General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 8/22/18
Episode #14105 ~ Valentin looks to Curtis for help; Kim is compassionate; Alexis takes a meeting with Diane; Lulu brings Maxie up to speed; Drew is pleasantly surprised.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Curtis: You're going out with a smart, funny, successful woman - not because of
any of those things - but because you think she has an agenda.
That's correct.
Curtis: Drew, man, look, I told you I looked into her.
Drew: I know you did because I asked you to do so.
Curtis: And I
didn't find anything. You might as well call it a no-drama Dawson.
[ Chuckles ] Look, I don't want to insult your skills as a P.I...
Curtis: but I'm sure you're going to...
Drew: I guess I have to because I
think there's more to Margaux than you're seeing.
Curtis: Hmm. I guess
you would know.
Drew: What the hell is that?
Curtis: You didn't
know nothing about this?
Drew: No, I did not.
Margaux: I wonder how
The Invader feels about lawsuits.
Peter: Not a fan?
Margaux: I
cannot believe that you are still walking free. [ Scoffs ]
Peter: Where
are you going?
Margaux: To confront the publisher of this rag.
Peter: You're looking at him.
Maxie: Hey! Hey.
Nina: Lulu.
Lulu: Nina, are we still on for Charlotte's
school-curriculum meeting?
Nina: Yes, Monday night. I have it in my
Lulu: Great.
Nina: Hey, um, thanks for including me.
Lulu: Of course. You may not be in Valentin's life anymore, but you will
always be in Charlotte's.
Kim: Charlie, hey, um, I got your message. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.
[ Elevator bell dings ]
Kim: Um, you sounded upset. Is everything okay? Call me back. Well, hello,
proud papas. How is that beautiful baby doing?
Lucas: Oh, he's
incredible... [ Sighs ] But he may not be ours for much longer. [ Sighs ]
Alexis: I knew
this could happen. I was just hoping that it wouldn't.
Diane: Well, I
actually thought we were in the clear on this one. Shame on me. These windows
exist for a reason.
Alexis: Can you tell me why? I mean, why, after all
this time, would the mother reconsider the adoption?
[ Birds chirping ]
Sonny: How was it?
Michael: It was, uh -- it was quiet, peaceful,
and I stayed longer than I meant to. I-I... I didn't know how to leave.
Michael: [ Sighs ]
Sonny: There's a-a terrible moment... when you bury someone you love, the
grave's covered, and they -- everybody has said their prayers. And you've said
everything you needed to say. You want to walk away, but you can't. Because it's
over. I mean, you know... you're gonna get on with your life. Your life's gonna
be waiting for you, but it's not gonna be with them. You can miss them, you can
remember them, you can imagine... what they would be like, but that's just a
game that you're playing in your head because you're trying to hide from your
grief. Let me tell you something, son. The longer that you keep playing that
game... the worse it's gonna get in the end.
Diane: It's not going
to make it any less difficult on Brad and Lucas.
Alexis: The odds of
them keeping their son are...
Diane: Slim to none. There are no red
flags with the mother. There's no reason to question her fitness.
Alexis: Which is not going to be very comforting to either one of them. To say
that they love their son is an understatement.
Diane: You have, of
course, prepared them for this outcome, right?
Alexis: Decimating dreams
is not my favorite hobby, but yes, they understand that they will likely lose
custody of their son.
Diane: Excuse me just a sec. My paralegal was
supposed to be bringing me down a file. Timeliness is obviously not his strong
suit. In all seriousness, Alexis, I really wish we weren't going through this
Alexis: You and me both.
Drew: Curtis, she
asked me to help her... bring down Sonny.
Curtis: And?
Drew: And
Curtis: And what'd you say?
Drew: I accused her of
flirting with me to try to get me to flip on Sonny, and I told her that wasn't
gonna happen.
Curtis: That's when she laid one on you.
Yeah. She insisted that, uh, she was genuinely interested in me and that she
didn't want to use me for anything. [Sighs ] So I apologized and, uh, got
her to see me again.
Curtis: Meanwhile, your first call was to have her
Drew: You're damn right. There's something going on with
that woman, and I'm gonna find out what.
Margaux: You're the
publisher of The Invader?
