GH Transcript Tuesday 7/3/18

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 7/3/18


Episode #14071 ~ Nelle turns on the charm; Sonny reassures Carly; Franco's fears are assuaged; Julian opens up to Kim; Josslyn looks to make amends.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

Michael: I told Mom that I'd look out for my family, that I'd protect them. That's exactly what I'm doing. Your mom is your family, and now she's stuck in ferncliff because nelle set her up. What is she gonna think when she finds out that you're marrying -- you know what? I got to go see carly to tell her about this engagement before she hears about it from somebody else. That's probably a good idea. Wait. Wait. Wait, dad. Dad, I need you to tell something to mom. There's something she needs to know. I'm psyched to see these fireworks I've heard so much about. Mm.

[ Chuckles ] Well, they are pretty spectacular.

[ Chuckles ] And the metro court -- best view in the city. Mm. I will be the judge of that.

[ Chuckles ] Did you know that they were gonna be here? Why so serious? I thought this was a pre-fireworks cocktail. With a side of "we need your help." My parents always blamed you for the trouble we got into. Well, to be fair, it was usually my fault. But not all the time. Uh, most of the time.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Footsteps approach ] Hey. Mom, I'm going to the park. Okay. Wait. Wait. Wait. I want you to meet a friend of mine. Come here. Come here. This is dr. Terry randolph. Terry, this is my oldest son -- cameron. Hi. Nice to meet you. Uh, so, I'm gonna stay at the park for the fireworks, okay? Okay. Do you have your phone on you? Yes, mom. Be home by 10:30, whether the fireworks go off on time or not. Got it. Okay. Nice meeting you, dr. Randolph. Nice to meet you, too.

[ Chuckles ] How close to 10:30 will you see him? 10, 15 minutes, tops. He's pretty responsible. So, nothing like you... or me.

[ Chuckles ] No.

[ Laughs ] Oh, good. You're home. Hey. Hi. This is my fiancé, franco. Ah. Hi. That's sweet. I like it when you call me that. And, franco, this is dr. Terry randolph, my childhood friend I was telling you about. It's so nice to meet you. Uh, it's nice to meet you, too, terry. So, she was your first kiss? I went by "he" at the time, but, yep, and damn proud of it. Got room for one more? I wasn't sure you'd show. Why? Because last time we were together, I basically ripped your head off? Yeah, kind of.

[ Sighs ] Okay, well, move over so I can apologize. You have a visitor. Hi, grandma. She's my baby's grandma, not mine, in case there was any confusion. Mrs. Corinthos, do you want me to escort her out? No. But wait outside. She won't be long. Wow. This is even worse than I imagined. Maybe one day, you'll find out for yourself. Now, someone's in a bad mood. Don't worry, carly. I have news that's just gonna make your day. And what's that? Well, I've been thinking long and hard about all the damage that has been done, and I realized that there is only one way to make this better. By all means. I forgive you, carly.

Mom warned me about nelle over and over. She shouldn't be paying for my mistakes. Your mother does not see it that way. Sh-she'll do anything to protect you. Right, and now it's my turn to protect her. So, look, just -- just make sure mom knows that I'm going into this -- this marriage with my eyes wide open, okay? Tell her not to worry about me. That is gonna be a losing battle. Okay, then convince her, dad. Tell -- tell -- tell her that I learned to take care of myself from her and that I'm gonna be okay. Please. Even if you're lying, just tell her that you believe in me. I should probably get going. Uh, wait. No. Excuse me? I went through all the trouble of putting this out. You're gonna stay. Sit down. I don't want to intrude. You're not intruding. Will you please tell her? Uh, you're not intruding. Please stay. If you're sure. Yes! We're positive. Do you want a glass?

[ Scoffs ] You know me. I never say no to wine. A man after my own heart. Uh, yeah, except that you're a woman. Weirded out? I'm relieved. Now, that's a first. Yeah. Well, okay, so, when elizabeth said that she had a friend, um, an old friend that she hadn't seen, and that you were coming, I was a little -- uh, jealous? Yeah. I was jealous. I told him he had nothing to worry about. Beyond nothing. Yeah. Apparently. Franco. No, I appreciate the candor. Uh, you know, y-you could have saved me a lot of uncomfortable feelings if you'd just clued me in that your friend had -- had... yeah, I don't know the words. I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry. Uh... I don't want to say the wrong thing. Gender transition. And don't apologize. And I would have clued you in if I had known. You must like surprises. Depends.

