GH Transcript Wednesday 7/18/18

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 7/18/18


Episode #14081 ~ Curtis offers Liz an explanation; Valentin buys some time; Julian pays Sonny a surprise visit; Kim pleads with Julian; Chase reassures Nelle.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

Call in whatever favors you can. That's all I'm asking you to do. Jason: Any word?

[ Sighs ] Nothing good. Carly's on lock down in ferncliff ever since they brought her back. Okay, what about the appeal? Diane's trying to get it to a judge in superior court. Sonny, we have to get carly out of there. I know. I know we do, but carly's making it worse right now. Not that I blame her for trying to stop the wedding. She wanted to protect michael, just like the rest of us. Fun wedding night?

[ Scoffs ] The best I can say is that it's over. Look, we've got nelle right where we want her. Are you ready for the next step?

[ Elevator dings ] Very. Godspeed.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Chuckles ] Your baby's still in great, steady shape. No signs of distress or early labor. Um, what were those crazy stomach pains I felt last night? Well, I ran every test that I could think of to find the source, and they all came back clean. I might know what's causing this, though. Excuse me. I need a drink. Oh, what can I get you? Hey, wait a minute. I know you.

[ Chuckles ] People always say that. I got one of those faces. No. No, we've met before. Oh. Maybe. I've been in Port Charles for a while now. Name's kip. I'll give you a minute to decide what you'd like. No, no, I'm ready. What can I get you, sir? Why don't we start with you telling me exactly who you are. Tell me what I'm supposed to do the next time you leave me alone with your aunt. Tell me what's supposed to happen the next time she tries to kill me, and you're not here! Shut up! I got this. What? A way out for both of us. Whatever it is, make it fast. Obrecht could be back any minute. There's a place that you can go. You will be safe from my aunt liesl. Outer mongolia? Behind bars. Hey. Hi. Can I help you with something? Yeah, I have a few questions for you.

[ Telephone rings ] It's about franco. Liesl, are you okay? You must excuse my state. I -- I didn't anticipate running into anyone here. You're crying. Oh... allergy season is upon us. The pollen has been ruthless this summer. Yeah, I-I don't think that's what it is. Look, I know what's going on. And I'm here to help.

What the hell are you doing here? Nice to see you, too, Sonny. Oh, just come right in. That's nice. Thanks. Yeah, and, uh, don't worry about it, you know. I'm unarmed. Your security guards gave me quite the pat-down out there. Okay, you know, I don't have time for this right now, so if you got something to ask me, ask me. I wanted to give you this. What is this? Charlie delaney with your old man, isn't it? Michael? This, uh, this a good time, or... yeah, doctor nero was just telling me what she thinks caused my pains last night. I, uh, I think the culprit is indigestion. Like, heartburn? Yeah, like heartburn on steroids. [ Chuckles ] It's very, very common during the last few weeks of pregnancy. Well, now I feel really melodramatic. I thought something was actually wrong. Don't be embarrassed. This is all new to you. Okay, you know what? I'm gonna keep you here for a couple more hours on the iv, just to make sure that you're hydrated, and then you can head home.

[ Chuckles ] What did you want to ask me about franco? Well, more specifically, about his relationship with dr. Obrecht.

[ Indistinct conversations in distance ]

[ Sighs ] Okay. Um... what is this all about? We have reason to believe that, uh, obrecht is hiding peter august from the authorities. And you're talking about the cabin in the woods with the restraints on the bed? Go on. Franco had information, possibly related to peter's whereabouts, but he already told the police everything he knows. You should be honest with me because I already know everything. Vas ist "everything"? Okay, look, I'm all for you having a very gratifying and sexually adventurous life, but I know that you lied to me at the cabin, okay? You weren't getting it on with some woodsy hunk. You had peter august tied to the bed, and I think you know where he is. Nothing gets past my franco. What will you do with your findings? Well, elizabeth said I should go to the police and tell them what I know. Yeah, of course she did, the nosy little twig. Hey. Did you heed that snitch's advice? By the time I got to the pcpd, finn was already there telling them everything that he saw at the cabin.

