GH Transcript Thursday 5/24/18

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 5/24/18


Episode #14044 ~ Carly is upset; Nelle gets the support she craves; Alexis quickly regrets her actions; Griffin gets more than he bargained for; Oscar makes a pact with Josslyn.

Provided By Suzanne

Proofread by Maddie

[Knock on door]

Sonny: Hey. Been waiting an hour for my wife. Where is she?

Officer: She's on her way up.

Carly: Sonny.

Sonny: Hey.

Carly: [Sighs]

Sonny: Hey, how you doing? You ready to get out of here?

Carly: You have no idea.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Michael: Is Nelle awake? 'Cause if she's resting, I don't want to disturb her.

Nurse: No, she's up and about.

Michael: Great, thanks.

[Monitor beeping]

Michael: Nelle?

Nelle: [Gasps] Michael.

Michael: Hey.

Nelle: Oh, my God.

Michael: [Laughing] Sorry. Hey, uh, didn't mean to scare you.

Nelle: No, sorry, I just -- I've just been a little bit jumpy lately.

Michael: Oh.

Nelle: It's my fault.

Michael: So you meditating now?

Nelle: Yeah, the nurses recommended that it would help in warding off... panic. I've been having some post-traumatic stress since the fall.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Josslyn: There's a bunch of tweets about our performance last night. I'm -- I'm so glad that there's video so I can show Trina.

Oscar: I bet... your mom would love to see it, too.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Drew: There you go.

Kim: Thanks.

Drew: Thanks? Thanks for what?

Kim: Thank you, again.

Drew: What, coffee?

Kim: No.

Drew: For the ride? It was a ride.

Kim: Yeah, it's like...

Drew: It's just a ride.

Kim: Yeah. To the hospital in the middle of the Nurses' Ball.

Drew: I've had about enough of the Nurses' Ball. [Chuckles] And, besides, I wouldn't have to give you a ride if your date didn't bail on you.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Alexis: Molly, I'm fine. All right, what happened with the fa--

[Doorbell rings]

Alexis: Sweetie, I have to go, all right, because there's somebody at the door. I love you. Okay, bye.

Julian: Can I come in?

On the next "General Hospital" --

Sonny: Can we just have a minute alone?

Carly: I can't wait to get home and wash this place off of me.

Sonny: I bet.

Carly: Is this Corinthos coffee?

Sonny: Favorite blend.

Carly: Bless you. How's the baby?

Sonny: Fine.

Carly: What about Nelle?

Sonny: She's recovering. But I don't care. I'm just thinking about you right now.

Carly: I'm fine. I'll be even better when I get out of here and prove that I didn't push Nelle down the stairs.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly: I haven’t heard from Diane about my case, Sonny. What's going on?

Sonny: Well, I asked her to stop by the house to pick up some clothes for you so... you could wear to court.

Carly: You look tired.

Sonny: Well, at least I'm sleeping in my own bed.

Carly: How's Mike?

Sonny: Well... As usual, up and down.

Carly: All right, well, who's with him now?

Sonny: Miss Stella.

Carly: Stella Henry?

Sonny: Yeah, she's, uh, filling in. We need to get a permanent caregiver for my father.

Carly: Yeah, wow. I know Mike is loving every second of that. [Laughs]

Sonny: She has quite the effect on him.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Sonny: She even went with us to the Nurses' Ball.

Carly: Oh, I'm so glad you decided to go.

Sonny: It was the happiest I have ever seen him. He... He even sang.

Carly: He did?

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Carly: How did it go?

Sonny: Well, I mean, it was good until he lost the words, you know.

Carly: Oh. No, was he mortified?

Sonny: Uh, well, I got up there, and I, you know, helped him out a little bit.

Carly: Wait. You? Got on stage at the Nurses' Ball?

Sonny: Yeah.

Carly: But you didn't, you...

Sonny: Yeah, I sang. A little bit, but not --

Carly: Wait, no, wait, wait.

Sonny: It wasn't great.

Carly: You sang? Oh! Oh, my gosh, I can't believe I missed that.

Sonny: I'm sure you can see it in a video somewhere.

Carly: Oh, I'm gonna find it. [Chuckles]

Sonny: It's good to see you smile again.

