General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/13/18
Episode #14098 ~ Griffin is reluctant; Scott apologizes; Jason has a theory; Elizabeth is horrified; Josslyn is annoyed.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Robert: This is the last spot we had Finn's tracker at before it blacked out.
As you can see, there's no traces of him at all. We don't even know for a fact
that he and Anna are even here together. I mean, it could've been shifted hours
ago. I want to thank you, though, for turning up as my backup.
Anything I can do to help Anna.
Finn: [ Exhales sharply ]
Carson: Settle in.
Finn: Hey, wait.
Wh-where you guys going? We're just getting to know each other.
[ Lock
clacks ]
Finn: I think I got through to them that time.
Cameron: [ Sighs ] Mom, calm down. Don't start freaking out.
Elizabeth: You're worried about me freaking out? You just got arrested for
Franco: Detective Chase says that the shop owner isn't gonna
press the charges.
Cameron: See, Mom? It's no big deal.
Elizabeth: Oh, no, Cameron. It is a giant deal.
Cameron: Look, I'm just
saying, I think we could all chill, because no one's pressing charges.
Elizabeth: I raised you better than this, and you tell me what was going through
that head of yours when you thought it was okay to shoplift.
Oscar: That was crazy. I-I can't believe Cam got arrested.
Josslyn: [
Scoffs ] Yeah.
Oscar: He looked so surprised when he got caught.
Josslyn: Well, I mean, yeah, he was probably a little scared.
No, I mean, like, you could tell he thought he got away with it. I mean, how
entitled can you be?
Josslyn: People make mistakes.
Oscar: I
wonder what every one of Lila's kids are gonna think when they find out what he
did. I mean, he could even lose his job.
Josslyn: Okay, why do people at
work have to know?
Oscar: I just hope the little kids don't find out. I
mean, what kind of message is this sending? What, you want something, you can't
afford it, what do you do, steal it? They look up to you. Talk about a bad
Josslyn: Actually, Cameron's not the bad influence. I am.
Scott: Dr. Munro, you just told the court that you and the plaintiff are just
Griffin: That's right.
Scott: What kind of friends?
Good friends, best friends, special friends?
Griffin: I-I-I don't know
what you --
Alexis: Objection, Your Honor. The question's been asked and
answered. Counsel's making insinuations.
Scott: Let me make this clear.
Have you ever had sex with Kiki Jerome?
Griffin: I, uh...
Let -- let me remind you, doctor, that you are under oath. Do you want me to ask
you the question again?
Griffin: That's not necessary.
Well, it's a simple yes-or-no question. Have you ever had sex with Kiki Jerome?
Griffin: Yes. Yes, I have.
Robert: I, uh -- I know we've had our differences.
Jason: Yeah. Yeah,
one or two.
Robert: I wasn't sure how you'd react when I reached out.
Jason: It's not every day law enforcement asks for my help.
Robert: Yeah, I imagine. However, I don't have the luxury of waiting for bureau
Jason: So you think Finn and Anna were here?
Robert: Well, Finn definitely. This was the last spot that we picked up his
tracker before it went dark.
[ Electricity buzzes ]
Robert: The
Hell? Aw, Hell.
Jason: What is it?
Robert: It's Finn's tracker.
How the Hell did they find it?
Finn: [ Exhales sharply ]
Finn: Ah. You make that look so easy.
Anna: Yeah, well... they wouldn't have left a pair of scissors here if they
didn't want us out of our restraints.
Finn: Huh.
Anna: God. [
Exhales sharply ] What do you think?
Finn: Well, you know, it's -- it's
nicer than our last prison. That one smelled like blue cheese.
Anna: Mm.
[ Chuckles ] That was just a holding cell. This is...I don't know. This looks
like everything a doctor would ever need. Is this everything?
Finn: This
is everything. Yeah, now, if only we knew where we were.
Anna: We're
about five-and-a-half miles outside of Toronto.
Finn: And how do you
know that?
Anna: Oh, because we drove for two-and-a-half hours after we
left our last location, tops. Kind of high speed.
Finn: Yeah, the driver
was. He was a bit of a lead foot.
