GH Transcript Thursday 6/14/18

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 6/14/18


Episode #14058 ~ Valentin refuses his fate; Carly doesn't trust her instincts; Kiki is startled; Alexis meets with Kevin; Elizabeth is shocked.

Provided By Suzanne

(This still needs extensive editing)

[ Panting ] Hey, you were right. It's a damn maze down there. I didn't find anything, but I'm gonna have to come back. I'm really trying to check out the stables. Yeah, no. Did you find anything in that safe? Uh, for-- forget coming back, forget the stables. Peter's not here. And I think I found something that may put us on his trail. What is this? An invoice for valentin's charter service. Ooh. "Charter" as in private planes. Yes. Can you think of a better way to get peter out of the country? They say you shouldn't make important life changes when you're under stress, and so I thought about it, but then I realized that if I stayed married to you I'll be under stress for the rest of my life, so our marriage is over. I want a divorce. Well, nina, I would give you the world... but I won't give you that. I'm sorry. What does that mean? It means I'm not gonna let you go without a fight. So, you opened the envelope that valentin gave you. I did. And did it contain the answers you were looking for? Not exactly. -A watch. -That's not just any watch. That's the watch that mikkos gave to my mother. As a gift? So valentin says. Well, it is beautiful, but I can't imagine it was very helpful. Aside from your father's taste in timepieces, what does it tell you? -A lot. Exactly. Just not in the way that I was expecting. Congratulations? Who told you I was getting married? Yeah, he's pretty amazing, all right -- always full of surprises. Ms. Jerome. I just heard about the article that was published in the paper this morning. It was...disturbing that you should be going through these things at all, not to mention within the walls of this hospital. Are you serious right now? I want you to know I'm available if you need someone to talk to. Yeah, i think I'm good. Get out of my way. Not until we clear something up. Impressive. Please sit. Gh is a fine institution. So, tell me, why would you want to leave there and join our team at ferncliff? Uh, really, I heard there were more available hours here, so I could, you know, work more shifts, make a little more money. -Hmm. I appreciate your honesty. And it's true. We are having a hard time finding and keeping custodians. You'll be, uh, mixing with the patients, some of whom are seriously disturbed. Will that be a problem for you? No, no problem at all. Are you sure? Working with the mentally ill/criminally insane -- well, let's just say it's not for everyone. Yeah, you know, a mess is a mess no matter where you are, and it's my job to clean it up.

Wow. You're a piece of work. You love that about me. -Don't be cute. -I am cute. And I'm sorry, but I refuse to accept that this is the end of the road for us. Well, you should have thought about that before you lied to me for the 10,000th time. What we have is rare. It's worth fighting for. Aren't you tired of fighting? I'm tired. This should be easier. Nina, I made a mistake. I made a terrible mistake, but we have survived worse than this. Oh, I disagree. Well, I don't agree to give you a divorce, not today. Okay, well, I don't need your agreement. New York is a no-fault divorce state. I could do this without your help. You can if neither one of us contests. You're contesting this? Obviously I am. Then I'll file on grounds. Well, I haven't abandoned you. I'm not incarcerated for an extended period of time. I haven't been abusive or cruel, have I? Oh, yes, you have. Not abusive. I would never hurt you intentionally. You lied to me. You betrayed your wife's trust. That is cruel. Nothing -- nothing hurts worse. Valentin promised to provide me with clarification as to the kind of man my father was, and instead he gave me this watch. Have you asked him what his intent was? Well, I went over to wyndemere to find out what his intent was before I came here, and I walked in on him sitting in a chair listening to my mom sing. Hmm? On a record. It was an old recording. -Ah. -I'm not that far gone. -[ Chuckles ] -Not yet. Do you think he did that to goad you, to invoke your mother in order to provoke a reaction? I don't really have any idea why valentin does what he does. But the watch and -- and the record, and he even gave me a picture of her. I mean, I don't trust valentin as far as I can throw him, but to have those things... so you accepted them? I don't have anything of my mother'S.