[ Both chuckle ] To surprises. Yeah. I'll drink to that. I'll drink to anything.

[ Chuckles ] Brad and I have been putting a lot of thought into the kind of family that we want for our baby, but -- but not just the three of us -- like, our extended family, too. Okay, well, I better be included. Well, your family and carly's are all our baby's got. We want cheesy holiday traditions, you know, loud sunday dinners. Yeah. Are you in? Yes. Of course. I would love nothing more. And I know it seems like an eternity right now, but scout and your baby are only gonna be like a year apart. And by the time they're walking and talking, it's nothing.

[ Chuckles ] Best friends in the making. And danny loves being a big brother. He's gonna take on the role of a cousin like a champ.

[ Sighs ] Thank you.

[ Sighs ] This is really happening. You want to talk about it? What's there to talk about? Oh, I don't know. Your, uh, son and daughter are here, and neither one has even looked in your direction.

[ Inhales sharply ] I'm just glad they're spending time together. Yeah. Bet you want to be a part of it. Well, of course I do, but it's too late for me to be a father to sam and lucas, so... I disagree. I mean, with lucas, at least. Okay, so, maybe it's not a full-fledged father/son relationship, right? But it's a relationship. Look, I saw the way the two of you were in the hospital, julian, and I don't think that it's lost on lucas how hard you try. So, it makes me think that the two of you have a chance. What's your deal? You seem bummed.

[ Chuckles ] No. I just -- I hate the fact that my mom is with julian jerome right now. Mm. Oh. Okay. I know. I know. I'm s-stupid. I know. I'm sorry. It's -- I know what's going on with your family. Everything must be so hard for you. No. No. You know what I think? I can't do anything about my mom tonight. And you can't do anything about yours, can you? Right. Okay. So let's just enjoy the things that we can control. We have this awesome spot for fireworks. Yeah, you know, technically, i got this awesome spot for fireworks. Mm. Well, technically, we can both enjoy it. Sounds good? Sounds good. Cameron: Joss. Hey! Am I interrupting? You came all the way here to let me know that you forgive me? I thought it was an important part of the healing process. That's so considerate of you, nelle. I mean it. I mean, the fact that you want to make peace -- that means so much to me. I'm glad you feel that way. I do. I really do. I mean, being in this place, although not ideal, I-I really see how much I needed it, and I'm prepared to do all the work, whatever it takes, just to get back to my family.

[ Chuckles ] Your ever-growing family. Oh, god, that's right. Mm-hmm. How are you feeling? Oh, I'm wonderful. Michael has truly been a godsend, waiting on me hand and foot. I don't know what I would do without him. That's my michael.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ] Wow. Baby is coming soon, huh? I know. We can hardly believe it. Neither can I. You know, this pregnancy has gone by like that. But I guess there's just, uh -- there's just been a lot -- a lot going on. Yeah.

[ Sighs ] You've been really busy. Very. But I've never been too busy for you, carly.

Because you're worth it. I do believe in you. You know, I know you can take care of yourself. You always have. Michael, these aren't normal circumstances. Nelle obviously will do anything and everything to get what she wants. Yeah, and what she wants is me, and now she has me. What if she finds out you're playing her and -- and the plan goes south? Do you know what this girl's capable of? We -- we found the flier. What, the one that has the message that vanished? Yeah. It was written invisible ink, and spinelli was able to restore the message. Nelle sent your mother to morgan's grave to play with her head, make her see things that weren't there, make her believe your brother was still alive. Is there a way to trace this flier back to nelle? No. That's the thing. There's no line that nelle won't cross. Dad, I'm smart enough to call for help... I -- ...if I need it, okay? Can you just continue this conversation with him? I got to go see carly. Be careful. I will. All right? Okay. You got to -- you got to walk me through this again. Why the hell... are you marrying nelle? Well, I think this is the perfect time, don't you? Perfect time for what? Um... brad and I would be amazingly grateful if... you would be our baby's godmother. Really? Yeah. I mean, we've seen you with your kids. You're an amazing mom. And -- and we know that, y-you know, if it came to it, you would go to the ends of the earth for ours. Oh, god, it would never come to that, but yes, of course. I would be honored. Yes, right? Yes. That is a yes. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Then I believe a, uh, a toast is in order, right? Yes. All right, uh, to...

