General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 6/26/18
Episode #14066 ~ Carly is surprised; Josslyn tells a white lie; Michael gets a stern warning; Chase gives in; Drew goes all out for Oscar.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
what is this? Dante: It's called "coffee." Is it laced? No, that's not my style. The last time we spoke, you weren't exactly thrilled with me. Mm. Can you blame me? We're on the same side, dante. All I want to do is protect your family. No, all you want to do is bust nelle benson. Yeah, it's the same thing.[ Scoffs ]
[ Glass clinks ] It's -- it's nothing, joss. What happened to my...? To your what? I had a bottle of perfume and now it's gone. Michael: Nelle? What are you doing? That can't be comfortable with a baby. Actually, the prenatal yoga is working wonders. Okay, well, uh, can you get up, please? Come on. Please don't tell me you're looking for the perfume again. I don't lose things, michael. Okay, just relax. I found it. Ooh! You're not actually putting that on your car, right? Absolutely. Oh! And I got you one, too. Oh. Nice, but... okay, come on. It is not every day that your kid wins a prestigious writing award. Indulge me. That's true. Your mom's right. We are impressed. Thank you. Yeah, I told you your essay would be a hit. -Oh, stop. -Yeah, and you were right, and it's the first of many, I am sure. You know, one day we'll get to say "we knew you when." Yeah, just try not to forget the little people, okay? Can you do that? -Yeah. Oh, you know what? We should probably take a picture before you do. -Oh, my gosh. -Yes! Of course, right? Mm-hmm. Joss, would you mind? Come on. -Uh, yeah. No, of course not. -Great. Thank you. -Just breathe through it. That's what it is.
[ Chuckles ] Okay. Put that -- mom, can you put that thing down? No! Come on. You're stuck with it and me. All right. One, two, three. Proud parents. Uh, yeah. Super cute. Thanks. -Well, it is good. -Oh, it is cute.
[ Laughter ] Hey. Nice to see you. I've called ferncliff a dozen times, and they won't let me talk to carly. How's she doing? She's hanging in there. Well, thanks for getting that job. I owe you. It's the only thing really keeps me sane right now, you understand. -Sonny. I was fired. What the hell's going on? Here. Take this. We don't have much time. Go. Stash it somewhere. This is great, but what is the point? Carly, stash the phone. Hurry up! -Okay. What is going on? It's my burner phone, okay? It's completely charged. You cannot leave it on. You got to save the battery. Good morning, caroline. And what's that we have in our hand?
Jason: I think dr. Collins gave me up. Why would he do that? Well, he was afraid that somebody would recognize me and then it would come out that he knew who I was and he was covering up, and he didn't want to be taken off carly's case or maybe even the staff at ferncliff. -So he was protecting carly? -Maybe. Or he just didn't want to get pulled into the cover-up, I don't know. Either way, I'm out. Well, you got carly through the first couple of days. Kevin's there to help her, so she's in a good position, right? No, she's not. No secrets allowed. I thought I made myself clear. You did. But dr. Collins suggested that I keep a diary, you know, to sort out my thoughts and keep track of my good days and my bad days. It's not against the rules, is it? No, as long as I can read it. My private thoughts? But that doesn't seem fair. No "buts," caroline. Either it's my way or not at all. "I'm feeling so much better today -- even getting used to being called 'caroline.' Fingers crossed I'm on my way to becoming one of ferncliff's all-stars." To what do we owe this change of heart? Dr. Collins changed my meds. You starting to feel like your old self again? Getting there. Too bad you can't share the good news with your friend. My friend? Jason morgan is gone, and he isn't coming back. Come
on, we should betaking your picture. Oh, no. You won scholar athlete for the freshman class, joss. That's major. -Yeah, it really is. Kim: But, you know, if you don't want to take pictures, that's okay. I took a ton of you accepting your award, so I can send them to your parents. -Thanks. -Yeah. You know, we're, um, we're gonna run in and grab a table. Meet us in there when you guys are ready, okay? Sounds good. I got you something. Wh-- why? Why? Why would you do that? Um, to celebrate your accomplishments and the fact that I was right about your brilliance all along. Here you go. Open it. Okay. Let's see. What is -- a compass. Yeah -- for when you go hiking, so you'll never get lost. This is so cool. Really? Do you like it? I love it. I love you. Here -- I'll -- I'll take all of this so you don't have to carry it around. Okay. Actually, one -- one more thing. What? Joss, this is too much. No, no, no. It's -- it's -- no, it's too much. No, it's nothing big. It's nothing big. It's not even wrapped or full, um, but here you go. I was scared that it wasn't gonna smell as good as I remembered, so I opened it and in the process spilled half the bottle. I wasn't gonna give it to you, but since it was in my purse, um -- I don't know. If you like it, you can have it. I've never worn cologne. I'm psyched to try it out. Yeah? Yeah. Thanks. You're welcome. You found my perfume? Are you sure? Y-yeah. Pretty sure. Um, found in the medicine cabinet. You must have put it there by mistake.
