GH Transcript Tuesday 7/17/18

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 7/17/18


Episode #14080 ~ Maxie senses something is wrong; Valentin puts two and two together; Obrecht is overcome with emotion; Nina makes a promise; Liz presses Franco to do the right thing.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

 [Cellphone chiming ]

Finn: [ Scoffs ] What's the problem? Dr. Finn, I need you to test me for west nile virus. I may have been exposed. Well, were you in a region where it's prevalent? Yes -- spoon island. What do you really want? I beg your pardon? If there was an outbreak of west nile virus on spoon island, the cdc would have alerted me. So why are you wasting my time? I'm sorry, was I not clear when I said I wanted those ads placed in the back of the magazine? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know he paid premium price. I know that. Okay, wait, wait, wait.

[ Clears throat ] Are you telling me, as the editor in chief of crimson magazine, that I have absolutely no say in where these ads are placed? Yes, I know they were a late buy! No! Okay. Hey, it's maxie. Sorry. Nina had to jump on a call to milan. Nope, she totally understands. Okay, thank you. You, too. Bye. Did you say I totally understand to that fool? Stan is not a fool. He's an excellent copy editor with decades of experience. He placed the ads in the wrong place. Yeah, well, those ads saved our butts. If we didn't get that last-minute buy, that issue would bebleeding money. I know, I know, I know, I know.

[ Voice breaking ] Is it wrong? Is it wrong for me to want to control one little aspect of my out-of-control life?! What is wrong with you? Why are you so wound up? Was est is? Your were restless in your sleep. I know it's not your conscience bothering you. Maybe it's your instinct for self-preservation. I have nothing to fear from you. Maybe not, but franco and dr. Finn are onto you. You had to flee your safe little cabin, and now you're improvising. Badly. Your whole plan's unraveling now, liesl. It's only a matter of time -- someone's bound to find me here on spoon island. Sam and I, we're -- we're progressing in our search for peter august. And she is a terrific investigator, man. I mean, we really work well together. Yeah, I thought you might. So, uh, where the two of y'all stand these days? W-where do we stand? Uh, well...

[ Chuckles ] ...We're officially divorced. But we see a lot of each other, and we share scout, so... actually, I ran into her at michael's wedding last night. Mm. Yo, I heard carly escaped ferncliff and crashed it.

[ Laughs ] She -- she did. She made a scene, and then nelle claimed she had abdominal pains, and... claimed? Yeah. [ Sighs ] They took her to the hospital, doctors said that, uh, you know, she was fine, and they took carly back to ferncliff, and michael and nelle got married in the hospital anyway.

[ Sighs ] Real talk, brother -- your life as a quartermaine ain't never gonna be boring. Yeah, that's probably true. So, what was it like seeing sam again? Uh, I don't know, curtis. It was, you know... fine. We -- we -- we're adults. You know, had a cordial, casual conversation. It could be worse, could be better. Mm-hmm. Well, you know what?

[ Clears throat ] It is time to refocus and get you back in the game. You need to find you a new woman.

[ Chuckles ] Commissioner ashford. I understand that carly corinthos escaped last night. Why wasn't I notified? Apparently, you were. This morning. Look, it's handled. Mrs. Corinthos was escorted back to ferncliff, and she's gonna be continuing her treatment. And to what extent were Sonny corinthos and/or jason morgan involved? File an appeal. Well, then, diane, go over the judge's head. We got to get somebody in there to see carly and make sure that she's okay. Please. All right, just -- just call me back. Hey. Hey. You ready for the game? Yeah. He's been ready since the memorial day rain-out. I know. I'm sorry it took so long to use these tickets. That's okay. It was a cool birthday present. Are you -- you coming along? No.

[ Chuckles ] No, no, not me. Who else did you invite? That'd be me.

Look, I-I appreciate what you're saying, okay?

[ Laughing ] But I don't really want to -- I don't need to meet anybody right now, okay? I don't want to date. I'm getting to know my son, and I'm watching scout discover the world. Beyond that, I-I get to know my family, so... so, how's life, man? Life is getting...