[ Sighs ] It was really nice to hear her voice. It was beautiful. And the picture was this unguarded moment where she looked like she was just living her life, and I have so few memories of her doing that, really. And the watch? That made me feel uneasy. How so? I don't really know, honestly. I just stared at it for 30 minutes, I think, and I had this -- this realization that I have so few memories of my mother, and yet the choices that she made have shaped my life in ways that I never even considered. Now, I know this should be the furthest thing from your mind, but there's all sorts of rumors going around. And some people, including a few of your friends, are assuming that I'm the doctor in question. Now, I think it would be beneficial to the both of us if you were to clear up that misunderstanding. Let's cut the crap, okay? You know full well that article was about you, and I'm the one who went to hr, filed that complaint. Kiki, this has gone on long enough. -Yeah, you're telling me. -I am serious. Just the mere suggestion of sexual misconduct can cost a man his career. Is that what you want, for me to lose my job over a bunch of mixed signals? Did you really just say that? -What would you call it? -Harassment. Someone is gonna have to hold you accountable for your behavior, or this cycle is never gonna end. I see. And you're that someone. Lucky winner, I guess. Oh, and by the way, full disclosure, I'm exploring my legal options. So those rumors you're so concerned about -- those are gonna be the least of your problems. Of course I'll give the boys your love. And it was nice talking to you, sarah. Yeah, you, too. Bye. That's what I was gonna tell you. I reached out -- -reached out to my sister. -Uh, yeah. I did. -Why? Why? Because we're getting married, and I want your family at the wedding, so I called her. You're upset? No, I'm not upset. I'm just... I told you it was pointless to reach out to them, and it turns out I was right, 'cause sarah's too busy to fly out for a wedding. You're her sister. It's exactly what I expected.

[ Sighs ] You're disappointed. No. [ Sighs ] No, it's -- I'm -- I'm so used to it. Why didn't you tell your sister you were getting married? I didn't not tell her. -She didn't know. -It wasn't intentional. I just -- we haven't spoken for a while. You need to tell me what's going on with you. I believe, uh, that's all the questions I have for you. Do you have any questions for me? Uh, no, I don't think so, no. Then why don't I take you on a tour, and you can see what ferncliff is all about. Be seeing you around, caroline.

[ Door opens, closes ] It's carly. My name is carly.

This is our wing for particularly violent offenders. Would you like to take a look? I mean, if I'm gonna be cleaning it, I should probably see it first. I like your attitude. Follow me. Most of the patients are in solitary. Is that off a doctor's recommendation? Mostly mine.

[ Weakly ] Jason? Well, valentin's done a lot of flying the last three months. Well, if you've got a private plane, you might as well make good use of it. Rich-people problems. Yeah, but look right here -- may 31st. That's the day peter escaped. You know, this must have been done at the last minute because there's no flight plan called in ahead of time. And even if peter was on this plane, this ain't gonna tell us where he was headed. I think I know somebody who will. Hi. Yeah, name is nina reeves. I just -- I would -- I would like to ask a few questions about my husband's account. Listen, I don't blame you for my brother's death. You blame me for the lying. Yes, I do. One of the reasons I fell in love with you is because you trust my instincts. You believed in me. I mean, everybody else in town thought I was crazy, but not you. I still trust you. I wish I could say the same for you, but I can'T. I came to you, and I said there was something off about peter, that he was getting too close to maxie. -You were right. -I was right. I was right, but you made me doubt myself. I never expected that from you.

[ Sighs ] I didn't want you to see the worst thing that I'd ever done. It crushes me to disappoint you. And yet you do it to me all the time. Well, our marriage is not over... -yeah -- -...because we've come too far. No. It's over. It's over. I'm not giving you any second chances. They say, what, first time, shame on me, second time -- you know how it goes. And if you won't grant me a divorce, just be prepared for me to take action. I'll make you a deal. -A deal? -A deal. What kind of deal? You give me 30 days to prove myself to you. And if I'm successful, no divorce. And if you fail? Then I'll sign whatever you want me to sign. My mother knew exactly who my father was. She knew he was dangerous. She knew that he was married to someone dangerous, and yet she chose to stay there and be his mistress. Maybe she felt she had no other options. But that's the thing -- she did have other options. She was on the verge of a very successful career, and she could have pursued that and -- and had an entirely different life, but she didn'T. Maybe she was truly in love? And look what that got her. Killed her. It almost killed me. So you're drawing a parallel. A par-- I am showing you a big, flashing neon one. I am my mother. I'm doing exactly what she did. I seek out bad men, and then I'm unable, for some ungodly reason, to stay away from them, so can you please tell me what is wrong with me? I mean, is it in my DNA? Am I hardwired for this sort of thing? Or maybe I just saw my parents' relationship long enough to think that's what love is. These are all very good questions, and I'm ready to explore them if you are. This is absurd. Your case will never make it to court. Guess we'll have to wait and see. On what grounds? A few revolting ones.