Anna: Yeah. I mean, they didn't even
use the brakes until we were an hour and a half in. And then we were in that
touch-and-go traffic for quite some time. And then came to a stop, full stop,
for about a minute. That's when I think we crossed the Canadian border.
Vials clink ]
Finn: [ Chuckles ] What? You really are kind of magic.
Anna: No, you're the magic one, 'cause you know what all this is. My job is
just to get us out of here.
Oscar: Cameron's the one who stole, not you.
Josslyn: I bet Cam
didn't even steal one thing in his life until he saw me do it.
Oscar: [
Chuckles ] Yeah, right.
Josslyn: Look, I know this might be shocking to
you, but I'm not some nun. I've shoplifted a couple times.
Oscar: Look,
it doesn't make sense for you to steal. Your parents are super wealthy. You can
pretty much buy anything you want.
Josslyn: You're right. I didn't need
those things, but I stole them anyway. So before you get all judgmental about
Cameron, you should just come at me first.
Franco: So, I paid for the earbuds, just so everybody knows that part's taken
care of.
Elizabeth: Thank you. Cameron?
Cameron: Yeah, thanks,
Franco: No worries. The shop owner wants a personal apology, and
then you're square.
Cameron: Great. I'll go to the store after work
tomorrow and apologize. Okay?
Elizabeth: Oh, I think you're missing the
point. You didn't need those earbuds. You have a million pairs laying around the
Cameron: Yeah, the ones from 2015 with the wires that get tangled
up all the time. It's embarrassing, Mom. It's like I'm living in the stone age.
Elizabeth: I didn't think you were the kind of kid that cared about
stuff like that.
Cameron: Well, maybe I am.
Elizabeth: Well,
then, maybe you should've saved up your money to buy them.
Nobody else has to. Other parents just buy them for their kids.
Elizabeth: Well, I'm sorry. That is not how this family works.
Yeah, because we're poor.
Franco: Whoa! Hold on a second. You can't talk
to your mother like that. She works really hard to provide for you and your --
Cameron: I don't have to listen to you. You're not my father.
Alexis: Your Honor, relevance. Counsel is asking intrusive questions about my
client's personal life.
Scott: Well, it speaks of the plaintiff's
behavior in the workplace, not to mention the character of the witness on the
Judge Pierce: Overruled. However, I advise you to tread carefully
moving forward, Mr. Baldwin.
Dr. Bensch: You've turned this whole case
around. Don't stop now.
Scott: [ Sighs ] Dr. Munro... when you and Ms.
Jerome slept together, were you both on staff at General Hospital?
Griffin: Yes. Yes, we were.
Scott: So, both you and the plaintiff were on staff when you slept together.
You were her superior.
Griffin: That's correct.
Scott: Did she
see your advance as a form of harassment?
Alexis: Objection. Hearsay.
Scott: Allow me to rephrase.
Judge Pierce: Continue, Mr. Baldwin.
Scott: So, did Ms. Jerome ever accuse you sleeping with her was a form
of sexual harassment?
Griffin: Absolutely not.
Scott: And you
never got any other claims from General Hospital HR department about any other
harassment claims?
Griffin: No, no, but...
Scott: No further
[ Alexis clears throat ]
Dr. Bensch: If you'd kept
going, you'd have shown the jury just what kind of girl Kiki really is.
Scott: Do you want me to win this case or not? I mean, slut-shaming Kiki is not
gonna do any good, even though you're enjoying it.
Alexis: Redirect,
Your Honor. Dr. Munro, the defense said that you were my client's supervisor at
the hospital.
Griffin: Uh, technically speaking, yes.
Were you her direct supervisor?
Griffin: No.
Alexis: And when
she was in the shadow program, were you assigned to work with her?
Griffin: Never.
Alexis: Were any of your sexual encounters at the
Griffin: No.
Alexis: Most importantly, was your
relationship with my client consensual?
Griffin: Our encounter was
consensual, but there was never a relationship. It was a single encounter, a-a
mistake that we both regret.
Elizabeth: Don't you dare speak to Franco like that.
Franco: I think
everybody's a little edgy right now and saying things out of anger.
Elizabeth: You should be grateful he cares enough to pay for what you stole.