[Deep voice] The godmother. To the bambino.

[ Laughs ] Cheers. May the baby arrive safely, healthy and happy.

[ Normal voice ] Thanks, julian. We appreciate that. Welcome. Means a lot. Well, it's what I want for the both of you -- uh, happiness for your families. Right, well, anyway, I'll, uh, let you get back to your celebration. And, lucas, uh, when the baby arrives... yeah. We'll, uh, we'll be sure and let you know. Okay. First order of business as the godmother -- do not let that man near your kid. Believe me, it wasn't bravery that pushed me forward. Oh, come on. Most of the time, I was scared to death. Which is why it was so brave. So, was there like a -- what was the turning point? It wasn't one thing in particular. Just... the older I got, the more trapped I felt. And I couldn't stand it anymore. I just can't believe you didn't tell me. When we knew each other, it was more of a nagging feeling, th-this sense that something was off. But I was so comfortable in our friendship. I felt like myself with you. And then I left. Yes. And my whole world imploded.

[ Gasps ] I'm kidding.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ] It would have happened with or without you. I just wish I had been there to support you. What part of, "she didn't know," is not computing? Okay, what about your -- your parents and sean? You guys were always so close. In the beginning, none of us knew what was happening. I was depressed, trying to find myself in all kinds of negative behaviors. My parents were desperate for me to get better, but when getting better meant acknowledging I was a girl... and by then, a young woman. ...No one wanted that... least of all my brother. Cameron and i grew up together. We got married in preschool. Shut up. What?! We did! Okay, well, he gave me a piece of licorice as a wedding ring, so... and know what she did with it? She, uh -- she ate it. So rude. Oh, come on. It was cherry. I couldn't help myself. Do you guys have class together? No, but I've seen oscar around school. How are you liking Port Charles? I mean, it's good so far. Yeah, I've been showing him the ropes. Ugh. Sorry, dude.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, so, uh, either of you working at, uh, lila's kids this summer? I'm lifeguarding. No, it's cool. I-I did that last year. Well, oscar's leaving us for a big internship at his dad's company. But you'll be there? Camp counselor, reporting for duty. Cool. We can hang out. Yeah. Can I get you some water, carly? That would be lovely. Thank you.

[ Chuckles ] So, um, I've been spending a lot of time with josslyn lately.

[ Water pours ] Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm. I just adore that girl. Me, too. Yeah. We have a really special bond. And she's just so excited about becoming an aunt. Wow. Josslyn becoming an aunt. She's really growing up.

[ Chuckles ] Well, in more ways than one. What does that mean? Oh, well, you know, just, um...

[ Sighs ] See... she confided in me about her relationship with oscar. It sounds like things are really heating up. Oh, yeah? Mm-hmm. I took her to buy some lingerie the other day. I hope that's okay. Of course, if that's what josslyn wants. It was. But nothing trashy, of course. Everything was age-appropriate. I trust you implicitly, nelle. Really? Of course. Well, then you won't mind if i ask joss to be my maid of honor? What? Michael proposed.

[ Chuckles ] We're getting married. We're just so excited. Can I call you "mom"?

Nelle: You're speechless,right? I mean, I could hardly believe it, either, when michael proposed, like, "is it really happening?" You know, all of this alone time has just brought us closer together. No distractions, no interferences. When? As soon as possible. Michael wants to, uh, get married before the baby's here, you know, be a true family from the start. I think that's amazing. You do? Yeah. I mean, getting married for the sake of the baby -- that's great. I mean, you know, marriages like that don't always last. I married A.J. For michael's sake, and we know how that turned out, so... you don't think he could ever love me? Well, he put a ring on your finger, didn't he? I'm just saying that, you know, um, just because people can make a baby doesn't mean that... they should be married. Well, that's not me and michael. I'm sure you're right. You have another visitor. What the hell are you doing here? I-I let nelle think that she won. Mom's locked up, right? So let her think that her plan worked, that all I needed was to be freed of my mother's influence to realize that I am still in love with her...