Carly: Was Michael there?

Sonny: No.

Carly: Have you heard from him? Radio silence with his parents. That's exactly what Nelle wanted.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Michael: Are you sure you're ready to be discharged? You sure you wouldn't feel safer staying at the hospital.

Nelle: Well, as opposed to going home to the scene of the crime? It's not ideal, but I can't hide here forever.

Michael: Okay. Well, I can give you a ride.

Nelle: Are you sure?

Michael: Yeah, I'm positive.

Nelle: Okay. Well, I mean, I hope you brought some reading material, because they said that the paperwork could take a while.

Michael: Actually, that works out. It, uh... gives me enough time to do something I've been... I'm kind of dreading.

Nelle: Well, you wouldn't be you if you didn't go see your mom.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Josslyn: Oscar, I'm freaking out. Okay, what if... my mom really was so angry or so far gone that she... she actually did mean to hurt Nelle on purpose?

Oscar: Is that what you think?

Josslyn: Well, I don't want to. But I mean, how she was acting at the baby shower, it was just -- it was just completely out of control. And I want to talk to her about it, but at the same time, I don't know what to say.

Oscar: Hey, hey. Listen, we'll figure it out.

Josslyn: Promise?

Oscar: Promise.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Kim: Julian didn't bail on me.

Drew: Uh-huh.

Kim: Okay, he did, but with good reason.

Drew: Alexis?

Kim: She was upset. He wanted to make sure she was okay. And for the record, I encouraged him to go.

Drew: The problem is that he went.

Kim: So it would have been better if he had stayed if he wanted to be somewhere else?

Drew: No. I just... Uh, I just don't think you should settle for being runner-up, you know? Probably deserve better than that.

Kim: Well, so do you.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Julian: I just wanted to make sure that you were hanging in there this morning.

Alexis: I'm fine. I'm really fine. You don't have to worry about me, so you -- you can go.

Julian: Actually, there is... something I would like to say, if that's all right. Come on. I helped you last night in some capacity, right? Now it's your turn. Hear me out.

On the next "General Hospital" --

[Knock on door]

Ava: Griffin? I checked in with the hospital. They said you weren't in yet. And you're not in the restaurant and you're not in the gym, so there's only one place left, and that's your room. So... Please open the door. Griffin? Please. Please don't shut me out. Come on. Hi.

Griffin: Hey.

Ava: You look like you've had a rough night.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Ava: You know, I wouldn't blame you if you left me out in the hall after last night. Some of those things that I said to you, Griffin, they were so, uh, petty. And so jealous. And once I left, I -- I had some time to calm down. It was very clear to me how completely and entirely out of line I was. And I came back to see you. But you didn't answer.

Griffin: Look, I -- I was --

Ava: You didn't want to deal with me, right? I know. I understand. Oh. Polished off the whole bottle, huh? You must have one heck of a headache. It's my fault, and I'm sorry. I was angry, and I said a lot of things that I didn't mean and things that I wish that I could take back about you and Kiki. And I'm just feeling so badly and embarrassed and I'm sorry. Griffin, please. Just tell me that you're gonna give me another chance.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Kim: You know, I have no one to blame but myself, because I went into this thing knowing full well that Julian was still hung up on his ex.

Drew: Why did you do it?

Kim: 'Cause he is fun.

Drew: Oh, come on.

Kim: [Laughs] And I was lonely.

Drew: Oh, geez.

Kim: Oh, my God. I sound like a walking PSA right now.

Drew: Technically, you're a sitting PSA, but still, it's like...

Kim: Yeah.

Drew: What?

Kim: Nothing, well --

Drew: What?

Kim: Look, I know you have no memory of who you used to be, but he shines through sometimes.

Drew: Yeah.

Kim: Like that joke you just made. Very much the old you.

Drew: Hopefully we won't have to use that term... "old you" much longer. Maybe that will just be... me.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Julian: Flowers are my way of saying I'm sorry for what happened the other night. And you are beautiful and magnificent. You don't deserve to be tossed aside the way that Finn did you.

Alexis: And what about Kim? Did she deserve that?

Julian: You know what, that's a different story, Alexis.