Cameron: I said, "Thank you." I mean, what else do you want me to do?
Elizabeth: I want you to quit shrugging it off like nothing happened. Do you
understand that if you had an arrest record, you would have to tell every single
college you applied to?
Cameron: Honestly, I didn't want to save up all
summer long to buy a pair of earbuds.
Elizabeth: Well, that's how it
goes, Cameron. When you want something, you have to work for it, and now you're
gonna have to work for the rest of the summer to pay back Franco.
Franco: That's just not necessary. Apparently, that's necessary. They were $165.
Elizabeth: $165?
Cameron: Yeah. I'm sorry. I know I messed up.
Yeah, big time.
Cameron: Look, it's not like I'm the only kid who
Elizabeth: Are you saying you had a partner in crime?
Oscar: I probably sound like a judgmental jerk right now.
Yeah, a little.
Oscar: I'm sorry.
Josslyn: Well, I know where
you stand on shoplifting. Is it a conflict of interest if you continue dating a
Oscar: I don't like the idea of you doing it because you can get
in serious trouble. Look, I get your impulse to do it.
Josslyn: You do?
Oscar: Yeah. It's been a rough time for you. Y-your mother being away,
all the Nelle drama, it's understandable why --
Josslyn: Seriously? [
Scoffs ] Is it time for another round of psychoanalysis? Thought you got your
fix the other night.
Oscar: It's not like that at all. I'm just saying,
under normal circumstances, you're not the type of person that ends up in a
situation like that.
Josslyn: Oscar, you've got to stop blaming the
things that you don't like about me on family drama. You're so busy making
excuses for me, it's like you don't even see me anymore.
Oscar: What,
but Cameron does? Is that what you're saying?
Robert: You know, these guys are good. They don't want any eyes on them at
Jason: So, how good are your tech people? Can they -- can they pull
security footage off of private servers?
Robert: Are you offering me Mr.
Spinelli's services?
Jason: I mean if we need them. The warehouse over
here has security cameras. Maybe we can pick out the car they used to move Anna
and Finn.
Robert: We don't know that Anna was here at all. The only
thing we know for certain is that Finn was.
Jason: Okay, but how sure
are you that Anna was the target? What if she was the bait to lure Finn?
Anna: So, you don't have any idea who this patient is that they want you to
Finn: Saw the medical reports. There was no names. You know, on
the whole drive over here, I was trying to think of all the patients I've
treated over the last few years.
Anna: You can't think of anyone who
would need your help this badly?
Finn: [ Scoffs ] No one that would
resort to this.
[ Bottles rattle ]
Anna: Okay. So it's not a
former patient, but it's definitely someone who's gonna benefit from your
expertise. Do you think they could be suffering from Blackwood's?
Oh, they wouldn't need me for that. My cure is in most hospitals.
Well, one thing's for sure -- it's not the DVX or any other intelligence agency.
Finn: How can you be so sure?
Anna: They wouldn't have kept me
Alexis: Dr. Munro, I'd like to clarify. You said that you had only one sexual
encounter with my client, which you would characterize as a mutual mistake. Have
you pursued any relationship with my client since then?
Griffin: No,
Alexis: Did you reprimand my client professionally?
Griffin: No. Our -- our work lives rarely crossed paths.
Alexis: So you
would say there's a very clear delineation between your professional
relationship with my client and any personal relationship that you may have had?
Griffin: Yes.
Alexis: So, unlike Dr. Bensch, you didn't use your
status at the hospital to pressure or manipulate or harass my client?
Scott: Objection.
Alexis: Withdrawn. No further questions.
Pierce: The witness may step down.
[ Door closes ]
Lulu: Did
you know?
[ Door closes ]
Julian: I had no idea. Although, I
suppose, looking back on it... I don't know. Maybe there were some signs.
Griffin: Ava. Ava.
Ava: [ Growls ] (slaps Griffin)
Griffin: I
can explain.
Ava: [ Growls ] (slaps Griffin again)
Griffin: [
Breathing heavily ]
Robert: You think Anna's the bait here? Go on.
Jason: Well, you said
she went missing when she went to visit Robin, right?
Robert: Yeah, she
-- she sent Finn a rather evasive text message. He figured...that she needed
space with Robin.