[ Sighs ] ...'Cause, you know, marrying -- marrying nelle is only gonna build her confidence, and overconfident people -- they make mistakes. Okay, nelle -- nelle killed her last fiancé. Let's -- we just want to be clear on that. You are risking your life. Yes, okay. Look, I-I get it. Nelle is dangerous, she is evil and everything else, and I'm not pretending that she's not. But, jason, she's -- she's carrying my child. And she put my mother, your best friend, in a mental institution, so you know what? There's no -- there's no place I won't go. I -- there's no limit to what I will do because nelle -- she is not gonna play me again. And now it's my turn, and I guarantee you I am going to win. What is that face? What face? There's not a face. Yes, there is! I know that face. It's the "I feel bad and sad for my lonely dad" face. That's exactly what he wants. All right, look, I'm gonna say this. He's been really respectful of all the boundaries that brad and I have set through this whole process. Yeah, e-even going on record saying that he won't be a part of our baby's life. Yeah, so I think you can stand down. Oh, no, no. When it comes to julian, there is no standing down, and I strongly suggest that you do the same. That didn't seem so bad from here. Mm. Well, lucas and brad were... pleasant. But not sam? Couldn't feel the arctic chill from here? Sorry. No. It's okay. I don't expect things to change between us. But I am worried about, uh, lucas. Why? Well, the whole closed-adoption thing -- I mean, they know virtually nothing about the, uh, birth mother, and the fact that she could snatch the baby back at any minute. I just -- I don't want lucas to be robbed of the chance to be a father. Like you were. So, your brother really hasn't spoken to you since your transition? No. Oh. That makes me so sad. You guys were practically inseparable. Sean felt betrayed. Why? You didn't do anything to hurt him. People like my brother think I decided one day, "you know what? I'm over being a boy. I think I'd rather be a girl." It's not about that. For me, it's about finally reconciling the difference between the physical and the emotional. You needed to be seen for who you really are. That's awesome. I totally get it. I mean, uh,

[Chuckles] I-I-I don't want to pretend that I understand, really, anything about your life, but I -- I do know the pain of rejection. It stinks, doesn't it? It so stinks. Nelle came to tell me that she and michael are getting married. I thought you were getting your ring sized. Oh, I was, but the jeweler's really close by, so I just wanted to drop in. Oh. Well, you know what? I-I-I can't stop you from marrying my son, but I'm not gonna allow you to get in my wife's face. So get out. Sonny: Get out! I'm glad I could brighten your day, carly. Please give michael a hug for me.

[ Sighs ] This is not happening.

 Ok, the mistakes that myparents make in different ways is they let their emotions get in the way. I cannot do that, not with so much at stake. Look, my baby is 100% innocent in all this, and I have to protect it at all costs. I -- michael, I agree with that. So I have to keep nelle close. I have to -- I have to... make her feel comfortable, secure, and loved. For how long? I don't know. As long -- as long as it takes. Yes, I want to exonerate mom, and we will exonerate mom, but my number-one priority right now is the baby.

[ Sighs ] I could never do what you're doing. And I-I got to respect you for that. But just remember that every time you lie... it's gonna cost you. I know. And do not... ...give up your soul for this girl. Make sure you can live with whatever choices that you make right now. I can live with anything as long as my mom and the baby are safe. All right. Anything you need, okay? Okay. So, this is why you wanted to know about birth records.

[ Sighs ] I just want to know what the mother's deal is, and the father. I mean, does he even know, or is the whole thing being kept from him the way lucas was being kept from me? Bottom line is, I just, um -- I don't want anyone to get hurt in this scenario, especially my son. Of course you don'T. But, you know, for better or for worse, it's what both parties agreed upon, and you're not one of those parties. So you think I should just stay out of it? Yes. I mean, as much as some things really stink, they're just out of your control. Ain't that the truth. Hey, uh, charlie? Hmm? Given your experience... is it hard for you to be with me because of I did to Drew? To my badass sister. I love you so much, and we are so grateful to have you. Thank you. I love you guys, too. To the baby.