[ Laughs ] How predictable. Dr. Hamilton finn, a known drug addict, could not wait to run to the police and cast dirt on my name. It's not dirt if -- if you actually did abduct a guy and you're holding him hostage in a cabin. And not to mention that he was found by a really innocent kid who's probably emotionally scarred for the rest of his life. You're a gifted art therapist. A few sessions with you and der junge will be fine. Okay, look, I didn't -- forget it. I didn't mean to change the subject. Here's the point, liesl. The cops aren't just after peter anymore. They're coming after you. Your solution for me is to surrender to the pcpd? Consider the alternative -- once you confess, my aunt liesl will kill you. If I turn myself in, robert scorpio will make it his mission to make sure I stay confined to a WSB prison cell for the rest of my life. You'll be alive. Listen, that's a lot better than what my aunt liesl has planned for you.

[ Sighs ] See, I've definitely seen you before. Oh. [ Chuckles ] Um... [ Laughs ] You know what it is? Um... I'm an actor. Kip morris? Maybe you caught one of my shows in community theater? I've worked around new england and several mid-atlantic metropolitan areas. No, that's not it. Um... I've done some local commercial, too. Not my true craft, but it pays the bills. Okay, here. Does this ring a bell? Ooh! I'm the latte master in the haven bistro coffee commercials?

[ Laughs ] I hear they're running nonstop during the woodchucks games this summer. I don't follow the woodchucks. Valentin: I'm valentin cassadine.

I'm the owner

of spoon island. We've been trying to get a hold of you, sir. I'm afraid spoon island is under quarantine until further notice. Oh, no, I've definitely seen you before. Nah. Uh, nah. I think I'd remember you. That was some show you pulled on the pier. Who do you work for? Who hired you?!

Small world, right? Sure is. You know, I was going through the store room, making room for that expansion, and going through all these old boxes, found that photo. How come you never told me your dad was buddies with the guy who opened the joint? I didn't know. I didn't know it till my dad mentioned it. I went to get some coffee at your place, right? Looking at pictures, my father said, "that's charlie delaney. An old buddy." He started talking about the old neighborhood and the way he lit up, I said to myself, "you know what? I got to buy that place." So, that's why I asked you. That's nice. Yeah. I mean, it's -- well, it's quite a hefty price to pay for nostalgia, though, don't you think? Well, you should be lucky that you never have to understand what it's like to live with alzheimer'S. Now, see, that's why I wanted to buy your pub, so I could have my dad, you know, work there every once in a while. Maybe trigger some memories. Look, Sonny, I still have no interest in selling the place, but your dad's always welcome to come by for coffee, you know? On the house. And not because you're forcing me. That's mighty grand of you.

[ Chuckles ] Anyway, uh, keep the photo. How much do you think he knows? Nelle: Thank you so much, doctor nero, you've been so supportive. Kim: Aww, well, you made it very easy. Oh, and I guess I should congratulate the two of you. I heard that you got married here last night, or so the nurses -- ooh! ...Say so. Yes, you did. Wow. A hospital wedding -- that's beautiful. You know what? That is my first in my medical career. Oh.

[ Laughs ] Yeah, everything's kind of falling into place, isn't it, michael? Aww. Enjoy the last few days of your pregnancy, and, please, try to get as much sleep as possible before the baby comes. I will. Thank you for everything. Aww, you're so welcome. Thank you. Sure.

[ Sighs ] Well, that's a huge relief. Better safe than sorry, right? I'm glad this didn't completely ruin our wedding. I'm so glad you wanted to stay and say our vows last night. Oh, yeah. When I woke up this morning, I felt like a completely different person. Like, this is who I was always supposed to be, you know? I do. I can't wait to get out of here and start our new lives together.

[ Cellphone chimes ] Sorry.

[ Exhales sharply ] What is it?