Jason: Until she asked Finn to join her in Berkeley.
Robert: Yeah. Now, I hadn't heard from her in more than a month, which
is not unusual. We were... [ Sighs ] We were at odds about what to do with Peter.
I figured that she was icing me out, so I called Robin. Robin said she hadn't
been there, at which point I went to Finn , and he showed me the text.
Jason: You figured they'd want Finn as leverage?
Robert: Anna has access
to some rather sensitive intelligence. She wouldn't talk to save herself, but...
you put a gun to Finn's head, that's a different matter.
Jason: And why
keep Anna for so long? Unless they knew when they took her that nobody would
miss her and that they could hold her and nobody would be suspicious and then
use her to bring Finn whenever they were ready for him.
Robert: But
ready for him to do what?
Anna: I would not be alive still now if you were dealing with some kind of
hostile intelligence agency, you know, because I was the bait. And now they have
you, they don't need me.
Finn: Maybe they do. You know why? They need me
to treat this patient, right, so, I mean, as long as you're alive, they can keep
dangling your safety in front of me to ensure that I cooperate.
Well, but they wouldn't have risked putting us together like this.
Where'd you learn that -- abduction class?
Anna: [ Chuckles ] No. I mean,
if we were dealing with an intelligence agency, they would've isolated us so
that they could break us down, but I don't see any of that happening. And what
that tells me is that our captors are mercenaries and they have been hired to
accomplish some kind of objective.
Finn: Yeah, to treat a mystery
Anna: Who is this patient?
Kiki: I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Alexis: We're gonna talk about
that later. In the meantime, they need to know that your sleeping with Griffin
has no bearing on this case. It doesn't change a thing about what Bensch did to
Kiki: It shouldn't have any bearing, but that doesn't mean it
won't. Can we still win this?
Dr. Bensch: Looks like the ball's back in
our court.
Scott: Aw, yippee.
Dr. Bensch: I shouldn't have to
remind you that you are obligated to provide me with the best possible defense.
Scott: I know that.
Dr. Bensch: Get on it, Baldwin.
Scott: Your Honor, I would like to call Dr. Bensch to the stand. [ Clears throat
Griffin: [ Knocking on door ] Ava, please let me in. Come on. Ava, I know
you're in there.
Ava: Get out of here.
Griffin: Look, it's not
what -- it's not what you think. You don't understand.
Ava: I told you
to get out of here!
Griffin: Look, I am not going anywhere until you
talk to me. Just let me explain, and it'll all make sense.
Ava: Oh, I
heard you loud and clear when you admitted to cheating on me in open court!
Griffin: I didn't cheat on you. It was the night of the Nurses' Ball. You'd
just finished lacing into me. I was convinced we were broken up.
Oh. Oh, I see.
Griffin: Do you understand now? Do you underst--
Ava: I understand perfectly well. The first chance you got, you slept with Kiki.
Dr. Bensch: I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help
me God.
Kiki: You said Scott wouldn't call Bensch to the stand.
Alexis: Yeah, well, he's full of surprises today.
Scott: So, Dr. Bensch,
the plaintiff has accused you of unwanted advances in the workplace. Was it your
belief that your attention was unwanted?
Dr. Bensch: No, I don't believe
my attention was unwanted.
Alexis: Objection. What difference does it
make if -- if he misread signals --
Dr. Bensch: I did not misread any
signals from Ms. Jerome.
Scott: Excuse me.
Judge Pierce: Dr.
Bensch, you will only speak when asked a direct question. Understood?
Scott: Your Honor, if I may.
Judge Pierce: Go ahead.
Scott: If you did not misread the signals from Ms. Jerome, then would you elaborate?
Dr. Bensch: Well, early in the
professional relationship, we grew close. We bonded.
Scott: [ Sighs ] Can
you give me an example?
Dr. Bensch: I found her crying alone near the
coffee kiosk at the promenade.
Scott: Well, did she say why she was
Dr. Bensch: Well, it was the anniversary of the death of an old
boyfriend, Morgan Corinthos. She had just come from the memorial service. Kiki
opened up to me, shared her feelings -- things she couldn't share with her
then-boyfriend, Dillon Quartermaine. She told me that when she began her
relationship with Dillon, that she was cheating on Morgan.
