [ Laughs ] Well, thank you. It -- it's been, uh -- it's been
a very peaceful birthday. Well, you know, that's exactly what I told Lucy, that
you and I will do it up right once you come home. Uh, listen, I'm -- I am sorry
that I haven't been better about being in touch since I've been back here. I, uh
-- I guess I've just had a lot on my mind. I miss you, too. Come home soon. Love
Lucy: Peace offering? Hey, I'm -- I'm sorry, okay? I-I know I
overstepped. It's just old habits really do die hard.
Kevin: It's okay,
Lucy. I know you meant well.
Lucy: Indeed I did. So, will you please
accept this birthday cupcake, as it is given from an old friend trying to learn
to maintain the proper distance?
Kevin: [ Chuckles ] Well.
[ Both
chuckle ]
Kevin: Ooh. Thank you.
Lucy: You're welcome. So, what
do you say, you want to light it, and you can make a great, big wish?
Kevin: Oh, I, uh -- I'll -- I'll do that later. But this is, uh -- this is very
thoughtful, Lucy. Good night.
Lucy: Night. Okay, Doc. I'll make a wish
for you.
Jordan: Congratulations, Detective Chase. You are now the PDPD's official
liaison to the WSB, starting immediately.
Robert: [ Chuckles ] Forget it.
He's green. He's too invested. He's like a puppy who hasn't been trained.
Jordan: He is a good detective, and he's got fresh eyes and good ideas, and
now he's all yours.
Robert: No way.
Jordan: My turf, my rules.
Director Scorpio, I understand you might have some reservations,
but I promise, I'm not gonna let you down.
Robert: You do, I got a
firing squad ready for you.
Jordan: Oh, he's just saying that to
motivate you. With that said, you do me proud, okay? No surprises from either of
you. And you keep me apprised of every step along the way.
[ Police radio chatter ]
Robert: All right, now get this.
You may work for her, but you're gonna do exactly as I say. Got it?
Cassandra: [ Weakly ]
Why... aren't you two dead?
Finn: Always the charmer.
Okay. All she needs to know is that we are, in fact, still alive, and in order
for the three of us to remain that way, you need to help us.
Why would I do that?
Anna: Because you -- you were kiDNApped from a WSB
facility, and now the three of us are being held captive by someone who has yet
to reveal themselves to us, but I know it's a lot to take in right now. But we
woke you so that you could help us figure out who they are, and, in return, we
will help you escape. You got that, any of it?
Cassandra: Why should I
believe that you won't just turn me right back over to the WSB? Go to Hell.
Carly: Kevin
thinks I should go back to therapy. I know you don't like psychiatrists, but
Kevin is -- he's kind, he's intuitive, and he's discreet.
Jason: Okay,
if you say so.
Carly: You don't agree?
Jason: [ Sighs ] Look, I-I
kind of understand why he turned me into Mary Pat, but it was wrong. And it was
wrong for him to take off to Europe and leave you there alone, knowing the
situation. I'm sure he means well. I just -- I don't trust his judgment.
Carly: So, you don't think I should go back?
Jason: That's not up to
me to say.
Carly: Will you stop saying that and give me your opinion?!
Jason: Carly, if -- look, if you like Dr. Collins and you think you need
therapy, then go back. I don't think you need it, but it's not my call.
Carly: I don't think I need therapy, either. I just wanted to hear you say it. [
Laughs ]
Jason: You're definitely sane.
Carly: Hm.
Jason: You're not always practical or logical, but you're sane.
Carly: I
love that you know that about me, but I love that I'm free and that Ferncliff is
just a bad memory.
Jason: [ Sighs ]
Carly: I almost feel guilty
for the patients that are still stuck there.
Ryan:: Thank you. You're
very kind, Gordon. A lot better than the staff that used to be here. I can tell
you genuinely want to help.
Gordan: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Of course.
Ryan:: If you mean that, don't tell anyone we spoke, especially my so-called
doctor. Do you understand? If he finds out I told you who he really is... he'll
kill me.
Franco: You want to know about everything that I've done in this world? You can
file a FOIA request and get the court transcripts. It's all a matter of public
record. But we're not having a conversation about the things that I've done.
What we're talking about is what we just did to Aiden.
Cameron: Aiden is
my brother. I've known him for longer than you have, and I know what he needs.
