Episode #14033 ~ Carly tries to fix things with Josslyn; Nelle makes her intentions clear to Ava; Lucas is wary; Drew and Oscar bond; Julian pays Kim a visit.
Julian: [Clears throat]
Kim: Hey.
Julian: Hey, yourself.
Kim: What is this?
Julian: Cortado. Iced.
Kim: Aww. In
honor of spring?
Julian: What else?
Kim: Okay, please tell me
you had other business in the hospital and you didn't just come to bring me
Julian: No other business.
Kim: Charlie!
Kim: [Stammers] I don't know, like, I f-- I feel bad, but I,
Julian: [Chuckles]
Kim: Oh, I am so glad you did,
Julian: That's what friends are for.
Josslyn: Hey. How are you doing?
Oscar: I'm okay.
Are you sure? [Chuckles] Last night was pretty intense.
Oscar: I
know, but I'm good.
Josslyn: Did you tell Drew?
Oscar: Uh, not
yet. I-I don't want to disappoint him, you know?
Josslyn: Oscar...
Oscar: I know. It's the first time we're hanging out like this.
Josslyn: There will be plenty of time to hang out. You have to --
Oscar: He's here. Let me -- Let me call you later!
Carly: Hi. Uh, my name is, uh, Carly Corinthos, and something's come up,
so I have to cancel my appointment with, uh, Dr. Collins today. Oh? You have
an opening tomorrow?

Carly: You don't trust
me. You think I'm unstable, that I'm just as confused as Mike, so therefore
I'm in no condition to watch him.
Sonny: So, what do you want me to
say, that if you were thinking clearly, you wouldn't have left Mike and
Avery --
Carly: I didn't leave her with Mike. Nelle has an agenda.
She's working an angle that we haven't figured out yet. And trust me, she's
just getting started.
Michael: I don't care why she did it. I just
care that she did it. This is good news, Mom.
Carly: It's a gesture,
that's all.
Michael: Is it helping?
Sonny: Not as much as I
wish it would.

Carly: You know what? Tomorrow,
it -- it doesn't work, either. So I'm just gonna have to look at my schedule
and get back to you. Okay, thank you. [Sighs]
Josslyn: Mom?
Carly: Uh, yeah? Gosh, Josslyn, you scared me.
Josslyn: What's with
the pills?

Nelle: Is that for me?
Despite being coerced into going, I figured I should still bring a gift to
your shower.
Nelle: Oh, that is so sweet, Ava.
Ava: You know,
I didn't think you'd come in today. Don't the festivities start in a few
Nelle: Yeah. I mean, I should be getting ready, but I thought
I would come and make your life a little bit easier.
Ava: [Scoffs]
This ought to be good.
Nelle: Well, since I'm kind of, sort of,
forcing you to bring Avery to my party, I thought that I would bring you
something that you can bring to my shower.
Ava: Well, I could have
sworn we just went over this.
Nelle: Yeah, I-I don't need that. But
Ava: Shall I check and see if it's ticking?
It's not a bomb, Ava. But it will make Carly's head explode.

Drew: So, I mapped out a route to the Cougar Mountain
Oscar: What?! No way! I've been wanting to go there ever
since we moved here.
Drew: Yeah, okay. Might be some rough spots.
Oscar: Yeah, it's also pretty long. Could take us all day.
It could. That's why I stopped by and grabbed us some lunch at Kelly's.
Figured it might hold us over until your mom's famous chili. But, uh, first,
we got to work up an appetite. So let's get hiking, huh?
Oscar: I'm
used to hiking alone out here.
Drew: Joss isn't into it?
Oscar: Not really. It'll be cool to have some company for once. Thanks for
suggesting it.
Drew: Well, thanks for coming.
Julian: What's on there that's got you so interested?
Kim: I'm
just checking the weather.
Julian: Outdoor plans today?
No, not me. Oscar. He and Drew, they're gonna go on a hike and -- Hmm. Okay,
I don't like this.
Julian: What?
Kim: Uh, thunderstorms. "With
a moderate to high chance of winds."
Julian: Well, Oscar's gonna be
fine. He's with his father.
Kim: Yeah, and that's what I'm worried
about. Okay, Drew -- Drew would march five miles through -- through the
pouring rain and not even bat an eye. I mean, what -- what if Oscar gets
cold? What -- What if he gets tired and he doesn't want to say anything
because he doesn't want to come across as a wimp? Yeah, nope.
Okay, uh [Clears throat] what are you doing?
Kim: Uh, I'm gonna --
I'm gonna call Drew.
Julian: Uh, no. No. No, you're not.
I'm gonna give him a heads up.
Julian: No. No, you're not. Okay,
first of all, I highly doubt that Drew would drag Oscar through the pouring
rain for a mile, much less five. And, secondly, even if he does... You can't
get in the middle of this.
Kim: What do you mean "I can't"?
Julian: You shouldn't get in the middle.
Kim: I am his mother.
Julian: Well, he's his father. Okay, yes, he's new to the gig, but
still. Look, I think this is just one of those moments you need to trust him
to figure it out.