[ Sighs ] Damn, it's alexis. I totally forgot I was supposed to meet her in, like, 15 minutes. Everything okay? Yeah. Yeah, no, it's fine. I just go to go over some logistical stuff about my will. It's not a big deal. But I'll be back by the time you're discharged, okay? Okay. Well, go ahead. I'm just gonna get my hydration on. Okay, I'll see you soon. Please, sir, I don't want to have to call security. Do all D.E.C. Agents moonlight as bartenders while looking for acting work, or just you? I'm sorry, you lost me. D.E.C.? Department of environmental conservation. You're the agent who wouldn't let me on spoon island. You said there was a quarantine due to west nile virus. All right! It was me, okay? So there was no west nile virus? It was all just a hoax? Why? Why would you not let me go to my house? Look, I didn't mean to start trouble. You should find the lady who hired me. She never gave me her name. She said it was part of the project. Stupid me. Describe her. Uh, tall, athletic, strawberry blonde, very intense. Yeah, I know who you mean. So, how would my surrender even play out? I'll drop you at the metro court. Oh, sure, because no one's ever seen me there before. I have access to the freight elevator. It's by the loading dock. I drop you there, then I tip the police off. They'll arrest you in minutes. What's in it for you? In exchange for my setting you free, you tell the police you never saw your captors. Now, you tell them whatever you want. You spin this story however you want. You're good at fiction, right? You keep me and liesl out of it. Sure, I could give you my word. I could even promise to cover it up. Once I surrender and I'm in police custody, what's to say I won't give you up? Did franco ever confirm that peter was the man in the cabin with obrecht? When he and finn got to the cabin, there was no one there except obrecht. The ropes were still on the bed. Well, why didn't he call the police immediately? He happens to be friends with liesl obrecht, and he didn't want to jump to the worst possible conclusion, so he had to think about it for a minute. But then he knew he had to go to the police. Okay, well, here's the thing. Curtis and I, we just came from the police station. There was no franco. Well, then, I guess you just missed each other. What are you doing? I'm putting your doubts to rest.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Cellphone ringing ] Well,

danke for the heads up. For the heads up? Seriously? Are you dissociating? Don't shrink me. Look, peter is a fugitive and the cops know that you have him. If they catch you with him, you're done. Don't you think I know that? Then turn the guy in. Look, I don't -- I don't -- I don't know how you managed to convince yourself that any of this was a good idea, but if the cops catch up with peter, then they're not gonna care what your motivations are. It seems as though my only choice is to make sure the police don't find me with peter. Okay, cut it out. You're not gonna kill the guy. Be on your way. The less you know about what transpires, the better. Okay, stop. I'm not gonna let you do this to yourself.

[ Footsteps approach ] Hey. Hey, charlie. Wow. Hey. You look good. Thanks. Mm. Whatcha doing? Um, you know, organizing. Mm? Caught me in the middle of the organizing zone. Yes, well, I see that. Well, I had a window between patients, so I thought I would swing by and show you some ideas I have. You want to be my design consultant, do you? Well, I just want to make sure the place still feels like us. Us? You. Me? Us? Yeah, you. What's --? Shut up! You know what I meant. I meant you. I do. Wow. Yeah, um, I want the same thing. Thank you for putting all this together, although I'm not quite sure when the expansion's going to get started since things just got a little more complicated. How so? Julian definitely knows something's up. That's why I told him that my father knew charlie delaney. The closer a lie is to the truth, the easier it is to maintain. But we can't stall the renovation forever. At some point, we're just -- we're just gonna have to force julian to sell. Or we could take him out altogether. You have a problem with that? No. He's sam's father. Danny's grandfather. He's not innocent. He's come after you, right? Oh, many times.

[ Door opens ] If you decide he has to go, I'll take care of it.

[ Door closes ] Michael: Hey. Jason, uh, we have to go over some things. Nelle is about to be discharged from G.H., And I'm gonna bring her to the quartermaines, so we need to follow through with the next step. Don't you think it's about time you fill me in on the specifics of this plan?

[ Sighs ] Oh... is it time for my daily lecture? That's not why I'm here. Well, no more kissing. I'm officially a married woman. I came here to check on you and to apologize. Why should i forgive you? It's no shock that I still have feelings for you. I just didn't realize how strong they were until I kissed you. You clearly didn't feel the same way, and I felt like an idiot, so I lashed out. Well, it was my wedding night. You couldn't have picked a worse time. I wasn't ready to lose you. To michael or anyone else.