[ Chuckles ] It's taking some time to get used to. But, hey, I'm -- I'm playing double best man duty. You and franco -- how about that? No, no, I get it. I do. I get it. You got to live the life that, uh, that's in front of you. Mm-hmm. But don't use that as an excuse to stall your personal life, man. Wouldn't you like a new woman? Oh, here we go. Someone that can take your life in a completely different direction. I appreciate your concern, you're a good friend. But why don't you just, you know -- okay. All right, all right. I get it, I get it, I get it. Just one more thing. Curtis. Look, keep your eyes open and do not let opportunity pass you by. I don't keep tabs on jason, but I can assure you he was just as shocked as the rest of us to see carly last night. Really? Yeah. When jason testified at carly's trial, I got the impression that nothing carly does surprises him. In fact, he spoke in great detail about the incidents leading up to her alleged breakdown, and there he was, describing these bizarre incidents like he was reading the weather report. The only time he -- I wouldn't say that he got emotional, but the only time he appeared to care was when he was recounting her grief over her son. What's wrong with having compassion for a grieving mother? You should try it sometime. Grief doesn't give anyone carte blanche to commit assault. Anyway, commissioner, I will be out of the office today. So, I am reachable by phone in case carly corinthos tries to escape again. Let's try not to let her get to us.

[ Sighs ] Franco, are you ready to go? I can't go. I have to work. No, no, you have to come! Hey, come on, buddy. Let me talk to you for a sec, okay? I appreciate the invitation. I really do. But your dad got you those tickets as a present, and it's a special day for just the two of you. And I get to see you all the time, man. I get to live with you, and I have been told that I don't share well, so I'm trying to learn how to share better. Think it'll be okay? Oh, I think it'll be great. I didn't have a dad like that when I was a kid. Somebody to take me to a ballgame? That sounds really special. You tell me all about it when you get home tonight? All right. Okay. Let's go. I don't want to miss the first pitch. Ready when you are. You have the best time with your dad. I will. Come on, let's go.

[ Elevator bell dings ] Okay, how did -- how did that happen? How did you convince him to go with jason? What did you say? This is a day with his dad. I want him to enjoy it. Aww. That's very generous. I want jake to like his dad. Even if his dad doesn't like me. I just wish jason could see the good in you the way jake and I do. Franco and dr. Finn aren't riding to your rescue. They'll never find us here. Magical thinking, liesl. Just keep going the way you're going, and they'll send you away for kiDNApping and murder. Worth every day of time I do. You really want to give up your life to take mine? Why would you even question this? Yesterday, we were having a moment. You were telling me your story. You were manipulating me! I was trying to get to know you. You have so much to live for. Starting with your little grandson. You really want to give that up? Throw it all away? I mean, are you okay? Except for the time that you and liesl helped me bring james home from the hospital, we've barely seen you. Crimson isn't the same without you, just so you know. And thank you for stepping in and organizing that resort shoot. All I did was organize a few props. Mnh-mnh. You've done so much more. So much more. And I appreciate it. How's -- how's my nephew doing? Oh, uh, right now, he's with my mom.

[ Chuckles ] And mac. They descended on me this morning, basically pushed me out the door, claiming I needed some me time, which translates into them needing some james time, so... right, right. Anything I can do with crimson? No. No, no, no. Hey, listen, it's your maternity leave. That's time for you to spend time with your son. We'll be fine.

Crimson might, but you won'T. Excuse me. I've seen you deal with work stress, nina. This is not that. Could you please just talk to me? All right. It's valentin. He's trying to win me back. Hence the last-minute ad buys in the next crimson issue. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's staying here at the metro court, on the same floor as me. To be close to you? Yeah. He's trying to drive me crazy. And honestly, he is. He's trying to wear me down so I forget about what he did and I forgive him. I assure you, spoon island has been quarantined. Yeah? Well, according to this, there hasn't been any warnings for spoon island or anywhere else in Port Charles. Well, tell that to the D.E.C. Agent that wouldn't let me on the launch -- the one who put up the quarantine poster on the dock. Have a seat.

[ Sighs ] Roll up your sleeve. Have you been experiencing any flu-like symptoms? No. How about a headache? No. Disorientation? No. I feel fine. You know, you're here now. Might as well get tested. Is this where you kill me?

[ Chuckles ] No, just a simple blood test. But don't -- don't distract me. If I do this wrong, it could cause a fatal venous air embolism. Fortunately for you, death will be fast and painless.