Peter: The one and only.
Margaux: Wow.
You certainly rose from the ashes, and in record time.
Peter: Thank you.
Margaux: It wasn't a compliment.
Peter: I'm sensing some anger.
Margaux: Oh, why would I be angry? Because you infringed on my personal
life by publishing a photo -- the context of which you know nothing about -- and
turned it into some news story?
Peter: It is quite the photo, if I do
say so myself.
Margaux: Ah, well, congratulations on your breathtaking
lack of scruples. Your father would be very proud.
Lulu: [ Scoffs ]
Peter's here.
Maxie: Is he? I didn't...notice.
Lulu: He offered
me a job at The Invader.
Nina: What?
Maxie: Wow. He's really
making the rounds.
Lulu: Wait, you, too?
Nina: Yeah. Um, you
didn't take it, did you?
Lulu: No way! I work for a legitimate
Nina: Good. Good for you.
Lulu: Speaking of, I have
a staff meeting I have to get to, so I will see you at Charlotte's school.
Nina: Yes, yes. I'll see you there.
Lulu: Bye. Peter. You can cancel
Friday's dinner reservation. I won't be joining you at The Invader.
Peter: No?
Lulu: No. I don't deal in fake news. Chow.
What is wrong with Peter? Trying to poach all his clients from his old company?
Talk about tacky. [ Scoffs ] Hello? Earth to Nina.
Nina: Mm. I'm sorry.
Maxie: What's going on?
Nina: I just remembered what day it was.
Maxie: Wednesday.
Valentin: Hey, can I speak to you for a
minute, please?
Maxie: Um... [ Clears throat ] We're actually in the
middle of a working lunch, so...
Nina: Um, Maxie... it's okay. Valentin
and I have some unfinished business to attend to.
Drew: Margaux got
interested a bit too quickly.
Curtis: So what? I mean, I don't see it,
but maybe she finds you irresistible.
Drew: Or maybe she's just that
manipulative. [ Chuckling ] Curtis... I have Jason's memories. I know where all
the bodies are buried, so if anybody could put Sonny away, or Jason -- it would
be me. Then suddenly, I'm dating the new DA.
Curtis: Come on. You
rejected that woman to her face, and she kissed you anyway.
Drew: She
did. Persistent or nuts.
Curtis: Okay. Well, then, answer this for me,
all right? Do you like Margaux? Did you before you decided she was playing you?
Interesting, at best.
Drew: And attractive. [ Chuckling ]
Curtis: Oh, okay. All right, think about this -- what if you're wrong, man? What
if this successful, strong, smart, funny, attractive woman is digging you for
you, and you missed out because you're too damn stubborn.
Margaux: Well, I guess
I'm not the only one who questions your journalistic integrity.
There's no law against printing a photo of a public servant in a public moment,
and you know it.
Margaux: I am off-limits, Mr. August.
No. No, you're not. And neither is Drew Cain. And as the owner of a major media
corporation, he should know better than anyone that anything he does in public
view is fair game. So if you want less coverage, I suggest you start controlling
your impulses.
Margaux: Are you trying to piss me off?
Peter: On
the contrary, I actually think you and I could help each other.
[ Scoffs ]
Valentin: Would you mind giving us a moment? My wife and I would like to talk in
Maxie: Um, you don't speak for her. [ Scoffs ]
A-anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Maxie.
Valentin: Do you know what day it is?
Maxie: Wednesday. What is the big
Nina: And?
Maxie: Can someone please fill me in?
Nina: I gave Valentin 30 days to change my mind about the divorce, and the 30
days are up.
Maxie: It didn't work, did it? I mean, you're -- you're
still going through with it, right, Nina?
Kim: I'm so sorry.
Lucas: Well, she changed her mind once, you know? I keep praying she'll
change it again.
Kim: Yeah, it's possible.
Brad: We haven't had
him for that long, but we already love him so much.
Diane: And while I do
feel for Brad and Lucas -- I do -- let's not forget this could be a whole lot
Alexis: How?
Diane: I just came from Michael's son's
Alexis: You know, you're right, I guess. I mean, at least Brad
and Lucas have the comfort of knowing that their baby is alive and well. I
should get going.