Sonny: Mm.
So, how's Mom doing?
Sonny: Not great.
Michael: Should I be
Sonny: Well, you know, uh, I keep thinking that she's gonna
b-- you know, she's gonna be okay, she's gonna figure it out...
Michael: Figure what out? I know she's seeing Dr. Collins. I have no idea
why, though.
Sonny: Well, there's been a few things that has
happened. And, look, she... Where she swears she saw somebody and there
wasn't anybody there. She heard something, but no one's there to back it up.
Michael: How many's "a few"?
Sonny: Four or five? She got it
checked out -- Nothing neurological. So, the next step is Dr. Collins. He
gave her some anti-anxiety medication. I don't think it's working.
Michael: What is she seeing and hearing, exactly?
Sonny: It has to do
with your brother.
Michael: What, like... She thinks he's still here?
Sonny: I think that's where it's headed. But, look, you know, she -- she
dealt with Morgan's grief so great. I think now she's crumbling.
Michael: Yeah, I mean, I guess grief doesn't really have a timetable.
Sonny: And a loss like Morgan... Anything can set it off again.

Carly: They're just something I'm taking to help me
relax. I've been a little wound-up lately.
Josslyn: I could tell.
Carly: Um, I'm taking care of it, okay? So it's all good. What about
you? You okay?
Josslyn: I'm excited for Nelle's baby shower.
Carly: Hmm. Yeah.
Josslyn: Mom.
Carly: Hmm? What?
Josslyn: I thought you said you were gonna try and suck it up.
I'm going, aren't I?
Josslyn: Mm-hmm. Yeah, you need to work on your
facial expressions.
Carly: [Laughs]
Josslyn: Maybe not look
like you're dying a very slow death while you're at the Quartermaines.
Carly: Okay, I will do my best. But, for the record, Nelle doesn't make
it easy.
Josslyn: What did she do now?

Ava: You know, Nelle, I think I'll just stick with the gift that I purchased
for you, okay?
Nelle: No, no, no. You're gonna give me this one.
Right here. Hey, I even have a card for you. All you have to do... is put
your name on it.
Ava: I don't suppose this is your "special" ink, is
it? And my name will just disappear?
Nelle: No. Everyone will know
it's from you.
Ava: What is it?
Nelle: Don't worry about it.
You'll know soon enough.
Ava: I don't like this, Nelle.
Well, see, that's the beauty. You don't have to like it. You just have to do
Ava: [Chuckles] I assume I have no choice. Is that it?
Nelle: Not like you did when you decided to snoop on your boyfriend and take
pictures of his patient's DNA test. What were you gonna do with that
information, anyway?
Ava: Doesn't really matter now that you're
blackmailing me, does it?
Nelle: Ava, it's all for a good cause.
You're going to get Avery back, and I'm gonna get Michael. As soon as I take
down his mother, that is. Oh, my God, it's gonna be so epic.
[Scoffs] Just what in the world do you have in store for Carly?