Alexis: You left your date to come running after me.

Julian: I just want you... to be happy. Okay, you... deserve to find somebody that will love you unconditionally and always put you first. A man who would lay down his life for you.

Alexis: Well, that would be nice. But it can't be you.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Diane: I apologize... for your last two nights' accommodations. Believe me, I am all over the DA trying to make this go faster.

Carly: Well, at least I'll get my day in court.

Sonny: And you'll be sleeping in our bed tonight.

Diane: Yeah, I -- I wouldn't count on that.

Sonny: Why not?!

Diane: You seem to have caught a full boat of bad luck, Carly. Not only is there zero proof that you had any sort of altercation with Nelle over a baby blanket --

Carly: But there will be.

Diane: And we have also pulled a judge who seems to have made it his personal mission to eradicate all crime in the Northern hemisphere. It would have made things a lot easier had you not changed your last name to Corinthos, let me tell you.

Sonny: I'll put a call in to Judge Hagen.

Diane: Trust me on that, honey. You will do no such thing.

Sonny: Wha--

Diane: Now is not the time for connections or pressure. You try to work the system, you're gonna bring the full weight of it down on Carly, making you look like a bully picking on poor pregnant Nelle.

Carly: [Scoffs] Oh, please!

Diane: I know. I know. But Nelle has her supporters, too, don't forget. Monica Quartermaine is squarely on her side.

Carly: Of course she is, because she's never forgiven me for taking Michael to Sonny. So this is payback. Raising my grandchild as a full-blown Quartermaine? This is Monica's favorite day of the year!

Diane: Okay, I would worry less about that and more about you going to prison.

[Door opens]

Carly: Michael.

Michael: Hey. Look, can I -- can I talk to my mom alone, please? I want to hear her side of the story.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Julian: People change, Alexis.

Alexis: Now that you're running a legitimate business, that makes everything all better now?

Julian: Damn it, Alexis. You know what? I am trying. I'm trying, and it's all because of you. I mean, the truth is... the truth is, Alexis, I'm never gonna be whole without you. That's just the fact. The girl I met in the dive bar who knew all the lyrics to Elvis Costello's "This Year's Model"... I mean, I think of you every time I hear it. I always will.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Drew: There's been some new revelations that have come to light. And my kids, it's... I just need to get my memories back, you know what I mean? I need to be me for them.

Kim: Okay, but I thought that was impossible without the flash drive.

Drew: Well, so did I, but I talked to the doctor who did this to me.

Kim: Andre Maddox.

Drew: Yes, and he seems to think they'll be able to erase all of Jason's memories from my mind.

Kim: Okay, and then what? I mean, he's gotta put your memories back, right?

Drew: Well, not necessarily.

Kim: What do you mean not necessarily?

Drew: [Sighs] Look, you... [Chuckles] It's like you said. That some of my personality seems to poke through.

Kim: Mm-hmm.

Drew: Well, that leads me to believe that I'm still in here somewhere.

Kim: Yeah, does Dr. Maddox believe that, too? Drew?

Drew: He's not as convinced as I am, but he does admit that there's a possibility. I mean, look, come on, it's... Why these flashes of recognition? It's like when I first saw you. I know I didn't know you, but I felt like I did.

Kim: Yeah, and that's promising, but it's far from proof. Look, Drew, the risks must be enormous.

Drew: You gotta go sometime.

Kim: Not funny.

Drew: I know. I need to do this for my kids. I need them to know who I really am, I need to be able to give them advice from my own memories. I need to be me.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Griffin: I appreciate the apology.

Ava: You just don't accept it.

Griffin: I... I just can't dismiss our fight, all right? Things got ugly.

Ava: Griffin, that's because I... I allowed my insecurities to get the better of me. I convinced myself that I couldn't be the woman -- the good person that I've been trying to be. And so I sabotaged us. You were right, I -- I sang that song just to be spiteful to everybody, even you. And I'm not proud of that. I was scared.

Griffin: What?

Ava: Of losing you. Being hurt. And so I hurt you first. And I know that "sorry" isn't enough, but it's all I have right now, so... Griffin, can you forgive me? Or is it too late to even ask?

On the next "General Hospital" --

Josslyn: Up for a visitor?