Diane: I'll walk you out.
Alexis: Okay.
Diane: Either my paralegal got held up or took a long lunch. Either way...I
am going to collect that file myself.
Alexis: How very hands-on of you.
Diane: Never let it be said that Diane Miller is spoiled.
Alexis: Except when Max is feeding you grapes when you're getting a mani-pedi.
Diane: Welcome to my life.
Alexis: Yeah.
Curtis: Look, I just
don't want to see you miss out on something special because you were hurt in a
past relationship. Okay? Now, look, picture this, all right? You, Margaux on the
dance floor at my wedding.
Drew: Now I have to bring this woman to your
Curtis: Bro, I gave you a plus-one. Might as well use it. I
mean, you could show her your fancy dance moves doing the "Macarena", and she
can decide for herself if she wants to stay with you.
Drew: The
"Macarena"? Oh, man. Curtis, I'm just trying to keep my eyes open, here.
Curtis: And that's smart, man. Okay, no doubt.
Drew: [ Sighs ]
Curtis: Sometimes, man, you just gotta... let go and enjoy yourself.
Drew: Oh, I hear what you're saying.. You're trying to tell me that if I
stop looking for what's wrong, I might just see something that's right.
Curtis: [ Chuckles ] Hey-ey-ey-ey, exactly.
Drew: Hmm.
Curtis: I
don't care what they say, there's hope for you yet.
Drew: Mm. I know
what I'm doing.
Curtis: If you say so.
Drew: I said so.
Curtis: Talk soon.
Drew: Yeah. Hey, Curtis.
Curtis: Yeah.
Drew: Please do not play the "Macarena" at your wedding.
Curtis: [
Laughs ] That was a hypothetical. Ain't nobody playing the "Macarena".
Lulu: The "Macarena"?
Drew: Oh, hey, don't ask.
[ Both chuckle ]
Lulu: I'm sorry. I'm stalking you. Your office said you were here. I
need your help.
Drew: It's okay. What do you need?
Lulu: I need
help saving my job.
Margaux: Well, this-this I got to hear. How on earth can you and I help each
Peter: You're the DA. You've got your finger on the pulse of all
the juicy stories. You accommodate me, I'll accommodate you.
Margaux: [
Laughs ] In your dreams.
Peter: Well, there's no expiration date on the
offer, in case you change your mind.
Margaux: [ Scoffs ] I won't.
Peter: Well, if you do, you know where to find me.
Valentin: It has been
torture living without you. Charlotte misses you, as well.
Maxie: Oh,
that's great. Use your daughter as emotional blackmail.
Please? Nina, will you think about everything we had -- all the moments. The
good far outweighs the bad. We can -- we can make this work. We can make it
better than it was before. Just say yes.
Maxie: You're not falling for
this, are you?
Nina: I'm sorry.
Valentin: No...
Nothing that you've done in -- in the last 30 days makes up... for what you
did... to Peter. He was an innocent child, and you used him as a pawn in your
sick game. So, I can't get over that. I can't get over it. [ Inhales sharply ]
Anyway, uh... I will be filing for divorce, and you said you wouldn't fight me.
Valentin: I'm not going to.
Nina: Well, I thank you for that.
Thank you. I-I have to go.
Maxie: Where are you going?
Nina: I
just have to go.
Maxie: Poor Valentin. He didn't get what he wanted.
Valentin: You did, didn't you? I mean, you can't bring yourself to -- to
blame Peter for what happened to Nathan, so you're punishing me, aren't you?
Maxie: [ Scoffs ]
Valentin: Well, I-I-I did play my part. I admit
that. You know, Nina understands that I practice a... situational ethics. I do
whatever is... necessary to get what I want. But I don't regret a moment I spent
with my wife. She knows that, too, because I love her. I love everything about
her. I love her... complexity, her contradictions, her eccentricity. I don't
want her money, I don't want to change her, and I don't want to control her. I
just want to love her and make her happy. Now, I'm a very flawed individual, so
go ahead and punish me all you want. But I want you to stop using Nina to do it.
Brad: Any new
Alexis: New to you would be the birth mom's attorney,
Diane Miller.
