GH Transcript Monday 5/7/18

General Hospital Transcript Monday 5/7/18


Episode #14031 ~ Ava couldn't be happier; Carly steps up; Franco is anxious; Jason makes up for lost time; Ned has his doubts.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie

[Doorbell chimes]

Carly: [Exhales sharply] [Whispering] Okay. Carly, you can do this. [Normal voice] You can do this. [Exhales] Monica.

Monica: Ah. Carly. What an unexpected pleasure.

Carly: Can I come in?

Monica: By all means.

[Today the role of Dr. Monica Quartermaine will be played by Patty McCormack.]

Monica: Did -- Did we have a breakfast appointment today?

Carly: No.

Monica: Ah.

Carly: You invited me to co-host Nelle's baby shower, so I'm accepting.

Monica: Ah.

Nelle: Are you sure about this, Carly?

Carly: Oh, yes. I feel strongly about giving you a fitting tribute.

Ava: Avery loves preschool. She has a smile and a "hello" for everybody.

[Keys jingle]

Ava: She knows exactly what to do -- No clinging, not a single tear.

Griffin: Yeah, she sounds like an independent young lady already.

Ava: I could barely tear myself away. I guess I still can't really believe it -- That she woke up here, that I helped get her dressed and made her breakfast and brought her to school, and I'll pick her up later, and -- and then, tomorrow, I'll get to do it all over again. But you are still thinking I went too far to make this miracle happen.

Griffin: Look, I'm -- I'm happy you have shared custody, no matter how you accomplished it. [Inhales sharply] I was actually thinking the, uh -- the timing works out.

Ava: The timing? For what?

Griffin: For me to move out.

Liz: Hey, shouldn't you get going? You don't want to be late for your meeting.

Franco: I'm already decades late for a conversation with Steven about Jim Harvey. Avoiding him for another 15 minutes isn't gonna make a difference.

Liz: I'm sure he's just as nervous as you are.

Franco: What am I doing? It's Jake's birthday. What if I come back all weirded out?

Liz: You won't. And the best present you can give Jake is yourself -- Free and clear of all your demons. So, now, the sooner you get going, the sooner you can come home, because we have a lot to celebrate.

Franco: You promise?

Liz: I promise.

[ Take it easy ]

Kim: Morning.

Julian: Morning.

Kim: Is your bartender late?

Julian: Well, she's not even due yet.

Kim: Well, you think you could manage a cortado?

Julian: Prepare to be amazed.

Kim: Actually, first, um... I'd like to talk to you about what happened at Kelly's.

Julian: You mean when you, uh, blew me off to have lunch with Drew?

Kim: I didn't blow you off. And you deliberately brought up the subject of Sam to Drew.

Julian: I apologize. I do. I was, uh -- I was in a mood. [Taps bar] I saw you walk in with Drew, and, uh, it brought out my worst instincts.

Kim: I get it. And while I don't love it, I just hope it won't happen again and we can just get beyond that. What do you say, Charlie?

Julian: Yeah.

Alexis: Morning. Hi.

Kim: Hi.

Alexis: Any reason I was summoned here before my second cup of coffee?

Liz: Come in.

Jason: Thank you. I won't stay long. I just, uh... [Sighs] … wanted to drop this off. It's, uh -- It's a birthday gift for --

Liz: For your son?

Liz: Hey, Jake! Come on down! He's home today with a "stomachache."

[Footsteps approaching]

Jake: Hi.

Jason: Hey.

Steve: Franco Baldwin?

Franco: Steven Blake?

Steve: Uh, yeah. Sorry. I'm a little nervous. I almost didn't show.

Franco: Something else I guess we have in common.

Steve: My friends call me "Steve."

Franco: Call me Franco. I don't have any friends.

[Door closes]

Curtis: Good. Alexis is here. Is she on board?

Julian: That's to come.

Jordan: I don't know how much information I can provide. We have to [Inhales] be careful here and walk a fine line.

Alexis: Well --

Jordan: I'm the commissioner.

Alexis: Can somebody pl-- Excuse me -- Tell me what's going on here.