Nelle: Well, if it's you, of course!

Josslyn: How are you feeling?

Nelle: I'm a little bruised and battered, but I'll live.

Josslyn: And the baby?

Nelle: Total rock star.

Josslyn: Good, good. Um... Well, I brought you this, um, for the baby. I thought maybe you could put it in the nursery, you know, just something to cheer you up.

Nelle: Oh. It's perfect, Josslyn. Thank you.

Josslyn: It's kind of the least I can do.

Nelle: What do you mean? It's not your fault that I got hurt.

Josslyn: It's weird. I was on my way to see my mom, but um... I don't know, I guess I just ended up here. I just... wanted to know what happened.

Nelle: I'm really sorry about all this.

Josslyn: Why are you sorry?

Nelle: Because I know how close you are with your mom. And I'm sure that you freaked out when you heard that she pushed me.

Josslyn: Is that really... it wasn't... an accident, you didn't...

Nelle: No, Joss.

Josslyn: Oh, my God.

Nelle: But I -- I -- I would never want you to turn your back on Carly. I mean, you should -- Really, you should be with her, not me.

Josslyn: How can you say that after what she did?

Nelle: Because you're my friend, and my baby's aunt... and I care about you.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Diane: To say that this is an uphill battle is an understatement.

Sonny: Well, you know, at least she's gonna get bail.

Diane: Not necessarily. In fact, it's actually doubtful. We're looking at two counts of attempted murder, plus she's the wife of a powerful crime boss.

Sonny: So you're saying she's a flight risk?

Diane: She's a significant flight risk. Plus, there's absolutely no proof that Carly's version of the events is correct.

Sonny: But I think -- I don't think it is.

Diane: Neither do I. I think she was way more out of control on those stairs than she's willing to admit.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly: I was so relieved to find out that the baby was okay. And Nelle, okay?

Michael: Look, I talked to Jason last night, and he told me there was a lot of things going on with you that I didn't even realize. All this stuff with Morgan.

Carly: And did he tell you that Nelle's behind it all?

Michael: He said that's what you believe, yes. And Jason believes it, too.

Carly: Yes, because he sees her for who she really is. She's a master manipulator. Okay? And she's good, man. I gotta tell you, I gotta give her credit. She's really good.

Michael: Mom, tell me what happened at the shower.

Carly: I went there with the best intentions, just like I promised you. And I tried. Michael, I did, but she kept taunting me. Nelle kept taunting me over and over again. One of the gifts she registered for was a mobile made up of penguins.

Michael: Morgan's favorite.

Carly: Yes, okay, and I get it, he's not the only kid with an affinity for penguins, but she didn't just stop there. She kept finding reasons to bring his name up over and over again. And why?! Why did she want to do that? I lost it. I did, I lost it, and I went off on her. And then she ran out of the room in tears, and Josslyn was upset with me, so I pulled it together. And I went upstairs to apologize. And when I walked in the room, she was just sitting there. And I suggested that we somehow come to a truce. And her eyes were as cold as steel. And that was disturbing, clearly. But not nearly as disturbing as the blanket she was holding. It was exactly like the one that Morgan had when he was a baby, exactly. That's when I knew it was her. I knew it was her. And I told her that. And then she started taunting me again, telling me that I was losing control. And I told her it wasn't going to work, that I was gonna tell you everything. And she stormed out of the room with the blanket in her hand. So I went after her. I found her at the top of the stairs, I grabbed the blanket. When she grabbed it back, she lost her balance, and she fell down the stairs. I did not push her. I didn't even touch her. And that is the God's honest truth.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Griffin: Please, don't ask for my forgiveness.

Ava: Why? Because our problems are insurmountable? Because you can't tell me that you love me? Griffin, listen to me. I can feel it. I can feel that you love me. I don't need to hear the words. And I know that's probably really hard to believe after the things that I said last night, but it's true.

Griffin: Yeah, yeah. You were furious.