[ Chuckles ] I helped you get into med school for pete's sake. I didn't harass you. What do you call offering to write me a better evaluation on the condition I slept with you? An innocent joke. And what about the time you massaged me and when you kissed me -- both without my consent, by the way. I'm supposed to believe those were both innocent jokes, too? So I kissed you. Big deal. I got the wrong message. You think? This is the real world, kiki. Things happen when people work closely together. Grow up. Your behavior was completely inappropriate, and if you think otherwise, you're delusional. Then by all means, file your ridiculous suit. I can't wait to see how you handle the fallout. How do you think my peers are gonna feel when you make this public? Do you think any of the male doctors are gonna feel comfortable sticking their neck out of you, being alone in a room with you? Hell, bringing you a coffee at night? No. They will be living in constant fear that somehow their actions might be misconstrued. What are you saying? What I'm saying is if you go ahead with this, you'll be killing your career before it even starts. That is enough!

 I don't know how else to explain it. My family's just not close. We don't -- we don't text every day. We don't talk every week. It's just not the way we are. Okay, but this is kind of important stuff, right? It doesn't matter whether I get a flat tire or I'm inducted into the nurses hall of fame. You guys have a hall of fame? They won't show up for either. That doesn't bother you? It used to. But then my disappointment turned into resignation, and now I just have zero expectations. Hey, you never know. Maybe this time it'll be different. No, I do know, and it won't be. So can you please just let it go? Well, well, if it isn't gh's resident white knight. I read the article. Was she talking about you? Griffin, I said stop. Please. Who raised you to make you think you can treat people like that? -Let him go. -[ Grunts ] Oh, I see. You're okay with the chivalry of some doctors. You get to pick and choose. Nothing you ever did was chivalrous. And I don't need anyone's help to take you down. Your so-called case will get laughed out of court, and you know it. Then she'll go to the eeoc or the state commission on human resources. Either way she has options, unlike you.

[ Clears throat ] We'll see. -This is insane. -Why? -I already hired an attorney. -So? I don't need your deal. I can get a divorce. Well, I'm gonna fight it -- maybe for days, weeks, years. Think how expensive that's gonna be. I'll manage. Nina, I'm offering you a closed-end contract. I'm offering you a deal -- 30 days, at the end of which you can decide whether to drop me for good or spend the rest of your life with me. This is a contract? It has my signature on the bottom. But I warn you, I'm gonna pull out all the stops. I will do anything and everything to remind you how rare and precious our love for each other is. 30 days. Don't get your hopes up. Crap. No, thank you. Thank you so much. You've been extremely helpful. Okay. Bye-bye. Ugh. And by "helpful," I mean "not at all." No dice? Nina's not an authorized user on his account. But they did confirm that a flight was scheduled on that night. Just not the destination.

[ Cellphone chimes ] All right, well, there's got to be some way to figure this out. Oh, shoot. Nina couldn't stall valentin any longer. We need to -- -no, no. No way. We're not going anywhere. You see, all this time, I was focused on the dysfunctional-daddy dynamic when I should have been focusing on how my mother messed up my life, because she essentially sacrificed her entire life for a sociopath who was married to a sociopath, and together they spent all of their lives trying to out-evil each other. I mean, it's a wonder that I'm as sane as I am. But that aspect of it, to "out-evil each other," as you put it, that's not something that you've pursued in your relationships. That is evidence alone that I'm following in my mother's footsteps. I have a string of hideous relationships. It's just been one after the other. Then I try to break the pattern, and then I just dive way too quickly and too deeply into a relationship with finn, and -- I know, I know. It's not the solution to find the opposite of your pattern. The solution is to try and figure out, knowing what you know, why you're still attracted to these types of men. My parents. That's definitely a layer. There are other layers?