[ Chuckles ] Baby brain strikes again. That's yours, right, enchantment? Yes. Okay. I thought you'd be a little more excited since you've been so stressed out. I know. I'm sorry. It's j-- it's the closer we get to the baby coming, the more there is to worry about. Nelle, it is going to be fine. But I don't want everything to be fine. I need everything to be perfect. You've just been stressed out since chase sent you that t-shirt. It was so creepy -- him following me here. I know, but you know what? I-I put him on notice, right, and I told him to back off. Yeah, well, sending me a t-shirt from our favorite bar in florida isn't exactly "backing off." I think I need to report him to the commissioner. Right, like you reported him when you two slept together? Look, I get it. We're still feeling each other out. No. No. No, no, no. This has nothing to do with you being the new guy, new guy. It's because I don't trust you. I don't understand, man. I mean, why not come to me earlier? Look, this is personal for you. I-I get it. -Yeah. Yeah, you're damn right it is. My father's family's falling apart because of a psycho who you knew was a psycho, yet you told us nothing about it. So, you have to look at it from my point -- and now she's sharpening her knives for her next victim, who is most likely gonna be my brother. We're on the same side, dante. All I want to do is protect your family from nelle. Well, it's too late. She already hurt them. You didn't do anything to stop it. No. I couldn't have done anything. You know what? I've already lost morgan and nathan. I'm not gonna lose michael, too.
Carly's in trouble for two reasons. The first one is the supervising nurse at ferncliff, mary pat. What about her? She's a bully, a control freak, and she knows, you know, carly has some money, she's married to somebody powerful, but she hates the fact that carly is not afraid of her, and mary pat wants to make her afraid. Mary pat wants to break her. Well, a doctor outranks a supervising nurse, especially kevin, who turned you in. He gets points for that. He can look after carly. -I don't know, Sonny. -What do you mean? I don't know. Maybe -- I-I just don't know how long carly's gonna wait for us to get her out before she makes a plan t-to do something on her own. And makes it worse. Mary pat: Don't bother denying it. I know mr. Morgan is one of your dearest friends. You even named your late son after him. He pretended to be a custodian so he could look after you in here. How'd you find out? That'd be filed under "none of your business." It's a shame, though. He was quite good with a mop and a pail. Oh, well. We can't have anyone interfering with your recovery, can we? Or you'd be stuck in here forever.