Brad: But isn't that a good thing? I mean, with her being
practically a member of Carly's family, she should sympathize with us.
Alexis: And she does, but she won't be there in a friendly capacity. She'll be
there to represent her client. And even though the birth mother vetted you
thoroughly... ah... and selected you, it's...
Lucas: Now that, uh, she
wants her child back, our pasts are fair game.
[ Julian's Cellphone beeping ]
Sonny: We all have this instinct to deal with grief alone. I know 'cause I've --
I've done it many times. I go inside myself. Sometimes, it's physical. I-I lock
the doors. I cover the windows. Sometimes... I just shut down and... focus on my
work. Think about stupid, little -- [Chuckles] Stupid, little details in life so
I don't have to think about what's missing or... this -- this empty space that,
uh, was left behind.
Michael: Yeah, the thing is is, like... Jonah -- he
didn't leave anything behind.
Sonny: Yeah.
Michael: And I look
at the pictures of Morgan, and I think about his room upstairs and at grandma's
house, and his -- his snowboards and his climbing gear and... you know, his
little league trophies -- all these memories we have of him. I can close my
eyes, and I can see his face. You know, I can hear his voice. Dad, I -- I never
even heard Jonah cry. You know, he never -- he never touched anything that I...
that I got for him. You know, I guess -- I guess that's why it was easier than I
thought it would be to give... all that stuff away. [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. There's
just -- there's no way to compare.
Sonny: You're right. Th-there's...
you don't compare. You know why? We loved them both. We... we lost them both.
That's the hell of it.
Maxie: Nostalgic about the way news is supposed to be told?
Peter: [
Chuckles ] Just checking out the competition. [ Chuckles ] How are you?
Maxie: I'm fine.
Peter: And baby James? How's the cutest, toughest baby
on the planet?
Maxie: [ Sighs ] Can we not do this?
Peter: Do
Maxie: Pretend that we're friends, 'cause we're not.
Peter: Okay. Um, just keep it to work talk.
Maxie: Calling The Invader
"work" is kind of a stretch.
Peter: You know, I'm not printing anything
that's not true, and I find no shame in offering stories to the public that they
Maxie: What about poaching former employees? Do you find any shame
in that?
Peter: Lulu's a great reporter. Why would I not want to have
her on my team?
Maxie: It's too bad, then, that she turned you down,
Peter: Maxie, what's this about?
Maxie: What do you mean?
Peter: Well, clearly, it bothers you that I offered Lulu a job. Why? I
didn't think the two of you were friends anymore. Like us.
Drew: As far as I
know, your job's secure. Did somebody at The Press say otherwise?
Well, I haven't been fired.
Drew: Good.
Lulu: I've been demoted.
Drew: Oh.
Lulu: Stacey bumped me back down to puff pieces. Apparently, she wooed some
Pulitzer Prize winner from somewhere.
Drew: Yeah, it was actually a
pretty bright move with this reporter. She has a lot of followers on social
media, and we're hoping that that translates into more readers, so...
Lulu: Well, that's great. It's just, in the meantime, it's like all of my hard
work, all of those huge stories that I broke -- poof -- they don't exist.
Drew: Did Stacey say that she doesn't appreciate your work?
No. She said that she was grateful for my coverage of stories featuring people I
know personally, but that I would have to earn a regular, hard news beat. Can
you put a good word in for me?
Drew: Look, I'm sorry. There's a reason
why I hire these people and put them in charge. If Stacey thinks this is best
for the paper, then... my advice? Do what you're doing. Keep it up. And
eventually, opportunity will present itself.
Lulu: You do realize that
I'm a Spencer? Patience, it's like... not really our thing.
Drew: [
Laughs ] Yeah, I know that. I know that. Just wish I could help, but I can't.
Lulu: Mm. Thanks for hearing me out.
Drew:: Oh, well, it's good
to see you anyway.
Lulu: Good to see you. Have a good one.
You, too.
Margaux: So. Seen any good front-page headlines lately?
Drew: Nothing
caught my eye. You?
Margaux: Not a one. Hmm. Had I realized it was going
to end up in the news -- that little kiss -- I might've thought twice about it.
Drew: Yeah. Yeah.