Ava: Yeah. I was pretty mad. Because I saw you and Kiki together like that, and, once again, I jumped to the wrong conclusion. Which I'm -- I know, it's completely ridiculous. Kiki and I have had our issues. She's had her issues with me, and rightly so. But the two of us were working our way back to a really good place. And she and her sister, my two girls, they are the best things that I've ever done in my entire life. And I know that Kiki wouldn't betray me. And I know that you wouldn't betray me. I love you, and I love my daughter. And it really makes me happy that the two of you get alone like you do. And I promise you that I will not let my demons take over like that. I won't do it again, I--

Griffin: Please, please, please, stop! There's... There's just something that you need to know.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Michael: Nelle said there was never any blanket.

Carly: Of course she did!

Michael: Mom, the problem is it was never found.

Carly: Spinelli will find it. Okay, and between him and Jason, we're gonna prove that I didn't push Nelle down those stairs, okay? She went down the stairs on her own, and we're also gonna prove that she's responsible for all the incidents involving Morgan. The goading me, threatening to keep your child from me. Nelle wanted me to lose it, Michael. And you know what, it worked, right, because I walked right into it. I did. And that's on me. But I would never, ever endanger my grandchild. Your child, who you already love as much as I love you -- I would never do that. You are the fairest person I know. I know you're gonna keep an open mind.

Michael: I love you, Mom.

Carly: I love you, too.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Sonny: How'd it go?

Michael: Uh, I gotta get back to the hospital to be with Nelle and the baby.

Sonny: Okay, I -- I understand.

Michael: Take care of Mom.

Sonny: That's the plan, buddy.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Nelle: Please do not blame Carly, okay? She's not -- She's not doing well right now, and she deserves compassion, not anger.

Josslyn: After she was so awful to you at the shower, really?

Nelle: Well, you know, and, unfortunately, that's... that's not even half of what she said to me when we were alone.

Josslyn: What do you mean? What did she say?

Nelle: Joss, we really should not be talking about this right now. I really -- I do not want to upset you.

Josslyn: Oh. It's too late for that. I've been upset since this thing started. Nelle... Just please tell me the truth.

Nelle: Honestly... It's not so much the words that she used as the look in her eye when she pushed me down the stairs. It's... It's as if she wanted me and the baby gone... forever, from her and Michael's lives. I really think that Carly is having some sort of breakdown right now, and in -- in that... that would be good, because then she could get help, you know, and just get better.

Josslyn: I can't believe this is real.

Nelle: Well... You know, there is some good news.

Josslyn: Only you could look on the bright side right now.

Nelle: Well, you know, it keeps my mind off of everything else.

Josslyn: Well, what is it?

Nelle: I think this whole ordeal has brought your... brother and me closer together.

Josslyn: Like, back together, closer?

Nelle: Not yet. But... I have a feeling that that's where we're headed.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Kim: What if something goes wrong? Drew?

Drew: Well, you know, worst case scenario, you could just stuff me and make me a hat rack, put in a little button, I could say cute things.

Kim: Okay, that's not funny. It's not funny.

Drew: All right, fine, it's not funny.

Kim: No, seriously. I mean...

Drew: Not funny.

Kim: Look... I know... I'm just gonna say it. Look, Oscar, he's -- he's wanted a father his whole life, and he has waited. And now he finally has one, and what could happen? He could just lose you. You two have a real relationship now. Please, please, don't take that away from Oscar.

[Door opens]

Drew: Look who it is. Were your ears burning? We were talking about you.

Kim: Hey.

Oscar: You were?

Drew: We were.

Kim: Yes, we were. And how wonderful your performance was last night.

Drew: You guys crushed it. Congrats.

Oscar: Thanks.

Kim: Yeah. So what's going on? You look like you have something to say. Do you?

Oscar: Something pretty awesome.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Alexis: I'm not gonna lie. I listen to "This Year's Model" every now and then.

Julian: Do you?

Alexis: Mm-hmm.

Julian: Wow.

Alexis: It reminds me of a time in my life where I actually had control over it, and... I escaped from my hideous family, I got off of Cassadine Island. The world was my oyster, and I could do what I want.

Julian: Oh. Kind of like, um, sneaking into a dive bar and meeting a sophisticated college guy?

Alexis: You weren't that sophisticated.

Julian: Come on now. Let's go.

Alexis: You weren't. Although, you did say that you thought that... I was the kind of woman that Botticelli would paint.