[ Knock on wall ] Stop that at once! Do you hear me? At once! You're looking at that like it's the best present you've ever gotten or something. It's an amazing present. Second best part of the day. Yeah? What was the first? Look out from that stage and just seeing both of my parents. They're all proud of me. Yeah, must've been surreal for you. Well, it's something I always hoped for growing up, but I never thought I'd get it, you know? Well, I'm happy for you, oscar. Uh, so I know it's too soon to visit, but have you thought of maybe writing your mom a letter? Can we not talk about this right now? Okay, yeah. Uh, what's up with nelle? What do you mean? I don't know. I mean, you guys are so close, right? She knows what's going on with the family. I'm just surprised she wasn't there today. Oh, my god, can everyone just shut up about this ceremony? It's a stupid certificate. Hey, hey. But you worked hard. Why are you crying? -No! And as for my family, they have more important things to do. My dad's across the world building some green-energy thing, my -- my brother runs a huge corporation, and he's about to be a father any second, my stepdad is trying to juggle a dad with alzheimer's and a wife who's been shipped off to the loony bin... hey, hey. I-I didn't mean it like that. ...And it's -- it's great that your family has nothing better to do with their lives than stop whatever they're doing and come to this, but mine's a little bit busy, okay? -Joss -- -enjoy your breakfast. Joss. First of all, I am sorry about morgan and nathan. Thank you. And I can't imagine how worried you are for michael. I wish I could say you didn't have to be, but you and I both know that's not true. Well, then why didn't you come forward about nelle? Nelle already played me once, and I'm not gonna let it happen again. I couldn't come forward until I was absolutely sure. You could've at least told me about your little private investigation. Really? And you would've kept your mouth shut? Just take a step back and look at the two people working this case. Dante, we couldn't be closer to a conflict of interest even if we wanted to be. Carly is your father's wife, and nelle's baby is your niece or nephew, and I slept with the criminal in question. No, this is has to be airtight, no doubts or questions of any kind. That is the only way nelle can't use our bias against us. Okay. Then let's get to work. Okay. I can't believe chase told you that. Wait, what am I saying? Of course I can. Of course he would twist it so that I was the one at fault. Yeah, he, uh, he told me that you got him reprimanded, that it almost cost him his job, and, uh, the case against you just -- well, it went away. That is not why I reported him. Mm. He was hounding me, he was threatening me. He wanted to -- to -- to have sex with me all the time, would show up wherever I was to try and get it. He even hinted that he'd go so far as to falsify evidence against me to try and arrest me for zach's death. That's awful. It was a nightmare, michael. I was terrified that I was gonna go to prison for a crime that I didn't commit. So I put my foot down. I was not gonna be a victim, you know, not -- not -- not again. A-a-and if he was abusing his power with me, who's to say he wasn't gonna do that to other women? Look, I agree with everything you're saying. Really? So -- so you think I did the right thing? With chase, yes -- just not with me.
I am impressed. Why? Well, you showed marginal restraint today -- just one giant bumper sticker. I was gearing up for all kinds of embarrassment. Like what? Oh, I don't know, like maybe t-shirts and signs and pom-poms and cheering in the auditorium going "oscar nero, he's our hero. Yeah, os--" -oh, my god! Stop it! Come on. Is that what you really think of me? Okay, I am a cool mom. -Yeah! -I am calm. I am collected. Mm-hmm? Okay, maybe I did look up how to make face pancakes online. What the hell's a face pancake? A pancake that resembles facial features. Let me ask you a question. Do you go out of your way to mortify your son? Oh, my -- okay, I didn't do it, okay? I ran it through my Drew filter. Your what now? -My Drew filter. -Your Drew filter? Yeah, you know, so when -- whenever I get overly excited about something, and I-I'm thinking of doing something that's borderline out there, I, uh, I think how you would react. No, you have really good instincts where oscar's concerned. You know, so much, in fact, that I was wondering -- can I pick your brain about something? Hey, this brain's been picked, prodded, whatever. Yeah, go ahead. Why not? -Be nice. Please do. Um, has oscar said anything to you about julian? In passing. Okay, you know, I-I-I know I told you he used to be fine with him, and it was just -- it's -- since I started dating julian seriously, he... wait. What? What? The reason that oscar has done a 180 is because he wants his parents to be together. He has implied it more than once, and I thought that I talked him out of it. Yeah, well, I imagine that he gets it intellectually, but he is a kid, so it might take him a minute for his emotions to catch up. Has he said anything to you about it? You know, forget it, forget it. Forget that I -- that I asked. I just -- whatever you two discussed, that's your business. I appreciate that. You