What about little james? He needs all the family he can get. Maxie and nina will take care of him. Maxie has a mother, a stepfather. No one could love james the way you can. Maxie tolerates me because I am nathan's mother. As for the rest of her family, they'd be ecstatic if they never laid eyes on me again. I'm being unfair. From a rocky start, the aztec and her husband have made sincere efforts to include me. Why would you throw that away? I consider it a kindness. It is no more fun to tolerate an outsider than it is to be tolerated. No, there's only one person who actually enjoys my company -- franco. He knows what it's like to be despised. Isn't franco the poster child for reformation? Why not follow his example? Turn yourself in while there's still time. Enough! Your continuing attempts to sway me into sparing your life are tedious and futile. I don't care what happens to me! Why not? 'Cause you blame yourself for nathan's death? I don't care about how many wonderful things he says to me or how many incredible surprises he has for me. I'm not gonna forgive him. I refuse to forgive him. Nina, I am so sorry. There's my food! Okay. Ah, thank you.

[ Laughing ] Oh, no. There's no way all of that food is for you. Well, comfort food. You know the drill, right? Anyway, you should get back home to james and give him a bunch of kisses from his aunt nina, please. And, hey, say -- say hello to your parents for me. Okay? Okay. How do you feel? Feel fine. Heard anything from, uh, peter august? I'm sure anna would like to know where he is, or at least how he is. No, I haven't heard from peter. I've, uh, actually heard nothing from him since he left that day from the pcpd. You mean since you broke him out? Well, I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. You tell anna that if peter makes contact with me, I'll let her know right away. Someone will call you with the results of your test.

[ Elevator bell dings ] You never said where you were the other day. What other day? What are you talking about? I texted you and asked if you could pick up aiden from linda's house. Right. Uh, linda dropped him off. Is that a big deal? I love you. Oh, I love you. I can tell there's something on your mind. You should get back to me.

[ Sighs ] Wyatt was here again yesterday. Oh. With more stories about liesl tying a dude up to a bed? With poison oak. I, uh, I showed him a photo of peter august, but, uh... he wasn't able to I.D. Him as the man in the woods. Well, there you have it. Maybe liesl really was playing dominatrix with a willing sexual partner in order to assuage her considerable grief. No. More likely, the kid didn't recognize peter because he's been obrecht's captive for weeks now.

[ Sighs ] Man, I'm really sorry the game was canceled. It's not your fault. You didn't know the electric grid would go out at the stadium. Yep. Two games canceled.

[ Sighs ] Maybe, uh, third time's the charm, huh? Or maybe the woodchucks are just not fated to play the llanview moose at home. Do you -- do you believe in fate? Mm, I don't know. I'm reading this book series about this hero who's fated to do great things. I'm not sure if I believe in it in real life. What about you? You know, sometimes things happen, and, uh... you don't know why, and they seem totally random, but then you kind of look back, and you think maybe there was some kind of plan. So, yes, you believe in fate? So...

[ Sighs ] I guess I believe in, you know, opportunities. Things come up, and you have a choice, and you make your choice, and that determines your fate. Unless the electrical grid fails. Then it's just out of your hands.

[ Chuckles ] That's true. That's true. So, were you able to call your friend and tell him the game was canceled? Uh, it's not a friend. Uh, it's -- there he is! Hey, Drew. Hey. How you doing?

[ Sighs ]

 I am not at fault for nathan's death. You are! Think about it, liesl. You waited until you were forced into a corner to tell nathan the truth. But if you'd trusted him with that information years ago, before he had a wife and a child on the way, he would've had time to prepare and strategize and make a plan! I wanted nathan to live free of the knowledge that cesar was his father. He had the right to know. He could have prepared and protected himself and his family. If you had just done one little thing differently, he'd still be alive.