Carly: Can you understand why that would make me
question Nelle's motives? I mean, those guardianship papers were an obvious
attempt to look good in front of Michael.
Josslyn: So what?
Carly: Why does everyone keep saying that?
Josslyn: Well, I mean,
even if Nelle was trying to inch her way closer to Michael, isn't getting
guardianship of their baby a good thing?
Carly: Yes. Of course, I
want to protect the baby. But I just feel that --
Josslyn: But what?
Everybody wins.
Carly: Michael doesn't win, Josslyn. Michael doesn't
Josslyn: Michael's an adult. He's about to be a father, Mom.
Michael's gonna make his own decisions, and one of them may be to get back
together with Nelle.
Carly: Okay, why would you say that?
Josslyn: Well, I ran into Nelle the other day, and she said that she and
Michael were making progress.
Carly: [Scoffs] Of course she did.
Josslyn: Oh, come on, Mom. Would that really be the worst thing?
Carly: Yes! Yes, it would. It would be the worst thing.
Josslyn: They
could raise a baby together, be in the same house, be a real family.
Carly: I have to call Michael. I really do.
Josslyn: She's not the
devil, Mom!
Carly: She's the closest thing. She is.
She saved my life. It's her kidney inside of me. I'm here because of Nelle.
Carly: I know.
Josslyn: So would it kill you to see some good in
her? People change. You know, it happens all the time. Nelle could have
realized that she made a terrible mistake after all of that weirdness with
Sonny. Maybe she is genuinely sorry for what she did. Can you please try?
For me?
Carly: I can do anything for you.
Josslyn: Thank you.
Carly: Mm.
Josslyn: So I'll see you at the baby shower, then?
Carly: I'll be there. [Sighs] [Exhales sharply]
Sonny: You know, as amazing as it was when Jason came home... In a
strange way...
Michael: What? That --
Sonny: [Chuckles]
Michael: If that miracle can happen, then why not Morgan?
You don't think so?
Michael: [Sighs] It's just not rational, Dad.
Sonny: No, it's not. But now that you're gonna be a parent, you --
you're gonna have a kid, you got to understand that you can't control the
emotions that surround you.
Michael: So what do we do? How do we help
Sonny: Well, I just think we got to be patient, hope that at
some point she figures out that it -- it's just wishful thinking, and things
get back to normal.
Michael: Yeah. Hopefully sooner rather than later
because whatever she's going through is only escalating her war with Nelle.

Nelle: Carly stopped by the Quartermaines
yesterday offering to "help" with my baby shower. [Imitating Carly] "Oh,
I'll -- I'll bring by flowers and -- and fancy macaroons." [Normal voice] It
was so fake.
Ava: Or she's actually trying to build a bridge since
the baby's arrival is imminent.
Nelle: No. No way. You know, I had
reached out to Sonny and Carly offering to give them guardianship of my baby
in case something were to happen to me and Michael, but, of course, Carly
took my gesture all wrong.
Ava: As you knew she would.
You know, but not only that, the moment I raised the subject, it was
painfully obvious that Carly had talked to a lawyer about ways to get
custody of my kid.
Ava: Well, unfortunately, she and Sonny are very
skilled at that.
Nelle: Screw them. I'm fighting back.
But how? Nelle, you got to tell me what you're planning here.
[Gasps] Brad, hey!
Brad: Hey.
Nelle: What is the status of the
-- Oh, I'm sorry. Do you two know each other?
Brad: Uh, do we know
each other? [Chuckles] Ava's my aunt-in-law.
Ava: Hello, Brad.
Brad: And she's about to get another little great-niece or nephew.
Nelle: Oh, my God. Is it -- Is it finalized? Did the birth mother sign
Brad: Yep. Lucas and I should be getting our little bundle
around the same time yours arrives.
Nelle: Oh, my God! That's
Brad: Thanks.
Ava: Yeah, that's great.
Ava: Super. But, you know, if you're here on a
social call, I -- I'd like to get some work done, so maybe the two of you
could take it outside?
Brad: Uh, actually, I'm here to see you.

Kim: I won't call Drew.
Julian: Good.
Kim: Okay? I will trust that he will do what is best for Oscar. I am so
not used to sharing my kid.
Julian: Hey, hey, you're doing great.
Kim: [Laughs] Liar.
Julian: No.
Kim: Liar.
Hey, uh, Dr. Nero?
Kim: Uh, hey.
Lucas: Hey. You have a
Kim: Sure.
Julian: Lucas, good to see you again.
Lucas: Yeah, thanks.
Julian: How's everything going with the
Lucas: All systems go.
Kim: Aw, that's wonderful.
Lucas: Thank you. Yeah, we actually got a copy of
the ultrasound. I thought Brad's heart was gonna leap out of his chest.
Kim: Yeah, and yours?
Lucas: Yeah, mine was already on the floor.
Julian: Ah, I should have been there when you and your sister were being
born. All those firsts. But you know what? I am here now, and I'm gonna do
everything in my power to, uh, prove myself worthy of being your baby's
Lucas: Um. [Clears throat] About that second. [Chuckles]
Can I --
Kim: Yeah.
Lucas: Can I borrow you?
Kim: Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Of course. So, um, what's up?
Lucas: Um, so I have a
patient in the ER who's 24 weeks along. I was hoping you had -- you could
take a look at her ultrasound.
Kim: Oh. Yeah, sure.