Margaux: Anyway... I hope it didn't damage
your rep.
Drew: My "rep"?
Margaux: Yeah, your
CEO-of-a-huge-media-company rep.
Drew: Ah, yeah, I think it's intact.
How about yours?
Margaux: No. I'm gonna use it to humanize me to jurors.
Drew: Makes sense.
Margaux: Win-win.
Drew: Got it.
Margaux: Anyway, um... have a good day.
Drew: Hey, wait, wait, wait,
wait. Hold on, hold on. You know, um, my offer to, uh, make it up to you for
being a slight jerk still stands, if you're hungry.
Margaux: Well, Drew
Cain. Are you asking me out on a date?
Drew: Well, it depends. You like
Margaux: [ Chuckles ]
Julian: Hey, I got
your message.
Kim: Hey.
Julian: Thanks for calling me back.
Kim: Yeah, I'm just -- I'm sorry it took so long.
Julian: Well,
there's a lot going on.
Kim: [ Sighs ] I-I just saw Lucas and Brad.
Julian: You did? Just now? So, they, uh, told you about the birth mother,
Kim: [ Sighs ] My heart breaks for them.
Julian: Yeah, mine,
too. I just -- I don't understand how this is happening. I mean, how could she
give that baby over, let him live with two people who love him very much, who
have been planning his future for months and months, and then take him back? I
mean, what kind of a... person does that?
Kim: A mother.
Diane: Nina.
Nina: Hey, Diane. Are you ready for me?
Diane: I have been ready for a
Nina: [ Chuckles ]
Diane: The papers are all drawn up. So,
have you decided that this is something you want to do? Because I could easily
make all this go away.
Nina: Uh, no. No. No, no. I... I have to divorce
my husband.
Valentin: Thanks for coming.
Curtis: Just tell me what this is about,
Valentin: Okay. I have a job for you.
Curtis: Meeting over.
Valentin: Wait.
Curtis: Look, Nina is one of my favorite people,
which makes you the exact opposite for breaking her heart.
Valentin: I'm
aware of that.
Curtis: So why the hell would I do you any favors?
Valentin: Well, first of all, it's not a favor. I'm gonna pay you handsomely
for your time. And second of all, this isn't for me. The only person who stands
to benefit from this... is Nina.
Michael: I read
something... or someone told me -- I really don't... remember at this point,
but, uh... that all grief is unique... and, uh... and all grief is the same.
Sonny: The difference is how you deal with it. Son, you're gonna realize
eventually that... the only way out is through. Hey, don't make the same mistake
I did. You got a lot of people who love you. A lot of people who want to help
you. Let them help.
Michael: [ Chuckles ] You just did, Dad.
Sonny: [ Groans ]
Michael: [ Sighs ]
Sonny: It's gonna be all
Uh, you know what, Wiley left his binky in the car. I'm just gonna grab it.
Lucas: No, he's still asleep. No, h-he's fine.
Brad: In case -- in
case he wakes up. You know, I'll just be real quick.
[ Door closes ]
Alexis: Is he all right?
Lucas: Yeah.
Alexis: Listen, I
really need you both to be really focused right now and stay strong so I can
present you as the more stable parents for Wiley.
Lucas: Yeah, I -- I...
[ Grunts ] I think he's gonna get it together for the hearing.
Kim: The bond between
a mother and child, it's... I can't describe it.
Julian: But -- but she
agreed to this.
Kim: Yeah, before the baby was born.
Okay, I-I-I understand it's a hard decision. Of course it is. I mean, I get
that, but... okay, if she was gonna balk, why wouldn't she have done that when
she gave birth? I mean, it's been weeks already.
Kim: Because it's been
weeks. Weeks for it to settle in.
Julian: [ Sighs ]
Kim: I mean,
look, all she knows is -- is -- is she doesn't know where her baby is, right?
What he's doing, if he's okay. She just knows that she's not with him. And she
can't make sure that he's safe.
Julian: [ Sighs ]
Kim: Maybe she
just decided she couldn't -- she couldn't go through with it. I am just sorry
it's hurting you and your son so much.
Julian: Well, thank you. Look,
I-I...I do appreciate your perspective and... you know, you listening.