[ Voice breaking ] Don't you think I know that? I live with that every minute of every single day. Then own it. Deal with it and stop taking your guilt out on me. You bear your own share of blame. If you had never come to Port Charles -- I didn't know nathan was my brother when I came here! You were the only one that knew, and you didn't warn any of us! You can kill me, but you'll never escape your guilt.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Groans loudly so, I was right? Yeah, you were right. There is something that I need to tell you. Although, at this point, I'm not even sure that you're gonna want to know. Well, you should probably tell me, just in case. It's about your least favorite person -- dr. Obrecht. What about her? Well, losing nathan has hit her really hard, and it'S... it's not just possible -- it's likely that she's done something potentially illegal, and now I'm thinking that covering for her may have been the wrong thing to do. Okay. Let's hear it. All right, your tech team may have the surveillance footage now, okay? Our hope is that they'll be able to get a closer look at that laundry cart. Yeah, and maybe a clearer image of whoever's pushing it. Well, here's hoping. We need a break on this case. What do you got? Well, I did more work on the shoes that the perp was wearing. Several online sites carry the stesso sesso brand, but there's only one store here in Port Charles. I figured I'd head over and talk to the owner and see if he can I.D. Anyone who's bought them recently. Do you have anyone in particular on your radar? Liesl obrecht. She had motive. It's not like she doesn't have experience with this kind of thing. Yeah, and obrecht and nina were acting weird -- I mean, weirder than normal -- at maxie's baby shower. Yeah, I noticed that, too.

[ Sighs ] Now, if we bring obrecht in, we try to squeeze some information out of her now...

[ Sighs ] We need more leverage. Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt. Listen, I have some information for you, and I'm certain it has to do with peter august. Thanks for coming. You ask, I'm here. That's how it works. You didn't tell me your dad was coming to the game, too. I...thought I had. Uh, you're both cool with it, right? Sure. They're your tickets. It's your birthday present. You get to invite whoever you want. Yeah, your dad and I just want you to be, uh, happy. I've been wanting to ask you this. If you don't want to answer it, that's okay. No. Yeah, go ahead. It's okay. Was it hard coming back? After being gone for so long? When so much had changed? Uh, yeah, sometimes, yeah. It was hard for me, too. Do you remember how weird I was when I first came back? I pushed cameron and dissed aiden. I was all messed up -- about a lot of stuff. That wasn't your fault. And no one blames you for that. You know that, don't you? Yeah. It's all good now. Cam and aiden don't hold it against me. In fact, we're all sort of like a team now. Sometimes, aiden wakes up from a nightmare, he'll come to my room and sleep with me instead of bothering mom and franco. That's because you're a good big brother. So is cam. If I get the night creeps, he talks me down. So, uh, you must wish your brothers were here now, huh? Oh, a little. But this is better -- my two dads together. I mean, I know you're my uncle, but we're all family, and that's the best thing. Right? And, uh, we both love you a lot, jake. That's for sure.

 Amy, don't worry about it. Okay, just get here when you can. Okay, bye. Excuse me. Do you know where the manager's office is? It's my first day, and I'm supposed to fill out paperwork. Do I know you? You look familiar. I'm an actor. I'm in "bye bye birdie" in the park. Last year, I was cogsworth in "beauty and the beast." That's it! I didn't recognize you without the whole clock...face. I took my daughter to see that. She loved it. You were great! Oh, my god, thank you. That's so nice. Uh, um, the office is back that way behind the bar. Okay. Thanks again. Yeah. Uh, break a leg, not a glass!

[ Chuckles ] I need to get out more. Oh, valentin. If you're looking for nina, she's not here. Yeah, I can see that. She told me all about your plans to win her back. I bet you think you're being romantic. But what you're really being is selfish. If you love nina as much as you claim, then you will leave her alone.

[ Groans ]

[ Door opens ] Oh, thank god -- food. Where's my aunt? Liesl didn't tell me her plans, but she seemed upset before she left. Maybe she's as sick and tired of this as I am. It wasn't a picnic for me, either. The way your aunt nags. "Confess or die. Confess and die." But you know what? Things are looking up. Since when? Your aunt's notebook has gone missing. By now, I'm sure it's in the hands of the pcpd. It's only a matter of time before someone finds me. This kid, wyatt, he stumbled upon a cabin in the woods, and he said he found a man tied to a bed there. So, wyatt hid under the bed when he heard someone else show up, and he never saw her face. But then when the kid was here at gh, he recognized her voice. And her shoes. The boy took this from the cabin. They seem to be notes for a new story with the characters from "the severed branch." Wait a minute, that's the -- that's the book peter wrote using faison's alias, P.K. Sinclair. Exactly. It all seems to have something to do with some kind of sequel to "the severed branch." Wyatt was able to draw a map to the cabin. I went there. It's, uh, it's just northeast of the big sky campgrounds. You can't really miss it. When I arrived, obrecht was arriving at the same time. We entered the cabin together, but there was no one there. There were restraints.