Drew: Take the trail behind the park, start the real
hike about two miles in. I saw some thunderstorms on the forecast, but,
hopefully, we'll miss them.
Oscar: [Chuckles] Right.
Ready to go?
Oscar: Yeah. Let's do it. Ow.
Drew: Hey, yo. You
Oscar: No. I have to tell you something.
Drew: You want to tell me what's going on?
Oscar: [Sighs] I
didn't want to say anything because I honestly just thought I could power
through it, but I can't.
Drew: Clearly you got hurt. What happened?
Oscar: I just twisted my knee at rehearsal for the Nurses' Ball.
Drew: And your mom still let you come out here to hike?
Oscar: She
doesn't know.
Drew: Ah. Okay. That figures. Let me take a look at it.
This hurt?
Oscar: [Groans] Yeah. Probably think I'm an idiot.
Drew: No, I don't.
Oscar: Ow, ow, ow, ow.
Drew: All right. All
Oscar: I just really didn't want to miss the hike. You know, I
took an aspirin this morning. I thought I could stretch it out.
Hey. It's okay. We'll do it another time. It's not a one-shot deal, okay?
Oscar: All right.
Drew: You know what I'm gonna say next, right?
[Grunts] I think it's okay, but, uh, we're gonna have to get you to a
doctor, and I'm gonna have to call your mom.
Oscar: No, no, no.
Drew: Yes, yes, yes.
Oscar: She's gonna freak, she's gonna freak
out. I know she's gonna freak out.
Drew: She probably is.
Oscar: Can we just hang for a little bit? It's not like my leg is broken or
anything. I don't know, I just want to talk.
Drew: Okay. What would
you like to talk about, besides your bum knee?
Oscar: Right.
[Chuckles] I mean, anything. Life.
Drew: Life is a pretty broad
topic, young man. Can you narrow it down for me?
Oscar: You know,
maybe this was a bad idea.
Drew: Why is it a bad idea? All right,
look. I'm no expert at life, but I have been living a bunch more years than
you have, so give me what you got.
Oscar: Yeah. You just don't
remember most of it.

Kim: No, the baby looks
good. But you can bring your patient, if you want, and I'll keep an eye on
Lucas: Okay. Thank you.
Kim: Yeah.
Both: [Chuckle]
Kim: Thanks.
Lucas: All right, see you around.
Lucas: Um, yeah?
Julian: Will you let me know when the
baby's born?
Lucas: Yeah, we'll keep you in the loop.
Thank you. [Exhales]
Kim: You okay?
Julian: Yeah, you know,
never better.
Kim: I can't imagine how hard it must be for you.
Julian: Think I'd be getting used to it by now.
Kim: Hmm, I don't
think you ever get used to being shut out of your kid's life or your
Julian: Well, you know what? I'm gonna -- I'm gonna turn
this around, I swear.
Kim: I believe you.
Julian: Will you
please tell that to Lucas and Sam?
Kim: I'm the worst.
Kim: No, I am -- I am the absolute worst. Here I am, worrying
about Oscar and sharing that with you when, I mean, like, our relationship's
incredible. I should be counting my blessings. I -- I'm -- I'm a jerk. I'm
-- I'm sorry.
Julian: Hey. Hey. Hey. Don't do that, okay? You are
Oscar's mother. You have every right to want to protect him.
Yeah, but maybe I'm erring on the side of being overprotective.
Julian: Why do you think that is?

Brad: Lucas
jogs by here a lot, and he was raving about a painting he saw in the window
of a -- of a duck. [Chuckles] He thought it might work for the baby's
Ava: I did have a duck on display, but it was enormous. The
artist has a smaller version. I can get it for you.
Brad: Thanks.
That'd be great.
Nelle: Yeah, that's, uh -- that's a pretty expensive
Brad: Well [Chuckles] there's got to be a friends-and-family
discount, right?
Ava: [Chuckles] I'll look up the price. See what I
can do.
Brad: Great.
Nelle: You know, it's overwhelming, isn't
it? All this stuff.
Brad: [Scoffs]
Nelle: And who knew you
need all this stuff for a baby?
Brad: Oh, tell me about it.
Nelle: Yeah. Is anyone throwing you a shower?
Brad: We're gonna wait
until the baby gets home safe. Don't want to jinx anything.
Yeah. I get that.
Brad: So how are you feeling, still loving being
Nelle: Yeah. Well, more and more and more every day. You
know, I have company all the time, so I'm never lonely. And the thought that
I'm growing this -- this little person in my body is -- is...
[Chuckles] It's a miracle.
Nelle: Yeah. Just like your baby will be.
Yeah, I talk to him or her every single night, promising them the life that
I never had -- White-picket fence.
Brad: Yep. A swing in the
Nelle: All of it, especially two parents in love.
Brad: Right. So how's that gonna work? Are you and Michael back together or
Nelle: No, no. Not yet. No, but we -- we will be soon.
Brad: Go for it.
Nelle: Yeah?
Brad: That's what I did with
Lucas, and look at us now.