Julian: [Laughing] Did I say that?

Alexis: Yeah, you did.

Julian: Oh, my. You really fell for that?

Alexis: Yeah, I fell right into the back seat of your car.

Julian: That's... true, yeah. So much for romance, huh?

Alexis: Yeah. So much for romance, huh.

Julian: Well, Alexis. [Sighs] You know I fell in love with you that evening. And I never fell out.

Alexis: Julian...

Julian: You know what? Shh. Keep the Calla lilies... to help you remind yourself how beautiful and magnificent you really are. Alexis, don't forget, okay? The world is always gonna be your oyster, okay?

On the next "General Hospital" --

Julian: Alexis, this doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Alexis: It's a bad thing. It's always a bad thing with me. I need you to go. I need you to -- to leave my house. I need you to not -- not follow me anymore, don't comfort me.

Julian: Alexis, please.

Alexis: Please. I need you to leave.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Ava: Griffin, whatever it is, you can tell me. If we can get through last night, we can get through anything. Griffin?

[Cellphone rings]

Griffin: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Uh, this might be work, so...

Ava: Okay. Well, is it the hospital?

Griffin: No. No, no, but I, uh... I need to get ready. I do. I need to get ready.

Ava: Oh. Okay.

Griffin: Hey, I will, uh... I'll be -- I'll get in touch with you later. Okay?

Ava: Okay. And we'll work all this out then. Okay.

Griffin: [Sighs] Oh.

Kiki: You okay?

Griffin: No. No, I'm not okay. I hate lying to her.

Kiki: I know. And I completely respect your instincts to be honest with her, but... my mom can never know that we slept together. Griffin, it would destroy her. I don't want that. Do you?

Griffin: No. No, of course not, but... but, okay, I can't pretend this is like something didn't happen.

Kiki: Yeah, you can. 'Cause you have to. So do I.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Oscar: Okay, okay, okay.

Kim: Oh, I'm so proud of you! Oh!

Drew: Award-winning journalist, congratulations.

Kim: Yes.

Oscar: Oh, come on. It was one editorial.

Drew: Yeah, well, first of many, I'm sure.

Kim: You know what?

Drew: What?

Kim: That internship you were talking about at Aurora, maybe it could be with the paper.

Oscar: Hmm.

Kim: Yeah?

Oscar: That would be cool.

Kim: You like it, right? You and your dad, yes -- Working together side by side, making memories.

Drew: Tell you what I'll do. I'll put you in touch with HR. The rest is on you.

Oscar: Wow.

Kim: Nice.

Oscar: Thanks. I'm gonna go call Joss.

Drew: Well, Casanova, where are you going? You gonna tell me about this assembly, where is it, what time is it?

Oscar: Listen, don't -- You don't have to show up. It's gonna be long and boring.

Drew: Oh. I'm gonna show up early, I'm gonna stay late. I'm gonna be so loud.

Kim: [Laughs]

Oscar: Oh, or you could just sit in the corner and clap quietly.

Drew: Not a single, solitary chance. See you then.

Oscar: All right. I'll see you guys later.

Kim: Bye. Oh, you know what? I will pick up ice cream so we can celebrate later tonight. Okay?

Oscar: All right.

Kim: All right.

Drew: That's my kid.

Kim: Yes, it is. Don't you want to be here to see him grow up?

On the next "General Hospital" --

Josslyn: Oscar?

Oscar: Hey, you're back already. I thought you'd be tied up with your mom for a while. Are you okay?

Josslyn: I went to see Nelle instead.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Nelle: How's your mom?

Michael: Well, things aren't looking too good for her, which is... which is to be expected, I guess.

Nelle: She still denying that she pushed me?

Michael: Oh, yeah. And she told me everything that happened before you fell.

Nelle: And?

Michael: And, well, it's... it's outrageous.

Nelle: Isn't it? Oh, God, Michael. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now. But, please -- please just remember that you... still have the baby... and me.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Diane: Bad news.

Carly: [Chuckles] Oh, of course. Great. Yeah.

Diane: Spinelli has not been able to recover the blanket, nor has he unearthed any proof of your allegations against Nelle.

Carly: So work your magic.