[ Glasses clinking ]

[ Both chuckling ] God, terry, I really wish I had been there. Why? You think you could've talked some sense into sean? Probably not, but I could've been your friend, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen... you're doing all of that right now. Why do you think you never confided in me? Well, for one, you were already gone by the time I really began to figure this all out. And second? You were my "biz". I couldn't stand the thought of you rejecting me. You didn't come here today thinking that I might not accept you? Oh, my god. You did. Wait, you weren't actually an ear of corn. Yes, she was. Okay, it was a cool costume at the time. Well, then, maybe you should resurrect it -- halloween 2018? Yeah, I think I'm gonna pass.

[ Chuckles ] So, I'm gonna take off. Wait, why? The fireworks haven't even started yet. I know, but, uh, camp starts tomorrow, and we got this training thing early in the morning, so... oh. Have fun. Thanks. Well, I'll see you soon, right? Yeah. See you. Bye.

[ Chuckles ] He seems like... an okay guy. He is. Uh-huh.

[ Scoffs ] You know, I'm not gonna lie, though, I'm kind of liking just the two of us again. Yeah, me, too. So was, like, the obsession just the one corn, or was it two corns, or, like, multiple corn, or kettle corn?

[ Laughs ] Or corn on -- corn on the cob corn? Oh, my god. No, corn. Stop. I'm never gonna live this down, am I?

[ Sighs ] Definitely not.

[ Both laughing ]

[ Scoffs ] The engagement is michael's call, carly. Yeah, I'm sure it was. That doesn't make it a good idea. Nelle is dangerous, Sonny. Well, michael knows that. Psychotic dangerous! This isn't a girl who's marrying our son for his money! Nelle is a sociopath. She killed her last fiancé. What the hell? Do you want michael to be next? What kind of question is that? So that's a no. Of -- of course it's a no! Then you have to do whatever it takes to stop this, Sonny. Whatever it takes.

 Is that what you think? That I judge you for your choices with oscar? Mm, it's a fair question. No, it's not. Your situation was completely different. You weren't trying to keep, uh, Drew from his son. No, I wasn't, but... I could've worked harder to try to connect them. You did the best that you could, that you felt was necessary, and I respect you for the decisions you made. Okay, so, then maybe instead of jumping to the worst-case scenario, we can assume that the, uh, biological parents of the child that lucas is going to adopt are doing the same thing -- acting in the best interest of their child...

[ Sighs ] ...In giving it to a good home? Maybe. You know, I wasn't, uh, able to protect lucas when he was growing up. I can see how badly he wants this. I just -- I don't want him to get hurt. And unfortunately, letting them get hurt is part of the job. Hmm. 'Cause you're so good at it with oscar.

[ Laughing ] I never said I was any good at it. Oh, I know. I know.

[ Sighs ] I do want to thank you, though. For what? For listening. Given me solid advice. I appreciate it. I appreciate you. I've knocked on a few doors over the years, and not many have been as warm and welcoming as yours. You're my friend and I love you, and nothing will ever change that. Truly. Who wants more wine? Oh, good lord, no. I'll have to sleep here. Ooh, we would love that. I have to go get settled. I have a consult at the hospital in the morning. I'm so excited you're gonna be working at gh through the fall. Plenty of time to properly catch up. And... and you have to come to our wedding. Really? Are you kidding? You're my oldest friend, and you're in town. Yes, you have to be there. I'm in. As long as you stop calling me "old". All right, deal.