Michael: I don't
care if Nelle's trying to manipulate me. The bottom line is she gave us a
gift with those guardianship papers, right? And I think we need to take it
and run.
Sonny: I agree.
Michael: Okay, then why can't Mom see
that? I mean, she's usually the first to take advantage --
Sonny: If
she was in her right mind, then she'd handle Nelle in her sleep.
Michael: Yeah. But don't get me wrong. I know Mom has every right to hate
Sonny: Absolutely.
Michael: But this is just so unlike
her. You know, tripping over obvious things like this.
Sonny: But
Nelle's not even the problem right now. It's --
Carly: I am, right?
That's what you were gonna say. "Poor Nelle's being attacked by big, bad
Carly," huh?
Michael: No, Mom, it's --
Sonny: No, that's not
Carly: I can't believe this is happening right now.

Kim: You know, I have such a great kid. I got lucky.
You know, I -- I've been able to trust him to make his own choices, and, you
know, they've been pretty good, for the most part.
Julian: Yeah,
okay. So if it's not a you thing and it's not an Oscar thing...
It's a Drew thing.
Julian: Okay.
Kim: Look, okay, listen. I
want to preface this by saying I so want Oscar to have a relationship with
his father. I mean, you should have seen his face this morning when he was
talking about going on the hike. Oh, my God.
Julian: He was pretty
Kim: Yes, beyond. It's -- Oh, God. It's just... I don't
know. They're just -- They're so different. Charlie, I mean... Look, Drew --
Drew is this, like, super-macho guy and Oscar, he is just -- he's not like
Julian: Fathers and sons -- They're different sometimes.
Kim: Yeah, I know. I know, and it's funny because [Chuckles] this is
actually something that Oscar was worried about in the beginning. You know,
he was afraid that -- that -- that Drew wouldn't like him because they don't
share any of the same stuff in common.
Julian: You told him that was
ridiculous, right?
Kim: Yeah, of course, of course, I did. But that
was in the beginning when -- when they were strangers, and now I...
[Stammers] Look, Oscar -- He already idolizes Drew. I can tell.
Julian: Is that a concern for you?
Kim: Kind of. What if Oscar starts
putting pressure on himself to be manly in a way that he thinks that Drew
thinks a guy should be? Oh, you know what? I sound absurd. Absolutely
Julian: No, no, no. You don't.