Molly: The reconstruction of Charles Street is just taking forever. I mean, everything is tied up in red tape and delays and excuses.

Kim: And there are a lot of people with medical expenses they can't even begin to cover.

Curtis: Yeah, we need to take action and force the powers that be to keep their promises.

Julian: And that's why I summoned you here before your second cup of coffee.

Alexis: I don't know how I can directly impact the situation.

Stella: You're still a lawyer, right? We need to sue their britches off.

Olivia: Babe, can I get you anything?

Ned: Another cappuccino. I let this one get cold.

Olivia: Hey. What's got you all, uh, upset?

Ned: [Sighs] This. I promised a new day for Port Charles, and instead I got a nightmare. I mean, that earthquake happened weeks ago, and the repairs have barely even started.

Olivia: Honey, there's only so much you can do yourself.

Ned: Well, as the mayor, I should be able to do more.

Olivia: You can't manufacture money. You -- You can't coerce insurance companies into paying up any more than you could go fix the streets and put the buildings back together yourself.

Ned: You know, Jim Harvey's gone, but the devastation that he created remains. The funding we need is barely a trickle. I've got useless reports, I've got pages of excuses while the people in Port Charles are hurting.

Olivia: I might have something that -- that could just boost your outlook a little bit.

Ava: Griffin, you don't have to leave because of Avery. There's plenty of room here for the three of us, and your apartment isn't even ready for you to move back into yet.

Griffin: Look, I could get a room at the Metro Court until the repairs are done. It seems like the most logical solution. T-This was supposed to just be a temporary arrangement, and you need to get Avery settled.

Ava: Well, y-you know, you're the big advocate for honesty. Right? So, why don't we be honest, then? Because this is not about getting Avery settled or -- or -- or it being a temporary arrangement. You cannot forgive me, can you, for using Mike as leverage to get joint custody.

Griffin: I've made it no secret as to how I feel about that. There's no sense in rehashing it.

Ava: And I have apologized for being less than forthcoming about how things went down. But I am not sorry that I finally get to be a mother to my daughter. I did what I had to do.

Griffin: No. You did what was expedient. I can't change it, but I don't have to like it.

Ava: You used to tell me that you accept me... for who I am, that you would never presume to judge me. When did that change?

Monica: I've already taken care of most of the arrangements.

Carly: Well, I insist on helping with something. What about desserts? I mean, I have a brand-new pastry chef at the Metro Court who makes the most incredible macaroons -- Pink, blue, and every color in between.

Monica: That really isn't necessary.

Nelle: No, actually, that would be wonderful. Thank you, Carly.

Monica: Fine. Carly can provide the macaroons. So, I will inform Cook Two about adding the dessert to the menu.

Nelle: You know, Monica, wait, wait. I-I want you to hear this, real quick. Um, this is such a-a lovely gesture, Carly. I mean, I-I truly appreciate it. Especially since you have every right in the world to hate me, not only for what I've done to you in the past, but, um, what I've done recently as well.

Carly: Not sure what you mean.

Nelle: I-I can't go on treating you this way. I... I have a confession to make.

Liz: Look who stopped by to wish you a happy birthday.

Jason: How you feeling?

Jake: What?

Liz: [Chuckles] I think he's referring to the stomachache that kept you home from school today.

Jake: Oh. That. I'm starting to feel better.

Jason: Well, that's a good thing. You don't want to miss out on your mom's cake.

Liz: Or licking the frosting spoon.

Jason: So, you have a-a big party planned later?

Jake: No, just the family -- Mom, Cam and Aiden, and Franco.

Jason: Sounds like a good time. Well, I just, uh -- I stopped by to -- to give you this.

Jake: Oh.

Jason: Happy birthday.

Jake: Thanks.

Liz: Hey. You don't want to open it?

Jake: I'll open it when Drew stops by. That way I can open them all at the same time.

Jason: Yeah, it sounds like a plan. Jake, I-I hope you get everything you want today and more.

[Door opens]

Liz: Jason. Why don't you stay for a bit. We would like that. Wouldn't we, Jake?

Franco: You're younger than I expected.