[ Both chuckle ] I'm so happy elizabeth found you. She's always had such a huge and compassionate heart, and it was meant to be shared with someone like you. I'm a lucky guy. Yeah. I'M... just really grateful. See you both soon. Very soon. So long, terry. Bye.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ] Michael is doing this because he feels guilty. He's beating himself up for getting involved with nelle, and he's blaming himself for me being here. But, Sonny, I would rather spend a decade in this place than have him die trying to get me out. We already lost morgan. We can't lose michael. No one's losing anyone. You don't know that! Michael's a grown man. I trust him. You need to trust him. It's nelle I don't trust, Sonny! She would kill him out of spite! She's that far gone! Okay, nelle's crazy, evil, whatever you want to call it. Michael knows that. I know that. But even we didn't see her coming. Right. When she was pulling these stunts, we -- we were blind to it. We're not blind to it now. Michael's got it. And you got michael? Always.

[ Breathing heavily ] Hey. I got some good news for you. Oh, god, that would be great. What is it? You know the, uh -- you know the flier you found in your car? Yeah. You ready for this? Invisible ink.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ] That little bitch.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Okay, can we prove it?! Well, we can't prove that nelle's behind it, but we're -- we're trying. Okay, well... until then? Well, I mean, you know, everything has to stay as it is. Meaning I stay in here... and michael marries nelle.

[ Sighs ] Hey! How'd the ring-sizing go? Uh... you know, actually, I, uh... I went to visit your mom instead. I-I just wanted to tell her myself that we were getting married. I don't know, I thought maybe if she heard it from me and I could explain how much I love you that maybe it would make it a little easier on her. And? No such luck. Are you mad? No, no, no. I know -- I know you were, you know, coming from a good place. But?

[ Sighs ] You know, I just -- I just don't think it's a good time to reach out to my mom, 'cause, you know, it's still early in her recovery, and I-I just think we need to give her some space right now. I'm sorry, michael. I just -- I'm so happy, and I just wanted to share that with her. You know, just give carly a little piece of joy to hold on to. I know.

[ Sighs ] What if she never accepts me? Ah, well, you know what, then so be it. Look, nelle, I love you. You, me, and this baby -- that is all that matters in the end, right? We're a family. But on that note, I-I-I don't think my mom will shut you out forever. You don't? No, I don'T. I mean, if I've learned anything, it's that, you know, things change. And I think eventually, she will give in. She has to. I really hope you're right. Yeah, well, hey, look, as long as we're motivated by good intentions, then everything is gonna be fine. Sam: Ask him yourself, and you'll know what I say. Danny: You told me so? Yep. Dad! Danny. It's so good to see you. Hi. Hi.

[ Sighs ] So, uh, you're here to watch the fireworks? Yep. Mom says it's the best view ever. It sure is. It's -- it's crazy, we were just coming up here, and I was telling him how you built the bridge. Oh. Uh...[ Chuckles ] Is that true? It's not like I was out here with a hammer or -- or anything, but yeah, I-I paid for the bridge to be -- to be built, yeah. How come? Well, uh, there used to be a different bridge here, and it was really special to a friend of mine. And you know, we used to come out here, hang out and talk, and, I guess, over time, it became special to me, too. Cool. Will you watch the fireworks with us? Yeah, I'd -- I'd really -- I'd really like that, yeah.

lu that was amazing.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Thank you. It was really nice to meet your friend. Yeah, it was.

[ Door opens ] Oh, wow, cameron, you're actually home early? I thought you were hanging out at the park? Yeah, not so much. I saw joss, though. Oh, yeah? Yeah, she's gonna be working at lila's kids this summer, too. Oh, that's great. It'll be nice to have a friend there. Yeah. Should be cool.

[ Snorts ] Whoa. Teenagers, huh?

[ Fireworks popping ]

[ Gasps ] I hear the fireworks. Come on, let's go see them. Okay.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cheering in distance ] Hey, it must've been hard to terry to have to fight so hard just to be herself. She's pretty remarkable. Yeah. I totally forgive you for making out with her when you were 12.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ] Oh, um, I forgot to tell you -- I tried the cologne you gave me. I really like it. Oscar, um... look at that one!

[ Sighs ] Just think, michael, next year, it'll just be the three of us. Won't it be perfect? Yeah. Perfect. I gotta go.

[ Door opens ] No! I don't want to go, but I gotta. Listen, next independence day we celebrate... will be yours, okay? You promise?

[ Whispering ] Yeah, I promise.

On the next "General Hospital" --


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