know, he's at an age where his father's advice is -- it's invaluable. -Mm. -I'm really glad he has you. Yeah. Me, too. Why didn't you tell me that you reported chase, huh? I thought there was no more secrets between us. I'm sorry. I think it's just taking me longer to trust that than I thought. "Trust that" or "trust me"? I just -- I didn't want you to misinterpret anything or think that I reported chase just to get the case closed. Yeah, and I would've believed you, nelle. And I should know that by now. Why don't you? Because our relationship is still so fragile, and I feel like if I make one wrong move, your just gonna walk out the door again. Hey, nelle, nelle, that is not going to happen, okay? I am here for you and the baby always. I can't tell you how much that means to me -- to us. Do you want me to make you some -- some breakfast, or...? Actually, you know, I have to go. Go? Where are you going? Um, I-I'm gonna go see joss. I feel bad about blowing her off, so, yeah, I thought I could just reach out. She was so upset about your mom. Okay, well, uh, I'll join you. No. No, no. I mean, not that she wouldn't love to have you there. I just think that, you know, she'd open up more if it was just me. Ah. Girl stuff, huh? -Exactly. -Okay. I'll see you when I get back? I'll be here. Okay. Bye. -Bye. Anything? Yeah, thanks. Was the guy you interrogated on the docks where nelle and zach put their kayaks in the water? He said he definitely left the plug in the kayak. They triple-check that kind of stuff. Yeah, but did he also tell you that nelle leaned into the kayak and made a big show giving him a kiss before they shoved off? No. She could've taken the plug out then. Why didn't he tell me that back when I questioned him? He didn't want her to get in trouble. He saw her scar, she told him about the stolen kidney.
[ Scoffs ] Of course she did. So I guess it's been a few years. You know, he's grown up a little bit, and, uh, doesn't feel the need to protect her anymore. Good call reaching out. I guess you're not the only one who fell victim to nelle's charms. Anything we find to build a case against nelle helps protect your brother. You don't know what it's like in there, Sonny. This place is worse than prison. You know, prison you get -- you get some yard time, you can make alliances as long as you can defend yourself, and we know carly can defend herself, but, man, ferncliff. They got her in a maximum-security wing. Before dr. Collins got there, they were heavily medicating her. She's got no independence, they're watching her all the time, and it's kind of like what I went through in russia, but carly's not wired to put up with this. I mean, she has to have a goal, something to focus on, something to fight for. Patience is not her strong suit. Josslyn. Hey. What do you got? It's nothing. It looks like something. Um, I won the scholar athlete award at school. -That's -- -it's -- it's no big deal. No, that's a -- that's a big deal. That's huge. -Congratulations. Thanks. Did you know you were getting the award? Yeah, but, um, everyone just has so much going on, you know, especially you, so -- no, I-I would've made time for you. It's okay, Sonny. You didn't have to, really. Hey. I'm proud of you. Yeah, me, too. Thanks. And no one's gonna be more prouder than your mom. I think the person, uh, next door is trying to contact me. And that concerns me. Why? He's dangerous. It's in your best interest to ignore him. I'm serious, caroline. Under no circumstances do you engage with him, ever. Your only business here is you and your recovery. Okay, well, could you tell him to keep down on the banging and the screaming? It's really hard to ignore that. Try. You take care of you. -Okay. -I'll take of him. Is he okay? Of course he's okay. Every patient here at the 'cliff receives expert, appropriate care. Oh, my god.
[ Rhythmic knocking on wall ]
[ Sighs ]
You know what?I got to take care of something. Well, how about if we have a -- a dinner celebration tonight? Sounds good. All right. I'll talk to you later. -Mm. You know, you don't have to stay and babysit me. You know, Sonny's right. Your mom's gonna be really happy that -- that you got that award. I wish I could tell her. I messed up really bad. I -- I didn't go visit her when I had the chance. Josslyn, your mom loves you. Nothing you do could ever change that. What if she thinks I stopped loving her? Why -- why -- why would e think that? All right, so what? You made a mistake. You didn't go visit your mom. People make mistakes. Carly never gives up on people she loves. And she knows that you won't either, because you're just like her. Everyone always says that. Yeah, well, I mean, it is -- it is true. And you're your own person, but you got a lot of your mom in you, and that makes you lucky because she's the strongest person that I know. And now she's in that place because of what she did to nelle. I know. And I know that this is really hard, but your mom's coming home, okay? We're gonna get her out of there. You know, my mom was, um, ecstatic when you came home. She, um, she always said that whenever she falls you were there to catch her. She really believes in you more than anyone else, and, um, well, if you say that she's coming home -- she's coming home. She's coming home. I promise.