Steve: Yeah. I knew him after you did. I guess I was probably his last, uh... I hate to use the word "victim," but that's what we are, right?

Franco: Members of a club that no one would ever choose to join.

Steve: You say you talked to the others? How'd that go?

Franco: Some better than others. But, um... Nobody shed a tear to find out he was dead.

Steve: Everyone else at the office was stunned. I mostly felt relieved.

Franco: What -- What office is that?

Steve: I thought you knew. I work at the Niagara Equities home office in Buffalo. I'm the VP of finance and strategic planning.

Franco: You worked for Jim Harvey after what he did to you? I-I-I'm not judging, I just, uh... You got to explain that to me. I don't -- I don't -- I don't get that.

Steve: It's a fair question. I've asked myself the same thing lately. When I met Jim, I was a kid on the street -- No family, no nothing. And Jim was good to me... Until he wasn't. After, I stayed because I didn't have anything else. And it was hard, if not impossible, to cut the cord. Once the past got a hold, it couldn't let go. You know what I mean?

Franco: More than you know.

Alexis: Who exactly am I supposed to sue?

Stella: Niagara Equities and all the other landlords and fat cats who are taking their sweet time repairing the damage.

Jordan: Listen, we have to be very specific here. We have to organize.

Molly: Well, you know what? We will stage a massive protest if we have to.

[Door closes]

Molly: Curtis, I really like the idea of getting the media involved.

Lucy: [Stammers] Sorry. Excuse me. Uh, pardon me. Could I just intercept this whole conversation for a minute, because, you know, I'm thinking it's possible that if you really staged -- And I quote -- "A massive protest," you might garner unwanted attention. I mean, think about it. We really don't want the property values to go down in this area any more than they already have.

Julian: Okay, Lucy. It's not all about our bottom line.

Lucy: This is from the guy who happens to own the only property that wasn't devalued in the quake?

Kim: Ohh. That's a little harsh. Charlie's been more generous with his time and money than anyone.

Lucy: "Charlie"?

Alexis: It's a nickname.

Molly: Mom, what do you think? Will you take our case?

Alexis: Honey, I don't know that a lawsuit is the answer here.

Julian: Why not?

Alexis: Because you can't get blood from a stone.

Griffin: I'm not a perfect person. I have no right to throw stones.

Ava: Well, I'm glad you realize that.

Griffin: What are you trying to say?

Ava: Nothing. No, n-nothing. Just that we both have flaws and weaknesses. But we both have strengths, too, so why don't we use those, use the strengths, to help us get through rough patches? Nothing -- Nothing gets better if you turn tail and run every time the other person disappoints you.

Griffin: Hey. I am not running, and I am not judging. Yes, I-I was disappointed when I found out that you used Mike Corbin as a bargaining chip to get Avery. I care about you, Ava. I-I-I-I hate to see you revert to --

Ava: To what? To how I used to be... before you "saved" me, Griffin? Is that really why you're leaving? 'Cause you're all out of miracles?

Nelle: I thought by asking you and Sonny to be the baby's guardian in case something were to happen to me and Michael would be a, uh -- a gesture of goodwill. That -- That's why I had those papers drawn up. But, of course, as usual, I only managed to upset you.

Carly: Okay, you don't have to do this. I'm showing up here today as a gesture of goodwill, too.

Nelle: I know, but I don't want to cause problems. And -- And, like, yesterday, when you didn't show up and -- and I had to take Joss to the pop-up to buy my baby a present -- It seems as if my best intentions always end up causing more pain. And -- And I guess I-I should have known that naming the baby "Morgan" would upset you. But I thought you'd be happy to have someone you loved so much remembered, so...

Monica: Oh, don't -- don't you be upset.

Nelle: I don't know what to do.

Monica: It's okay. You come sit down. We don't -- It's not good for the baby. Sit down.

Carly: You know what? Monica's right. Nelle, you can't get so upset. I'm fine. And I'm glad you were there to take Josslyn to the pop-up. I think it's nice that you helped her buy you a present. [Chuckles]

Monica: [Scoffs] Well, it's a baby shower. The present is for the baby.