[ Sighs ] But that's for me to deal with, okay? I shouldn't have said what I did. It wasn't my place to interfere. But I... I just want you to be happy. And if you say that you are, that's enough. I'm sure there is a really good reason that michael didn't stay with you last night. Well, maybe you don't have to apologize. I mean, maybe you're right. About michael, anyway. What do you mean? I found out he's planning to cut me out of his will. This is the only way I can honor nathan. Killing peter isn't gonna bring nathan back. Justice will be served. No. Believe me, murder isn't justice. Close enough. You can make a better set of choices, liesl. You can do better. Better like you? I know what it's like to feel rage. I know what it's like to really, really want revenge. I felt all those things when I faced the guy who hurt me when I was a little kid. And what? You let him live? Mm, thankfully, I didn't have to make that choice. Good for you. Not all of us have that luxury. But if I had killed him, I would have lost everything. Liesl, you will lose everything unless you take a step back.

[ Chuckles ruefully ] You make it sound so easy, mr. Pacifist. Well, maybe it is. Your warning is wasted on me. It's too late. I've already lost everything. My son is dead, my daughter's in prison, my grandson is better off without me. Tell me... what do I have left to live for anymore? You still have me. Franco, I thought you were going to the police to give your statement about obrecht. I'm guessing you're still there? Can you call me back as soon as you get this? Thanks. Sam: Did he pick up? He's probably with jordan answering questions or something. I'll let you know when I hear from him. Okay. I look forward to it. We'll wait to hear your word about franco. So, you really think franco is lying? Yeah, franco always lies. It's just the scale that changes. He's not our big lead, anyway. We need to figure out where obrecht is. Now. Yeah, that's the lady! You know her? It's my wife. I don't know what sort of edward albee play I stumbled into, but I had no idea I was getting involved in some sort of marriage dispute. Relax. You're not to blame here, pip. It's kip. Must be a hell of an actor. You had me convinced. Ah. I mean, if you like what you saw, would you mind, uh, spreading the word about my show? We're doing "bye bye birdie" in rice park this summer. I'm birdie. I'll get right on that. Oh. Excuse me for a second. Okay. Nina, what are you up to?

 It's been a rough couple of days, I've been distracted. Now I need to know what you're planning with nelle, what risks you're taking. You know what, dad? It's a "less you know, the better" situation. Really. Well, is this payback for every time I've said that to you? What? No, of course not. Then what's going on? Dad, you're just gonna have to trust me. Trust you?! Yes. You married a woman who killed her last fiancé. She's dangerous! So, whatever you're gonna do to neutralize her, I want in! Jason: Michael.

[ Sighs ] For what it's worth, I think you owe it to your father to tell him what you've been planning.

[ Sighs ] Michael's meeting with alexis davis. She's writing up his will. His will? Seems a little morbid. But I'm not sure why you're worried. He's probably just making your child a beneficiary. He's making our child the only beneficiary. He's leaving everything to our child and nothing to me. Well, aren't you gonna say you told me so? You think I'd gloat? You were the one who told me that he didn't care about me, that he only wants the baby. Yeah, that was my anger talking. Chase, you said he didn't love me. Look, between the prenup and the will, michael's making sure that I get nothing if our marriage ends. Huh, there he is. Well, if anyone will know how to find nina, it's valentin. Yeah, I just -- I -- I would really like to wrap this up early. Oh, well, why? You got somewhere else you have to be? Don't you? It's the espys tonight. I can't wait to watch. Yeah. A woman after my own heart. I really hope that stephen A. Smith will be there. Me, too. But, uh, we got to get back to business. Yeah. Curtis: Uh, a word? Yeah, how can I be of service? Well, we're having trouble tracking down nina. Yeah, well, I know that feeling. She's not answering her phone. We just left crimson, and she wasn't there, either. What's all this about? Well, we think dr. Obrecht is keeping peter august captive and we're hoping that nina knows where. Valentin: You've give me 30 days to prove myself to you,