Objection. Relevance.
Judge Pierce: Sustained. The jury will disregard
that information, and, Mr. Baldwin, please get to your point.
Scott: So,
why would you think that this encounter was an invitation from Ms. Jerome?
Dr. Bensch: We talked about life, our interests, our goals, our fears. She
laid her head on my shoulder, and I held her. I'm sure it was obvious to any
passerby that she had feelings for me. When Dillon showed up and saw us
together, he threw a fit.
Scott: So it's reasonable to think that she
was attracted to you?
Dr. Bensch: That's exactly what she wanted me to
Josslyn: Cam understands family drama. He has plenty of his own. So, yeah,
it's nice venting to someone who gets it, but he's just a friend.
I'm sorry. I must've sounded like a jealous jerk.
Josslyn: Look, you
don't have anything to be jealous about. Consider yourself lucky that you can't
relate to my family dysfunction as well as he can.
Oscar: Look, I care
about you.
Josslyn: I care about you, too.
Oscar: So what are we
fighting about, again?
Josslyn: Literally nothing. [ Chuckles ] Look, I
know that things in my life have been pretty crazy right now, so thank you for
being patient with me.
Oscar: I only want to be there for you. Look, and
for the record, I do see you just fine.
Josslyn: [ Chuckles ] I know. Oh,
and that riddle that you sent me the other day -- the one with the white horses
and the champing and the stamping? That was so cool. Exactly what I needed to
distract me.
Elizabeth: Did someone put you up to this?
Cameron: I'm not some narc.
Elizabeth: Oh, so there was someone else.
Cameron: Does it
Elizabeth: Yes, it
matters. I don't want you hanging out with kids who steal. Now answer the
question -- did a friend pressure you into doing this?
Cameron: No. And
who says they're my friend, anyways? It's not like we even hang out.
Elizabeth: [ Scoffs ] Well, you're not gonna be hanging out with anyone for a
long time, 'cause you're grounded.
Cameron: What? Are you kidding me?
Franco: Oh, come on, kid. You didn't see this one coming?
Elizabeth: You wake up, you go to work, you come home. That's it.
Cameron: For how long?
Elizabeth: Until I feel like I can trust you
again. Go sit on the bench over there while I fill out some release forms on
your behalf.
Cameron: You're ruining my life. You get that, don't you?
Anna: I'm gonna have some choice words for Robert when I see him. I don't
know what he was thinking, setting you up to be abducted like this.
Finn: Well, in his defense, he did install this nifty tracking device.
Anna: Yeah, I know, and I took it out because I think that since we're here, we
may as well play it out long enough to figure out who this patient is that's
bankrolling this whole operation.
Finn: So, this, this is -- this is
progress, right? Us being here, it's all part of the plan.
Anna: There
shouldn't be a plan! I mean, he should never have sent you out into the field.
Finn: Well, you set me up first. I mean, at least he gave me a choice.
You just blackmailed me into cooperating at Monte Carlo.
Anna: No,
there's no comparison. No, I gave you plenty of time to prepare, and now he just
threw you to the wolves.
Finn: What wolves? What are you talking about
wolves for? Listen, I-I think I'm doing just fine so far.
Anna: I don't
like it. I don't like you risking your life like this.
Finn: Did you
expect me to say no to Robert when he asked me to help find you? 'Cause I know,
if our situation was reversed, you'd be the first to come after me.
Jason: Do you know of any enemies Finn might have?
Robert: None that
I can think of. I mean, he had an issue with Obrecht going back a few years, but
she's been too busy holding peter captive to deal with Anna.
Jason: [
Sighs ] Well, can you think of anybody who's still in Port Charles that might
want something from Finn ?
Robert: No one. This is where your theory
breaks down. If Finn's the target, why go to this much trouble to capture him?
This whole thing smells like a dead end. I don't think there's anything here to
Jason: Wait a minute.
Robert: What? What do you have
Alexis: Thank you for that testimony, Dr. Bensch.
Dr. Bensch: Of
Alexis: You know, uh, counsel left out a really important
question. Did my client ever, in any way, express any interest in you verbally,
either at the promenade or after work?