Carly: Well, and for the mama, too, right, Nelle? And of course I appreciate your offer to appoint Sonny and me as the baby's guardians. It just caught me off-guard, and then there was a huge debate, and Michael ripped up the papers, so...

Monica: [Scoffs] Well, that doesn't sound like Michael.

Carly: Nelle, if you choose to re-draw the papers, Sonny and I would be honored to step up if something were to happen to you -- God forbid.

Jason: So... School. It's almost over. You excited about that?

Jake: Yeah. But I actually like my school.

Jason: Yeah? What are you studying?

Jake: Uh, the usual, you know, stuff.

Jason: Right.

Liz: Jake's favorite subjects are art and math.

Jason: Math. Wow. You like -- You like geometry?

Jake: Uh, we don't really do geometry yet, except maybe triangles in our initial activity. We mostly do variables, exponents, and PEMDAS.

Liz: It's a whole-new math world.

Jason: [Scoffs]

Liz: I can barely keep up.

Jake: Drew used to help me with my math, and Franco helps me with my art.

Liz: But he's a really good student on his own.

[Cellphone rings]

Liz: Hello? Yes, he is. Just a second. It's an international call.

Jake: [Gasps] Yes!

Liz: [Chuckles]

Jake: Spencer! Hey, what's up? Yeah, I'm home from school today. How'd you know? Stop it! You did not! Uh, thanks. Yeah, ev-everything's cool.

Liz: Are you okay?

Jason: Yeah. Yeah. It's just, uh -- It's like you said. It's just gonna take a little while for us to get to know each other.

Liz: But you will.

Alexis: The first rule of civil court is if you can't collect, you don't sue.

Stella: Oh, we have every intention -- Thank you -- Of collecting.

Alexis: From whom? So, you can have your day in court, you might even be able to prove that Niagara Equities is to blame for the earthquake -- Which is not a slam dunk -- But Niagara Equities is bankrupt.

Curtis: Okay, but the company still has all the property, all the equipment, all the capital.

Alexis: Yeah, they do, and -- and you can go to court and try to seize and sell their assets, and that's gonna take you years. You will be tied up in court for years, and it'll cost you a fortune.

Stella: [Sighs] Well, where are all the people supposed to live in the meantime, who lost their homes -- In the back of their cars?

Molly: Exactly! And, look, I still really like the idea of staging a protest for more attention.

Lucy: Okay, just saying, could you just try to keep all the options open -- W-W-Wide, wide open?

Julian: So, Alexis. There's, uh, really nothing you can do?

[Door closes]

Alexis: There might be one thing.

Olivia: I know that we talked about doing a little video about Port Charles. Well, think of this as a teaser-trailer. And then, if there's any interest, we could expand it, we could get some more interviews. It's just a little taste of what our fair city has to offer.

[Mid-tempo music plays]

Olivia: Welcome to Port Charles, New York. I'm standing here in front of General Hospital, our nationally-ranked teaching hospital. Join me for a look at some of the many people and places that make Port Charles a unique and vibrant community.

[Music continues]

Olivia: I'm here with Chief of Neurology Dr. Griffin Munro. Doctor, what would you like people to know about our hospital?

Griffin: Uh... Well -- Well, here at General Hospital, we have, uh, state-of-the-art facilities and an -- and an award-winning staff. But -- But our main focus is taking care of the patients. Um, we're not some impersonal institution. We -- We really care about the people of this city.

[Music continues]

Olivia: And here we are at Kelly's Diner, a Port Charles institution. Sooner or later, everyone winds up at Kelly's -- From the movers and shakers to kids after school, and everyone in between. We're standing here with Commissioner of Police Jordan Ashford. Jordan, what would you like people to know about our city?

Jordan: Well, like Kelly's Diner, there's a place for everyone in Port Charles. We're culturally and economically diverse, which makes our city richer.

Olivia: And here is the Metro Court restaurant, which sits atop the Metro Court Hotel -- A five-star accommodation which also includes office suites and is home to Aurora Media and Crimson Magazine.

Olivia: Port Charles -- a great place to visit and even better place to live. Well? What do you think?