Kim: Always.
Julian: [ Sighs ]
Kim: Listen, I-I've got to go
check on a patient, but stick around, okay, 'cause it won't be long. Okay.
Julian: All right.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Julian: Hey, Brad.
Brad: [ Whispering ] I'm freaking out. Have you made any headway on how to
keep Wiley? H-how do we make sure no one finds out h-he's some other woman's
Julian: Just calm down, okay?
Brad: I can't calm down!
Julian: I'm on it, Brad.
Brad: What does that even mean?!
Julian: It means that I've got a plan, and I'll fill you in later. So just sit
tight. [ Sighs ]
Margaux: I just ran into Peter August earlier at The Metro Court.
Drew: Yeah?
Margaux: And I told him exactly what I thought of his brand
of journalism.
Drew: [ Sighs ]
Margaux: I got to hand it to him,
though... his photography skills are pretty good. I mean, he even managed to get
my good side. Yours... [ Clicks tongue ] Not so much.
Drew: [ Chuckles ]
Margaux: Damn.
Drew: Hmm?
Margaux: I am boring you
Drew: No. No, no, no. Sorry. I-I-I was just, uh, trying to
figure you out.
Margaux: Oh, I didn't realize I was so complicated.
Drew: You come on a bit strong.
Margaux: Obnoxious?
Drew: [
Laughs ] No. Uh, I'd say you're direct, quick-witted. Yeah. Well... I was
wondering, you know, what else is going on in there.
Margaux: Well, I
hate to disappoint you, but what you see is what you get.
Drew: Oh, I
doubt that.
Maxie: Lulu and I are actually in a decent place.
Peter: Really?
Maxie: Yeah.
Peter: I'm genuinely happy to hear that. Lulu is a very
lucky woman, Maxie.
Lulu: Peter. I'm sorry to interrupt.
Interrupt away.
Lulu: Do you have a minute?
Peter: What's up?
Lulu: This is kind of awkward. I guess you would hear about it soon
enough. The Chief Investigative Reporter position...
Peter: You mean the
one you threw in my face?
Lulu: Yes. Is it still on the table?
Diane: So then, you
are sure about this?
Nina: Mm-hmm. Yes. What did Valentin think was
gonna change in 30 days?
Diane: Your mind, obviously.
Nina: [
Laughs ] Right. Because he turned my office into a Moroccan holiday or because
he put out ads in Crimson professing his love for me, because he got Charlotte a
horse so we could ride together. Forget it. These are gestures.
It seemed to have had an effect.
Nina: [ Sighs ] Listen, Diane, he's lied
so much. Not only that, he condemned a small child to a lifetime of hell.
There's no love that can overcome that.
Diane: So you do still love him.
Nina: It's not enough.
Diane: May I make an observation?
Nina: [ Chuckles ]
Diane: You've delayed this now for 30 days. You just
told me some -- I'm sure not all -- of the wonderful things that Valentin has
done for you in that time. You're shaking a little bit. And you haven't picked
up the pen. You're allowed to have reservations. You do not have to go through
with this. I can simply bill you for the meeting -- yes, of course -- but I can
put this in your file, and you can decide at a later date. There's no penalty
for not signing those papers. But let me tell you -- as someone who has had a
ringside seat for these kinds of things -- there is a very special kind of pain
that comes when you divorce someone you love, no matter how easy the division of
assets. The breaking apart of two lives costs a lot of wear and tear on the
heart. So please, be super certain that this is what you want to do before you
dive in.
Nina: [ Sighs ]
Curtis: I'm all about
making Nina happy. I don't think you hold that same ticket.
No, you're right, I don't. Not right now, anyway, and that is why I need you to
find for Nina the one thing that's gonna make her happier than anything in this
Curtis: [ Scoffs ] Unless you found a breakthrough medical
procedure that'll allow her to get pregnant --
Valentin: I found her child.
Curtis: What?
Valentin: Well, I don't have a location and I
don't have an identity at the moment, but that's where you come in. I know she
Curtis: She?
Valentin: Yeah. Nina has a daughter.
Curtis: Nina miscarried.
Valentin: No, that's what her mother wanted
her to believe, but she successfully delivered a baby girl while in her coma.