[ Sighs ] All right, so if I can recognize some of these layers, then we can break the pattern, right? I wish it were that easy. Oh, my god. How do we fix this, then? Do we just keep talking and talking until I'm miraculously attracted to a -- to a normal man, or am I just gonna die alone? Ideally -- ideally, I would like to work with you until you're able to confront the person or persons at the root of your issue, if for nothing else -- for closure's sake. Well, my mother and father are dead, so there's really no one left to share these cathartic moments with. Not necessarily. I want you to be fully prepared. This is a facility for the criminally insane. None of the patients are here because they're nice people. It's, uh, not my place to judge the patients one way or the other. -Hmm. Jason. This one pushed a young pregnant woman down a flight of stairs. Uh, how long do you expect her to be here? Jason. Thank god. When we deem her a sane, functioning member of society...

[ Cellphone chimes ] ...Whenever that is.

you're here. What the...? I thought her meds had kicked in. Mary pat: Perhaps we need to give her a higher dose. I'm on it. Uh, first, let me introduce you. This is rupert watson, our chief orderly. This is jesse nichols. He's applying for the custodial position. Word to the wise -- stick to mopping the floors. Leave the patients to the professionals. Rupert makes a good point.

[ Door opens ] Should a situation arise, notify a member of the staff immediately.

[ Door closes ] Got it. Let's finish up in the day room, shall we? I'm sorry if I overstepped a boundary. It's okay. It was very sweet of you to try. And, honestly, if I thought there was a chance my family would come to my wedding, I'd invite them.

[ Sighs ] -Don't feel bad for me. -No, I don't feel bad for you. I think you're incredible, and I just don't understand why they wouldn't want to be a part of your life and part of the lives of your children. There's no room for me and my boys in their lives. For my sister and my parents, their work is their life. And it's not malicious, it's just them. But there's a bright side to this. Really? What's that? You know how they say "you can't pick your family"? Mm... well, I kind of got to. I have amazing friends and my boys and you. You're the only family I need. I'm pretty lucky. Yeah.

[ Both chuckle ] You are. You're really lucky. But -- -but what? Oh, come on. If... if your parents somehow magically showed up at your wedding, that wouldn't make you just a tiny, little bit happy? Yeah, of course it would -- in a cinderella, like, kind of way. But my life isn't a fairy tale, and I'm okay with that. Are you okay? I'm fine. But you shouldn't have done that. Wha-- w-what was I, just supposed to stand there and let him threaten you? He could charge you with assault. I don't care. Kiki, the man that -- that you were talking about in the article was him, wasn't it? I knew something was going on with you f-for weeks. And that -- that -- that weirdness at the nurses' ball in the dressing room -- I should have seen what was right in front of me. Bensch, he...he didn't -- he didn't -- no. Thank god. No, he -- it was just toxic for a really long time. Only last week did he actually proposition me. For an improved evaluation. He's disgusting. I wish you would've come to me. Griffin. What? After what happened between us, you were the last place I could go for help. It might be helpful, as we dig into this, to have one of the men you've dated join us. Here? For some of the sessions, yes. Why? Well, not so you can unload on them about how they hurt or failed you, but to unpack how the relationship evolved together. Define "unpack." For example, when it was good, why was it good, and was it? And from your perspective, or his. And when it was bad, how did it get there? You'd be surprised how different your takes might be. You really think this is gonna help? I do. Okay. Well, jerry is an international fugitive, so he's not available. Ric hates me, so he won't help. And Sonny is a little busy because his father has alzheimer's, and his -- his wife's in a mental institution. I guess that leaves julian. O-o-o-o-o-kay. It does. Well, our time's up. Now... what? ...Not need to make a move yet, if at all. But, please, think about it. I will. Valentin: Glad you called. You're looking lovely, as always. Save it, please. Just wanted to say something nice about my wife. I called you here to tell you I'm done being your wife. So, our marriage is over. I want a divorce.