Diane: Well, believe me, I intend to, but this might be one trick I may not be able to pull off. Let me break it down for you. Carly... You have a history of violence. You shot Tony Jones in open court.

Carly: Oh, my God.

Diane: You also have a history of irrational behavior. Your time spent in a mental institution is a matter of public record.

Carly: Nelle did her own time in a mental institution. How come no one's talking about that?

Diane: Because she's not the one attacking you. In all of your confrontations with her, you are the aggressor, and there are witnesses to testify to that.

Carly: Okay. Nelle is out for blood. She's just doing it under the radar.

Diane: I'm just telling you what a judge and jury are going to see. Nelle's the victim, and we all know she's wonderful at playing that. So you picture me cross examining this poor, pregnant little waif whose child was nearly killed because you, the merciless wife of a powerful gangster shoved her down the stairs. As frustrating as it may seem, Carly, optics matter.

Carly: I don't buy it! I'm sorry, I don't believe for one second that that little snake is gonna send me to prison for 10 years.

Diane: Try 25.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Julian: Alexis, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to take advantage of you, I'm just trying to be your friend.

Alexis: I don't want you to be my friend. I don't need you to be my friend. I need you to go.

Julian: Alexis.

Alexis: Go!

[Birds chirping]

Alexis: [Sighs] [Panting] Oh!

On the next "General Hospital" --

Kiki: Please forgive her. Don't throw away your relationship just because of this one stupid hookup. You know, if you do that, you... you're gonna regret it.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Alexis: 201... 02... [Panting] I need to come see you. It's an emergency.

On the next "General Hospital" --


Ava: I'm glad you're still here. I'd like to finish our conversation... without all that talking.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Michael: I do have a quick meeting at ELQ, but I'll be back. And after today, I'm actually gonna -- I'm gonna be working from home.

Nelle: Home?

Michael: Yeah, the Quartermaine's. So... I will be there for whatever you and the baby need.

Nelle: Michael, you know, you really -- you don't have to do that.

Michael: I know, I know, but I want to. I want to do it. Look, I -- I owe it... I owe it to the three of us. But, no, from this point on, I am not gonna let you out of my sight.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly: Don't you see none of this matters. Jason is going to prove that Nelle set me up. Why? Why are you looking at him like that?

Diane: Because... Should Jason and Spinelli actually unearth evidence that proves your allegations against Nelle, it could work against you.

Carly: How is that possible?

Diane: It might prove that you shoved Nelle down the stairs because you found out that she was sabotaging you.

Carly: Oh, my God, this is ridiculous.

Sonny: Carly, Car -- I know your instinct is to fight. So is mine, but sometimes, you know, as hard as it is, you gotta let the professionals handle it.

Carly: Oh, really? And that's how you operate?

Sonny: Look, if you paint Nelle as the bad guy, it's gonna give you motive, it's gonna be worse for you in court. The fact -- I'm just trying to make you see that, do you understand? And the fact that you can't --

Carly: Means that Nelle's right and I'm losing my mind?

Sonny: That's not --

Carly: I'll take that as a "yes," thanks a lot.

Diane: I agree that Nelle is coldhearted and ruthless. She is also beside the point.

Carly: Not to me, Diane!

Diane: Our objective is an optimal outcome for you. And that may require some compromises.

[Cellphone ringing]

Carly: [Sighs] Oh.

Diane: It's the DA. I need to handle this. I'll be right back.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Sonny: I'm not your enemy, Carly. I'm on your side.

Carly: Then be on my side!

Sonny: I will. But I'm not gonna tell you what you want to hear and then have you sent off to prison.

Carly: Listen to me. As God as my witness, that bitch will not take me down. I am getting out of here. I'm getting my family away from her, and I'm getting my life back. Watch me.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Maxie (to Mac and Felicia): You guys better sit down. There’s a whole lot you don’t know.

Lulu (to Maxie): I’m so sorry.

Anna (to Robert): The only way I could stop him was to tell the truth

Dante (to Peter): Don’t you ever call Nathan your brother again.

Nelle (to Brad): Poor Carly.

Carly (to Diane): I refuse to plead guilty by reason of insanity.

Nina (to Valentin): I am done!

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