Curtis: Who told you this?
Valentin: Madeline Reeves.
Curtis: Nina's mom?
Valentin: Yeah. I had to drag it out of her, but she
finally admitted it. And I believe her. Somewhere out there, Nina's daughter
doesn't know she has a mother, and vice versa. And you can make that happen.
Margaux: So, this
is my very first case, right?
Drew: Mm-hmm.
Margaux: And the
defendant looks oddly familiar, so I double-checked the name and it turns out
that I went out with him in middle school.
Drew: Middle school? Wait, so
you had to prosecute your ex-boyfriend? Isn't that like a conflict of interest
or something?
Margaux: That's exactly what I thought, so I went to my
supervisor -- this woman, she was amazing, she had literally seen everything --
and she asked me if it was a "significant" relationship. And I assured her it
had lasted all of, I don't know, seven hours. And, I mean, the last time I had
seen him was when I was in middle school when his family moved away. I was like
12. So, she told me [Chuckles] that it was a waste of her time to discuss
further, it was a waste of the court's time to try the case, and she wanted to
hear by the end of the day that I had successfully negotiated a plea deal.
Drew: Well, did you?
Margaux: Well... his lawyer tried to bargain it
down to community service, and there was no way I could come back with that on
my first case.
Drew: But, wait a minute, you knew that your supervisor
didn't want you to take it to trial.
Margaux: I bluffed. I said I'd up
the charges to attempted murder. He caved against his attorney's advice, and he
took a plea deal for five years -- out in two. Yes.
Drew: Wow. So no
qualms about sending your first love to prison.
Margaux: He wasn't my
first love. He was my first conviction. And I will always have a special place
for him in my heart.
Drew: [ Chuckles ] So, I guess the moral of the
story is that, uh, you're a DA first and everything else comes second.
Margaux: I wouldn't go that far. I'm pretty passionate about baseball.
Drew: I-I know that. So besides baseball and law, what else? What else are you
passionate about?
Margaux: You first. What inspires your passion?
Peter: Lulu, the
job is yours if you want it.
Lulu: So, no hard feelings about earlier?
Peter: None.
Maxie: Uh, whoa. Whoa. Okay. Wait. You can't be
serious. You're not gonna work with him.
Lulu: I felt that way. You know
that, but my circumstances have changed and I have realized that this is a great
opportunity. Chief Investigative Reporter. Uh, it would take me years to get to
that level anywhere else.
Maxie: Yeah, but you're gonna have to be with
him like all the time.
Lulu: No, I-I won't. The majority of my work is
done on assignment.
Peter: That's true. Most weeks, we'll hardly see
each other. So we're doing this?
Lulu: Subject to your terms... I'm in.
[ Door closes ]
Lucas: Hey. Where's the binky?
Brad: [ Sighs ] I didn't go
outside for that. I just needed to get some air. This is, uh... a lot.
Lucas: Yeah...I know. Come here.
Alexis: So, did taking some deep
breaths make you feel any better?
Brad: You know what? Yeah.
Lucas: Aww, really?
Brad: Mm-hmm. For the first time since this all went
down... I feel hopeful that Wiley will be able to stay with us.
Lucas: [
Sighs ] From your lips...
Brad: [ Sighs ]
[ Telephones ringing ]
Kim: Hey.
Julian: Hey. You want to grab some lunch?
Uh, rain check? I have a patient who is in labor, and she's on her way in.
Julian: Yeah, absolutely. Do your thing.
Kim: You know, I really am
sorry about what Lucas and Brad are going through -- and you. Unfortunately, we
can't always control the fate of our children. And sometimes, all we can do...
is hope. Bye, sweetie.
Julian: Hi. You don't know me... but I think we should meet.
On the next "General
Harrison (to Robert and Jordan ): If he dies now, I'm
never gonna get a chance to know him.
Finn (to Carson): Now we're all at risk.
Jake (to Cameron): You're in trouble.
Dr.Bensch (to Kiki): What are you
waitin' for, Jerome?
Lucy (to Ryan): What's the matter?
Kevin (to
orderly): There is a very dangerous man loose in Port
Carly (to Jason): We know that a bad situation can only get
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