Ned: I think...

Olivia: [Chuckles]

Ned: … That you're amazing.

[Both laughing]

Nelle: It means so much to me that you're gonna help with the baby shower, Carly. You know, we might never be friends, but I hope at least for the baby's sake that we'll never be enemies.

Carly: I couldn't agree more. Okay. Well, I'm gonna get on to things. I'm gonna contact my florist and the pastry chef. I want to make your baby shower a memorable occasion.

Nelle: You know, actually -- I-I forgot. I have to, uh, check in with Ava.

Monica: Oh. You have to go to the art gallery today?

Nelle: Yeah, Ava is actually working from home to get Avery settled in.

Monica: Oh.

Nelle: Oh, God, I did it again. I said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Carly: It's okay.

Nelle: [Sighs]

Carly: You work for Ava. Naturally, her name is going to come up. But just do me a favor. Give Avery a hug from her daddy and me.

Nelle: I will, I will. [Sniffles]

Carly: Thank you.

Nelle: Uh, thank you both so much, and I'll -- I'll see you soon. Okay.

Monica: Okay.

[Door opens, closes]

Monica: Okay. So, what's the catch?

Carly: I have no idea what you mean.

Monica: Well, you show up here brimming with ideas, acting like Nelle's BFF. What are you up to, Carly?

Griffin: Why don't you stop accusing me of trying to save your soul. Or -- Or -- Or, better yet, just cut the priest references altogether.

Ava: Griffin... Look, you've completely caught me off-guard here. We barely said good morning, and you tell me that you're moving out. What -- What -- What am I supposed to think?

Griffin: Look, I'm sorry. I-I-I don't want to leave like this.

Ava: Then -- Then don't! Don't leave like this! Stay, and we -- and we can work it out!

[Knock on door]

Ava: Please go away!

Lucy: Ava, it's Lucy Coe. It would be in your best interest to open the darn door!

[Knocking continue]

Griffin: Sounds like you better see what she wants.

Ava: Okay.

[Knocking continues]

Ava: Lucy! This had better be good.

Lucy: Of course it's good. It's about the Nurses' Ball, and nothing is more important right now.

Ava: I gave you my contribution already.

Lucy: Oh, I-I know. I remember. Let's just say that I was extremely disappointed.

Jason: Is this one of Jake's?

Liz: Yeah.

Jason: Wow, that's really good.

Liz: Franco helped him with it. He recognized his talent early on, and he's been a real inspiration to Jake. [Inhales] Jason, I really feel that if you knew Franco's whole story... It is not my place to share with you the details, but I was right to have faith in him... Even when he doesn't have faith in himself.

Franco: I was afraid of what Jim would do to me -- me and my best friend, Andy -- And that fear bought my silence, which was exactly what Harvey wanted. And I kept my mouth shut and I blocked it to the point where I essentially forgot it altogether.

[Moves cup]

Franco: And if I hadn't done that, if I had stopped him, or if I had -- had not blocked it, I could have spared you. You and all the others.

[Moves cup]

Franco: Do you have something to say?

Steve: Franco Baldwin, you're full of crap.

Ava: I don't understand this. I-I wrote it out.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Griffin: All right, well, I'm -- I'm gonna go now.

Ava: Okay.

Lucy: Gee whiz, I sure hope I wasn't interrupting anything.

Ava: Would it have made any difference?

Lucy: Heck no. So... Uh, do tell -- How long were you and Griffin living together? Are you still living together, or is he just taking a little, teeny trip somewhere? What's the deal?

Ava: You know something, Lucy? I have a very long day ahead of me, as I'm sure you do, so please... Don't let me keep you.

Lucy: I'm going right to the bank. You can't keep me. I need to deposit this right away, obviously.

[Door opens]

Ava: Okay. You do that, then. Something is not right.

Carly: Oh, oh.

Monica: [Chuckles] Well, feeling anxious, are we?

Carly: I hope you're not shaming me for taking medication. It's not enlightened behavior for a doctor.

Monica: Ah. Now the real Carly has shown up.

Carly: No, she's been here the whole time, but I can't say the same about you.