Oscar: It'd be so cool if you could remember being 15.
Drew: Heh.
Oscar: What you were into, the first girl you fell in love with, first
time you --
Drew: Had sex, right? [Laughs] Right?
[Chuckles] Yeah, that. That thing.
Drew: You and Josslyn aren't...
Oscar: No, no, no, no. Not yet.
Drew: Good. Talked about it?
Oscar: Ah, we're just not there yet. But we could be, at any point now.
It would just be -- It would be nice.
Drew: If you could get some
advice from your dad?
Oscar: Exactly.
Drew: Yeah. Look, Son, I
am sorry that I don't have those experiences to draw from. I wish I did. But
I don't.
Oscar: Well, could you? Like, is there anyone out there who
could help you get your memory back?
Drew: Yeah, there's someone. The
man who performed the initial procedure.
Oscar: What, he can, like,
unperform it or whatever?
Drew: He could. It's risky. Nobody's
certain, but maybe it's possible.
Oscar: You should try, like,
reaching out or something. Not just for me. I mean, I'd love to know where
you came from, what you were like, all of that. But mostly you should just
do it for yourself. Wouldn't you like to know who you are?
Yeah, I do. I do. I thought about it quite a bit. The problem was there were
many obstacles in the way and, yes, I want the people I love to know who I
really am. So maybe it's time I give it another shot.
Ava: And here's your total.
Brad: [Forced laugh] With the
Ava: Well, yes. That's with a very generous 20% discount.
Brad: Is the... decimal point in the right place?
Ava: [Chuckles]
Nelle: I told you.
Ava: The painter Roland Brooks was named one
of the top-ten up-and-comers of 2018. It would be a very nice investment for
your new baby.
Brad: [Sighs] Yeah, so would robbing a bank. Look, I
[Chuckles] love my husband and our child, but there's no way we can afford
this. Ah, so thank you anyway, and I appreciate the discount.
Any friend of Nelle's is a friend of mine.
Brad: Well, we're also...
family, remember?
Nelle: Don't -- Don't worry about her. She's having
a rough day. You know, boyfriend troubles.
Brad: Ah.
You know, you could register -- you could register the painting for your
shower. I mean, Sam's pretty loaded, right?
Brad: Oh, my God. I just
realized. You're gonna be drowning in loot. [Chuckles] The Quartermaines and
the Corinthoses?
Nelle: You know, I -- I would give all the presents
in the world if I could just get Michael's family to accept me. Carly,
especially. I try so hard, and I -- I can't even make a dent.
Nelle: What?
Brad: Come on. Don't kid a kidder. Carly
doesn't like you, and you like her even less.
Nelle: Okay, yes, but
if I want Michael -- Which I do -- That means I have to make nice with his
Brad: Just keep chipping away. You'll get there eventually.
Nelle: I appreciate your support.
Brad: Hey, where are you
registered, anyway? Lucas and I'd like to get you something for the baby.
Nelle: You know, actually, your gift would be coming to my shower. Yeah,
I -- You know, it would be nice to have a friendly face there, besides
Monica and Josslyn.
Brad: Done. Uh, when is it?
Nelle: 2:00.
Brad: Today?
Nelle: Mm-hmm.
Brad: Oh. [Exhales] Does it
make me a total loser that my schedule is completely wide open?
Nelle: No. I'll see you at the Quartermaines'.
Brad: All right.
Nelle: It's gonna be a shower to remember.
Brad: I'll see you.
Ava: How far are you gonna take things with Carly today?
By the time the shower's over, Carly is going to be exposed for the raving
lunatic that she is.

Carly: You guys do this a
lot? Talk about me behind my back?
Sonny: We -- We were concerned,
Michael: Look, you just -- you just haven't seemed like
yourself lately, and we want to help you if we can.
Carly: I'm not
losing it!
Sonny: No one says you're losing it. It's just that we're
family, and, when things get tough, we -- we figure it out and we help each
Carly: [Quietly] I'm sorry. God.
Sonny: No, it's all
right. It's fine.
Carly: No, it's not fine. It's not fine. I
shouldn't have blown up like that. And you're right. This thing with Nelle,
it's out of control. I can't seem to get a footing with her. I can't, but I
will, you know. I mean, I've already started, okay?
Michael: Wait,
what? Really?
Carly: Yeah, I went to the Quartermaines yesterday and
offered to help with the shower, and Nelle and I -- We had a civil
Sonny: Well, that's -- that's progress.
Michael, I'm really trying.
Michael: Mom, thank you. I know. Thank
you, Mom. I -- Look, uh, good luck today, okay? And -- And we'll -- we'll
talk after?
Carly: I'll only have good things to report.
Michael: Okay. All right. I love you, Mom.
Carly: I love you, too.
Michael: Bye, Dad.
Sonny: All right. See ya, Michael.
Carly: [Sighs]
Sonny: Well, it's -- it's good that you reached out to
Carly: And Monica. You know how hard that is for me.
[Chuckles] You don't have to worry about me, Sonny. You really don't.
Sonny: Too late.

Sonny: How you feeling?
Carly: I feel good. I do. I feel better. The pills are working. I feel
more relaxed, as long as we don't count that last outburst. I'm not having
any more Morgan incidents, not even dreaming about him. I do miss that.
Sonny: I want us to get back on track.
Carly: Me, too.
Sonny: I just...
Carly: You know I do.
Sonny: Too much
distance between us. And I know it's me, okay? 'Cause I'm taking care of my
father and everything.
Carly: Sonny, he's your father. Your focus is
on him, and it should be.
Sonny: Tell you what. After you're done
with the shower, how about you go to Puerto Rico? The house is repaired. You
can do all your -- your therapy there with Dr. Collins on the phone or on
skype, whatever.
Carly: What about you?
Sonny: I got to take
care of my -- my -- my dad's situation with the caregiver around the clock
and everything, but when I'm done with that, what better way to fix what's
Carly: Than sun, surf, and sand.
Sonny: And a lot of
Carly: [Laughs] You know, Virginia used to say, "there's not a
problem that can't be fixed by spending an afternoon on the beach," so just
think about what a week or a month could do.
Sonny: Imagine.
Carly: [Laughs] Let's do it. Let's go.