[ Chuckles ] And liesl said that it was some kind of consensual sex adventure, and maybe she

was using the cabin as her own personal love shack. You didn't want to believe that she was holding peter captive.

[ Sighs ] Well, here's the thing. So, finn said that he showed wyatt, the kid, a picture of peter august, and the kid couldn't I.D. Peter as the guy who was in the bed. So, the more I think about it, the more finn's theory does kind of make sense. I mean, if liesl was trying to avenge nathan's death... if there's even a chance that she's holding peter captive, then you know what you need to do. You need to go to the police. Right now. I'm gonna send officers to that cabin. For a moment there, I thought maybe I was overreacting. Sam and I have been looking for peter and were starting to suspect obrecht, as well. Peter should be tried and convicted for what he's done, but it's not up to obrecht to avenge her son. The woodchucks' batting average so far this season is .245. That's the best in five years. Well, maybe they'll go all the way this year.

[ Sighs ] It's because of montez. Three home runs in the last two games. Man, our seats would have been perfect. Montez hits left, and we were close enough that I might actually have been able to catch a ball. I bet you would have. I mean, you had the best hands in little league, so... that's because we practiced for, like, a thousand hours.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, we did. You know what? Uh, the game's canceled. I should probably go back to work. Be an adult, be boring. All right. Thanks for inviting me. Bye. Oh, you look good, kid. Listen. Go have fun. Sounds like you were, uh, quite a ballplayer. Not bad. I need more power in my throws. Well, since you brought your glove and your ball, maybe we should go play some catch? Awesome! Thanks.

[ Bottle squirts ] I-I am so sorry. That...

[ Sighs ] That was me.

[ Sighs ]

Nina's jumpy, she's distracted. She's barely paying attention at crimson. She's not coming to see james nearly as much as I thought she would, and all of this is your fault. You've got her so twisted up, she doesn't even know what she's doing. Nina's been upset with me, but other than letting some ad space go unsold, she's her usual competent self. Because she's covering. She's not gonna let you see how much pain you've actually caused her. And no amount of ad space at crimson is gonna make up for the fact that you took an innocent child and put him in the hands of cesar faison. I don't give a damn how mad you were at anna. You took a child and gave him to that psycho. When I think about my james and imagine somebody doing that to him, my heart breaks for peter. He's done some terrible things, but at least he has an excuse. Look at who raised him, and you put it all into motion. When I did, I had no idea -- oh, I wonder how hard it was to do that math. On one hand, we have nice adoptive parents, and on the other hand, we have an evil, twisted murderer. I wonder who's gonna give that baby a better home. How could nina possibly forgive you? And why aren't you thinking about her for once? Putting her needs first? Get out of her orbit. Let her heal. The police aren't going to find you. Then valentin will. Valentin thinks this island is quarantined. I've known valentin a lot longer than you, nina. He doesn't miss any flaw -- picks up on every inconsistency. It won't take him long to figure out the quarantine is a fraud. Then he's gonna ask himself, "why would someone not want me out at spoon island? What could possibly be on spoon island that someone doesn't want me to see?" Valentin is distracted right now. He booked himself into the metro court. So, let me tell you something. Spoon island can sink into the harbor, and he would not miss it. It's time to get realistic, nina. Grief is one thing, but kiDNApping and murder is something else. You've now helped your aunt move me to a second location. You're getting in deeper and deeper by the minute, and it's not gonna end well for either of us. Unless you turn it around. If you're right and obrecht has peter, he could be in a lot of danger. My men are en route to the cabin. I want to talk to this kid -- wyatt. Okay. Finn, thank you for coming forward. Oh, of course. I, um, hope you find august alive. For anna's sake. Me too. Um, I need to get back to the hospital. I have patients to see. But will you let me know what you find? I will. I'll call you. Thank you. I got to take care of some stuff real quick. I'll be right back. Now that we have a moment to breathe... what? ...I got to ask you, what went down with you and Drew last night? I am so sorry. Um, okay.