so... I signed that contract to humor you. Please, I just want a divorce. You can't blame me for fighting for us. I still think there's time to make this right. Nothing is ever gonna make this right! Because of your silence, my brother is dead! And because of you, I've had to take justice into my own hands! Do you have any clue where nina is right now? Yeah. Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. Hmm. You could go back on your word. That's a risk I have to take. This is the right thing to do. Oh. So you've rediscovered your conscience, nina? Because of your choices, j is dead. Maxie doesn't have her husband. James doesn't have his father. And my aunt liesl doesn't have her son. And we don't have our brother. He's dead. You did what you did. Now is your chance to make it up to him, to protect the people that he loves, even though I was wrong, and liesl was wrong. Sure, you could turn us over to the cops. You could seek revenge, just like your dad would do. But you're better than that. We'll do it your way. You get me to the metro court, turn me in. When I came back to Port Charles, you were one of the only people that was really there for me. You championed my art, you tolerated me when everyone else preferred me dead. We are truly kindred spirits. Well, our friendship is weird and messed up and it doesn't make any sense, but it's ours. I mean, I know you suffered a lot of loss recently, liesl, but you're not gonna lose me.

[ Exhales sharply ] What am I to do now? Turn myself in? I'll be sent away for a long time. I'll miss watching baby james say his first words, take his first steps. Well, you might miss some of those things, but it won't be because you're in prison. The pcpd and WSB have been after peter for weeks. I've been harboring a fugitive against his will. They will not go easy on me. You won't be here. I won't? No. You should leave Port Charles. For good. And when you get somewhere safe, let me know, and I'll tip off the cops. I'll tell them where peter is. You'd do all that for me? Yeah. Assuming the guy is still alive. He was, last I saw him. Great. Then this should work fine.

[ Sighs ] I could never return back to Port Charles. Yeah, but that's better than spending the rest of your life in jail, right? We may never see each other again. Liesl, we'll see plenty of each other, I promise. You're a good friend, franco. So, um... where is peter, anyway? 'Cause I'm guessing he's out there somewhere on spoon island.

[ Glass shatters ]

 Let me get this right. You're gonna try to goad nelle into killing you?

[ Sighs ] Look, nelle is nine months pregnant. Mm-hmm. She can't do a lot by herself, so she needs help, and that's where chase comes in. She thinks chase is still in love with her, that he wants to run away with her. And you assume that she's gonna ask him to kill you? Yep, and once she does, we'll have all the proof we need to bust her for conspiracy and attempted murder. So, have you considered all the outcomes? Like, maybe she'll hire an independent contractor instead of chase, 'cause she knows that chase is a cop, so it could be risky. Chase trashed his career back in florida for nelle. She thinks that he is completely infatuated with her. Jason: Sonny, I don't think nelle has time to look for an outsider. There's a ticking clock on this, and she knows she's got to move soon. Why? Well, because nelle already signed the prenup, and she knows that I'm writing a will. And once that will is signed, she's not getting anything. So, she has to kill me before the will is filed so that I die intestate. You act like this is a done deal, like you can't get hurt. But you know if something happens to you, your mother is gonna lose her mind for real. Don't you think that nelle has cost your mother enough? Okay, look. Look, dad. Dad, this -- I'm the one who set this in motion. So, it's on me to stop it. Dad, I love you, and I respect you, but nelle is not your problem to solve. She's mine. I don't recognize michael lately. The things that he's done leading up to our marriage makes me feel like he's never gonna trust me. I mean, be honest with me. Do you... do you think that michael's setting me up? Look, this all seems like textbook, rich-people protection stuff. I mean, michael is loaded -- the quartermaines and the corinthoses. Like I told you, they're not like us. I don't know, chase. If you and michael love each other, you got nothing to worry about. You guys are gonna live long and happy lives together. But I got to get into the station. So, stop stressing about all this, let yourself be happy. You've earned it. I respect you taking the initiative on this, but there are better ways to deal with nelle. Dad, I am asking you to let me finish what I started. I'm not half as naive as everybody thinks that I am. I am fully, fully aware of what has to be done. What do you want me to say? I want your blessing to let me do things the way that I know I need to. You know I trust you, son. But if you want my blessing, there's one thing you need to do for me. So, um, how did Sonny react when you showed him a picture of old charlie with his father? Well, he got the point I was trying to make. Which was?

[ Sighs ] Sonny, he has ulterior motives for wanting to buy the pub. Now he knows I know. You know, um... do you rem emberwhat I told you when we went out for the first time? How lucky I was? Julian, I'm serious. I told youthat I could accept what you had done in the past because you assured me that you were focused on a new life. But -- [ Sighs ] But if you're being drawn back into anything that's criminal, then I don't think -- okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sonny -- Sonny is trying to strong arm me into doing something I don't want to do. I'm not doing anything wrong here. But you just admitted to goading him. I was putting him on notice. Which makes me really uncomfortable.