You know, not a bad job, if I do say so myself. Those how-to videos online
are super-helpful, and I have always been a very quick study.
What is the deal with that blanket?
Nelle: Patience, Ava. All will be
revealed soon, I told you.
Ava: Okay. Well, let's just make one thing
clear, though. You blackmail me all you want, but if Avery is in the line of
fire even a little bit, we will be out of there before you can say, "pin the
tail on the onesie."
Nelle: Understood. I-I would never hurt or put
an innocent child in danger.
Ava: Right.
Nelle: Just like you
would never intentionally hurt an innocent young man with bipolar disorder.
You know, in case there was any doubt, I know exactly where to hit someone
to cause the maximum amount of pain.
Ava: So you do.
And Carly's never gonna see me coming.
Ava: Don't underestimate her,
Nelle: Really? Then how come she has no idea I'm the one
that's been haunting her?
Ava: "Haunting her"? What?
Ava: What does that mean?
Nelle: Mnh-mnh. Forget it,
forget it, forget it.
Ava: No, what? Does it have to do with this --
this blanket? Or the pen with the disappearing ink? Nelle! What the hell is
going on?!

Michael: So, is it weird buying a
shower present for my own baby?
Josslyn: No. I think it's incredibly
sweet. And Nelle will, too. Mom, on the other hand... What are the odds of
her not imploding during the shower today?
Michael: Well, I'd like to
say good. Uh...
Josslyn: Yeah, I don't -- I don't think so, either.

Brad: We've been invited to Nelle's baby shower.
Lucas: What? Why?
Brad: Why? Because she's a friend, and our
babies are gonna be family. It's this afternoon.
Lucas: Oh, bummer. I
have to work. Hmm.
Brad: Uh-huh. Yeah, you look real torn up about
Lucas: Well, what do you want me to say, Brad? She really hurt my
sister, and I don't take kindly to that.
Brad: [Chuckles] Man, your
family hangs on to grudges like life-lines.
Lucas: Hey. Hey. I
forgave you, didn't I?
Brad: Yeah. Well...
Lucas: Hmm?
Brad: Thank God for that.
Lucas: Yeah, and look at us now. We're
about to get everything that we've ever wanted.
Brad: [Chuckles]
Michael: All right, get a room, guys.
Lucas: [Exhales] Hi, niece and nephew.
Josslyn: Hi.
Brad: Hey, you guys.
Michael: Oh, uh, so congratulations. I hear
the adoption is... final?
Josslyn: Oh, we're so excited.
Lucas: Yeah, thanks, but we're not really --
Josslyn: We know no
one's allowed to celebrate yet. But I do have a gift for all three of you.
Actually, the expectant dads in my life.
Lucas: Oh. That sounds like
celebrating, Joss.
Josslyn: It's not because I didn't buy it and it's
not an actual thing. It's a service. I was hoping to find you all in the
same place, actually.
Lucas: [Chuckles]
Josslyn: They're
coupons. [Laughs] Good for free babysitting, courtesy of the proudest aunt
and cousin in the world.