Dr. Bensch: Not in so many words.
Alexis: Just a "yes" or "no" will do just fine, thank you.
Dr. Bensch:
No, she didn't.
Alexis: Okay. So, did you reprimand my client because
she rebuffed your advances?
Dr. Bensch: Any reprimand was solely based
on Kiki's job performance. Her work wasn't always stellar. Any negative
criticism was warranted.
Alexis: Really? Because you gave her this
amazingly glowing review...
Dr. Bensch: Mm-hmm.
Alexis: ...For
her performance for the shadow program. But that was the revised review, right?
Because the original one was very negative, one that would actually tank her
career, and then you offered to alter that review and make it positive if she
would show up in your hotel room at The Metro Court Hotel. Is that correct?
Dr. Bensch: No, that is absolutely not true.
Alexis: Okay, so then
you had no reason to believe that your behavior would lead to a lawsuit.
Dr. Bensch: No, I wouldn'T.
Alexis: I'd like to revisit that photo
that Dr. Bensch took of Dr. Munro and my client. My client testified that you
took this picture after you had berated her while she was shadowing you. Did you
think you had gone too far and that you needed to have this photo as insurance
to cover your ass...ets?
Scott: O-objection, your honor. That's just a
tad bit argumentative.
Alexis: No further questions.
Pierce: You may step down, Dr. Bensch. There will be a brief recess before
closing arguments. [ Gavel bangs ]
Ava: Okay, Griffin. So we were broken up. But during this 12-hour breakup of
ours, did you have to jump into bed with my daughter?
Griffin: It just
happened. It just happened.
Ava: Like Hell it did. I knew it! I knew
there was something between you two. The little looks, the innocent embraces,
months and months of the two of you with your heads together. I knew there was
something going on, and you tried to convince me that I was paranoid.
Griffin: Look, Kiki -- Kiki and I are -- we're just friends, colleagues. There
was never any attraction till the night of the Nurses' Ball. It was an accident.
Ava: Ugh! Would you give it up? You don't just slip and fall into bed
with your girlfriend's daughter! Oh, God. [ Chuckles ] And that's why you told me
that you love me yesterday, right?
Griffin: No. No, not at --
Ava: Because you knew that this secret was gonna come out.
Griffin: No,
I told you I love you because I do, damn it. I-I made a mistake, something I
regret. I would do anything to take it back. Look, you of all people should know
that feeling.
Ava: Don't you dare try to compare us. Yeah, I've done a
few things I regret to get what I want, but you, Father Munro -- you got a
fetish for women in trouble. You don't love me. You wanted to save me, 'cause
nothing turns you on like a woman frail and helpless, clinging to you in need.
And Kiki -- well, she was just too weak for you to resist.
Jason: It's Ruxo...Litinib? Something like that?
Robert: Yeah, yeah.
Anna takes it for her PV. Let's assume for a moment that the captors -- her
captors want to keep her healthy. All of a sudden, your theory starts to make
sense. Anna is the bait. Finn is the target.
Jason: Okay, but why go to
all this trouble to grab a doctor?
Robert: Well, he's a specialist.
Maybe someone's sick.
Jason: Yeah, but then wouldn't they want to get
Finn as soon as possible? Why wait more than a month?
Robert: That I
don't know. But you and I aren't doctors. Maybe there's a medical angle to this
that we can't see yet.
Anna: I don't want you risking your safety every time you think I'm in
Finn: All right? Note to self -- don't ever rescue you. Good to
Anna: Well, look, because I signed up for this life.
Anna: I've had extensive training. I know what the risks are,
and I can handle it.
Finn: Blah, blah, blah, blah. You don't think I
Anna: You shouldn't have to. [ Exhales sharply ] This is why I was
so reticent about us being involved in the first place.
Finn: But we got
involved. I've been exposed to this for the -- the past year now. I... I knew
what I was signing up for when I said I wanted to be with you. The risks don't
scare me. I'm still all in.
[ Door opens ]
Carson: All settled
Anna: Yeah, we could do with some information -- like who you're
working for and what do they want from us.
Scott: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I never meant it to go this far.
But it did.