[ Crying ]
[ Rhythmic knocking on wall ]
[ Sighs ] No, carly, don't do it. Don't do it. Just focus. All right. Stay strong. Stay focused. Go home. I told you what would happen if you didn't stop, but you refused to cooperate. Unfortunately for you, I am a woman of my word. Okay, that new info from the guy at the docks -- that's good at least. But circumstantial. You sure there weren't any other witnesses? I interviewed everyone and anyone out on the water that day. They were few and far between 'cause it was cold, even for maine standards. There's got to be something, an angle we're missing. -Dante. -Hmm? You got a minute? Yeah, I do. What's up? I got to talk to you about something important. Oh, he's here. Thank goodness. I'm starving. -Me, too. -Hello. You know what? I-I think you're gonna love the pancakes. I hear they're just amazing. Mmm! Oscar, honey, what's wrong? Where's josslyn?
[ Doorbell rings ] Hey! Hey. Is Sonny here? Uh, no. Why? Did you want to see him? No. I mean, I was hoping to avoid him after what happened with your mom, 'cause I'm sure he blames me. Yeah, I -- well, I can't say what he's thinking, so... can I come in? Sure. You know, I wanted to, uh, apologize for how I treated you yesterday. I could tell you were really upset, and I didn't show you the attention that you deserved. Oh. No, nelle, it's fine. -No, it's not. -No, really, it's fine. I feel much better now. Okay. Well, since I have you here now, um, I kind of have this random question that I need to ask you. Sure. Yesterday, in my purse I had this half-empty bottle of cologne, and after you left, it was gone. Did you happen to see it anywhere? Is nelle around? No. Good. Just wanted to check in on you, see how you're doing, see how everything's going. Well, I'm still alive, so that's nice. It's a joke. That's not a joke, michael. You're putting yourself in danger. I can handle it. Yeah, I-I know you say that, but, I mean, look at -- look at your mom. Yeah, I know. Exactly. She's locked up in ferncliff, and it's my fault. No, it's not -- it's not your fault. Yes, it is. Come on. I-I-I knew nelle was twisted. I knew she drugged my father to make him think that he slept with her. I knew she took advantage of my family's grief over morgan, but you know what -- what I did? I-I convinced myself that I could save her, that I could be her hero and the dominoes fell from there. I put my mother -- my mother -- in a mental institution. So you know what? If -- if I have to risk my life to get her out, so be it.
Hello? It's done. I appreciate you doing that. Um, give rocco a hug and charlotte, too. I will. How's your father doing, mr. Corinthos? You know, he's taking it one day at a time. I'm sorry I was so hard on him in the beginning. You're just doing your job. Well, I'm determined to do it better. I'll walk you out. He's, uh, he's turned out to be all right. Am I -- -yeah, we'll see. Well, uh, thanks again. No problem. Come here. See you around. Now what? Yeah, I got an idea. I said something really stupid, and joss blew up at me and stormed out. -What'd you say? -I just -- I brought up that no one from her family was at the ceremony. I didn't mean to make her feel bad. Son, welcome to the wonderful world of relationships. Everybody screws up at some point. The good news is, I'm sure you'll be fine. -You think? -You know, joss is just going through a lot right now, sweetie. Yeah, I know she seems tough, and she's taking this all in stride, but, uh, the important thing is for you to be there. Just be there for her, 'cause eventually she's gonna need somebody to talk to, and I'm betting that person's gonna be you. Oh, my god! The cologne. So, did you see it? Yeah. Um, when i knocked over your bag, my backpack spilled with it, and I just grabbed it by accident, and by the time I got home I was completely confused. Okay. Uh, so can I have it back? Oh, I'm so sorry, nelle. It's gone. What do you mean it's gone? Where'd it go? Well, I mean, half of the bottle was empty, so I threw it in the recycling. It was picked up this morning. Oh. Okay. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was important. Can I get you another bottle? Uh, no. No, don't be silly. Um, I mean, it's just -- I've been looking all over for it. At least now I know I'm not going crazy. But I have to, uh, get going. I wish I could hang out. But I have to run some errands for the baby. Yeah, no problem. -Will I see you soon? -Yeah, soon. Okay. Bye, joss. Just came from your dad's -- ran into josslyn. Josslyn -- how's she doing? Uh, not great, but I think I convinced her that your mom's gonna be okay. See, josslyn's hurting. Dad is spread way too thin. Between mom and -- and -- and grandpa, this family is crumbling. Look, I have to make this right. We're g-- we're gonna make it right. We will. -Yeah. What -- what about nelle's computer? Any luck with that? Yes, actually, the -- the -- the hacking's paying off. Please tell me you got some proof, then. No. No, nothing yet, but it's -- it's -- I'm definitely getting close.