Franco: He doesn't need a bully making him feel smaller than he already
Cameron: I'm not a bully, but I've seen plenty of them -- some
when I was Aiden's age. And the fastest way to get picked on at school is
showing up with girl pencils or dolls or fluffy stuffed animals, and all the
lectures from teachers about "respecting differences," it doesn't make a
difference. So if you really care about Aiden, don't get him the pencils.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Franco: Hey, babe.
Elizabeth: "Babe"?
Franco: Yeah, "babe." You don't like it? It's, like, a term of
endearment 'cause I love you.
Elizabeth: Okay, so how's it going?
Franco: [ Chuckles ] They're certainly keeping me busy.
Dr. Bensch: You think
this is over?
Kiki: Judging by that box, yeah, it's over.
Bensch: I wouldn't bet on it. You had your day in court. Now I'm gonna have
mine. I'm suing G.H. for wrongful termination and you for defamation of
Kiki: Oh. Well, in that case, I look forward to testifying
against you again.
Dr. Bensch: [ Chuckles ] I'll have my job back, even
if I have to bring this place to its knees.
Kiki: Somehow I don't see
that happening.
Robert: Cassandra Pierce. She was abducted while being transferred to a
bureau medical facility. Cassandra's been associated with a number of
high-profile cases. However, someone also expects your brother to treat her.
So, we find Cassandra Pierce, we find Finn.
Robert: Well...
[Chuckles] Cassie and Finn have a rather colorful history together. But read
that. Familiarize yourself.
Robert: All we need
now is a bit of fresh coffee.
Ah, thank you. I, uh -- I take mine
You seem to be under the misguided impression that -- that you have a choice in
all of this. Well, let me clarify that. You don't.
Cassandra: We'll see
about that.
Anna: It's August, all right? You've been in a coma for
eight months.
Cassandra: Eight months?
Anna: Yes.
Courtesy of one of your own designer cocktails. I love irony.
Anna: And
during that time, you contracted a very rare blood disorder.
No, you're lying.
Anna: Mnh-mnh.
Finn: No, she's not. Look at it
this way. You finally got that rare, incurable disease you always wanted, and if
I can cure it, I might just name it after you, so basically, this is your
version of Christmas.
Cassandra: I'm gonna kill you.
Anna: No,
you're not. You're going to help us. You will pretend that you're unconscious,
all right, and you will sneak a glimpse at our captors, and then you will tell
us if you recognize them at all and know who they're working for. And then, and
only then, Finn will treat you.
Cassandra: And if I refuse?
Anna: Well, the only reason you're conscious right now is because Finn is an
excellent chemist.
Finn: Oh, why thank you.
Anna: You're
Finn: I whipped up a little experimental neurostimulant right
here in the shop.
Anna: Yeah. It's the only thing keeping you conscious.
Finn: But, you know, in a few minutes, it's gonna wear off, and you'll
be on a one-way ticket to dreamland.
Anna: I mean, it's your choice --
pretend coma and help us or real coma and then our two faces are the last you'll
ever see. I-I don't want to rush you or anything 'cause I know it's a lot, but
what will it be?
Carly: I have sympathy for my mystery neighbor. I mean, he was as desperate
to get out of Ferncliff as I was.
Jason: Yeah, well, just because you
were wrongly imprisoned doesn't mean he was. Okay, I was there long enough to
see that there are some very sick and dangerous people in that place.
Carly: Which is why I'm grateful to Kevin. As bad as that place was, it could
have been a lot worse if Kevin wasn't there looking out for me. I trust Kevin.
[ Door opens,
closes ]
[ Keys jingle ]
Kevin: Thank you, Gordon. It's all
right. I can be alone with this patient.
[ Door closes ]
Kevin: Happy
birthday, Brother. Make a wish.
Carly: And I know he has my best interests at heart.
On the next "General
Hospital" --
Harrison (to Robert): Let me help before it's too late.
Anna (with Finn): Are you gonna cooperate, or are you gonna go back to
Ava (to Griffin): I want you to hurt like I do.
(to Drew): Is it so hard to believe that I'm just interested in getting to know
Carly (to Jason): That little bitch is looking for evidence against
Felix (to Sonny): When the times comes, you'll know what to do for
your dad.
Sonny (to Felix): I hope so.
Mike: Somebody there?
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