Monica: What does that mean?

Carly: You may be abrasive and controlling, but you're not stupid. I mean, I know that you despise me for what I did to AJ --

Monica: No question.

Carly: But you know how he was. Drunk or sober, you know that AJ was self-destructive. He may be your son and you loved him, but you could see his flaws.

Monica: And I vividly remember you taking advantage.

Carly: Why are you so blind to Nelle? Why? Or are you just ignoring what's right in front of you because you never forgave me for making your grandchild a Corinthos, so now you're gonna return the favor by making my grandchild a Quartermaine? I mean, you'll do this even if you have to suck up to that scheming snake? Come on, Monica!

Monica: This shower is to celebrate Nelle and the baby. And if you can't manage to be civil, then you should keep your flowers and your artisan macaroons... [Scoffs] … and just stay home.

Carly: Oh, I'll be here. Wild horses couldn't keep me away.

Liz: How's Spencer doing?

Jake: He's great. I told him you were here... and then I felt kind of bad. I realized that Spencer doesn't have a dad anymore. And I have three. Sort of.

Liz: You're very lucky.

Jake: But Danny said he had an awesome time with you.

Jason: Ah, next time he stays, you're welcome to join us. Well, uh, enjoy your birthday.

Jake: Thanks.

Jason: And I-I hope you like your gift. Happy birthday, Jake.

Jake: I changed my mind! I don't want to wait. I'd like to open my present now.

Franco: You have every right to be mad at me.

Steve: You want me to be mad at you?

Franco: How could you not be mad at me? I could have spared you a world of pain.

Steve: You're in therapy, right?

Franco: Yeah.

Steve: Me, too. I just started after Jim died. Either I'm a fast learner or you're wasting a lot of money.

Franco: Actually, the guy's been pretty helpful.

Steve: Then what's with this insistence on taking the blame? You wondered how I could still work for Jim. You might as well be. You're still covering up for him, still buying into his lies and making it all your fault. I'll bet that's what he said to you when you were little, right -- That you were bad and it was all your fault?

Franco: Is that what he said to you?

Steve: It was his go-to move. He probably told it to all of us. Until, somehow, you stopped him, you and your friend. What was his name?

Franco: Andy. Drew.

Steve: My therapist said that I did what I needed to do to survive. You did, too. But none of it is your fault. Jim Harvey's dead, Franco. Let what he did die with him.

Franco: I wish I could. Somehow, I-I just... I don't think it's possible.


Molly: So, I'm off to meet TJ, And I will fill him in on everything.

Jordan: Good.

Molly: And congratulations, by the way!

Jordan: Uh, congratulations on what?

Molly: Um... I mean, if I -- if my mom's plan works, then it'll be so much easier on you, right? Because I won't be constantly bombarding you with requests for...

[Cellphone rings]

Molly: … Uh, protesting permits...

Jordan: That's fine.

Molly: … And police protection --

Jordan: I'm sorry, I have to take this call.

Molly: Oh, of course! Yeah!

Jordan: Thank you.

Curtis: [Laughs]

Molly: Oh, my God! I am so sorry. God, TJ told me that you were gonna propose.

Curtis: Yeah. No, it's all good. Let's just, uh, take things down and let 'em breathe for a bit, okay?

Molly: Okay.

Curtis: No deal's been done yet.

Ned: Alexis! Perfect timing! Olivia came up with a fantastic way to help revitalize this city, and I'm sure we'll be on the same page.

Alexis: Somehow, I doubt that.

Carly: Dr. Munro. Are you dining alone for breakfast?

Griffin: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I just, uh -- just checked in for an extended stay. I was hoping to grab a bite.

Carly: An extended stay? Oh, did you finally come to your senses and leave Ava?

Ava: What are you working on?

Nelle: Just something special for the baby. I'm hoping to have it done in time for the shower.

Ava: Well, isn't that the whole point of a shower, so people will come and -- and bring you gifts for the baby?

Nelle: Well, like I said, this blanket is special.