Scott: [ Sighs ]
Kiki: How bad did my mom look when
she left earlier?
Scott: Um, well, you know that expression "Hell hath
no fury"? That doesn't even begin to cover it.
Lulu: Ava's not the one
in the middle of a civil trial. How are you holding up? That was a lot to go
through just now.
Kiki: Yeah. I'm gonna go get some air.
Lulu: [
Sighs ]
Dr. Bensch: Mm. You look upset.
Kiki: Yeah, I slept with
Griffin, but that doesn't change the fact you harassed me.
Dr. Bensch:
I'm not sure the jury will agree.
Griffin: I wasn't trying to save Kiki. We were both in a bad place, and we
wound up together. That's all. If you don't believe me, please, ask her
Ava: I'll add that to the ever-growing list of things I need
to discuss with Kiki. But right now, I'm talking to you -- the man who made me
believe that I deserved a love that wasn't toxic, but decent and pure.
Griffin: We can fix this.
Ava: You made me believe that I could find
hope and joy and stability in my life, but I was just, uh, an escape for you,
huh? A vacation from your morality.
Griffin: Ava, I'm not losing you
like this. I love you.
Ava: You know, for months, you couldn't say those
words, and now you can't shut up about them. You are a hypocrite, Griffin. You
can't admit that it was just sex you were after. You had to dress it up, and I
was desperate enough to buy in. But now I realize... your words mean nothing.
You mean nothing. Get out.
Griffin: I'm sorry.
Ava: You don't
know what it means to be sorry. But you will. I promise you that.
Elizabeth: I am mortified that Cameron spoke to you like that. When he cools
off, he will definitely be apologizing.
Franco: Kid has a point. I'm not
his father. Is it really my place to get involved?
Elizabeth: Yes! We're
about to be married. You are a part of this family.
Franco: I'm really
sorry that this is happening right now. I know it kind of comes out of nowhere.
Elizabeth: I was, um, exactly like this as a kid. There was many a
"You're ruining my life" type of speeches for my parents. I'm just glad he's not
running around bumming cigarettes like I was at his age.
Franco: Really?
A smoker, huh?
Elizabeth: To my regret. I caused Hell wherever I was. I
just didn't think Cameron was gonna go down this path. I just don't get why kids
do such stupid things.
Franco: In my limited experience, kids who
shoplift aren't getting enough attention at home.
Elizabeth: Are you
saying this is my fault?
Franco: No. It's just a phase, and it'll pass
and he'll be fine 'cause he's got a great mom.
Elizabeth: I hope you're
Franco: I know I'm right.
[ Josslyn's cellphone chirps ]
[ CameroncCellphone chirps ]
Josslyn's cellphone chirps ]
Oscar: [ Sighs ] Look, I hate fighting.
You know, I think it's supposed to be healthy every now and then.
Oscar: No, I don't care. I don't care. I still hate it.
[ Laughs ]
Oscar: Look, I-I promise, from here on out, I will try to
listen and not rush to judgment.
Josslyn: Thank you.
Oscar: We
Josslyn: Yeah. Yeah, we're good.
Carson: The patient is being transferred to our facility. Once you bring her
out of her coma, you'll both be free to go.
Anna: The patient's a woman?
Finn: Who is she?
Robert: Well, my reinforcements have arrived. I'm gonna sync up with the
bureau, see if we can find any, uh, dark parts in Finn's past. I want to thank
Jason: Yeah, look, I know I was the last person you wanted to call,
but if it's okay, I'd like to be kept in the loop. I want to know when Anna's
Robert: You'll be the second call I make, Robin being the first.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Robert: Hey, thanks for getting back to me so
quick. Yeah, look, I located the tracker at the last place that -- what? A
transport was intercepted? Who was taken?
Carson: You both know the patient -- fairly well, I think. Cassandra Pierce.
Robert (to Valentin): What have you done with Anna?
Anna (to Carson): Who's your boss. What does he want?
Franco (to Ava):
It's only a fraction of what you deserve and it is long overdue.
Elizabeth (to Griffin): Did something happen at the trial?
Judge Pierce:
The jury finds in favor of...
Carly (to Michael): We need to plan your
baby's funeral.
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