Kim: So what do I do?
Julian: You're asking me, who has virtually no relationship with his
Kim: Yeah.
Julian: Okay. I'm gonna tell you -- I'm
gonna tell you what you do. You keep doing what you're doing right now. Love
your son.
Kim: I can do that.
Julian: You support whatever he
chooses to do, and if he follows in his father's footsteps, you don't fight
him. And throughout the whole thing, you just let him know that you love him
for him because, Kim? You are really good at doing that, okay?
[Quietly] Thank you. [Chuckles] [Sniffles]
Julian: Here he is now.
Oscar: Don't freak out. Everything's okay.
Oscar: I guess I twisted it the wrong way. I got this step wrong in
rehearsal last night.
Kim: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Back up. Wait. You
hurt your knee last night? Why didn't you tell me?
Oscar: Because it
wasn't that big of a deal.
Kim: You're in a wheelchair, Oscar.
Drew: Hey, you know what? Uh, I checked it out. Doesn't look that bad.
Kim: Oh.
Oscar: And we didn't make it worse by hiking.
Kim: Oh, great. Well, thank God for small favors, right?
Drew: Okay,
sit tight. Hey, uh. Look.
Kim: Yeah?
Drew: I'm sorry.
Kim: Mm-hmm?
Drew: I didn't call as soon as I found out, but we were
having a good talk --
Kim: Oh. No, that's great. No, no, no. Don't --
Don't be silly. I mean [Chuckles] you -- you said that you checked him out.
I mean, you're not a doctor, but you have, I'm sure, seen your fair share of
Drew: Mm-hmm.
Kim: Mm-hmm.
Drew: Wow.
Kim: Yeah. "Wow," what?
Drew: I wonder if anybody else can see you
white knuckling that chart.
Kim: My knuckles are not white.
Drew: A little bit.
Kim: No.
Drew: He's fine.
Drew: Your child is fine.
Kim: Okay.
Kim: All right, I freaked out a little.
Drew: Little
Kim: [Sighs] I think I should get points for not biting your
head off, don't you?
Drew: You do get points.
Kim: Okay.
Drew: Vast improvement. Much appreciated.
Kim: Thank you, thank
Drew: Thank you.
Kim: [Chuckles]
Julian: All
right, buddy. I hope your knee gets better.
Oscar: All right, man.
Julian: Yeah, we'll see you around. Hey, Kim!
Kim: Hey?
Julian: I'm gonna head out, okay?
Kim: Oh, okay. All right, I'll see
you later, all right? Um, Charlie? Thanks for the coffee.
Julian: Of
Kim: All right, you. You're coming -- Thank you -- You're
coming with me, okay?
Oscar: Where?
Kim: Uh, X-ray.
Drew: I'll be right behind you, buddy. I got a phone call to make.
Oscar: Right. You wouldn't want to miss that.
Drew: No, I don't.
Kim: Um, what was that all about?
Oscar: Nothing. It's
just between me and Dad.
Drew: [Sighs] Dr. Maddox? It's Drew Cain. I
know you said you weren't sure you could reverse what you did to me, but
you're gonna try. I want my memories back.

Lucas: Hey, you don't have to worry about this gift that Joss gave us, okay?
We're not gonna jinx anything.
Brad: Promise?
Lucas: Yeah. I

Josslyn: I'll deliver this tout
Michael: Ah, merci. And, uh, good luck.
Thanks. I have a feeling I'm gonna need it.

Carly: I got to get going. Now I got to get to the shower.
Last chance to bail.
Carly: No way.
Sonny: Spare yourself the
Carly: No, I am gonna show up, and I'm going to be the
doting grandmother-to-be. Ugh! I can't believe I just said "grandmother"!
Sonny: Sexiest grandmother I've ever seen.
Carly: [Laughs] Right
back at ya, Grandpa.
Sonny: Gramps twice over.
Carly: No. No,
no, no, ever. You'll never be called gramps on my watch. Unh-unh.
Sonny: Love you.
Carly: I love you. And after the shower, sun, surf,
and sand, here we come.

Ava: How are you
haunting Carly?
Nelle: Details aren't important, right? Plausible
deniability and all that?
Ava: Nelle, if you implicate me in any way
at this shower, if Avery so much as utters one little cry, Carly's demons
will not be the only ones unleashed.
Nelle: Would you chill? All I'm
asking you to do is bring a present.
Ava: A present that apparently
is gonna make Carly lose her mind.
Nelle: Right. So, between that and
Sonny having to deal with his father, you'll have sole custody of Avery in
no time, so we are on the same team here, Ava!
Ava: No. I'm not your
teammate, Nelle.
Nelle: [Sighs] Yeah, you're right. You know, we're
-- we're worlds apart. Sonny's always gonna despise you for what happened to
Morgan. And when Avery's old enough, he's probably gonna tell her everything
that happened. Meanwhile, my baby is going to have the most wonderful father
in the world. We will love and cherish our child, go to bed with them every
night, wake up to their smiling face every single morning. Our baby's life
is going to be filled with nothing but joy. You can count on it.

On the next "General Hospital" --
Lucy (to
Chase): You... are hired.
Finn (to Alexis): For the preservation of
our friendship, what do you say we make a pact?
Ava (to Nelle): If
your plan is to sabotage Carly, you’re clearly not doing very well so far.
Carly (to Avery): Today is gonna be a great day.
Sonny (to Max):
You’re telling me that I’m screwed either way?