Ava: You want to know something else that's special, Nelle? Your pen. Disappearing ink. [Laughing] Really? [Normal voice] I don't know what you've done with this, but you shouldn't leave it around as some kind of trophy. I found it. Anybody could.

Nelle: Okay, well, there. [Grunts] Problem solved.

Ava: So, what is this? Is this part of your -- your -- your plan [Sarcastically] to bring Carly down?

Nelle: [Low-pitched voice] Yes. What's the big deal?

Ava: It's n-- It's not. It just -- I wrote a check with that pen. The check was returned to me, and Griffin almost saw it. I can't -- I just can't have anything shake his faith in me, Nelle. So, forget plausible deniability. Whatever it is you're doing, whatever you're up to with Carly, I'm out completely, entirely.

Nelle: [Normal voice] Sorry, no, no, no, no. Things have escalated now, Ava. I'm gonna need you to take a more active role.

Jason: It's, uh -- It's tickets to the Memorial Day game at, uh, Floyd Field. It's -- It's the Woodchucks versus the Ilanview Moose. There's gonna be fireworks. I mean, you can take your brothers, you can take anybody that you want, really.

Jake: Thanks. Can you come? Unless you don't like the minor leagues.

Jason: I wouldn't miss it.

Franco: Harvey has other victims, you know, outside of our little club. People, innocent people, who because of him -- And I'm afraid to tell you because of the company that you work for -- Lost everything in an earthquake that was caused by his drilling, illegal drilling.

Steve: Don't give up yet. I might be able to help.

Franco: Okay. Tell me.

Alexis: Olivia's video sounds wonderful, and I sincerely hope that it boosts the city's economy, because you're going to need that to defray legal costs.

Ned: What legal costs?

Alexis: Ned, the damages are going to be substantial. Of course, there's court costs, but I'm assuming that you aren't going to want a jury trial.

Olivia: What the hell are you talking about?

Alexis: The only remedy left for the people that were hit hardest by the earthquake. The residents of Charles Street are suing the city of Port Charles.

Ned: [Sighs]

Carly: Congratulations. I am so happy you left Ava.

Griffin: Carly, Ava and I are still together. It's just -- It's just, with Avery living there now --

Carly: Part time. She's there part time, which means she's with her father every bit as much as she's with Ava.

Griffin: Yes, of course.

Carly: Yeah. You're okay with that? You're Mike's doctor. You know he's completely innocent, and you stood there while Ava had him charged with kidnapping. And Sonny has to share custody now just to keep Mike out of prison. But who gives a damn, right, because Ava's in your bed? I mean, you don't care at all about Avery or the fact that she has to spend half her time with the woman who destroyed her brother. I'm sorry, does that make you uncomfortable? Does it? When I point out that Morgan would still be alive if Ava hadn't tampered with his lithium? She purposely set out to mess with his sanity. You're the worst kind of hypocrite, you know? And the only reason I'm not throwing you out of my hotel is 'cause I'm afraid you're gonna crawl back to Ava. And it makes me smile to think of Ava being alone -- Without her boy-toy that she seduced to replace my son.

Ava: Griffin moved out today. He says it's nothing to worry about, but I can't do anything to risk losing him, Nelle. So, whatever it is that you have planned for Carly, y-you're on your own, okay? I'm out.

Nelle: Ava, uh, y-you just -- you might want to rethink that. I mean, how -- how is Griffin gonna feel when he finds out that you took a photo of privileged information?

Ava: [Scoffs] Well, you little ingrate! I gave you a job when nobody else would, I befriended you when you were nothing but the town pariah.

Nelle: And I -- I am still your friend, Ava. I just need a little bit of help from you... And I will never show Griffin this photo.

Ava: All right. How much?

Nelle: I don't want your money. I just need you to show up to my shower and, um, make sure to bring Avery.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Ned (to Alexis): You are doing this to keep yourself in the public eye.

Franco (to Liz): We have a lot to talk about.

Nina (to Sam): There is something going on with Peter.

Peter (to Valentin): Anna Devane needs to be dealt with.

Lulu (to Anna): I need to talk with you about Henrik Faison.

Jason (to Drew): I don’t want to share my memory or anything else with you.

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