before I messed everything up. Really? Well, that was nice of her. Oh, look at that. It's for when I go hiking. Aww. See, that is a really thoughtful gift. She also got me this. Uh-oh. Cologne. Look out. I've never worn any before. Yeah, well -- -you think I should try it? Let me give you some advice -- a woman gives you cologne, you try it. Yeah, but -- but please remember, just the one-squirt rule. Mm, yeah, it smells -- smells great. I mean, your mother would know better. Just one? -Just one. -Just one. There you go. -Let me see. Oh. Okay. -Do you like it? -Yeah, I like it. It's -- it's -- it's understated.
[ Cellphone rings ] Oh. Oh, shoot. You know what? -Yep, that -- -I hate to cut it short, but I got -- I got to go. I have to also, but, hey, I'm looking forward to having you at the office next week. Yeah, I can't wait. -All right. -All right. You guys, thank you. Bumper sticker. Thank you for being there for me today. For sure, man. It meant a lot to, like, look out at the audience and see both my parents. Wouldn't miss it for the world.
[ Laughs ] All right. See you later, honey. Be good. See you soon. What am I supposed to write? "Sorry I'm the worst and didn't come visit. Now you're gone and it sucks"?
[ Sighs ] The thing with you and nelle -- I mean, that was all fake, right? I mean, I don't know if she was playing you, but there was some real attraction there, right? As pathetic as it sounds, I-I think it could have been something real, you know, if she didn't turn out to be a psychotic murderer. Right. But she trusted you, right? I never gave her a reason not to. Good. Let's use that. What? Reach out to nelle. Rattle her cage a little bit, see what shakes out. She left a receipt. She had that t-shirt sent to herself. Hoping she could frame chase and kill his chances of reopening the case. Yeah, okay. Now, are you sure that nelle does not suspect that you're on to her? -No way. Positive? Yes. Jason, I've been very careful. She thinks she's got me eating out of her hand. -And you're playing her? -Yeah. She's going to make a mistake, and when she does I'll be there. Oh, hey, nelle. How are you? Oh. Hi, oscar. I'm good. How are you? I'm pretty good, but, uh, not as exciting as things are about to get for you, right? Oh, yeah. I mean, this pregnancy's in its final weeks. Wow. Are you ready? I mean, not as ready as... are you okay? Are you, um -- are you wearing cologne? Oh, yeah. Is it too much? What kind is it? I think it's called melt. Joss just gave it to me. Huh. Nelle already made a mistake with this t-shirt. This is our in. Spinelli can follow this. It could lead to the scarf. It could lead to the baby blanket. We're gonna -- we're gonna get her, michael, so you can just, you know, just back off. No. Hell no. I'm just getting started.
[ Lock rattles ] Wh-- uh, what did you do to the patient next door? Uh, they stopped making noise. Isn't that what you wanted? But I'm not here to discuss another patient's care, nor am I allowed to. Okay. Why are you here? I have a surprise for you. I'm still confused at how it was allowed to happen, and I will be filing a compliant with the board, but in the meantime...
[ Sighs ]
[ Gasps ] Sonny! I missed you so much.
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