[ Door creaks ] You two are not nearly as stealthy as you think you are. Then it's a good thing we weren't trying to hide. Yeah, we got some questions for you, my man. It's about peter august.

yesterday came like a hurricane

[ Cellphone chimes ]

The wind swept me off of my feet

and it spun me around oh, charlotte, I miss you, too, baby. Well, if you two are staying, you want a drink? -I think we'll pass. -Just tell us where peter is. Well, sam, you were there shortly after I was forced into peter's cell. And? I'm not the one who put the cameras on a loop, and I didn't cause the guard to be distracted. Okay, but what about providing peter with shelter? Well, you tell me. Don't expect me to believe you haven't already searched the property. Did you see any sign of him? Didn't think so. I spoke to your jet's operating company, and they told me you chartered a flight may 31st -- you know, the same night you were locked in peter's cell. So you can see why that would make us think that you're holding something back. Absolutely. 'Cause I am.

[ Sighs ] Well, I don't see any reason to draw this out. If all goes well with your references, uh, you can start later today. We're short-staffed, and we could use your help immediately. That works for me. You're here. I knew you'd come.

So, where do you want me to start? The public areas -- the cafeteria, the day room. We'd like to get you acclimated before you deal with the patient rooms. Well, I'm up for the challenge, if that's what you're worried about. I'm sure you are. You seem competent. I think you'll be a good fit. Me, too. Were you expecting someone? No. I-I... I thought I saw something, but I don't know if it was real. Morgan? No. No, something else. Carly, are you all right? How many meds do they have you on? Are you actually here, or am I imagining you? Yes, I'm here. I'm real, and I'm gonna do everything I can to help you.

[ Sighs ] Can we talk about something happy now? Sure. [ Laughs ] What? What do you want to talk about? Uh, like the fact that we're gonna get married in a couple months, and I'm really super excited. Yeah. Me, too. After everything it took for us to get here, next to having my kids, exchanging vows with you is gonna be the most important moment of my life.

[ Pager beeping ] -No. No. -No, I have to get it.

[ Chuckles ] Oh, it's the E.R. Yeah, I have to go. Okay. Go save lives. Whatever. I love you. Thank you for making an effort with my family. I'm sorry it didn't work out. I love you, too. I'll see you at home. You better wait up for me. You know I will. Hi. Sarah, it's franco baldwin again. Weird question -- I wonder if you could put me in touch with your parents. For my mom's sake, we need to stay as far away from each other as possible. Ava said the two of you got into it today. She's worried. Hey. Hey, look. I knew things would get messy after -- after we slept together. But I-I-I never wanted you to think that you couldn't lean on me. But I can'T. Don't you see that? So you're just supposed to, what -- what, face this all alone? I'm not alone. I-I have a elizabeth, I have lulu. Alexis davis agreed to represent me. Well, that's good -- on all fronts. Thank you for your offer, though. You're a really good friend. Look, it just -- it just feels wrong doing -- doing nothing. Can I -- can I at least go to monica, tell her everything that I heard bensch say? I already tried the hr route. It didn't work. S-s-so that's it? Y-you don't need or Not from you.

Can I wake up?

Can I run away?

But, oh, I can't escape valentin: It seems we've done everything in reverse. We slept together before you knew my real name. We got married on impulse. We exchanged wedding bands before you had a proper engagement ring. So will you do me the honor of wearing this one? Yes, I will. Will you continue to be my wife... for as long as we both shall live? Yes. During the altercation in peter's cell, he took my phone. Apparently, he contacted my pilot at the jet charter company and pretended to be me. Apparently? Well, I wasn't there when he did it. Okay, so when you got the bill? Yeah, I was as shocked as anybody. Apparently, he had a, uh -- a jet fueled and ready to go waiting on the tarmac. Why didn't you call the police? Peter never showed. The plane never left the ground, the flight crew never learned where they were going, and, as you can see, I got stuck with a cancelation fee, so he must have found another way out of town. So, that's your story, valentin? That's my story. It's the truth. You can contact the charter company and ask for a copy of the flight manifest. They'll give it to you. Oh, we will. Don't worry about that. Come on. Let's get out of here. Going so soon? Bye. -You know what? -[ Sighs ] That dude is lying through his teeth. -About helping peter escape? -Yeah. Yeah, but those flight records -- you can't -- -I get it. They're a little hard to fudge, right? So if that plane never took off, then how did peter get away? There were checkpoints everywhere from the moment he escaped. Unless peter never left town. Peter's still in Port Charles. Damn it, peter. Where are you?

[ Opera music plays ]

On the next "General Hospital" --


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