[ Laughs ] Whew! I just -- [ Laughs ] I was going to the woodchucks game, and it got canceled, so I thought I'd get myself a consolation hot dog. Got it. Maybe some more water would help. You know what? I've got water. It's not gonna come out. We're good. Ugh. Don't worry about it. You know, please, just let me cover the -- the cleaning. It's a shirt. It's no big deal. We're good. Look -- whoa. What are you getting out? I-I insist, okay? Listen, if you're not gonna let me cover the cleaning, if that stain does not come out, please, I will buy you a new shirt.

[ Laughs ] You don't have to buy me a shirt. Yes. Here. This is fine. Please. Here's my card. Send me the bill.

[ Laughs ] You're the new D.A.? You got a good arm. I bet by the end of the season, you'll be able to make it all the way to home plate. I'm working on it. Yeah. Can I ask you something? Of course. Do you think sam is worth going after? Sam is, uh, is great. Amazing. But what happens in the future isn't up to me.

D.A. Margaux dawson, huh? You're a woodchucks fan? I am. I think they're pretty good. You follow double a baseball? I don't, but I was supposed to be at that game. So, maybe we will run into each other another time and I can buy you a hot dog. Mm. I'll hold the mustard.

[ Chuckles ] Or maybe I won'T. Ah. There it is. Anyway, keep in touch with me about that stain. Oh, don't worry about it. It's just a shirt. Not that big a deal. Things happen. Assault with mustard, sometimes.

[ Chuckles ] Well, good news -- you look good in yellow. Hmm. You know, sometimes, uh... people just need time to think. You know? They need to be alone and think things through and make sure they're not making a mistake, and that's what sam's doing right now. So, you know, it's really out of my hands. Are we talking about the same thing? I-I thought we were. Well, I was asking about, uh, brighton's third baseman, david sam. Chucks are thinking about trading rory lyons to get him.

[ Sighs ] Yeah. Yeah, okay. Did you think I was talking about sam sam? Why don't we go play some more catch? Okay. Drew and I were able to attend michael and nelle's wedding without the world ending. It's getting easier -- slowly. Don't you think that maybe it's time for the both of you to...move on? Russo just called from the cabin. It's been abandoned. Finn was right. There were restraints still on the bed, and it looks as though someone was held captive. Is it enough to arrest obrecht? Well, csu's gonna go and collect some evidence, and if they can find proof that peter august was at that cabin, then hell yeah. We have everything we need.

[ Elevator bell dings ] Dr. Finn. Huh? Hi. Elizabeth. Is, uh, something wrong? Franco told me everything. I know all about your visit to obrecht's cabin. Oh. Well, now the police know everything, too. I told them everything, and I gave them the notebook that wyatt found there. Out of respect for you, I left franco out of it. Oh, thank you, but that was unnecessary, 'cause franco decided to go to the police on his own. Really? When? Just a little while ago. He must have gotten there after I left. Right now, the evidence against obrecht is circumstantial. Forensics needs to find more concrete evidence before we can make an arrest, but there's certainly enough to bring her in for questioning. Quarantined? Right. That's not suspicious at all. What do you think is gonna happen? You leave me alone with your aunt, she's gonna try and kill me. I'll stop her. I did it before. So I live for another day? Then what? Your aunt is unhinged, nina. She's not gonna stop until I'm dead. Curtis and sam questioned me. I didn't tell them anything.

[ Chuckles ] If they questioned you, that means they suspect you, nina. You're trying to scare me. No, I'm trying to get you to wake up! The walls are closing in, and not just on you -- on me, too. Tell me what I'm supposed to do the next time you leave me alone with your aunt. Tell me what's supposed to happen the next time she tries to kill me and you're not here! Shut up! Shut up. I got this. What? A way out. For both of us. Maxie, I would leave nina alone if it's what she wants, but I don't think it is. Oh. I see. You know what nina wants better than nina does? I have regretted what I've done to peter my entire miserable life. But I can't change it. And I'm not gonna give up on my wife because of it. Don't kid yourself. She's already gone.

[ Sighs ] Excuse me. I need a drink. What can I get for you? Wait a minute. I know you.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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