[ Grumbles ] I'm -- I'm sorry, but, you know, it sounds to me like -- like you -- you want to provoke him so then he can react and you have a reason to retaliate, and then who knows? The next thing -- what happens? You're drawn into some illegal war? And it's like -- okay, whoa. No, you know what? I -- you --

[ Sighs ] You need to hear me because I need to be clear about something. If this is gonna continue, then you and I need to rethink our situation. Nina's dealing with some crisis at crimson. And I told you we just left there. Well, I don't know specifics. I know it has to do with ad revenue. She had to fly to manhattan. When? Her assistant said that she was working this morning. I offered to charter the jet. Oh, that's -- that's really generous of you. I thought the two of you were estranged. Well, I still want to be supportive of her. I mean, she's not in any kind of trouble, is she? As long as she's not with obrecht, she's golden. Hm. Well, if I see her, I will definitely let her know you're looking for her, okay? What did you make of that? He's lying. Valentin definitely knows something. I wish I didn't have to do that,

mein freund. Please look after maxie and james. They need the kind of support I know you can give them. You're a better man now than you were when I met you. Quite the accomplishment. Few people really manage to change, and those who do seldom change for the better. You did. Alas, I can'T. No more delays. I know what must be done.

Are you trying to break up with me right now? Look, I love spending time with you, but I won't turn a blind eye if you backslide into organized crime. Okay, I think you're overthinking things just a little bit. Kim: Oh, okay. So you're not trying to one-up Sonny. I -- I -- I --

[ Groans ] I want to run and expand my business my way without Sonny breathing down my neck. That's it.

[ Sighs ] Kim, this expansion is not just a -- it's not just a business move. It's an investment in the future. I mean, our future, I... I hope. Well, I want the man that I have come to know, not the man you used to be, and the one that I have heard stories about -- the one that you promised that you would never be again. How about this? How about I back off Sonny, and I put some peace and space between us? You really mean that? Yeah. Okay? Mm. I have to get to the hospital. No, no, no. Just -- just -- just five more minutes. Please? Mm. Mm. To be continued later. Oh, you are so cruel! Mm. Yes, well you have to be patient, charlie.

[ Sighs ] The future is worth waiting for.

[ Door closes ] Detective chase, always a pleasure. You wanted to see me? Yeah, come on in. Sonny: So, michael told me about your plan to get nelle to incriminate herself. Should I be thanking you for that genius idea? With all due respect, mr. Corinthos, I don't think we should be discussing an active operation. Well, your active operation involves my son. Let me tell you something. If your plan backfires and my son gets hurt, I'm gonna hold you responsible. Jason: Michael. Yeah? You sure you know what you're doing? Obviously you don't think so. Well, you know I trust your judgment and I always have your back no matter what, but, you know, you're under a lot of strain. You're about to become a father. Which is exactly why I made these arrangements. So, alexis took care of everything? Well, it'll take a few days for her to draw up the will and file it. It's to cover ourselves while we put the rest in motion, like the prenup. I needed to marry nelle to prove my standing. So you're gonna go through with it? Once the baby's here, I'm filing for divorce, and then I'm suing for full custody. Franco, you need to call me or text me or something to let me know you're all right. I'm getting worried. Franco: [ Groaning ] Okay. Remember when we figured out that peter was gonna use valentin's jet to skip town? Yeah. Ever since, I've had spinelli monitor his airport hangar. And? And that jet hasn't left Port Charles in weeks. It's been here. No manifest was ever even filed. You were right. So, why do you think valentin lied? Because nina does know where obrecht is. Peter: Thank you.

[ Sighs ] Nina: Thank me when you're out of here. Can you stand? I'm pretty weak. Dr. Obrecht: Truer words were never spoken. You have betrayed me, niece. And you, henrik, have come to the end of the road. So we were on our cruise, and I saw a little somethingthat I just had to get for you! What? Honey. Thank you so much I appreciate it...woah. We just knew. You shouldn't have. Well, it was a little bit pricey. Expensive. But you are worth it! I...I have no words.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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